Shadee Elmasry – 1 Ramadan It’s All About Motivation!

Shadee Elmasry
AI: Summary ©
The speaker discusses the importance of motivation in actions and how it can transform a person. They explain that the motivation of a person is not just afterlife, but rather their ability to bring their minds to reality. The motivation of a person is centered around fear and desire for success, rather than just afterlife.
AI: Transcript ©
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Bismillah R Rahman and Rahim Salam aleikum, everyone. In this

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keynote, we're going to look at Ramadan prep. And we'll cover

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pretty much all the bases that you really need to cover. Not

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everything will be in the text, but I'm going to say certain

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things as well. So that you'll really 95% of what you need. Will

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insha Allah be covered. So let's get going. The first thing that we

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want to talk about Ramadan, we're not just mechanically like moving

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here, like just doing practices, we have, you know, motivation. And

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motivation is the most important thing of Ramadan does not

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transform a person unless that person wants to be transformed, is

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willing to be transformed, right? So that's what I say, I'm about

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well transform you unless you are already in the mindset of

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transformation. You get in the mindset of transformation by

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focusing on not just what to do, but what motivates you. What is

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moving you in life and that's where there's, you know, the

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difference between people want.

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One person is striving in the deen and doing very well in the deen.

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Other people are just sort of just lazy. Why is that? Because they

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have no motive and they don't view Allah to Allah relative to their

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motives that Allah Tada says, love me for the good things that I

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bestowed upon you. So what is he done? He's tied our perception of

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him with our motivations in life. It's not just afterlife, it's life

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and afterlife. And I never separate between goals of life

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versus goals of afterlife because if you go to Allah, for your goals

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of this life, you will end up transforming, and you will get

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your goals of this life and you will be transformed into somebody

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who will get something spiritual as well. Allah will not leave you

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to just you know, you came to him with defects we all come to him

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with defects, but we want something if we come to Him, He

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will transform us and we will get what we were motivated for. Now

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what is the motivation? Allah says in the Quran they call upon their

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Lord out of fear and desire. That's what it is. All right, our

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motivations are fear for our own well being desire for something

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that makes us happy. I mean, what else do people desire other than

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to feel good and be happy? And of course there is in Hadith, the

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prophesy centum said, eventually a person loves Allah Tada, you see,

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you focus on the giver, more than the gifts but sometimes out of a

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motivation. You need to stoke your motivation a little bit by

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thinking about the gifts.

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But no normal human being goes to Allah for a gift receives it,

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and then doesn't change regarding the giver, you start to love the

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giver, more than ever before. And that's why when we look at

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motivation, we're really looking into ourselves, what is it that we

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fear or desire? And by constantly bringing that up, you know, it's

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okay, it's Unbeliev are the two words that you know, the thought

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is to bring up the image of this thing and to Emeril is to

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contemplate it? How great is it how much I want it how my life is

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going to transform. But then the next step is, well, who has it?

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Allah has? It's an Allah's hands confer Cool. All right, so now

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I've moved now how do I interact with Allah interact with Allah by

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fulfilling the acts of worship that he wants us to fulfill by

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asking him what Ramadan is the feast of All this because there

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are 60 times throughout this month where dua is guaranteed

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the 30 times of the soul given assuming they're 30 days of the

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month, it could be 39 or 29, sorry, 30 or 29.

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That every soul and right before every fast, our dua is accepted.

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So if we want that then we need to do the nights worship well and we

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need to fast well, so that the the two doors will be answered

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