Salem Al Amry – Lesson 87 Weekly Class Virtues of Islam
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As-salāmu ʿalaykum.
Wa ʿalaykum as-salāmu ʿalaykum wa-rahmatullāhi wa
How are you, Shaykh?
Fine, al-ḥamdu liLlāh.
Al-ḥamdu liLlāh.
In shā'a Llāh, we'll get started with
the class.
Al-ḥamdu liLlāhi rabbil-'aḥmīn.
Wa-s-salātu wa-s-salāmu ʿalá Rasūlu
Wa-li-llāhi wa-rahmatullāhi wa-barakātuh.
Amā baʿd.
As-salāmu ʿalaykum wa-rahmatullāhi wa-barakātuh, dear
Thank you for your attendance.
Today we are covering the virtues of Islām
by Muḥammad ibn ʿAbd al-Wahhab ibn Ali.
Just a quick reminder, please take notes, listen
attentively, and send your questions over to Mr.
Ṭālibah, the co-host, throughout the course of
the lesson.
With that said, I'll hand it back to
the Shaykh to start the class.
Wa-rahmatullāhi wa-barakātuh.
As-salāmu ʿalaykum.
Wa-alaykum as-salāmu ʿalaykum wa-rahmatullāhi wa
Bismi-Llāhi r-Rahmāni r-Raḥīm.
Inna al-ḥamdu li-Llāh maḥmaduhu wa nast
'a'īnuhu wa nast'aghfiruhu wa naʿūdhu bi
-Llāhi min sharūri anfusinā wa min sayyi'āti
Innahum man yahdihi Allāhu falā mudhla lah wa
man yudhlil falā hādi'a lah.
Wa ash'hadu an-lā ilāha inna Allāhu
wahdahu lā sharīka lah.
Wa ash'hadu an-nā muḥammadan ʿabduhu wa
Amma baʿdu fa-inna asliqa al-ḥadīth kitāb
Allāhi taʿālā wa khayr al-ḥajj hadi muḥammadin
Wa sharra l-umūri muhdathātuhā wa kulla muhdathātin
bid'ah wa kulla bid'atin dalāla wa
kulla dalālatin fi-n-nār.
Amma baʿd.
My dear brothers and sisters in Islam today
is our weekly class fadā'il al-islām
virtues of al-islām or maḥāsan al-islām
by Shaykh Muḥammad ʿAbd al-Wahāb رحمه الله
تعالى So fadā'il al-islām fadā'il
al-islām maḥāsan al-islām virtues of al
-islām in the last session we talked about
the prophecies and what the Prophet ﷺ told
us that time will come when you will
see many things that are different from what
we are upon today and then he guided
the sahabah in the famous ḥadīth of al-'Ibād
to be remain steadfast and abide by the
kitab and sunnah and towards the end of
the ḥadīth he warned the Muslims against inventing
and innovating and adding things into the deen
because the deen has been completed and perfected
just you need to maintain the deen in
its pristine form as it came as it
came down.
Unfortunately the Muslims after a while they drifted
away from that stage path and they started
doing and adopting the same methodology of those
who preceded them and they started adding things
into the deen thinking that these things are
good things that can bring them closer to
Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala and they didn't
realize that by doing that they are actually
complicating it the deen and make it very
complex when it is very simple very practical
and this is always the case the anything
you add to the deen it will make
it remove that simplicity and that beauty of
it okay because if you add something and
the deen has been completed there is no
room for it so and you want to
add something so what you will do you
will make a space for this new thing
a space for it so you will make
a space and place for this new thing
that you want to add to the deen
okay because the deen is perfect and you
want to add to it so you have
to create space so what should you do
in that case you will remove the sunnah
of the prophet and replace it with the
bid'ah so whenever you add a bid
'ah to the deen you kill a sunnah
of the deen of the prophet so the
bid'ah replaces the sunnah that is because
now you neglected and you ignored the sunnah
of the prophet so there is vacuum this
vacuum needs to be filled and you are
filling it with your own ideas and your
own innovations the
sunnah of example I will just give you
an example the sunnah when someone dies okay
the family of the deceased because they are
in a state of sorrow and sadness so
they don't have time to make food and
they have to eat so Islam teaches us
that the neighbours around that household of the
deceased should make food for them so the
neighbours they make food for their family for
these three days because they are busy and
they are not in the mood to cook
this is the sunnah because when Ja'far
bin Abi Talib r.a was martyred the
prophet s.a.w. told the sahaba make
food for the family of Ja'far because
they are busy make food for the family
of Ja'far because they are busy so
this is the sunnah and this shows the
beauty of Islam that the community they feel
for you and sympathize with you so what
happened over time this sunnah was killed removed
and the people who come to give their
condolences they flock in groups and fill the
dwelling and the house of the deceased and
now the family of the deceased they have
to get up and cook for them and
believe me still this moment in some Muslim
countries or some practices that you think it
is a wedding banquet and now there are
places where you can call them and they
will come and erect a massive big tent
and they do the catering and everything and
who is going to pay for all that
the family of the deceased the heirs the
orphans that this money instead that it should
go to the orphans will be paid for
the food of the people who came to
give condolences you see what the bid'ah
this is the bid'ah when we got
rid of the sunnah we replaced it with
this bid'ah you remove a sunnah you
will replace it with bid'ah and there
are many sunnah and many sunnahs are dead
they are not there in the life of
the Muslims the sunnah as you know when
a child is born okay on the seventh
day you make aqeeqah you slaughter two
sheep for the boy and one for the
girl as a gesture and sign of thanking
Allah and expressing your gratitude and thankfulness this
sunnah is removed and replaced with celebrating the
birthday of the child so every year you
celebrate the birthday of a child with the
cake and one candle and you keep adding
candles etc this bid'ah replaced the sunnah
and when we revive the sunnah we are
doing the opposite we are changing and we
will be replacing and removing the innovations from
our deen by reviving the sunnah that people
neglected of a child and the reward for
the one who revives the sunnah is so
great for example the sunnah of Eid the
Eid prayer the sunnah that it should not
be conducted in the masjids it should be
conducted outside in the open that's what the
prophet used to do outside not in the
masjid that's why women menstruating women they can
attend the Eid prayer so they listen to
the khutba and they see the share the
happiness with the Muslims this sunnah praying outside
on the Eid day in many Muslim countries
it's not known to them they don't do
that now if someone wants to revive this
sunnah then he will face a lot of
opposition from the people though it is sunnah
they don't want this sunnah to be revived
due to their ignorance the same thing janazah
prayer the prophet used to lead and pray
the janazah outside that's the normal practice unless
there is a necessity so you take the
the body inside but normally outside so
there are many many sunnah of the prophet
are not practiced and replaced with
innovations so the people think that adding
things to the deal is good no it's
not good it's evil misguidance that's why the
prophet said anyone who
invents anything in our deen will be rejected
will not be accepted because the deen has
been perfected and completed and believe me
innovations are there in everything in the deen
in aqeedah in fiqh ibadat new methods
few example the wudu when you start your
wudu you say bismillah that's it
people they invented something else they made dua
for every organ for every limb you have
to make say this dua you wash your
face oh Allah oh
Allah make my face bright on the day
where there will be some faces bright shining
and others other faces dark and gloomy you
wash your right hand oh Allah oh Allah
let me receive my book with my right
hand you wash the left one oh Allah
do not place my book in my left
hand you wash your foot oh Allah make
my foot to remain steadfast when I am
firm on crossing the sirat where did you
get this from where did you get it
from this is innovation this is bid'ah
once I heard one of the ulema he
is saying there was a man and he
the shaykh asked him come to the masjid
and pray he said shaykh I haven't memorized
the dua of the wudu he said which
dua there is no dua my son he
said no no no for everything there is
dua for the face for the right hand
the left hand he said my son there
is nothing like this in the deen come
he said people think that this is deen
for every limb for every organ you have
to make dua also Allah subhanahu wa ta
'ala said o you who believe when you
get up to intend to pray so before
that wash your face wash your faces and
your arms and your hands up to the
elbows including the elbow and wipe over your
head and wash your feet this is what
Allah said in the quran and the sunnah
came and explained to us the prophet because
the prophet used to come to show him
how to make wudu then he taught us
how to make wudu so he explained the
wudu to the sahaba and that's how it
reached us is there mentioned in the quran
or in the authentic sunnah in the hadith
that the prophet was wiping the nape or
the neck show us so that we can
do it we can wipe our necks when
we perform wudu show us in the quran
or sunnah how many are doing this which
is wida in the deen and they think
this is part of the deen when you
are taking wudu in the wudu area see
the people after that they will wipe their
neck and they think this is part of
the wudu so there is wida in performing
the wudu and that is by inventing this
jihad for everything in the performance of the
wudu itself and then you come to the
salah ok and you
pronounce and you articulate the sunnah the intention
where did you get that from did the
prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam articulate and pronounce
the intention sahaba no so where did you
get it from when the prophet sallallahu alayhi
wa sallam said as you have seen me
praying and the sahaba never heard the prophet
sallallahu alayhi wa sallam saying as
you hear today and this there in
in the books of some schools that you
say I intend away to so what is
niyya niyya is intention and what is intention
is something mental something in the heart it's
not something you have to express it orally
when you get up to take wudu if
I ask you why are you taking wudu
didn't you hear the azan time for salah
so the the niyya is there if I
meet you going to the masjid where are
you going come on, didn't you hear the
azan dhuhr, salah from the moment you left
your home you have the intention to pray
dhuhr in the masjid not afr, not maghrib,
not isha so why do you complicate it
and you make this formula I intend to
pray dhuhr telling whom, telling Allah Allah doesn't
know that you are praying dhuhr four units
four rakah my rab, there are four rakah
and they are dhuhr facing the qiblah of
course you are facing the qiblah ma'mooman I
am led not a leader allahu akbar I
want you to watch when you are going
to pray in the masjid and you find
some people doing like this waiting for the
niyya to catch it and then oh what
is going on and if a person is
having wiswas oh the shaitan will play him
with him and make his life miserable oh
I my niyya, the niyya hasn't come the
niyya hasn't come and the imam is about
to go to rukuh see what the bid
'ah does to the deen the same thing
fasting every night ok,
you hear some people saying I intend to
fast tomorrow what is going on
here I intend to fast tomorrow this month
of Ramadan did the prophet salallahu alayhi wa
sallam do that did the sahaba do that
oh the intention is there in your heart
when you got up for suhoor if your
little one asks you dad, why are we
eating now Ramadan tomorrow my son we are
fasting if this little one goes to the
kitchen and finds his mother cooking, mom why
are you cooking now son Ramadan tomorrow this
is suhoor we are fasting so the niyya
is there in the heart that you intend
to fast the next day so why you
have to articulate and pronounce it and then
they have to come and justify it and
say you know this is something to help
the heart and the tongue by articulating and
pronouncing it I am helping both the heart
and the tongue to say the niyya we
say with all due respect keep your understanding
to you the one who taught us this
he understood it very well better than you
and he didn't articulate the intention so keep
all these justifications aside so you can see
my dear brothers and sisters the what
the bid'ah and the innovations due to
the deities so we need to revive the
sunan and the sunnah in order to get
rid of the bid'ah the sunnah for
example for the marriage that the man proposes
to the family for the daughter and he
sees his wife to be in their presence
and that's it if they like each other
they proceed if not everyone will look for
suitable partner for himself or herself this is
the Islamic system listen what happened today oh
that is removed there is something dated you
have to date you have to see the
girl and you go outside with her she
is my fiance and the people they accept
that oh don't you see the ring as
if the ring is the wedlock the marriage
contract so they are engaged so it's halal
so they go out with each other which
is haram which is haram and their cases
they slept with each other and then he
said oh I have changed my mind so
when you left the sunnah and violating the
Islamic teaching you replaced it with the bid
'ah and the innovations of the disbelievers so
wedding the first thing the girls will look
at the man is there a ring in
his finger is there a ring yes oh
so he is cute and handsome but alas
no there is no ring oh so he
is not married where did we get this
from okay my dear brothers and sisters that's
why we are in this mess so when
we leave the sunnah of the prophet we
will go astray and innovations will fill the
space and the vacuum of the sunnah because
you removed the sunnah in your life so
if you want to get rid of the
innovations and bid'ah in your life revive
the sunnah of the prophet and practice and
treat the sunnah of the prophet with reverence
with respect with love that's how you strengthen
your iman and that's how you build your
love for your prophet and the love of
for your prophet in your heart will be
increased and strengthened by following his footsteps because
this is the touchstone of expressing and showing
the love for your prophet say if
you love Allah follow me and Allah will
love you and will forgive you this is
the acid test the touchstone is follow
the footsteps of the prophet if you love
the prophet follow him emulate him that's the
proof that you love him not that you
invent things in his deen and add things
into the deen and say oh this is
how i express my love for him say
sorry this is not the right way of
expressing your love express my love for my
prophet by celebrating his birthday first
of all Allah says upon the tongue of
his prophet tell them if you love Allah
follow me then Allah will love you and
the prophet didn't do anything like this he
didn't celebrate his birthday neither the sahaba nor
any of the three generations are you telling
me that the sahaba they didn't love the
prophet and you love the prophet better than
the sahaba so you
say this is how i show my love
for the prophet by celebrating the birthday and
if you study the exact date of the
birthday of the prophet it's not agreed upon
that this is the day that he in
which he was and the month in which
he was born but the day of his
death is known so you
celebrate the death of your prophet no you
see the prophet said that monday this is
a day that i like my deeds the
deeds are sent to Allah so i love
to fast monday and thursday good do the
same like your prophet this hadith proves nothing
it's not an evidence for you to celebrate
his birthday and that's why the prophet sallallahu
alayhi wa sallam he said anyone
who invents and innovates anything in our matter
our deed should be rejected anything anything you
invent innovate act it will be rejected and
he said stay away be cautious be aware
of invented matters in the deed every invented
matter in the deed every innovation is misguided
and every misguidance leads to the * fire
please find the advocates of bid'ah say
hold your hoses who told you that every
innovation is haram it's balala kull doesn't mean
kull kull means all here it doesn't mean
all this kull just like the kull the
all in the ayah where it told that
the ayah that talked about the destruction of
aad and the wind that came and destroyed
them and allah described the wind that the
wind was destroying and would destroy and destroy
everything by the will of allah say
yes in usool al fiqh kull as a
rule of thumb means all unless and until
the context the qareena the context tells us
otherwise so we agree with you that the
wind did not destroy everything because in the
same ayah the dwellings remained intact so the
dwellings remained so the dwellings were not destroyed
by the wind because we have the dwellings
remained intact which means they didn't destroy so
what does it mean when allah said destroys
everything it means it destroys everything that allah
commanded the wind to destroy so the wind
was commanded to destroy the people to perish
them the book of tafseer they say they
will fly by the wind up and come
down on their head the people of aad
the same thing the queen of sheba that
she was given everything did she was she
giving everything no the context tells you because
when she saw the marble she thought it
was water and she did it because this
something she never saw in her kingdom in
yemen that's why when salman told her no
no no this is only this floor is
made of glass that's why she announced her
shahada and became muslim so she was she
was giving everything that normally kings and queens
they have that's the meaning of it the
context tells you this when allah
told ibrahim when he said my lord show
me how you give life to the dead
allah questioned him asked him haven't you believed
he said take four birds and
then cut them and then distribute them on
the mountain give
leave piece of the meat of this bird
on every mountain what does this mean every
mountains all the mountains of the world ibrahim
distributed them every mountain around you within your
reach so the context now we ask you
when we tell you hold your horses you
hold your horses and listen where is the
qareena in the hadith where is the exception
in the hadith when the prophet salallahu alayhi
wa sallam said ayyakumu muhdathatu al umud fa
inna kulla muhdathatin bid'ah wa kulla bid
'atin balala kulla balala where is the exception
we are waiting show us the qareena a
challenge for you and of course you will
fail miserably and the challenge is there because
there is no qareena therefore kull is kull
all means all and not exception whatsoever so
innovations in the deen are totally haram muslims
they have to come back to that pure
islam the islam that the prophet salallahu alayhi
wa sallam taught to his companions and his
companions taught to their students the tabi'een
and the tabi'een the second generation taught
to the third generation tabi'een that is
the islam don't say sheikh mawlana said this
imam said this forget about that the deen
is what allah said what the prophet salallahu
alayhi wa sallam said any statement of any
scholar has to be put on the scale
of the shari'ah on the balance of
the shari'ah on the criterion of the
shari'ah kitab and sunnah complies well and
fine pays to pass the test doesn't comply
we give it aside and we make dua
for that alim or that imam and say
may allah forgive him he tried his best
but he was mistaken so he will be
rewarded once because he exerted his utmost effort
but he is not an authority he is
not hujjah he is not a proof that
we have to follow him the one we
only have to follow is muhammad salallahu alayhi
wa sallam and that what allah commanded us
wa ma ataakum al rasoolu fakhudu wa ma
nahaakum anhu fintahum wafaifah of the prophet salallahu
alayhi wa sallam gives you take it and
wafaifah he forbids you abstain from it that
is the islam that is the islam that
you have to follow and understand the kitab
and sunnah as the three generations and the
prophet salallahu alayhi wa sallam taught it to
his companions wa man yushaqiq al rasoola
min ba'di ma tabayyana lahu al huda wa
yittabi ghayba sabil al mu'mineen nawallihi ma tawalla
wa nuslihi jahannama yus'at masira wa man
yushaqiq al rasoola whoever opposes contends the messengers
salallahu alayhi wa sallam they are not following
his sunnah and he adopts a way other
than the way of the mu'mineen who are
the mu'mineen in this ayah people of scripture
no, zoroastrians no the way of abu lahab
and abu jahl no, so what, whose way
sahaba's way wa yittabi ghayba sabil al mu'mineen
and he follows a way other than the
way of the believers mu'mineen nawallihi ma tawalla
we shall leave him in the way that
he chose to tread upon wa nuslihi jahannama
and will make him taste and experience and
feel the hellfire jahannama wa nuslihi sala yusli
means to burn to roast wa nuslihi jahannama
he will be roasted jahannama jahannama what an
evil destination what an evil so if we
want jannah follow the prophet and follow his
footsteps and follow his companions keep this in
mind all the time and when the prophet
mentioned that the division of his ummah and
described that one group only will be delivered
and he was asked he said whoever is
upon what I am upon today what I
am upon and what my companions are upon
so this is the Islam you have to
follow may Allah have mercy upon the soul
of Nubla Qayyim who said for
one that's Allah so you worship only Allah
be one be a monotheist you are a
monotheist you are a monotheist for
one be one in
one way what is that way the way
of the prophet I mean the path the
way of the truth and iman follow the
footsteps of the prophet and as you know
my dear brothers and sisters the kalima the
shahada this is the kalima has
three which denotes tawheed there are three aspects
of the tawheed fall under it tawheed unity
of worship that you worship only Allah unity
of rabubia lordship that you single Allah azawajal
regarding his divine acts and actions that he
is the creator, your sustainer your provider, your
cherisher etc and you single him out also
regarding his beautiful names and his divine attributes
and this is called tawheed the unity of
divine names and attributes there is another category
of tawheed falls under it and that's called
tawheed al mutabaha unity of followership you follow
your prophet you follow his footsteps you walk
behind him one of the ulama said if
you want to enter the jannah before Muhammad
you will never smell its fragrance if you
want to enter the jannah simultaneously you will
never smell its fragrance if you want to
enter the jannah just walk behind him sallallahu
alayhi wa sallam from jareer bin abdullah from
abdullah that a man gave charity then he
repented from people so the messenger of Allah
sallallahu alayhi wa sallam whoever follows in islam
a good sunnah a good sunnah he will
have its reward and the reward of the
one who did it after him without losing
anything this
is a beautiful hadith and there are some
misconceptions about it misunderstanding the prophet said whosoever
introduces a good practice in islam sunnah hasana
good sunnah forget about the english english language
is so deficient and all the languages are
so deficient to convey the arabic meaning that's
why we have to use the prophetic expressions
and prophetic words whosoever introduces a good sunnah
in islam sunnah hasana there is for him
its reward and the reward of those who
act upon it after him without anything being
diminished from their reward and whosoever introduces an
evil sunnah evil practice
will shoulder its sin who will bear the
consequences and the sins of all those who
act upon it without diminishing in any way
their burden let us pose and reflect in
order to understand the meaning of this hadith
you need to understand the context in which
this hadith was said what was the context
what is the reason behind this hadith that
the prophet said if you open the read
the hadith completely then the meaning will become
so vivid and clear a delegation from the
tribe of mudar came to medina arab from
the tribe of mudar and they were in
poor condition hungry no clothes wearing
skins so when the prophet saw that their
conditions he summoned and addressed the sahaba and
encouraged them to give charity so a man
went to his house he had few coins
of gold he came and he put them
in front of the prophet so when the
people saw him so this is the initiator
of giving sadaqa the one sahabi so he
opened the door for the rest so when
the sahaba saw him doing that everyone went
to his house and he proposed something this
one is bringing clothes one garment scarf cloak
another one bringing food so now there are
two piles one pile of clothes another one
of food in addition to the money so
when the prophet saw that his face lit
up and this is the case whenever the
prophet was happy his face will illumine will
be lit up like the moon and more
than the moon he was happy now then
he said this hadith referring to the first
companion who brought the money the pieces of
gold he is the one who initiated this
initiative so this is sunnah hasanah something recommended
sanctioned approved by the deen and the people
neglected it and someone took the initiative to
remind them and he revived it so this
is sunnah hasanah though it is there in
the deen the charity of the sadaqa for
example as i mentioned in the beginning in
many muslim countries eid salah is only in
the masjid so if someone revived this sunnah
okay and the people started playing the eid
outside then this is sunnah hasanah and he
will get the reward mentioned in this hadith
so then the prophet said hasanah referring to
this first sahabi who took the initiative and
went to his house and brought these few
pieces of gold and then the sahaba followed
him then falahu ajruha all the reward of
all the sahaba who followed him will be
registered in his record without diminishing and reducing
the reward of every individual and then the
prophet mentioned the opposite side if someone revives
an evil way because sunnah means way sunnah
means way linguistically so sunnah say bad way
evil way, evil practice so if someone invites
the people to do something which is evil
then all those who follow him and practice
that evil which he concocted and invented for
them all the sins will be in his
record because he is the one who misled
them for example the prophet said ma min
nafsin manfusa tuqtal illa kana ala ibn adi
min awwal wizrun minha lana awwal masanna sunnatil
qatil so the prophet is saying any soul,
any human being today is killed from the
time of the first climb happened in earth
when Abel when Cain killed his brother Abel
from that time that was the first blood
shed first climb until today until this second
and token people are killed they are all
all in the record of Cain because he
is the first one who taught people to
kill can you imagine can you imagine this
millions and millions are killed and you will
be held accountable before Allah so similarly here
you misled the people and you taught them
an evil method an evil way all those
who went astray because of you you will
be held accountable and you are responsible for
that and you will be questioned though themselves
will not be exempted from the punishment everyone
will receive this punishment but the founder the
one who invented this he is the one
who is going to suffer because he will
be having the burdens of all of them
though everyone will also bear his own burden
so you can see my dear brothers and
sisters when you deviate and drift away from
the straight path what will happen to you
but if you remain in the straight line
the straight path moving step by step after
your Prophet and just follow him what he
did I know he did it I don't
Akhi this is good leave it leave this
good you claim there is no good except
what my Prophet told us how come are
you stupid you have intellect or grain of
sanity you are saying this is khair who
told you it is khair this good this
khair did Muhammad Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam know about
it or didn't he yes or no answer
yes good second question if you don't mind
did he teach this khair to us to
his companions yes or no yes where no
he didn't oh so how did it reach
you may I know if he didn't teach
this khair to his companions so how did
you manage to get it so who told
you told it to you your shaitan no
other one okay so if you want khair
follow the footsteps of the Prophet Sallallahu Alaihi
Wasallam and that's what Imam Malik Rahim Allah
answered when the man said oh Imam I
want to make a hiram hiram means start
the ritual of the umrah talbiyah where should
I start he said at the miqat so
no no no I want to start making
talbiyah from inside the masjid next to the
grave of the Prophet Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam Imam
Malik told him I fear that you will
be hit with the calamity with deflection with
the trial you will be tested because you
are going to violate the sunnah of your
Prophet Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam so then you will
be afflicted you will be you will receive
calamity he said what calamity it's all of
you you meters or miles I add he
said yes this is the fitna for you
you think that you found a way better
than the way of the Prophet Sallallahu Alaihi
Wasallam this is the fitna and the
fitna that you think that there is this
good khair this good deed that the Prophet
Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam was not aware of it
and you discovered it this is your fitna
it is true that's why the Prophet Sallallahu
Alaihi Wasallam said no there
is nothing that will bring you closer to
Allah except that I told you and there
is nothing that will bring you to the
hellfire except that I warn you against it
okay and that's why the sahaba understood this
meaning and in authentic hadith authentic asad when
Abu Musa he saw in the masjid of
the kufa circle group of people sitting and
one of them is telling the others and
there was pile pile of small stones and
this man he will tell everyone say subhanallah
subhanallah and they are counting alhamdulillah alhamdulillah so
Abu Musa when he saw that he went
and reported to Ibn Mas'ud, Ibn Mas
'ud came and covered his face what did
Ibn Mas'ud say he did Ibn Mas
'ud say mashallah mashallah wonderful things that you
are doing no immediately he said how
quickly you perish oh ummah of Muhammad the
meaning he told them how quickly you perish
oh ummah of Muhammad and you got astray
while the prophets close as you are still
in good condition his utensils are still intact
his companions are in your midst by Allah
he told them either you have found a
way better than the way of the prophet
a deen better than the deen of the
prophet or you are opening and unlocking the
gate for misguidance to come out the misguidance
the dalalah is locked and you are unlocking
the gate and the door for it to
come out choose one of the two he
put them in the corner if they say
we have found a deen they become covert
they say we are unlocking and releasing the
dalalah as they said from the frying pan
to the fire so what to do they
said oh father of Abdulrahman our intent our
intention what we meant is good he said
many people they have good intention but they
will not be they will not get what
they intended because in order for you to
get be rewarded for what you intended this
what you intended has to be also approved
and acceptable by Allah don't
you know that one of the fabricators those
who fabricate the hadith think Nuh bin Abi
Maryam he took the Quran all the Quran
I have one ayah one ayah verse by
verse and for every surah he will say
this is the he will fabricate hadith for
it so when he was arrested and he
was asked why did he do that he
said the people were focusing on the fiqh
of Imam Abu Hanifa and deserting the Quran
so I wanted them to come and read
the Quran see that was his intention was
that excuse accepted no he was killed he
was killed or someone steals to feed the
poor he is stealing to feed the poor
would that be accepted no because what you
are doing is haram a poet
said he said
he said a prostitute he is selling her
honor to feed the orphans what do you
look at extreme punishment is waiting for you
do not commit zina and no need for
you to give charity so in Islam there
is no room for this rule and justified
means no room for that in Islam so
this beautiful hadith my dear brothers and sisters
teaches us that there is only sunnah hasanah
and sunnah seyyah and there is nothing called
bid'ah hasanah at all every bid'ah
is an innovation and it is addition to
the deal and all of them they agree
so it is bid'ah hasanah okay give
hasanah for yourself what is common between us
and you it is bid'ah agree it
is bid'ah bid'ah means something added
to the deal okay it's not part of
it the deal has been perfected and completed
it will not accept it and the prophet
said every innovation in the deal is misguidance
thank you okay we pray for you may
Allah guide you so don't add anything to
the deal which is not part of it
may Allah subhana wa ta'ala keep us
remain steadfast on this beautiful deal until we
meet Allah and find Him pleased with all
of us and may Allah subhana wa ta
'ala forgive us our faults and mistakes and
ignorance and may Allah subhana wa ta'ala
bless us with the beneficial knowledge of righteous
deeds and may Allah subhana wa ta'ala
unite our ummah in the haqq and guide
our ummah to the haqq and may Allah
unite our hearts in the haqq and may
Allah reward all of you my dear brothers
and sisters immensely with patience and attendance barakallahu
feekum jazakumullahu khaira assalamu alaikum wa rahmatullahi wa
barakatuh wa
alaikum salam wa rahmatullahi wa barakatuh jazakallahu khair
for this very very important topic it's time
for questions and answers if you're ready jazakallahu
khair hold on a minute wa
alaikum salam wa rahmatullahi wa barakatuh is reciting
verses of the Quran before starting halaqa obligatory?
no it's not obligatory and before the halaqa
the prophet used to start with the khutbah
inna alhamdulillah that's how you start your khutbah
and after that if you read Quran or
read some ayat fine especially if you are
with your students and you are memorizing that's
okay but we have to follow the Sunnah
of the prophet as one of the salaf
said inna istataata allatahubka raasak illa biatharin faf
'al one of the salaf said if you
can find a proof, an evidence that tells
you it is okay to scratch your hair,
do so what does it mean?
I need to have an evidence to scratch
my hair?
but he meant what is the ruling of
it has to fall under one of the
five rulings of the sharia is scratching haram?
or mubah?
see that's what he meant so I know
it is not haram I know it is
not makrooh I know it is not fard
I know it is not sunnah so what
is it?
it is permissible, so I know the ruling
so what he meant that always question yourself
this thing I am doing what does it
if you can find a proof for it
do so I hope this is clear
to the questioner wa
alaikum salam wa rahmatullah wa barakatuh the bid
'ah you mentioned about funerals is rampant in
my country I know that, in many Muslim
countries am I allowed to forbid people from
coming to my house if there is a
funeral there I would not recommend that because
they will come and this will take time
believe me I am talking out of experience
there were many bid'ahs quite rampant when
I started the da'wah in my tribe
alhamdulillah gone but after years so it will
take time so we need to educate the
people educate them these things are happening because
of lack of knowledge so and there is
I think a Chinese proverb says don't curse
the darkness but light the candle we need
to light the candle our ummah is in
darkness jahl not only jahl basit, jahl murakka
because ignorance two types simple ignorance and compound
ignorance simple ignorance jahl basit I ask you
for example what is the capital of UK
you say I don't know I say ah
ok it's London this is simple ignorance but
if he answered me oh I know I
know it is Liverpool Manchester oh there is
a problem here this guy he doesn't know
he doesn't know that he doesn't know he
doesn't know that he doesn't know you hear
me yes sheikh now we hear you something
happened ok so a person who has compound
ignorance I have to double my effort so
first of all I have to correct him
that no the capital of the UK is
not Manchester but not Liverpool it is London
so first of all I have to convince
him that that information is wrong and then
I have to give him the right answer
so today the ignorance of many Muslims is
compounding they don't know that they don't know
so that's why we need to educate them
may Allah guide them and that's why the
importance of ilm and learning the deen and
educating the Muslims question
says is travelling to offer condolences permissible no
you don't travel to you can call them
as a matter of fact the ulama they're
saying that to for the family for the
deceased for example or something to sit and
wait for the people to come it is
makroor you can carry on doing your I
mean normal activities in your life so if
anyone meets you and he can convey his
condolences or when the burial people they saw
you there so they convey the condolences and
there's a beautiful book I recommend to read
everyone to read it by our sheikh Nasruddin
al-Albani rahimahullah and it is about the
funerals it's there later in the night read
it the rights of the and the rulings
on the funeral and the innovations their end
so beautiful book read it I
am just trying to read question number four
one minute I'm
planning to take my mom inshallah for umrah
but we need to pay for a mahram
to accompany her two of my brothers have
been my other brother hasn't been but he's
not upon the right way may Allah guide
us all shall I give him a chance
I just don't want to waste my money
I don't know what you mean he's not
on the right way if you mean that
he is doing some sins or things like
that this is a chance for him to
repent and may Allah guide him and you
make dua for him but if you mean
that I don't know what this and that's
why my dear brothers and sister always make
your questions clear okay and avoid any vagueness
not on the right way if you mean
that he is for example have some bid
'ah or some practices which are not sunnah
he's still a Muslim and your brother and
who knows this might soften his heart and
and listen to you after that when you
give him a piece of advice so I
don't see any objection in letting him go
and perform the umrah with his mother and
may Allah subhana wa ta'ala reform him
and reform his character and guide him and
bring him a better person giving him bringing
him back to you amen my
mom my mother sometimes ask me for financial
assistance outside of what I contribute that means
other expenses but does not ask much from
the other siblings I'm a female sometimes I
ask her to ask the other siblings or
we share shall I just give whenever she
asks if I have this is what I
recommend your mother maybe she feels shy to
ask the the others and she feels that
you are close to her okay see she
can ask you and that she knows that
you are kind hearted so you will not
refuse and if you are able financially and
it's not harming you and affecting you this
is part of your will and beautifulness and
being kind to your mother so if you
ask for help unless he is using this
money in something haram that's a different issue
which I doubt okay so my advice for
you give your mother and no need to
tell her go and ask the rest and
when you give out your intention is oh
Allah I'm doing this to exhibit and manifest
and show my beautifulness towards my mother oh
Allah make also my children later on to
be beautiful to me okay when I am
oh takes
me time because I have to copy and
paste the questions to the word document because
I cannot read it on the screen I
have abstained from eating when I go to
visit the families of the deceased is it
permissible to eat the food served there or
the fuels no you don't eat it and
the sahaba used to consider that the sahaba
said we used to consider that food which
is made by the people of the family
of the deceased or others they considered that
as part of niyaha lamentation and bewailing question
says question is
not clear actually hajj can be done in
four months so what must we have hajj
in dhul hijjah no no no no I
think you are mistaken the hajj only in
dhul hijjah okay salutations
and make salah upon me Allah will send
a new ten times he will be rewarded
ten times he will be mentioned and praised
by Allah so the salah upon the prophet
is ibadah so keep your tongue busy with
the salah upon the prophet it's not bid
'ah it's not bid'ah salah upon the
prophet it's ibadah and no one will say
it is bid'ah no muslim will say
it is bid'ah sometimes we misunderstand what
the people are saying or mishear etc no
muslim will say salah upon the prophet when
his name is mentioned is bid'ah no
one will say that that's why they say
why the hadith says that the people of
hadith their faces are always bright bright that
brightness on the faces of the muhaddithin why
they say because they are always making salah
upon the prophet they are reading his hadith
and his name is mentioned and they are
making salah all the time sallallahu alayhi wa
alihi wa sallam now
the question says can
one go to umrah inshallah first if they
have the means for that or wait until
they have saved enough for hajj no no
go and make umrah ok what guarantee do
you have that you will live until you
make until you perform hajj at least you
have the means go and perform the umrah
and renew your iman and recharge the battery
is it permissible to go to to the
wake of non muslims close family members to
the wake of i didn't understand i didn't
get this and to eat the refreshments which
they are served in my country the wake
lasts for three seven nights before the actual
funeral i don't know about this it seems
that this is a practice by non muslims
i'm not aware of it ok but anyway
when one of his relatives is not a
muslim and let's say one of the family
passed away ok so you can go and
give your condolences to them and of course
you cannot pray for the deceased but you
can try to soothe them to console them
to make them feel ok but you don't
participate in any of their rituals or their
religious practices etc etc that is ok fine
just as family member consoling them expressing ok
that you sympathize with them that's ok that's
fine but how about these things food and
things made for this occasion no try to
avoid that and Allah knows best if i
got your question correctly if i misunderstood it
so please rephrase your question so that i
can answer it correctly any questions what
is the arch of Allah made of we
don't know Allah didn't tell us what did
what he created it of or made it
of we don't know so anyone who says
anything will be speculating so in Islam we
only get our information and knowledge from what
Allah told us and his Prophet ok the
arch created before because the arch was created
before because Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala mentioned
that the Qursi encompasses the heavens and the
earth and the Arf encompasses all ok when
Allah created he rose above that and
the ulama they discussed which one was created
is the arch or the Qalam Allah knows
so no need to be entertained these things
always we should ask beneficial questions that will
bring you close to Allah subhanahu wa ta
'ala the arch
is above all the creation or the other
the arch is above them next and I
said ask beneficial knowledge that will bring you
closer to Allah ok so don't ask the
question for the sake of asking ask questions
that are beneficial for you that will benefit
you and bring you close to Allah subhanahu
wa ta'ala ok fine that is the
final question the Masih says barakallahu feekum yazaakum
Allah khair for your attendance for your patience
may Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala bless you,
bless your family protect you, protect your family
and may Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala elevate
your status in this world and in Jannah
and may Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala keep
us remain steadfast on this beautiful Deen until
we meet our Rabb and find Him pleased
with all of us and may Allah forgive
us our faults and mistakes and ignorance and
may Allah bless our Ummah and may Allah
protect our Ummah and may Allah unite our
Ummah and the Haqq and may Allah reward
all of you my dear brothers and sisters
immensely for your patience and attendance until we
meet insha'Allah in the coming session I
leave you in Allah's company and protection bi
hurmati l-Habib, bi hurmati l-Fatiha