Salah Mahmoud – Khutbah 20122019
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A shadow
brothers and sisters.
In a few days from now, the year
of 2019 is coming to an end.
And who believes that the year that we
received few days back is coming to an
We all remember that day
when we were everybody was excited about a
new year beginning happening,
and then all of a sudden month after
month after month are gone.
And this is our life, brothers and sisters.
And that reminds us of hadith of Rasulullah
that the day of judgment, the hour will
not happen, will not begin until the year
will feel like a month, And the month
will feel like a week. And the week
will feel like a day. And the day
will feel like an hour. And an hour
will feel like nothing.
This is the time we're living right now,
brothers and sisters. The year starts,
The year
We ask Allah
to bless
the new year. We ask Allah
to bless our time and our life. We
ask Allah
to make the year of 2020
better than the year of 20
19. And this is as believers, brothers and
sisters, we understand that
that our year starts with the calendar, with
the Hijri calendar. However, there is no harm
of reminding ourselves
that, you know, every year passes passes from
our life and from our time, and we
have to prepare ourselves.
Brothers and sisters,
if you are familiar with the the the
world of business and the corporates,
you will know that at the end of
every year, they have a review plan,
and do the end of year review plan
where basically where they evaluate
everything to see if they were successful,
if they met their goals or not.
So the situation, brothers and sisters, for Muslims
Muslims should be exactly the same. At the
end of the year, you have to pause
and reflect and ask yourself a question.
Am I moving forward or back?
How is my relationship with my creator, with
my maker, Allah
How is my relationship with my spouse, with
my children? How is my relationship with the
masajid? How is the relationship with Ramadan, with
the Hajj, and with Umran, and with Quran?
You need to pause and reflect. Otherwise,
the year of 2020 will pass, 20 21
will pass, and eventually we'll leave this world
without knowing why we came and where we're
That is known as
brothers and sisters. This is something mandatory.
Hold yourself accountable
before your help before you're held accountable
and weigh your deeds before Allah subhanahu wa
ta'ala weigh your deeds on you.
It it makes it much easier if you
hold you hold yourself accountable from now to
pause and reflect.
Am I on the right track or not?
Brothers and sisters,
we've lived
360 almost 365
That is total of 9 hours.
That is total of 8484000000
from our life.
Brothers and sisters,
every human being will go through 5 days.
And those days are the most critical,
the most important days in our lives, and
this is the topic for my Khudbah for
today, insha'Allah.
The 5 most important days in our lives,
what are they?
Number 1,
a day known as
It's basically the past day.
5 minutes from now is
5 5 minutes
before I came here, that's that's
the time that passed.
What about the the second one is
is the present day.
What about the third one is
and that is the future,
And then,
this is the day we will leave this
And day number 4 and number 5 is,
and this is day the day of judgment,
brothers and sisters. Number 1,
the past.
How do we deal with the past?
I will discuss this through 2 things, 2
areas. 1 on the spiritual and religious level,
and the second one on the secular level.
How did you deal with the past on
the spiritual level? Brothers and sisters, we're all
sinners and Allah
knows that we make sins.
Looking at the sins that we committed on
the on the past, we ask Allah
for forgiveness and Allah
is ready to forgive you. This is how
you look at your past. If you did
something good,
If your relationship with the masjid was strong,
If your relationship with Quran was strong,
If you commit a sin as long as
it wasn't shirk, then ask Allah subhanahu wa
ta'ala for forgiveness and the Allah subhanahu wa
ta'ala will give you the forgiveness. The problem
is brothers and sisters, we think that because
we sinned and we messed up really bad,
we think that that's gonna be the end.
That's it. There is no future. There is
no present. There is no future.
Basically, because we sinned and subhanAllah
Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala created us and he
knows we're sinners. And this is very normal.
That's why he called himself
He called himself
the most forgiven, the most merciful.
If he if we were not sinners, what
would Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala call himself
What is the point? Can you call yourself
a generous if there's no needy people around
you? You cannot.
You have to give something to be called
generous. Then Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala needs to
forgive to be called the forgiven.
So this is how we look at our
pastor, brothers and sisters. It doesn't matter what
you did. Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala is ready
to forgive you. Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala says
in Quran,
Say, oh, my servants. Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala
is still calling you a servant. He did
not call you a sinner. He said servant.
Oh, my servant who wronged themselves, do not
despair yourselves from the mercy of Allah, as
Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala forgive all the sins.
This is how you look at the past
from their religious aspect, brothers and sisters. If
you did something bad, say, astaghfohullah.
Astaghfohullah. Allah
subhanahu wa ta'ala will definitely
He said, I swear by your glory. He
believed in Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala. Even he
believes believed in Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala. He
said, I swear by your glory, I will
continue misleading them until the last breath. And
Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala says, and I swear
by my glory, I will continue forgiving them
as long as they ask me for forgiveness.
This is how you deal with the past.
If it's something you can learn from the
mistakes, from the sins, and you can improve
This is from the religious aspect, brothers and
sisters. What about from secular, from Dhinir perspective?
One of the biggest issues that you and
I are having in this world is dwelling
too much in the past.
Looking too much into the day,
the day that passed that will never come
back. This day will never return until the
day of judgment, brothers and sisters. We focus
so much on the things that we did.
We regret so many things that we've done
in the past, and this is not the
right approach.
If there is something you can learn from
your past, improve
and move forward.
One time there was a professor teaching a
class, and then he came into the class
with a glass of milk, and he put
it in front of him on the desk.
Then the students, everybody is looking. Why what
would what is the connection between milk, glass
of milk, and
our class? Then he puts it, and all
of a sudden, he pushes it, and then
milk spills. Then he brings the students 1
after 1, and he says,
this is the lesson I want you to
learn. Do not cry over the spilled milk.
Do not cry over the spilled milk. If
the milk is already in front of you,
people are are there are 2 type of
people here. Someone who stands and cries and
whine and whines, and the other person just
cleans and just move forward, brothers and sisters.
If there is something we can learn from
the past,
we need to fix that. But if there's
nothing you can do, then do not ruin
your day by dwelling yourself into the past
so much.
That is not going to solve the problem.
And that is a problem that that you
and I are having our lives, brothers and
because we cry over the spilled milk all
the time. Why did they do that? Why
did they do that? And the prophet sallallahu
alaihi wa sallam even taught us a very
precious a precious listen. He said,
Do not say, had I done so and
so and so and so, it would have
been so and so and so. And the
prophet didn't say that. He said,
Shaitan. It opens all the doors for Shaitan
when you say I wish if. I wish
I I have I have I have done
that. I wish I have could have done
this. Then you're just regretting things, but you
cannot fix them. If you can fix them,
otherwise, just move forward. So this is the
first day, brothers and sisters.
Which is the past. The day we need
to ask Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala to forgive
that the mistakes that we committed, we've made,
and the day that we should not be
dwelling too much and thinking about too much.
This is the first day. What is the
second day I want to share with you
today? It's a liamun mashhud.
Is the most
important day in your life which is today.
This is
brothers and sisters.
Says, every single morning a new day comes
and calls and says, oh son of Adam,
oh son of Adam, I'm Anayom Munjared. I'm
a new day. And I'm either gonna be
witness for you or against you. So take
advantage of me as I will not return
until the day of judgment.
This is the most important day, brothers and
sisters, in your life.
You need to focus only on today, not
yesterday. Yesterday is gone, and the future
is in Allah's hand. We don't know if
it's gonna come or not. So this is
aliam al mashhud.
So on the religious
aspects or perspective,
we should increase our Ibadah to Allah subhanahu
wa ta'ala, strength our connection with Allah subhanahu
wa ta'ala.
We should continue making dhikr of Allah subhanahu
wa ta'ala, coming to the masajid,
fixing our relationship with our families, with our
children, with our spouses. This is the prison
day. Right? A lot of a lot of
couples, subhanAllah, of husband and wife, they dwell
themselves into the past so much, you know,
bringing everything back from the past and keep
on fighting over and over and over again.
And that doesn't even solve the problem. It
adds more to the problem.
Right? But, subhanAllah, if we only focus
on which is our prison day, our life
is going to be so much better. This
is in our religion, brothers and sisters. Right?
to say,
When it's morning time, don't expect to live
until the evening. Right? And when it's evening
time, do not expect to live in the
morning till till the morning.
And just be a good person and worship
Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala because you never know
if tomorrow will come or not. If this
day is going to be repeated or not,
every day is a gift from Allah subhanahu
wa ta'ala. Brothers and sisters, the prophet sallallahu
alaihi wa sallam tells us that if you
have three things
every single day, you are blessed. Number 1,
if you're secure
in your household, in your country, in your
I mean, we are very secured.
Right? It's a blessing. The second one, if
you are healthy,
if you are healthy,
say Alhamdulillah for this. There are a lot
of people who are not able to make
it to the masjid. They are in the
hospital. They are battling, you know, with so
many different diseases, subhanAllah. May Allah subhanahu wa
ta'ala give teshwah to everybody. Amin.
Right? So if you have this, if you
are secure in your household, in your place,
and the third one, if you have enough
provision for the day, this is what Rasoolah
alaihi wa sallam says. He said, as if
you own the whole entire world, and we
all know this hadith.
So if you have these three things,
what would you worry about not having
not not having food in the past? How
is it gonna harm you that one day
you were poor, but now you have the
food? This is what you need to focus
on, brothers and sisters. Another big mistake that
a lot of a lot of us who
came from different
countries, we are here, and we're not focusing
on today. We're focusing tomorrow. I tell you
how. A lot of brothers, they come here.
They started saving and saving and saving and
and now actually enjoying their life here because
they know that one day,
this day will come, and they will go
back to their, you know, to their country.
And this day will never come. That day,
unfortunately, doesn't come. Right? How many people?
Here, you can start the future for yourself
and for this is the day. You need
to enjoy this day. But if you think
about the future, so many people said, I
will go back. I will return. That's why,
you know, I'm sending the money. I'm building
the mansions in there that I will never
even live in. SubhanAllah. What is the point,
brothers and sisters? So if you're building this
in 30 years, you're not even there. And
even if you go there and you're old,
how are you gonna enjoy anything that you've
done over there? That's why we say live
within the day. This is a liam al
mashud. This is the day that you should
only focus on brothers and sisters. Do not
dwell in the in the past, and do
not ruin your present. And do not worry
yourself about the future
because the past will never come back. And
then, the future is not guaranteed. So all
what you have is 24 hours. Just focus
on these. Improve yourself, your connection with Allah
subhanahu wa ta'ala. Be successful in your life
and don't worry too much about it. There's
one book I would like to recommend to
everybody. It's called Don't Worry or Stop Worrying.
This is basically by Imam Al Ghazali. It's
a commentary on, Dale Carnegie, a great, author.
So if you read this book, it will
go going to it's going to change your
in life. SubhanAllah.
So brothers and sisters,
this is the day of
of al Mashud, the prison day. Don't expect
that tomorrow is always going to be better,
and you're gonna be more comfortable because simply,
it doesn't work this way. For our youngsters,
you know, when you say, I'm going after
middle school, I can't wait to go to
high school because high school is so much
fun, so much better. You go to high
school, you know, you're busy with the SATs
and all the exams. Right? And then you
say, I wanna go to college. So you
go to college and even more work. And
when you finish college, now it's time to
work. When you get a job, I wanna
get married, and then kids. And then eventually
when you are 60, when you're 70, you
realize that
still today is the only day that I
had. So what would you spend? You you
enjoy your life and your time within the
day. So brothers and sisters, the 5 days
that I would like to share with you,
number 1 is
is the past day that will never return
until the day of judgment.
Right? And the second one is
What about the 3rd day, brothers and sisters?
Is tomorrow.
It's tomorrow,
the future. Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala mentioned that
of the 5 things that only has Allah
has knowledge of is tomorrow.
And no single soul will know what is
going to to earn tomorrow. You cannot. So
what happens here? We procrastinate
everything till tomorrow and do not wait for
that tomorrow to fix yourself because that tomorrow
will never come, brothers and sisters. If you
would like to strengthen your connection with Allah
subhanahu wa ta'ala, you have today. What would
you say, you know, in the beginning of
the year, I will start, you know, the
this gym membership that, you know, you just
start and they get a lot of money
and nobody goes after that. Right? What is
the difference? Why from the beginning of the
year? Why not from today?
Right? This is how you look out at
things, brothers and sisters. Because if you keep
on seeing tomorrow, tomorrow, tomorrow, this day will
never will never come, brothers and sisters. Right?
So this is
something that we always need to focus on.
Right? To just care about the day, not
the past, not the future.
And then the the next day, the day
number 4 that I wanna focus with you
here, I wanna share with you is
Aliyom Al Ma'ud is the day when we
leave this world,
when the death comes to us.
And this is scary topic when we talk
about it, subhan'Allah, but this is reality. This
is reality. Nowadays, with all, subhan'Allah, all the
disease and all of the the things that
we we see in our lives, you feel
like death comes from right and left.
And why would I talk about this in
the beginning of the year or close to
the beginning of the year? Because the end
of the year should remind you that you
part of this process,
and one day you will come to an
end as well. So the question here, are
we ready for that? Are we ready to
depart the world? Are we ready to stand
before Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala?
So we're talking about the past,
the present day,
is the the future.
And then
is the promised day when our souls are
going and leaving this world. One time, Al
Fudaylib Naiyah, one of the greatest scholars in
Salaf Salih, he saw a man, an old
man walking. And he said, an old man,
how how old are you? He said, I'm
60. He said, subhanAllah,
you've been walking towards Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala
for 60 years.
You're about to arrive.
You're about to arrive. So the old man
said, Inna lillahi wa inna lillahi raj y'aun.
Inna lillahi wa inna lillahi raj y'aun. So
al Fudal ibn Ayad, he asked him the
question. He said, you know, what does it
The man did not answer the question. So
al Fudal ibn Ayad said
he said,
who knows that he is a servant to
Allah, should know that he will return to
his master one day.
And if you know that you return it
to your master, know that you're going to
stand before your master one day. And then,
if you know that you're standing before your
master, know that he is going to ask
you one day.
And if you know that you're going to
be asked and questioned, then you have to
prepare the answers beforehand.
So the man asked him, and how can
I fix this? What should I do? He
said, fix what is remaining
from your life.
Then Allah will forgive the past and will
fix your future as well.
This is alayam al my old brothers and
sisters. This is the day that we're all
going to leave this world. Again, when we
talk about death or about alma'at, it's not
really to become miserable
or to ask about, say, like, why the
imamis talk about death? You know, it's a
new year. We have to be happy and
Death was never was never, you know, has
never been about about being miserable or anything
like this. Death is the only thing that
would keep you, you know, on a check
all the time. When you remind yourself that
you're only gonna leave this world, and this
world is not permanent. It's just short. And
we're going to depart and meet Allah Subhanahu
Wa Ta'ala, then we can fix ourselves.
Whatever mistakes we're committing, we can fix our
mistakes as well. Right? So we should always
remind ourselves.
So it says that when you're born, everyone
around you was happy and smiling. A new
baby, you know, is added to the family.
Everyone is happy around you. They say and
then it says,
So work. Work for the day when they
are crying. They're crying around you, you'll be
the one smiling.
Because you have good deeds and you're meeting
Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala with good deeds.
So Al Ya'um Al Mahkud,
Al Ya'um Al Mashood,
Al Ya'um Al Mardud,
Al Ya'um Al Maw'ud, the promised day, and
the last one is Al Ya'um Al Mamdud,
which is the day of judgement.
This is
the 5th day brothers and sisters.
Is coming. As believers,
we believe that the the day of judgment
is happening.
It's coming.
Allah There is no question. There is no
doubt that the deal of judgment is happening.
No doubt.
As believers, this is our conviction
that one day we will stand before Allah
Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala. Are we ready to stand
before Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala?
We should ask ourselves this question because you
never know when the day will come brother
and sister.
And once you die, this is the day
of judgment for you. You don't have to
wait 1000 years from now because once you
leave this world, that's it. That's going to
be it. SubhanAllah.
So this is the day of judgment. Allah
subhanahu wa ta'ala says,
Oh, you who believe, oh, mankind,
be aware of Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala and
be ready for that day
when your son is not going to intercede
in your behalf, when your father is not
going to benefit you.
Indeed, the promise of Allah is.
Do not be deceived by this life of
dunya, this world.
This is reality brothers and sisters. Right? Even
subhanAllah one time talk about the day of
judgment. I will conclude with this inshallah.
I remember one time I was talking to
one sister. She she was a she was
a young sister and, you know, she she
had some
some issues with her with her faith and
her iman. And she said, you know, Sheikh,
I I I really am close to be
become an atheist,
but the only thing that I still believe
in is the deal of judgment. And I
was like, how? She says, I cannot believe
there are a number of people in the
world, dictators, you know. They massacred, decaled a
lot of people. I don't believe that they're
just gonna die and that's that's the end.
Brothers and sisters, do you know that there
are 5 people, dictators in the history? They
were the reason for the death of more
than 100,000,000
in the world. 100,000,000 people. If you have
doubt about the deal of judgment,
5 people, 5 dictators in the history,
they were the reason for the death for
the murder of more than 100,000,000
people. Some of them died just regular death
In a normal way, do you think that
they will get a good get away with
what they did to all of these people?
I don't think so. I don't think so.
Brothers and sisters, we have to prepare ourselves
for that for that day. The day of
Al Mamdud
so we can go to. We ask Allah
to make us from the people of Jannah.
We ask Allah
to make up people of
Jannah. When Allah
You will live and you will never die.
You will always be healthy and you'll never
be sick. You will always be young and
you will never be old. And you will
always going to be happy and you will
never be sad. And these are the things
that we're missing in the world. We get
old and we become sick and we're not
always happy and we die. In Jannah, these
four things are guaranteed.
But if you fix yourself from now and
if you strengthen your connection with Allah subhanahu
wa ta'ala,
if you prepare yourself
and for for them to the meet to
the meet Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala,
this is when you're going to be successful,
when you're going to pass the test. May
Allah, Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala, give us understanding.
white war.
For a very powerful and
reminder to us. May Allah
enable us to follow the what we have
heard in the Khutma inshallah.
I have few announcements. I think Shazad, we
also have some announcements.
Those who are
leaving, we request you to please donate generously
towards the operation of the Masjid, at least
$20 per person,
that goes against,
to run this Masjid.
What are the
we also we have we are having
a blanket and a socks drive, which is
for the local refugees here. It's $20 gets
a blanket and a socks,
but you can donate generously,
as many as you want. We have a
kiosk set up, as well we also have
the boxes.
What are they?
Kalam, you can go to the
tomorrow, right? Or tonight? Tonight,
our QCA, Kalam Collegiate Academy, the girls' school.
Those sisters will have will be having a
bake sale tonight from Assar to from Maghreb
to Asia.
And all the proceeding, will go towards the
the blanket drive that, that we're doing for
the local refugees. There is also a protest.
What's the location of it? Oh, Delhi. Delhi
Plaza, Sunday. Delhi Plaza, right? On Sunday, 2
to 4 PM. Okay. Sunday,
this Sunday coming Sunday from 2 to 4
We all aware of what's going on in
India. This is the the cab that they
have come up with, the the government. So
that's against the pro we're having the protest,
from 2 to 4 in the Delay Plaza
in Dallas.
Zaq Al Hakair. Shazad Bayh from the Election
Commission has some announcements.
Just quick announcement.
As many of you probably have already seen,
this morning, we have
published the list of
for the election, the upcoming election.
They're also post if you have not seen
them, they're also posted on the bulletin board
out there.
We will be announcing the dates for the
meet and greet,
soon. So,
be on the lookout for an email,
with that information as well.
Also, a request, there is a request, from
sister Sharmin, one of our community member. Her
father passed away. I ask him, ma'am, to
make dua for DGCs.
I'll be driving tomorrow to Toronto and get