Shadee Elmasry – 111 Surat alMasad Why it was revealed

Shadee Elmasry
AI: Summary ©
The transcript appears to be a dialogue or conversation between multiple speakers discussing various topics. The dialogue appears to be difficult to understand and appears to be centered around a prophecy or a situation involving a virus or army. The speakers discuss various topics such as fat and bouncing, the use ofacing language, and the potential consequences of actions.
AI: Transcript ©
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Bismillah al Rahman al Rahim Al hamdu lillah wa Salatu was Salam

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ala Rasulillah while he was so happy human wala Surah Al Masjid

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Raja al Bukhari you All right.

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Well, hi Rahul, and other than him

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let's take a look at the footnote.

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So hey BaKari, what povery who are our who Timothy up soon any? Well

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Imam Ahmed is soon and he will go no, I Fiddler Elena Whoo. Well,

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we're headed SB avenuesuite. That's a footnote.

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I named now Burson kala saw either failed multi

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sided, many added fat family always has a fat

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so other Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam

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that a Yeoman one day that the omen is expression of saying one

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Allah suffer. Of course the mountain of suffer in Mecca.

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Fanad. Yeah, so about Ha, this is a an expression yes of AHA is an

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expression, meaning

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whoa to this morning, okay, and it's a way to get everyone's

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Fetch them at.

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Again. Furthermore, the fetch method, all right there, that's

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the the fat we just said that every fed mother is always having

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a fatter, there's the fetch there. And then the TA here is the that

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is technique a second, which is when you have a verb and you're

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referring to a singular feminine you end it with a Tete with a

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spoon on it so who is the feminine that he's referring to? called H

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and non human plural? Right? The name of a tribe is not a human

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being is not a rational beings it's just the name of the tribe.

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So it receives the feminine singular fetch them at La coration

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Carla our item lo Akbar taco

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our item which is

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almost like saying see consider okay, no Akbar to come if I had

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informed you and then I do most be held most beautiful calm that the

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enemy and then a doer most be hokum Oh boom cecum okay. That the

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enemy is coming to you with by morning or by evening

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a quantum to start the Cooney Would you believe me?

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Carlo Bella, they said for sure. gonna fit in Nina the Euro logo.

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Rarely, for any certainly I am or you know in is

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Express is an expression of emphasis now viewed on Lacan, a

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Warner baignade They either been Cedi I'm warning you of a grave

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torment for cada Avila habit.

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I would have said to have bad luck. Bad luck is Woe to you.

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Okay, I didn't have that Jim McDonough. You know like to have

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been is like

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may be dirt be upon you or blame be upon you. And he had that

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Jamaat Denna? Is this the reason you call on us to this to talk to

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us about your prophecy? Basically, he's saying, now why is it people

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have no problem that there's an army coming, but they might have a

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problem with prophecy? Because if there's an army coming, we'll just

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fight. If someone's a prophet amongst us, that means he's better

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than us. That's really the problem. They have a big problem

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with that. So if the if the prophecy of the Prophet Mohammed

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said I sent him it's true, that means he's better than us. And

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Abdullah was older than him and Abuja had was older than him.

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They couldn't stand the idea that this young man, I mean, he's 40

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for them, they were in their 60s, is superior to them.

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And also, deen and religion requires the putting down of ego

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and temptation. And people don't like that fight all day long. As

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long as I don't have to believe that someone's better than me. Or

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that I have to put my ego down. For NS Allah Allah Debert. Jada

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Vela have been with tab. Alright, may the two hands of Ebola be

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blamed, okay or derpy honest your hands or his power, his influence?

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Okay, but most likely, it means you know, it's an expression. It's

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a bit yada. Then two hands of Ebola be blamed

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or be soiled.

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