Shadee Elmasry – 1. Tajwid An Integral Ingredient to the Path

Shadee Elmasry
AI: Summary ©
The speaker discusses the importance of practicing and learning the rules of Islam to achieve success in life. They outline the process of reciting the Quran and practicing with the teacher to improve their chances of achieving success. The speaker emphasizes the need for practice and understanding the rules to achieve success in life.
AI: Transcript ©
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Smilla Rahmanir Rahim Al hamdu lillah wa Salatu was Salam ala

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Rasulillah who are early he was happy woman. Voila.

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No Muslim is complete in his formation, as Allah subhanaw taala

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tells us Yeah, yo Latina Ave Amin and ALLAH SubhanA which Allah says

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in the light, it will Mazzini that Allah loves not just someone who

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believes in him but someone who is strives to learn their Eman and

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strive to be excellent in their Islam. So when we talk about

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people being people of Sn, that doesn't just mean SN in our job.

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It also means you're sending artists in our deen. So it's a

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slam the regular submission by regular Muslim, Amen Now pondering

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things and having firm belief in Allah to Allah and learning our

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opinion. And said now doing it properly and excellently. And the

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first thing on a person's menu in terms of that is how to recite the

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Quran properly. So to be beautiful, Marcin, in the sight of

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Allah to Allah is one whose heart is constantly receiving the

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recitation of the Quran, whose lips are constantly doing it,

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whose eyes are constantly looking at it. And these are the people of

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Allah to Allah, no one will ever change the fact that Allah to

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other breath, messenger peace be upon him set up an old Quran, the

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people of the Quran, hello Allah, He will COSATU they're the people

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of Allah and His select and his elite. So if we want to get

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somewhere near that, then at some point in our lives, we're going to

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have to devote a lot of hours to Tajweed, then this is what we plan

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to do this summer, with the classes coming up at FDIC. And we

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have a book, as you see here, that covers the tidge wheat. And here

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you have the chapters

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in which first we cover matters of the heart background and STI the

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investment up, and then the letters, the letter sets, that's a

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scheme and that in the turkey IP. And so my purpose here is that I

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want our classes to be focused on practice, not focused on

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learning the rules, but rather practicing and having live

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demonstrations with the teacher, and also ourselves, reading and

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practicing. So what we're going to going to do here is I'm going to

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go over this book, chapter by chapter so that you have videos

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that you could get the video of the book at home, or watch the

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videos at home, read along and then in class will do the

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recitation and practice. Okay, so let's just take it one chapter at

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a time. It's not a short book, and sorry, it's not a long book. So it

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shouldn't take us

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too long to go over it chapter by chapter. So the first matter is

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matters of the heart matters of the heart.

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