Salah Mahmoud – Planting The Seed That Will Become The Shade Of AllahS Mercy 12.13.2024

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The people of Syria during the COVID-19 pandemic faced struggles such as the collapse of the Fir and the downfall of the people. The struggles of people lost their lives and caused chaos, including their families and deadly drugs. The importance of trusting and doing one's part in achieving peace and achieving peace is also discussed. The school of Makbaed is discussed, including a sponsor program and a prize for those who participate. The sponsor program is a 300k event and is a sponsor for all children, and students will receive a prize for their work. The sponsor program is encouraged for those who want to participate and donate.
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alaykum wa rahmatullahi wa barakatuhu.
Allahu Akbar, Allahu Akbar.
Allahu Akbar, Allahu Akbar.
I bear witness that there is none worthy
of worship except Allah.
I bear witness that Muhammad is the Messenger
of Allah.
I bear witness that Muhammad is the Messenger
of Allah.
Come to
Prayer, Come to Prayer.
Come to
success, Come to
Allahu Akbar, Allahu Akbar.
Yet another tyrant collapsed and his kingdom and
his rule collapsed and was demolished.
And as we always say that the Fir
'auns, they will never learn from history.
Mention one Fir'aun, since the actual Fir
'aun until the Day of Judgment, that did
not, the end of that Fir'aun was
not very bad and very miserable.
And this is just in dunya, and imagine
the hereafter.
The pictures and the footage that we've seen
and witnessed from the prisons in Syria, wallahi,
even subhanallah, the worst of the worst of
the worst can never imagine, can never describe.
And sometimes when you see this footage coming
our way, you feel depressed.
What is that?
What kind of people are these?
What kind of tyrants?
Why would a human being do that to
his fellow human being?
Why would you imprison someone for 45 years,
deprive them from even seeing the light of
the sun?
Why would you do that?
And then someone comes and says, Sheikh, why
would Allah create Jahannam?
Why would Allah create Jahannam?
Is that even a question?
Why does Allah create Jahannam?
Why Allah ar-Rahman ar-Rahim al-Ghafoor,
the Most Merciful, why would He create Jahannam?
Billahi alaykum, billahi alaykum, and I want you
to answer this question.
Do you think even if the whole people
of Syria were to bring Bashar al-Assad,
the dictator, under their feet, do you think
that the people who spent their whole life
in prison, those who died out of oppression,
out of dhulm and injustice, do you think
that would do justice to that tyrant?
Do you think that would do justice to
take the soul of one person, right?
One person who actually killed thousands and thousands
of people.
He deprived them from their rights and from
the very minimum of their humanity.
And after that you come and say, why
Allah create Jahannam?
Yes, Allah created Jahannam for these people.
Had it been for Jahannam, the victims would
die a million times in this dunya.
The only source of comfort and peace for
their hearts is they know that Allah subhanahu
wa ta'ala will bring that tyrant back.
And Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala will hold
him accountable.
Now I understand very well why Allah subhanahu
wa ta'ala when He speaks about Jahannam,
He says, كُلَّمَا نَضِجَتْ جُلُودُهُمْ بَدَّلْنَاهُمْ جُلُودًا غَيْرَهَا
لِيَذُوكُ الْعَذَابِ Every time their skins melt, and
I'm so sorry for the language I'm using,
but that's what Allah mentions in the Quran.
Allah replaces their skin so they can suffer
more in Jahannam.
Can you imagine that?
Can you picture that?
Brothers and sisters, why did Allah create Jahannam
for these people, for Fir'aun?
And unless you are in their situation, when
you hear the sisters, someone imprisoned a woman,
what kind of coward is that?
You imprisoned a woman for years.
The moment they're asking her to leave the
prison, she's asking, where should I go?
And she's scared.
The woman is scared, she's like, I don't
know where to go.
They told her, Allahu Akbar, the tyrant, that's
it, he's gone.
He's gone.
They used to say, لا إله إلا بشار
There is no God but Bashar.
They would say, your God would fall, but
Bashar will never fall.
Allahu Akbar.
Look at that.
But where is this coming from?
It's not Bashar himself, look.
How many Syrian refugees that you've seen and
you've heard about?
Thousands and millions.
And look at the sign of Allah.
Bashar himself is a refugee now.
And the refugees are going back to their
Allahu Akbar.
He's a refugee.
Can you imagine that?
Now he is under the rahmah of the
And the people of Syria, they're going back.
They're going back to their lands.
They're going back to their families.
And look at this.
Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala presented the story
and the qisah of Firaun for that reason.
فَالْيَوْمَ نُنَجِيكَ بِبَدَنِكَ لِتَكُونَ لِمَنْ خَلْفَكَ آيَةٌ Habibi,
what do you think?
Firaun said, أنا ربكم الأعلى.
I am your lord, the most supreme.
فَأَخَذَهُ اللَّهُ نَكَالَ الْآخِرَةِ وَالْأُولَى Right?
He became a reminder for everyone.
You think you're Firaun?
There is Firaun.
See what is happening to him.
So brothers and sisters, for those who are
not able to look at the footage, and
those who cannot make sense of what is
happening, and again questioning, why would Allah subhanahu
wa ta'ala allow this to happen?
It's the wisdom that is beyond our imagination,
our comprehension.
The angels asked Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala,
why would you create someone like Bashar?
They did not say that.
He was just talking about Adam in general.
Why would you create a tyrant like this?
Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala said, إِنِّي أَعْلَمُ
مَا لَا تَعْلَمُونَ I know what you do
not know.
Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala knew that someone
like this was causing a lot of corruption
on earth, but Allah still created him to
be a test for people, to be a
test for all of us.
So how many shaheed, how many people lost
their lives?
Brothers and sisters, what can I say?
What can I say?
When you look at the footage, you cannot,
you see, first of all, see, الحمد لله
that Allah has given you heart, that Allah
has given you heart.
When you look at the people who have
been tortured for years and years and years,
and you hear their stories, you think this
is from a Hollywood or a Bollywood movie.
That is not a movie.
It's a reality.
It's true.
Someone has not seen the sun for many
years, right?
And a lot of times when they say
you are going to be by yourself in
a cell for many years, you cannot even
picture this.
And I want you to just imagine that.
Imagine that you don't have a cell phone,
no book, no even Quran, you're not allowed
even to pray, and you're going to be
in a small room, right, for years.
How are you going to feel about it?
How are you going to feel about it?
You're going to die.
But where are they getting this rahmah from
Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala?
Brothers and sisters, what is happening in Syria
should make us happy because it doesn't matter
what happens after this.
Insha'Allah, Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala will
bring the * sham to the people of
Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala will liberate the
people of Syria and the people of Palestine
and the people of Gaza.
That insha'Allah, rabbil alameen, the tyrants, since
the Fir'aun until the Day of Judgment,
they're going to face the same consequences and
the same masir and destiny, insha'Allah.
Now we believe more why Allah created Jahannam.
Again, I keep repeating this because Muslims get
If I give khutbah about Jahannam from this
minbar, they will say, look, they are young
people, why you talk about Jahannam?
Talk about the rahmah of Allah, yes?
Jahannam is rahmah of Allah subhanahu wa ta
Again, I repeat this.
Jahannam is one of the mercy of Allah
subhanahu wa ta'ala, wallahi.
And you will never feel this unless you
are in the situation.
150,000 people under the ground.
People thought that their loved ones died years
ago and they found them alive.
Some people lost their minds.
They lost, they forgot their names.
And then you say, talk about the rahmah
and have mercy on them.
How is that possible?
We should not be naive.
We should not be silly.
Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala arham al arhameen.
There are some people in dunya that the
only solution for them is Jahannam.
That's the only thing for them.
That's the only thing for them.
Subhanallah al aliyul azeem.
So, may Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala bring
the peace into our hearts by seeing the
end and the endings of these tyrants, ya
Rabb al alameen.
May Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala liberate the
people of Pakistan, the people of Bangladesh, the
people of India, the people of Syria and
Palestine, wherever there is oppression.
May Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala liberate them,
ya Rabb al alameen.
We learn.
There are so many things to learn, wallahi,
from just the videos that I watch and
the footage that is coming from Syria.
And by the way, if you have not
seen anything, please, I don't recommend that you
Wallahi, you don't look.
Just make dua.
Don't try to search what is happening there
because you'll lose your mind.
You will lose your mind, wallahi.
But subhanallah, there is just one scene that,
subhanallah, cannot leave my mind.
Imagine that someone has been in prison for
many years, that they lost hope, that they
will never go out, they will never see
the light again, the sun again, and they
will die in their prison cell.
And all of a sudden, someone opens up
the prison cell and say, Congratulations, you're free.
I woke up this morning thinking that I'm
going to face the same consequence again.
Nothing is changing.
And all of a sudden, everything is changing.
Someone, out of nowhere, is opening the cell
and saying, You are out.
You're free.
How is that possible?
We learn from this, brothers and sisters.
It doesn't matter how difficult your struggle is.
There will be a moment where Allah subhanahu
wa ta'ala will open up doors of
mercy for you just like how He opened
up the doors of mercy to these prisoners.
And you don't even know where this door
is going to open from.
That's the beauty of it.
Shaykh, I lost my job.
My wife is giving me a hard time.
My children are not listening.
I have a lot of things going on.
I lost my car.
I did this.
Where is the rahmah?
Where is it coming from?
It will come, but from a place where
you do not expect it.
All you need to do is trust and
trust and trust Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala
and do your part.
We ask Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala to
bring you peace, O Lord of the worlds,
and to treat and deal with the tyrants
with His justice, O Lord of the worlds,
and fairness.
We ask Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala to
never allow them to sleep.
We ask Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala to
never allow them to see the mercy on
this earth, O Lord of the worlds, just
as He humiliated and tortured and punished His
We ask Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala to
allow us to see all the tyrants out
of the ruling, O Lord of the worlds.
We ask Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala to
allow us to see the humiliated, O Lord
of the worlds.
Allahumma ameen.
Let us rejoice that yet another tyrant collapsed
and his ruling is demolished, and we will
no longer see him, inshallah, ruling the people
of Sham, because the people of Sham deserve
much better than that.
The second part of the khutbah, brothers and
sisters, and this was actually the actual topic
for today, but subhanallah, I just can't.
When I see something like this happening, it
is an amanah to come here, stand on
the minbar of Rasulallah ﷺ, and to talk
to the community about it, because we witnessed
what happened in Syria, and that is not
the end.
More things are going to happen, and we
ask Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala to make
it easy for us, O Lord of the
Allahumma ameen.
A beautiful thing happening, beautiful things, I would
say, happening in this community, alhamdulillah, because of
the love and the mahabbat and the strength
that we have, and the bond that we
have in this community.
Now we see the masjid, you have a
space, everyone has a space.
Alhamdulillah, we just started the funeral home.
There are so many things, the clinic is
We're going to add more and more, because
this community deserves the best, alhamdulillah, O Lord
of the worlds.
Another project that I was dreaming of myself,
and so many people were demanding, was an
Islamic school.
Shaykh, we need an Islamic school.
Enough building masjids, I understand, I get it.
And I always tell them, masjid is very
important, Islamic school is also very important.
So we worked hard, alhamdulillah, Rabb al-alameen,
and now we have a partnership with a
muraqaba school, mashallah, a beautiful team, and they're
starting a full-time Islamic school in our
masjid, starting from next fall.
That's another fath, if the victory of Allah
Islamic school, meaning that your child, your nephew,
your niece, your grandchild, your neighbor, someone dear
to you, they're going to be in the
masjid from the morning till the evening.
That you don't have to worry about the
curriculum, what they teach them exactly.
You know, I send my kids, alhamdulillah, by
the grace of Allah to Islamic school.
When my daughter comes home, and she recites
Quran, and she makes dhikr, Wallahi, it brings
joy to my heart.
That I'm not worried that they teach her
something wrong in school.
So alhamdulillah, we have this opportunity, this opportunity
is happening here in this masjid.
And inshallah, rabb al-alameen, it will grow,
and we'll have more classrooms, and we'll teach
our kids, because if we're not teaching our
kids in our masjid, who else is going
to teach them, brothers and sisters?
Alhamdulillah, now we have the possibility of teaching
them the deen and dunya.
We teach them math, sciences, social studies, Islamic
studies, Quran, everything in the house of Allah
subhanahu wa ta'ala.
This is a blessing from Allah subhanahu wa
But as usual and always, you cannot do
a lot of things without money.
Money talks, this is reality, we cannot change
So alhamdulillah, that now we have the masjid,
we expanded the masjid.
In the beginning, when you heard that we
need 10 million dollars, 11 million dollars, people
were like, where are you going to get
this money from?
Look, we got the money.
With us, without us, the money will come,
because this is the house of Allah, this
is the deen of Allah, it will be
But the question is, am I going to
be part of it or not?
Am I going to leave my name here
as a sadaqah jariah, that in the future
when someone learns about the book of Allah,
when a student recites an ayah from the
book of Allah, or a hadith from Rasulallah
sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, am I going to
be part of it or not?
And when I die and leave this short
dunya, will I get the hasanat in my
qabr or not?
That's the question.
So brothers and sisters, we know we've been
burdening you and bothering you a lot.
Wallahi, you know, and I'll conclude with this.
I was performing umrah, and while I was
there, one sheikh, he texted me, he was
raising money from this masjid, and he said,
sheikh, alhamdulillah, I was at your masjid, and
we raised close to 100,000 dollars, mashallah.
Your community is amazing.
I said, yes.
And subhanallah, when I received this message, in
baytullah al-haram, I made dua for the
community, right?
You know how many times you come here?
Myself, I was asking for money for dialysis,
if you remember, last week, right?
And again, I'm asking for money.
And this community's been always giving and giving
and giving, and alhamdulillah, this is the blessing
from Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala.
So brothers and sisters, after the salah, inshallah,
we need your sabr, your patience, inshallah, Myself
and the principal who says, well, dude, we're
going to be standing, but this is a
huge project, right?
To just kick it off, to start, to
launch the project in the fall, inshallah, we
will need a good family, mashallah, a pioneer
family, to sponsor the 300,000 dollars.
It's a big project.
Islamic school is not, we're not getting anything
from the government, right?
This is all from the community.
300,000 dollars, you'll get a plaque, it's
a sponsorship, your name of the family is
going to be there.
This is something for your parents.
You're going to be basically a part of
this school, right?
That's one, you know, one opportunity, 300,000
dollars from a family or a couple of
families, right?
And then the other thing, we will start
with six classrooms.
Six classrooms, we need this, we need technology,
you know, devices.
We need all of this so our kids,
when they come, they're ready, inshallah, to learn,
So that's 25,000 dollars for each classroom,
six classrooms, right?
If you can sponsor one classroom and have
your name, right, in the honor of your
late parents, this is sadaqah jariyya.
Hwani, this dunya is short.
We came to this dunya having nothing, and
when we leave, we're just going to have
the shroud, and I promise, the shroud will
not have pockets.
And the only money that you're going to
save for yourself is the money that you're
going to spend on the sadaqah jariyya.
So open up your hearts, inshallah, and give
us a few minutes of your time.
We ask Allah, subhanahu wa ta'ala, to
bless you.
We ask Allah, subhanahu wa ta'ala, to
give you khayr.
We ask Allah, subhanahu wa ta'ala, to
give you khayr.
We ask Allah, subhanahu wa ta'ala, to
unite all of us in jannat al-firdaws,
ya rabbal alameen.
We ask Allah, subhanahu wa ta'ala, to
protect our children.
We ask Allah, subhanahu wa ta'ala, to
protect our children, ya rabbal alameen.
Allahumma, ya rabbana, inna nas'aluka an tahfaza
Allahumma ahfaza awladana wa shababana.
Allahumma kun ma'a ikhwanina fi al-sham,
fi suriya, wa fi ghaza, wa fi pakistan,
wa fi bangladesh, wa fi kashmir, wa fi
al-somal, wa fi kulli makani min ardi
al-islami, ya rabbal alameen.
Allahumma alayka bil-zalimin.
Allahumma alayka bil-firawn fi kulli waqtin wa
Allahumma arzuqna moosa fi kulli waqtin wa heen,
ya rabbal alameen.
Allahumma antaqim min man zalama ikhwanina fi suriya,
ya rabbal alameen.
Ya rahmana al-dunya wa al-akhira, taqabbal
Innaka anta al-samia wa al-'alim.
Wa tub alayna.
Innaka anta al-tawwab wa al-raheem.
Allahumma istajib du'aana, ya rabbal alameen.
Wa aqim al-salat.
Allahu akbar, Allahu akbar.
Ashhadu an la ilaha illallah.
Ashhadu anna muhammadan rasulullah.
Hayya ala al-salat, hayya ala al-falah.
Qad qamati al-salat, qad qamati al-salat.
Allahu akbar, Allahu akbar.
La ilaha illallah.
Shafi salatikum.
Sallu salatan wada.
Allahu akbar.
Alhamdulillahi rabbal alameen.
Ar-Rahman ar-Raheem.
Maliki yawm al-deen.
Iyyaka na'budu wa iyyaka nasta'een.
Ihdina al-sirata al-mustaqeem.
Sirata al-lazeena an'amta alayhim.
Ghayri al-maghdoobi alayhim.
Wala al-dhaallin.
Tabbat yada'a bi lahabin watab.
Ma aghna'an hu maaluhu wa ma kasab.
Sayasla naran dhaat lahab.
Wa mra'atuhu hammalat al-hatab.
Fi jidiha habalun min masad.
Allahu akbar.
Allah liman hamidah.
Allahu akbar.
Alhamdulillahi rabbal alameen.
Ar-Rahman ar-Raheem.
Maliki yawm al-deen.
Iyyaka na'budu wa iyyaka nasta'een.
Ihdina al-sirata al-mustaqeem.
Sirata al-lazeena an'amta alayhim.
Ghayri al-maghdoobi alayhim.
Wala al-dhaallin.
Qul huwa Allahu ahad.
Allahu assamad.
Lam yalid wa lam yulad.
Wa lam yakun lahu kufuwan ahad.
Allahu akbar.
Allah liman hamidah.
Allahu akbar.
Let me ask Ustaz Wadood MashaAllah to come
So if you can tell us a little
bit about the 300k inshaAllah.
How is it going to benefit the family
And then we'll see if any family inshaAllah
can take this initiative.
Jazakumullahu khair.
Thank you for just staying.
If you can just stay put for five
minutes and make dua.
And be part of the khair inshaAllah.
Even if you're not donating.
Make dua and stay seated inshaAllah.
So the 300,000 is the launch that
Sheikh Salah talked about.
And inshaAllah the school, right by the school
name, we'll have the family's Sadaqah Jariyah, the
name and the trust.
And the endowment and the plaque.
So that we recognize that name with the
school name.
And it becomes the foundational sponsorship for the
school to be able to come to this
So we really appreciate that.
So it's a great opportunity mashaAllah for the
I mean again it could be on behalf
of your parents, your late parents inshaAllah.
A beloved family member inshaAllah will have the
So if we have one family, mashaAllah we'll
have the volunteers.
If you don't want to raise your hands
for that amount of money.
Or inshaAllah meet the Ustaz Wadood or myself
inshaAllah after the prayer.
So we have the volunteers inshaAllah.
What is the other opportunity that we have?
The other opportunity is to sponsor one of
the six classrooms.
To place the curriculum, the resources, the library,
the technology, the centers.
And the entire finish out and furnishing of
the six classrooms.
So that all the students that are learning,
you get the Sadaqah Jariyya.
You're also on a sponsorship, the Dua Plaque.
The place of the school.
You'll be one of the founding sponsors.
The Hadith of the Prophet Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam.
That if you become the pioneer in good
and khair.
Everyone that follows after that.
Everyone that donates and supports you get that
reward as well.
So $25,000 to sponsor a whole classroom.
Can we have any brother inshaAllah to start
this inshaAllah?
$25,000 to sponsor a classroom.
A whole classroom alhamdulillah.
This is Sadaqah Jariyya.
Again if you want to raise your hands.
We have also the brother sitting in the
We have volunteers inshaAllah.
So six classrooms, $25,000 each inshaAllah.
Then we'll start in the fall inshaAllah.
May Allah make it easy.
So $25,000.
Okay clear inshaAllah.
Let's go to $5,000.
Do we have something for $5,000?
This is basically the opportunity for all of
To be part of the initial funding of
the school.
So we do need people at that $5
,000 level.
That can try to get us to that
initial funding that we need.
So if we have a few hands.
That will help us bring this project and
be part of the khair.
Can we have the $5,000?
Do you have any hands?
May Allah bless you and increase you.
May Allah protect you from all harm inshaAllah.
And grant you 100 times back in this
We have the volunteers all over inshaAllah.
May Allah reward you.
We have the second inshaAllah.
May Allah accept.
May Allah bless you.
May Allah increase you.
The third.
And fourth.
So the brother here too inshaAllah.
May Allah bless you.
May Allah increase you inshaAllah.
Can we have number five please?
May Allah increase you.
May Allah protect you inshaAllah.
Number five.
Now we clear one classroom.
Number five.
We clear one classroom inshaAllah.
$5,000 inshaAllah.
$5,000 inshaAllah.
Number five.
Who is the brother or the sister inshaAllah.
We have volunteers and sisters.
Who will say inshaAllah I will be the
one who starts this classroom inshaAllah.
Now we cleared one classroom.
Keep your hands raised.
May Allah accept.
May Allah bless you.
May Allah protect you from all harm inshaAllah.
So we got five.
We will finish in two minutes inshaAllah.
Thank you for sitting.
The brother is asking for ten brothers, ten
$1,000 each.
They will give us $10,000 inshaAllah.
Is it two or one?
One inshaAllah.
May Allah bless you.
May Allah increase you.
And your families inshaAllah.
For any initiative inshaAllah he is the first
one to hear inshaAllah.
JazakAllah khair.
Alright the second inshaAllah.
JazakAllah khair.
Number three.
Is it $2,000 or $1,000?
$2,000 brother Meher.
JazakAllah khair.
Number five, six and seven.
Number what?
JazakAllah khair.
$7,800 inshaAllah.
It should be over inshaAllah.
You don't have to pay.
Now you can pay in sum but it's
better of course to pay in advance.
Two more inshaAllah and then we clear the
Two more.
JazakAllah khair brother Mateen.
Is it $2,000?
$2,000 brother Mateen.
JazakAllah khair.
That's we clear inshaAllah $10,000.
So brothers and sisters, again the $300,000
if you want your family to be from
the pioneer inshaAllah talk to me anytime.
InshaAllah we're going to let you know inshaAllah
what to do next.
And if you want to sponsor a classroom
inshaAllah talk to us and I'm going to
help you inshaAllah.
Please do not leave without donating.
There are handhelds right there right outside of
the booth.
You can actually donate right there at the
booth inshaAllah the handhelds before you leave.
So don't leave without donating and being part
of the khair.
May Allah bless you.
May Allah increase you.
JazakAllah khair.
Ruman Vora, please come to the office.
Your dad is here to pick you up.
Ruman Vora, your dad is here to pick
you up.