Shadee Elmasry – 2 The Story

Shadee Elmasry
AI: Summary ©
The speakers discuss their plans to create a permanent center in New Brunswick to connect with people and provide food, as well as remodel and create a parking space. They plan to use social media to communicate with people and provide a meal kitchen, as well as create a new home base for community work, including a coffee kitchen and a barbecue area. They also discuss helping the community with a campaign and setting up money.
AI: Transcript ©
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Oh, bla, everyone, my name is Sergio animosity, a lot of you. I

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interact with you on social media on Facebook and YouTube and things

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like that I'm at MBSE. Right now this is usually where I filmed my

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little Joomla clips. And I want to show you and take you around a

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little bit to the story of MBSE and Safina society and how it

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started. And what our latest project is, because we got two big

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projects coming today we're gonna talk about one of them. But first,

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a lot of you've seen this little background, let me take you inside

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of mbsc show you what it looks like. We'll be learning the next

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shape on it. Ragini this me?

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Me so this has been our masjid for the last maybe 10 years or so. And

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I've been part of every year except for the first year. But it

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wasn't always like this. We started in a small little place in

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Remsen Abbey, which I'm going to take you right now. I was on the

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periphery of that. But I was always observing and always

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interested in the community because that's where all my

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college buddies were. Now these college guys have grown up got

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families, we needed a bigger space. What we have here is the

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msgid community and Safina society, you might be wondering,

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well, what's the relationship? Well, on one hand and part of the

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mbsc team. On the other hand, I started Sofia decided just to

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focus on knowledge because the masjid has to do a lot of

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different things. We got to cover Seca, we got to do Tata, we got to

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do you and stuff. And oftentimes there's not enough energy put on

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to put into knowledge too. So we made a separate organization just

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for knowledge. And that's what stuffiness it is but we work

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together as a partnership. Let's go back, I'll take you to where

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mbyc actually started.

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Me, here we are entering into a campus at Rutgers University,

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which is I think it's one of the biggest campuses in the country in

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the most populated Ohio State is a rival in that. But who would want

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to live in Ohio, Space in New Jersey is at a premium and space

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in the Brunswick area is definitely at a premium. There are

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no sprawling campuses, we're never going to have that. And the

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interests are different, you had two different things that we

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wanted to do. On one hand,

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there was this family oriented suburban communities. On the other

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hand, there is this urban center where it's strangers coming in and

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out. So which and there's a lot of other needs there. So which one

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are we going to do? And we just realized, like, why don't we just

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do both. And because you're never gonna have a sprawling campus. And

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you're never going to be in both places at the same time. So let's

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just do both. And that's what this idea that I'm presenting to you

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today is all about is that we're going to continue building the

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community and eventually we're going to get a permanent masjid

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and a permanent center. And we're going to have a spot in New

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Brunswick, that's the only way to do it is to have multiple campuses

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being honored.

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Moving I

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think a lot of people will remember this little entrance.

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And a lot of people put in so many hours of work, and this little

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which is now obviously a diamond. I mean,

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that's a good thing.

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Little analogy. So many people put so much time. So this is the

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famous Remsen Avenue. And it was something that was unique because

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it was mainly youth and converts and most masajid weren't like

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that. I was on the periphery and always sort of looking in and

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never really had a chance to come. But there was so many shields that

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came here because of Imams aids connections such as Sheikh

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Mohammed did alcovy Sheikh Abdullah Al Ghazi and then some of

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the youth became shield such as Jihad Brown and chip with the

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Mossad. They these two shields today, many people benefit from

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them, they were from the youth theatre that ran the messages that

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did. It did a lot of work, right and then just time passed like 20

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years past and

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new people came in and out. And then we moved to the place that we

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just looked at one of the foundational principles that I

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absorbed by being an attendee in the community and listening first,

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and before even being really part of the communities that Islam

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always comes to the people that come to the grassroots, and it

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builds up. So one of the connection points is feeding.

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That's the biggest connection point as Allah says, the prophesy

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centum set up, I'm on top feed. And so one of the things that we

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started here is to feed people, and it sort of died out. And then

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about four or five years ago, we got this idea. Let's do it again.

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And I started going out to the park out there and to George

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Street and to different students just given us and we really didn't

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know what we were doing. But within a year, we got into a

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groove and a cadence and then every Friday and the Ramadan was

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every day we had a certain

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spot, we turned that then on, and we would give up food. That's our

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that was our connection and our attempt really to connect because

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we have such wonderful lives. In the suburbs, we have men, we have

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wealth, we have health, right? 100 that we have families, we have a

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lot going for us. And we're only about two, three miles away from

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people who have none of these five things, right. So we have to have

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some sort of connection. So let me take you out to the place where we

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started to do these runs and hamdulillah the house and the

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property that this is leading up to Inshallah, we'll be able to

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focus on that seven days or

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so I knew that we had to do something, but I didn't know how

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or what we're gonna do. We started out just giving out sandwiches,

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and we're walking down the street really exhausting ourselves. But

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we finally came and found this spot in this nice little triangle.

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It attracts a lot of people, a lot of people hanging out around here.

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And it was much easier for us. And it was became known as our spot.

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So this is like our little area that we come here and we are

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attempting to connect. By giving out as the province I set them set

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up, then we'll just give people food. And that's all we do is

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sometimes it takes 15 minutes, but every Friday for the past four or

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five years, and hamdulillah we've been doing this and some other

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brothers have taken over the work, you're all seeing me. But there's

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just so many other people that do all this stuff. And our goal now

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is to take it to the next level. And that is to have a permanent

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spot here that we can do this seven days a week. And we can have

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people come to us and have a soup kitchen with hot meals. And a lot

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of people need diapers and random things that but we can now start

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communicating in what's needed because we have some and I believe

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every Masjid in America should find the area of need and do this.

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This is what's gonna save us. Right Allah subhanho wa Taala

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saves people who are useful to the others. You know, we look at a lot

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of ways to protect ourselves from Islamophobia, blah, blah, blah,

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you're going to be protected from the heavens. When you're when

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you're useful. Right. There's a there's a benefit for you. If you

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were to be removed, people would suffer Right? Or people would at

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least feel the difference. And, you know, can we all say about

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ourselves that if we were to remove that people would feel the

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because behind the motor Sally, feline NIFA Katarina McCullough

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Anna, Harbor on Jedi. Yes, the Fuji breed. Yeah. Jubo dunya.

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Alright, so we're here, this is our spot and Hamdulillah that

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we've acquired. And then that extension is what we're going to

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be working at. Now we're literally you can throw a baseball two

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times, maybe we're 1000 feet away from the park that we were just

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there. So instead of like us having to come now we can bring

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people to us. And we want to serve hot meals out of that extension

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seven days a week. And Homework Help. It can also double up as a

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masala. So it'll be like an MBI C's little branch here. Let's walk

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it's got a lot of driveway space, which is good.

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This guy's got a lot of space too. We got to buy that

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driveway space, and it goes all the way back we're going to revamp

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the entire place. Right? I don't want to work in some kind of

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crummy old building, we got to have a nice building. Okay, so

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we're going to revamp this entire place. This is going to be Insha

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Allah, a parking space here. We're going to cut out this entire area

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right here. And we're going to put down pavers like herringbone brick

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pavers and make it look nice and have a barbecue all this will be

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demolished. So that this will be an area where you can have

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gatherings you can have you can do stuff, right and if you need extra

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parking, you can park here too. Let's go inside now and take out

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the what the building looks on the inside.

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Alright, so the place comes with a nice set of appliances here. So

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this so oven and stove is going to be used in Sharla. For our soup

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kitchen, start preparing hot meals. And that's how our soup

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kitchen is going to start we have the hood initiative. For that

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purpose. We have a huge basement space to store plenty of dry food

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and dried goods. And then here is our open space. This is the actual

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space where we're actually going to be using this to we're going to

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open up this wall if you can see this wall we're going to tear this

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wall down, put a couple of doors, put a sister's door put a

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brother's door and this is where all the activity will happen. And

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here's the second room. Right

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brother staying here to keep it busy, keeps shouting away. It's a

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multi use purpose space. We could have a lot here we can have the

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soup kitchen activity here. We can have homework help. It's going to

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be used in a lot of different ways.

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All right, you could see we have a track record of work. And now we

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have a home base to do this workout of to be able to engage

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with the community seven days

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We constant non stop. And also to have a spot for our own community

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for Silla for classes and for other things. Now, what we need is

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your help. This is community work community, we're just not the

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people who do the work. But it's also financiers, its supporters,

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you haven't had dead, he said, every community rests on four

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types of people, the people of knowledge, the people of worship

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and asceticism, the managers, and the financiers, there are those

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who are going to finance this type of project. So this project is

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going to happen in the night, Jada, it's rolling already, we're

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already doing the work. The question is, are you going to be

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part of it, and we're offering you an opportunity to be part of this,

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to have your thoughts as part of this work, running constantly. But

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putting together this building, by revamping it completely, and

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making it a place where people will say, Oh, the building that

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looks like that? It'll stick out, right? We want to place that

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sticks out because the prophets of Allah when he was in love, and

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it's gone, if you do an action, do it well, we want to place that's

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beautiful for kids to come in, to get help to get to be part of

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something and to feel good when they're in this space as well and

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to feel good just looking at the space. So that's what you can be

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part of by supporting us and helping us with this launch

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campaign. Is that going to locate and set up money

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