Salem Al Amry – Lesson 91 Weekly Class Virtues of Islam
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The conversation covers the history and importance of Islam, including its natural beauty and natural ways. The Shaykh is viewed as a natural partner and a natural person, and the natural beauty of Islam is discussed. The importance of testing one's behavior and emotions to determine success in shaping behavior is emphasized, as well as the importance of protecting their heart and faith in Islam. The speaker emphasizes the need to be mindful of one's actions and avoid sin and money. The importance of forgiveness for sinful behavior is also emphasized.
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As-salāmu ʿalaykum.
Wa-alaykum as-salāmu ʿalaykum wa-rahmatullāhi wa
How are you, Shaykh?
Fine, al-ḥamdu liLlāh.
In shā'a Llāh, we will get started
with the lesson.
In shā'a Llāh.
Al-ḥamdu liLlāhi Rabbi l-'ālimīn.
Al-ḥamdu liLlāhi Rabbi l-'ālimīn.
Wa-ṣ-ṣalātu wa-s-salāmu ʿalá Rasūlu
Wa-alá ʿālihi wa-sahbihi ajma'īn.
Wa-alá ʿālihi wa-sahbihi ajma'īn.
Today, we are covering the virtues of Islām
by Muḥammad ibn Abdullāh al-Raḥmāni al-'Alī.
Just a quick reminder, please take notes, listen
attentively, and send your questions over to the
co-host throughout the course of the lesson.
With that said, I'll pass it back to
the Shaykh to start the lesson.
Wa-raḥmatullāhi fi-kum, jizākum Allāhu khayrun, As
-salāmu ʿalaykum wa-rahmatullāhi wa-barakātuhu.
Wa-alaykum as-salāmu wa-rahmatullāhi wa-barakātuhu.
Bismi Llāhi r-Raḥmāni r-Raḥīm.
Inna al-ḥamdu liLlāhi ahmaduhu wa-nasta'īnu
Wa-naʿūdu biLlāhi min sharūri anfusinā.
Wa-min sayyi'āti a'mādinā.
Innahuma yahdihillāhu falā mudhillalāhi.
Wa-min yudhlil falā hādi'alāhi.
Wa-ashhadu an-lā ilāha illā Llāh wahdahu
la sharikah.
Wa-ashhadu an-nā Muḥammadan abduhu wa-rasūluhu.
Amma baʿdu fa-inna ʿaṣṭaqa al-ḥadīth kitabu
Llāhi taʿalā.
Wa-khayra al-hajji hajji Muḥammadin ṣallá Llāhu
ʿalayhi wa-sallam.
Wa-sharru l-ummūri muhdathatuhā.
Wa-kulla muhdathatin bid'ah.
Wa-kulla bid'atin dhalālah.
Wa-kulla dhalālatin fin-nār.
Amma baʿad Madh'ib brothers and sisters in
Today is our weekly class, Fadā'il and
The Virtues of Islām.
By Shaykh Muḥammad Abdu'l-Wahāb.
And we reach where the author is saying,
Fa-ʿabū qawli Llāhi taʿalā.
Fa-ʿaqim wajhaka li-d-dīni ḥanīfā.
This is the title of the chapter of
the topic the Shaykh is going to address.
The āyah and surah of Umm number 30.
Allah says, Fa-ʿaqim wajhaka li-d-dīni
Fitratallāhi l-latī fatara-n-nāsa ʿalayha.
Lā tabidīla li-khalqillā.
Dhālika d-dīnu l-qayyimu wa-lākinna akthara
-n-nāsi lā yaʿlamu.
So be steadfast in faith in all uprightness,
O Prophet.
The natural way of Allah, which He has
instilled in all people.
Let there be no change in this creation
of Allah.
That is the straight way that most people
do not know.
So the Shaykh here, he used this āyah.
In which Allah Subh'anaHu Wa Ta-A
'la is inviting mankind to follow
the monotheistic creed.
The creed that Ibrahim Alayhi Salām was upon.
Which is the fitrah that Allah Subh'anaHu
Wa Ta-A'la embedded in each human
of us and every human being.
Fa-ʿaqim wajhaka li-d-dīni ḥanīfā.
Adhere and abide by the monotheistic religion.
And this is the fitrah that Allah Subh
'anaHu Wa Ta-A'la created us upon.
It is this natural disposition.
And that cannot be changed.
La-ʾabdīla l-Ḥabbi-llāh.
And we should not listen to the Cursed
One who commands us to try to play
with God's creation.
Whether in this body, playing with your own
body, modifying it through surgical operations.
As, you know, women they are doing.
For the sake of beauty.
Or by playing with God's creation in laboratories.
Where they are playing with the hormones, with
the chromosomes, etc.
Because once we, a human being, started to
put his hand in Allah's creation and try
to modify, the results will be destructive results
and fatal.
Many of you maybe read about the story
of the goat, the dolly, the goat.
Where they did the cloning.
The poor goat didn't survive, die.
Because when you clone a human being, that
cell which you took from that human being
carries all the characteristics and traits of that
particular human being.
So that cell, the age of it, is
the age of that particular human being.
So this child who is born, he will
be having the same characteristics.
From day one he is the age of
the owner of the cell.
That's why Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala, he
warned us, said don't try to change and
modify Allah's creation.
And that is exactly what the shaitan promised
and said I will command them to change
Allah's creation and try to modify.
And this fitra, this
manifesto, all prophets they were on.
And Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala says also
in Surah Al-Baqarah, the author mentioned, ayah
132 So
Ibrahim alayhi salam, he advised his own children
and Yaqub alayhi salam, this was the advice
of Abraham as well as Jacob to his
Indeed Allah has chosen for you this faith,
so do not die except in the state
of Islam, full submission.
Also Allah says in Surah An-Nahl, this
is a recap I think.
Then we revealed to you, O Prophet, saying,
follow the faith and the Millah and the
religion of Abraham, the Abqai, who was not
one of the polytheists.
And we wrote about that, that Ibrahim was
not one of the mushrik and he was
not endowed and all the things that he
said were for his people, just for the
sake of argument.
And Ibn Mas'ud radiallahu anhu anna Rasool
Allah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam qal, inna likulli
nabiyyin wulaatun mina nabiyyin, wa ana waliyi minhum
Abi Ibrahim wa Khalil Rabbin.
This is in Musnad Ahmad and also Tirmidhi.
Then he read, thumma qara'a, inna awlan
nasi bi Ibrahima lalladhina attaba'uhu wahadha an
-nabiyyu wa alladhina amanu, wallahu waliyu l-mu'mineen.
Wahaj Tirmidhi wa Ahmad wa sahahahu l-albaniyu
fi sahih sunan abidaw.
Ibn Mas'ud, may Allah be pleased with
him, said, Allah's Messenger sallallahu alayhi wa sallam
said, Verily, certainly, every prophet has supporters,
allies from among Allah's prophets, and my wali
from among them is Ibrahim, my Lord's Khalil.
Then he read, indeed those who have the
best claim to Ibrahim are his followers, this
prophet Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, and the
believers, and Allah is the guardian of those
who believe.
So this beautiful hadith, here
the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam is making
it clear that your wali, the one whom
you should take as supporter, as an ally,
you should only take believers.
So your supporters, your helpers, should not be
disbelievers, because they cannot be, and you cannot
trust them.
You cannot trust them, they can betray you
Abu Musa al-Ash'ari, may Allah be
pleased with him, has taken a non-Muslim
as a writer during the reign of Sayyidina
Umar bin Al-Khattab.
So he was writing the confidential documents, and
he's not a Muslim, so how can you
trust him to write official letters?
So when the news reached Sayyidina Umar, may
Allah be pleased with him, he wrote a
very strong letter to Abu Musa, telling him,
Why have you taken a non-Muslim scribe,
a writer?
Why didn't you take a believer, a monotheistic
Abu Musa replied, I have nothing to do
with his belief, I only recruited him for
his writing, for writing for us.
Sayyidina Umar replied, Don't bring them closer when
Allah kept them distance.
Allah didn't say they should be close to
you, because Allah said, Your
wali is Allah, that they should be close
to, and then his messenger, and then the
So he didn't make them close to you.
So don't draw them near to you when
Allah kept them far away from you.
And do not trust them when Allah said
they are not trustworthy.
So here, the Prophet ﷺ is telling us,
Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala has taken the
promise and the undertaking from all the prophets
and messengers to support the Prophet ﷺ.
He took from them, I am, there will
be a Prophet.
So if anyone was at his time, you
should support him.
This is what Allah took from all the
prophets and messengers, and all expressed their readiness
to do so.
And because of this, Hafiz ibn Hajar Asqalani,
he used this hadith to refute that al
-Khidr died, to refute the claim that al
-Khidr is alive, and by using this hadith,
he said al-Khidr died and he was
not alive.
Because if he is still alive, he should
come to the Prophet ﷺ and support him,
because al-Khidr is a prophet.
So al-Khidr, alayhi salam, he passed away.
Otherwise he would have come, and he would
have supported, and he would have given the
allegiance to the Prophet ﷺ.
The Prophet ﷺ, he said, when he saw
Sayyidina Umar ibn al-Khattab reading some pages
of the Torah, Sayyidina Umar was engrossed, totally
absorbed reading it, and he didn't see the
signs of anger on the face of the
Prophet ﷺ.
So someone drew Sayyidina Umar's attention, said, may
your mother lose you, don't you see the
facial expressions of the Prophet ﷺ?
So when Umar became attentive and aware, the
Prophet ﷺ told him, are you in doubt,
O son of al-Khattab?
So you are seeking guidance elsewhere in the
I have brought to you this message of
Islam, so clear, pure, non
-ambiguity, free from any flaws and defects.
If Moses himself, upon whom the Torah was
revealed and the Torah was given to, if
he were alive, he would not have any
chance or option except to follow me.
So here the Prophet ﷺ is saying, barely
every Prophet has supporters and allies from among
Allah's Prophets, and my wali from among them
is Ibrahim, and the one from among all
the Prophets that he is very close to
me and I am very close to him
is my father.
So Ibrahim is the father of the Prophets,
his children are Prophets, and Muhammad ﷺ is
a descendant of Ismail, so Ibrahim is his
father, because in Arabic your grandfather is your
Abu Ibrahim wa Khalil Rabbi, and he is
the Khalil of Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala,
and the Khalil is the intimate friend, the
close friend, and the Prophet ﷺ is also
Khalilullah, but many Muslims, if
you ask them who is Khalilullah, they say
Ibrahim ﷺ, but also the Prophet ﷺ is
Then the Prophet ﷺ he read the ayah
68 of al-Imran, So
those who have the best claim to Ibrahim
ﷺ, of course his followers, and then Prophet
Muhammad ﷺ, and then us the believers, the
followers of the Prophet ﷺ.
We have the right, we are the followers
of Ibrahim ﷺ.
This du'a we say every day as
Muslims when we rise from
our slaves, we are upon the fitrah, we
are upon the deen of our Prophet ﷺ,
and the millah, the creed of Ibrahim ﷺ.
Allah is the waleen, the protector, the guardian
of the believers.
The Prophet ﷺ told the Sahaba in one
of the battles, when the mushriks are saying,
okay, that lata and uzda are our protectors,
the Prophet ﷺ told the Sahaba to say,
Allah is our mawla, Allah is our guardian,
Allah is our protector.
You don't have any protector.
Abu Huraira may Allah
be pleased with them, Abdurrahman ibn Sakhr, a
Dawsi from the tribe of Dawj, his name
is Abdurrahman ibn Sakhr.
Abu Huraira, the father of Huraira, the father
of the kitchen, is only a title, laqab,
because he used to carry a small kitchen
with him.
So Abu Huraira, may Allah be pleased with
him, the messenger of Allah ﷺ said, Allah
does not look at your figures, nor at
your attire, but He looks at your hearts
and deeds.
Let us reflect on this, this beautiful hadith.
Allah ﷻ, He made the criterion, the
scale or the standard, the yardstick by which
He judges us, the taqwa, righteousness.
So whoever beats you regarding the
taqwa, by doing more righteous deeds, is better
than you.
So that is the criterion.
It's not your physique, how big you are,
how tall you are, how heavy you are.
No, no.
How pious and righteous you are.
And He singled out the heart, and He
is looking at it.
And the actions of the heart are more
beloved to Him than the actions of the
Because the actions of the heart are so
sincere, very sincere.
Because the actions of the heart, no one
sees them except Allah.
The actions of the heart such as love,
humility, humbleness, bravery, truthfulness,
putting trust in Him, reliance on Him, yaqeen,
These actions of the heart are more beloved
to Allah than the actions that are visible.
Because the actions that are visible, and we
perform them using our limbs, no one can
claim that they are 100% pure for
the sake of Allah.
Shaitan is there to spoil them.
Maybe you start your salah focusing purely for
the sake of Allah, then somebody enters and
you started prolonging your salah so that that
person will say mashallah.
But the deeds that are not seen, Allah
loves them.
So that's why, my dear brothers and sisters,
we need to work hard on our hearts
and make sure that the heartily acts and
actions are truly for Him.
So Allah does not look to your physique,
your body, or your wealth, how wealthy you
are or how rich you are.
That's not the criteria.
A person who has millions or billions, actually,
that's not an evidence per se in itself
that Allah loves him.
Allah is testing him, that's it.
So if you are well off, it doesn't
mean Allah loves you.
Allah has given you this wealth to be
tested, how you are going to spend it,
how you are going to use it.
Are you going to use it in doing
good deeds, good actions, helping the needy, the
poor, the destitute?
How are you going to spend this money
in doing haram?
So having money doesn't mean Allah loves you.
It's a test for you.
So that's not the criteria because Allah is
giving you money and your business is booming
and you are far away from Allah.
Don't think that Allah is happy with you.
You don't pray and the business is doing
You think Allah is great, he is helping
me, the business is booming and flourishing.
No, Allah is testing you.
And subhanAllah, sometimes you find people who are
far away and then they repented, far away
from the straight path, and then they repented
and started practicing Islam and then things started
to become tougher.
The business is losing the contracts
and now he is in debt.
Allah is testing you.
Are you sincere?
Are you sincere in your repentance?
So Allah is checking you.
Or when I test you, then you decide
not to obey me because you are not
worshipping me, you are worshipping the money.
Because the wisdom behind testing is to check
your sincerity and your truthfulness.
And that's what the hadith says, when
Allah loves anyone of his servants, he loves
him or her, he tests them.
If he passes the test with flying colours,
Allah loves him.
But if he or she goes back on
his heel or her heel, say what is
No, I don't want this, I don't want
this deen, I don't want this.
So, he or she fails in the test.
That's why Allah tests the people according to
their truthfulness and the strength of their faith,
the strength of their iman.
Those who will receive the toughest test are
the Prophets, then those who are close to
them, then those who are close to them.
When it is found that
the faith and iman of this particular person
is strong enough, Allah tells the malayka, increase
his suffering.
Make his exam and his test tougher, so
that he can be promoted higher and higher
in the Jannah.
Because that is the reward.
So, don't think by having a healthy body,
a lot of money, and you are sinning
and you are disobeying Allah, that Allah is
happy with you.
And Allah loves you.
No, no, no, you are mistaken.
Your wealth, Allah does not look at that.
But, He looks to what?
Into your heart.
What is there in that heart?
What's there in that heart?
That's what Allah looks at and He knows.
You can't cheat anyone.
That's why checking one's heart and working and
improving it is very important.
Because this is the most valuable organ.
You need to protect it and anything, any
sin affects it.
All these five senses have conduits, channels, carrying
all the sins into the heart.
The negative effects.
You see haram, black spot in your heart.
You eat haram, black spot in your heart.
Touch haram, black spot in your heart.
All these five senses.
So, you need to guard your heart and
protect it and work on it and keep
it busy and keep the tongue busy with
the food for the heart, which is the
dhikr, the istighfar, tasbih, tahleel, takbeer, reading the
Very late in the remembrance of Allah, the
heart finds sakinah, serenity, peace.
And that's how you strengthen your heart with
the dhikr.
Allah commanded the mujahideen in the battlefield, confronting
their enemies, to remember Allah a lot.
Because that strengthens the heart.
You know the hadith of the woman who
gave water to the thirsty dog.
She was a prostitute.
She felt thirsty, so she came out, went
into the well and drank, and then she
came out.
And she found that thirsty dog licking the
At that particular moment, something happened in her
She felt pity for the thirsty dog.
Allah was watching that heart at that particular
So, she decided to go down and filled
her shoe with water and gave it to
the dog.
Allah loved that particular action of hers.
Allah loved it and He forgave her sins,
all her sins.
She was all the time fornicating, Allah
forgave all her sins.
That deed, Allah loved it, and He did
it sincerely from the bottom of her heart.
Or the man who killed 100 innocent souls,
and now he is heading towards another city,
because the learned man told him, leave this
town or city in which you live, because
the atmosphere incites crime.
Go to another city.
And you know the hadith and the way
he died before reaching.
And the angels of mercy and the angels
of punishment are arguing.
Angels of mercy are saying he should go
to Jannah.
Angels of punishment are saying he should go
to *.
He killed 100 angels of mercy are saying,
but he repented.
Allah sent another angel to judge between them
and told them, measure the distance.
He is closer to the city that he
is heading to, take him to Jannah.
And they found him close to it, to
that city.
Another narration, Allah told that city to become
He was forgiven after he killed 100.
He was sincere.
He repented.
And repentance is here in the heart.
وَلَكِن يَنظُرْ إِلَىٰ قُلُوبِكُ وَعَمَالِكُمْ Allah looks into
our deeds, our actions.
So now one should not say, oh, my
heart, my heart, everything is clear in my
If your heart is clear and pure heart,
heart of gold as they say, that should
be reflected and manifested and shown in your
If you have pure heart, you will not
backbite and slander people.
You will not gossip.
You will not do shameful deeds because your
limbs should reflect what you hold in your
So if your actions are telling us the
opposite, that means your heart is corrupt.
It's not sound, it's not whole because your
deeds should reflect what you hold here.
وَيُرْفَعَنَّ إِلَيَّ رِجَالٌ مِّنْكُمْ حَتَّىٰ إِذَا أَهْوَيْتُ
لِأُنَاوِلَهُمْ أُخْتِرِجُوا دُونِي فَأَقُولُوا أَيْرَبْ أَصْحَابِي
يَقُولُوا لَا تَدْرِي مَا أَعْدَثُوا بَعْدَكَ Very
scary hadith.
Very scary hadith.
And it is from Bukhari Muslim.
Narrated Abdullah ibn Mas'ud, the Prophet ﷺ
said, I am your predecessor at the lake
found Al-Kawthar.
And some men amongst you will be brought
to me, and when I will try to
hand them some water, they will be pulled
away from me by force.
Whereupon I will say, O Lord, my companions,
O my Lord, my companions.
Then the Almighty Allah will say, You do
not know what they did after you left.
They introduced new things into the religion after
This was hadith is scary.
Those who invent in the deen, those who
modify, those who keep adding things, innovations in
the deen, they will be deprived of drinking
from the fountain, from the Kawthar.
The Kawthar, this
pool, this river, this lake found that
was given to the Prophet ﷺ in the
It is water, whiter than the milk, sweeter
than the honey.
Whoever drinks from it will never feel thirsty.
May Allah make us among those who would
drink from it.
The number of cups, glasses, as many as
the number of the stars.
The banks of this river are made of
precious stones.
Because the Prophet ﷺ, you will find your
Prophet on that day, either at the Kawthar
or at the scales, when the deeds are
measured, or at the Sirat.
These are the places.
So he is telling you, I will be
waiting for you to receive you at my
Kawthar, at my lake fountain.
Giving water, giving water to his ummah.
And now imagine, because the Prophet ﷺ was
asked, are you going to recognize us, our
Prophet on that day?
He said, by the size of wudu, the
size of wudu.
The limbs that you wash will be shining.
And now you are going to the fountain
to drink, and all of a sudden someone
pulls you away from the Kawthar.
So much so that the Prophet ﷺ said,
he is from my ummah.
Because he is seeing the sign.
The reply comes back, he is not.
You don't know what they did after you.
You don't know what they did after you.
What they did to the deen, you don't
Because the Prophet ﷺ after his death, he
doesn't know.
I will build for you a house for
a believing people.
And if Allah wills it, you will catch
And I said, we have seen our brothers.
They said, are we not your brothers, O
Messenger of Allah?
He said, you are my companions.
And our brothers who have not yet come.
And they said, how do you know those
who have not yet come from your ummah,
O Messenger of Allah?
He said, would you have seen if a
man had a horse, a donkey, a camel,
between his back, a horse, fat, fat.
Does he not know his horse?
They said, yes, O Messenger of Allah.
He said, they are coming in a group.
They are wearing hijab.
And I have left them on the basin.
Would men not be left on the basin?
Would the lost camel not be left on
the basin?
Would the lost camel not be left on
the basin?
I call them, O people of the Ummah.
And they say, they have changed after you.
And I say, they have changed.
And we, if Allah wills, are about to
join you.
I love to see my brothers.
They, the Sahaba, said, aren't we your brothers,
O Messenger of Allah?
He said, you are my companions.
And our brothers are those who have so
far not come into the world, those who
will come after me.
They said, Messenger of Allah, how would you
recognize those persons of your Ummah who have
not yet been born?
He said, supposing a man had horses with
white blazes on foreheads and legs, white spots
on their foreheads and legs, among horses which
were all black.
Tell me, would he not recognize his own
They said, certainly, O Messenger of Allah.
He said, they would come with white faces.
And arms and legs owing to ablution, because
of the wudu.
And I would arrive at the cistern, the
fountain, before them.
Some people would be driven away from my
fountain as this clay tunnel is driven away.
I would call out, come, come.
Then it will be said to me, these
people chained themselves after you.
They chained themselves after you.
And I would say, be off, be off.
Let us reflect now.
So the Prophet, he paid a visit to
the cemetery, to the graveyard next to the
Masjid al-Baqiyah.
And this is what we say when we
visit the graveyard.
As-salamu alaykum, dara qawmin mu'mineen.
Antum min as-sabiqin wa inna insha'Allah
bikum lahikun.
Nasa'Allah lana wa lakum al-afiyah.
So here, as-salam, when you say as
-salamu alaykum, this is dua.
It's not the salutation or the greeting.
Because as-salam is one of the names.
So you are invoking Allah Subh'anaHu Wa
Ta-A'la to grant them peace and
safety and security in their graves.
Because the dead people, they do not hear.
Because many people misunderstand and think the dead,
they hear.
No, the dead, they do not hear.
Allah says, wa ma anta bi muslimeen man
fil quboor.
You cannot make the dead in the grave
hear you.
You cannot.
Amwat ghayru ahyaa wa ma yash'uroona ayaana
They are dead, not alive.
And they don't know when they will be
That's why Sayyidina Umar, listen to this carefully.
Sayyidina Umar ibn al-Khattab, after
the Battle of Badr, you know the Battle
of Badr, the chiefs of Quraysh died.
The heads of Kufr, Abu Jahl, Umar ibn
al-Khattab, and their bodies were thrown into
a dry well of water.
After a few days, the Prophet ﷺ came
out and he stood on the edge of
the well and he talked to the dead
people, mentioning their names, oh so and so.
Have you found what Allah mentioned true?
I found what Allah promised true.
Sayyidina Umar ibn al-Khattab was confused.
He said, oh Prophet of Allah, they are
dead, they don't hear you.
Because Sayyidina Umar ibn al-Khattab, understand this
very subtle point.
It is known to Sayyidina Umar that the
dead, they do not hear.
That's why he is now raising the question.
They don't hear the dead, they do not
So how, oh Prophet of Allah, are you
talking to them now?
Either Sayyidina Umar was correct or wrong.
If he was wrong, the Prophet would have
corrected him.
But he didn't correct him.
Actually, he approved of what Sayyidina Umar said.
But Sayyidina Umar was not aware what is
happening is an exception.
What is happening here is a miracle.
What is happening here is something special for
the Prophet salallahu alaihi wa sallam.
So the Prophet told him, now they hear
Another narration, Allah brought them into life to
make them hear.
Yes, Umar, under normal circumstances, they do not
But here, it's different.
They hear me.
But the dead, they do not hear.
The person, when we lower him into his
grave, he hears us, he hears the footsteps
of the people when they are leaving.
That moment he hears the footsteps when the
people are moving, leaving.
After that, he doesn't hear.
The Prophet said, that moment, he hears.
After that, the dead, they do not hear.
As-salamu alaikum.
Peace be upon you, all inhabitants of this
abode of the believers.
By God willing, we will soon join you.
Then he said, I wish I met, I
wish I met my brothers.
Companions said, aren't we your brothers or Allah's
He said, no.
You are my companions.
My brothers are going to come.
They're not born yet.
They're not.
Generations to come.
Then he was asked, and how are you
going to recognize them for Prophet of Allah?
So he told them, if you have horses
with batches, white, okay, signs on their foreheads,
okay, or on their legs, and they are
among dark and black horses, will it be
difficult for you to recognize your own horses?
They said, no, of course, we will recognize
our horses.
He said, similarly, my ummah on that day,
the places of wudu, their faces, their hands,
will be shining, will be white.
So that's how I recognize them.
And I will receive them at my fountain
Then he said, and some men, they will
be pulled away from my fountain.
In the same way, you stop this stray
camel, you know, you have your own camels
and you are giving them water.
Then a camel of somebody else came and
wants to drink along with your camels.
So you chase it away.
So some of his ummah will be chased
away, pulled away, taken away from the fountain.
Lord, the prophet is telling them, come.
Angels are pulling them and taking them away.
And they tell the prophet, they have changed
the deen, modified the deen, changed the deen.
Go to them, go to them, be of,
be of.
So my dear brothers and sisters, if you
want to drink from the kawthar, follow the
sunnah, abide by the sunnah of the prophet.
Don't modify, don't add, don't innovate, don't invent.
Just follow the footsteps of the prophet.
May Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala keep us
remain steadfast on this beautiful deen until we
meet our Rabb and find him pleased with
all of us.
May Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala forgive us
our faults, mistakes, ignorance.
May Allah bless us with the beneficial knowledge
and righteous deeds.
And may Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala guide
our ummah to the haqq and unite our
hearts in the haqq.
And may Allah reward all of you, my
dear brothers and sisters, immensely for your patience
and attendance.
BarakAllahu feekum.
JazakumAllahu khaira.
Wassalamu alaikum wa rahmatullahi wa barakatuh.
I think the admin is not there.
So please forward your questions.
Forward your questions.
The question says, what lesson do we actually
get from the stories like the story of
the prostitute who fed, who gave water to
the thirsty dog and the man who killed
99 and then he completed and made them
100 and they were admitted to paradise.
What we learn from these hadith, Allah's mercy
is so vast.
And when someone repents sincerely, Allah subhanahu wa
ta'ala washes away and wipes away his
sins or her sins.
This is Allah's rahmah.
This is God's mercy.
Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala, he loves you
more than your own mother.
Imagine that.
So you should not despair of Allah's mercy.
No matter what you did.
The door is still open for you.
Is it possible Allah will accept me?
Yes, Allah will accept you.
Don't let the cursed one, Satan, to make
you despair, despair of Allah's mercy.
Because Satan is a crafty guy and he
knows what to do.
So he wants you to continue sinning.
So he magnifies your sin and tells you
there is no chance for you.
You are destined, you are destined to *.
You are going to the * fire.
So he wants you to despair so that
you will continue sinning.
Don't fall into that trap.
When Satan whispers to you, say no.
Allah will forgive me.
Allah encompasses everything in his mercy.
O my servants who wronged themselves and
crossed their boundaries in committing sins.
Do not despair of Allah's mercy.
Because despairing of Allah's mercy is kufr.
To despair of Allah's mercy is disbelief, blasphemy.
Because you think your sins are too many
and Allah cannot forgive them.
Allah forgives everything.
Nothing is difficult for Him.
That's why in the hadith O son
Adam, will you cease to reach the clouds?
Imagine this hadith.
Your sins become something material.
And they have filled the entire planet.
The whole earth.
And now they are piling up and hitting
the clouds.
If you have that colossal amount, number of
sins, Allah will forgive them.
As long as you meet Him without associating
any partner with Him.
So Allah's mercy is so vast.
When you repent and turn to Allah, Allah
forgives all your sins.
When you revert to Islam and you become
a Muslim, all the sins you committed in
the past are washed away.
So that's what we learned from this hadith.
That the door for the sinners to repent
is open 24-7.
All the time.
Allah descends every night in the last third
of the night in a manner that suits
His Majesty and Glory.
And He asks anyone wants me to forgive
Oh ha?
Anyone wants anything?
Every night.
So that's what we learn Alhamdulillah that Allah
is Al-Ghafoor Al-Raheem.
Allah is the most merciful, the most kind.
In the hadith Qudsi Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta
'ala says Inna Rahmati Taghlubu Ghadrabi Inna Rahmati
Taghlubu Ghadrabi My mercy precedes my anger and
my mercy overcomes my anger.
I hope this is clear to the questioner.
Question says how do we determine the amount
for fidya expiation for someone who lives in
the UK but is paying for the fidya
expiation for their elderly father who lives abroad.
If it is money, can you give money
all at once or does it have to
be paid daily?
If money is not allowed what should one
buy and could it be abroad for the
whole month or should it be giving daily?
Alhamdulillah the one who is not able to
fast for example so for every day you
feed one poor fellow person okay for every
day a meal full meal full meal so
you see the full meal how much is
going to cost one and you there are
many options you can feed the on daily
basis or you can pay all in one
go you can evaluate the price of the
meal and if you want to send it
to where your father lives and there they
can buy the food and or cook the
food and give to the poor family or
poor person so there are leeway and there
are room here and it is there is
a flexibility and it has to be food
it has to be food you feed them
you buy you evaluate its price and then
you buy food and give it and you
feed this poor family and can it be
giving to one person or different okay alhamdulillah
you can you have different options here you
can do that and keep feeding one person
or you can provide 30 ones and feed
them in one go as you like i
hope this is clear to the questioner is
it allowed to give zakah money for the
maintenance of graveyards no see my dear brothers
and sisters the zakah allah distributed it himself
it's not left to us so the categories
are known categories are known many people that
try to solve all the problems of the
ummah by the zakah no and some of
these charity organizations they take the zakah of
the people but they don't spend it as
allah said either they will take the money
from you and buy food for the poor
families in a particular country that's wrong you
have no right to do that you have
to pass the money that was given to
you to the poor families they know their
needs better than you they know their needs
better than you you give them the money
and it's up to them now it is
their money now to buy food to pay
the fees of the schools the bills of
electricity and electricity whatever it is their own
money but to buy food and give it
to them that's not your right and you
are not carrying the amanah the trust that
was given to you you should not do
this okay you were giving the money give
it to the poor as money you were
giving food give it to them as you
received it I hope this is clear so
the graveyards schools hospitals the orphanages orphanages etc
now did we come from the like
what's up group mix both yonder is something
haram why there should be a chart between
the opposite checks why listen sisters my
advice for you never ever get
closer to men and never ever someone who
is not your own him he is
he is a student of knowledge stay away
just in the same way the prophet said
stay away from places where there are women
do not enter places where there are women,
you should do the same thing.
They are men, stay away from that.
You should behave like the two daughters of
You should be pious like the two daughters
of Prophet Shu'ayb.
When Musa alayhi salam, you know, he arrived
at Madyan and he saw a group of
people watering their animals, giving water to their
And he saw two girls far away from
the men, tending their sheep.
He approached them and he asked them, what's
the problem?
He said, we do not give water to
our sheep until all the people leave.
So the well is free.
We don't mix with men.
And our father is old person.
So Musa alayhi salam, he looked around, he
saw another well covered with the lid.
He removed and carried the lid with one
He threw the bucket, filled it with water
and filled the pool with water.
And he told them, now you can, the
well, that well is free.
And they gave water to their flock of
sheep and they returned.
The father was surprised because they came early.
He said, what happened?
You know, they told him the story.
And one of them said, my father, after
she informed him, he said, go and call
She went.
Musa alayhi salam, he was sitting in the
shade of a tree and he prayed to
Allah, okay, to bless him, highest woman, wife.
So one of them came walking modestly.
She was shy.
She said, my father is inviting you to
He told her, walk behind me, Musa alayhi
Don't walk in front of me.
Because if a woman is walking in front
of you and the shaitan is there, so
you will be just watching her body.
So he told her, walk behind me.
And when you want me to turn right,
throw a stone to the right, left to
the left until we reach.
Don't talk to me.
And she did.
And now they arrived.
So the girl said to her father, oh,
my father, hire him.
He's trustworthy.
And he is an honest person.
And he is strong.
The ulama, they said he came to know
about his strength when he lifted the lid,
the cover of the well.
And that he is ameen, trustworthy when he
told her, walk behind me.
So my sisters behave like these two highest
women, girls.
Don't mix with men.
Stay away from them.
When a man is with a woman, shaitan
is there, even on the net.
We don't see each other.
Only we hear each other.
Or only text.
That's how the shaitan will be pulling your
Even if you are in a group, then
you will have private chat.
And the shaitan will pull your leg.
Then you start using the sound voice message.
Then you will be asking each other to
switch the webcam on.
And then to meet and then to commit
So fear Allah.
Stay away from mixing with men.
Men are hungry wolves.
A man, any man, when he's with a
woman, he is only thinking of one thing,
how to get her to bed.
That's the truth.
If he is having a manhood, he is
gayish, that's different.
Okay, regarding the fidya, what I meant by
evaluate the cost, you see the cost of
the meal.
If you are going to have this meal,
buy this meal from a restaurant, how much
is it going to cost?
To cost this meal, full meal, meat, rice,
That's what I meant.
Next question, please.
This brings us to the end of today's
May Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala bless you,
protect you.
May Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala elevate your
status in this world and in Jannatul Naeem.
Until we meet insha'Allah in the coming
session, I leave you in Allah's company and