Salim Morsy – The Shadows 07 January 2021

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The conversation discusses the upcoming battle of the trench of Al Kh desired, where the winner will be killed by Sayyiduna sooner than the next. The region used to live under the prophet Muhammad and is now open to visitors. The speaker describes the behavior of the region's leaders and describes the situation of the woman he killed. He emphasizes the importance of staying safe and encourages people to stay strong in their religion and not be afraid of the plan.
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In the name of Allah, the most gracious,
the most merciful,
and all praise be to Allah,
the lord of all the worlds.
And peace and blessings
be upon
his final messenger, our beloved prophet Muhammad,
peace be upon him.
Dear brothers and sisters,
and welcome welcome back
to our
For tonight, our hero is
Sayyiduna Abu'lalah
ibn Atiq
al Khazraji.
He's from
the tribe of al Khazraj.
just to
how our hero tonight
did a great job
for Islam and for all Muslims,
and we need to go back a little
to learn about
the environment
around Medina,
the battle of the trench.
We were talking about the battle of the
trench of Al Khandaq Al Ahab,
how Jews and the hypocrites and disbelievers
gathered themselves together, and they surround the Medina
to kill prophet Muhammad, peace be upon him,
and his companions.
And for tonight,
we we will have
something related
the battle of Al Ahab or the battle
of the trench.
And when we look at
the 2 tribes,
the most,
they were to they were living in Madinah,
which is the tribe of Al Aus
and the tribe of Al Khazraj.
Al Aus wal Khazraj.
And Al Aus wal Khazraj,
were competing
with each other
as a 2 horses
in the track,
for the race.
When any tribe of them did something good
for the Islam or for prophet Muhammad sallallahu
alaihi wasallam,
another tribe,
they must do
same thing or even more.
And just to give you a hint
the tribe of,
Al Al Auss,
they killed
Kaab ibn al Ashraf,
the most,
bad people
among the entire Jews,
which is Kaab ibn al Ashraf.
And then another person,
his name, Salam
ibn Abi Al Shukaik.
And those two people,
they are from Jews,
they did a lot of bad things against
Islam, especially against prophet Muhammad,
peace be upon him.
Kaab ibn al Ashraf,
he abused
and even Muslims
by his tongue. He used to say,
he he used to to say,
he abused
Islam and Muslims a lot by his tongue.
And Salam ibn Abil Haqqiq
or ibn ibn Abil Shukaik,
in the battle of the trench.
And these two people,
they did a lot of bad actions
against the prophet Muhammad,
peace be upon him.
the tribe of Al Auss, they killed Kaab
ibn al Ashraf, and we will have 1,
how Sayyiduna Muhammad ibn Maslama
killed Kaab ibn al Ashraf.
But our our hero tonight,
Sayyiduna Abdullah
ibn Atiq,
we will see
he did
good job
to kill the another
bad person
used to abuse
Islam and Muslims a lot,
and he was
among the the Jews of Haibar.
He was among the Jews of Bani and
We have a lot of tribes in in
among Jews, the Bani Nadir, Bani Korayva, Bani,
Yahuud Khaybar.
A lot of them. And they used to
live with the prophet Muhammad
in Madinah, in holy city, but they broke
promise with the prophet Muhammad sallallahu alaihi wa
sallam. This is why he forced them to
go out of Madinah, and he drove them
out of Madinah because
the bad plan that they had to kill
prophet Muhammad sallallahu alaihi wa sallam and to
kill Muslims in Madinah.
Our hero tonight, Sayedoon Abdullah ibn Atik.
I repeat the the name,
so many time for our our children and
our brothers and sisters to memorize his name
because he's among
the the companions
has less famous.
They used to stay in the in the
This is our our theme,
the shadows,
about the companions.
They they
used to stay under the the the shade.
Not a lot of people
them. May Allah
be pleased with all of them.
He's from the tribe of Al Khazraj.
And like I mentioned,
when the tribe of Al
Aus killed,
Kaab ibn al Ashraf after the battle of
and now
the turn for the tribe of Al Khazraj,
and they went to prophet Muhammad sallallahu alaihi
wa sallam,
and they
recommended for him,
we are able to kill
And the prophet Muhammad
was happy with the the suggestion that they
gave to him because prophet Muhammad, he,
do anything
because they used to live inside
the fortress,
and they have the the big fans around
and no one is allowed to enter into
their place
without permission.
And this is, you know,
very secure,
area for them. No one is allowed to
enter or to leave their place without,
passing by the the checkpoint
or the the guards.
They surround
their place.
And so you don't know Abdulai,
he used to talk in the same language.
He used to speak
Hebrew, like the language of Jews.
And his mom,
the nursing mom or the the breastfeeding
she is living in the same place
Salam ibn Abi Al Zukayuk.
And he told the prophet Muhammad,
give me permission.
I will go
to kill him, and I will come back
to give you glad tidings. And the prophet
gave him permission, and he select
other 4
from the tribe of Al Khazraj.
we have Al Khazraj and we have Al
Aus Al Aus wal Khazraj.
And prophet Muhammad
assigned him as a leader for this group,
5 people, and he is the leader for
And they walked
from Medina, from Al Masjid al Nabawi in
to Khaybar, almost
35 miles walking.
they went over there and came back within
They used to walk during the night, and
they they used to stay or hide themselves,
bike to for anyone to figure out that
they have a bad plan
Salam ibn Abi and Shiloh.
When they arrived
near to the fortress
and Sayedullah told his,
stay here,
and I will go. And, I forgot to
mention that
the the or the place that Jews used
to live inside this place,
they open the gate at morning
and at evening only.
When the people take their,
cattles and their animals and go outside,
to to make,
shipper for their,
cattles or for their cows or camels.
And they leave at morning,
and they come back at evening in the
time for sunset.
And Sayidun Abdulah told his
stay away, and I will go with the
in in the time because it was crowded.
It was
rush hour for all people. They need to
go inside
the the fortress
sunset because they gonna lock the gate.
And like I mentioned, he learned how to
speak Hebrew like them, and he went with
the people. He lined up with the people,
and when he come close to the gate,
he sit in the side of the place
look like he's using the bathroom,
and and he cover his face
with his,
And this is was,
normal way for Arabs because,
has a lot of dust
and and
and they used to cover their faces
and their their mouses and their nose. And
he covered his face,
and it's normal. No one has
suspicion about him because most of people they
used to make like this, especially the shippers,
the one who take care taking care of
the sheep and the camels, and it's normal
for them. And he was sitting in one
side of the place, and the guard
told him, oh, Abdullah. He didn't mention his
name. This is the the word when you
call somebody else to say, oh, Abdullah
or or or the slave of Allah or
the servant of Allah.
Are you willing to enter or because I
will I will close the gate. And he
jumped and he enter inside
the fortress.
And he's he narrating the the story by
And he say, when I enter
and the guard,
or the bodyguard, he took the keys
and they he hung them
on the nail of the wall. Just put
them next the the gate because,
you know, they they might change the shift.
You know? He's working as a security,
for the
but it might be somebody else to open
the gate at morning, and just he hung
the the keys of of the gates near
to the the gates. And Sayedoon Abdulai Atiq
was sitting. He hide himself
because it become dark and dark and dark,
and there is no light. You know? Everybody
has a small lantern in at his house,
and when they go to sleep, they they
turn it off. It it will be very
dark after,
few hours.
And he said, I was looking to figure
out, you know, the the roads of the,
and how to go in and how to
go out.
And after a few hours,
went into his his house and the the
there is no,
crowd anymore. There is no,
voices in on the streets.
And he said he took the keys and
he unlocked the gate.
He has the plan now. He unlocked the
gate because when he killed Salam ibn Abil
and the gate is open, he can run
before anybody,
catching him. And he said, I I did
my research to figure out where is the
the palace or the house of Salam ibn
Abi Shokayk,
and I found it.
And I looked at, the the the
the upper level of his house.
I saw some people. He has some guests,
and I was waiting until they finish, and
they left. And he went into his place,
for sleep.
And I enter
he has his palace, and there is, a
big fence around his house,
and he opened the gate. When he enter
inside the the the the garden,
the the the his backyard,
he locked the door from inside.
He said, because if
if he,
raise his voice to ask people for help,
they will take time to open the door.
Now I I will not leave him until
I kill him because he used to abuse
prophet Muhammad
sallallahu alaihi wa sallam. He used to help,
you know, disbelievers
from Mecca, from.
He they used to help them financially, and
these used to to call them out. Come
to kill Muhammad, and I will support you.
And he collected a lot of fighters,
you know, for that the the battle of
the trench. If you remember,
2 days ago, we were talking about about,
Al Khandaq, and he was
the one,
among the people that they called disbelievers,
and they could gather them together.
And now,
Sayedoon Abdulai ibn Atik.
He enter into,
you know, the the the the garden around
the palace of,
Salam ibn Abil Shukayk.
And he opened the second door when he
enter. When you look at the the houses
of rich people, they have the the the
fans around the the the place, and they
have the another door inside, and they might
have another door for the house, and this
is, you know, more security for them. And
Sayedoon Abdullah, when he opened the first gate
and he locked it from inside
because no one will be able to help,
if if the sal Salam,
called out for help.
And he enter for the 2nd door, and
he locked it from inside. And he
the stairs to the upper level
for his house,
and he said it was so dark, and
I forgot to mention Sayedoon Abdulahib Natiq.
He had some problem in his vision. He
cannot see clearly,
especially during the night, and we will see
how he
will deal with the situation
with the perfect way. And when he enter
into the room that and he said, I
found everybody sleeping together. You know? His children
with his wife and the the the sal
Salam ibn Abi Shookayq.
And Sayeedna Abdullah,
he couldn't recognize him.
And he he said,
and he called him with his nickname.
The only
close friends
knows about
it, his nickname. His nickname,
Abu Rafa.
And Sayidun Abdullah ibn Atik,
he called him.
And Salam ibn Abi Abi Shukayk,
he respond back. Who's this?
And say, you don't know Abdullah just he
called him out
to to recognize
his place because prophet Muhammad
advised them.
When he gave them permission, it's not allowed
to kill a woman or a child.
Only you are
allowed to kill the the certain person, which
is Salam.
And Sayedoon Abdulai ibn Atir, he said, I
called his nickname
to figure out where is he. And he
respond back, and he said, who's this?
And Sayedun Abdulla hit him with his sword,
but it wasn't,
strong enough to kill him.
Sayedun Abdullah, when he figured out that Salam
ibn Abi Shookay did not,
get killed,
and he ran away from the room.
When he ran away, he hit
the linter, and he said, I took the
linter and I throw it away because if
wake up and he will,
put the fire into the linter, and they
find me easily. But I took it. I
threw it away.
No hope for anyone to see in that
moment. And he came back after a few
He changed his voice, and he said, what's
going on, Abba Haqqirk
And he said,
You have no mother. There is somebody in
my house wants to kill me.
And he said, I recognize
where is he exactly, and I hit him
the second time, and he dropped on the
floor. And I I took my sword. I
put in his chest, and I pushed very
hard until I heard that the his bones
was broken.
And he took his sword, and he went
in that time,
his wife
walked up,
and she was screening
for asking for help. And say,
he went out
from his house, say, oh, we need help.
We need help. Just calling,
especially in their language.
And he look like he is a member
of the family, and he is going outside
to ask people for help. Actually,
he's running away to go outside of the
Subhanallah. It's it's amazing technique that Sayedoon Abdul
had. And when he was,
going down in from the stairs,
he thought that he reached the floor,
but he wasn't
close to the floor. When he jumped, he
broke his leg
because I mentioned that he had problem in
his vision. He cannot see clearly
during the night, And
he was,
plinking when he and he tied his
leg with with his shell, with the the
the place that Arabs used to put on
their heads,
covering their heads from the heat of the
And he went out
for his friends.
The other four friends were waiting for him,
and they didn't know that he killed already
Salam ibn Abil Shukaik.
when he reached his friends outside of the
and they hide themselves in the small creek
near to the gate
they knew the people will go out
to look for the one who killed
their leader, Salam.
And they stay
for the rest of the night inside the
small creek, small river
near to the the gate of the fortress.
they hide themselves,
and the people really they went out of
the place,
look for the person who killed their leader,
but they couldn't find anyone, and they returned
back to to the place.
they announce
at morning that
Salam ibn Abi Shookay
get killed during the night. In that time,
they feel
much, much better that they they assure that,
they did the mission that the prophet Muhammad
gave to them. And they
carried up Sayyidun Abdulah
ibn Atik because he was injured. He he
he broke his leg when he was going
out of the house,
and they carried him, and they went back
to prophet Muhammad
sallallahu alaihi wasallam. They spend
12 days
in the in this minute mission. They go
in 6 days, and they came back again
to Madinah
in other 6 days. They took longer time
because, like I mentioned, they used to walk
during the night, and they used to hide
during the days because
if somebody figure out,
about this group and they have a plan,
they will not be able to
to complete their mission that the prophet Muhammad
gave them. When they arrived into Madinah
and they went to the Masjid of Rasulullah
and the prophet Muhammad
was delivering the speech, and he looked at
his their faces, and he said,
These faces are,
He he recognized
because they were smiling
when you did something good. You can see
your face as a mirror to tell people
that you did something,
you you will be proud of it. And
told them,
You know, these faces
have have,
or have *
* succeed.
And after that, and Nabiya sallallahu alaihi wa
sallam recognized that Saidullah
ibn Ateer,
he broke his leg, and he told him,
stretch stretch your leg on front of me.
And the prophet Muhammad
did supplication
and wipe up his his leg.
he said,
I I felt that I never ever
had in injured in my in my leg
His leg become
a normal
leg like before,
even more.
And this is, it was in the in
the the year of 6 6 years after
migration of prophet Muhammad sallallahu alaihi wa sallam,
only 1 year after
the battle of trench, the battle of Alhandaq,
Hazratul Hazab,
can a Maktal,
To conclude my,
episode today that
he had a plan to kill prophet Muhammad
sallallahu alaihi wa sallam. One day, prophet Muhammad
sallallahu alaihi wa sallam was standing
near to the wall and he went he
climbed above the house, and he has a
big rock. He wants to kill prophet Muhammad
Allah sent down Jibreel
to warn prophet Muhammad
those people, they have a plan to kill
you. You need to go away from this
place. And you to see how
those 2 people
used to hate Islam, used to hate prophet
Muhammad sallallahu alaihi wa sallam,
and this is why prophet Muhammad sallallahu alaihi
wa sallam assigned
Sayyiduna Abdulahib Natiq
to kill one of them which is, Salam.
And he assigned
another person from another tribe which is
And this is what we have today. May
help all of us out to learn about
our heroes, our our our companions of Rasulullah
and may Allah
help all of us out to imitate them
and to do like they used to do
to defend the religion of of Allah and
to defend the messenger of Allah, our beloved
prophet Muhammad, peace be upon him. May Allah
forgive all of us, and may Allah
help all of us to stay firm in
our religion.