Salem Al Amry – Lesson 54 Weekly Class The Three Fundamental Principles

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The importance of learning the meaning of Islam is highlighted, including the name of Islam and the name of the father of Islam. The history of the title of Islam is discussed, including the rise of the Islamist movement and the use of magic to obtain power. The importance of not touching one's wife and not giving them too much is emphasized, as well as the importance of fasting during the night and not following certain rules. The importance of protecting oneself and others from evil behavior is emphasized, and the use of "we" in the internet's definition of Islam is discussed. The importance of teaching children to use the meaning of "will" in learning and being mindful of their behavior is also emphasized.
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Madam, what happened?
I'm not sure what happened.
Seems like a lot of technical issues, but
inshallah, let us begin again.
Brothers and sisters, welcome.
I will pass the mic and the screen
to Sheikh Salim. Sheikh Salim can begin
My dear brothers and sisters in Islam.
Today is our weekly class.
Tarazat al Rasool, the 3 fundamentals.
This book,
which was written
by the imam and rejected
Sheikh Mohammed and Abdul Rahab
we reach
where the author is saying,
The meaning in English.
Knowledge about your prophet, Muhammad You
need to know. Every Muslim needs to know
his prophet,
alayhis salatu wa sallam.
You know his
You know
his biography.
You know his sunnah.
You know his character.
You know his physical features.
How does he look, alaihis salatu al salam,
which we call a Shamal,
and there's a beautiful book by the Shama'il
Imam Tirmidhi.
I recommend that you read it,
and it is checked by our sheikh,
Nasadir al Bani. So the hadith are checked.
So you
you know that this hadith is authentic. This
hadith is weak.
So get your copy and read it.
Read the seerah of your prophet
his nasab, his genealogy,
So you need to know all these things
if you love your prophet
He's Muhammad and
is the
an intensive form from the word hamad. And
hamad means praise
praise. So Mohammed is one who's praised many
not like Mahmoud.
is one who's praised once.
He's Mahmoud.
But one who's praised frequently
is Mohammed.
So this is and this is
a name was given to him
So Muhammad and the prophet
has many names,
Muhammad and Ahmad and Al Hajir and Al
So many names,
alaihis salatu
salam. So here is Muhammad
who has this
He's placed.
He was known as a Sadiq Al Amin,
as you know.
Win, the wife of Abu Laha,
wanted to
insult the.
She could not mention his name, Mohammed.
So she said
from the word.
Means blameworthy.
So she said he's.
She couldn't say Muhammad, so the prophet
laughed, and he say, see how Allah turns
her tongue?
She's saying Muzammam
and then Mohammed.
She's saying blameworthy,
but I am Mohammed, praiseworthy.
He's Mohammed,
the son
of Abdullah. His father is Abdullah.
And as as you know,
this Abdullah, the father of the prophet sallallahu
alaihi salam,
is the one that
slay him, to kill him.
That's why the prophet
is called the son of the 2
who were going to be
I am the son of the 2 who
they were going to
be slain.
Who's the first one?
Ismail is one of the fathers of the
he's one of his descendants.
And the second one, his
father, Abdullah.
Why did Abdul Muttalib decide
to slaughter to kill his son, Abdullah?
There is
a reason behind that.
The well of Zamzam
the well of Zamzam.
Because you have to understand
that the Kaaba
is in
the middle of a valley,
So when the rain falls, the floods
pass through that
and that well
filled with mud and disappeared,
the well of Zamzar.
And no one could locate its place.
So Abdul Mafaleb, he had a dream vision.
He's he had a dream,
and in the dream, he saw the exact
location of it.
So in the morning,
he went to that particular to the location
of Jamzhan, and he started
to dig
started digging
and collect what I was watching.
And he carried on digging
till the water started
So he said to Ulrich,
this is
I am the one
who dug the well,
and this is based on
vision, dream.
So no one should interfere regarding I will
be the one who's in charge
Zamzhou, a supplier.
So I'm we are the ones who are
going to vote at the pilgrims, etcetera.
no. We will be partners with you.
He said, no.
Then they agreed
to go to a
That's what
the tradition
who should be,
judge between them and settle the dispute.
In their way,
they run out of water,
and they are thirsty.
And again,
something happened.
the hoof
or the foot of the canal,
there was
water gushing out.
they drank from that water, and they said
we will not proceed and go to the
This is another sign.
So you are the one who's
in charge and custodian
of Zamzam.
Now to thank Allah to thank Allah
to thank Allah
he decided
if Allah
blessed him with this number of children,
he will slay 1 of them.
And Allah
blessed him with
the number of children
paid for.
Now he has to fulfill
his vow, his mother.
According to the system they had,
that they will write the names of those
whom they will cast
and throw the the
the lofts,
and the name of each one, and then
they turn them, and then they pick 1
arrow piece that has the name.
every time
they throw the the the arrows or they,
rotate that object and pick
one of these sticks,
the name of Abdullah comes out,
and it happened many times.
So he said they have to, and Abdullah
happened to be one of the most beloved
young men in Mecca.
So his people
stopped him. He said, you cannot stop me.
not? This is a vow I made.
I have to fulfill it.
Then they told him, okay.
We'll go to
a magician,
and whatever that magician says
will follow. He agreed.
when they approach this charlatan or magician or
soothsayer or diviner, whatever you want to call,
him or her, happened to be a woman,
them, what is the ransom, blood ransom,
blood ransom
of a man. They said 100 camels.
He said, okay. Go now back
and put
the name of Abdullah
and another
on another piece
And keep
repeating this,
throwing the arrows of the lofts
until the name
Abdullah comes out.
So every time
comes Abdullah sorry. Until the
camels comes out. That's the the piece that
you pick is the camels, then you,
slaughter that number of camels.
Okay. Now we throw the this and we'll
take this. Let's say we have 2 pieces
of paper. 1 is written on it, Abdullah,
another one written on
it, the camels,
and we rotate then we pick, oh, Abdullah.
We repeat,
and we take
10 camels. We allocate 10 camels.
Each time the name Abdullah comes.
And we keep repeating this until
paper or the stick that has the name
of camel
camels on it comes out.
And they kept doing that
they say, okay. Now
you see the superstition.
They say now the gods, the idols are
happy with us, and god is happy with
So Abdul Muttalib,
he slaughtered
all these camels,
and he fed all the people of Makkah.
And even they put meat on the mountains
for the wild
beast to eat.
So that is Abdullah, the father of the
Of course, his father died when he was
in his mother's womb.
So he's the son of Abdullah,
the son of Abdul Muhtali, and Abdul Muhtali,
as we know, is the chief of Quraysh,
bin Hashim.
is one of the fathers of the
and he was born in Gaza
Gaza. And he's called Hashim because
he used to crush
the bread for the pilgrims
and make
food for them.
K. So the bread he crushed it the
bread and then put in it and add
to it milk and ghee and all that
So that is Hashem.
Was from the tribe of Quraysh,
and Quraysh
was from the Arabs.
The Arabs, I mentioned this many times,
historians categorized them
into 3 categories.
They don't exist anymore,
and others.
another part of the Arabs is called
Al Arab Al Arab
Al Arab Al Arab. And
those are the Arabs of the southern part
of Arabia, which is Yemen.
Then the 3rd
Some they call them Arabized
Arabs, and they mean by that that they
are not Arabs, which is not true.
Those whom they refer to as Al Arab
al Hari al Mustari, but the alabais,
which is Ismail Ibrahim and his progeny.
So the prophet
will be from Al Arab Al Musa'ariba.
And that means he's not an Arab, which
is not true.
Those whom they referred to
as Al Arab and Musta Alibah, Arab Arabs,
Ibrahim alaihis salam and his people, they're actually
from Al Arab al Arabah,
the Arab in Yemen,
and they're migrated
and settled
in Iraq.
And over time,
they lost the tongue, the language.
So they are,
Arab. They are
the children of Kachthan,
So they are Arabs.
But over time, they lost the the
the the mother tongue, the the Arabic language.
So the prophet
is from the children
of Ishmael,
and Ishmael is an Arab.
But because
he grew up in Iraq
and they lost the language,
learned it again
because as you know,
Ibrahim alaihis salaam, he left his wife,
and his son Ismail in Mecca,
a tribe from Yemen came
called Jurhum,
the tribe of Jurhum.
And they sought permission from Sarah
to live in Mecca,
and she agreed
that the water is for
for her.
And they give her
she charges them for the water.
And Ishmael grew up
in that tribe, which is a Yemenite tribe,
the tribe of Hurom,
and he spoke Arabic again.
And he got mad and he married from
from them, from that time.
So keep this in mind.
Do not be confused when you
read in history that those are Arabized
Arabs. No. They are Arab,
and they are from the Arabel Arabel.
And Quraish
was from the Arabs,
and the Arabs
are from the offspring
of prophet Ismail alaihis salam.
So the prophet
is from the
among the descendants and the offspring of Ismail
alaihis salam,
son of Ibrahim
alaihis salam.
May Allah send the best of his peace
and blessings on him,
Subhanahu alaihi salaam, may Allah's peace be upon
him, and our prophet Muhammad
The other they said,
he became a prophet
due to Allah's saying, read.
This is how
he was appointed
and chosen
to be a prophet
when Allah
sends the archangel, Jibril Alaihi Salam,
to him in the cave of Hera.
the the Jibril, as you know,
he held him
and told him, read. He said,
Cannot read. So read here means rehearse.
Repeat after me.
Read, said I cannot read.
So that is the beginning
of his prophethood,
the journey that he is now going to
start as a prophet.
And he was
appointed as Rasul,
by the Ayah,
the Surah Al Mustard said,
Oh, you wrapped in garments.
you who's
wrapped in garment.
Get up and warn your people.
visited the
in the cave
and then he left him.
The prophet
rushed to his wife Khadija,
trembling out of fear
because something happened to him.
But his wise wife, Khadija,
consoled him.
And here I would like to
the attentions of our sisters.
They should be
a wife
for her husband is the shoulder that you
will cry on.
Husband needs a shoulder to cry on,
and it should be his shoulder
that he cries on.
When he has problems,
he needs someone to confide in,
someone to console him,
someone to share with him his worries and
Be like that.
You play the role of many, many, many
in his life.
So Khadiya
was wise,
he said, because he came.
Caught for me. Caught for me. She
allayed his fears,
consult him,
and told him, by Allah,
Allah will never desert you.
By Allah, nothing is going to harm you.
Nothing evil is going to touch you
because you are so generous. You are so
You help the poor. You feed the
he started
his virtues
and noble qualities
till he cooled
down And
this shows
the honesty of the prophet
that he's not
making this.
He's not an imposter.
So when he cooled down,
he took him
to her cousin, Warapab Ninoofa.
Ninoofa of the Allahu Anhu
was Christian,
but the true Christian, monotheist,
following the true gospel of Isa,
and she asked him,
listen to your
nephew, oh,
and asked him. So when
he's a Muslim,
Ask the
and he told him
he told him,
this is
the revelation.
This is the archangel, and,
the archangel,
who comes to all prophets.
And then he said,
I wish that I'm young.
I wish that I am
when your people
drive you out of Mecca
so that I will defend you. I wish
I remained till that day,
and I have sent to defend you.
was surprised,
and he said,
I am a.
I'm respected.
They're going to drive me out of Mecca?
He said, yes.
Anyone comes with something like this, this what
happens to him.
Then Warakah
passed away of the Allahu
So Khadiya of the Allahu Anhu
was very important.
He played very important role in the life
of the plasb salam.
He's always there
backing him,
supporting him.
Jibril alaihis salam. Allah sent Jibril
to pass his salaam. Allah salaam,
to Khadija.
Allah loves Khadija, and
he built for her palace in the Jannah.
Made of pearls.
No noise in it.
Very quiet palace.
The, they commented, and they said the reason
why Allah built for her house
and palace
very quiet,
they said,
because she used to create that environment
at home for her husband.
Peaceful home,
peaceful dwelling,
Second, no noise.
Learn from this, my dear sisters.
When your husband is asleep,
you keep the children quiet.
You don't disturb him.
Make your home really
paradise on earth.
So because she used to make the house
so quiet,
so the would
rewarded her
by building for her
palace in the Jannah, which is wide and
from any noise.
So my dear sisters,
support your husband.
When your husband
in need, he should be there.
You should not let him down.
Desert him.
He made this.
If he made a mistake,
committed a sin,
Don't push him to commit more sins.
Stand by him.
Tell him, give me your hand.
It's over.
You're a human being.
Door is open for Tawba.
Repent to Allah,
and we'll just forget about it.
Let us move.
Let us proceed.
Let us seek his forgiveness.
So wise woman,
that's how she will behave.
Not that you will go and check his
mobile phone
or you go and see the messages,
or some
evil woman give you a call.
Are you so and so?
And she tells you, that okay. I am
just because I love you. So I just
want to give you
Your husband is doing blah blah blah blah
Disconnect in her face.
Don't give her a chance.
This is.
This is.
So Khadija
was there for the prophet
That's why
his grandfather when his grandfather
died, and Khadija
defends him outside.
No one could dare
to touch him
or say anything,
because this is Abdulmutallib.
And then,
his cousin.
His father, godfather died.
Was defending him. Died. Khadijah died.
Khadijah provides
him support at home.
Support outside. Now he lost both.
That's why they call it,
the year of sadness
or sorrow.
So he went,
as you know, to have five,
hoping that the people of Thayd would be
better than his people.
They turned to be worse,
and you know what happened to him.
The children were stoning him,
and he came back
to Mecca.
And as you
know, in the way back,
Allah sent 2 angels, the angel of the
mountain and
And he was asked,
the angel who's in charge of the mountains,
asked the prophet.
Oh, Muhammad,
if you wish, I will bring over their
Allah Shabay, these 2
huge mountains. He said, no. No. No. No.
I don't want that.
I hope that Allah will bring from their
from their progeny, from their children
who will
bear witness and testify to the oneness of
he became a prophet
when Allah
addressed him and sent to him,
and the messenger when Allah told him,
now start. Get up.
Oh, you who robbed in garments.
up as such,
and conveying
the Masjid.
His homeland
was Mecca.
the best
place on earth.
The center of earth. Center.
When they
measure, they find Mecca in the center of
the earth.
Allah called Mecca.
The mother of all townships.
The mother of all towns.
All the towns should follow Mecca.
when they discuss the issue
of these countries,
they have 6 days night,
6 days
6 months
night, 6 months,
When they discuss the issue of the
what should those people do?
6 months, the sun will never set.
How should they fast?
There are 2 opinions.
One says
they should follow the closest country to them
that has normal day and night,
the sunrises and sets.
So we standardize
that place
to that area.
So the number of hours the people on
that country
where the sun sets, they should fast that
number of hours.
The other opinion says
they can't follow
because Allah made Makkah the mother
all counts.
And Makkah,
it's also called Bakkah.
and Bakkah.
What is the difference?
It is called Makca
as they say the grammarians
They say
Maca from the root Maca
What does Maca mean?
Means the small camel.
So this camel,
this little camel,
sucked all the milk
in the ada of its mother.
The ada of the mother, the camel,
the she camel,
the baby
drained ultimate
didn't leave any drop in the other
of the mother.
So it is called because
it does not hold the
water of the rain.
When it rains,
the water
either evaporates
or goes to the ground
and does not hold the water.
Like, yes,
the little tunnel
will suck all the milk and
drain the other of its mother. Does the
So that's why it's called.
How about Bakka
with back back?
Bakka from Bakka.
Bakka means
to break the neck of someone.
So they say, this holy place,
if anyone commits sin in it,
Allah destroys his neck and kills him
because it is a holy land.
So so Mecca, it is both Mecca
and Mecca, that holy place.
He later on,
migrated to Medina,
which was called Yasirib
before Yasirib.
And called
and Medina Nabawiyyah,
the city of the prophet.
That is the correct
Medina Nabawiyyah,
Medina of the prophet
of course, as you know,
he wanted now
to spread
the dawah,
and his people in Mecca
are not
giving him the chance,
and they are
and torturing
his followers.
why he sent many of his followers to
so that there is a king there who
will protect you.
And those who remained, he could not do
anything for them.
he would pass by, and
they were tortured before his eyes.
The are
latching them, flogging them, beating them,
and he was helpless. So I tell him,
he couldn't do anything
except to tell them,
Oh, family of Yasir,
be patient.
Your place is the
So during the Hajj,
he approached the tribes
and those people who came from Medina,
and he gave them dua,
and they accepted.
The heck after that, they came,
and they gave him the Bayard, the allegiance,
and they asked him to come to migrate
to Medina,
and they will protect him.
His uncle told them,
gentlemen, do you know
the consequences?
They said, we know the consequences.
Said, all the Arabs
will fight you. They said, we are ready
for that.
They said, we are ready for that.
Will defend him.
And he migrated
to Medina.
And the first thing, as you know, he
built the Masjid in Medina,
and that was the nucleus of the
the state of Islam in Medina.
Allah sent him to warn against Sheikh Balakism
Because all prophets and messengers of came
to warn the people against
polytheism, against shit,
and to ask the people
to worship Allah alone.
Because the Arabs,
as mentioned,
are the
offspring and progenant.
The offspring
and the children,
from the progeny of Ibrahim alaihis salam.
So they were monotheists. The Arabs, they were
in the beginning.
the tribe of Jorhum
who settled in Mecca
after the death of,
They were the custodians, and they are the
masters in Mecca.
Then another tribe came and fought
and they became the custodian
called the tribe of Huza
So the head of Huza at this tribe,
he is the culprit.
He is the first man. He is the
the deviation of the Arabs
and the drifting of the Arabs,
he's the one who caused them
to leave
the monotheistic
he to leave monotheism
and to accept polytheism.
He went
to Assam,
and he found them selling idols.
He asked, what are these? They said, okay.
These are intermediaries.
When we want anything from
God in heaven,
we play to them and they communicate,
and they give them 1.
That's it.
The, deviation of the Arabs
is so primitive.
The shirk of the Arabs is not sophisticated.
It's not like the
the shirk of the Greek
or the Romans
or other
which is based on
Very primitive. Very simple.
Of course, if you study
Greek mythology,
okay, they have
god, Jupiter,
k, the head, and then other goals to
to to support him.
And each god has a certain function.
This god for this, this god for that,
like Venus,
the goddess of beauty.
The Arabs, they were not like that.
Unlettered nation.
Very simple.
And that's why they were chosen by Allah
the Arabs, because they were
they're they don't have any things here. No
philosophy, not nothing.
Plain slate.
That's yeah. They they need to be polished.
That's it.
So that's the lie.
Allah chose
a a a prophet to them among them,
a elected nation.
So clear minds.
And now Allah is giving them the right
That's it.
So nothing there in their minds.
No philosophy. Nothing.
So then
shirk was primitive.
So the head of Huza,
Amrul al Nuhrahi, that's why the prophet
write to Amr al Sahih Muslim.
And so
dragging his intestines in the alfaher.
His intestines
are pulled out,
and he is
his intestines in that fire.
So he placed this idol around the Kaaba,
and then the Arabs started
the clans to follow him.
That is how they deviated
monotheism to polytheism.
They left the monotheistic
creed and fell into the mire
of polytheism.
remnants remain. Some of the teachings
of the
creed remain,
the house of Allah,
and venerating the sacred months, no fight.
The Hajj,
the Ummula.
These things remained.
The love
around the house of Allah.
they invented
new in the in the Tawaf
make Tawaf naked, the men,
during the day. They go around the house
They say
we should perform Tawaf in our birthday suits
because these garments are dirty.
We committed sins while wearing them.
So we have to perform the wrath while
wearing only our birthday suits naked.
at night,
so no one can could see them.
So they are naked also except a small
piece of cloth or or skin
covering the private part.
As one of them said,
So today,
she's talking about her private part.
Part of it is shown,
and what is shown,
I don't consider it's lawful to be shown.
So that's what happened to the Arabs.
That's what happened
to the Arabs.
So these things remain
from the teachings,
alaihis salaam from the Hanafiya.
And some of them, like, and
were monotheists,
and they
were talking,
and they were,
and reminding their people
the the danger of shirk and what they
are practicing.
So all,
as you know, all messengers of Allah
to bring people back
the to hate
to hate.
all mankind,
they were monotheists.
is a monotheist.
His children, monotheists.
But then the Shiite
fool them
and made them to divert
the mono monotheism
from the right path.
So the the mission and the missing message
of all messengers
to bring the people back, as Allah said.
Well, certainly, we have sent it to every
nation, every community,
No nation is left without
to warn. All nations that received
This messenger
proclaiming, announcing,
worship Allah.
All these idols, all these false objects.
So all the messengers, not the ones with
the message.
And to the tribe of Hud,
of Ad, how their brotherhood
Worship Allah.
You have no other You have no other
deity that you should worship
Allah. To the people of Madyan.
Their brother Shoa'i,
he told them,
You have no other deity to worship.
So all the messages this is their message.
And the top priority should be always for
the to hate.
To hate should be
item number 1 in the agenda of the
You don't
make anything
more important than the Tawhid.
This Ummah without Tawhid
can will not be united.
What will unite the is the
not the shirk.
So the first thing,
item number 1 in the agenda of all
our organization,
correcting the belief of the people,
of the people.
There are thousands of Muslims
who have the wrong belief,
wrong and
they die upon that.
They die upon
while holding
politics, its beliefs.
They die while practicing shirk, major shirk
that takes a person out of a slap.
This is
this very moment I'm talking to you, it
was happening.
People are asking the saints,
calling them, offering sacrifices
to them,
make oaths in their names.
This very moment I'm talking to
Is there
among the Muslims.
When you know
the graveness
of Sheikh,
it's the only sin
only sin
that Allah
will never forgive.
Will never
will never forgive
associating partners with him.
Allah will not forgive shirk
that you sue associate with him and depart.
And he
forgives anything else
to whom he
No. You die upon shit?
You are destined to *.
Whoever associates
any partner
with Allah.
Most certainly,
Allah has made Jannah prohibited for him or
No Jannah.
* fire forever
for eternity.
is haram for him,
So where is he going to?
His abode,
his home,
his destination
is the hellfire.
And for the wrongdoer,
for the Muslims,
there will not be anyone to help.
Anyone to help.
May Allah guide all those
Muslims who are not on the right path,
You know that
from the day of resurrection.
He meets his father,
and Azza's face is gloomy,
covered with dust.
So Ibrahim talks to his father and says,
my father,
I have called you before,
and you refused.
You disobeyed me.
And as I was saying, today, my son,
I will obey you.
So Ibrahim
calls to Allah
calls to Allah and beg Allah,
ask Allah.
Oh my lord,
you promised me,
you will not disgrace me
on the day they will be resurrected.
This is my father.
So disgrace me not regarding him
because of him.
And the answer comes from Allah.
Yeah, Ibrahim.
Oh, Ibrahim,
I have made Jannah prohibited the Jannah for
the disbelievers,
for the Mushriks, for the.
So your father will never smell its fragrance.
And you can imagine now, Ibrahim is just
standing and his father in front of him,
and all of a sudden, Allah tells Ibrahim,
look what is at your feet.
Allah transforms
from a human being form
into an animal.
All of a sudden,
he sees in front of him, not his
but a male
That animal
will be picked and thrown to the hellfire.
So Aza will be
punished in the hellfire
in the form of an animal.
So there is no room in the Jannah
for the Mushriks.
So that's why here. He's saying the
may Allah elevate his status
in. And then millions of Muslims,
their became correct because of these works of
this sheikh, and that is
and clear sign of his Ikhlas.
May Allah elevate his status
and show a his mercy on him.
So Allah sent him
to warn against the shirk
and to call to the Tawhid.
May Allah
make us die upon the Tawhid.
Make us
blessed with giving the dua to the Tawhid,
And may Allah make all our to
die upon the Tawhid
and to practice the Tawhid and to come
back to the Tawhid.
May Allah
keep us remain steadfast
on this beautiful deed.
till we meet him
and find him please with all of us.
May Allah
forgive us our faults, mistakes,
and may Allah
unite our
and unite our hearts
and and may Allah reward all of you,
dear brothers and sisters,
for your
and presence.
Brothers and sisters, we'll start the question and
answers time now.
You may ask your question by
sending in your questions
on the chat section. Alternatively,
you can press on raise hand and raise
your hands.
We'll take verbal questions.
We have received some questions already,
so we will
begin with those.
So the first question, Sheikh.
Since a month, I am frequently
once in a 2 or 3 days seeing
gin in my dream. The sound is cutting.
Sound is cutting. Can you?
Ma'am, can you hear me now, sir? Yeah.
Better now.
Okay. The first question is,
a month now,
once every 2 or 3 days, I am
seeing gin in my dreams
trying to scare me in my dream.
I do morning and night
at and
after every salah, but still I am seeing
these dreams
particularly after fajr.
My father goes to work early, and I
sleep alone at home during this time.
I am seeing these dreams. What should I
First of all, maintain your wudu. Always have
Your adkar.
Read the Quran.
The adkar of the morning and the evening,
and sit and read Surat Al Baqarah completely.
Read it.
And this reminded me of a story one
of the brothers, Talabatil
He said,
students of
visited Sheikh bin Arthaimin,
and Sheikh had
somewhere, but it is on a remote area,
and they decided to accommodate
the students there.
So this
describing what happened,
and you can see it in the YouTube.
He said, I received a call
the students who are in that villa,
and they are crying and say, come quickly.
So he said, when we reach there,
their eyes are red.
They couldn't sleep,
and everyone is chiffoning the face. Said, what
We're making noise and jumping here and there,
and jumping into the swimming pool.
So he said we told them, no. No.
No. No. Maybe you are hallucinating. You are
you you wait. You see now? When the
sun sets, what will happen?
And he said, exactly.
When the sunset,
jumping in the swimming pool and along with
us, and fire going on
along with
us. Sparks.
So we started reading.
and the she had taken it on.
We started making adhan. When we start making
adhan, they run away. When we stop, they
come back.
They informed Sheikh Mohammed Al Sayedid told them
read Surat Al Baqarah.
And he said, we started reading Surat Al
till we finished it,
and they disappeared.
So read with
And you read
before you go to sleep, and the end
of and
read the adkar
before you go to sleep,
keep yourselves
saying the until you dose off, until you
these things will
will disappear, will go.
The next question, sir.
What is the difference
what is the difference between a prophet and
a messenger?
Sheikh, since you are there giving us the
message from Allah, are you not considered a
Well, the, they, there are 2 opinions.
1 says that the difference between
Nabi and Rasul, prophet and messenger,
that a prophet receives regulation,
but he's not commanded
to impart it,
to communicate it. It is for him only.
This is and this you might come across
in many, many books, and you might hear
some of the masha'evs say that.
And this is weak opinion.
the scholars,
if they hold the knowledge which they learned
from the prophets
or from the messenger,
and they don't impart it
and share it,
they will be branded
iron rods
from the devil's election,
or they will have iron bits,
hot iron bits from their mouth because
they didn't
disclose, they didn't share the knowledge. How about
the prophet themselves?
This is one thing. Second thing,
the prophet said,
Israelites, they were ruled
by their prophets,
and their disputes were settled
and resolved by their prophets.
all the issues
they had, they would come to their prophets,
and the prophets, they judge and they judge
with what?
They judge with the knowledge that they received
from Allah,
So the real difference actually between a prophet,
Nabi and Rasul,
yes, they received the revelation,
the prophet
does not come
with a new law, Sharia
law, Sharia.
And the Sharia of the law is the
do's and the don'ts,
and the don'ts. Halal and haram.
Lawful and lawful.
So a prophet will not come with
a new law,
So he will follow the Sharia
of the messenger
who came before him,
and he follow that.
You follow it. You follow the sharia, which
So this is the difference between
a Nabi and a Rasool, a prophet and
a messenger.
Both are received revelation,
the messenger
has Sharia
and this prophet doesn't come with independent law.
He follows the law which exists
before him.
So this is the the difference between
the Nabi and the Rasul or prophet and
a messenger. I hope this is clear to
the questioner.
It is, clear. We have a question from
brother Farooq.
Brother Farooq, please unmute your mic.
Sheikh, I had to ask you.
I live here in the United Arab Emirates.
I live with my brother in a sharing
So, just just for a background,
it's a one BHK. So I live with
my brother in the hall. And in the
room, there are
5 other bachelors,
5 males.
So, I'm living here since 3 months,
and, we interact,
with, with everyone. Not much, but me and
my brother, you know, prefer to stay
in the hall, and that's the reason we
told we won't, you know, share with you
guys in the room. We want some kind
of privacy.
We are in the hall. One minute. You
interact with what? Women?
No. No. No. In fact, they're all male.
All the seven people in the apartment are
male bachelors.
Okay. Fine. Okay? So
when so,
no. I'm sorry. Today,
one of the guys, inside who's staying inside,
me and my brother, we, you know, we
We don't miss our prayers, and
they see us. The other other guys in
the room, they see us praying and going
for going for prayer and coming from prayer.
Are you are are are they Muslims
or no? All all 7. All 7 are
I don't know if I should say this,
but I don't see, the other 5,
you know, offering too many players or going
for salah. And,
so, anyway,
so today, when one of the guy who's
of Arab origin
so when he came back from work,
comes and he's like,
all good. I'm a welcome Islam. Yes. Everything
everything good. And then he stood and he
waited, and he's like, you both brothers are
Yes. I'm like, yes.
so then he's telling me, okay. I have
to ask you something.
So yesterday, I was,
on the bed. I was just listening to
something on the phone, something related to he
was just telling me he was listening to
some kind of, or I don't know, something
Islamic. He just wanted to tell me he
was telling something related to Dean. Okay? He
told me like this. So he was like,
I was listening to some Tirat or something
related to Dean, and the other 4 were
in the room. So you understand. Right? Me
and my brother in the hall and inside
in the room, there are 5 other bachelors.
So he was like, I was in my,
in my bed, and the other 4 were
in the room too. It was, the lights
were on. He wasn't sleeping. He says he's
sure he wasn't sleeping.
And he was listening to some, something Islamic
on his phone.
So he says he felt someone held him
and, you know, he felt someone choking or
pressing his neck. I don't know. So he's
asking me this. So he's like, brother, can
you tell me what was this? I I
I instantly,
you know, removed the blanket,
and I am sure I wasn't sleeping. In
in I'm I'm not,
Yani, he's sure he wasn't sleeping. He was
listening to something on the phone, and he's
saying it it was something,
some lecture or some
something on the phone, and he's like, the
other 4 were in the room too. They
were just on their phone minding their own
business, and this happened. So
I don't know what you I just told
don't worry. It might be,
Jin. They're all around us. You should I
I hope, you know, they're all around us
just fear Allah and increase your car. That's
what I told him, but
so can you tell me something about it?
And and the first question today was related
something related to this. So it's it's even
surprising for me. So I don't know. So
I just thought I'm gonna ask you.
So if this brother
if this brother is not praying,
tell him to start praying.
Okay? And those brothers, they have to start
And as you mentioned, the shouting can be
And can you mute mute, please, Zari?
So and any person
any person who
turns away from a large way,
Shayatin will be there.
They can attack him because he's defenseless.
Nothing there to protect him. No shield around
him. What will form the shield around you
and the protection
is your.
If you are
in in, if you are
maintaining your prayers, if you read, you're,
then you have this shield around you from
But if you don't pray, no shield, no
So the shaladin can
can choke you, shaladin
can pull you
from your bed, can do many things,
many things.
So if you want protection,
come back to Allah,
maintain your prayers,
Don't miss your prayers.
Be always in state of.
Before you go to sleep, take.
Then you will see
because now you are protected.
Read Ayatul Kursi before you go to sleep.
The shaitan told
told him that if you read Ayatul Kursi,
no shaitan will come close to you. And
the prophet
he approves of that. When Abu Hurayo told
him, he said,
He told you the truth. If you read
I took us, Shaitan can come close to
Is this clear to you, Baba?
Our next question.
Is it
permissible to sit with deviant parents or relatives
and talk about the dean as a layman?
You said with relatives who are what? Deviant?
Yes, Sheikh. Deviant.
I don't know what they mean by deviant
because many people, they use this word just
like that. He's deviant. He's deviant. But, anyway,
if the my relatives, they they have certain,
practices that are not correct.
Okay. Let's say they are practicing,
some do some polytheistic,
or innovations, etcetera.
I have to approach them and give them.
No doubt. They are Muslims.
So I have to advise
them, to sit with them, to talk to
and advise them and connect them with and
And you pray for their guidance, asking Allah
to guide them. Yes.
That is the role of anyone who,
You know, you Allah
guided you. You know that you know the
right path,
and your relatives, they
are in the dark,
so you should not leave them.
But you should know what is the best
method to use
to approach them so that
your words will not bounce, will penetrate and
touch their heart.
K? So use hikmah
and slowly but surely, little by little.
Sit down. So, yes, you can sit with
them and talk to them.
May Allah guide all of them, Ameen. Next.
Ameen, next question
a brother hides his voluntary fasts from his
that makes them angry.
Should he continue hiding it?
Would you mind repeating the question?
A brother
hides his voluntary fasts from his parents.
That makes them angry. Should he continue hiding
Okay. So if,
if they find that he is fasting,
voluntary, optional fast, they will be upset. Right?
Correct. Yeah.
Okay. Hide it.
Allah knows.
Allah knows.
Don't tell them I'm fasting. And this is
bet better
for your
your fast, and Allah knows, and the reward
from Allah.
And when you break your fast,
pray for them. May Allah guide your parents,
and may Allah soften their hearts. I mean,
The next question.
Is it permissible to look at children and
shake their hands?
To look at children and shake their hands?
Yes, Sheikh. That's the question.
What did you understand?
I think it is a question that should
have not been asked maybe.
I mean, I will try. You see, sometimes
the the questions they need,
they have to be decoded,
and, deciphered.
So, unfortunately, people, they just write write in
So to look at children and to check
hand with this with them,
what's the problem?
I pass my children.
Whether boys and girls, say.
What's your name?
How much of the Quran have you mobilized?
What's the problem with that?
the children, they would run to him, rush
to him when they see him in Medina.
The boys and girls,
and the small girl will
come and hold the hand of the prophet
to show him something, and the prophet would
follow her.
This is our deed.
So what the questioner means, I don't know.
If you mean this,
can I say can with the children?
The answer yes.
Is it clear to the questioner?
Yes. It is clear, Sheikh. We'll go to
the next question.
The next question is, Sheikh, our scholars say
it is prohibited
to wear taweez,
even if it has Quranic verses.
When I told this to people who practice
this, they are giving me the reference of
Saeed bin Musaeed,
Imam Ahmed, and Imam Taimir that
they consider
it as permissible to wear ta'weez,
which have Quranic verses. Please explain.
No one's words
no one words or statement
or verdict or opinion
is an evidence and a proof in itself.
No one except the prophet.
This is the the rule we should understand.
Anyone started from
We have to look into it
and see the evidence for it.
That's the proof for it.
There's no proof,
you leave it.
That's why Imam Malik said,
Everyone has a statement can be accepted or
rejected, except the one
who's there. He pointed towards the grave
of the prophet.
So you should not be intimidated and be
when someone said, this Mawlana said this, this
imam said this.
Say what the prophet
what the prophet
Tell me what the prophet
said regarding amulets,
What did he say?
The prophet
whoever wears an amulet.
K? So he prohibited wearing
May Allah
not make his affairs
this is my wish to teach you.
Though I taught it before,
but this is my wish.
So it's a beautiful book,
so I'm longing to teach it again.
Which is
the incantations
for spiritual cues.
It's called rukha,
the plural form of rukha.
So if it is not from the rukha,
it's not from the
kitab and sunnah,
and that is spiritual cure you read on
the Quran or the adkar, the other area.
That's then it is shipped.
The plural form of tamima, ambulance.
So the prophet said, oh, this, and
he did not make any exception.
He did not make any exception.
Whether this amulet, Dawidah,
is from the Quran or not, he didn't
make any exception. Anyone who says if it
is from the Quran, it is permissible, we
tell him, reduce your evidence
that the prophet
made that he made an exception for it.
And said, if it is from the Quran,
it's okay.
Show us
the prophet
Don't tell me anyone else.
What the prophet said? He said, look. The
if it's not from Kitab and Sunnah, just
Bewitched men, which
make certain
types of spell
to make a husband to love his wife
or to hate his wife,
that is called.
He said, oh, our shirk.
This what the prophet said. Now you come
and tell me, this Alem said, if it
is this, if it is this.
That was his istihad.
He was mistaken.
That is simple.
We have.
We have.
he says, if you lie and
hang it for the child, it's okay.
Is against it.
So whose opinion
is supported
by the
whatever the opinion of?
His opinion,
his verdict is
aligned with the hadith of the prophet
That's number 1. Number 2,
the prophet
he used to read in Al Hasan and
Al Hussein,
and why was that?
The prophet didn't say write some ayaat and
put around the next. He used to read
on them. That's it.
When he saw the children of Jabhat bin
Abi Talib,
very weak, he asked.
They said this is because of the effect
of the evil eye.
So he told them,
read on them.
Even mister Oud
of the Allahu Anhu, when he saw
a string
around the neck of his wife,
So what is that?
Said this is a string thread.
You redone it for me
because I have eye ailment.
So he told me, put it around your
neck, and when I put it,
the tears stopped.
So even Masrud, he
cut it.
He cut that
and he said, you, the family of Abdullah,
should be far away from the shirk.
The moment he
removed that thread,
the eyes started watering,
He said, this is.
He placed his hand on the eye of
his wife
and started reading,
and the tears
whether it is from the Quran or not,
is not allowed.
he did not make any exception.
Is this clear to the questioner?
That is clear, Sheikh. We'll go to the
next question.
The next question.
Sheikh, I speak about,
and its categories in my family gatherings. When
I speak about,
Asma was Sifat, my father tries to avoid
this topic.
He says we should not talk about it.
Leave it, or otherwise, we will be misguided.
How should I tell him?
It seems that your,
technique or your way of approach,
the way you present,
I only guess. Okay?
you present it to them in a way
that they feel when you talk about asthma
and that
you are
and likening a lot to human beings.
So before, if you want to talk about
the issue of Asma and Sifaat,
talk about the names of Allah
and the meaning of the names of Allah
the beauty of the names of Allah
And that the meanings of the names is
attributes of Allah
And then you to explain to them the
There's nothing
like Allah
like like unto him,
and he's all seer
or hearer.
And that whatever comes to your mind, tell
them what Imam Ghazali say to Alhamdulillah. Whatever
comes to your mind, that is not Allah.
So when we are reading about the attributes
of Allah and the
names and of Allah,
they are not like ours because Allah
said Nothing is like Allah
At the same time,
he said,
He approved
for himself
and described himself
that he is Sami and he is Basir.
He sees and he hears.
So when we read
the attributes of Allah, we have to understand
it in the light of that ayah.
the ulama said and the Imam Khazali said,
whatever comes to your mind, that is not
That's not Allah. Allah is beyond that.
So we approve of what Allah described himself
with and what the prophet
mentioned about his prophet without giving a resemblance,
without and
without imagining
the attribute of Allah and how, but we
have to believe in it. As the man
came when the man came to Imam Malik
So the man said to Imam Malik, the
upon the throne.
How? How did he make the?
So the man is asking not about the
meaning of the word,
He's asking about the how, the manner,
the action.
That's why Imam Malik was shocked.
He started sweating.
That's because this question,
no one can answer.
See, because they are asking how,
and none of us witnessed that.
Then he Imam Malik after that, he said
where's the questioner?
He said,
the meaning of istawa
in Arabic is known, means to
That's the meaning of istawa.
one of
the etymologist and the and
the and the also.
he said,
he's a grammarian, he's etymologist,
said we were in the in the desert,
and we heard an,
a Bedouin,
old man
sitting on the top of the sand dune,
and he was telling us,
said we looked at each other.
We didn't
understand what he meant by.
So a young boy told us he's telling
you, ascend.
Come up.
But that's the meaning of the word.
So he's telling them, ascend, come up.
if you read in the Quran
about the the ark of Noah,
so the the ship now is in top
raised above the mountain.
The Arabs, they say
What does it mean?
to measure the level of the water in
the well,
stick a piece of wood on the wall,
and the water will rise
until it reaches the level of that piece
of the wood. So they say
So the water now is in the same
level of that piece of wood, which means
to rise, to ascend.
So that's the meaning of.
It doesn't mean,
as the deviant said, they say
Allah captured
the throne.
Star means
to ascend, to be above.
That's why Ibn Arabi and another grammarian and
When he explained the meaning of, he said,
So the questioner said no.
It means to capture.
He told him,
shut up.
Don't say that.
The Arabs,
they never use the word
They use it only
if someone defeated someone
and captured his
That means if you are saying
Allah captured the throne,
seized the throne.
He took the throne.
So who had the throne before him?
That means the throne was not with him.
So he has to capture it
and retake it.
So so when you explain, explain it in
a in a way
the series of
by Sheikh Doktor Amasuleiman Al Asghar 3. Download
in English
and read about the Asma'an Sifaat.
So when you want to talk about Asma'an
talk about their names.
Tell them today we'll talk about this name
of Allah, Asma'Allahu Al Khusra,
then they will have no problem.
The problem that when we if we present
the issue of Asma'a al Sivat
and the people started to imagine, so they
see have this mental mental vixtures in their
Allah cannot be like that
because when they read
any attribute,
they compare it to the attributes of the
human being.
And Allah
is not like that. For example,
you exist,
and Allah exists.
Is your existence like Allah's existence? No.
You hear. Allah hears. Is your hearing
like Allah's hearing? No.
Your hearing
needs this ear.
Your hearing is limited
by the audible frequencies,
certain range of frequencies.
You hear within a certain range, we after
that, you don't hear. A
loud hearing is not like that.
You cannot hear many people talking simultaneously.
You will tell them, hold on. Hold on.
1 by 1.
But a lot of millions of people are
talking to him,
saying to him, sublocating
in different tongues,
and he hears all of them,
and he responds to all of them.
On the day of Arafa, millions
on the mount of Arafa,
different tongues,
and he hears all of them.
when Hawley
came to complain to the prophet about her
She said, I was next to them.
Some part of the conversation I missed,
and Allah heard her conversation
with the prophet from above the 7 heavens.
So my advice for you, Aki,
choose the right way how to teach them.
And you'd when you talk to the layman,
you don't talk like if we are talking
to students of knowledge in academic way. No.
No. That's
You talk to the layman,
simplify it and put it in a way
that it will touch their heart
and resonate with their fitra.
This is my advice for you. Assume that
I assume
if you are not doing it this way,
try it this way.
May Allah
give you and may Allah,
guide your family, guide your father,
and especially if your father
is brought up upon the
of the other,
of them,
I hope this is clear to the questioner.
Next question.
Is the deceased family allowed to prepare food
for people who are gathered to give condolences?
No. It is.
the family of the deceased are busy
are busy,
it is the opposite.
The neighbors
of the family of the deceased
cook for them and send them food.
But what happens, the opposite.
People, they come
to convey their condolences, and they sit.
Don't you know that the saying it is
to seek to receive people for who who
will come to give condolences?
Don't do that.
K? Whenever you meet him, you'll give your
Maybe in the graveyard, people, they
the condolences, and that's it. But in some
Muslim countries now,
They have they will erect and make a
big tent,
and the people, they come there.
And this is cost.
And that money cost is taken from the
money which belongs now to the heirs, the
And some, they have
there also. They bring Mawlana, Sheikh to read
the Quran
And and some of these, they they call
I saw
it. They
they also cigarettes there. All different types of
And then food.
There's some Muslim countries.
It will be like a wedding.
All these
arbitrage innovations.
So if you
went and gave your condolences, you leave.
That's it.
You don't
put more burden on the family of the
Is this clear to the question now?
Yes. Inshallah, Sheikh. It is clear.
Okay. Next question.
Is it okay to go toilet with earphones
while attending a religious
You mean things on the mobile?
Earphones earphones and, attending the class, going to
the toilet
while they have earphones on. You know, now
nowadays, you can connect, like, ear
earphones with the mobile Bluetooth, etcetera.
Okay. So you are in the responding and
answering the call of nature, and you are
listening to the lecture.
No. Don't do that.
Don't do that.
Sheikh, that was the final question of tonight.
If you'd like to, Inshallah, conclude.
May Allah bless you. May Allah protect you.
May Allah
reward you immensely.
May Allah elevate your status in this world
and in the next
Ameen. May
Allah keep us remain steadfast on this beautiful
deen, Ameen.
And may Allah
forgive us our faults and mistakes and ignorance,
and may Allah guide all
to the hap Ameen.
we meet in the coming session,
I leave you in Allah's company
and protection.