Salah Mahmoud – How to Increase Your Rizq

Salah Mahmoud
AI: Summary ©
The speakers discuss various topics related to COVID-19, including the risk of one's health and the importance of protecting one's family. They provide tips on managing risk and avoiding giving up on one's own success. They also emphasize the need to take action and avoid giving up on one's risk. The conversation ends with a recap of the pandemic and a recap of the first two weeks of the pandemic. The speakers also discuss various topics such as the risk of loss of work, marriage, and risk of getting a second wife. They encourage people to pray and stay content with their families.
AI: Transcript ©
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That story I share with you happened about few months ago. So

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there was one evening when I had actually two programs, like back

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to back, one in our Masjid free school masjid, and the other one

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was a different Masjid. So the first school Masjid program was

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trivia night. So we had, we usually what we do is we give gift

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cards to the the top three winners.

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So we gave some gift cards Alhamdulillah, and we were left

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with one extra gift card. So the one of the brothers from board

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members from the masjid over there. He said, Hey, Sheik, you're

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going to another Masjid right now for a program, right? I said,

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Yeah. He said, How about this? Why don't you take that, you know,

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gift card, give our salaam to the community and

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and basically ask questions or a question, and, you know, whoever

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answered the question correctly, go ahead and give it to them. Sha

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Allah, so I went there. Said, Okay, Alhamdulillah. So I went

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there. I gave the talk, I gave the lecture, and I asked the question,

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I shared the story. I said, Hey, we had a program, and this is an

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extra gift card. So you know, I'm coming, Allah, to share with you

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tonight. And they asked the question, and that question was

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about Mashallah. Remember very well. So one brother from

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mussolin, he raised his hand and he answered the question,

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Alhamdulillah, so I give him the the gift card. Now, right after,

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right after the program, I had a chance to talk to the brother, so

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I said, jezek Allah, that wasn't easy question. Alright, I think

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the gift card was like $50 or something. So I wanted to make

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sure that you know who answered the question, who takes the gift

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card answer like tough question, you know. So fast forward. I spoke

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to the brother, and I said, Brother, zakala hayan, it was very

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good answer. And then I asked the Brother, where are you from? He

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said, Sheik, let me tell you my story. I am actually from Germany,

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okay, and I was not supposed to be here today. So I told him, what is

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the story? He said, This is my first time in the US. I actually,

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I was in Seattle. There was a work over there, and I was my way back

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to Germany, the flight, you know, basically there was an emergency

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landing in the DFW airport. And when I got in the airport, they

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told us that we'll have to spend the night here in Dallas, and

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tomorrow, Inshallah, going to catch the flight back to Germany.

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And so I said, You know what? Instead of just going to the

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hotel, maybe I can go to the masjid. I googled And subhanAllah,

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I found the Masjid. You know this masjid, and I came here, listened

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to the lecture and answered the question, and I'm going back to

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Germany tomorrow.

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So that's the story.

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And I was like, subhanAllah, like this, brother wasn't even meant to

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be here today. I'm or that evident, right? But he came and

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Allah subhanaw taala rerouted him just like that, because his risk

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and the gift card was written for him. Can you? Can you imagine that

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that's a funny the lesson that you and I need to learn, the kadhiya,

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or the issue of risk,

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the provision from Allah subhanahu wa taala. Allah subhana wa Taala

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says office,

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you will already in. Inlama,

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Allah says your risk is max tube. And Allah swears he doesn't

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Subhash Allah, and he doesn't need to swear like a subhanahu wa

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taala, Nixon pacola, follow up be some you allowed I swear by the

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Lord of the heavens and earth in nahulaq, it is truth. It will come

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to you just as you are talking right now, subhanAllah, it's a Haq

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that you and I can talk, right? So imagine Allah said, your risk will

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come to you. You know, the the qli of risk, Hawaiian, you know, as

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imam, as we deal with people, we interact with people, and we deal

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with a lot of brothers, especially May Allah make it easy for the

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brothers in the, you know, the tech field, there are a lot of

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jobs insecurities, you know, a lot of the, what's the word, the over,

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whatever the layout, yeah, too much it happens like, literally,

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you have a job, everything is going well. All the sudden, you

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check the system in active halos, right? So brothers, they talk to

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us and say, Sheik, you know, we're going through a lot, and losing a

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job is one of the tests from Allah. And so I always interact

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with people, and I'm pretty sure a lot of Imams, and we see how, you

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know, distressed people become when they lose their jobs, or

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where they're going through some financial difficulties, that is

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not easy at all. So now it's our job and our rule to kind of calm

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them down with a story like this. Like, look at this brother. This

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is the first time in the US, right? The brother was in Seattle.

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He was not supposed to be even here in Dallas, and he ended up

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being in the masjid. Why? Because Allah subhanahu wa has given has

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written the risk for him that gift card will not going to anyone in.

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Allah succeeded that brother SubhanAllah. Look at this right.

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And back to the story of Yusuf alaihi salam. Yusuf alaihi salam

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was thrown in the well, right? He was thrown in the will by his

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brothers. Imagine the kafila, the caravan that came to that well,

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how long have had they been, you know, walking on the desert,

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perhaps a month, maybe a month. Imagine Allah subhanahu wa, you

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know, made them walk for for a month, or maybe more, because use

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of Allah salaam was going to be in that well, and they were going to

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save use of Allah, that's the plan. And the work of Allah

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subhanahu wa, second Devi, he says, NAFSA coming at that baby

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fama call. Maybe

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he's sick. He says, relieve yourself from overthinking and

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planning for what has been done for you by others, which is Allah.

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You do not need to do it for yourself. Okay? You need to do one

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thing in the morning. You wake up, log into your computer. You go

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your work, you drive your car and go seek your femme, show female

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risk and do not worry about the rest. Okay, when I first came from

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Egypt to the US, I was in New York, and you know my Masjid there

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was close to JFK. And when you have a masjid close to JFK is all

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the immigrants in mashallah, they end up coming to your Masjid

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first, yeah, and a lot of brothers, sisters. All the

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brothers mashaAllah were cabbies. You know, they used to drop the

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yellow cab back before Uber and Wallahi. I would hear stories.

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They will tell me Sheik from from the first day till the 25th day of

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the month, we have no even, don't even have the rent in the last

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five days. I don't know what happens. We give the rent and we

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get all the bills. Alhamdulillah balaamy, this is tatbir from Allah

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subhanahu wa, don't bother yourself. Leave. Let Allah

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subhanahu wa, Taala work behind the scenes. If you know how Allah

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manage your affairs, Wallahi, Wallahi, Wallahi, you will Yan,

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you will love Allah subhanahu wa, so much. Your job is to FEM shufi.

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Do your part. Your risk will come to you. But there is type of risk.

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It will not come directly to you. Allah will say your risk at the

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end of the one of the corners of the Masjid. If you do not go there

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and pick it up, it will not come

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okay. So to be clear, you cannot sit at home, obviously, and say

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that Allah guaranteed that that the risk will come to me. It

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doesn't work this way. You know, there was a story of that guy,

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this guy who used to be dua for 40 years, to Allah, Subhanahu, WA to

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give him a child. Number of years. Oh Allah, give him a child. Oh

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Allah, give him a child. And then one day someone said, How about

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getting married first,

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brother, you're not married, that you ask Allah to give your child.

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How is that possible? Right? So your job is to FES. Now there is

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some for the sake of time, today, I'm coming to you with Inshallah,

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some tips and advice on how to increase your risk and your Barak

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inshaAllah, I don't think you will have time to write all of this

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down. So Inshallah, when they post this video, go back and Inshallah,

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take them one by one as much as you can if you want. Allah,

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Subhanahu wa to increase the risk inshallah and to protect your job

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and to protect your children and your family. By the way, before I

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get into this, 20 tips that I have for you quickly, inshaAllah,

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kwana, khawati, money, is just a part of risk. Do we believe in

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this? Fact? Money just one portion? Allah, Allah, Akbar,

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Allah has you know, he your Haq, 100% money is just 1% 1% Wallahi,

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being in the masjid now is risk looking at me right now? Is risk,

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hearing me? Right now is risk your family at home, risk your

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children, Allahu, Akbar, your health, your you know, your

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community, your all of these things, the risk from Allah. But

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our problem is, while limiting Subhanallah, our the definition of

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risk to money, if I have money, I have risk. If there is no money,

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there is no job, there is no risk. Risk is much more than that, and

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you have a lot of risk already. Allah has given you a lot of risk

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already. Maybe money here and there doesn't come. Why it's a

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test from Allah subhanahu wa, sometimes we will test you by

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poverty. It will happen sometimes. But Allah Subhan Allah, remember

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that before you were born, ALLAH SubhanA wa Taala provided for you

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before even making one Raka, before even raising your hands and

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making doubt. Allah subhana taala, Allah has provided for you. And

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when she Allah, He said, when you were born, Allah closed the one

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door for you for is and he opened too through nursing. And then

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after this, Allah subhanahu wa closed these two doors, and he

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opened multiple doors for you. And then on the Day of Judgment, Allah

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has given you, will give you jannah inshallah, look at that. So

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your risk is maktab is guaranteed. It will it will come to you.

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Sometimes it gets tough. Yes, it happens. But Allah subhanahu wa.

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Will see if you have suffer or not. So quickly, quickly.

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InshaAllah, Bella, I mean, if you want Allah to increase your risk,

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Inshallah, I mean the number of things you can do. Number one, the

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first day, I recited, anyone to pay attention, the first ayah

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recited today, huh? What was it?

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I don't remember myself, so you don't have to remember. I'm just

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get it in

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in Allah ikata, who you saluna? Alain Nabi, yeah, you Hala, Dina

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am and us. Allah Ali. He was Salim with a slim Sala Muhammad,

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sallAllahu, Salla, every single day. Have where the meaning that

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it's a number of Salah, Salaman, salaah, salaam, that I'm going to

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make every single day, every single day. I'm not leaving this

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with Dania that Allah subhanahu wa increased me a risk. Well, moving

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forward. Inshallah, very quick. Toraka, you have Haja

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from Allah subhanahu wa, Allah, You know what I'm going through.

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Ya Allah, you know that. You know I'm struggling. My family is

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struggling. Ya Allah, I cannot find a job. Ya Allah, please pray

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and talk to Allah. Subhanahu wa and you will see the Maharaj is

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that the miracle will happen inshaAllah, I mean number three,

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alfal. We know this all the time. Alhamdulillah, we speak about that

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stuff from Allah. Stop for Allah. Stop for Allah. 100 times, 200

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times. Maybe there is one sin once a year that is preventing you

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basically from coming to you. It can happen. Okay?

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Allah, no Hala salaam, and we know the story. Fakul to staff, fill a

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bakum in a refer no Hala salaam, saying that your sin is sama

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Alaikum midra speaks to far Allah, Subhanahu wa Taala will descend

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the rain upon you. Okay, huh? Why? Um, did you come? Bam, well, and

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he will provide you with wealth. Allah gives money. Allah gives

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money too. Why am did come? Bam, well, in wabani, wa Jalla, Kum

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Janette in waia, jalakam and her staff from the Quran. These are

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all examples from the Quran Inshallah, so the first one

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assalamualai, Nabi, salallahu, alay wa sallam, the second one is

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to raka Inshallah, Hajah, number three, a list of four, ask for

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forgiveness. Number four, be content with whatever Allah,

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Subhanahu Allah has given you. When you have this, Rida, Bucha,

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Allah, Subhanahu wa Allah will increase you Inshallah, where, if

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that abukum la, insha kartum la, azidan, naqum, right? And that

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takes me to the next one. Hamdul Hamdulillah. Alhamdulillah for

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everything, maybe the money is not enough, but I have the community,

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I have the family, I have happiness, I have health.

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Alhamdulillah. Rami, alhamdulillahi, rabbil, Alami,

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always be grateful to Allah subhanahu wa. You know this is

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this time is gold between a van and the ikama, all right, between

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the Adhan and the comma. Make dua to Allah subhanahu wa taala, if

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your risk is not enough, make Allah, Allah during this

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particular time. And then, you know what else? And Wallahi, I

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tried this. And some brothers that I give the advice Wallahi, they

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tried this, and it worked. Sadaqah, I remember I gave before.

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And one brother, he came, and he said, Sheik, right after, Juma

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Allah, he said, he said, I had a job for 25 years, and I just lost

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it. And I'm devastated. 25 years in the same place. Can you

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imagine? I told him to lay I comforted, I comforted the brother

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a little bit. Alhamdulillah. And then I told him about Stefan, and

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I told him, Give Sadaqah. It's like Sadaqah. She comes

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struggling. You'll meet you. Give Sadaqah. I said, Walla, he gives

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Sadaqah. Give Sadaqah. SubhanAllah. You know the $1 that

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you're going to give to a poor person, to the masjid, wherever

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that's just to give sadaqah, Allah, not only I'm struggling,

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but you know what I'm also going to give sadaqah Inshallah, Bin

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lami Wallahi, the brother, came back to me smiling. He said,

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Wallahi, I got job better than the one that I was in 25 years

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SubhanAllah. These are real life examples. I'm not making these

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things up, and I'm sure that each and every one of us has a lot of

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examples. Alhamdulillah, rabbal anime. Fast forward, so as sadaq

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Ali Omiya, sadaq Ali omiyah, just $1 if you can, and then it's taqta

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shahiri. What does it mean from your paycheck, you know, an

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automatic payment to sadaqah, charity organization, relief

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organization. You know, $10 $20 they don't even think about it.

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This is with Dania, that Allah protect your job, that Allah

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purify your wealth. Try all of these things, and you would see

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the khairah coming to you. Inshallah, what else? Salat al

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Rahim, okay, the Prophet saw him says, Man Arada and Yoon salah,

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who fear only. He waves at all fear is people, yes, a list of

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your family members. Call them once a month. You know this uncle

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I'm going to call this month with the near that Allah gives you

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Salathe increases there is and.

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Gives the barakah and puts a barakah in your risk inshallah.

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What else to help people out. Be with the people. Be in the service

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of people. Maybe it cannot help them financially, but you can

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guide one brother to find a job, one brother to take care of. You

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know, some business here and there. Allah, Subhanahu wa Taala

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will give you back inshallah. But I mean, what else? Has no van

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nibb has no van Abdi. If you have thought negative thoughts of

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Allah, that you'll be poor, Allah will make you poor. If you have

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husband, that Allah will give you a better job than the one you

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lost. Allah subhanahu wa give you a better job for the other not

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familabil. I mean, then, what do you think of the Lord of the

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world? Do you think Allah, the owner of the you know, the heavens

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and the earth doesn't have a job for you? Allahu. Akbar, we need to

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improve our husband. Allah now. Asayu, Alaikum, they said, Do your

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part. FEM shufiman Akiba, don't worry how Allah brings risk to

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you. Don't worry about it. Allah, Subhanahu wa, once you do a part

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halabil as Bab, and leave the rest up to Allah subhanahu wa, and then

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number number one. Now 10, bra mashaAllah, that's number 12.

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Number 13, brother, you're missing three at dawah, Qatar, Allahu

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Akbar, you ask Quran Allahu Akbar, if you know the risk come from

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Allah subhanahu wa taala, when you give dawah, and giving dawah

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doesn't doesn't mean that you have to stand here and give right by

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telling people about Allah subhanahu

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wa and and then al ummrah.

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If Mai, I'm struggling, if you can go for Umrah, Wallahi, Allah,

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Subhanahu wa will open up its good for you. While I was performing

00:16:53 --> 00:16:57

Umrah for the first time my life, as a poor man who was in Egypt,

00:16:57 --> 00:17:00

young, younger brother in Egypt. Before I came to the US, I went to

00:17:00 --> 00:17:04

one of my friends while we making Tawaf, you know, he held my hand

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and he said, we are here. Wallahi al Karim, the most generous, will

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take care of us. SubhanAllah. One month after the Umrah, I got the,

00:17:14 --> 00:17:17

you know, I got the contract in New York City, Allah, talk about

00:17:17 --> 00:17:22

15 years ago, maybe more Subhanallah, if you can, and go

00:17:22 --> 00:17:26

make dua to Allah subhanahu wa for young people. That's for young

00:17:26 --> 00:17:30

people who are not married, as zawaj, you know marriage increase

00:17:30 --> 00:17:33

the risk. I know the brothers who are married now we're like, What

00:17:33 --> 00:17:36

are you talking about? Well being Baruch, since you got married, but

00:17:36 --> 00:17:41

a risk. And zawaj, Wallahi gives the risk. Wallahi provides. It

00:17:41 --> 00:17:45

provides. Subhanallah, think of your situation before and after

00:17:45 --> 00:17:49

marriage. You cannot, you cannot deny that Allah provided for you.

00:17:49 --> 00:17:53

Maybe you know ups and downs. It happens, but majority of time,

00:17:53 --> 00:17:58

Allah gives risk. WA Enki Hall, I am a min Kumu Salahi, namin Abadi,

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Kuma, AK Aram la hum in fodley, give them merit, and Allah

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subhanahu wa taala will provide for them. That is zoej Again, this

00:18:09 --> 00:18:11

is for young people, the brothers. Now, you know, I have to go and

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say I'm going to get second wife or something. No, that's not what

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we're talking about here. All right, what else? Salat al Fajr.

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Salat al Fajr. Sayyida ishalada says, I wonder, for those who

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don't pray Fajr, how they gonna get the risk, the risk in the

00:18:24 --> 00:18:27

morning. It's written in the morning if you're asleep and not

00:18:27 --> 00:18:32

it's 9am here, alright? In Dallas and in the East Coast, it's it's a

00:18:32 --> 00:18:36

tent, alright? Or, if you imagine, if you live in California, it's

00:18:36 --> 00:18:39

6am and over there, they make a decision Wall Street on your

00:18:39 --> 00:18:43

behalf, and you're still asleep, all right, you need to wake up to

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get the barakah for, you know, in the barakah of Fajr, and then talk

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to Allah subhanahu wa. Talk to him. Say, Allah, you know my

00:18:54 --> 00:18:57

situation. You know I'm struggling. My family is

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struggling. Take care of me, Allah, Allah subhanahu wa, will

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hear you, and Allah, Subhanahu wa, comfort you, and He will provide

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for you. And then Yahoo number 19,

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haram, stay away from haram. Do not take the risk that Allah is

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making it difficult for you a little bit that you go and eat

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haram and and do something which is haram, because, you know, guys

00:19:19 --> 00:19:22

have no other option. La, la, la, la, la, la. This haram that you

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choose, Wallahi, will prevent you from a lot of Halal will come in

00:19:26 --> 00:19:30

the future. Stay in Bilal azawajal. If Allah is making

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difficult for you, have supper and do your part inshaAllah balamin.

00:19:33 --> 00:19:37

And finally, their number of haram things, not just ill male here,

00:19:38 --> 00:19:41

number of haram things that if you do Allah, Subhanahu wa Taala will

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take the barakah away from

00:19:44 --> 00:19:47

from your risk, like what wala a Zina

00:19:49 --> 00:19:55

as Zina as in a adultery, this money prevents the barakah

00:19:55 --> 00:19:59

completely, alright, the person who you know, who does you know?

00:19:59 --> 00:19:59

The Zina?

00:20:00 --> 00:20:03

And goes in the path of shaytaan, Allah, You Allah, You Allah,

00:20:04 --> 00:20:07

Allah, Subhanahu wa Taala will make it even more difficult for

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them and Allah prevent the barakah, not only this, Allah,

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they might end up catching disease or something. Your life is not

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going to be good, so we stay away. Wala Taq, Abu Zina in Nahu, kena

00:20:19 --> 00:20:22

fahi, Shatan wasa as Abila, may Allah, subhana, wa Taala

00:20:22 --> 00:20:32

increases, Hayato grant us higher to mean Allah, whom I mean

00:20:32 --> 00:20:37

JazakAllah, Iron Barak, Allahu, salaam, Alaikum,

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In our muslimity, one Muslims,

00:21:15 --> 00:21:25

Kathy, was

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