Salim Morsy – IMRI Jumuah Prayer 10192018

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The speakers discuss the history and importance of Islam, including the loss of the shield of Islam by a Muslim and the use of it by a Jew. They stress the importance of avoiding promises and apologizing for one's actions to avoid future mistakes. The speakers also emphasize the need for strong faith and following footsteps to avoid mistakes and make oneself guilty. Forgiveness is also emphasized, and children are encouraged to make up for their lack of religion. Fundraising is also discussed, with plans to see historical places and receive profit from it.
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Name, Khormel,
Ibn Hubeir,
from Al Ansar, the helpers
of prophet Muhammad
and he stole
the shield from other Muslim
2 tribes,
the main core of Al Ansar,
the tribe of Al Arus, and the tribe
of Al Hazraj.
And they had a mark of dispute
years before Islam.
And when Islam came,
united them,
and they become as brothers
for the sake of Allah
Allah saved
both of of the the 2 tribes.
And the story happened.
1 from this tribe stole
the shield of other Muslim from other tribe.
And when he figured out
it's not sacred anymore, the people who figured
out that he is a
he took the shield
and put it into the house of a
And he did not remain silent. He sent
people from his tribe
to go to prophet Muhammad sallallahu alaihi wa
sallam to defend him
and to abuse
the Jew,
that he
is guilty
and the Muslim is innocent.
And prophet Muhammad
according to the evidence
that he
has in the car
because they found
the the shield in the house of
Al Yahu Deepak.
And everybody was happy
in that
time, but Allah wasn't happy because
will happen
for non Muslim,
and Allah
doesn't like
for anyone,
Muslim or non Muslim,
to be abused,
and the Quran was revealed.
The verse number 1 or 5,
the chapter of the women.
We revealed
to you, o Muhammad,
the book, the Quran, with the truth.
To judge between people.
It's not to judge between Muslims or believers
Do not defend
and sin.
In the end of the story, because we
were talking last Friday about the story,
in the end of the story,
that man,
He run away
when the evidence
that he is guilty,
he should receive
the limit of Allah
to cut his hand.
And he was afraid,
and he choose to run away, and he
went to Mecca.
By the way, he passed
as a hypocrite, as a monarch.
And this is really
Don't think
that because you spend all your life
worshiping Allah,
it will be guaranteed that you will die
as a Muslim. No.
It's not guaranteed.
only if the person passed away as a
Muslim. That's it.
But as long as he or she is
still alive,
there is no guarantee
to die as a Muslim or not.
And can you imagine
that person, he used to live with prophet
in his time, and he used to pray
behind the prophet Muhammad
He used to see his face every day.
But what happened to him in the end?
Because he wasn't
a true believer.
And we we might have a lot of
those people today.
They have 2 faces.
One face to make
themselves as a friend
for you and the other face
to make themselves as enemies
of you.
Anyway, this is not our
Our case today with the verse of Surat
al Nisa.
In the end of the story, a most
the the the verse number 115
of Surat
he choose to
go in the other side,
the opposite side of prophet Muhammad and
his companions.
He choose to be an enemy
of Prophet Muhammad
You would say, how come
we have a lot of enemies even among
They are an enemies of Prophet Muhammad
we have a group. They call themselves
or They said, we will follow whatever we
have in the Quran.
And they said,
what do you mean?
Because our religion
the Quran
and the sunnah, of Rasool Ilahi
And that person,
if he agrees
and he said,
I did wrong,
we need to learn
from the Quran.
It's not
big deal
to disobey Allah
Listen carefully.
to continue
in your
bad deeds,
this is the problem
because we are not an agent.
We are human.
It's normal to to do some mistakes in
our life,
especially for younger generation,
for your children, for your youth,
for your teenager.
You have to be more wise
when you deal with them.
It's normal way
to disobey Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala. It's normal
way to
commit unwanted action
for Abu Asadir.
It's okay.
We have to help them out to pass
the hard situation
that they have in their life.
That man, he used to live with the
prophet Muhammad Even
the trees
and the stones,
the member of Rasulillah
Salud Mihai alaihi wasalam was crying
because of the presence of prophet Muhammad saludahu
alaihi wasalam. By itself,
it will be a big help, a big
for anyone who lives with him.
But that that man,
he's told
because we are human, and he is a
human. But the the good thing is
if the person realized that he did wrong
or she did wrong, and he will stand
up to say, oh, Allah, please forgive me.
I did wrong.
But our problem is we try to find
for ourselves to continue in the same mistake
and to make yourself innocent on front of
people, and we do not try to make
innocent on front of Allah's eyes.
And this is the idea. This is our
problem. We will not go for vote as
long as we have the same situation.
and abuses
the messenger of Allah, prophet Muhammad
he or she
the truth,
the guidance,
And he
other path
different than the believer's way.
We will leave him or her to do
we want.
And this is the evidence
that we have free will.
We have some people, they said, why did
create created me
as a pious.
It's not up to Allah.
It's up to you
because Allah
benefit himself
from our
or we will not be able to harm
if all of us become bad.
It's for ourselves
or against ourselves.
Choose whatever you want.
That man,
if he rebelled back to Allah and
he said,
I'm so sorry for what I have done.
I choose to repent back to Allah.
Because Allah mentioned in the same verses,
did bad actions,
and he wronged it himself or her
Then if he ask for forgiveness
from Allah,
Allah will forgive him.
a sin,
it will be against himself.
The problem is
this is the easiest way
when you do bad deeds.
Easiest way
to agree, to say I did.
May Allah forgive me.
And to release
your mind and yourself
from the responsibility.
we have some people,
they did wrong,
and they did bad actions,
and they abused
to make themselves
an innocent.
says, When you when you do something wrong,
this is our
to do wrong.
Because prophet Muhammad mentioned
the hadith
in Sahih Muslim.
You will be amazed
when you hear this hadith
that he said, Osama bin
said, By Allah, if you do not do
let there have Allah who be good.
Replace all of you by other other people.
If you do not do mistakes
because the idea is,
if the person really become very pious
and he did not do mistakes
in his life, which is very good condition.
But look,
he might feel proud of himself
or herself.
I never did mistake. You know? And he
might show
up after that. But the one who do
all the time,
he's afraid.
If Allah
take his souls out of his body,
he might die as
this believer,
and he will be afraid all the time.
Oh, Allah, forgive me. Oh, Allah,
I ask you for forgiveness.
I seek refuge. Protect me.
And this is the idea.
If you do mistakes and repent back to
this is the easiest way
for yourself.
But the problem,
when we do mistakes
and we try to make ourselves
and to blame others
and to make them guilty,
And this is the biggest
sin that Allah subhanahu wa'ala is against.
You know that he is a sin innocent,
and you know that you are guilty.
And this is what happened for Tawma ibn
He's told,
and he knows that he is guilty. And
he knows that the Jew is innocent,
and he abused him.
And the Quran was revealed
to support justice.
Whatever. The one who has
has the right,
it doesn't matter if he is a Muslim
or not.
You know? But he has the the truth.
He has the right.
He is innocent.
In the end of the story,
Allah subhanahu alaikhs
claimed, if anyone put himself
in the other side
the side of Rasulullah
the truth was clear
for him.
Al Ijma'a. Al Ijma'a, the 3rd source of
our religion. We have the first source is
the Quran. The second source is the sunnah
of Rasulullah
The third source of our religion is an
The opinion of the scholars,
all of them, they agree
with the a certain
This is Ijma'a.
It's not.
Even Al Imam al Shafi'i,
he did the statement. He said, if anyone
has different opinion in any,
different than the,
he is not
a real Muslim
real Muslim because it's very clear
why he has
a strange opinion
against all the opinions of the companions, all
the opinions of the scammers.
We will live leave him
or her to do whatever
they want,
and this is the proof
that we have free will.
you know, do whatever you want.
But you have to know,
there is a time
you will stand in front of Allah
by yourself
alone, and even you will not be able
to speak out
your skin
and your legs, your hands, your legs will
speak out
in behalf of you.
If you try to cheat others, it's up
to you. If you try to train yourself
how to be honest,
it's also up to you.
And this is the whole point today.
We have some people, they abuse prophet Muhammad
sallallahu alaihi wa sallam, and they abused his
legal ways.
And they said, we will follow whatever we
have in the Quran.
That's it.
We should not follow any other source
for our religion.
And they advised
give me a verse in the Quran to
say how to pray.
How did we learn
the way of the prayers, how to pray?
How many cycles we should pray every day?
When we have
the third one,
the leaders amongst you.
But he did not put the word of.
His sunnah,
if we deny his sunnah to say we
have to believe in the Quran only,
how come
we will have only the half of the
The one who
claimed that
he or she will have the half of
religion, not the complete religion.
And Allah
if you really
would like for Allah to love you,
you have to follow
the footsteps
of your beloved prophet Muhammad,
May Allah
help all of us out to understand
our correct religion
and to act as a real Muslims
and to follow the footsteps
of our beloved prophet Muhammad
I need your
help, all of you,
just especially who has
a nature,
has children
years and old.
We got
a good,
price for,
Prophet Muhammad.
Please don't hesitate.
If you have
a child
or children
15 years and older,
see Imam
as soon as possible.
The trip will be in the winter break,
in the end of September, the beginning of
is very high season of Umrah, and this
is very high high price.
But, Alhamdulillah,
helped us out to get get a good
The idea is
we will have fundraising.
Yeah. Don't be surprised. We will have fundraising
to send your child
to make umrah and to see the historical
places in Mecca and Medina.
We did fundraising to build the Masjid,
and we need to make fundraising to build
the good character
of Muslims.
This is very important.
You you the parents will pay,
you know,
the the amount,
but we will have fundraising
for the the the youth who is not
able to go to make umrah financially
for his family, for his his parents. He
the price.
You know, this is for the sake of
Allah. If you really would like to give
a unique gift for your child,
that just think about
Boys or girls,
15 years old and up,
their college students and high school
We have to have 25 seats
to have the same rate that they gave
us at.
We always have 15 of them.
Yeah. If you are interested,
just sign your sign name
for for the youth by themselves,
sign your name. We need your passport to
be ready
within a month,
and the down payment
will be $500
down payment.
to reserve your spot, to reserve your seat
for the trip. It will be
a trip for our human.
Parents are not allowed
in this trip.
This is for only you.
And it's if you are the decision maker,
if you would like to help your children,
you know, to imitate the prophet Muhammad salallahu
alaihi wa sallam, and to to follow his
or not, this is up to you. But,
you know, we need to help the idea,
the new idea almost hard
It's to we it only
the few people will support it.
But when we have it every year,
you would
see the result of this trip
in our community, especially
for our next generation.
We have the Seerah seminar tomorrow
between Madril and Ishaq.
for the community,
for adult, and for parents, for youth.
We have we we will make as a
as a as a.
We I will sign sign sign the letter.
Yes. Yes. He will.