Salah Mahmoud – The 5 Human Necessities in Islam
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My dear brothers and sisters,
thousands of Muslims
from all over the globe,
They finished and completed the 5th and final
pillar of Islam known as Al Hajj responding
to the call of Ibrahim Alaihi Salam.
Brothers and sisters, in my previous
in this blessed masjid,
I was talking about
some of the objectives
of Al Hajj, and some of the secrets
of Al Hajj.
Because as I said before,
salah and the rest of active worship in
Islam, we have a lot of explanations
as why we pray, as why we pay
as why we fast, and so on and
so forth, but when it comes to Hajj,
there are a lot of things that we
don't understand really.
Why are we doing this? Why are we
going around the Kaaba? Why 7 times? Why?
Why cutting? Why the hair? Why all of
these things. Right? A lot of these things,
we don't really understand why we're doing them.
1,000,000 of Muslims from all over the world,
they go and they actually do that. And
we said of the objectives of
the first one was the spiritual objective.
The spiritual objective and the best thing that
we can learn from the, from Hajj is
the submission to Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala. Total
submission. If the I and one
Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala tells you're coming to
visit my house. Allah
wa ta'ala tells you you're going to go
around the Kaaba 7 times.
Right? Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala says you're going
to through the
And as we said before, Allah subhanahu wa
ta'ala is the owner of the house, and
the owner of the house has the right
to set any protocol.
When you have guests over, you tell them
you can come from this door. You can
leave your shoes off here. Right? We do
that all the time. Then Allah subhanahu wa
ta'ala is the owner of the house, and
the Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala is the one
who sets the protocol. So brothers and sisters,
submission is a great lesson we learn from
a Hajj. And as I said before, then
I will move on to the rest of
As we said before,
there is a big mistake that us Muslims,
that we we make all the time, which
is what we try to rationalize
everything in Islam.
Right? Everything in Islam,
you know, I I I try to check
it with my my mind. If it makes
sense with the logic, if it makes sense,
then I will take it. Otherwise, I'm sorry.
I doubt this religion.
Right? And as I said before,
there are a lot of things that we
cannot rationalize in our life. Even the science
sometimes does not have an explanation to certain
things. However,
we fully, fully, fully believe in science. The
other day after the,
I was given by my my masjid in
and one sister, she requested the imam. So
I spoke with her. She's an old sister,
and she said, Sheikh,
my daughter has not been able to speak
for 8 months. She was perfectly fine.
That happened last week. Perfectly fine. And all
of a sudden, she's not able to speak.
You know how many doctors we've taken her
to? 13 physicians
and none of them know what's the what
is the secret.
What is the reason for that?
Right? So sometimes,
we believe so much in science that
when we see something that seems to be
contradicting with the religion, we ignore the religion
completely, and Hajji is a great example. Right?
Why are we doing this? It doesn't make
sense to me.
Right? This is very dangerous. When very, very
dangerous, Allah
Those who believe in the unseen.
There are a lot of things as I
said that we cannot rationalize
in our religion, and this is very normal.
Right? If there is, we should
but if there is an explanation, and this
is most of the time, this is the
case, your iman should be increasing.
Your iman and your faith and believe in
Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala should be increasing.
But the problem for our youngsters now, you
know, when that doesn't make sense to me,
you know, this religion, what is that? Explain
that to me. Sometimes we don't have an
Period. Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala told us to
do something, so we go ahead and do
the best thing. Because as we said, you
cannot put the science and their religion all
the time. They're very compatible.
They're very compatible with each other.
Remember remember, Quran
is a book of signs,
not a book of signs.
Quran is a book of signs, not a
book of signs. Quran does not have to
tell you and explain everything to you. Right?
tells you how thing why things are happening,
but science tells you
how things are happening. This is different. So
they complete each other. Right? They complete each
other. So moving forward, we said that the
best thing that we can learn from is
the submission and then to Allah Subhanahu Wa
Ta'ala. Brothers and sisters,
for each act of worship in Islam, there
is, objectives
in the next few minutes, I'm going to
talk about the general
objectives of Islam,
also known as the 5 human
needs or necessities in Islam. What are these,
5 human necessities in Islam?
Known also
Why Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala give us Islam?
What is the what what are the objectives?
What is Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala trying to
achieve over here? What is the goal? What
is the wisdom? Right? When we knew the
answer to this thing, subhanallah, our and the
conviction Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala
So today, inshallah, we're going to answer
3 questions. Number 1, what is the definition
of the objectives of Sharia
or Number 2,
what are they?
Number 3, why
they are important and significant in our life?
Question number 1, what is the definition of
the Sharia or the objectives of Sharia? According
to the,
in Arabic, it says
So the objectives of Islam
are set of rules and the principles
which Islam strives to establish in order to
and protect
the welfare and the human,
the welfare of human beings in this life
and the hereafter. The definition is very self
explanatory, very easy here. Right? Allah
give us these 5 necessities or objectives
so that
to we promote the welfare of human beings
in this life and the hereafter. That's why
we say Islam is a way of life,
a comprehensive way of life. That takes me
to the second question.
What are the 5 necessities of human beings
in Islam? What are the 5 objectives of
Why do we have Islam? Number 1,
Islam came to us
to safeguard and protect
human life.
A human soul, this is the very first
objective because you are the the structure of
Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala. Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala
created you in the best form, in the
best shape,
And then Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala gave some
rules and the principle that if we follow,
we will protect the human life. The human
life is very sacred, subhanallah, and look what
is happening in the world nowadays, subhanallah.
people, they careless. There is so much injustice
in the world, that's why there is so
much blood all over the world, Subhanallah.
Look at this guy who went to Walmart
the other day, started shooting people,
You cannot even imagine that. You cannot even
imagine that. This is exactly what Islam says
no to.
No. You do not go to a place
like that and take the life and souls
of innocent people. Just picture this in your
mind. Subhanallah.
May Allah
protect all of us. You
good we all go to Walmart and the
stores. Right? Imagine you're going with your family,
a happy life, happy family going to get
the school supplies
and you end up there. Your life is
because of somebody.
He knows that there is no justice.
That's why he dared to do something like
that. Subhan Allah.
Tells us
that if you fulfill
the objectives of Sharia, your life is going
to be so much better. It's going to
be it's going to be very peaceful life.
But the problem is, if you do not
apply this in our lives, what's going to
happen? So much corruption is going to happen
on earth. Allah
was so clear in Quran when he talks
about the value of a human life. When
he said
If you kill 1 person,
one human life as though you killed the
whole entire humanity, This is our religion. This
is Islam, and this is the message that
we need to preach, and this is the
message we need to explain and show the
whole entire world. The very first objective of
is the protection safeguard
of human life. The second
one and we'll get back to that.
I mean, also,
the second one is the safeguard
and protection of one's
Once religion,
every human being has some sort of belief.
Even those who do not believe in Allah
subhanahu wa ta'ala.
If someone says I'm an atheist,
I don't have any faith, any belief, tell
them no. You have faith that there is
no faith, there is no god.
So we cannot live without
every human being. So if you're telling me
there is no God, okay, that's a belief.
Right? That's a belief in so. So
we cannot live without in our hearts. So
Islam and Allah knows this fact. That's why
he came to guard, safeguard
and protect this. He said
You cannot force anybody
to, you know, to to become, I mean,
to accept your deen. You cannot force anybody.
You cannot. Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala said,
let human being do whatever they want. Allah
subhanahu wa ta'ala is the
at the end of the day. So Allah
subhanahu wa ta'ala
talks about the the religion and he warned
us so many times from Shaitan, and he
So Islam came to guarantee
to guarantee, to safeguard
to safeguard
humanity and protect their faith regardless
regardless. They're Muslims. They're not Muslims. We're not
allowed to harm anybody,
Not because they're
just because they are different or a different
faith, we're not allowed to do that. We're
not allowed to do that.
This is misconception about Islam. And here, one
of the objectives, the things that Islam wants
to to achieve and promote
the the protection of people's faith.
So protection of human life, protection of human
faith and religion. Number 3, protection
of the human mind and intellect,
the human reasoning.
Islam came to protect your mind and your
brain. Not really to ask you to follow
blindly. Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala wants you to
to to to ponder over.
How many I in the Quran that Allah
says ponder over, look at the sky, look
at the heaven. And then he said,
And in your own bodies, don't you
see? Don't you see that the the miracles
of Allah that happened out there, Allahu Akbar?
So Islam came to protect
your mind, your dignity, your intellect, brothers and
sisters. That's why Islam is very strict when
it comes to alcohol. Right? Allah subhanahu wa
ta'ala says,
Avoid it. Stay away from it.
Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala is very clear. He
said, I created you and I give you
this brain,
this mind, and you should respect your intellectuality
and your mind. Do not cover your brain
by using drugs, by alcohol. Drugs is a
big issue in our communities.
Big issue of our communities. All Muslim community
is no exception in here. Right? When people
realize that Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala wants you
to protect your own mind, your own brain,
and this is one of the objectives of
then if we follow this, our life is
going to be so much better. We're not
going to complain that
our youngsters,
our children are going towards the wrong path.
They are into drugs. That's why Islam said,
do not show mercy to drug dealers. Do
not show mercy to them. Why? Because sometimes
sometimes, and this is human nature. This is
human nature. We look at the criminal,
and we feel like sympathizer, like we sympathizing
with them. We feel bad for them, which
is okay. But Islam says do not look
at the criminal.
Do not look at the criminal. Look at
the crime.
Before looking at the criminal, the whole shot
the people in Walmart, look at the crime.
Look at the victims. Look at the people
who did not make it to their houses.
Look at the people whom their children did
not see them, and they will never see
them again.
This is Islam. Islam was very clear, was
very straightforward.
Drugs is something that covers your brain, your
mind. Allah
says, stay away from it. Your life is
going to be good. Right? And at the
same time, he says, take care of the
people who cause corruption on earth.
If someone is doing this to our youngsters,
to our youth, he should be treated justly.
This is our religion. This is how beautiful
our religion is. That's why we say Islam
is a comprehensive
way of life. Subhan Allah. So the protection
of human life,
the protection of human's faith and religion, the
protection of human intellect, brain, and mind.
And then number 4, the protection of human
wealth property.
This is something very important.
You're not allowed by any way, shape, or
to take something that is not your right
under any circumstances.
He cannot be a Muslim
if people are not are not protected from
This is our religion.
So Islam came to protect people's property.
Islam came to teach us to seek the
halal, the halal risk, the halal provision,
the halal provision. Right? Otherwise,
what people were stealing and because there is
injustice in the world, now the top one
percent in the world, they own the whole
entire the money of the rest of the
world. Subhanallah.
1 percent of the world. 1 person is
controlling everything, everything. And there is of the
world under poverty, subhanallah,
or middle class in the in the best
Look at that. Why? Because there is injustice.
Islam says,
you should always always protect your property. You
don't you're not allowed
to, you know, to touch or take people's
without without the right, without their approval. Look
what is happening in some countries now. The
rules are taking everything. What about the people,
the citizens? Nothing.
Nothing. And we know that. And do you
know what I'm talking about? Why?
Because people misunderstood
the religion of Islam.
is the one who created us. When you
go buy a a vehicle, a car, they
give you something called manual,
and they ask you to follow the manual.
Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala created us, and he
knows our manual. He knows what is best
for us. If we don't follow the manual
that Allah subhanahu ta'ala has given us, guess
what? All in the corruption corruption injustice in
the world is going to happen. Period.
Subhan Allah. That's that's that's what it is.
Alright? Allah knows
us very well and knows what is best
for us. May Allah
give us understanding of fear.
Islam came to us to protect our our
Islam came to us to protect our religion
and safeguard our religion.
Islam came to us to protect our intellectuality,
our mind, our brains. Islam came to us
to protect our properties, to make sure that
nobody will take anything or steal anything with
no right.
Islam came to us
to protect our honor and dignity.
Our honor and dignity. You're not allowed to
speak on, you know, about any brother or
any sister.
You're not allowed to judge people. You're not
allowed because we're not angels. Right? We're not
angels. And what is happening in social media
here? Whenever you say anything, share, share, share,
share without even asking yourself a question. Is
it right? Is it is it true? Is
it false?
Islam is against that. Islam says, you should
protect your honor and your dignity. You did
not see anything with your own eyes. That's
it. Forgive it. Forget it. Just slave. Move
But nowadays,
people don't really care about dignities or honors,
honors, and all of these things. They don't
care, unfortunately. A lot of a lot of
brothers and sisters. That's why we talk about
each other. We talk about families. Right? You
respect your honor and your own dignity. This
is what Islam is here for brothers and
sisters. This is one of the things that
wanted to achieve, wanted to accomplish in this
That takes me to the third question. Why
is it significant?
Why the objectives of Islam are significant?
I will take you on a in a
very short journey
to Makkah. May Allah gather us all over
year. I mean, particularly the month of Arafat,
the month of Arafat
on the
the the the shahr or the month of
the hija where the prophet sallallahu alaihi wa
stood, jabalu UHMA,
and he delivered the khutbah.
This khutbah,
we should
explain and should say to the whole entire
This is, in my opinion,
the very first
human rights declaration
that that humanity ever known.
When the prophet sallallahu alaihi wa sallam stood
up in the mouth of Arafat
and he addressed everyone, and the prophet sallallahu
alaihi wa sallam focused on the objectives of
sharia that we were just talking about. The
5 things, the prophet sallallahu alaihi wa sallam
in a in a in a farewell, pilgrim
as before it's 3 months before he passed
away. He stood up and he was very
clear straight to the point and said,
oh people, oh mankind, oh humanity. The The
prophet sallallahu alaihi wa sallam did not say
all believers or Muslims. The prophet sallallahu alaihi
wa sallam knew that was the end of
his life, and he wanted to preach the
whole entire world. He said,
People listen attentively to me attentively to me
as I I don't know whether or not
I will be with you
year. The prophet knew that his life come
was coming to an end. That's why he
wanted to make sure to leave us with
something very very profound. He said,
Oh, people as just as you regard this
month, the month of the Hijjah,
This day, the day of Arafat, thus this
city, the city of Mecca as sacred. So
the life
and the property
and honor of every Muslim as sacred.
The same thing he said, this month, this
day is sacred. They are sacred. So your
life, your property,
your wealth,
your honor is also should be sacred as
the mount of Arafat, the city of Mecca
Subhan Allah.
Do not approach, not talk about people's life
or honor because this is very dangerous. What
goes around comes around brothers and sisters. So
the prophet in this in this section, he
talked about what the first, second, third objective
of Sharia of Islam.
The protection of human's life, the protection of
property, the protection of honor. And then,
moving forward very quick, inshallah, the prophet sallallahu
alaihi wa sallam talks about the protection of
our intellectuality
and our minds, our brains. The prophet says,
from the practice of
is under my feet. Any practice from the
era of ignorance before Islam, I put it
under my feet right now. And the very
first thing I'm going to put under my
feet is the interest that my uncle, Abbas,
used to take from people. His uncle used
to take sometimes a 100% interest. The prophet
gave the perfect example,
and he wanted to show them that he
is a role model, that he is
giving away, giving up the the the,
or the Jahiliya
practice of his uncle Abbas before anybody even
asked him. He said, all of these things
are under my feet,
all under my feet. So,
Islam as we said protects our intellectuality
and our brain.
The prophet sallallahu alaihi wa sallam went further
and he talked about the protection of our
property, of our religion. The prophet sallallahu alaihi
wa sallam said
He said,
Shaitan lost hope that he will be ever
worshiped again. And he said, I have left
for you. What if you stick to it?
What if you stick to it?
You will be you will never be misguided.
I left Quran for you. This is the
manual. Quran and the sunnah. This is the
protection of our deen, our faith, our aqid,
our brothers and sisters. Then the prophet sallallahu
alaihi wa sallam went on and he talked
about equality of Islam. He said,
Oh, people. You are all from Adam, and
Adam was created from dirt.
And then
he said the statement that the history will
never forget. He said,
There is no superiority for an Arab over
an Arab, or a black over white, or
white over black, except with and unrighteousness.
Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala does not look at
your skin color, Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala looks
at your heart
and your deeds.
This is equality in Islam brothers and sisters.
The prophet sallallahu alaihi wa sallam did not
forget to talk about our sisters. He said,
take care of your women, take care of
your wife, your spouse, take care of your
daughter, take care of your mother,
Take care of your mother. Respect them in
the Masjid.
Give them a lot of activities and a
lot of things. Get them involved in the
Masjid. Your daughters, Allah, the prophet said if
gives you 3 daughters,
and then you raise them. You raise them
in a good way. That's path shortcut shortcut
to Jannah So
the prophet did not forget this, and at
the end, the prophet said,
and he who looked up and he said,
yeah, Allah Allah,
be be my witness that I conveyed the
message. Oh, Allah, be my witness. I conveyed
the message. Oh, Allah, be my witness. And
we here witnessing that Rasulullah Sallallahu Alaihi Wa
Salam conveyed the message. Brothers and sisters, today
we're talking about the 5 objectives
of Islam.
Number 1, protection
of human life. Number 2, protection of human
Number 3, protection of human intellectual and mind.
Number 4, protection of human property.
Number 5, the protection of human dignity and
honor. May Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala give us
May Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala make us from
those who listen and follow what is best
How do you move forward, inshallah? Accommodate your
brothers in the back. Jazakumullah Khayron. Move forward,
inshallah. Fill up the gaps. Share your lines,
We all know that the situation in in
Kashmir InshaAllah. So one minute InshaAllah, we'll make
the offer them. This is the very least
we can do for them InshaAllah.
We will inshallah allow some food vendors outside.
Some of you take lunch break here, so
why not have your lunch as well to
go? And, a portion of it will come
to Morjid. So if you are a vendor
and if you can avoid,
please send an email to
and be a listed vendor. So you will
provide you a spot, on, on a rotation
base. You must be able to,
allergy free, food like peanuts and all should
be avoided.
A small portion comes to mortgage. So support
these vendors and support your margin Insha'Allah.
I have couple other announcement,
special need programs,
on August 17th
between, 5:30 sorry, 4:30 to 6 o'clock.
Parent meet and greet will be here, in
Also, umbra,
on, with Yasir Khadid, November 22nd to 30th,
still limited seats. So if you like to
join, please, register at front office or online.
Our 5th year class and Sunday school is
about to start.
All the details in website. Please go ahead
and take a look.
I have couple Dua request,
to imam Saleh.
I have brother,
one of our board member, Nadim Islam,
is, uncle just passed away in California, and
he's requesting dua. His brother Kareem is, father
passed away a couple days ago here in,
Murphy. Also, brother, Bilal, his,
injured himself and, you know, in a recovery
and looking for your dua.