Salim Morsy – The Shadows
![Salim Morsy](
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The segment discusses upcoming episode of " Insha'ra" where Naim accomplishes a mission to fight against Islam in Afghanistan, as well as a guest named Mohammed Sallali alaihi wa sallam who gives a message to help Muslims army. The guest emphasizes his heroic actions and struggles to fight against innocent people, while also acknowledging the importance of protecting Islam and being a true Muslims to ensure everyone is fully informed of the final religion.
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Dear brothers and sisters, and
we'll come back to our
the shadows.
And today, Insha'Allah,
we will have
a companion,
of Rasulullah Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam, and
he did amazing
in the battle of
Al Ahab, the the battle of Trench
or the battle of Al Handak.
And this companion,
his name,
ibn Mas'ud
al Ashjai
al Ghatafani.
the the man loves
to do
things before he become a Muslim. He used
to go to
Jews in Madina in Yathrib
to drink over there and to have fun,
before Islam,
and he had a good,
a good relation
an Nabiir and Bani Korayeva
in Medina, in Yathrib.
the time
that for,
the year,
the 5 year after migration of prophet Muhammad
sallallahu alaihi sallam,
when Quraysh
get lost
battle of Uhud,
and they would like to take revenge
and to,
fight against the prophet Muhammad,
peace be upon him, and his companions.
And what happened,
the the
the Jewish
or the Jews in in Medina,
they went to Mecca,
and they called them out.
Come to fight against Mohammed, and we will
support you. We will defend you. We will
fight with you. And they went also to
other tribe, which is Ghatofen.
this is, you know, northeast
of Medina.
The the location today is the capital city
for Saudi Arabia, which is Riyadh,
and they went to this tribe also, and
called them out, come to fight against Muhammad,
peace be upon him, and we will support
you. We will defend you. We will fight
against Muhammad with you.
And they called Hazrat Al Ahab or the
battle of
Al Handak, the trench.
they gathered themselves,
all of them,
and they came to fight against prophet Muhammad
in Madinah.
And prophet Muhammad
had an urgent meeting, and he asked his
companion, what should we do right now? And
Sayyid bin Salman
al Farisi.
You know, he's not an Arab. He's from
Bilad Faris,
and he gave suggestion to prophet Muhammad, sallallahu
alaihi salam. He said, we used to live
in Persia.
When somebody attack us,
we we will make a trench around our
And the prophet Muhammad was
with the new idea. Nobody heard about this
idea in our in Arab Peninsula before.
And he
encouraged the companions
to dig the trench around Madinah.
And when
the army of Mushrikeen
arrived into Medina, they were surprised.
They found a big trench.
They cannot,
jump into Medina, and they
stay outside Medina.
our hero tonight, he wasn't Muslim for this
and he was sleeping during the night with
the the rest of the army of Mushrikeen,
you know, from Croatia, from Mecca, from Gautafan,
from all the tribes around around Medina,
they made the decision
to come together and to just eliminate Muslims
and kill all of them in one time.
And he was sleeping during the night, but
he couldn't sleep.
And he
talked to himself
what I'm, what are,
what I'm doing right now, it's not right
at all because
we have
when we somebody,
you know, lost his right, we will fight
to return his right back to him. When
we have somebody,
you know,
doing some
we're gonna fight to stop him. But why
why I joined this army to fight against
innocent people,
against Mohammed
sallallahu alaihi wasalam. He wasn't Muslim. You just
pay attention for that. But, you know, he
was talking to himself.
What is the purpose
for all these armies to come and to
fight against
innocent people. They did nothing.
And he told himself,
I have to correct
my life right now. And he decides to
go to prophet Muhammad
and to testify
there is no one has right to be
worshiped but Allah. And he
went during the night, and he
reached out for prophet Muhammad
and he told him, oh, messenger of Allah,
I'm so sorry. I had bad intention
to join the army to fight against you
and your companions,
but I realize this is not the right
way. But I I came now to testify
there is no one right.
There is no one has right to be
but Allah, and that you are the last
final messenger of Allah.
And now just he accepted Islam
and he asked prophet Muhammad sallallahu alaihi wa
tell me what can I do to help
you out?
He's a single person.
And I forgot to mention the army of
And the army of Muslims in that in
that time, almost
from all the companions
inside Medina.
When we look at
the map in that time,
we have
Mac Quraysh
and Ghatafan
outside Medina,
and we have Baniqaureifa
inside Medina,
and we have the hypocrites,
subhanallah, in that in that battles. We have
a lot of hypocrites, a lot of.
and all these groups
come together
make a a very difficult situation
for prophet Muhammad
and his companions.
And he
came to prophet Muhammad and he testified
and he conferred to Islam.
And he asked prophet Muhammad, what can I
do to help and to exudiate
my sin? And I I I had bad
and and now I I become a Muslim.
I really would lie would like to help
Muslims army. And the prophet Muhammad
told him, oh, Naim,
you only one person.
Just if you can
make people and
make, you know,
dispute between them.
Make them down. That's it.
Indeed, the war is a trick.
it. And he got the message.
Now just he accepted Islam few a few
minutes ago,
and he went to Bani Quraiva.
You remember in the beginning of the
the the lecture, I mentioned that
he had a good friendship
with the Bani Qurayva
and Bani and Nadir, the Jews people.
He used to go over there before Islam
and to have fun, to drink over there,
and to have, you know, even
a a a relation with the with the
women over there to pay a lot of
money and, you know, to feed his desires.
But now he become a Muslim, and he
went to Baniqa Raifa
inside Madina and he told them, oh, Baniqaqaifa,
you know that I love you and we
we have a good friendship together. They said,
yeah. We trust you. And he told them,
I heard
that the people of Quraysh
and the people of Gatafen,
my tribe, the people of my tribe,
they they they told each other,
we came from outside Madina,
and we will fight against Mohammed and his
If we win, we will earn the benefits.
If we lose, we're gonna run away
outside Medina.
But you are inside Medina. You are living
with Muhammad,
peace be upon him, inside Medina. If
Muhammad when
he will kill you because you will support
the disbelievers
against Muhammad and his companions. And they asked
him, what do you suggest for us?
And he told them, when the people of
ask you to fight to start,
the the the the fight, tell them we
will not fight with you unless if you
give us
a few
people from each tribe
or as a hostages
to keep with us because we do not
trust you guys.
And he went out to talk to people
of Quraysh and the people of Gattafan,
and he told them, you know that I'm
a good friend with you guys,
and I heard that the the the people
of Baniqa Raiva,
they had bad plan.
They regret
that they
will fight against Mohammed,
and they,
went to Mohammed and they asked him to
forgive them, And they told him, we gonna
prove that we are honest with you. When
the people of Quraish ask us to fight,
we will,
ask them for
a few leaders
from their tribes
to give you and to make make sure
that we are,
regretting for what we did
against you.
And now the people of Banukurayeva,
they will not trust the people of Quraysh,
and they will not trust the people of
And the same idea,
Abu Sufyan, he was a leader of the
army of Mecca,
and he sent his son
to Baniqaureva
to ask them, oh, Baniqaureva,
we have a plan to fight tomorrow against
Mohammed. They stay. They had a camp
almost for
and they were surrounding Medina.
No one is able to enter or to
go out of Medina. It was
almost disaster
for the companions
because there is no supplies. There is no
The no one is able to go out
or to go in.
Just to make it short to highlight,
for our hero tonight, Sayidu Naim
ibn Masrud.
when Abu Sufyan sent his
son to
encourage the peep the Jews inside Medina, we're
gonna fight together together tomorrow against Mohammed
because we are tired. It's 3 weeks. It's
more than enough. And the people of Jews,
they told him, tomorrow is Saturday,
and we are not allowed to fight on
And this is the first one. And the
second one, also, we are not
starting fight with you guys unless if you
bring a few people leaders
from your tribe to keep them with us
as a hostages.
Oh, now the idea clear.
And when the son of Abu Sufyan returned
back and take the answer of Baniqaureza
and Abu Sufyan said,
You know, Naim, our friend, he is truthful
man because he warned us that the Jews
plan against us. And he told his people,
we're gonna go to Mecca again. And in
that night, Allah sent upon
them a very severe
You know? Destroy their tents
and Allah Allah
send the angels to support prophet Muhammad
and Abu Sofia
told his people,
I will not stay anymore. I have to
go back back to Mecca, and we will
not fight. And this is only the action
of a single man.
What what do we do
to protect our Islam or to convey the
message of Islam? Sayyidun Naim
ibn Mas'ud, he was a single man, and
he destroyed
the whole army of mushrikeen
because he spread
disputes between them, and he only one man.
Look at yourself, oh my brothers and my
sisters. What did we do to spread the
news about Islam, to convey the message of
to help people out to learn about
the last final,
religion that Allah
choose for mankind.
And this is our message today.
Sayyunah Naim ibn Mas'ud al Ashtai
He was a single man, but he did
more than the whole army of Muslimians, subhanallah,
by himself. And this is how,
when Allah subhan when when the the companions,
when they heard about
the story of Sayedna Salman
when he
told them we used to,
dig the trench around our city. And, Al
Ansar, they said, Salman.
Salman, he is one of us. And,
they said, no. Salman.
And the the immigrant, they said, Salman is
one amongst us. And the prophet Muhammad said,
And the prophet Muhammad
gave him the title
that Salman, even he's, from Persia. He said,
Salman is
one of my own family.
And this is, you know, our chance
today to learn about our,
of Rasulullah he.
And may Allah
make all of us
stay firm in our religion,
convey the message of Islam as much as
we can, and may Allah help all of
us to practice Islam
and to to be true Muslims.