Salem Al Amry – Lesson 89 Weekly Class Virtues of Islam
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May Allah bless you all for your attendance.
Today we are covering the virtues of Islam
by Muhammad bin Abdul Wahab.
Just a quick reminder, please take notes, listen
attentively and send your questions over to me
throughout the course of the lesson.
With that said, I'll hand it back to
the Sheikh to start the
Jews will enter paradise.
The Christians saying no, only those who are
Christians will enter paradise.
So Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala drew their
attention to the fact that the Torah and
the Injil, the Torah and the Gospel, the
Torah with the Jews, which means Torah means
the law, like the five books in the
Old Testament.
And the Gospel or the glad news, the
Injil, Evangel, was given to Isa, which the
Christians now they say it is the New
We Muslims believe in the original Torah that
was given to Musa alayhi salam, and we
believe in the original Gospel that was given
to Isa alayhi salam.
So Allah is addressing them, telling them, all
people of the scripture, and he addressed them
with this title, Ya Ahlul Kitab, you are
not unlettered nation like the Arabs.
You are unlettered people, learned men, yet you
are arguing about Ibrahim alayhi salam.
Ya Ahlul Kitab, why are you arguing
about Ibrahim alayhi salam, who is the father
of the Prophets?
They are his descendants.
The Torah was
given to Musa later on.
So how you want to ascribe Ibrahim to
you, that he is upon what you are
upon, when he preceded you?
It doesn't make sense.
He preceded you, the former, not the former
to the latter.
Ibrahim alayhi salam, the Torah was given to
Musa alayhi salam on the Mount of Sinai,
and the Gospel was given to Isa alayhi
salam later on.
Then Allah told them, don't you have
intellect, intelligence, don't you think, do you not
And the ayaat continue, haa
antum haa ula'i haa jajatum fee maa
lakum bihi ilm, fa lima tuhajjuna fee maa
laysa lakum bihi ilm, fa lima tuhajjuna fee
maa laysa lakum bihi ilm, wa allahu ya
'lamu, a'atum la ta'lamu ilm.
Here you are, you disputed about what you
have little knowledge, you have little of knowledge,
but why do you now argue about what
you have no knowledge of?
Allah knows and you don't know.
Let us reflect.
So see how Allah reasons with them and
argues with them.
In the previous ayah, Allah told them, don't
you understand that Ibrahim alayhi salam was before
Musa alayhi salam, before the Torah and the
Injil, don't you understand?
And you are supposed to know this.
And they know that.
So then why?
Why did they argue with each other?
It is the hawa, yes, it is the
When you know the truth and yet try
to act otherwise, then Allah
says, here you are, okay?
Here you are, arguing again, here
you are, you disputed about what you have,
you have little knowledge, because
you are people of the scripture and knowledge
others they don't have.
For example, the Arabs, unlettered nation, so when
they hear the Jews or the Christians say
something, they say they are people of the
book, learned men, we don't have any scripture
or any book.
I mentioned to you the story of Sayyidina
Umar when he married a woman from among
the Ansar and he slept with his wife
in a different position and there was a
rumor in Medina if a man sleeps with
his wife in a position different than the
normal position, then the child will be cockeyed,
will be having problems with his eyes.
So this was the rumor in Medina, the
Arabs they got it, so they said we
hear it from our neighbors.
So they are people of the scripture, so
maybe there is some truth in it.
And you know, then Sayyidina Umar came to
the Prophet of Allah and he said, oh
Prophet of Allah, I have changed the saddle
of my mount, the saddle of my horse,
the Prophet of Allah understood what he meant
and the Qur'an came down addressing that
Your women are your telling, so approach your
telling in whatever position you like as long
as it is in the place of the
telling where a child will live and that
is the proper place.
So here Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala is
reminding the people of the scripture, you people
you have knowledge and yet you are arguing,
though you know and you have the knowledge,
so you disputed about what you have literal
knowledge of, you argued
about something you know of and you were
mistaken and now you are arguing about something
you have no clue, you have no knowledge
of it and this is very dangerous when
you argue about something you don't know.
This is haram from an Islamic perspective, Allah
subhanahu wa ta'ala tells
us, which you are not certain of.
The hearing, the seeing and the heart, all
these faculties will be questioned about what you
say, when you do not say I don't
know, don't speculate, it's haram.
So here Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala is
telling them, why do you, why do you
now argue about what you have no knowledge
of and this is the lesson for us
when we read the Quran, when you don't
know, ask, don't argue, ask, why
are you doing this, this is sunnah, mashallah
sunnah, yes, can you share with me the
evidence, here it is, not that you criticise
something because you don't know and it's the
first time you see it in your life,
ask, ask, as the Prophet sallallahu alaihi wa
sallam said in the hadith, the cure and
the remedy for the ignorant is to ask,
to ask, this is hadith authentic, the cure
for someone who is ignorant is to ask,
ask, because the Prophet sallallahu alaihi wa sallam
said this, when one of the Sahaba died,
he had wounds in his head and he
had wet dreams, he had wet dreams, so
he asked the Sahaba with him, I cannot
take a shower because there are wounds in
my head and this is going to harm
me, can I perform tayammum, they said no,
you have to take a shower, so he
took a shower, he took a bath and
he died, who killed him, those who gave
the fatwa, they killed him, because of their
ignorance, they killed him, because they gave
fatwa without ilm, without knowledge, they killed him,
so the Prophet sallallahu alaihi wa sallam when
the news reached him, he said, they killed
him, may Allah kill them, why didn't they
ask the people of knowledge, when they don't
have, the remedy for the ignorant
is to ask, let us learn from this
hadith, ask, you don't not ask, Allah tells
us, ask the people of knowledge when you
don't not ask, Sahaba, of course
they were disciplined, well disciplined, so when they
asked the Prophet, they asked him occasionally and
when there is a chance for them, so
if someone wants to ask the Prophet sallallahu
alaihi wa sallam, he will wait and find
a chance and then he will ask, but
if a Bedouin comes, Bedouin, an Arabi comes,
this Arabi, he doesn't know the etiquette, he
doesn't know anything, so immediately he will ask
the Prophet sallallahu alaihi wa sallam, so the
Sahaba, they would feel happy, oh there is
an Arabi today there, he is going to
ask and we are going to learn benefits,
so this Bedouin will immediately ask the Prophet
sallallahu alaihi wa sallam and the Prophet sallallahu
alaihi wa sallam will answer him and the
Sahaba will benefit and learn, Allah
is blaming the people of the scriptures, here
you are, you disputed about what you have
little knowledge of, why do you now argue
about what you have no knowledge of, you
are not supposed to argue, something you don't
know, then Allah ended the ayat, and
Allah knows, you don't know, and this is
what we should keep in mind always, Allah
knows and you don't know, how many ignorant
Muslims they argue and object when they are
ignorant, they don't have knowledge, I'm not convinced,
this doesn't make sense to me, Subhanallah, who
are you, first of all know your limits,
you are so jahil, you are ignorant, you
have this compound ignorance, you don't know that
you don't know, this is your problem, and
you talk about Islam and arguing and be
humble, come and learn your deen, learn your
deen and then you can argue, if you
have ilm, now you are ignorant, you have
no right, you are not authorized, you have
no knowledge, once a man asked
Shaykh al-Bani, oh Shaykh al-Bani, you
may say about this hadith is weak, why,
why is it weak, Shaykh Nasser, the ulama
they know him very well, if you want
to debate and argue with him, soon he
will put you in the corner, soon, if
you want to know this, listen to some
of his debates, so immediately he told the
man, did you study mustalah, you know mustalah
al-hadith, ilm al-hadith, he said no,
then he said keep quiet, keep quiet, study
then come, which is true, very true, the
man doesn't know if he tells him this
hadith is weak because of this narrator, and
the problem with this narrator is this, and
he doesn't know, he doesn't know anything like
this, these things will go above his head,
he doesn't know, if you don't know, then
you don't ask such questions, subhanallah, once
a man came to him and he's saying
I know the unseen, I know the ghayb,
he said there are certain things I kept
in my mind, what are they, he said
what are they, what did you keep secret,
that was the answer, you say you just,
you say you know the unseen, so you
don't know what I, what I had in
my mind or in my heart, so you
don't know the unseen, okay, don't waste my
time, another one came to him and he
said I communicate with the souls of all
the dead people, anyone who passed away I
can call his soul and talk to him,
Sheikh Nasser said you are going to do
me a good favor, I want to talk
to Imam Bukhari, Imam Bukhari, because I have
some questions for him to ask, so this
is my chance, so bring the soul of
Imam Bukhari, he said Sheikh, this is too
difficult for me, I'm not, I'm not, I
will not be able to bring him and
call the soul of Imam Bukhari, see, charlatans,
but Sheikh Nasser rahim Allah, he knew how
to handle them, he knew how to handle
them, and he told this to his student,
and they mentioned this story to you, and
you bear with me, I keep digressing, old
man here and there, but we'll come to
the point, one of the, his early students,
Sheikh Abdul Rahman Abdulsamad rahim Allah, he invited
some of the Sufis in Hama, in Syria,
Mashayikh, and always in their circles and their
private meetings, they say, we see Allah, and
we see the Prophet, everything, they see Allah,
they see the Prophet, that's okay, so he
wanted to teach them a lesson, practical lesson,
so he said, I'm inviting you for lunch,
they accepted, and I told you before, the
famous meal in Syria, Jordan, Palestine, called Mansaf,
the Mansaf, it is bread, rice, and meat,
and of course, cooked in sour milk, no
doubt, delicious meal, and normally, they will put
the bread, then the rice, then the meat
on top, and then they keep pouring the
sour milk on top of it, what Sheikh
Abdul Rahman rahim Allah did, he, with the
bread, the bread, yes, then the meat, then
covered with the rice, and he put the
platter in front of the Mashayikh, and he
stepped out, they looked at each other, what
is the meat, but rice only, so he
entered again, said, Bismillah Mashayikh, start, they said,
oh Sheikh Abdul Rahman, where is the meat,
where is the meat, where is the meat,
he said, Subhanallah, Subhanallah, my Mashayikh, you see
Allah all the time, and you see the
Prophet ﷺ all the time, yet you cannot
see the meat and the rice, beneath the
rice, you don't see the meat, that was
a bombshell for them, coming to our point,
when you don't know, learn, don't argue, learn.
Our knowledge is little, this knowledge that Allah
gave it to us, is nothing negligible, in
comparison to Allah's knowledge, we have nothing, we
came from our mother's womb, knowing nothing, apart
from what is embedded in us, and we
start to learn, we start to learn, so
our knowledge is limited, and the proofs are
so many, that our knowledge is limited, and
we don't know everything, and we don't know
everything, and we are learning, we make blunders,
we make mistakes, and we learn, the human
mind learns, the human mind makes mistakes, but
then it corrects itself, it gains experience, the
first time you saw the mirage, the mirage
in the desert, you thought it is water,
but then the mind, soon discovered, oh this
is not water, finished, the second time you
see the mirage, you, no it is not
water, now you are driving and next to
you is your little one, daddy, daddy, water,
no, no, no, no, son, it is not
water, it is a mirage, so the human
mind learns, the human mind is limited, look
around you, now politicians are talking about environment,
pollution, global warming, who caused this, who caused
the global warming, who caused the pollution, who
destroyed the ecology, the environment, we, the human
beings, we thought that we know, then we
are now trying to correct what the damage
that we caused, when the industrial revolution started,
if you notice that all the factories and
refineries and all industrial installations, they will be
on the banks of rivers or closer to
the shores of the seas, because all the
machineries and machines in such factories, they need
water, cooling water to cool the equipment and
after using this water, it will be polluted,
they call it effluent and they dump it
and pump it back to the sea or
to the river and polluting the river and
the sea, now they discovered, oh after years
and years, now there are strict rules and
laws enacted, you cannot discharge the water and
send it to the sea or to the
river before treating it, they say you have
to treat it and remove all the oil
particles and just pure water should go back
to the sea, so who caused that pollution,
we caused it, because man, he thinks he
knows when he doesn't, because man by nature
is ignorant and arrogant, these two inherent characteristics,
ignorance and arrogance, Allah knows, you don't know,
so we have to accept the limitation of
our knowledge, so when Allah says something, we
say we hear and we obey and Allah
knows and we don't know, there's always when
Allah does something, there's wisdom behind it, Allah's
acts all are based on his divine wisdom,
there is reason behind it, why he did
that and wisdom behind it, whether we grasp
that wisdom or not, due to the limitation
of our understanding, that is our problem, but
there is wisdom behind it, keep this in
mind, so whatever happens in the last kingdom,
we say Allah knows and we don't know,
why this is happening to the Muslims, why
Muslims are killed, why, why, why, why, Allah
knows, we don't know, Allah is wise, Allah
is Rahman and Rahim, Allah will never wrong
anyone and your lord will never wrong anyone,
Allah is Adil, just and he will treat
us with justice on the day of resurrection,
our deeds will be weighed on the accurate
balance, good deeds outweigh your misdeeds, go to
Jannah, misdeeds outweigh your good deeds, go to
*, equal in the Araf, that is justice
and we hope on the day of resurrection,
Allah will treat us with his forgiveness, with
his Rahman, not to hold us accountable for
everything and scrutinize our records, but Allah stops
you and through everything in your record, you
will be ruined, so what Allah does to
the believers, has to make them confess, that's
why my dear brothers and sisters, this Rabb,
you have to love him, because he loves
you more than your mother and now he
is telling you, you did this, say yes
my Rabb and this and this, you confess,
then he tells you, I have forgiven you,
go, I have forgiven you, that's Allah
subhanahu wa ta'ala, so you should not
question Allah's wisdom and never ever think that
this is unfair what is happening and attribute
it unfairness and injustice to Allah, the
whole life my dear brothers and sisters, is
a test and there are different forms of
tests, keep this in mind, don't respect, tell
this little grey matter your mind, respect yourself,
know your limitations, Allah knows and you don't
know, Allah knows and you don't know, then
Allah said, see all
these ayat 65 to 67 in Ali Imran,
read them, how the Quran addresses this issue
and that dispute that was taking place between
Jews and Christians, so Allah says, Abraham
neither a Jew nor a Christian, he submitted
in all uprightness, was not a polytheist, was
not a polytheist, so this is Abraham, he
was neither a Jew because Moses came later,
how can you say Abraham was a Jew,
neither a Jew nor a Christian because Christ
came later, may peace and blessing be upon
all of them, so Allah negated and said,
Abraham was neither a Jew nor a Christian,
so what was he?
I told you the meaning of hanaf, the
hanaf means something bent inward, so someone if
his legs are bent and his feet are
bent inward, it's called hanaf, so the
mushriks are going this way, so Abraham turned
away from their way, so he bent to
turn from their way, so now actually that
turning away from the way of the polytheist,
from paganism, idolatry, polytheism, that is indeed uprightness,
because he did not follow and tread on
the same path of polytheism, he turned to
Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala, so he turned
away and turned only to Allah, that's why
he destroyed all the idols as you know,
and he left the biggest one and placed
the axe on its shoulder to force his
people to think and they took revenge and
threw him into the fire and the fire
didn't burn him as you know, so he
was hanif, submitted to Allah, turned to Allah,
and he was not a polytheist, because some
ignorant Muslims, they think that Abraham was in
doubt, when he said the moon, this is
my Rabb, the sun, this is my Rabb,
if he was worshipping the moon or the
sun, that is shirk, and Allah protected his
prophets from falling into the mire of sociationism
or polytheism, so what Abraham did there with
his people is only for the sake of
argument, oh you worship the moon, okay fine,
fine, because he knows it's going to set,
disappear, you see, how God should not disappear,
God should keep always monitoring and supervising and
overseeing and watching his kingdom, oh this is
sun bigger, oh the sun set, cannot be
God, he was just trying to make them
think, that is for the sake of argument,
not that he was in doubt, subhanAllah, one
brother sent me a clip, one of the
dua, I will not mention the name, may
Allah guide all of us and guide him,
he says I doubt everything, I doubt everything,
and then I remove this doubt, this methodology
is deviant methodology, wrong, satanic methodology, Imam Ghazali
tried it, that you doubt,
then you clear the doubts, and Rene
Descartes, the French philosopher and mathematician, he also
followed what Ghazali did, in Islam that's not
the case, Islam is the religion of fitrah,
nature, this natural disposition, we are hardwired to
believe in Allah, the prophet, a Bedouin comes
to him, oh Muhammad what is Islam, the
pillars of Islam, that's it, the
Bedouin leaves, the prophet would not ask him,
first of all you have to doubt, to
doubt and then clear all your doubts, did
the prophet say that, oh you doubt us,
subhanAllah, we are living in a time that
the Muslims are confused, and the people they
follow these influencers, PhD holder, doctor,
they don't know the meaning, witchcraft actually, this
book has no doubt whatsoever in it, what
is after the truth except misguidance, you hear
from Muslims, you know truth is relative, not
absolute, shut up, Islam is the truth, what
is after the truth except misguidance, don't try
to mislead us and misguide the Muslims, be
careful, a man came to Imam Malik, he
said I want to debate with you, he
said and if I won the debate, if
I defeat you, said I will follow you,
said okay, then if a third person came
and debated with me and he defeated me,
what are you going to do, he said
I will follow him, he said listen to
me, you are doubter and you are living
in your doubts, and I'm searching of what
I am upon, okay, so go and look
for another doubter like you, look for another
doubter like you, this is the answer Imam
Malik gave, so if you come across any
one of those doubters, tell them this exact
reply of Imam Malik, look for another doubter
and not one of those doubters, you doubt,
doubt what?
Doubt the existence of Allah?
Is there doubt about the existence of Allah?
First doubt, then prove the existence of Allah.
Fitra, the Bedouin in the desert was asked,
how did you know Allah?
He said, very simple answer, he
said in few words, simple language, deep meaning,
he said, if there is a dropping of
an animal, immediately you will deduce, come to
know, an animal passed here, if you see
dung of an animal, that dung, that dropping
will tell you an animal passed here, not
science rocket, very simple.
You see, this is a Bedouin, Abu Sufyan
when he arrived at the wells of Badr,
he knew there was an ambush set for
him by the Muslims, how did he know
He saw wet droppings of the animals, of
the hoses, so he took one drop, a
dropping, crushed it between his fingers and he
found inside the dropping, seed of dates, he
said, you see, date.
Who has dates, Muslims in Medina, because they
have date palm trees, so the Muslims are
here, around us, so he took another route
and he managed to rescue the caliph.
So this Bedouin is saying, you see droppings,
that must be a camel passed here.
If they are footprints, there must be passers,
people passed here on this path, on this
way, these are their footprints.
Wasana'un there to abide, and this sky
full of constellations, and land full of passages,
all these signs do not tell you, indicate
to you, about the existence of al-laqeef,
the most subtle, and the most knowledgeable, the
most aware of all things.
This is the rational, convincing answer, and totally,
everyone, it resonates with your nature.
You see the dropping, this is called the
effect, and you know the law of cause
and effect.
If there is an effect, there must be
cause for it, behind it, otherwise this effect
would not be there.
If there was no animal, there would not
be dropping.
If there was no human beings passed here,
travelers, there would not be footprints.
So if there is no creator for all
that we see, this cosmos, if it is
not there, it will not be there.
But since it is there, there must be
someone who created all these things.
No need for you to doubt.
And they ponder and reflect upon the creation
of the heavens and the earth.
Rabbana ma khalaqta hadha batila.
Our Lord, you did not create this in
Subhana, glory be to you.
Faqina azabana, save us from the fire.
So never think that Ibrahim was doubting.
He was using that technique for the sake
of argument with them.
Because Allah is saying, Ibrahim by himself is
He himself, by himself is an ummah, nation,
multitude of men, people.
So ma khalaqta Ibrahim was neither a Jew
nor a Christian.
He submitted in all uprightness, Hanifa.
He turned away from paganism, idolatry, polytheism, and
towards monotheism, and that is actually the real
uprightness and was not polytheist.
Then Allah says in surat al-Baqarah ayah
130 And
who would reject the faith of Abraham
except a fool?
We certainly chose him in this life and
in the hereafter, and he will surely be
among the righteous.
So the way of salvation is to follow
the way of Ibrahim.
This is the du'a you say all
the time.
Millat Ibrahim, this creed, this way and deen
of Ibrahim, which is the monotheism.
And that is the deen of all the
prophets, monotheism.
And remember the speech two types.
So speech two types, two parts.
Informing us and the do's and the don'ts.
So the aqeedah, the belief, falls under the
Unfortunately, the shariah, the law, do's and don'ts
fall under insha'Allah.
No abrogation, no naskh related to the ikhbar.
And that makes sense.
You don't expect a messenger and prophet to
come and say there is jannah.
Another one comes and says no, there's no
So that's why all the prophets and messengers
of Allah, their aqeedah is one.
Following the footsteps of their father Ibrahim.
So when it comes to aqeedah, no naskh,
no abrogation.
Abrogation, naskh, the cancellation of some laws under
Because the law addresses the issues of the
people, problems.
Their problems, mundane affairs, do's and don'ts.
And people's problems, they keep increasing.
So the law at that particular moment and
time, problems were very simple.
So the law was addressing these.
Then things became complex, complicated.
So the law has to now provide solutions
and answers.
So a new law will come and replace
the previous law.
And that is called abrogation or naskh.
And finally the shariah of Islam, because it
is the final law, no law will come
after it.
So Allah made it so flexible, embedded in
it many mechanisms which will make it able
to accommodate and to provide solutions and answers
for all the problems of mankind.
Okay, so the aqeedah falls under ikhbar and
all prophets and messengers are Muslims.
And their tawheed is one.
This is what the Prophet sallallahu alaihi wa
sallam said.
The best dua I say ever.
I and my brothers who preceded me, the
prophets who came before me.
There is no deity worthy of worship but
All praise is due to him.
And kingdom belongs to him.
And he is all powerful and able to
do all things.
All prophets, they said this.
And that is why this dua you keep
repeating it on the day of Arafah.
And the talbiyah of the hajj.
This is Ibrahim, this is the talbiyah of
That is why the whole pilgrimage, the hajj,
teaching you tawheed.
You find Muslims, they come to Makkah and
they perform hajj and they go back and
they are, they didn't learn tawheed from the
hajj, rituals of the hajj.
Shirk, they go back and start, keep practicing
the shirk.
Practicing the shirk.
When asked, one of the ulama, I think
Sheikh Saleh al-Haydah rahimallah, he came from
an Arab country.
And Sheikh Saleh al-Haydah rahimallah used to,
after Maghrib, around the haram, the Kaaba, answering
the question.
So he asked the question.
He said, Sheikh, before I left my country,
I performed this number of rounds around the
shrine of the wali, saint.
Making tawaf, rounds around it, circumambulation.
But I didn't finish seven rounds.
Can I finish them here around the Kaaba?
He's only asking if it is halal, if
it is okay to do it here.
He didn't know that tawaf is ibadah, ibadah.
Allah says, wa li yattawwafu bil bayti al
And let them take circumambulation and circumambulate around
the ancient house of Allah.
And if you perform seven rounds and pray
two rak'ahs behind the maqam of Ibrahim,
the reward is equal as if you emancipated
a slave.
So people, they come and they go back
and they didn't learn the message of Ibrahim
alayhi salam.
So Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala is saying,
wa man yarghabu an millati Ibrahim.
Who's he?
Who will reject the faith and the deen
of Ibrahim alayhi salam?
Idha man safiha nafsahu.
Only a foolish person will reject the tawahid.
Worshipping Allah alone.
Ahad un ahad.
Labbayk Allahumma labbayk, labbayk la sharika lak.
La sharika.
Walaqad istifaynahu fid dunya.
Allah has spoken to Ibrahim alayhi salam.
Most certainly chose him in this life.
Allah chose him.
Selected him.
And Allah will elevate his status in the
next life.
Among the pious and the righteous.
And in the hereafter he will surely be
among the righteous.
May Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala make us
die upon the tawahid.
Upon millat Ibrahim alayhi salam.
See when we are lowering the body into
the grave.
Bismillah wa ala millati rasulillah.
When you are lowering the body you say
Bismillah in the name of Allah and upon
the millat, the jinn of Muhammad sallallahu alayhi
wa sallam.
The tawahid.
And before we breathe our last, those around
us, they remind us to say la ilaha
Because the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said
man kana akhir kalami la ilaha illallah dakhala
He whose last words, speech, were la ilaha
He will be granted admission to the jannah.
And the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said
laqinu mawtaakum la ilaha illallah.
Dictate to your dead la ilaha illallah.
And many ignorant people they misunderstood this hadith.
They say mawtaakum.
They thought it is those who are dead.
No, those who are dying.
Who are dying.
We ask them to say la ilaha illallah
so that they will leave this world.
And the last statement and words came from
their mouth is kalimatul tawheed.
There is a clip one brother may Allah
guide him and this it is going viral.
So please if you receive or if you
can send messages do so.
He is inviting the people to this bid
'ah that when you lower the body into
the grave someone has to come down and
now start telling the deceased oh son of
so and so and he will mention his
mother's name.
Why his mother?
They say we don't know.
He is the son of his father.
But we are sure he is the son
of his mother.
Ya fulan ibn fulana oh son of so
and so.
Mentioning his mother's name.
There are two angels going to come.
Don't be scared and frightened.
The prophet when he described these two angels
he said the voices like the thunders.
Thunder clap.
Who are you?
So don't be scared.
Don't be frightened.
They will question you.
Who is your lord?
Say my lord is Allah.
Who is your prophet?
My prophet is Muhammad.
What is your religion?
My religion is al-Islam.
They call it talqeen.
This is bid'ah innovation misguidance.
The prophet he buried many of his family
and his companions.
He never did something like that.
His sahaba the same thing.
So where did he get that from?
Our deen is only taken from the Qur
'an and sunnah.
That's it.
Full stop.
Don't tell me maulana so and so.
Sheikh so and so.
So who is he?
So what?
So what?
Is he my son?
Does he receive revelation from Allah?
We follow what Allah said.
What the prophet sallallahu alaihi wa sallam said.
May Allah guide this brother.
And may Allah guide all the Muslims to
the haq.
May Allah keep us remain steadfast on this
beautiful deen.
Until we meet Allah and find him pleased
with all of us.
And may Allah make the last words that
come from our mouths.
Shihadatan la ilaha illa Allah.
La ilaha illa Allah.
May Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala forgive us
our faults and mistakes and ignorance.
May Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala bless us
with the beneficial knowledge and righteous deeds.
And may Allah unite our ummah in the
haq and unite our hearts in the haq.
And may Allah reward all of you, my
dear brothers and sisters, immensely for your patience
and attentiveness.
BarakAllahu feekum.
Jazakumullahu khaira.
Wassalamu alaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh.
Ameen wa alaikumussalam.
Sheikh, we've received a few questions.
Let me know when you've received the first
Yes, one minute.
Just let me see them.
Okay, go ahead.
So the topic is the rights of neighbors.
A sister has had bad neighbors who have
done many bad things, including renting out the
part of the sister's property to sell alcohol.
The sister reported it to the police, but
the neighbors have refused to move.
So the first question is, is it permissible
for the sister's family not to talk to
the neighbors as it seems to improve their
Okay, so the neighbors, they rented part of
the sister's property to sell alcohol.
If the property belongs to the sister, then
she has the right.
This is her property.
But maybe the contract did not mention this,
this clause in the contract.
Sorry to interrupt, Sheikh.
The questioner has said they took it without
They took it without permission.
They took her property without her permission?
Yeah, I believe so.
In that case, of course, they are sinful
and they are doing something haram.
And the question is, is it permissible for
the sister's family not to talk to the
Of course, you can't boycott them.
You give them naseeha and you ask them
to leave doing this haram.
But if they don't listen, yes.
Because they might affect you or influence somebody
And that's why Allah Subh'anaHu Wa Ta
-A'la tells us, We should not support
them regarding transgression and sinfulness.
Only we cooperate regarding righteousness and taqwa and
Yes, if they decided to boycott them, there
is no harm and they are not sinful.
I hope this is clear to the questioner.
Next question.
BarakAllahu fikum.
The second part of the question is, The
neighbors sent a gift of rice and oil
on New Year's.
Is it permissible to accept this food considering
they are now selling alcohol?
Don't accept it.
Or if you accepted it, give it to
the poor and those who are in need
of it.
Because if you normalize the relation with them,
that means you are proof of what they
are doing.
At least you will consider what they are
doing fine over time.
Be firm so that when they see that
you are boycotting them, they will think about
it insha'Allah and quit and leave what
they are doing.
Same thing if he invites me, I say
sorry, I will not accept your invitation because
of this and this and this.
And the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said,
La tu sahib illa mu'mina wa la yakul
ta'amak illa taqeeb.
So befriend only the believers and your food
should be only eaten by the righteous.
Those who are always there coming to your
table and invited, I should be the righteous.
The righteous.
And if someone argued and said the Prophet
accepted the invitation of the Jew, okay, why
would not accept the invitation of this Muslim?
Here, the reason I am refusing the invitation
is to improve my brother, is to make
him quit sinning.
So that's why I am tough on him.
I don't want to encourage him to continue
doing the haram.
So I should not cooperate and help him
to continue doing this major sin.
So don't use that hadith to justify for
yourself mingling and sitting with this Muslim
who is totally indulged into the selling of
The next question.
It's Sunnah to read Surah Al-Kahf on
both Friday night and the day.
And can you explain if there's a hadith
which says anyone reads at night shall be
a noor that reaches to Makkah, and anyone
reads on the day shall be kept his
face a noor until the next Friday.
Regarding the hadith that says this noor on
his face, there is no hadith as far
as I know says something like this.
And if you want me to check for
you, just give me where you read it
so I can check its authenticity.
Regarding Friday and the Surah Al-Kahf, there
are hadith about Surah Al-Kahf reported in
Sahih Al-Tarheeb wa Al-Tarheeb.
Al-Tarheeb wa Al-Tarheeb is a book
written by Imam Al-Mundari.
And it has some wika hadith.
So our Shaykh Al-Ghani, he checked Al
-Tarheeb wa Al-Tarheeb and he sifted the
ahadith and separated them.
The authentic ahadith and the wika hadith.
So the hadith is authentic about Surah Al
You can read it on the tomorrow is
Friday night or Friday morning.
Because in Arabic, we follow the lunar calendar
and the day begins with the sunset.
Not with the sunrise, with the sunset.
Next question.
BarakAllahu fikum, the next question.
If a person feeds birds but scatters the
food all over the pathway where people walk
and the food, the rice bird food, gets
stepped on, is it a sin that the
food gets stepped on and is there no
reward for feeding the birds?
It will be rewarded according to his intention,
for example.
But you see, the birds, you can't train
I mean, if they got used that you
throw the seeds in this place, in this
area, always they will come to that place.
So if you are walking, you see the
food, you don't step, you move.
But there's no sin because he put the
seeds for the birds, not for you to
walk and such on that place.
But you don't throw the seeds on the
pathway, on the way of the people, okay?
You throw it in one place and the
birds will get used to it.
We know this.
Okay, we know this.
When you are having chicken or even animals,
they get used.
Okay, this is the place of the...
And the moment they see you, they come
to that particular area.
I hope this is clear to the questioner.
If he doesn't listen, you just give him
a piece of advice and that's it.
Next question, please.
Can you...
Okay, what's question number six?
The question number six is, can you kindly
repeat the two speeches of Iqbar and Insha?
Yeah, Iqbar, Iqbar, not Iqbar, Iqbar, Iqbar and
So the speech, the kalam, two times.
This is okay.
This terminology, you should get used to it.
Iqbar means informing.
I tell you, telling.
And then Insha.
Insha means you do something.
Do's and don'ts.
So we have Iqbar and Insha.
What falls under the Iqbar?
The aqidah, the belief.
You believe in the malaika and the angels,
the pillars of iman, the hereafter, the resurrection,
all these things.
They fall under Iqbar, aqidah.
Shari'ah, halal, haram, do, don't, because that
is the meaning of Shari'ah, which is
Something you are requested and you are asked
to do something or leave something.
So the Shari'ah falls under the Insha,
the aqidah falls under the Iqbar.
Abrogation or naskh is applied to the Insha,
not to the Iqbar.
So when it comes to the aqidah, no
abrogation whatsoever.
Because all the belief of all the prophets
and messengers is the same.
That's what the prophets are saying.
The prophets are brothers from different mothers.
The deen is one, but their mothers are
And the mothers here, metaphorically, the Shari'ah,
the laws.
The Shari'ah, the laws of the prophets
are different, but the deen, the aqidah is
So, when you come across some issues of
belief, then they are under the Iqbar and
there will not be any abrogation.
If it is related to the Shari'ah,
for example, it was permissible in the law
of Suleiman to have idols.
And this is obligated for the Muslims.
It was permissible in the Shari'ah of
Yusuf to prostrate as a sign of greeting.
This is obligated in the Shari'ah of
It is permissible in the Shari'ah of
Suleiman to have images, okay, for these things.
So, the abrogation happens to the Shari'ah,
but not in the aqidah.
I hope this is clear to the questioner.
Next question, please.
The next question.
To maintain cleanliness, is it permissible for a
mother to remove the unwanted hair of her
teenage daughter with special needs in places of
her aura?
No, you don't do that.
Because normally the hair grows, the pubic hair,
this is one of the signs of puberty.
How do you know that the child now
reaches the age of puberty by having that
hair, the pubic hair, the growth of the
pubic hair?
So, now you, what mothers should do, mothers
should do, teach their children, teach your daughters,
fathers, you teach your son.
Son, this is what will happen to you,
you will have hair, the pubic hair, you
should not leave it more than 40 days,
you need to shave it, okay.
And this is the shaver, it will not
cut you and save, okay, the same thing
to your daughter.
The same thing, the armpit, your pocket, you
don't shave the armpit, armpit, your pocket, that's
the sunnah.
Look, if you cannot withstand the pain, then
you can shave it.
But you don't put your daughter in front
of you and you remove the pubic hair,
And that is a sensitive area and you
are going to trigger her sexual life and
it is haram for you to look at
the private part of your daughter, okay.
SubhanAllah, women now, Muslim women, they go to
the beauticians, okay, and they remove this hair,
And the beauticians, they don't mind.
And maybe there are cameras all over the
place, okay, they remove every hair and they
say in the ad, removing all hairs, all
types of hair.
No, sisters, fear Allah SubhanAllah, fear Allah.
Sheikh, just to clarify, this is in the
case if the child cannot do so, if
they have special needs, is it still the
same case?
Here, if, okay, if the child is unable,
in that case, this is necessity.
This is necessity and wear gloves and don't
look, don't look.
Because the person, let's say, paralyzed or whatever
needs, this is necessity, but a child who
is normal, you don't do it.
But someone who is unable, he needs help,
that's necessity.
Just like you can't give wudu to him
or to her, the same thing.
I hope this is clear to the questioner.
Next question.
BarakAllahu feekum.
The next question, I heard something yesterday that
it is sunnah to fast on the 27th
of Rajab.
The clip mentioned that the Prophet ﷺ didn't
do it, but the shaykh encouraged it.
Please clarify.
The contradiction is in the question itself.
The Prophet ﷺ didn't do it.
But the shaykh encourages it.
My question to the questioner.
Allah commanded you to follow the Prophet or
the shaykh in the Qur'an.
What did Allah say?
Whatever the Prophet ﷺ gives you, take it.
Whatever he forbids you, abstain from it.
The Prophet ﷺ didn't give you this.
The Prophet ﷺ said whoever invent or innovate
or add in our matter what was not
of it, will be rejected.
Did the Prophet ﷺ fast?
Did his sahaba?
So why are you following other than your
Prophet ﷺ?
Oh shuyukh, so what?
See, this shaykh or shuyukh, are they ma'soom?
Are they infallible?
You see, the ulama they say, they say,
how many times I told you that?
A saying of a scholar is not an
evidence in itself.
It is rather in need of an evidence.
If a scholar says something, we look, is
there an evidence to support what he said
from the kitab and sunnah?
No evidence.
With all due respect, we say sorry, we
Say, if you love Allah, follow me and
Allah will love you, if you believe in
So if you love Allah, follow the Prophet
Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala, my dear brothers
and sisters, he created us to worship him
and to worship him on his terms, not
in our terms.
And he sent for us the role model,
the Prophet ﷺ.
And he wants us to worship him as
his Prophet ﷺ worshipped him.
We just walk behind the footsteps of our
Prophet Muhammad ﷺ.
That's it.
What he did, we do.
What he didn't, we leave.
And remember the sunnah of the Prophet ﷺ
are four types.
The sunnah.
Four types of the sunnah.
Sunnah qawliya, his sayings.
Sunnah fi'aliyya, his actions.
Sunnah taqreeriyya, his approvals.
Sunnah talqiyya, which means the things he didn't
do in spite of the need.
He didn't do.
He didn't make adhan for the Eid, so
he left the adhan.
So the sunnah, to leave the adhan for
the Eid.
If someone makes adhan for the Eid, this
is bid'ah.
He didn't make adhan for the eclipse prayer,
lunar or solar.
So the sunnah, no adhan for the eclipse
You leave it.
So there are four types of the sunnah.
The Prophet ﷺ, he didn't do this.
The ulama, we respect them.
But we don't follow them blindly.
The reason we follow the ulama, because the
Prophet ﷺ said, The scholars are the heirs,
the inheritors of the Prophets.
So what did the Prophet and the Prophets
leave behind?
Not money, knowledge.
So that's why the scholar you follow, because
he got the knowledge of the Prophet ﷺ.
So as long as what he is doing,
based on what the Prophet ﷺ said, you
But if it is just his own ijtihad
or understanding, you don't follow him.
You don't follow him.
Keep this in mind.
That's why Imam Malik said, Anyone's saying,
statements can be accepted or rejected, depending how
close this statement is to the proof, to
the evidence.
Except the one who is there in that
He pointed towards the grave of the Prophet
It's very simple.
Our deen is so simple.
Next question, please.
The next question, I am a local imam
in our village, leading old men who built
this masjid a long time ago.
In front of the masjid, there are graves
and asking them to remove this grave would
cause more fitna amongst them as a division.
Please could you advise?
Now, if the graves are outside, not inside
the masjid and not in front of the
masjid, just be patient with them, educate them.
Educate them.
And inshallah, over time, when they know the
tawheed, they will remove the graves.
But if the graves are inside or in
front of the masjid, then I will not
advise you to pray in such a masjid.
I hope this is clear to you.
So educate them.
They have to know the tawheed.
Little by little.
Take it gradually with them.
If you start attacking them, you say you
are wahhabi kafir.
Go, we'll find another one.
So be smart and intelligent because they are
They don't know.
They don't know.
See, the Prophet ﷺ was praying in the
haram, surrounded by 360 idols.
When he removed the idols, after he removed
them from the hearts of the people.
So we need to work and explain to
them the tawheed in a very simple way.
Allah said, the Prophet said, that's it.
Get Kitab al-Tawheed, memorise it and don't
say bin Baz, al-Bani, bin Uthaymeen.
These are wahhabis to them.
Say, Allah said this.
The Prophet ﷺ said this.
Imam Abu Hanifa said this.
Imam Shafi'i said this.
Imam Malik said this.
So no one can attack you.
I hope this is clear to you.
May Allah grant you hikmah.
And may Allah guide all the Muslims.
This was the last question.
With that said, I will hand it back
to the Sheikh to conclude the lesson.
May Allah bless you all for your attendance.
BarakAllahu feekum.
Assalamu alaikum.
Wa alaikumussalam wa rahmatullahi wa barakatuh.
May Allah bless all of you, my dear
brothers and sisters.
And may Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala reward
you immensely for your patience and attendance.
And may Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala elevate
your status in this world and in Jannatul
Until we meet insha'Allah in our coming
session, I leave you in Allah's company.
Amir Takhshir.
Bi hurmati l-Habib, bi hurmati l-Fatiha.
Assalamu alaikum.