Salah Mahmoud – The Reward of a Simple Salam Isha Khatira
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The speaker discusses various aspects of Islam, including the sun and fard, the importance of belief in Allah's weighty words, and the importance of sharing the sun. They also mention a person who was promoted and had success with their own business. The speaker emphasizes the importance of practice and sharing the sun for achieving reward.
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Is there any situation
the sunnah is better than the fard?
There's an ishma among all the ulama. Everybody
knows that the fard is better than the
sunnah, is more rewarding than the sunnah. Fasting
in Ramadan is better than for the brothers
or sisters who fasted
today. Praying the salah that we just prayed
is better than the 2 sunnah that we
are going to pray. This is very well
known amongst all Muslims. But is there any
situation where the Sunnah is better than the
Fard? There's a couple of them. One of
them, which we will be talking about today,
is saying salaamu alaykum.
Saying salaamu alaykum is a sunnah.
Replying the salam is a
Why this is sunnah? This is farrud?
Because Allah said
in the Quran that if you were greeted
if you were greeted, so it's optional. If
you were greeted,
reply the greeting with equal or but with
better or equal. Right?
Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala said if you were
greeted reply with equal or with better or
equal greeting.
The sunnah here is better than the fard
because the sunnah was the reason for the
fard to take place.
Number 1. And number 2 because Rasulullah salallahu
alaihi wa sallam he said,
the better of them, the best of them
is the one who starts
the salaam. Right? So here in this situation,
very very few situations,
the sunnah is better than the fard because
it led to the fard.
We all know that when Raul alaihi wa
sallam speak, he always tell
the utmost truth.
How about
if he swears before he speaks?
By the one whom the soul of Muhammad
in his hand.
You will not enter the Jannah until you
are a Mu'min. You see this new thing,
everybody's going to jannah. No habibi. You have
to believe in Allah, believe in Muhammad salallahu
alaihi wa sallam in order to enter the
jannah. You have to have all the 6
arkhan of belief.
100% no.
And and you're not listen carefully, and
you're not a true believer
until you love one another.
Until you love one another.
And loving one another,
just in a nutshell,
it means
I love to you what I love to
myself. If you wanna summarize it,
were promoted.
I was promoted. I love that you are
My son completed the hafaz. I would love
that your son and your daughter complete the
hafaz. I was I bought a new house.
I would love it that you got a
new house too. I love
to you what I love to myself.
Should I tell you?
Who's telling us?
Rasoolullah sallallahu alaihi wasallam. Should I tell you
about something? If you do,
you will love one another.
Yeah. And there's no better guide than Rasulullah
What is it here Rasulullah that if I
practice regularly,
I would gain the love of people and
I would love the people myself? He said,
spread the salaam
among you.
Spread the salaam among you. Ola Yaqaan, look
how how simple
is this Ibadah, it's Ibadah, that's an act
of worship that would lead to love and
love would lead to iman and iman will
lead to jannah.
Rasulullah SAWSAWAMI was sitting, a man walked in,
Assalamu Alaikum. Asharah.
Another man came, Assalamu Alaikum
3rd person came
10, 20, 30. He said, the one who
said, salaamu alaykum get 10 hasana. The one
who said, salaamu alaykum urahmatullahi
got 20 hasana. And the one who said,
salaamu alaykum urahmatullahi wabarakatuh
get 30 hasana. You look at the hasana
flying in the air, all we have to
do is just capture them.
How did the salaam start?
When Allah
created Adam,
he told him
go and greet the angels with the salaamu
alaykum and learn from them what is the
response, the hadithas and bukhari.
So Adam
went to the angels salaamu alaykum. So the
angels replied salaamu alaykum walahmatullah.
This is where the, salaam started. The first
person who ever they ask you who's the
first person ever start the salam? It is
Adam alayhis salam.
Finally, SubhanAllah.
Al Fudayl ibn Ubayy ibn Kabian. Fudayl,
the son of the very famous Sahabi.
He was with Abdullah ibn Umar,
another son of a famous Sahabi.
They were they were going to the market
and then Abdullah ibn Umar told Alfuday, every
time you go to the market
I wanna go with you. So Afudayl told
him, he told him, why you wanna go
with me to the market? You don't know
nothing about business. You have nothing to do
with business. You have nothing to sell, nothing
to buy. He said, because I wanna go
to the market and spread the salam
to fulfill the sunnah of Rasool Allah sallallahu
alaihi wa sallam. There's a lot of people
in the market. This person I say salaam,
this person I say salaam, and I gain
the ajur and I make them gain the
ajur. Say
salaam to the people you know and the
people you do not know. Spread the salaam
as much as you can. Look how simple
this ibadah and how rewarding
is this ibadah. So inshaAllah ta'ala, everybody today,
we haven't done this since pre COVID, everyone
look to your right and look to your
right to your left and
say, my name is so and so. Make
dua for me.
Practice this sunnah.