Salem Al Amry – Lesson 8 Weekly Class The Removal of the Doubts

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The importance of learning and practicing Islam is emphasized, along with the need to avoid stupidity. Visitors are advised to avoid visiting the website and avoid visiting the confusion surrounding Islam. The speaker emphasizes the importance of practicing before revisiting and bringing forward deeds, as well as plans to release a new online platform. Visitors are encouraged to take small efforts and dedication, and to avoid being advised.
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Brothers and sisters,
and welcome to our weekly
on Friday evening
on the topic
of Kasf al Shubohat, the removal of the
with our honorable Sheikh
Salim Al Amri.
Alhamdulillah, we have reached our
8th session, I believe.
as we
announce or inform you
weekly, those brothers and sisters who are joining
us on YouTube or
Facebook, we take questions
which is answered on our Zoom session.
So if you are joining us, you're more
than welcome, Insha'Allah. As for questions, we are
taking them on the Zoom session, which will
happen on the second hour.
Without any further delay,
I request the honorable share to begin
removal of doubts.
This beautiful
book by the imam and we get the
the reformist
and the reformer
The book, as you know, it is Keshe
for Shubha, removing the doubts, the doubts that
occupy the minds
of those who did not understand
the concept of
and the message, actually.
The call of the messages
of all prophesied messages.
And you'll be surprised already about those and
sisters when you read the the
some of the book some books written by
But when it comes to the
and the
the concept is not clear at all.
You find books
scored by
the the and then
you'll find they are focusing on
as if the messengers and prophets were sent
When we know
that they were sent calling the people to
the unity of worship,
that's when the where the people went astray.
So the prophet said that he came to
the Arabs to Quraysh
to bring them to the right track,
to the Hanidiah,
to the monotheistic
And the Sheikh has spent all his lifetime
striving and struggling
to convey this message to the people.
So he wrote this book, Kesh Vashivahat,
hoping that perhaps
people will receive admonition
and will refrain
from committing.
May Allah reward him immensely and elevate his
status in.
He says
about the Arabs, the Muslims,
whom the was
sent to.
So this what?
This is
the description
of the people to whom the prophet was
That they testify
to the oneness of Allah,
that he is the creator,
that he is the provider.
He is the one who gives rise
and causes death.
He is the one who
our affairs.
All the inhabitants of the 7 firmaments,
7 heavens, and the 7 earth,
they are all under his control and sway.
All of his servants,
his creatures,
that none sustains and provides but free, sometimes.
If you ask if you ask if you
ask anyone
who sustains, who will abide, choose the zap,
Allah. You know that.
That none gives life but he
do you believe in that?
None causes
death of heat?
Who controls that pest?
Who holds the 7th element? Allah.
They know that and they believe in that.
So what was the problem?
The problem was
that the was not only it was not
offered purely and exclusively
for Allah.
do you know?
Allah's the creator,
provider, sustainer, cherish our protector.
is in his hands.
So now the sheikh made that statement,
and this is
his. This is his style.
He will make a statement,
then he will
support it
with evidence.
And if you seek the evidence, we want
for opponent
to show that the Mushriks whom
the messenger of Allah fought
used to witness
and affirm
all of this
that Allah is their creator, cherish and sustainer,
his saying.
That's why, my dear brothers and sisters, you
need to memorize
these small booklets.
Earth, or who owes healing and sight,
and who brings out the living from the
dead and brings out the dead from the
and who disposes
that as,
They would say,
will you not then be afraid of Allah's
Setting the up rivals and worship with Allah?
This is the first here.
All Muhammad,
Ask Abu Talib, ask Abu Jahal, ask
Abujahel, ask all
A price.
Call and say.
Hope provides for you From the heavens and
the earth?
Or who
owes your healing and your sight?
Who gave you this
And who brings the living from the dead
and the dead from the living?
Living from the dead,
Muslim out of mushark.
Because the Musaikh is dead,
and his
progeny are Muslims.
So Allah brings the living,
the Mu'min from the
and brings
the from the
the commentator said.
you can take it also.
Living from the dead
come up.
Who brings that?
The mother die and the child
is still alive.
Or a dead child
from a living mother.
Where will you leave them in a hay?
Or plants from the sea.
All these
sayings mentioned in the books of the sea.
When are you that?
Who runs the affairs?
Who runs the affairs of this kingdom?
Your affairs and the affairs of everyone.
Well, may you just be wrong? These
this series of questions
to address the notions.
They will say Allah.
So they are
if you are only
saying that
the messengers came
to call the people
to do hate
then they are
what many? They should go to be done
But the fact they are going to *
that is not
what the message just came for. Not enough.
This will even though it will be an
accepted case
and entails
to single out Allah
with all your active worship.
If he's your creator, if he's your provider,
if he's your changer, if he's your sustainer,
then you should worship him alone.
Don't you see Allah's
father? Are you not afraid of him, subhanah,
of his punishment
that you
You're worshiped other than him.
So the will be
is not
will not make you a Muslim.
Not make you a Muslim.
says, again,
who's in the earth?
Whose is the earth?
Whose is the earth? And whosoever
is the end, if you know?
Sebastian to them.
Say, who is the earth?
Whose is the earth? This earth?
Who owns it?
whosoever is there in
if you know.
They will say it is Allah's.
The one who owns this earth,
this earth is Allah.
So it is Allah's.
And ask them,
who's the lord of the 7 heavens and
the lord of the mighty throne?
They will reply
The second evidence,
the mighty throne,
Then will reply, Allah say, will you not
then see him?
Ask them also.
In whose hands is the authority over all
while mankind protect against them?
Did you really
how are you then
so deluded?
This is Surat al Umrinun from ayah 84
to 89.
All these questions,
and the answer, lila
lila lila.
Did that make them believers? No. Did that
make them Muslims? No.
they did not worship Allah alone.
They made intermediaries.
They made
they associated
others with them.
That is the shift.
That is the shift.
So if you are doing the same thing
You associate others with the law.
You call upon them
when you are in need.
Go to the YouTube and you will see
the ship.
You see
it. They are calling the dead,
offering sacrifices to their
mausoleums and
So shift is there,
and they think it's okay.
And some,
you don't. Leaders
who need that,
they are telling them it's okay.
It's not
It is checked only if you believe
that someone creates other than Allah,
someone provides other than Allah, and you don't
say this. So you are.
And this is not shit.
This that's this is how they fool
the layman.
May Allah guide
and bring them to the
right belief
and end their life.
And whom have you had
that? Well,
When you have established that they used to
affirm all of this, so when you realize
that now it is known to you,
so the IAC,
That they used to affirm all of this.
Allah is the creator,
cherish our sustainer,
the one who loves his kingdom, the one
owns everything, the one who owns the 7
But that was not sufficient to enter them
into the,
which the prophet
called them to.
That's why they died as Mushriks.
died as a Mushriks.
Moshe. Though he
that the deen of Mohammed, the religion of
Mohammed is the best
of religions.
I know that.
But when is it what's on it?
He's in the hellfire.
The prophet
crying, begging him when he has read in
mouth. Oh, my dear uncle, say right,
Say this kalina,
this word
to entitle me
to argue your behalf
in the presence of Allah
to intercede for
you. He's abused
because those around him, they were reminding him.
And the last word he pronounced, he.
The pastor asked, hello?
What to do?
See, I will pray for you as long
as Allah does not stop me. Immediately, Allah
stop this prophet.
It's not defitting
for a believer, man, for the believers
to seek forgiveness for the non believers.
Even if they are close to them.
After it has been made to them that
they are from the
indwellers of *.
So Abu Ghaleb is
in the hellfire.
He's in the hellfire, but I will reduce
his punishment. But this they're in.
You will come to know that that the
which is which they rejected
The of The.
The unity of worship.
That's what they rejected.
And they understood
very well,
very well.
no one worthy of worship but.
Anything else is false.
That it could
That's because Allah is the it's the truth.
Whatever they call besides him is false.
So when the prophet
invited them
to say
they understood the means of it.
That's why
the prophet was telling his uncle, say
that. Abdul Abu
be careful.
you going to shun
and abandon
the religion of Abdul Muftali?
If you said, you
are shunning and leaving
the deen of
They grow in arrogance.
They become
Shall we leave our boat
for the sake of
a possessed
poet. Did not tell them these that your
but they understood.
They they understood it very well.
Very well.
How come he made all the different
And to what?
He wants us only to call upon Allah,
No intermediaries.
No that and no reason, no manna, no
whole world.
So that was the problem.
The of the,
the unity of worship,
which the
is saying that, Sheikh of
our time,
they call it
the belief
that. Sometimes
or some of them,
some of them, not the majority,
they may check regarding
When he
looked for
a decayed bone,
crushed it,
turned it into and
he came to the
and say, oh, Mohammed, your lord
is going to bring this
and decayed bones into life,
and he blew it.
he thought
when we die, that's it.
As some of them said in here
just wounds of producing
and grains swallowing,
the bodies.
Women are giving birth to children,
they grow up, they become old, they die,
then the grains will swallow them.
So now a
resurrection. So the answer came to this,
they argue with us,
and he
crying for us a similitude.
Forgetting that they were created,
they were created.
They forgot his creation
saying who will give life to decayed bones?
So he
made this
And he forgot his own creation
and said,
who will
give life to decayed bones?
Allah answered him.
if he has let the
say, oh, prophet,
they will be revised by the one who
produced them the first time
for he has perfect knowledge of every creative
This is the answer from Allah.
You are asking,
who will bring this
decayed bonds into life?
one who produced them the first time.
Who created them the first time?
He is the one who
bring these bones again
into life.
When you are just a drop of sin
in your mother's womb,
and then you became
Lump of flesh.
And the lot fashioned
it and formed the skeleton,
the bone the framework of the bones.
And you can see
in those who study embryology
exactly the stages
and how you are created.
And then these
bones will be clothed and how Allah clothed
them with the flesh.
So the one
who brought these
being, he's the one who's going to bring
them back.
So he create you.
It's not difficult for Allah.
Allah. He has perfect knowledge of every created
All created being that he created, he knows.
And you know subhanahu wa ta'ala, subhanahu wa
Allah Subha Ta'ala told us
how he created our father Adam
from the earth.
And he mentioned the pages of his Adam's
Because you
mix the earth with water, it becomes clean.
If you leave this mud for a while,
it stinks.
it was shaved out of my salam was
shaved out of this
and left
for a while to dry,
baked clay, like baked clay,
the soul
and the spirit was blown to this body.
So these are the phases of Adam's creation
which we did not witness,
but Allah told us about it.
So that is the beginning of life,
the creation.
We did not witness.
But Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala, every day he's
making us see the opposite
of the life which is death.
The last thing entered
the body of Adam was the soul.
When the soul entered the body, the life
And the first
activity, the first reaction was his needs,
Adam alaihis salaam, and he praised the law.
Allah shows this to us everyday when people
are dying,
but it is in the reverse order.
There was the soul entered the body, the
last thing,
here, it will leave the body the first
thing. The first thing that will leave the
body is the soul.
What was left is into the first because
it is in the reverse order.
And the moment the souls leave the body,
the sight follows it as the prophet said.
See the paper the person who's dead, his
sight is looking his eyes are looking up.
And then what happens to the body?
It becomes solid
like a piece of wood.
If you leave this money without bearing it,
it will start to stink.
If you leave it, it will start to
decay and crumble,
and it will go back to it is
to the first.
The prophet
told us in the hadith
what will happen in the day of resurrection
before the people come out from their graves
because all this body will be decay.
Except the little small ball at the end
of the vertebrae.
That's what I meant.
So what will happen in the day of
The bones will be put back,
reconstructed. The body will be reconstructed.
And when the body becomes complete,
rain will fall from the sky.
It's not water.
This water,
it is like the similar fluid.
Then the souls
will be reunited
with the bodies and the place will open.
So this is what will happen.
Say, oh, prophet,
they will be rebite by the one who
produced them the first time,
for he has perfect knowledge
of of every created
some of the Arabs,
they attributed
the fall of the rain to the stars.
you know, they went to Mecca,
and their intention was to
reform the and the to stop them
at the.
And then there was negotiations
with the,
and they agreed that this year,
they will not
enter Mecca. They will come on before next
at night,
rain fell.
And in
the morning when the prophet Rasalem
prayed the fajib,
he addressed the sahab, and he told them,
Do you know what your god has said?
The prophet said, I was adjusting the Sahaba.
They replied, Allah is missing them no better.
Upon this upon this, he remarked.
He said,
some of my Allah said, some of my
slaves have entered the morning
as my believers
and some are
as unbelievers.
got up as believers, some they got up
as unbelievers.
He who said we have had the rain
due to the grace
and mercy of Allah
believes in me and disbelieves in the stars.
And he who said we have had the
rain due
to the rising of such and such a
disbelieves in me and defirms
his faith in the stars.
And this is Muttabakan
Ali, Ali that read upon him, Bukhari a
So attributing
the fall of the rain
to the stars
is a form of shimp
related to because
the one who causes the rain to fall
is Allah.
Is Allah's.
So today, we are saying
we had the rain
because of this law,
depression depression zone
or this
the wind that was blown from this area
was the rain,
and you think
that the rain fell because of that
and not because of Allah,
then you are doing the same thing. You
are committing shift.
Because who calls
low pressure zone?
And who caused
the wind to blow and to cut in
the rain and move the clouds? Who caused
By themselves?
Don't you know?
There is an angel, Micah is. This is
his job.
He's in charge of the rain.
Many times, the forecast, they say,
we are expecting heavy rain
And you can see the sky is so
Clothes are loaded with water.
You hear the thunder, you see the lightning,
and it passes over you and not seeing
the drop of water. No
one drop of rain.
No one drop of rain. It passes over
because it is not meant to rain in
this area.
The one who's driving the clouds
has a suction.
This rain
is for that area.
the rain doesn't fall
because of low pressure zone,
because of this wind
that came from Siberia.
It's Allah.
One of the Sahara,
it is from the, in the, previous
a man
heard a man heard
he heard
someone saying to the crowd,
go, Arlene,
on the land of so and so and
mention the name.
So this man, he followed the cloud. The
cloud is moving and he is chasing the
And when the cloud was on the exactly
that location, that area, that land of the
it's empty, it's content.
It's raining.
So this man, he found
a farmer in the land
directing the water and the channels
and the canals,
and he asked him,
what's your name?
Say, what do you ask about my name?
I said, please, tell me.
Because this cloud
whose water is now
in your land, I heard the voice saying,
go and reign on the land of so
and so. What was your name?
He told them his name, which is the
same name he heard.
Just tell me, what do you do?
So then are you you are seeing me
I plant the lamp,
I throw the seeds and
I harvest
the produce
and divide it into 3 lots.
One third, I give to the poor,
one third for me and my family,
and the other third, I put it back
to the land.
So Allah
sent a special cloud for this man.
Special cloud.
So the one who sends the rain down
is Allah subhanahu
ta'ala. Then the author continues
that the Arabs,
the Mushriks,
And just as they, the Arabs, used to
also call
upon him
then amongst amongst them were those who would
upon the angels.
So some, they used to call the Malaika
for intercessions
on account of their righteousness because the Malayik
are very close to Allah,
so that's why they used to call them.
They also called upon the righteous people such
as Allata,
who was
the for
the pilgrims.
He would mix the flour with date
and make
dough out of that
and feed
pilgrims. Or some they call upon
prophets of as Isa alaihis salam.
Christians, they call Isa,
alaihis salam.
Okay? To them, they consider
Jesus Christ their Lord.
So Allah
says telling us
now the because the sheikh, as I told
you, should not refuse to understand this time.
He makes a statement, then he provides the
So the prophet
fought them because of their shirk.
He fought
the mushriks
because of their shirk,
because they did not worship Allah alone.
Fight against them until there's no
more fitna.
No more
to die upon the ship, you go to
You go to Hellfire.
And Strand came to you to save you
from going to Hellfire
you don't know where you are heading to.
And Allah
wanted us
to worship him alone,
and he wants the deen to be purely
for him
So fight against them, the Mushriks,
the Arabs,
until there's no more
which is the shirk.
Because fitna literally actually means
Trial, tribulation, but literally
it means
to remove the impurity of gold.
I heat the gold,
the ore,
and so the impurities are removed and
the pure substance of gold is extracted.
So now then it is used
or figuratively.
That because the fish now will purify you,
will purify you from your sins.
So here, the the biggest tribulation
here and text is the
partners with Allah
and persecuting
the believers
worship Allah alone.
So Allah
allowed the believers to fight the disbelievers
so that this fitna
to be removed,
and people will worship Allah
So fight against them until there is no
more fitna.
Your deen
the deen is will be entirely to Allah.
Your devotion
will be entirely to
If they desist,
if they refrain
from the shirk,
Then truly Allah is all seeing of what
they do.
Among his signs are the day and the
the sun and the moon.
Do not frustrate to the sun or the
moon, but frustrated to Allah
who created them all if you truly worship
him alone.
So these are the ayat came down
to address the.
So Allah is telling them
the day and the night and the sun
and the moon are signs.
These are only signs
created by Allah for you.
But for straight to Allah,
the one who created
the night
and the day, the sun, and the moon.
Do not per state from the sun or
the moon,
but per state to Allah
before Allah.
And then
who created them.
If you truly worship him alone.
Regarding worshiping the Malaika,
those who worship the Malaika,
Allah said.
See, on the day of resurrection,
many files are opened.
And consider the day he will gather them
all together.
All of us, children of Adam
and Jin,
all different kingdoms,
kingdom of animals, kingdom
of mankind, of the Jin,
will be
A question of the day he will gather
them all together,
and then ask the angels,
was it you that these qualities used to
will address
the Malaika.
Ask him then.
Was it you that this Palatine used to
And the Malaika said, no. No. No.
That day, only followed the temptations of evil.
They only followed the jinn
in whom most of them had faith.
They worshiped the jinn, not us.
Us. The
shayabeen, of course, they
they had that. They
they pulled their legs. They pulled them.
You know, you you read in in the
of the,
some of the,
deviate mistakes.
And they say,
so I saw in
when he
came to the grave of the prophet,
he said 35, 35 is the same.
And when he gave the salam, the prophet
replied, and he
his hand came out
from the grate, the prophet's hand, and he
shook hand with him.
So the shayateen
the shayateen
fools them.
If they're if the hand came out, it's
not the prophet's hand, so I said.
to make you believe.
Oh, it's you find many of them they
the relief spoke to me and they heard
No. This is Shaitan.
A man came to Sheikh Islam and he
said, Sheikh,
when I enter my farm,
the trees, they invite me. They talk to
me, the trees.
Come, oh, servant of Allah.
Pick our
told him, okay, when you hear that,
And then come and tell me.
When he starts his reading,
she'll have been run away,
and the trees
stop talking.
He told them, this
Is trying to fool you.
So they share a deal.
the children of Adam,
and they think they are becoming a loss.
Oh, yeah.
what happened to Imam Abu Jadu Gilani
He was praying to Hajj.
He said,
The room was,
pick up.
And the voice came.
Oh, I'm just.
I am Allah.
No need for you to worship me.
Ma'am, I'm just a scholar.
Can you missus Shifa?
So he told him, by Allah, are you
Not reply.
light disappeared.
Then the voice came back. Oh, Abdupader,
you escaped.
I could not fool you. By Allah, I
fooled many many worshipers like by this,
and they thought that they reached your level.
That's why many of those mistakes,
they say.
Worship Allah until you attain
So when you reach
no more
Leave the salah, leave everything.
And the Yateen here
is the mode
that you worship Allah until you die.
Death. So the shiateen,
they fool the children of Adam.
So the Malaika, they say,
Read it.
The criterion
between Allah
and the devil's
Allah's friends and the devil's friends.
The reason behind writing that book,
there was a man in Damascus.
He would jump from the top of the
mountain of the hillock, the hill of,
Gascion in Damascus.
He would climb this little hill
and jump,
and he would land on the tail of
the hill,
and then and hurt, and the people would
say, this is one of our large.
said, yes. He's one of the
out of the. The
carry him.
The they carry him. So the they fool
the children of Adam.
That's why Imam Shabir said,
if you see a man flying in the
Or walk on the water. Do not release
him until you check him against
the team can help him to do these
worshiping Islam,
those who worshiped Isa.
So Allah
will question Isa on the day of the
resurrection, though he knew Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala.
Isa Alai Salam did not command the people
to worship him.
And on judgment day,
Allah will say, oh Jesus, son of Mary,
did you ever ask the people to worship
you and your mother as goes beside Allah?
He will answer, glory be to you.
How could I ever say that I had
no right to say?
If I had said such a thing,
you would have certainly known it.
You know, what is hidden
me, but I don't know what is within
Indeed, you alone are the knower of all
So the Quran
Those who worship
that will,
on the day of Lusav actually say, forsake
me. Leave me.
And even when he comes back, that's what
he's going to say.
Also, Allah said, Surah al Isra
is 56.
Say or profit in both those who claim
to be divine,
Those who used to call on the dunya.
They do not have the power to undo
harm from you or transfer it to someone
No one
will help you.
Everything is in Allah's hand, my dear brothers
and sisters. That's why.
The tawhid
came the message of the tawhid
liberates you, liberates your heart,
and ask you only worship the one who
has everything in his hand.
Not angels, not,
prophets, not messengers, not saints, no one.
Only Allah.
is in Allah's hand.
So turn to him, worship him alone.
Returned in his arm to me.
That day he sees how they will be
how they will be rebuked,
They do not have the power to undo
harm from you
or to you
or to somebody else.
I will address the
reminding them.
Do you worship
Have you considered the address of Allah and
and the third one, Manas, as well?
Do you know what Allah was?
they derived
names for the idols,
from Al Aziz and Mana
from Al Manan.
They derived names for the idols.
So my dear brothers and sisters,
the Dua
of the Tawhid
and the messenger of Islam
came to
call the people
to worship
Allah alone,
inviting them
to actualize
in their life,
unity of worship,
and to worship only Allah and Allah alone.
The messengers and
prophets, they did not come
to ask the people to believe in the
oneness of Allah, only
for the unity of lordship.
That is there
built within the human beings,
that is the default.
But what happened to humanity,
they deviated
from worshiping him
and offering all their acts to him and
him alone.
May Allah
make us
among those
who will single out Allah with their acts
of worship, Ami.
May Allah accept our acts.
May Allah save us from all forms of
Whether it is major or minor or hidden.
And may Allah guide Ummat Muhammad to
to the truth,
to the monotheistic
to the message of
the Tufin.
And may Allah
the lives of those who
are going to leave,
Those who will be invited
to end their life on the
and to make the last words to the
utter the kalimah.
And may Allah
keep us to remain steadfast
on this beautiful deed
till we meet him and he is pleased
with all of us, Ameen.
And may Allah forgive us our faults and
mistakes and ignorance.
And may Allah reward all of you, my
dear brothers and sisters,
for your patience and attendance.
Sheikh, may we take some questions inshallah?
Yeah. Okay.
Brothers and sisters,
please, if you would like to ask, verbal
raise your hands now,
by pressing on, participant and then pressing raise
hand. We have some written questions already here,
so we'll begin with those Insha'Allah.
You may also write your questions
by posting on the chat section on Zoom
The first question we have,
In it
is sunnah that the upper garment should be
turned inside out during the chutba.
My question is,
can woman also do this or is it
only for men?
The I'm sorry. It is only for the,
for the, for the men because that is
mentioned in the and it is the imam
who does that. The imam who does this.
Next question from the same question.
And the other mother said the
why they said this is hoping.
I'm saying to Allah
that the situation will be changed.
Our situation will be changed.
Now we have droughts, Insha'Allah, the rain will
come down.
And the Lord knows best.
Insha Allah.
Next question from the same question, Sheikh Hana,
with regards to replying to Salam.
Assalamu alaikum
and replying it to it by stating.
Is this permissible or is it an innovation?
No. The,
the addition, this is this is not authentic.
It's not authentic. Even our
sister after message, this is written the.
Before we go to the next written one,
we'll take,
Yusuf, brother Yusuf. Please unmute your mic and
Sheikh, my question is, what is the concept
Some group of people,
believes in it and some people oppose it.
Which one is right and why?
The unity of existence.
Is this the first time for you,
this class?
Yes, sir.
The first time?
Yes. Yes.
I see first of all,
that Allah
our creator,
He created
this creation.
So there was no creation,
only the creator.
Only the creator
who will Awal, wal Aqir, wal Baha'il, wal
Baha'il, is the first and the last, and
it's about everything that is closer to us
than anything.
And the prophet
and there was nothing there.
So then Allah created the creation.
So when he created the creation,
you have created
now and creation.
So where did he create this creation?
There are 3 scenarios
that he created the creation inside him.
This is
if we say the creation inside the creator,
that means we are inside the god.
So this is ruled out.
The creator
created the creation,
he entered into his creation
or and dwells on his
creation. So he became part of the creation.
If we accept this, this is over,
And this is what he did in Wujud,
that everything is God.
They call it pantheism
So if you worship the stone because it
is part of the creation,
you're worshiping God because God is in everything.
You worship a tree,
God is in everything.
So this is not the belief of the
Muslims. Any Muslim who believes in Wahidat and
in pantheism,
that God is in everything.
And you know what they say?
They say like the light.
The light is in everywhere
in the room.
So god is like that.
Or like the butter, the butter and the
In every part of the milk, there is
a butter. So god is every part of
the creation.
This is totally disbelief
and they they
believe of the Muslims.
The third possibility
that the creator
is outside his creation.
The creator
is outside his creation,
and he is above all his creation.
And this is the meaning that Allah is
in heaven.
This is the meaning Allah
is the This is the belief of the
So the belief of of
is that
god is in everything
in the creation.
You worship
So this is the belief of the pantheist,
those who believe in Wahid al Dinwujuns.
And among those,
I have to be
those who
believed in residential museums
and wrote many books about it
But many of the,
they say no. No. No.
All these things that
are mentioned in the books of which I
have in Mequia,
the Makan,
divine blessings from Allah.
People, they have certain things. He didn't say
These are all nonsense.
that these are his own books
to to have Lakia
and for Sosahekam.
And for Sosahekam is saying,
was a mukbang
And he was right.
He was correct.
When he said,
The pharaoh said I am your supreme lord
because according to the the believers, the pantheist,
god is in everything and
is part of the creation,
so he's saying
I am your supreme lord. Is
was correct.
Musa was mistaken
and also he said,
The duck,
the pig, the swine
is our god.
Because according to the believers, the papyrus,
god is in everything.
So the dog is part of the creation,
so is god,
but the
And then he said,
The servant
is the Lord.
And Abdul Rab.
And the lord is the servant.
Who can help me?
Mele Muqadd.
So who is the servant here?
Who's the one who has to obey?
And who is obeyed?
If I say he is the love the
If I call him,
a servant, he's also at the same time.
We'll put to happen and never say he's
a rat. Lord, I know you're Caleb.
Then how can he be asked to obey
when he's the rat?
These are the things mentioned
in such books.
Allah ended his life? This is
Allah knows.
Did he die upon such belief? Allah knows.
We're not talking about the person.
We are talking about the legacy.
We are talking about the books that are
left behind.
The same thing Al Halal who was executed.
He said the same
I am the one who loved, and I'm
the one who
We are 2 souls. We are 2 spirits.
Indwellest in 1 body.
2 spirits. God and I in 1 body.
If you see me, you see him.
If you see me, you see god.
If you see him, you see me.
He believed in Halun
and it's that
Allah indwelled in him. That's why he was
killed, Al Hallaj.
So this is not the belief of Muslims
at all.
The belief of the Muslims,
Allah is
The prophet
was ascended to heaven.
This is the belief of the Muslims.
Is this clear to you,
Be careful, Aki. Take care.
Next question.
Brother Youssef, welcome to the lesson, and, we
hope that you will be with us
throughout so you can benefit.
The next question,
for the beneficial knowledge. May Allah reward you
immensely in both worlds. Ameen.
Sheikh, can we hear
what is termed
in which they sing
And what else in this
That's it?
Nothing else? I mean,
any other words?
Sheikh, there is, other words. They've not mentioned
it here. There are other words and, the
but the main catchphrase or the main phrase
like this.
Okay. I didn't hear this Nasheed. But, anyway,
about the,
first of all,
if the wordings and the words
are free from,
no shirk,
and no no
or overpraising
back in the of.
There's no and,
of course, not
accompanied with musical instruments.
So just
form of policy,
and the words are fine. Nothing wrong with
that. That's okay.
But nowadays,
either accompanied with musical instruments,
they have the same effect
of songs,
and the tunes are the same.
So when you hear the nihid and you
the song, they look resemble each other.
So Muslims should free Allah
because this will
affect your heart and affect your imam.
And, yeah,
And some of this
and the kids, the system, they went mad.
The the is
chanting and saying the and the sister started,
you know, like woman
got crazy.
So this is not,
permissible in our deen.
Is it clear to the questioner?
Yes, Sheikh. It is clear.
And if this and Nasheed, they are moderate
and as I said,
and nothing there, no musical, nothing there. And
you but you should also
not keep listening all the time to Nasheed.
Don't waste your time only with Nasheed. Listen
to the Quran. Listen to the end.
Next question.
The next question we have here,
before we go to Abu Diop for a
verbal question.
So we'll take the written question now.
Assalamu alaykum shikh. May Allah continue to bless
you and your family for the beneficial knowledge.
I mean,
when I started working at my agency,
I discovered there was conventional
cooperative society,
6 years ago.
Myself and some of my Muslim
colleagues at the agency decided to start
an Islamic
society in order to stop
fellow Muslims from indulging
in rebal.
Today, we invited a scholar who specializes in
Islamic cooperative society to enlighten the members
on Sharia compliance.
okay. Today, we invited a scholar who specializes
in Islamic Cooperative Society to enlighten the members
on Sharia compliance.
During the workshop, we discovered
that we had been indirectly
indulging in reba
while trading from sharing of dividends
among members from the yearly business profit.
We have
been sharing trading profits in the wrong manner,
and some members have benefited
in the past.
We were not aware we were doing the
wrong thing until today.
What should we do about this in order
for us to be
of these sins by Allah?
That's the question, sir.
If you were ignorant
and you thought that what you were doing
is halal, and this is the problem with
the many Muslims.
They start any business,
some business
referring to the.
So my advice for every brother or sister
who wants to invest and make money and
make business,
first of all, to study
this type of business you have that you
are going to,
be involved in,
and then you approach the and you give
the full picture to the scholars.
And then whatever the say, you have to
accept it.
And if you are a businessman,
you need to master the chapter on transactions
the check.
Take any book
of check. Take any book of hadith,
the chapter on the transactions,
study it. The in the past,
they would go to the market
and ask the merchants
The moment they find someone who's ignorant about
the issues of halal and halal, they're telling
you are not allowed to remain in the
Go and study
first. So now
you are ignorant,
you realize
the tenth to Allah
and the amount that you earned and it
illicit gain, they're a little bit.
It's a little bit,
and the
will accept you since the October.
But from now on,
any transaction,
before you sign, before you
and you should have a reference, you should
have a committee of scholars
whom you referred to.
Is this clear to the questioner?
Inshallah, this is clear. If not, brothers can,
message back inshallah on the chats.
Let us move to
Abu Dhiop, and then we'll come back to
the written questions inshallah. Abu Dhiop, Please unmute
For this test.
And, may Allah reward you and,
our host, Hadamaine.
And I have a question regarding
what the author
He mentioned
that the the Mushriks of our time called
Tawhid al Ibadah.
What does he mean by that?
Yeah. Yeah. They they, they used to call
it they what he meant,
the terminology they use for the unity of
worship, they call it.
Means the belief.
So he said
the unity
of worship, which the worshiks
of our time call it that that was
the the problem
with the Arabs.
So that means you have to
single out Allah
with your acts of worship.
the problem with those who who oppose the
They think that if you have to
and you're a gift card, you have to
that Allah is a creator to stay now,
provide that everything
then you are a you are a movement.
That is not enough.
Unity of launch of,
or unity of lordship.
Yeah. The unity of worship is the most
important one
besides, of course, the unity
of lordship.
So he was telling them,
this is
not enough.
the of
should be entitled for the Jannah.
Why they are destined to help? Why?
If that this is the Juhayid, they are
this is what you think is the Juhayid,
they should go to Jannah.
So why they are going to help?
Because they did not worship Allah alone.
The devices are not yet.
No. No. Mhmm. Okay.
Right. Let us continue
with the written questions.
Okay. For your beautiful,
May Allah raise your ranks in Jannah. Ameen.
With regards to the hadith Qudsi
during the morning prayer
at Hudubiyah
can we also derive from it that it
also means not to believe in superstitions,
omens and other amulets
that some cultures believe in.
this year, the Christians believe there's going to
be a
of planets, Saturn,
etcetera, on 21st December.
That will be a super bright,
Christmas star bringing glad tidings.
Good sign. Also, black cat
brings good luck, Wearing lucky charm to protect
themselves, etcetera.
Yes. That's why
if you go to
of the of the Sheikh Mohammed,
and then he command if the Bible says
that you'd have his own copy
and should read it.
And there are many
you can see in the net
who taught this book.
very, very important book.
And what is the chapter this?
Islam came to
fight all these evil and superstitions,
and this had it also.
Because what the stars they have to do
with the with the name?
Or what the stars
to do with
your future, your destiny.
Some people, they believe in horoscopes, what they
just thought, etcetera.
Some people, they they will not get married
because this is not my son,
but they're strong. He already told them that.
So there's no room for superstitions
in Islam at all.
And believe me, the non Muslims, they are
and they believe in superstitions
and some Muslims as well.
They also, yes,
To attribute the fall of the rain to
the stars.
Okay. It's a shirk
because the stars will not cause the rain
to fall.
The one who causes the rain to fall
Allah subhanahu wa sahanahu.
Is this clear to the question?
The same question I asked,
I also see many Muslim countries
where people sell and wear pendants
with a hand and an eye on it,
apparently, to prevent the evil eye.
Is this major or minor shirk?
it is, you'll find it in, North African
countries and Turkey, etcetera.
Yes. It is shirk. And if you feel
this amulet
will work as the evil eye, it is
And if you die while wearing it, you
will never pass.
That's why, my dear brothers and sisters, we
need to really
focus on the issues of the
and call the Muslims
to correct
or wearing some,
black dress
or some they say this now, they call
it magnetic ring.
The same.
You see, my dear brothers and sisters
in Islam,
what is considered as a cure.
It's iron
something we consider as cure.
It has to be material like medicine,
physically proven
to laboratories
by taking the medicine.
This medicine
by a large grace
is a cure for this particular
Second thing,
spiritual cure.
Spiritual cure.
The law giver,
mentioned that this is a spiritual queue.
That the Quran is a queue.
adea queue.
The adkar.
Sir, if this particular thing that the people
say, it is a queue.
It's neither
medically proven
through the laboratories
nor it is a spiritual cure,
sanctioned and approved off by
the revelation,
then it is shipped.
It is checked.
If you say this thing will cure
you, then it is checked
because it is neither
medically proven
the law giver,
the wahid.
Then anything else is shared.
Is this clear to the question?
Inshallah. Very clear, Sheikh.
Okay. The next question, assalamu alaikum. Can we
read all the books of Sheikh Islam
as a layman?
Because you'll not understand.
So that's why you see, knowledge, you have
to go
step by step.
Like, the way we we seek the, secular
You go to k g 1, k g
2, primary 1, primary 2, secondary.
That's how the same thing when you want
to study the dean, the religious knowledge.
You have to climb the ladder step by
The next question,
Sheikh. For sharing the beneficial knowledge. May Allah
reward you immensely and protect you from all
evil of the creation. Amen.
I wanted to ask regarding dress code of
the woman.
As far as I've come across, woman can
wear dress of any color as long as
the dress fulfills all the conditions of hijab.
But it is sometimes seen that some light
colors like pink or such makes a woman
even if it is loose and the cloth
is thick.
Thus, is there any restriction regarding color of
the clothing
for women?
The Sharia
put a criteria
that it has to be covering all the
Not revealing.
It's not transparent.
Not describing. I cannot see
the figure of the woman.
Maybe you are wearing a garment covering your
but I can see the figure.
And now this tie to a buyer,
you can see the waistline
of her sister, and she is with gloves
and, and you can see her waist.
This is not the right dress of.
Haram. Haram.
It falls under the.
Two types of
people, I did not see them. They're going
to come.
they have whips in their hands like the
tails of the cars.
The police fight.
Right? Police.
No time.
And women were dressed
yet naked.
They are dressed
yet naked.
Either transparent
or *.
And she can
trigger your desire.
The dress of the Muslime,
he's covered from head to toes
so that you will not be recognized.
This is the dress of the muslim.
Dress yet naked.
The hairstyle like the beehive of the arms
of the cowards.
They will
not be entered they will not enter the
Jannah, and they will not smell its fragrance.
Though its fragrance reaches
from a slight form a a far distance.
So the sister, they should fear Allah.
So the dress has to flow
and cover your body,
but you're not describing your body.
If you describe your body, that's not the
you are not the dress is not fulfilling
the code of the Islamic dress.
And, also, it should not be
It draws people's attention.
It attracts the men's attention.
And then you become a source of fitna,
and you are inviting the men to look
at you.
So that's why
you dress as the people in your community.
This is the color which is known in
the community.
It's not attractive,
covering the entire body.
if the conditions are fulfilled,
but if the conditions are not fulfilled,
a Muslim should see Allah
if she wants to go to Jannah.
So the sisters
take care
how you dress up
how you dress up.
Is this clear?
Yes, Sheikh. Very clear.
Can the Sahaba agree on something wrong?
The answer, no.
The there's the consensus of this,
this is Allah's
that this will not
agree unanimously
on something wrong.
This will not agree on something which is
Next question, Sheikh.
Is it correct for us to make the
2 Adans on Friday since it wasn't the
case during the prophet
The second Adan of the Yomah,
first of all, it is not.
It is of
Hanifa Azman and one of the.
That's number 1. Number 2,
it was not in the masjid.
The adhan was not in the masjid. It
was in the market.
The adhan of Adnan was in the market,
and it was
ahead of the time of to
inform the people in the market
to get ready for the salah. So stop
buying and selling
and go and take showers and be ready
for the salah.
So that was the other end of in
the in
the market.
So now
to carry on making and the the purpose
to inform the people.
Today, you have 2 other ones for the
no gap between them.
The message is already packed.
So what is the purpose of this adam?
It's not serving.
So if you want to maintain 2 adam,
then the first adam has to be ahead.
Once hour
at least before
the Adan of the God.
So the people, they this is a reminder
for them.
A reminder for them to
get ready.
So when UHtsman
consulted the Sahaba and they
find out there was a need,
And he's one of the and
the Hadith of
So follow my sunnah and the sunnah of
the guy did careless.
Someone come after me.
Is this clear to the question?
Yes, Sheikh.
Very clear.
The next question, Sheikh, is
can we do regarding
more than one matter at once after praying
2 rakasala,
or do we have to perform 2 rakasala
for each matter?
There are several matters? Yes. Several.
You make salah for this matter
and salah for the other matter.
That's the best thing.
So each one, because you are
for this one,
and you named it,
and then you make a for the other.
And then you're combined
because you have consulting Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala.
But the best thing, if you can,
for each one
you, play to your house.
And it's just a bad, you know,
getting near to Allah
and you're getting.
Why you became lazy, so lazy?
Next question, Assalamu alaikum. Can you recommend
a tafseer
of the Quran for beginners?
For beginners, I said
many times.
There's a tafsir by a group of the
scholars now
published by,
the complex of Kinkfat,
which is very simple and very, beautiful,
which is in Arabic, of course.
the. These are for beginners.
Providing that you will be careful
on certain issues,
certain hadith,
and certain
issues related to the
and things like that.
So if you are not that,
just leave it.
Look for other books.
And this one, which is published by the
complex of of
publishing the or
the of
the summarized
of. So there are many books available.
Next question, Sheikh.
Following what you mentioned about
legacy and books left behind by the likes
of Ibn Arabi, etcetera,
I'm a little confused about Imam Al Ghazali's
I think a lot of Sufis
use it as a reference, but some say
he's a great scholar. So which books of
Imam Al Ghazali
should we take from and which, if any,
should we be aware of?
Imam Al Ghazali or Ghazali
No doubt. He was Hijit in Islam. He
was just scholar. He was imam,
theology, and many things.
when he
influenced by.
Like, his book, the
the bible of the sciences of the of
He compiled it when he was
in his journeys and his when
he was in that phase
And here,
there are many things good there,
and there are mistakes there
and great mistakes.
That's why the Imam Al Qasimi
he summarized it,
and of course,
because he was not a there
are many many weak hadith and even sometimes,
in that. Yeah.
That's why he
checked it.
So you find
the comments of
that this hadith is is not
sorry. Check the
So, he
summarized it, I think, and he called it
So for beginners,
don't read the books of Imam Qatari. Don't
Yeah. Adam, that's different issue for the advanced
students of coming. For beginners,
First of all,
establish yourself
and have the right
and the right belief,
which will
enable you to
and differentiate
between what can be accepted and what cannot
be accepted.
they said, Raheem,
he died
while reading Sahih al Bukha.
May Allah show his mercy upon his soul
the problems with many of the books of
those who passed away, the legacy,
they need to be really
by committees of scholars
to save the from the mistakes they contain.
Next question, please.
The next question or advice sought is,
each and everybody
on social media
is talking about Islam,
especially women from the west and also subcontinent
without proper hijab sharing the stories of the
prophets with their life experience.
And the ignorant Muslims and men, women are
thumping up
and pressing like and thumbs as 1,000,000.
What is the advice to such people so
we can explain
ignorant or explain to these ignorant Muslims?
Of course, you should not visit the website.
You should not support them.
K. Because
first of all, people should
go and study and learn the.
Not everyone to talk about this
you don't know.
And this is what is going to come,
when we cover
the the 3 fundamentals of.
So first of all,
this how Islam teaches you.
You should learn.
Number 1,
learn then practice,
and share the knowledge
and forward level
where the consequences,
be patient
because you are going to face adversities,
hardships, difficulties.
But the one who's
ignorant has to learn first.
Go and study your deed.
Study Islam first. Study your deed,
it, then
you invite to
it. And this deed
should be taken only from the people who
are qualified.
Not from Sheikh Google.
Because everyone goes to Google. So Google is
their Sheikh.
Is this clear to the question now?
Okay. Let me try to understand this question.
Muslims give so that their affairs are eased.
They make
food for people to ask for rain.
They slaughter a ram and invite people to
when one of them has completed the Quran.
Is that part of Islam?
There's nothing wrong with that. If someone,
his son memorized the and
so he is,
thanking Allah for this blessing.
There's nothing wrong with that.
Okay, Sheikh. That was our last question for
If you'd like to conclude today's lesson, just
before that, I want to mention something.
With regards to
the previous recordings
the 3 sessions, what we have been doing
recently is we've been keeping for the last
3 to 4 sessions.
We didn't realize there are many brothers and
sisters who are still behind.
Try to keep up with the lessons. Otherwise,
you'll fall very behind.
Some were asking for session from session 2,
session 3,
and we're in session 17, 18,
especially regular people.
But what we are doing is we are
transferring all the lessons. We have all of
onto Sheikh's platform and his own account, which
has already been formed.
So they're all being transferred there, and they
will be available. Also, there are platforms being
set up as we speak,
for Sheikh's website, personal website,
which will contain all the live duros.
And soon, we will also be doing the
live from those platforms, not from this platform,
and we'll encourage this as much as possible
and support it.
So I am pleased because many brothers and
sisters have
does sheikh have a website? Does sheikh have
so and so? Yes. The sheikh has. It
is just going to be released shortly,
and all the beneficial
the hard efforts that the sheikh has done
previously will be contained, inshallah,
inshallah, in 1 central place.
And, also, we will request and persuade and
push the sheikh to give more time.
Maybe we'll have 1 session a week at
just for question and ask answers so
sheikh will be there to deal with any
questions that you have.
may Allah
protect him, preserve him,
and give him the ability to do more
care for the,
as we need, and we value,
people such as.
And, Sheikh, if you'd like to conclude the
best for today.
And first of all,
he who doesn't thank
the people doesn't thank Allah.
for all your help and for all your
May Allah reward you immensely.
May Allah
bless all your activities and accept them.
My dear brothers and sisters,
learning to redeem
is the most important thing in our life.
Whomever Allah
loves, he gives him the understanding of the
So the
is one of the the Allah's blessings.
Not probably Sydney,
Nile and Sydney, and
all increase my my money, increase my property,
give me more children. No. Give me more.
so we need
to keep
encouraging each other to learn the deal,
put effort, small efforts,
more dedication.
It is rebada.
It is rebada, my dear brothers and sisters.
Learning the deed is rebada.
When you are revising and writing the Malaika,
rejoice the Malaika, and keep praying for
you. Praying for you.
So let us
put more efforts
and keep revising and learning
our deed. And believe me, my dear brothers
and sisters, every day you will discover
that you know nothing about this one. Nothing.
Every day we are learning and we are
our ignorance.
May Allah
grant our sincere
may Allah verify our hearts. May Allah make
our deeds purely for him only,
and may he forgive us all our faults
and mistakes.
And save us from the riya, the showing
may Allah
reward all of you,
my dear brothers and sisters,
for your patience,
and attendance.
And may Allah bless you, bless your efforts,
give you the, grant your success,
give you the,
the efficient knowledge.
May Allah bless you,
bless your children,
protect you, and protect your family all. And
may Allah reward immensely the organizers.
And may Allah
keep us to remain steadfast and dispute for
till we meet him and he is pleased
with all of us. Until
we meet
in our coming
I leave you
in a large
company and protection.