Shadee Elmasry – 24. The Easiest Letter

Shadee Elmasry
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The speaker explains that harful fa is not pronounced with the tip of the front teeth, but rather touching the middle of the bottom lip. Harful fa is one of the easiest characters in many languages, and it's one of the easiest ways to pronounce it. The speaker also clarifies that harful fa is not difficult to do, but it's one of the easiest characters in many languages.

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			We now have harful fa. The correct way
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			of pronouncing the fa is to join the
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			tip of the front teeth,
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			okay, to the mouth, to the middle of
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			the bottom lip, then blow air like this.
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			Fa, fa.
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			It's not fa, should not be pronounced with
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			the tip of the teeth inside the mouth,
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			but rather touching the middle of the bottom
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			lip, fa. Oftentimes, the mistake is made of
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			putting the tip of the front teeth inside
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			the lower lip, which is incorrect. So very
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			simple thing. I mean, harfulfah
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			is not that, difficult to do and everyone
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			can do it. And it's in many, many
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			languages, Harufulfa.
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			They're one of the easiest letters because all
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			it involves is teeth and lips. There's no
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			throat. There's no chest.