Salah Mahmoud – Lighten Your Back For the Climb is Steep

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The importance of provisioning for the journey towards Allah is discussed, emphasizing the need for provisioning and avoiding taking too much provision. The journey is long and everyone needs to get provisions for the journey. The importance of staying true to one's journey and not giving up on responsibilities is also emphasized. The speaker provides advice on staying safe and building in, while also highlighting the importance of being watchful and building in. There are upcoming events and a call for parents to join.
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As-salamu alaykum wa rahmatullahi wa barakatuh.
As-salamu alaykum wa rahmatullahi wa barakatuh.
Muhammad is the Messenger of Allah.
Come to prayer.
to prayer.
Come to success.
Come to success.
Allah is the greatest.
Allah is the greatest.
There is none worthy of worship except Allah.
Increase your provisions for the journey is long.
Increase your provisions for the journey is long.
Brothers and sisters, Our journey towards Allah subhanahu
wa ta'ala begins Our journey towards Allah
subhanahu wa ta'ala begins The moment we
come to this dunya.
The moment we come to this dunya.
The moment we come to this dunya, the
journey begins.
And we're going to continue walking, walking, walking,
Until we finally reach our final destination.
Until we finally reach our final destination.
And final destination will be either Jannah, May
Allah make us from the people of Jannah,
Or Jahannam, may Allah protect us.
If you live in this dunya, If you've
been living in this dunya for 60 years,
So you've been walking towards Allah for 60
If you've been living for 80 years, You've
been walking towards your final destination.
Your final station for 80 years.
You're about to arrive.
So, When you go on a journey, And
a lot of us travel during this season,
What do you do?
You stock up.
You make sure you get your tickets.
You make sure you know where you're going
to eat.
You make sure where you're going to live.
You make sure that you have enough provision.
So Rasulullah, In this narration, Says to Abu
Dharr, Stock up your provision.
Before once you reach your destination.
Before once you leave this dunya, And get
into the grave, You will need that provision.
And you cannot Just walk without enough provision.
Brothers and sisters, After we depart this dunya,
We have alam al barzakh.
Alam al barzakh is a pause.
If you are driving on a highway, There
is a service area, Where you can go
and rest.
When you can take a break.
This is alam al barzakh.
And so many people who passed on before
us, They're waiting for us over there, In
that temporary Pause and destination.
And stop.
It's just a stop.
There are so many people who have been
there for thousands of years.
Think about it.
Uthman ibn Affan radiallahu anhu, Has been waiting
for thousands of years.
Anyone who passed away before us, Has been
waiting for us.
The journey is long.
And when Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala decides,
That the day of judgment will come, Well,
that's not the end of it.
Everyone is going to be resurrected.
Everyone is going to rise again.
And go on to the next part of
the journey.
You will have the surat.
The thin line.
That Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala prepared.
There are some people who are going to
pass by very quick.
And some people are not going to make
it even halfway.
Because the provision is not enough.
You don't have enough fuel.
You did not stock up enough provision.
So what is the provision that we need?
Because after the surat, You have also the
You are going to be asked.
Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala will stop you.
And Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala will hold
you accountable.
وَقِفُوهُمْ إِنَّهُمْ مَسْؤُلُونَ Everything that you have done
in this dunya, You need to be asked
about it.
I have given you wealth.
Where did you earn the wealth from?
And how did you spend it?
I have given you knowledge.
Where did you get the knowledge from?
And how did you use the knowledge?
I have given you all the blessings.
How did you use your eyes, your ears,
your hands, your feet?
We will be asked.
وَقِفُوهُمْ إِنَّهُمْ مَسْؤُلُونَ We will be asked, brothers
and sisters.
Were you taking the side of the oppressed
or the oppressors?
Allah will be asking you.
So do we have enough provision to meet
Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala?
To continue this journey?
That's a very important question.
If you're not praying, if you don't pray,
five daily prayers, if you don't give your
zakah, if you've never been to hajj, if
you're not being kind to your family, so
what provision do you have for the journey?
Because we all know that you're not going
to take your bank account.
Your bank account is not going to be
with you.
The only wealth that you're going to take
is the wealth that you spend the ones
you shared with others.
That's all what you're going to take.
What if you're not sharing with others?
Then you're not taking your wealth with you.
You're just going to live this dunya the
way you came from this dunya.
So do we have enough provision to continue
that long journey?
So he says, increase your provision for the
journey is long.
One year passed already from the journey.
Another year to come.
Do you have enough provision to continue the
I will leave you with this question, brothers
and sisters.
And that takes me to the next one.
We'll go fast, inshallah, for the sake of
He says, enlighten your load for the path
is steep.
You continue this journey and you do not
have enough provision, enough good deeds.
But at least, don't go.
Don't climb a mountain carrying heavy load on
your back.
Don't go aiding your sister's mirath inheritance.
Don't go while you're aiding the haqq of
your wife.
While you're aiding the haqq of your husband.
While you're aiding the haqq of your ex
-husband or ex-wife.
You're aiding the haqq of your parents.
You're aiding the haqq of your children.
Gossiping, backbiting, harming, hurting.
All of these are loads.
They're going to be on your back on
the day of judgment.
They're going to be on your back as
you're climbing.
It's heavy.
You can't.
Imagine there is a race.
There is a race.
And you are trying to run but you
Your burden and your shoulder is heavy.
So here in this wasiyah, it says, Lighten
your load.
The haqq, give it to the people.
It's very dangerous.
When it comes to the haqq of people,
if you do not pray, you can ask
Allah for forgiveness.
Allah SWT, inshallah, hopefully will forgive you.
If you start to pray, of course.
But if you're taking the haqq of people,
there is a problem in here.
There is a problem in here.
You will not be forgiven until people forgive
It's very dangerous.
It's very serious.
Lighten your back.
Lighten your load.
For the path is steep.
You have al-qabr, you have al-barzakh,
you have al-sirat, you have al-hisab,
and you have all of this ahead of
And on top of that, you have all
of these haram things on your shoulder.
How are you going to walk?
Lighten your back.
Give people their haqq, brothers and sisters.
Because on the Day of Judgment, wallahi, they
will stand in front of you.
They will say, Ya Allah, they took my
haqq in dunya.
Your partner in business will hear a lot
of complaints, a lot of issues.
He took my money.
He was not fair with me.
He scammed me.
You think because you can get away in
dunya, you will get away in the Day
of Judgment?
You are not realizing that you are just
putting more load on your back.
You're making your walk and your journey heavier.
So brothers and sisters, take this load out
before you meet Allah SWT.
If you support the oppressors, take this load
off you before you meet Allah SWT.
The first advice, strengthen your ship for the
sea is deep.
Be mindful of Allah SWT and have taqwa
of Allah SWT because the ocean, the sea,
the dunya is deep and it's very dangerous.
So many people drown every single day.
Make sure you sail peacefully and safely and
not to drown.
The second advice, increase your provision for the
journey is long.
Your salah, your zakah, your hajj, your siyam,
your kindness to your family, to your parents,
to your community, stock up on provisions because
the journey is long.
Number three, lighten your load for the path
is deep.
It's a very long journey.
The climb is very difficult.
So you want to go as you travel.
When you travel, you want to travel light.
I want to go light.
I don't want to take all the suitcases.
I just want to have a carry-on
so I don't have to stand in the
line for the check-in.
I want to be fast.
So lighten your back for the climb is
And finally, I will leave you with this,
inshallah, it says, and purify your deed and
your work for Allah is watchful.
If the whole world were to put you
on a stage and give you a trophy
and clap for you, don't be excited.
If deep inside you know that you're not
doing the right thing.
If the whole world is celebrating you, praising
you, clapping for you, telling you that you're
an amazing person, you're awesome, and you know
yourself very well, you have to be careful.
Because you might fool people in dunya, but
you cannot fool Allah.
You cannot fool Allah.
If the whole world thinks you're an amazing
person and you know deep inside you're not,
you better correct yourself.
Because who's watching?
It's Allah.
And you cannot fool Allah.
I hope this is very clear.
When you do anything for people, remember that
people may praise you, but you're losing your
reward from Allah.
If you swear to everyone that you're doing
this for the sake of Allah, Allah will
look at you and say, you're a liar,
you're not saying the truth.
You're fooling yourself.
Brothers and sisters, stock up the provision because
the journey is long.
Strengthen your ship because the ocean is deep.
And lighten your back because the climb is
And purify your niyyah and your amal because
Allah is watchful.
These are the four advices that Rasulallah s
.a.w. shared with Abu Dharr al-Ghuffari.
And these are the four advices that I
want to leave you with.
That I ask Allah s.w.t. as
we get into the new year, inshallah, that
you remember those, inshallah.
And the fig tree, and the olive tree,
and Mount Sinai, and this secure city.
We have certainly created man in the best
of stature.
Then We have returned him to the lowest
of the low, Except for those who believe
and do righteous deeds.
So they will have an unceasing reward.
So what else will deny you of the
Is not Allah the most just of judges?
Allah is
the greatest!
You have bestowed favor upon them without being
angry with them or astray.
Ameen And the fig tree, and the olive
tree, and Mount Sinai, and this secure city.
We have certainly created man in the best
of stature.
Except for those who believe and do righteous
And they will have an unceasing reward.
And they will have an unceasing reward.
Allah is the greatest!
Allah listens to those who praise Him.
Assalamu alaykum wa rahmatullah Assalamu alaykum wa rahmatullah
Wa rahmatullahi wa barakatuh
We have a couple of dua'a, shifa
'a and dua'a maghfira.
Dua'a shifa'a for the mother of
brother Arshad.
She fell and broke.
She is recovering from surgery.
We have dua'a shifa'a for sister
Shahnaz Azmat.
She is suffering from cancer.
We have dua'a for brother Hayat Azmat
with brain injury.
We have dua'a for safe delivery for
first baby of Hussain and Hassan Kaleem.
Today insha'Allah.
Dua'a maghfira for brother Shaheed Sayyid, father
of brother Faizan Sayyid.
He passed away today.
We have dua'a for Dr. Nadeem Quraishi,
father of Dr. Moise Quraishi, Samuddin and Habir.
I am not sure who passed away exactly.
Is it Dr. Moise?
I am not sure who passed away.
For those who are struggling with their health,
we ask Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala to
grant them shifa'a.
And for those who passed away, we ask
Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala to give them
There is also dua'a shifa'a for
sister Mary Muslimani.
She passed away.
May Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala give her
maghfira and make her from the people of
Jannah and unite her with the Prophet ﷺ.
And feed her from the hands of the
Prophet ﷺ.
May Allah grant all the families sabr and
Allahumma ameen.
As-salamu alaykum.
A few important announcements.
This evening we have a program by Ustaz
Taimia Zubair.
Quran Reflect.
It's a study of Surah Insan.
It's at 6pm today.
Ustaz Taimia Zubair.
6pm today.
Study of Surah Insan.
There is a project management and leadership course
coming up on January 4th and 5th.
It's from 8am to 5pm.
You can register for it online.
We also have a fiqh of adoption and
foster parenting in Islam lecture by Sheikh Salah.
It will be inshallah coming up soon.
January 10th from 6pm to 8pm.
ICF Kids Committee is presenting Daddy and Daughter
High Tea.
It's on Sunday, January 12th.
Again, you can get the information online from
our website.
Also, there is a Qiyam for sisters.
The Qiyam is on December 31st at 10pm.
It's the New Year's Qiyam.
Ustaz Sofia and Alima Fatima Wauda inshallah will
be conducting the Qiyam.
Check our website to get more details and
register for the Qiyam.
The last day to register for Qiyam is
December 29th inshallah.
Jazakallah Khair.
Jazakallah Khair.