Shadee Elmasry – 112 Surat alIkhlas Why it was revealed

Shadee Elmasry
AI: Summary ©
The transcript describes a video featuring a man named Kh safelyim who is a Jedi and used to be a federal officer. The man uses a turkey and a cow as a tool to make up for his actions, and he refuses to answer questions about his political status or his political history. The video also includes a brief advertisement for a webinar and a mention of a former Jedi who used a turkey and cow to make up for his actions.
AI: Transcript ©
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Alright so begins with Aqua Raja This is fairly muddy it's gonna

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get a Fatah get Aqua Raja a tyranny the you. Right and here's

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the fat. What is that? I didn't I didn't ask for that.

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Said Dhamma

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keep it a dumb Aqua Raja Tirmidhi you will hack him. Okay, fine.

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Where Binu? Who's a meta ma'am? No, I'm gonna solve Khuzaima is

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Mamnoon prohibited from surf?

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So, one of the constructions that's prohibited from Saudi is

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the technique, the turkey that is feminine that ends with a tomato

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such as Isha Malawi palha that ends with a terminal buta Khadija,

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it cannot give it a cassava or a double of anything you cannot give

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it a 10 wean okay or a customer so you instead of a custody you give

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it a time. So it'll Jose was one of the great scholars of Hadith

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who actually

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he's up there in his authenticity of his book with a Bukhari and

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Muslim however Merbau Buckley Aminullah robot which is that his

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book The Sahaba of women who XiMa 75% of it has been lost all we

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have is a quarter of it

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what how can webinars amateur mentor at from the path of mentor

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at good

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ebill ally at another memoir Minnesota What is this thing keep

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doing that just stop stop giving me these options

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have been earlier to and obey even cab obey and cab was one of the

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scholars he was a young man who was a scholar in the Quran. He

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always asked I'm not going to get what he wants so I'm gonna gonna

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cut up who always you refer to him, said Omar always had Oh babe

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and cab in the circle. One day he said if you trust me so much why

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don't you ever assign me as a governor somewhere? Why don't you

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use me in anything I like I'm not part of your government. I'm

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always around you but you don't use me. He said because I would

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fear to lose you lose you to being busy or being or being corrupted

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or something so he highly valued the commentary of obey bencab Now

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obey even Kabaneri just Hadith and then Moshe Kena

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Anna causes

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emotionally keen to be kept months monsoon Carlu instead of machinery

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cool machinery Kim Carlu Lee Rasulullah he sallallahu alayhi wa

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sallam and said this is foul ombre ombre gets a sukoon

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fair I'm gonna get a second and sip Lenora back for Anzahl Allah

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Who for unzila fair and MADI.

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And we don't say Allah fed we say love voltage Allah, Allah. Masha.

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Love Dolgellau. Allah Marfa. Okay, love Dolgellau. Allah gets Adama

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big love to Jalali means the expression of majesty gets a

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bummer, because it is

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the doer here it's the fat

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quitter who Allahu Ahad then Allah revealed Kulu Allah Now a note

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here about this word who

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hold on while I see why these cats are doing

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all right, just a note here about this word Hua. Okay.

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Many people translate this as say He is Allah one, well, the better

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the preferable. tafsir for this, in terms of the language is that

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say that the affair is that Allah is One who are here meaning the

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affair right? The big question that you're all asking, right?

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This mess Allah right or this ummah, Umrah, Hua and Allah Hawa,

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hidden or hidden.

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Another thing about the language here, I had a had has two

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meanings. It means one, singular none like unto him, but also it

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means one in himself that means not divisible. And this is the

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idea that indicates to us there Allah subhanaw taala is not made

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up of material of matter. What does matter anything that takes up

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space. Anything that takes up space is divisible by nature. If

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it takes up space, that means it has a right side on the left side,

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a top and a bottom. Okay? All right, anything that takes up

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space is divisible. Here we're told that he is indivisible, right

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I had

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in academia, in academia is the phrase meaning to the end of it,

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below Allah Allah Allah somewhat limited dual immunogen Americano.

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kupuna work rajyotsava Ronnie you have Raja also

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narrated a thorough and EU webinar Jerry didn't even read. Let's use

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this clever little let's try this little

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magnifying glass here. Let's see if this this is good. Oh kraja a

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tub Ronnie mammoth Irani well known webinar Jerry and and even

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the Jedi at Tabari is a great scholar from the past and he had a

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meth lab. They were known as a Jedi 18 however, it was too

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literal. His method was too literal, right? And the literal

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lists muda the literal muda hip always die out because there's too

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many rules. So what do we mean by too literal is that anything with

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a transmission? Okay, he made rulings about it. If it was from a

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Sahabi a federal from us a hobby he made a ruling about it, if it

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so even if it was up for discussion, okay, if it was a head

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narration a solitary chain, he used it as a ruling. So you ended

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up with a religion with just too many rules. So it didn't it died

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Likewise, the Wajdi method died out to go to literal webinar

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Geryon myth level something like it so they narrated that basically

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the same Hadith however, Min Hadith the jab that had been

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Abdullah they transmitted it from the transmission of the Sahaba

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Javad Abdullah who was from Mecca, alright first that that labia the

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so people took from that instead that means they they understood

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from that Allah Anna a Subrata McKee Yetta okay. That the surah

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is makiya okay.

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And here

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an renders a surah. Okay.

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makiya renders your a surah to have a Fatah

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now, they're saying here that because jabot and Abdullah is the

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one who transmitted something similar that therefore this sutra

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must be from Mecca, because Jabba lived in but then again, wait a

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second job. It also lived in Medina. Okay. So that's not

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necessarily the case, but some people took it as evidence that

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the sooner was revealed in Mecca.

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