Salah Mahmoud – Fortress Of The Muslim

Salah Mahmoud
AI: Summary ©
The success of Islam in society is discussed, as it has been widely accepted and has been instrumental in people's emotions and well-being. Bilal radi flight was eventually punished and shaked out, leading to a culture where men are encouraged to wear shirts and hats to show respect for their partners and avoid embarrassment. The culture encourages men to wear shirts and hats to show respect for their partners and avoid embarrassment.
AI: Transcript ©
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استعو و اعتدلوا Straighten the lines, fill in

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the gaps.

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Pray as if it is your last prayer.

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الله أكبر الحمد

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لله رب العالمين الرحمن الرحيم

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مالك يوم الدين إياك نعبد و إياك

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نستعين اهدنا الصراط المستقيم صراط

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الذين أنعمت عليهم غير المغضوب عليهم ولا

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الضالي قاها

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ما أنزلنا عليك القرآن لتشقى

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إلا تذكرة لمن يخشى تنزيلا ممن

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خلق الأرض والسماوات العلا الرحمن على الأرش استوى

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له ما في السماوات وما في الأرض وما

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بينهما وما تحت الثرى وإن تجهر بالقول

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فإنه يعلم السر وأخفى الله لا

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إله إلا هو له الأسماء الحسنى

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وهل أتاك حديث موسى إذ رأى نارا فقال

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لأهلهم كثوا إني

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آنست نارا لعلي

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آتيكم منها بقبس أو أجد على النار هدى

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فلما أتاها نودي يا موسى إني

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أنا ربك فأخلعن

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إنك بالوادي المقدس طوا وأنا اخترتك فاستمع لما

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يوحى إنني أنا الله لا

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إله إلا أنا فاعبدني وأقيم

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الصلاة لذكري إن الساعة آتية أكاد أخفيها

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لتجزى كل نفس بما تسمع الله

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أكبر سمع الله

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لمن حمده الله أكبر

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الله أكبر

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الحمد لله رب

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العالمين الرحمن الرحيم مالك

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يوم الدين إياك نعبد وإياك

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نستعين اهدنا الصراط المستقيم صراط

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الذين أنعمت عليهم غير المغضوب عليهم ولا

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الضال وأنا اخترتك

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فاستمع لما يوحى إنني أنا الله لا إله

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إلا أنا فاعبدني وأقيم الصلاة لذكري إن الساعة

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آتية أكاد أخفيها لتجزى كل نفس بما تسمع

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فلا يصدنك عنها من لا يؤمن بها واتبع

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هواه فتردى وما تلك بيمينك يا موسى قال

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هي عصايا أتوكأ عليها وأحش بها على غنمي

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ولي فيها مآرب أخرى قال ألقها يا موسى

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فألقاها فإذا هي حية تسعى قال خذها

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ولا تخف سنعيدها سيرتها الأولى وضم يدك إلى

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جناحك تخرج بيضاء من غير

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آية أخرى لنريك من آياتنا الكبرى اذهب إلى

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فراعون إنه طغى قال رب شرح لي صدري

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ويسر لي أمري وحل العقدة من لساني

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يفقه قولي واجعل لي وزيرا من أهلي حارون

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أخي حارون أخي شدد به يزري وأشركه في

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أمري كي نسبحك كثيرا ونذكرك كثيرا إنك

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كنت بنا بصيرا قال قد أوديت سنك يا

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موسى ولقد مننا عليك مرة أخرى إذ أوحينا

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إلى أمك ما يوحى إن قذفيه في التابوت

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فقذفيه في اليم فليلقيه اليم بالساحل يأخذه

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عدولي وعدوله وألقيت عليك محبة مني

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ولتصنع على عيني Allahu

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akbar, Allahu akbar, Allahu

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akbar, Allahu

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akbar, Allahu

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akbar, Allahu

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akbar, Allahu akbar,

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Allahu akbar, Allahu

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akbar, Assalamu

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alaikum wa rahmatullah, Assalamu alaikum wa rahmatullah

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InshaAllah Isha will be at 9 o'clock

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starting tomorrow Assalamu

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alaikum wa rahmatullah InshaAllah, Sheikh Salah is travelling

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so by his request, if I can have

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a few minutes of your time InshaAllah, 10

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-15 minutes Just a short reminder for us

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all InshaAllah I seek refuge with Allah from

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the accursed Satan In the name of Allah,

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Most Gracious, Most Merciful I seek refuge with

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the accursed Satan In the name of Allah,

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Most Gracious, Most Merciful So

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approximately there are 1.9 billion Muslims across

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the planet today So we can infer from

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this that out of all the far corners

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of the earth, there is a Muslim somewhere

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over there And that this religion of Islam,

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it has become well known, you know, people

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have a vague idea of who Muslims are

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They know what the deen is about And

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it is easier to be a Muslim today

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than it was in the early days of

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Islam Especially in a city like Makkah Where

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in that city there is 360 idols And

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every person in that city is deeply devoted

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for each and every single one of those

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idols And so for a person to come

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out and make the proclamation There is none

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worthy of worship except Allah You must understand

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that it is an astonishing remark to make

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And for the people to accept that message,

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to accept that truth, they are not ordinary

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people You know, for one, they need to

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have a heart of steel to go against

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all of society and say that this is

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the truth You know, a back filled with

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stamina and most of all, you know, they

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must be visionaries amongst laymen You know, people

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who have the foresight, people who have the

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vision that whatever mess I was involved with

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before, this path is what is the truth

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And so from those categories of visionaries, from

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the category of those special people There was

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a man by the name of Bilal ibn

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Rabah And Bilal radiAllahu anhu, when he accepted

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the message of Islam His struggle compared to

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the other people who accepted this message was

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multiplied exponentially Because Bilal radiAllahu anhu, he was

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an Ethiopian slave, enslaved in Mecca And his

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master is a disbeliever as well So while

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other people had their own struggles and their

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hardships accepting this religion Bilal radiAllahu anhu, you

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know, the torment began, the punishment began And

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it is a famous story about the punishment

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and the torment and the sufferings that Bilal

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radiAllahu anhu went through However, there is a

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lesson that we can learn from this That

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when you bear the hardships that Allah Azawajal

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sends your way When you bear the difficulties

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for the sake of Allah Azawajal's deen Know

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that Allah Azawajal will do nothing except for

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elevate you And so Bilal radiAllahu anhu, being

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a slave We know that a slave's biggest

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dream is to be free one day Is

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that one day my son or my daughter

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may be called a free man or a

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free woman You know, one day I'll be

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freed from the shackles of bondage So Bilal

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radiAllahu anhu, with this dream of emancipation Allah

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Azawajal fulfills that dream for him And Abu

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Bakr radiAllahu anhu is sent to go and

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pay the master And free Bilal radiAllahu anhu

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And so you will notice that when you

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travel to foreign countries Usually someone comes to

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pick you up at the airport And whoever

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comes to pick you up is an indication

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of what your status is So for example,

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a prime minister travels to a different foreign

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land Then usually, typically the prime minister of

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that land comes to greet that person If

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you are a president of a country traveling

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to a different country Usually the president comes

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and greets you at the airport So for

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Bilal radiAllahu anhu to be freed by none

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other than Abu Bakr as-Siddiq Who is

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by consensus the best and the most pious

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of creation after the Prophet ﷺ This is

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not an ordinary freedom And so Bilal radiAllahu

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anhu, being given this honor Just yesterday, the

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people of the town will not sit with

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him Will not eat with him, will not

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speak with him And now today he is

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sharing the sofra He is sharing a meal

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with the Rasul ﷺ The best of creation

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ever possibly made What other honor is this,

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Subhanal Malik?

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Understand that when you bear, he bore the

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hardships He bore the suffering for the sake

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of Allah Azawajal And Allah Azawajal elevated him

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And the story does not end there Some

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time passes, the immigration happens to Medina The

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Muslims have now settled and reside in Medina

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And the Rasul ﷺ, out of all of

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the blessed Ashab radiAllahu anhum He chooses Bilal

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radiAllahu anhu to be his confidant, to be

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his right man You know in so many

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narrations you will notice That the Rasul ﷺ

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is telling Bilal radiAllahu anhu Oh Bilal, take

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this from the Baytul Mayan, give this to

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that person Give this to that person from

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the Baytul Mayan You know he is a

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treasure of the Rasul ﷺ And when the

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Masjid was built Out of all of the

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possible creation Allah Azawajal chooses this ex-Ethiopian

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slave To go and call out the call

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of the prayer for the Muslims Can you

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imagine to this day To this day millions

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and millions of Masajids across the globe Five

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times a day all call out the exact

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same utterance That Bilal radiAllahu anhu called out

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on that day And in the hadith of

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the Rasul ﷺ Whoever starts a practice, whoever

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begins a righteous deed He gets the reward

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for it And whoever completes it after that,

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he gets the reward for it as well

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So can you imagine an uncountable amount of

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adhans are called out today And all of

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the reward is going to Bilal radiAllahu anhu

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When you bear for the Deen Subhanal Malik

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You will be honoured in ways you cannot

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possibly imagine And the time of Fathi Makkah

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comes The conquest of Makkah comes And the

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Rasul ﷺ He chooses Bilal radiAllahu anhu To

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not go inside but to climb on top

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of the Ka'bah And to call out

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the adhan there The same city where just

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a while ago He was at the lowest

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status chain of society He is a slave,

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understand that the slaves have no right except

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to obey their master So in that same

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city he is now calling the Ka'bah

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And calling out the adhan for everyone to

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hear And in Madinah There was an instance

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Where the Rasul ﷺ was sitting with Bilal

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radiAllahu anhu And so the Rasul ﷺ says

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O Bilal, I heard your footsteps in Jannah

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Subhanal Malik, can you imagine the sensation of

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Bilal O Bilal, I heard your footsteps in

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Jannah He already has the dunya, now he

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has the akhirah promised to him as well

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When you bear the hardships Know that Allah

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Azza wa Jalla will elevate and honour you

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in ways you cannot possibly imagine And now

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some time passes The Rasul ﷺ has passed

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away And Bilal radiAllahu anhu Is now on

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his deathbed And his wife is there with

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him And you can imagine the sentiments of

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the wife My husband is about to pass

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away I'm about to become a widow A

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companion of the Rasul ﷺ is about to

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pass away So she calls out, oh what

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sadness, what sadness So Bilal radiAllahu anhu Look

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at the response that he gives his wife

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The clarity and the solace and the peace

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that Allah Azza wa Jalla blessed him in

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his final moments Bilal radiAllahu anhu says, no

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This is not a sad moment but a

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happy one For tomorrow, just after this little

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hurdle I will be with my friends, the

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Rasul ﷺ and the companions My point today

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my brothers and sisters When you bear for

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the sake of Allah Azza wa Jalla When

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you bear the sufferings and the hardships For

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the sake of Allah Ta'ala Know that

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nothing will happen except you will be honored

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You will be elevated throughout time and space

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Whether you may be at work, in school

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Act in an elegant manner Have dignity around

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yourself Dress in accordance the way that a

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Muslim should dress For the sisters, be wearing

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the hijab The scarf on your head Wear

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it like a badge of honor For wallahi

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you are chosen specifically by Allah Azza wa

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Jalla Out of all the billions of people

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on this planet Allah Azza wa Jalla chose

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you specifically to be on the haq So

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wear and dress yourself in accordance to that

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For the men as well For the young

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boys over here at school Do not wear

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shorts that show like half your thigh Have

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some self-respect for yourself Be in accordance

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to how a Muslim should dress Carry yourself

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with dignity Be kind to everyone Be a

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person who is approachable And in that instance

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where the salah time comes And you have

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to go and find a place to pray

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You know people are looking at you You

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feel weird and uncomfortable Bear that hardship, bear

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that difficulty Have that sit down with your

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boss Have that sit down with your teacher

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And from what I know, what I have

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seen Your boss and your teacher gains more

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respect for you Have that sit down in

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a mature manner Be a person that does

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not shy away from the salah It is

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your right living in this country By law

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they cannot deny your request to pray salah

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So my brothers and sisters Bear for the

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sake of Allah Ta'ala And I promise

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you we will be successful in this dunya

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And if not in this dunya then in

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the akhira We ask Allah Azawajal to grant

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us the ability To make it extremely easy

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for us to understand And act upon what

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has been said and heard We ask Allah

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Azawajal to make it easy for us To

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bear the hardships and the difficulties That Allah

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Azawajal places in our way And we ask

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Allah Ta'ala to make it extremely easy

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For us to remain steadfast on this deen

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And we ask Allah Ta'ala The same

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way that he has gathered us today To

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gather us in the highest levels of Jannah

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Al-Firdous Ameen Ya Rabb Al-A'lameen

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JazakAllah khayran for your time and your patience

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May Allah Azawajal reward and accept all of

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your efforts SubhanAllah wa hamdik SubhanakAllah wa hamdik

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Shadralla ilaha illa anta astaghfiru wa atubu ilaik

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Assalamu alaikum wa rahmatullahi wa barakatuh

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