Salah Mahmoud – Fortress Of The Muslim 10.1.24

Salah Mahmoud
AI: Summary ©
The importance of Islam is highlighted, including the belief in Islam as a Christian partner and the importance of praying for forgiveness and blessings. The concept of "verbal" is also emphasized, with the need to remember the meaning of "verbal" in order to pray for forgiveness. The importance of practicing "naughty," which refers to a situation where something is not working or not doing properly, is emphasized, and the concept of "naughty is used as a way to avoid negative consequences and offers a chance for forgiveness. Prayerers are advised to choose a car and practice "istighara" to see if it helps them achieve their dream.
AI: Transcript ©
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Allah is the Greatest, Allah is the Greatest,

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I bear witness that there is no god

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but Allah.

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I bear witness that Muhammad is the Messenger

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of Allah.

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Come to prayer, come to success.

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The prayer has been established, the prayer has

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been established.

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Allah is the Greatest, Allah is the Greatest,

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there is no god but Allah.

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In the

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name of Allah, the Most Beneficent, the Most

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All praise is due to Allah, Lord of

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the worlds.

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The Beneficent, the Merciful.

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Master of the Day of Judgment.

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It is You we worship and You we

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ask for help.

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Guide us to the straight path.

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The path of those on whom You have

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bestowed favor, those who have not incurred Your

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Wrath, and those who have not gone astray.

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So He knows what you do not know,

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so He has made other than that a

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near victory.

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He is the One who sent His Messenger

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with guidance and the religion of truth to

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make it prevail over all religion.

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And sufficient is Allah as a Witness.

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Muhammad is the Messenger of Allah.

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Allah is the Greatest, Allah is the Greatest,

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there is no god but Allah.

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Their mark in their faces is the mark

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of prostration.

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That is their likeness in the Torah.

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And their likeness in the Gospel is like

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a seedling.

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He brought forth its stem, and it gave

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birth to it, and it grew strong, and

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it settled on its stalk.

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He makes the seedlings grow, so that the

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disbelievers may be enraged at them.

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Allah has promised those who believe and do

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righteous deeds among them forgiveness and a great

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Allah is the Greatest, Allah

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is the Greatest, Allah is the Greatest, Allah

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is the Greatest, Allah is the Greatest, Allah

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is the Greatest, Allah is the Greatest, Allah

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is the Greatest, Allah

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is the Greatest, Allah is the Greatest, Allah

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is the Greatest, Allah is the Greatest, Allah

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is the Greatest, Allah is the Greatest, Allah

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is the Greatest, Allah is the Greatest, Allah

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is the Greatest, Allah is the Greatest, Allah

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is the Greatest, Allah is the Greatest, Allah

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is the Greatest, Allah is the Greatest, Allah

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is the Greatest, Allah is the Greatest, Allah

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is the Greatest, Allah is the Greatest, Allah

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is the Greatest, Allah is the Greatest, Allah

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is the Greatest, Allah is the Greatest, Allah

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is the Greatest, Allah is the Greatest, Allah

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is the Greatest, Allah is the Greatest, Allah

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is the Greatest, Allah is the Greatest, Allah

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is the Greatest Oh Allah make the morning

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prayer be a light for us on our

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graves, and also the prayer of the ascent,

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and also the prayer of the ascension and

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weight proved for us on Judgement Day.

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Oh Allah режимعل الإسلامillah ,and grant us life

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against Islam, and grant us death against Islam,

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and resurrect us against Islam, enter Jannah with

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safety and security, O Allah give us a

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good life, and grant us death and forgiveness

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from death O Allah,erase us from what

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we have done, O Lord of all untoer

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Еea阿مع 초ت الواحد Continuing with Salatul-Istikhara and

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I received some questions about whether it's salah,

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like do you have to actually pray, because

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the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said in

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the way of Jabir radiyallahu anhu, he said,

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you know, falyanka waka'tayn, which means to pray,

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or can you just make the dua?

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And actually, the answer to that is that

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you can do both, but the salah is

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better, right?

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Why can you do both?

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Because imagine that you are in a car,

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you're driving, and you receive the phone call,

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and you actually immediately have to make a

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decision, so there's no time for you to

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So in this case, you can say the

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dua, inshallah, there's no problem, but it's awla

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wa al-afdal, and better is to make,

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to pray, and then make the dua.

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When do you make the dua?

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You can make the dua after tashahhud, right?

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You finish at tashahhud al-sharif and tashahhud,

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the last part, and before saying salamu alaykum,

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or even after you finish the prayer also,

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if you do not memorize the dua, I

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highly recommend that you memorize the dua al

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-istikhara, and you just say it, inshallah, and

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Allah knows what is in your heart.

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Dua al-istikhara is not, the purpose of

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dua al-istikhara is not just to find

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solution, or to find solution to the issue,

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or to actually be able to decide.

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It's more the tafweed, it's a concept of

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Tafweed is like, you are, you know, you're

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resorting to Allah Subh'anaHu Wa Ta-A

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You're saying, ya Allah, I have done, I

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exhausted all the options and all possibilities, and

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there are a lot of things that I

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don't have any knowledge of, so ya Allah,

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help me decide and help me choose that,

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So if you think about the concept of

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al-istikhara, it's not just the matter that

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you're looking for.

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Don't take it from that angle, all right?

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Making dua al-istikhara, because a lot of

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people after one salat al-istikhara, two salat

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al-istikhara, they just give up.

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You know, it's not helping.

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But you need to know the deeper meaning

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of it.

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The fact that you, as abdi lillahi tabaraka

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wa ta'ala, you resorted to your master,

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to Allah Subh'anaHu Wa Ta-A'la,

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in times of need.

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And that is also the purpose of dua,

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So never ever stop making dua al-istikhara.

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And the other thing is, Allah knows what

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is in your heart.

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Don't try to, you know, push it too

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Like, ya Allah, can you please, I feel

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more comfortable with this one.

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Can you please guide me to that one?

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All right, one particular option or choice, right?

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Let Allah Subh'anaHu Wa Ta-A'la

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choose for you, because guess what?

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You might not even be able to do

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both of them, and something else will come,

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all right?

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That's why total tafweed and submission to Allah

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Subh'anaHu Wa Ta-A'la, ya Allah,

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I am doing what the Prophet Sallallahu Alaihi

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Wasallam told me, ya Allah, I'm doing what

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pleases you right now.

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Ya Allah, choose for me.

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This is very important.

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We said, obviously, dua al-istikhara, you don't

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make dua for something which is haram, you

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know, like, something it's haram in the deen,

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you don't do it, because you don't make

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istikhara for that, because there is haram involved,

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And Subh'anaHu Wa Ta-A'la, part

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of the dua, and the first, actually, part

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of the dua, when you ask Allah Subh

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'anaHu Wa Ta-A'la to guide you

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to whichever is easier or better, you say,

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in fee deeni, in kunta ta'lam anna

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hadha al-amr khayr li fee deeni, if

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ya Allah, if you know that this matter

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and this affair is better for me in

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my deen, first, you choose the deen, okay?

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Wa dunyai, and then dunya, because the deen

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is the most important thing, okay?

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Lithalika, therefore, and Nabi Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam used

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to make this dua, wa la taj'al

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musibati fee deeni, don't make the calamity come

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in my deen, meaning that to lose my

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faith, or my iman, okay?

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So the deen is, it should always come

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Now, if you make dua in regards to

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halal, haram business, or questionable business, or a

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business that has doubt, or a job that

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has also shak or shubha, what's the purpose

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of salat al-istighara or dua al-istighara?

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Another misconception about dua al-istighara and salat

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al-istighara is that you have to, you

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receive a dream, otherwise it doesn't work.

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It's not about, it could be a dream,

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it could really be a dream, it could

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be a nasiha from somebody, it could be

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a feeling, it could be so many other

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You prayed once and there is nothing clear,

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and it happens a lot, pray again and

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ask Allah Subh'anaHu Wa Ta-A'la,

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And whichever you feel comfortable, tawakkal Allah.

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What if you choose something and eventually it

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comes, like SubhanAllah, turns out to be, from

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our perspective, negative, or something bad, like a

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sister makes dua to marry a brother, and

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she said, I felt comfortable, I saw a

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dream, everyone was telling me, go for him,

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you know, choose him, inshallah, and then he

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turned out to be a very bad person.

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Don't believe istighara for that.

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It's not that Allah Subh'anaHu Wa Ta

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-A'la guided you to something which is

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bad, okay?

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Allah Subh'anaHu Wa Ta-A'la, you

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choose something, you ask Allah to help you,

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Allah Subh'anaHu Wa Ta-A'la helped

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you to choose something, but it was like

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one of the tests that Allah Subh'anaHu

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Wa Ta-A'la has tested you with.

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So this is very important concept.

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Oh sheikh, I prayed istighara, like what else

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could I have done?

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Praying istighara doesn't mean khalas, you get the,

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whatever pleases you.

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You make the istighara, and let Allah Subh

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'anaHu Wa Ta-A'la choose for you.

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Maybe that that test will be the reason

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for you to go to Jannah.

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That's why Allah actually got you to that

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You never know, okay?

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So Ikhwanin salat al-istighara, I highly recommend

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that you memorize the du'a, inshallah it's

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very easy, and it's also repetitive.

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Wa in kuntata'ala man haathal amr khayil

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li, and then the next one, wa in

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kuntata'ala man haathal amr shalil li fi

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dini wa duni wa aqibat amri.

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So the du'a is easy inshallah, memorize

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it, and anything that happens to you, pray

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salat al-istighara, even if you're driving the

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car, in any position, ask Allah Subh'anaHu

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Wa Ta-A'la to guide you, because

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when you do not have the vision in

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front of you, you do not see beyond,

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you know, that door over there, you need

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someone who can see to guide you, which

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is Allah Subh'anaHu Wa Ta-A'la.

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Asking Allah Subh'anaHu Wa Ta-A'la

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to guide us to whichever is best for

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us in our deen and our dunya, Rabb

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Allah Subh'anaHu Wa Ta-A'la accept

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our du'a, Allahumma ameen.

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I say this and ask Allah's forgiveness for

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me and you.

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May Allah reward you well.

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