Shadee Elmasry – 26. The Two Ways of Pronouncing the Laam

Shadee Elmasry
AI: Summary ©
The speaker explains the pronunciation of the lamb's language, including its pronunciation in English and Spanish. They also discuss the pronunciation of the lamb's language in Arabic and its use in European and American English. The speaker emphasizes the importance of learning the language's pronunciation for proper use.
AI: Transcript ©
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The lamb is pronounced in two different ways. So cream is so

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pronounced it like the heavy L in Lion, okay enter key is to soften

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it right with the tongue should

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soften it with the tongue touching the roof of the mouth behind the

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teeth as heard in Spanish lamb. So you have two in one in English and

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one in Spanish while both exists in Arabic, like you have Allah

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easy, right? Because it's the easier land that the land that is

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that is fat and that is the tongue coming out of the mouth look like

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Lamb Lion. Okay. And then you have the L sound that you find in some

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European language and in Spanish. Okay.

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That is the teeth the tip of the tongue touching the back of the

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teeth. Okay, so we could say Abu Lahab Abu Lahab Abu Lahab right or

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the tongue touching the roof of the mouth Abu Lahab right you

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don't say Abu Lahab it's not like that. So it's lamb right and let a

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lot and mainly it's in Allah

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and then very few times like in worse it's more often they'll say

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salah, Salah, not solid Salah No. So you have Salah in worse Salah

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in halfs so in most cases it will be the lighter lamb, which again,

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an English speaker would have to learn to pronounce because we're

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we're used to saying the thicker. L as in Lion

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