Salem Al Amry – Lesson 21 Weekly Class Masail Al Jahiliyya
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The speakers discuss the importance of science and technology in achieving Islam's goals, emphasizing the need to use it as a tool and not use it in a negative way. They stress the importance of preparing oneself for difficult situations and following laws. The speakers also emphasize the importance of knowing oneself and denying oneself to be the master in creation. They provide guidance on studying and researching Islam, respecting one's personality, and avoiding language and negative language use. The session ends with a discussion of the role of a woman at home and the importance of protecting privacy.
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Good to see you, Sheikh.
We're ready when you are.
I'm ready.
Okay. Let's begin.
Brothers and sisters,
and welcome to our weekly,
I believe, lesson number
of this session.
I will now pass the mic and the
screen to our honorable
Sheikh Sheikh Salim Al Amri.
My dear brothers and sisters in SwamTV,
today is our weekly class,
The issues of.
And in the last session,
we discussed
issue of
linking Jahiliya with science.
In other words,
if you want to advance
and progress,
advanced countries nowadays, you have to lead
the Jahili life.
And this, of course, is a fallacy. This
because science has nothing to do with Yahiliya.
K. Because Yahiliya
is to
and live your life without divine guidance.
which is a neutral method
to arrive and discover the things and the
secret of things,
Allah placed
and made behind
the things he created so that we discover
so then we can utilize them.
It's a neutral whether
the one who is doing this particular
experiment is a a believer or the disbeliever.
If he follows the the proper method of
he will
arrive at
the truth,
and he would discover
this law
that lies behind such phenomenon.
So to link Yahiliya
with science
is unacceptable
the Muslims,
they led their life according to the divine
guidance following the revelation,
they established
a civilization
that has
no parallel in history.
Without, being
or or without
living their life
in a Jahili manner.
and the divine guidance
enlightens and
the vision of the believer.
And the revelation encourages him
to look and to study and wonder and
This is
the the true revelation,
the true deed.
And Islam is the true deed. So we
don't have this problem that the west had
a struggle between science and faith,
between the church
and what the scientists were doing. That is
their problem.
We don't have that problem in Islam at
all. It's the opposite.
It's the opposite in Islam. The Islam is
saying that those who have knowledge
are the ones who fear Allah most
in the So there is no
tug of war between
the dean and science, between faith and science
and Islam. They go hand in hand together.
I have no problem.
And when I say science, I mean, they're
which is the the true
The Yapeen,
the sunun of Allah,
the divine laws set by Allah. This what
they will call natural laws
are actually divine laws.
They Allah said these laws.
We didn't make them. We only discovered the
because we didn't make such laws.
So Allah is the one who made these
relations and said these law
to Ghaffan,
how things should behave.
And Allah told the Muslims and invited them
to discover and use their minds. And our
they realized that,
they started
pondering and analyzing and
these things that Allah has given them,
and he invited them
to explore.
And, also,
in the last session, we
the purpose,
as imam Raha Bismohani mentioned,
behind our existence is the.
That's one reason.
The second reason,
to establish this on the earth,
to be the on the earth, that's
the second,
And thirdly,
to make a map,
to construct
the Earth
and build it and utilize its resources
and establish civilization.
And that's what the early Muslims
Today, we will proceed, Insha'Allah.
So now
we have to draw
there is no relationship between Jahiliyyah and science.
It can be scientific.
It can be a scientific
a scientist
while you are practicing your Islam
as your forefathers were.
When you read in the biographies
of our
the pioneers,
the scientist,
you will see
he was
That's how they mentioned.
He's Fakih. He's a mathematician
because they don't see any
a conflict.
As a matter of fact,
they consider such sciences as tools
tools to use
to enhance
this life and the the living of a
a standard of living.
K. So they started the movement of the
the stars,
the moon.
So they
to figure out and to know the
seasons of the
what is the right crop to to plant
in this season
and not in this season, all these things.
So the problem with many of us today,
we don't know these things.
And because we don't know our deen,
so we think,
If you want to become a scientist, if
you want to become a a scholar, if
you want to become an expert,
you have to get rid of the dean.
Throw the dean behind your back.
Then the you will be considered someone who
is advanced and progressive.
What stops you
from becoming a scientist and practicing your Islam
and having your beard? Your beard will not
stop you from conducting the experiment
or operate
a patient in the
theater of a patient.
Go and study and see with our forefathers.
They were physicians. They were doctors. They were
The Sahrawi. Go and see the Jews who
Still use even today.
So it's high time for the Muslims
to realize these things,
and we need to get rid of this
So man, I
we know, my dear brothers and sisters,
use science as a tool.
Science is a tool.
If we use it properly
and not misuse it,
this tool will enable us
to optimize
the resources we have,
how to use them in the
most suitable way
by discovering
the techniques
and the ways of enhancement,
which the Quran calls
We have to follow the suburb
everything there is something. There's a law governs
it behind it. So we need to know
Allah tells
It's about dukkarnayn.
a pious, righteous man. Believer.
He's not the,
Alexander Alexander the great or the Macedonian
or the Alexander of Macedonia.
No. That was.
This one is a believer.
Movement. K. And
means locks of hair, not 2 horns, locks
of hair. That's the meaning of in Arabic.
It's mean horn, but also means
the locks of hair.
So Allah says regarding the name, aye
Surely, we established him in the land
and gave him the means
to all things.
So he traveled
a course.
Let us reflect here.
group of name, pious, righteous man.
Mu'min, believer.
Saying, that's why I will establish him on
So we establish him on earth,
we provided for him
the means to all things.
You want to do this? Allah told him.
This is what he should do.
This is the the procedure you have to
This is the way you
if you follow this, you have
this method, this way,
this how you are going to achieve it.
Because what is the meaning of?
Okay. I hope that you are taking notes,
my dear brothers and sisters.
Sabab has many meanings in Arabic, the word
The first meaning,
it is the means that will enable you
to reach
something else.
The means that will enable you
to reach something else.
So that's called Sabat.
In order to reach from point a
to point b,
I need the means that will enable me
to reach it. I need Sabat.
So that is called.
As the they say,
what will enable you
and make you able to reach
something else.
Something you you want this.
How can I get it? How can I
eat it? I need to have,
the means.
So this is one meaning of.
And this was
mentioned here.
Was this mentioned
to in.
Allah gave him the means.
Give him the Saba.
Another meaning of sabab
rope. The rope,
It's called Sabab in Arabic
because the rope,
I want to climb there. How can I
lift? What is my means?
This rope, I have to hold and climb.
So the rope is called,
and that's why you need to study Arabic.
As I see, Allah
in Surah Al Hajj
Al Hajj I 15.
The meaning, Allah says, is whoever thinks that
Allah will not help his prophet
in this world
and the hereafter,
let them stretch out a robe
to the ceiling.
Rope to the ceiling.
So the here, not the sky,
the ceiling
whatever is above you is called
in Arabic.
So the ceiling
above you is, and this is here. Allah
saying that.
Let them stretch out a rope
to the ceiling
and strangle themselves.
Then let them see if this plan will
do away with the cause of their rage,
their anger.
In other words, Allah
saying, those who think that
I will not help my prophet,
let them die with their anger.
Let them die
in their rage
and see if by killing themselves,
they will feel okay. They will relax. So
let them
tie a robe to the ceiling and hang
themselves with it.
This is not a permission to commit suicide.
This is actually
a threat,
and this is actually Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala
is telling them,
I am going to support my prophet,
and this rage and anger you have within
yourself will remain with you,
and you cannot get rid of it. And
you think,
by hanging yourself and killing yourself you will
be happy.
Of course, if you kill yourself,
you will go straight to the hellfire.
So this is another meaning of sabab. So
can mean rope, the string.
meaning of
the kith and kin, your relatives,
because they are the means who can,
extend the family and make the family longer.
And so
my family now is there.
This this one links me to another one,
to another one, to another one, etcetera.
Also, another meaning of
sabab is this affection,
So now coming back to.
Allah is saying,
We have provided for Hamdan Mirs to all
things. So we taught him things.
What did he do?
Allah told him. What did he do?
He started applying that,
following the sunan of Allah.
See, my dear brothers and sisters, there are
we call.
Allah set laws.
You have to follow them.
Allah will not grant you victory
over your enemy
when you are sitting
with your rosary in the masjid.
No. No.
said prepare yourself for them.
Build yourself for them.
That's what Allah says.
As the prophet, he said,
the French the force is throwing, throwing,
throwing, throwing with others,
with bullets, with rockets.
You Muslims, you have to prepare that for
your enemies.
And that's what the
early Muslims
realized this.
You know,
Mohammed al Fatima, Mohammed the conqueror.
Because the Muslim, they tried many
times to conquer
but the walls are massive.
Even from the time of the sahab, during
the time of
That's why
I remember his name.
Is buried at the walls of the.
So Muhammad, your father,
Muhammad, started to think how?
We should have you have to find a
a way. We have to
the text tool.
Powerful tool.
And they build the cannons.
And because
as a means, they use the cannons, they
to knock down the
and the strong walls of Constantinople.
So you have to follow
the laws set by Allah.
You have to.
So he followed the Shabaab. Allah told him,
that means this what he have to do.
Here, there are 2 ways of
of 2 modes of recitation.
And this is the
of the people
of Kufa.
The other
of the
most of
the reciters of Medina and Al Basra.
you see
and, of course,
the all from the prophet
the they give us different
grades of meaning and different shades of meanings.
So he followed strip 3.
that were taught to him by Allah.
Do this do this talk. He followed that.
And, also, among the meaning of Sabab,
So in the books
of, also, Allah showed him the way and
the passages and the roots,
so he followed that.
K. Because Allah established him on the earth.
So he was moving wherever he want.
Whatever he
wanted, he's free.
So Allah taught him everything, taught him the
ways, the roots, everything.
So he followed that.
And this
that if we
according for
according for he,
Dhul Qurnayn,
followed the Sabbath
tried to enhance also the Sabbath itself.
And he followed
the the Sabah
that was given to him. So Sabah a
Sabah, so he traveled
a course,
and also he enhanced the means.
Allah gave him the means. This how
you you can,
read here. This how you can do this,
but he also tried to
enhance and tried to observe his utmost effort
his utmost effort.
Don't you see that when he reach
found the the people in the east
about against Gog and Magog? What did he
Say, okay.
Help me.
I will construct a map, and a a
dam between you and them.
So he had engineers. He had tools. He
had everything.
And now he's constructing this dam.
Dam. So
the Quran
its followers
to use the gift that Allah
gave them.
gifts that Allah
gave us and which
is a blessing from him
So we have nothing,
in Islam that
says that there is
a conflict or there's a
or there is
the faith and and science.
We don't have that.
Also, Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala says
number 3.
Allah has already set a destiny,
measure for everything. Everything there is measure for
Destiny for it.
In the last second, remember that
and it happened many times.
The scientists, they were doing something else, and
they discover something else. And they were not
planning to discover that because these laws, Allah
set forth them a destiny,
date of birth to be discovered.
So everything, Allah sets a destiny for
it. For everything.
my dear brothers, and sisters. Oh, they're in.
Let's just use the Islamic terminology. It is
precise because the word science,
okay, doesn't
mean a exactly.
Because science,
it's either
can be
the scientist they apply to normally 2 methods,
deductive method and inductive method.
But what do we call is that reality,
the tangible proof,
something discovered
that we discovered the divine law,
and now it is,
a fact.
That is the.
So end of course,
is not the product of Jahiliya.
It's not the product of Jahiliya.
Indeed, it is actually
this is a gift from Allah Subhanahu Wa
Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala says
So Allah says,
and Allah brought you out of the wombs
of your mothers
while you knew nothing.
You knew nothing
and gave you bearing sight and intellect
to so perhaps
you'd be thankful.
So when we came to this life,
we didn't know anything.
We didn't know anything.
But Allah has given us the faculties
of the seeing, of hearing,
and he commanded us to use them,
to use
them. So perhaps
you would be grateful and thankful to me.
So the science is not the product of
So you should not be deceived.
You should not be deceived.
And this what they are trying to
the enemies of Islam,
the Muslim youth.
If you want to be called educated,
different names.
It's still practicing Islam
and practice this.
They idealize science, worship science. So science becomes
your god. You worship it.
And science is only a tool, and it
to lead you to worship your lord.
So remember this, that we came out in
from our mother's wounds
knowing nothing.
You don't know anything.
this knowledge is gained.
How? Through these faculties.
I hear.
So I now,
I know things
through hearing.
And Allah made the
the circle and the
range of hearing more than the range of
I cannot see who's behind me, but I
can hear who's behind me.
And that's why you'll find
in many places, Allah mentions the hearing before
the seeing,
the sight. Because you can be here, and
you are if if if dobbying and you
are listening to what is going in the
next room.
So Allah gave us these faculties,
and through them, these are windows
to the outside world, and we are getting
information and
and we internalize them and digest them. That's
how knowledge is built up.
Of course,
one thing,
we came
with it when we were born, the.
That is yes.
And that is the faith which embedded
within us,
knowing Allah.
That's the,
we came with it. Knowing Allah, we came
with that knowledge.
Because Allah
recorded that.
So if a child is left
without any external factors, he will
turn and incline
to his creator
Apart from that,
we are learning here in the dunya.
That's why the
the family now, they come and the parents
and the mother
the mother.
Okay? The mother is the your teacher, your
first teacher.
She would start that's why I said his
mother tongue his mother tongue.
This is English is not my mother tongue.
My mother talks to me and spoke to
me to another in another language, another tongue,
your mother.
So you hear the words of your mother.
So Allah provided us with these
Because some, they will not be grateful to
Allah, which is the fact.
Many many
people, many children of Adam are not grateful
to Allah.
They are denying him. They say you are
not there.
I'm not there? Yes. You are not there.
You don't exist.
You are illusion.
So who brought you?
Who created you?
No answer.
My father my mother who created your mother
and your father
and your grandfather and your grandmother. Who?
Mother nature. What is mother nature?
Tell me. What is mother nature? What is
Mountains, rivers, oceans,
forests. What's mother nature?
Allah made you the master in this creation,
and you lower yourself
and you deny him and you deny his
you're ungrateful.
Look around you.
Remember this, the pyramid.
Look around you.
What do you see?
You see nonliving things, which they call inanimate.
What else?
Plants. What else?
Animals. What else? You, human being.
let us
solve them
from the least complex to the most complex.
Who's in the base of the pyramid
in anime?
On top,
plants, on top, animals, on top,
you, human being.
Who's in the top? You. Who's the master?
And, see, the inanimate serves the plant. The
serves the animal. The animal serves you.
The earth, the soil,
serves the plant. The plant grows.
Gives the food, the crops, the food to
the animal.
The animal gives you meat and meat.
So who made these things for you?
And who made them to serve you? You?
And then you deny him,
and you say, he's you're not there?
And someone say,
you would be thankful and grateful.
Not all of you will be grateful and
thankful to me,
though I did all these things for you.
I created you.
I made this earth, this planet suitable for
I took care of you when you were
in your mother's womb for 9 months,
protecting you,
feeding you,
then you came as a feeble,
weak being,
and I made this kind mother to take
care of you,
breastfeeding you for 2 years,
cleaning you,
Then you grow up, and now you became
That's what
Woe to man.
Woe to him.
How ungrateful
he is.
Also, my dear brothers and sisters,
in Islam,
no conflict between science and faith,
between reason
and revelation.
We don't have that. We don't have the
the European
Christians had in the medieval ages.
The conflict between science and faith.
The scientists on one side
and the church on the other.
Many scientists were
Because they were considered
What you are saying goes against what is
mentioned in the bible.
there will never be a contradiction
sound mind
and authentic
not conflict.
If there is a contradiction,
the problem in 1 of the 2.
If the intellect is sound, then something wrong
with the text.
The text is authentic,
something wrong in the way of thinking.
the Bible
had been adulterated,
played with
by the
the learned men.
no wonder there will be a conflict
because now it's not the word of God.
The word of God had been
So that's why
listen to this.
When they were
ruled by the bible, the church,
they were in total
They call them the dark ages
because they were oppressing
the people,
you have to understand
and listen only to what the learned men
or the clergy men say
because they are the representatives
of Christ on earth.
Not only that,
when a person dies,
okay, the church needs to
have money.
normally, the people will take the body and
the corpse
for the priest to
conduct the rituals.
So here, you will be giving 2 options.
Where do you want him to go?
heaven? * is free.
you have to pay,
and people used
to pay money.
This is a read history.
As if they own the
the the the priests themselves, they own
the heaven. They own the paradise.
So they are entitled to sell.
So in such atmosphere,
the people say, this cannot be
the the word of God. This cannot be
religion through through religion from God.
Cannot be.
That's why
they revoluted
and they rebelled
against the church.
In Islam, we don't have that
At all, we don't have all these problems.
came into being because of this,
make the separation
between the state and the church.
In Islam, we don't have this.
The state
and the mosque,
everything together.
The prophet
was ruling from inside the Masjid.
The Khalifa ruling
from inside the Masjid.
We don't have this problem, alhamdulillah.
And to
come, the the advocates among the Muslims for
who are the,
they want to apply the same, what happened
in Europe, in the Islamic world. We don't
have this problem.
Islam has not we don't have this problem.
So there's no conflict
between science and faith
or reason and
intellect or revelation,
and revelation or reason and revelation. We don't
have this
because revelation is
from Allah, the word of God,
and the aql is also created from Allah
and Allah made this sound mind to understand,
okay, the revelation.
So there will never be any conflict.
Allah says in Surat Fusilat,
ayah 53.
See, the beauty of a swan.
We shall,
and we will
we will show them our science
in the universe
and within themselves
until it becomes clear to them
that this Quran
is the truth.
Is this not enough that your load is
a witness over all things?
Is it not enough?
It's not enough?
This what the Quran teaches
I'm saying that I'm going to show them
the signs.
Those who deny me.
They're atheist.
We will show them our ayaat,
In the horizons,
in the universe.
have to see.
No. I see.
Go. See the cosmos.
Don't you see the proofs?
Don't you see the galaxies? Don't you see
the precision? Don't you see the accuracy?
Don't you see
the beauty? Don't you see the marvelous
and the marvel? Don't you see that?
We show them signs within themselves.
See the complexity
of this party.
So, a
who spent years specialize in
The eye, the heart,
the NT,
He is only there.
Smaller portion.
He specializes in that area.
You go deep
and see the complexity.
See the systems, how they work.
See how complex you are.
Don't you see?
And to yourself, don't you see? Don't you
Don't you see
the proofs
and the science
the science of my existence?
So Allah's saying, we will show them science
in themselves.
Our lord, while you are showing them these
what for?
So that
is becoming
becomes so clear to them and evident that
it is the truth. It is the revelation
This Quran is the is the truth from
Because the things
mentioned there, and
no one
can come with something like that.
Then Allah said,
Is it not enough that your lord is
a witness of all things witness of all
So the Quran, my dear brothers and sisters,
is full full full of
inviting us to reflect, to ponder,
to discover.
And that's what the early Muslims and our
and used this Quran
as a book of guidance
showing them.
And the Quran is Kitab Hidayah,
of guidance.
And Allah
some scientific remarks.
In a subtle way
to trigger the inquisitiveness
and curiosity
the researcher.
So Allah provided room for you to think
and to start thinking.
And the beauty of the Quran
it will it will be understood by everyone,
by all levels.
The layman, he reads the eye, understands it
according to his comprehension,
according to his knowledge.
Alem reads it. He understand the Ayah
according to his understanding
and according to his knowledge,
And there will not be any contradiction
between the understandings
of this and that. No contradiction.
It can mean this. It can mean that.
No problem.
So Allah says
And it is Allah who sends the winds,
which then stare up,
and then we drive then the clouds to
a lifeless land, giving life to the earth
after its death. Similar is the resurrection.
So a Bedouin
in the desert, he understands this,
that Allah sends the wind.
The winds, Allah sends them.
And they are the ones who
to see
and stare up,
make this
for me.
this layman, he didn't know about the process
of the condensation
and the evaporation
and that the water evaporates,
Then in the higher level,
it cools,
it cools down, it condensate.
He doesn't know that,
But he knows that.
This is what Allah sends.
Allah sends the wind,
and the wind stir up the clouds,
and the clouds, they carry.
The winds, they carry the clouds.
But to see the Sahara,
the wind will take this
the clouds
dead lands,
lifeless lands.
Then this water
will give life to this dead land.
The lifeless land.
Vegetation will come out. Crops will come out.
See how Allah linked
this natural phenomenon, which you see
the winds,
they carry the clouds,
the rain falls,
the earth
on this lifeless,
plants, they come out.
So this lifeless land becomes
full of life.
Then I will say it.
is the resurrection.
You are dead
in your graves,
then rain will fall.
Yes. Rain will fall, and you'll come out
from your place.
The prophet
said that there will be rain, but it's
not water. It's like the seminal fluid.
First, Allah said
regarding the winds.
All these are
for the Muslim
to think and to reflect
and to study and to see why Allah
said this.
So Allah is inviting me
to find something.
Allah says
We send fertilizing winds
and bring down rain from the sky
for you to drink.
It is not you who hold its
You know the the pollen
the pollen,
the seeds of the pollen,
they fall from the trees.
So who will take the pollen from this
tree to this tree?
The wind does that.
Or some insects like the the bees. K?
So Allah is saying the the wind plays
the role
of fertilization,
plays that role
by cutting the pollen
by cutting the pollen.
We send fertilizing
So the winds, these fertilizing winds,
they blow
and bring down rain from the sky also.
what the winds also do to the
in the process of the the condensation?
Our nose, an area
for the experts to study.
So the fertilizing winds bring down rain.
So so this water
that was
evaporated, condensed now,
it's coming down, and the wind printed down.
But as
should be understood
in its
I mean,
and means what? The absolute highness.
means clouds.
From the clouds.
Because the water falls from the clouds. And
above you is called sama.
Just as mentioned,
the ceiling in the
tie and erode to the ceiling
through the summer.
That's why
in the books of
that your list is in the
clouds and the rain
in the rain.
When the rain falls, that is your list
and brings out the
the cups from the earth.
And, of course, Allah
decree your wrist,
of course, in the reserve tablet, which is
in in the summer as well.
And you'll never find
And by the way,
all the water,
the waters,
types of water
of waters
are pure and clean, and the the water
of the
the rain is pure.
Okay? Springs,
So we made this water that comes down
Allah says, and it's not you who hold
its reserves.
You are not the one who hold its
reserves, this water.
You are not the ones who,
protect it
within the reservoirs,
beneath the earth
so that you can dig and extract it.
Also, Allah
in another place.
This is to show you
that we as Muslims, Islam, our Islam, the
Quran, there's no problem with science
and with
end. I have no problem.
And we're not afraid
at all.
in 125.
The meaning,
whoever Allah wills to guide,
he always their heart to Islam.
But whoever he wills to live astray,
he makes the chest tight
chest tight
and constricts
it constricts
it as if they were climbing up into
the sky.
This is how Allah dooms those who disbelieve.
Let's just reflect here.
And see the
because the one who talks is Allah.
So Allah has given this parable
similar to example.
Anyone experiences
Anyone who
try to climb to a high place
when he is climbing. By the time he
he's breathless.
We are trying to climb
a mountain.
The more you are climbing,
you you start to
you're breathing. You breathe difficult,
in a in a difficult manner.
You you feel
there is a difficulty
Anyone cannot
deny this. He
he can't feel it.
So Allah has given this
that's the the beauty.
Allah talks, and everyone will understand the ayah
and the meaning.
And he's talking about the Hidayah, about Islam,
but he has given this parable.
And may you read the idea,
whomever Allah wills and wishes to guide,
He opens his heart or their heart for
You accept Islam.
And this what Islam does.
When you become a Muslim, you feel this.
Your chest has been expanded.
You feel that happiness, you feel
that serenity,
that peace of mind.
That's why
many reverts. The moment they say the Shahada,
burst and they started to cry.
Ask them,
I said, good.
I said, the burden left left it.
Yeah. That's that's loud.
The was
pressing down in your chest.
Now that load, that heavy burden is removed.
I told you this is story mentioned by
from Egypt. Sheikh
I forgot his name now.
He said I was in America,
and he was giving the talk.
I'm trying to recall his name.
That's a child I remember.
So then the organizer, they said, chief.
one guy, and he is,
well off, very rich and decent. We are
giving him.
please, if you don't mind, we want him
to sit
next to you.
the chef started giving the
the his his speech.
Go through the translation.
This guy started to cry.
I mean,
the the words are affecting him.
To cut the story short, at the end,
When he finished
he burst into tears, crying like a baby.
Like a baby.
So Lucia said, let him cry. Let him
So when he stopped crying, he was passed.
He was passed.
Where did he apply?
He said, I felt happy.
I had been searching for happiness
and never found it.
And tonight,
I felt
it. Tonight, I felt it.
So the Islam, yes,
it opens your heart. It opens your chest.
It expands your chest.
And whenever Allah wills to,
the time go astray. He decided to
go astray.
had showed us the
2 paths,
where you have salvation, where you have
destruction. He decided to tread on the path
Not that Allah pushed him there. No. Allah
has given each one of us the fuel.
The fuel. So he decided to
become kafers.
Allah gave this parable.
He makes his chest
narrow, constricted.
You can't breathe.
What he feels, what he goes through, let
someone who is
up into the sky, going up into high
ascending. This is what he feels.
A scientist will pause and say,
what is the relationship
between breathing
and ascending?
Is there I need a real relationship
between going up and breathing? The answer is,
people, if they start suffering in in breathing.
Why? So this what the scientist now. And
this what Islam invites
people to to think.
Something will happen to the respiratory system
Because the higher you go, what happens to
the percentage of the oxygen?
It becomes less.
atmospheric pressure is less
percentage of the oxygen is less.
So that's why you
start feeling
you need more oxygen.
Like someone who is climbing up.
So you want if you go up, this
also happens will happen to you
In the metaphorical sense,
the just like this.
Like, someone who is ascending and going up.
So he's breathless.
So Allah gives
notions, gives marks
to trigger
the mind,
to think,
and to conduct research and study.
So Islam invites you
to study,
to research,
to discover
the relationships
between the phenomena that you see around
you. You see?
My mother, your mother, my father, your father,
who did it?
will make me feel like someone who is
climbing and cannot breathe.
This what the does.
He's not in that much,
which is good.
The scientists will start to think why. What
what is the secret behind that? What is
the law behind that? What's Allah?
Why Allah made this the oxygen to
content to become less?
And while the atmospheric pressure now
at high places, not like
at sea level.
So this what Islam
its followers
to study.
So Alhamdulillah, there's no no conflict between science
and the
deen and the faith. No. So
As a matter of fact, he will start
And this will send in your
imam. Send in your imam.
Then Allah concluded the ayah. This is how
dooms those who disbelieve.
They have misery life. Their chest are
like someone who is climbing to a high
because they did not accept the Titus,
the hetiah.
This stuff at this point, may Allah
increase our knowledge in the deed.
us the beneficial knowledge.
May Allah
save us from straight. May Allah
for our foes and mistakes and and
may Allah
unite, oh, hearts, and may Allah
May Allah reward all of you, my dear
brothers, consistent
immensely for your patience and
We'll start the question and answers time now.
Brothers and sisters, please send in your questions
first so we can respond to them and
answer them.
Sheikh, first question received is,
what is the ruling if a person swears
by the book of Allah putting his hands
while he's not going to feel
but his intention is just to wing
something for this life.
He's sinful.
He is sinful,
and this is it's called Yamini Ramus.
Yamini Ramus
because false testimony
or false,
This is, called
because there are 3 types of oaths.
You mean
There are 3 types of oath.
That you took an oath and you swore
by Allah
or something and you you meant it.
K. So
for example, a man says to his wife,
by Allah
by Allah, you should I will not allow
you to visit your mother
or your parents.
So this is.
He intended,
and he had the intention,
and he meant what he said.
And then he
cooled down because he was angry
and started to think, what should I do
I cannot stop her from seeing her parents
because this is
a sin.
I'm shivering the ties of womb.
Allah out of his mercy, he
made a a leeway,
a a way for us to come out
from this,
and that is the kafala
So he has to,
make kafala
and he should allow his wife to go
and see her parents.
This is yemin
Then we have the other type was yemin
ramus. It's called ramus, literally ramus from
the word ramasa. Ramasa means to dip, to
submerge, to immerse
So they say this
type of oath,
there's no expiation for it
except to be immersed and dipped into the
That's the expedition fight.
And this is the false testimony.
Yamim Ramus.
The 3rd type of Yemin also is
will be treated like.
Some people they say,
Bye. Bye. Bye. Bye.
Bye. Bye. Bye. Bye. Bye. Bye. Bye. Bye.
Bye. Bye. Bye. Bye.
And they didn't mean to swear. It's just
the way they talk. And this is
bad habit. We should not do this. So
what this person did is.
So he has to make sure he's here.
So he's here and come back to Allah
I hope this is clear.
We'll go to the next question. And the
next question is
Assalamu alaikum. My wife asked
for divorce from her husband who abandoned her
for a year,
but the husband refused,
and she decided to leave home on her
What is the ruling on her situation?
is she still a married woman to the
The answer is. She is still a married
because he didn't divorce her.
neither he divorced her nor a part of
the Muslim party divorced her.
Okay. So she is still his wife.
she can go to the Muslim party,
her case.
And by the way,
I personally,
do not answer questions related to the
on on the phone or,
on the web.
But this issue should be taken to the
the scholar in your area to the Muslim
party in your area.
So take your case to the Muslim party.
And he will look into the this issue,
this matter,
and will contact your husband.
If he still wants to
to keep you,
then he has to fulfill his obligations
as a husband,
towards his
or he has to divorce
if that's what you want.
Or you can't go through the. It was
by giving paying him something,
and the relationship will be terminated.
But this is through the,
Muslim party.
I hope this is clear to the questioner.
Charlotte, it's clear here. We'll go to the
next question.
A woman is continuously
insulting her husband. Is the ruling on such
what is the ruling on such
person? She is, of course, sinful.
Simple. You
sisters, you need to see Allah
women, they became
I don't
They are violent.
And really,
we hear cases that they beat their husband,
some of them.
don't know what type of husband is this,
she's insulting and shouting at him.
And the Muslim, this is not the other
and the manners of, for Muslim. A
It's not the Muslim.
It's not the
the true Muslim. This is not the behavior
of a true Muslim.
Muslim is not the one who who insults
or swears
or curses
or use vulgar language,
bad language.
She not have bad mouth.
Don't you know that your husband is your
and your head?
He is your paladizer, and he is your
A pious husband fears Allah
takes care of you,
and you are ungrateful
and thankful.
The prophetesser said to the woman, look.
She said, do you have a husband? She
said, yes.
She said, how do you treat him? She
said, I don't
spare any effort.
I tried my best, she
said. Be careful.
Watch out.
Be careful.
He is your heaven and he is your
help, the husband.
be nice to your husband. Talk nicely.
Don't use this
that language and.
some women,
they are I mean, they dominate the family
the man
is weak in personality,
so he is having the upper hand.
So she treats him like a kid, like
one of her children. So she will shout
at him in the same way she shouts
at her kids.
And this will make his
persona and his personality and his image crumble
in front of the children.
Our father isn't
it's nothing.
So that's why
husband and wife should not show the differences
and their arguments in front of the children.
In front of the children, they should appear
that they are all
In their bedroom, they discuss
their issues.
to talk badly and
attack her husband.
This is not the way of the Muslim
who fears Allah.
So my advice for this sister and
the others
to fear Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala and to
Respect your husband.
K? You don't want to live with him?
End the relationship with respect, mutual respect.
And end the relationship.
So don't
Don't insult him
in front of the children or between you
and him.
Because Allah
made him your heaven and your *, and
you choose.
I hope this is clear to the questioner.
I like this clear, Sheikh. We'll go to
the next question.
And the next question is,
please can Sheikh explain what it is meant
by Ardon,
your masahif in the hadith,
where the prophet
when the prophet
if they call
your masajid and adun your masajid,
then wait for destruction.
Yeah. This,
hadith, I mean,
I mean,
it warns us that we should not do
these things.
We should not, I mean.
Don't you see some are
written with gold
that is
people, they just keep it there. They don't
lead on it.
the prophet is warning us against that.
And the same thing with the masjid,
the creation.
You enter the masjid, you cannot concentrate in
the salah
because of the decorations
The masjid of the was
playing masjid.
one day,
he was given
a cloak,
with some stripes, some lines.
He started to pray,
then he
removed it.
And he said,
declaration and these lies
affected my
for sure, my concentration.
So he removed it and say, give it
take it and bring me
the cloak of Abidjan,
which is plain
plain one.
If this is the
by wearing that piece of
cloth affected his.
How about us?
When you see all these things around, they
affect your. No doubt.
And a waste of money
waste of money.
These declarations,
believe me, the cause of such declarations can
build many masjids
in many poor Muslim countries.
So that's what the hadith talks about.
I hope this is clear to the question.
Charlotte, it's clear, Sheikh. We go to the
next question.
What is the role of a woman at
home? Does her husband have the right
her own wealth?
Not on her own wealth. No. He has
no right.
He is the one responsible
take care of his wife and to,
pay the,
the expenses
of the living.
That is his role,
but he has to obey him
as long as he doesn't ask her to
or or do any sin to disobey Allah.
As long as he doesn't ask her to
do anything, she has to obey him.
He tells you,
stay at home. You stay at home.
Don't do this. Don't do that.
As long as he is not asking you
to do something.
And this is the
of the pious woman.
So the characteristics
and qualities
of pious woman,
a wife, that when you look at her,
she pleases you by looking at her.
So you like to watch her and just
smile and enjoy seeing her
because she takes care of herself.
He presents Hazrat. He's dressed up. He came
from outside.
He already
prepared the food,
took a shower,
that's all they,
wear perfume. She smelled some ice.
And you have to do the same thing
when you come from outside. If you are
sweating, go out and take a shower.
K? But that's what the prophet
used to
do. Whenever he comes home, he would brush
his teeth and he would kiss his wife.
So the the characteristics
of the pious woman that when you look
at her, you are pleased.
And when you
command her, she obeys
But it's hard to talk to someone.
And when he travels and he is away,
she protects
him, protects his family, his children, and protects
her chastity.
She doesn't cheat on him.
So these are the
the characteristics
and the qualities of the pious woman in
So obeying the husband
is mandatory as long as he doesn't ask
him his wife to disobey Allah, to do
I hope this is clear to the question.
We go to the next question, which is
can we put a cover on the Quran
to protect it?
Yeah. To protect it from the dust, for
or to protect it, from,
I mean,
being torn quickly.
So there is a strong cover. That's not
proper. That's fine.
That was our final question of tonight's session,
if you'd like to conclude.
Bless you. Bless your family. Protect you. Protect
your family. May
elevate your status
in this world and give
Allah keep us in this
beautiful day.
Till we meet Allah
and find him. Please with all of us.
May Allah
please all knowledge in the team. May Allah
accept our deeds and your deeds.
And may Allah unite
Until we meet
in the coming session, I leave you
in Allah's company and protection.