Salim Morsy – Role of the Youth in the Hijrah of Prophet Youth Talk
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The importance of youth in the migration of Islam is discussed, including the role of young men and women in the migration and the importance of learning from the mission of Sayidna Ali. The difficulty of achieving goals in the future is also emphasized, along with the importance of taking care of one's life and praying, fasting, and being a holy spirit. The importance of learning from the experience of others and finding a way to stay true to Islam is emphasized, along with the need for guidance and guidance for one's youth.
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To Allah, the most significant, the most merciful,
and I bear witness, there is no one
has to,
has right to be worshiped
but Allah.
And I bear witness that prophet Muhammad, sallallahu
alaihi wa sallam, he is the last final
of Allah.
Dear brothers and sisters,
and welcome back again to our series,
young men and young women every Friday.
And today, it will be a special,
Hijra, for the migration
of prophet Muhammad sallallahu alaihi wa sallam.
And we would love to learn
the role of
young men and women,
the migration of prophet Muhammad.
They have a very,
a unique way
make it done.
We when we look at
the time of the Hijra,
helped prophet Muhammad as,
as they can,
but we will figure out that,
a Shabaab
youth, young men, and young women,
they did a great job,
to complete
the migration of prophet Muhammad
in in general,
Islam really
pay attention for,
And we have a lot of verses in
the Quran
talking about youth, especially
the young men in Surat Al Kahf.
named the whole chapter by their their action.
They stayed in the Kahf,
in the cave
for more than 300
And Allah described them
they are
a young,
men, Fitiya,
which is, you know, the the,
the powerful,
They believed in their lord, and Allah
in his guidance.
Was it Nahum
And mentioned
a lot of hadith,
taking care of young men and women.
When you have
a a a a command from
to say,
It's include men and women, include male and
This is just to
clarify the begin in the beginning
when, prophet Muhammad SAWSALAM
gave a a specific
young men
and young women
advised Sayedna Abdullah ibn Abbas. It's very famous
When he told him, you know,
be mindful
of Allah and Allah will protect
you. Be mindful of Allah and you will
find Allah in front of you to help
you out, to guide you, to support you.
And it was for a young man, Sayed
Ibn Abbas, Radiallahu
Also, Sayeduna Abdullah,
Sayeduna Abdullah ibn Omar.
And Nabi
you know, gave him a very,
you know, when he was young also.
And when he told Sayyid Abdullahib no Omar,
be in this life, a temporal life
as a stranger.
A stranger, the the person who will stay
for a while,
in different place than than his home
land, and
he must leave after that.
You know, to to be a traveler.
You know, just when you stay
for a few hours, you must leave to
finish your trip. This is why
gave a very unique advice
to young men and women of the companions
of Rasulullah.
Also, when we look at the Hidra
that and Nabiya salallahu alaihi wa sallam, it
some examples
young men and women to help him out
you know, he is a prophet. He is
a messenger of Allah.
And it was much easier,
you know, for everybody that Allah will take
prophet Muhammad
from Mecca
and just arrive him into Madina,
without all these,
that he faced.
Like what happened in Israel Mirage
in Journey Night
Allah took him by the Burak.
Burak which is a special
And within few minutes
he arrived he arrived into Palestine
and the same thing he was elevated
into heavens
and he came back again in the same
Even the narration mentioned
that his bed
is still warm.
Subhan Allah. Why Allah did not
make the same
way for Hedra, for migration,
for prophet Muhammad SAW Salam. Even
a lot of people they were prepare
their selves,
themselves to kill him.
You know, they they decided
to have a 40 strong
young men
from all the tribes of of of Quraish,
to kill prophet Muhammad
To spread his blood
in between the tribes, and no one of
his family
will have right to take revenge
or to to kill somebody who who killed
the prophet Muhammad
and this is was very bad plan from
in that time.
And Allah
did not take a prophet Muhammad
from Mecca to Madinah
with the by the or
with the Allah's help. No. Allah told the
prophet Muhammad
you have to
have a
technique for your migration
to teach your followers after that until the
day of judgment. This is what we'll need
to learn from Al Hedra. This is why
we have a special
topic today
Dori Shabab.
The role of young men and women,
uh-uh toward the migration
of our beloved
prophet Muhammad
peace be upon him.
And just when we look at
few examples, just we cannot cover all the
that they helped prophet Mohammed
in his Hajjara. But we will take
4 4,
few of them to really
learn from them.
The first example we have Sayedna Ali, ibn
Abi Talib. He is the first child accepted
Can you imagine you're talking about a child
now, and he made his decision,
and he accepted Islam even before
before anyone of his his family.
You know, he he decides
to go to, Islam and to confer to
Islam even before anyone. You know, his dad,
he passed away. Abu Talib, the uncle of
Rasulullah SAW Salam, he passed away
as a non believer.
But Sayeduna Ali, his son of Abu Talib,
you know, he accepted Islam when he was
a child.
And they count him, he is the 1st
child accepted Islam.
In the time of Hajjara,
his age was around 20 years old. Who's
still 20 now? Subhanahu. 20 years old and
look how prophet Muhammad Sallallahu Alaihi Salam trusted
him so much
and relied on him
to to take, you know, the responsibility
to sleep in the bed of Rasulullah Sallallahu
Alaihi Salam and to cover himself
with the same blanket of Rasulullah
Can you imagine
when somebody told you you're gonna
do something
but you might die when you when you
the the mission that we asked from you.
And this is the exactly what happened to
Sayeduna Alib Nabih Talib. You know,
he knows that the people of Quraish, they
have very bad plan
to kill prophet Muhammad sallallahu alaihi wa sallam.
And he didn't care. You know, he said,
if I
if I get killed,
I will defend Rasulullah
Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam. This is the point. And
the people might kill him, and they didn't
know who is this person
because they thought that Muhammad sallallahu alaihi wasallam
in his bed, sleeping in his bed. And
they might kill him before
uncovering his face.
Or otherwise,
when they figure out that this this is
not Mohammed sallallahu alaihi wa sallam, this is
Ali ibn Abutaleb, they will be very mad.
How come that you defended Mohammed
and you stay in his bed and they
might kill him out of anger?
It could happen.
And he he didn't care. Means,
honored his face
because he never
bow toward
the stashes
around the Kaaba. When he was young, he
accepted Islam, and he learned the the Islam,
and he never bow, and he never prostrate
toward any idols or any stashes around the
Kaaba. This is why when we mention,
Sayeduna Ali's name, we said, Kar Ramallah.
May Allah honored his his his face because
he never,
put his face down toward the idols or
the statues around the the Kaaba, you know.
And this is this is the first purpose
that prophet Muhammad,
choose Sayedoon Ali
to take his place,
to take,
his position,
you know,
to confuse the people of Quraysh, the people
of Mecca.
And the second mission that Sayedoon Ali was
assigned for,
to return back
Al Aminat.
The trusts
that the people of Quraish
used to give to prophet Muhammad because
there is no one
is honest as prophet Muhammad Sallallahu Alaihi Salam.
Subhan Allah. It's very confusing. It's very complicated
How come that they agree to kill him
and they do not trust anyone in Mecca
as prophet Muhammad
and prophet
Muhammad could say,
you know, they they had a plan to
kill me. I will take their money with
It it will be as a as a,
you know, a good help for my trip,
but he did not make this.
And he taught us that Allah
says in Surat Ali Imran,
and to Abdul
Allah commanded you to return back the trusts
to their,
owners, to to its its own people.
you have a chance to judge between people,
you have to judge with the justice.
It doesn't matter if you judge between 2
Muslims or 1 Muslim and non Muslims. It
doesn't matter because you are the you are
judging between them by Allah's word. And you
have to be
just and you have to deal with the
And this is the 2 missions
that, Nabi Yusala Sallam
signs and
he was around 20 years old.
Look at yourself today
and look at your age
and see
how you will held Islam out with your,
power and your offer. And this is what
we need to learn from,
yeah the Doral Islam
fee, Hidrat Nabi, Doral Shabab, and
the second example that we have,
Sayrun Abdullah ibn Abi Bakr.
You know the son of
the the best companion of Rasulullah
and when we look at Sayedun Abdul Sayedna
Abu Bakr Sadiq,
the entire family
was helping
Rasulullah Sallallahu Alaihi Salam
for his
migration. You know, Sayed Nabu Bakr by himself,
Abu Bakr by his money, his wealth, Sayedna
Abu Bakr by his
children, You know
as Sayedna Abdullah or
even his servant.
Sayedna Amir Ibn Fuhaira.
You know he he was a slave and
the people of Christ used to
to punish him and to make difficult for
him and say, now Abu Bakr, he bought
him and set him free and he choose
to serve him. He said,
I'm free man now, but I choose to
spend the rest of my life
serving you, oh Abu Bakr. And he used
to to to take care of his,
sheep and his camels. He he used to,
to be a shipper for
the sheep and the camels of Abu Bakr
And he used every,
to help Rasulullah
in his,
migration, in his mission. When we look at
his son, Abdullah.
Abdullah, he was around the same age, you
and he used to,
to work as investigator,
listen carefully for
what the people of Quraish,
talking during the day,
what the plan that they will they will
have against Mohammed and his followers.
And he used to go
in the end of the day to tell
prophet Muhammad
what happened
in Mecca.
What the new plan that they have. And
every single time. And this is how prophet
you know took care of every single aspect
of the Hajjara.
He did not say you know we are
believers and Allah for sure will help us
Like a lot of us we do that.
we're praying. We
we, we fear Allah
We we did not do anything wrong. Why
Allah will not help us out?
And we have to learn.
Why Allah, you know,
told the prophet Muhammad to
take care of every single aspect of the
from E to Z.
And he prepared
every single step by himself.
Even he he hired somebody to do it
for him, but he was the main,
the the main controller for the Hijra from
a to z. And he is a prophet
of Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala. And we need
to learn.
We need to
take care of every single,
stage in our life when we have a
mission, when we have when we have any,
a goal in our life. We have really
to start
from a to z to have a unique
to make it,
happened. Inshallah.
So you do know Abdullah ibn Abi Bakr
He used to you cannot imagine
about the weather
in Saudi Arabia.
You cannot imagine about the distance that
they have to walk every single day.
You cannot imagine about the the cave. The
cave was in very high. We went one
time with the youth in 2019,
and we tried to to climb up. Nobody
was able to make it. Can you and
all of them,
it's very, very healthy and very strong.
And we went until the place, but we
weren't able to go up
into the the cave that prophet Muhammad,
was was,
stay in it. And this is the the
the point. But we went to the cave
of when
received the first revelation, not the other cave
when he was
hiding himself
from people of Christ because it was down
there in the south.
But we went to the other cave, which
is the the cave of the light. You
know, Kafir Nur, which is the first,
verses came down to prophet Mohammed
in that cave.
No one of us was able to go
up because it it some people make it
maybe for within 2 hours just to go
from the the bottom of the mountain and
to go up. It takes maybe hour and
half and 2 hours to reach up over
Can you imagine about about, you know, the
the the
the difficulties
that prophet Muhammad
had in that time?
And all the the companions, they helped him
with to make
to to to make,
a hedgera or to make the migration,
you know,
And this is, you know, the example that
we need to learn
today. Like I mentioned,
Aymer ibn Fuhaira.
He was a servant of Sayedna Abu Bakr
What he used to do,
when Sayedna Abu Sayedna Abdullah used to go,
from Mecca to the cave every day,
and he used to to to take the
the sheaves and the camels and to destroy
the footsteps of Sayeduna Abdullah
or Sayedah Asma. Sayedah Asma, the daughter of
Sayednah Abu Bakr Sadiq. She used to take
the food every single day and go to
her her dad and prophet Muhammad
give them, you know, the supplies, to give
them the food and the the water and
used to to walk
with the with the sheeps and the camels
to destroy the footsteps
of them. Because if the people of Quraysh
figure out,
there is some people walking in this direction.
They will follow the footsteps
of of them and they will reach out
to Rasulullah
and he was hiding
for 3 days.
You know, he did not he he his
plan to go up
to Madinah. When you look at the map,
Mecca will be near to
the Red Sea.
And when you go up to Madinah, you
have to go,
up north.
But prophet Mohammed says, he knows that the
people of Quraysh
will follow him and will catch him, will
him. And he went down
to north to to south,
and he stay in the cave for 3
And the 3 days, it was difficult,
but this is, you know, out of his
unique technique, sallallahu alaihi wa sallam. When the
people everybody
was searching
up up north because
they figure out he's moving to Madina, and
Madina up there.
And everybody was searching in the in the
in the area going to Medina. And he
hiding in the cave for 3 days
down there to south.
And Sayeda,
This is for the sister. You will be
when you figure out.
She used to go every single day, prepare
the food and the water for her dad,
Abu Bakr Sadiq,
and Sayedna Rasulullah
and she was a pregnant
in the 9 month. Subhan Allah.
How come?
I mentioned when we went to Umrah,
we weren't able even to climb, you know,
to the cave over there.
And she used to walk
all the time from Mecca to the cave
and come back again, and she was pregnant
in the last few months of her pregnancy.
You know, because
her son
who's her son? Abdullah. Abdullah.
Yes. Abdullah ibn Zubair. He
is the first child was born after migration
in Madin.
Yeah. This is the first,
you know. The first child accepted Islam, Sayedna
Alib Nabi Talib. And this it will be,
you know,
as engraved,
you know, for the history of Islam until
the day of judgement.
The first.
And you might have the first one who
did something unique.
You know, just when you hear about anyone
needs help, jump
to be the first one who helped out.
When you need that, any Masajid or any
needs help. Just jump to help them out.
You will be the first one. And the
first one has,
you know, uh-uh
a a unique reward because anyone will come
after you. You will share
all the word that they will do after
you. You will take the same reward for
all of them. And this is why prophet
Muhammad he
will be able to intercede
everybody in the day of judgement.
Why? What
why not Sayedna Adam? Why not Sayedna Ibrahim?
Why not Sayedna Noah? Noah. Peace be upon
him. Why not prophet Jesus? Why not prophet
Why prophet Muhammad only?
who he, will will have Maqam Al Mahmoud,
the honored,
situation in the day of judgement. Why?
Because his followers,
you know,
the most,
big number in the day of judgment.
When when somebody accept Islam, when somebody confer
to Islam,
prophet Muhammad
will take the word
of that person who confer to Islam
years from today or a 1000 year. Allah
knows when Allah will give permission
for the the last hour
to to to start or for the day
of judgement to start.
Since the time of Rasulullah
till today,
almost 1400.
So correct?
How many people they accepted Islam?
How many people they,
they prayed or they are fasted or they're
donated or they did recited Quran or and
every single good deed, they will do,
Prophet Muhammad
will take the same amount.
And this is no one will have Hassanat
in the day of judgement like prophet Muhammad
No one.
No no prophet, no messenger,
no no righteous people, no one will have
like him. And this is why Allah
honored him with the Al Makamil Mahmoud
and Ashafa'a
He will be able to intercede
for his followers
and even to to intercede
for the the the the day of judgement
to start.
He will intercede for the the gate of
to be opened.
Why? Because
he has a big number of Hassanat, of
good deeds.
And this is when you choose to be
the first.
You will have you you will have the
same way to earn the good deeds as
much as you can. Don't look at the
good deeds you will do by yourself.
Which is great to look
at the the number of good deeds
that you will you will do by yourself.
But be smarter
to have
the the multiple
good deeds as much as you can. For
example, today, when you came to the the
the the halakhah,
why you did not call your friends?
Remind them, help them out to come, and
you will take your reward.
You will take the reward of the people
that you was a reason
to bring them to to learn about the
knowledge of Rasulullah.
This is, you know, the way that we
need to deal with,
to have
as much as you can,
to increase your good deeds as much as
you can.
When you when you go to the Masjid
to pray in, with the,
take somebody with you.
Remind your friend as as if you will
go to have some coffee here or there.
No, we're gonna go to pray at the
We're gonna go to this Masjid or that
Masjid. It's okay. But the idea,
keep in mind all the time,
you have a good chance
to increase your good deeds as much as
you can. This is the the point what
we need to learn. You know? This is
a prophet Muhammad
called out other people to to guide them
or to help them out to to deal
with the guidance,
he or she will have the same reward
of those people. They will follow his guidance.
The same idea.
Whosoever helps others
to misguide them or to help them to
go astray,
he or she will have the same sense
of those people that they go astray.
And now you understand
how you will deal with the situation
because our life is very short.
If we count, if we rely only
the time that we will live and we
gonna pray the regular prayer, we gonna fast
the the Ramadan or a few days during
the year, and it will not be enough,
you know, to enter into paradise.
And this is why it tried to do
It would remain after we we died.
You know, people will help.
People will seek help from the knowledge that
you left for them. From
any any kind of good deeds that you
will remind them even after after you,
passed away. And this is why a lot
of scholars, they used to, you know, publish
their books and their knowledge
in into the the the books for people
to when we mention Imam Bukhari today, everybody
knows him. When we mention Imam Muslim,
when we we mention, you know, any scholar
Al Imam Ahmed ibnhambal,
Imam Abu Hanifa, Imam Malik, and this is
until today,
they got the rewards even they stay in
their graves.
Yeah. And this is the point. Just to
move on
because the time is flying. I know we
need to keep it short
5 minutes max. We will we will finish.
Just this is the examples
that helped Rasulullah Sallallahu Alaihi Salam
in in Mecca.
But we should not forget
another unique example and he was young.
Prophet Muhammad
sent him
to Madinah
migration just 1 year. Who knows that companion?
Send to Medina the first ambassador in Islam.
How will Safir
feel Islam? Sayed Namin.
I know.
Sayedna Musaab, Ibno Umayr. Sayedna Musaab, he was
Subhan Allah.
And Rasulullah
choose him
to go to Madinah
Hajra 1 year.
How how long you've been here in America?
Be honest. You know, some of us was
born here, was raised here, and
he left here. Subhan Allah. Sayed the most
obvious day one single year
before Hedra. And
there is no a single house in Medina,
has no
of Muslims.
All of all the houses, it might have
1 person or 2 person or the entire
they become a Muslims
because of who?
Said the most Ab, Ibn Umayr,
the first
of Islam.
Awal Safir, feel Islam. And
the choose him. He was young.
Subhan Allah. And after the Hijrah,
just a few years, he passed away in
the battle of Uhud.
When he passed away,
they had
a piece of garment
when they cover up his head. They
uncover his his lower lower level of his
his body. And he was
boy in Mecca.
When he
passed in any,
street in Mecca, people recognize
his smell. They said, most passed
few minutes ago because he has the most
and he was a spoiled boy in Mecca.
He was very rich and he left everything
behind him and he went to Madina
as ambassador
for Rasulullah SAW Salam to teach people
Islam to to to train them how they
will worship Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala. When prophet
Muhammad came to Madinah
1 year after,
pretty much
every single house of Madinah,
heard about Islam. You might have one member
of the family or 2 or 10
or the entire family. Subhanallah. It was it
was amazing job that Saidna Musab did. And
how many people that we help them out
to become a Muslim?
How many friends
that you call them about Islam?
How many neighbors
that you show with them
the beauty of Islam? How many
friends, 4 sisters, our brothers? And this is
just we really need to rethink again
about our mission and our goal in this
Our life is very short, but we need
make to magnify
our good deeds as much as we can
just to
to choose
a a a unique
to make a lot of good deeds in
very short time.
This is our mission in this life inshallah
to just to conclude our
speech today,
you know, our youth today
have 3 different kind of youth.
The first kind of youth which is, you
know, the righteous
The they need some scholars
to help them out to stay firm in
missions and their religion.
You know, because they might go,
if they follow their their own desires.
They are righteous. They are pious. They are
good, but they need some guidance.
And this is the first kind, and this
is the the the best
the best type of youth that we have.
Because they they
try to stay away from any bad desires,
and those,
kind of youth that prophet Muhammad sallallahu sallam
testified for them.
That they will
be one kind of the 7 different kind
of people will be in the shade of
Allah in the day of judgement.
7 kind of people they will be in
the shade of Allah in the day of
judgement. One of them
A young man,
a young woman,
you know, they raised
in the obedience of Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala.
They hate to disobey Allah. And this is
unique condition.
the young men and women they love to
do something wrong.
They love to try something wrong. And they
wake up later on. But most of them
they love to you know let us try.
This is why prophet Muhammad
who knows the translation for this hadith. In
the could be a boy or a girl.
Allah will be amazed
with the young man or young woman.
They did not disobey Allah
It's you know something unique.
And this is the first kind really
we we really need to make ourselves
amongst those
good young men and women. You know, to
be righteous and to be kind, but you
have to look where you gonna put your
You have to to have a clear,
when you when you go to Allah Subhanahu
Wa Ta'ala. Do not go in the stream
left or in stream right. We have to
to be in the middle of the road.
To be in the safe side. The second
kind quickly
which is
you know Shabab
they forget their missions.
And Satan will guide them. And those kind
of of youth
they need somebody to wake them up.
You know? They drinking, they having
adultery, they having, you know, just
they didn't pray, they didn't care about their
religion, and
they need somebody to shake them up.
Wake up, brother, sisters.
Our life is short. You know, our opportunity
here, it's
few. We need to really hurry up and
do something.
And whatever you did in the past wrongly,
it's okay. As long as you wake up
early and you repent back to Allah Subhanahu
Wa Ta'ala. And the 3rd kind which is,
you know, the the worst kind of youth
which is the
the the the the atheist
or the one who, you know, because the
first kind, they they are good.
But they they might go astray,
for a while and come back, and they
need somebody to guide them. The second kind,
you know, they they don't care about the
religion. They live their life
as a non Muslims.
That's it. You know, similar with the non
But the 3rd kind which is the worst
one because
they will be a leaders,
to mislead others.
Like atheists. Today,
you know, they will defend
way of life.
They said, just we came, you know, from
our the the wounds of our moms,
and we will return back to to the
graves, and there is no resurrection. There is
no account.
There is no questions
about our life and
you know, even when the person disobey Allah
and he hide himself or hide herself,
they have a chance to go back to
But the worst case
when when they disobey Allah
and they defend
you know the the idea that they
they hold it in their heart or their
mind. This is the problem. You know, when
we do something wrong between us and Allah
it will be much easier for us to
go back to Allah
and Allah will accept our repentance.
But when we, you know, take a lead
and raise the flag, oh, if if anyone
would like to do adultery, we gonna make
it easy. Get us contact me. Oh, if
really would like to go without God, you
know, just, enjoy your life, and they will
help people out to mislead them. And this
is the worst case and the worst kind
of youth. And
we seek refuge in Allah
to help us out to stay firm in
our religion
and to
make all of us as a pious, as
a righteous,
and to worship him and to fear him
and to convey the message
of Allah Subhanahu wa ta'ala. Allah
This is a new year, a new hijri
year. May Allah
bless you all and may Allah
gave us a lot of chances
to receive the new year of Hijra inshallah
and to be closer to Allah
as much as we can.