Salah Mahmoud – Stories Of The Quran 10.1.24
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We finished Surat Al-A'raf, Alhamdulillah.
And as you know we started from Surat
Al-Baqarah, now Alhamdulillah may Allah give us
the tawfiq and allow us to witness Khatm
al-Quran in this mihrab, ameen.
And we'll start with Surat Al-Anfal.
And Surat Al-A'raf, Alhamdulillah, it was
the very last ayah in Surat Al-A
'raf, it's the very first Sajd Al-Tilawah,
That's why you noticed that we meet Sajd
Al-Tilawah, it's the first one.
And then we moved on to Surat, what's
the surah after that?
Surat Al-Anfal, Surat Al-Anfal.
And Surat Al-Anfal, one of the surahs,
actually one of my favorite surahs, Surat Al
If you want to feel like you are
actually witnessing the battle of Badr, you need
to recite Surat Al-Anfal.
Surat Al-Anfal describes to us the smallest
details of Ghazwat Badr.
And how the Prophet ﷺ and the companions,
how they felt about the whole situation.
Surat Al-Anfal talks about Ghazwat, the battle
of Badr.
And the way Allah describes the feelings of
the companions and how as human beings they
were not comfortable, because, well, think about it,
it was the first Ghazwat for them, they
had just moved to Medina, life wasn't rosy
in Medina, the Prophet ﷺ had to deal
with a lot of issues, different society, different
background, everything was different.
So the Prophet ﷺ, for him to bring
everyone together to deal with the people of
the book as well, and then you had
the Munafiqeen that started actually hating on the
Prophet ﷺ, especially after Ghazwat Badr when they
realized that the Islam and the Muslims, they're
getting stronger, subhanAllah.
So Allah ﷻ, He gave the command and
the amr of the Prophet ﷺ to conduct
the first Ghazwa, which is the Ghazwat Badr.
And, of course, the story behind Ghazwat Badr,
we've heard it so many times, but simply,
just briefly, the Prophet ﷺ, when he heard
that there was a caravan coming from Mecca
all the way to Bilad al-Sham, the
Prophet ﷺ, he consulted his companions, he made
the mashoorah, and he said, do we want
to do this?
And why, you know, a lot of people
when they talk about the Ghazwat Badr, they
say, was the Prophet ﷺ and his companions
were like thugs or something?
They're attacking and robbing other people's caravans and
commodities and properties and all of that?
That wasn't the case, it wasn't the case,
because while the Prophet ﷺ was forced out
of Mecca, him and the companions, they were
forced out of Mecca, they left their properties,
they left their wealth, their money, their businesses,
they left everything.
So that was time for them to get
their haqq back.
There was no, like, you know, court, there
was nothing like police or anything like that,
It was time for them to basically show
themselves and show their strength and their power,
all right?
You know, jihad wasn't actually fard upon them
before that, but subhanAllah, Allah ﷻ said, now
it's time to actually start doing this and
defending yourselves.
You're not chicken, you're not going to be
Someone took something from you, you take it
back from them.
So the Prophet ﷺ did mashoorah with Abu
Bakr as-Siddiq and they decided, but he
told them from the very beginning, you know,
we're very few.
They were how many, like 300, 330 or
something, like almost 300 people, right?
And he knew what was happening after that.
Of course, the intention wasn't for the battle,
it was just to get the caravan first
and take their money and their wealth back
as much as they could, right?
And then subhanAllah al-'Azim, you know, when Abu
Jahl and the enemies of Islam, when they
heard about this, they actually decided that they
have to go out and meet the Prophet
This is when the ghazwah started.
The Prophet ﷺ, he calmed the companions down
because he knew through his intelligence, they had
intelligence mukhabarat, you know, like the CIA at
the time, that there were many of them,
many of the mushrikeen, they're coming to fight
the Prophet ﷺ.
Over a thousand, you know, soldiers, they're coming
to fight the Muslims.
So you have 300 people versus a thousand.
And these 300 people, they did not really
have, you know, like experience in fighting and
all of that.
Everything was peaceful in the beginning.
So the Prophet ﷺ calmed the companions down.
And Allah ﷻ, in the middle of the
battle, Allah ﷻ calmed them down.
One of the ayat when I was just
reciting and Allah mentioning that he sent angels
to fight with them and they were physically,
you could actually physically see, you know, angels
fighting with the Prophet ﷺ and the enemies
are dying right and left, Allah ﷻ said,
إِذْ يُغَشِّيكُمُ النُّعَاسَ أَمَنَةً مِّنْ When he covered
you, remember, when he covered you with a
slumber as a security from him and he
caused water, rain to descend on you from
the sky, you know, sometimes when you're exhausted,
when you're tired, when there is so much
going on and you sit down and you
feel like, you know, the water is just
coming on your face, you feel like you're,
subhanAllah, you're relaxed, right, you feel like you're
So Allah ﷻ actually caused him to take
like a nap.
And that nap kind of freshened them up
completely, you know, that now they're ready, they're
fresh and they're ready to, you know, to
start the fight and to take the haqq
back and subhanAllah, follow the command of Allah
إِذْ يُغَشِّيكُمُ النُّعَاسَ أَمَنَةً مِّنْ وَيُنَزِّلُ عَلَيْكُم مِّنَ
السَّمَاءِ مَا الَّذِي تَهِيرَكُم بِهِ وَيُذْهِبَ عَنْكُمْ وَيُجْزَلْ
شَيْطَانِ وَلْيَغْبِطْ عَلَىٰ قُلُوبِكُمْ وَيَثَبِّتَ بِهِ الْأَخْدَامِ But
Allah ﷻ gave this slumber and this nap
as a sign for you and the water
that comes down from the sky to calm
you down and this is to show you
a sign from Allah ﷻ.
So ghazwat, so surat al-Anfal, as I
said, describes the battle of Badr and the
fadl of Allah ﷻ and then the nasr
of Allah ﷻ comes from wherever you expect,
As I said many times before, ikhwan yakhawati,
that in the history of Islam, in the
history of ghazwat and battles, there was no
single battle or ghazwa or fight where Muslims
actually outnumbered the enemy.
Again, I repeat this.
There was no single battle, ghazwa, where Muslims
outnumbered the enemy except one.
It was Hunayn, ghazwa al-Tabuk.
And ghazwa al-Tabuk, subhanAllah, that's the Muslims
when they thought because mashallah there are many
of them, they outnumbered the enemy, they said,
لَنْ نُغْلَبَ الْيَوْمَ مِنْ قِلَّةٍ We'll never be
defeated today.
Look how many of us versus the enemy.
And guess what?
Allah ﷻ caused them to be defeated in
the beginning because of the arrogance.
But aside from that, there was no single
battle or ghazwa or a fight where they
outnumbered the enemies, be it in Uhud, battle,
you name it, in the history of Islam,
So when you think that the enemies, when
you think they're too much, they have weapons,
they have this modern technology and all of
that, and they're going to take over and
they're going to destroy everyone, trust me, دَنَصْرَ
وَمَنْ نَصْرُ إِلَّا مِنْ عِنْدِ اللَّهِ دَنَصْرَ comes
from somewhere we never expected, never expected.
And usually when you see the enemy in
the peak, they're like, when they think that
nobody can defeat them, subhanAllah, دَنَصْرَ comes from
wherever you don't expect, wallahi.
And that's what we're going to see very
soon, inshallah.
دَنَصْرَ will come from Allah ﷻ.
And of course, we need to do something.
Your salawat, your zakah, your connection with Allah
ﷻ, your dua to your brothers and sisters,
this is very much needed.
So it's not just about how powerful you
The Quraysh, they were much more powerful than
our Prophet ﷺ.
But دَنَصْرَ came from Allah ﷻ.
And we are certain, we are confident that
دَنَصْرَ will come from Allah ﷻ.
If you want to learn history, if you
want to be confident of the نصر of
Allah, read Surah Al-Anfal and you will
see how Allah ﷻ gives تثبيت and firmness
to the believers.
That's why they defeated the enemy, subhanAllah, and
became very strong after that.
Inshallah, we'll continue with more reflections from these
beautiful surahs as we recite them.
We ask Allah ﷻ to make us from
those who recite the Qur'an and apply
and implement the rulings of the Qur'an
to their lives.
اللهم أمين أقول قولي هذا وأستغفر الله لولاكم
جزاكم الله خير As
-salamu alaykum brothers.
Just a reminder, inshallah, please buy your tickets
for the fundraiser.
We really need your support and we're counting
on your participation.
So buy them as soon as possible so
we'll know what to plan for.
جزاكم الله خير