Salah Mahmoud – Fortress Of A Muslim- 9.17.24

Salah Mahmoud
AI: Summary ©
The speaker discusses various false accusations made against Islam, including accusations of bribery, lies, and false accusations of seeking revenge. They also mention false accusations of being a messager and false accusations of being a false religion. The speaker emphasizes the importance of showing proper debts and proper behavior to avoid negative consequences.
AI: Transcript ©
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Allahu Akbar Allahu Akbar Allahu Akbar

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Allahu Akbar I bear witness that there is

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no god but Allah I bear witness that

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there is no god but Allah I bear

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witness that Muhammad is the Messenger of Allah

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I bear witness that Muhammad is the Messenger

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of Allah Come

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to Prayer Come to Prayer Come to success

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Come to success Prayer

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is better than sleep Prayer is better than

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sleep Allahu Akbar Allahu

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Akbar There is no god

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but Allah Allahu

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Akbar Allahu Akbar I bear witness that there

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is no god but Allah I bear witness

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that Muhammad is the Messenger of Allah Come

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to Prayer Come to success Prayer is better

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than sleep Prayer is better than sleep Allahu

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Akbar Allahu Akbar There is no god but

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Allah All

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praise is due to Allah, Lord of the

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worlds The Beneficent, the Merciful Master of the

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Day of Judgment It is You we worship

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and You we ask for help Guide us

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to the straight path The path of those

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You have blessed, not of those who have

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incurred Your wrath, nor of those who have

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gone astray O

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Messenger, convey what has been revealed to you

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from your Lord And if you do not,

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you have not conveyed His message And Allah

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will protect you from the people Indeed, Allah

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does not guide the disbelieving people Say, O

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People of the Book, you are not responsible

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for anything until you establish the Torah and

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the Gospel and what has been revealed to

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you from your Lord And let not much

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of what has been revealed to you from

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your Lord increase in transgression and disbelief So

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do not grieve for the disbelieving people Indeed,

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those who believe, and those who are Jews,

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and the Sabians, and the Christians, whoever believes

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in Allah and does good, there is no

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fear for them, nor will they grieve Indeed,

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We took the covenant of the Children of

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Israel and sent to them messengers Whenever a

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messenger came to them with that which their

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souls did not desire, a party they denied

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and a party they killed And they thought

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that it would not be a trial, so

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they became blind and deaf, then Allah turned

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to them, then they became blind and deaf,

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many of them.

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And Allah is Seeing of what they do

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Indeed, those who say, Allah is the Messiah,

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the son of Mary, have disbelieved And the

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Messiah said, O Children of Israel, worship Allah,

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my Lord and your Lord Indeed, he who

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associates partners with Allah, Allah has forbidden him

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Paradise and his abode is the Fire, and

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the wrongdoers will have no helpers Indeed, those

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who say, Allah is the third of three

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have disbelieved, and there is no god but

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one God.

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And if they do not desist from what

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they say, a painful punishment will surely touch

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those who disbelieve Do they not repent to

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Allah and ask His forgiveness?

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And Allah is Forgiving, Merciful The Messiah, the

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son of Mary, is not but a messenger.

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Messengers have passed away before him, and his

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mother is a woman of truth.

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They used to eat food See how We

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assign to them the signs, then see how

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they are turned away Say, Do you worship

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besides Allah that which has no power to

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harm or benefit you?

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And Allah is the Hearing, the Knowing Say,

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O People of the Book, do not exceed

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in your religion other than the truth, and

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do not follow the desires of a people

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who have gone astray before, and have gone

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astray much, and have gone astray from the

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right path Those of the Children of Israel

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who disbelieved were cursed by the tongue of

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David and Jesus, the son of Mary.

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That is because they disobeyed and were transgressors

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They used not to abstain from evil, but

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when they did it, how evil was that

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which they used to do You see many

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of them taking the side of those who

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How evil is that which their souls have

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sent forth for them, that Allah is angry

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with them.

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And in the punishment they will abide And

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if they had believed in Allah and the

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Prophet and that which was sent down to

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them from their Lord, they would have eaten

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from above them and from beneath their feet.

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Among them is a nation that is short

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-sighted, and many of them, how evil is

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that which they do And if they had

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believed in Allah and the Prophet and that

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which was sent down to them from their

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Lord, they would not have taken them as

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protectors, but many of them are defiantly disobedient

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the Greatest You will find

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the strongest of people as an enemy to

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those who believe, the Jews and those who

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associate others with Allah.

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And you will find the nearest of them

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as a love for those who believe, those

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who say, We are Christians That is because

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among them are priests and monks and because

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they are not arrogant And

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why should we not believe in Allah and

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what has come to us of the truth,

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while we hope that our Lord will admit

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us among the righteous people So Allah has

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rewarded them for what they said, gardens beneath

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which rivers flow, abiding therein.

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And that is the reward of the doers

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of good And those who disbelieve and deny

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Our signs, those are the companions of *

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Allah is the Greatest

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