Salah Mahmoud – 1st Jummah From The Well To The Throne

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The speakers emphasize the importance of learning to be mindful of one's thoughts and worries and reminds listeners to stay true to themselves. They also emphasize the importance of death as a "has fifteen minute window" for everyone to take care of themselves and their loved ones, emphasizing the need to be prepared for the event and not worrying about the end. The speakers also emphasize the importance of fulfilling the "has been killed" and fulfilling personal priorities, avoiding respecting family members' rules, and fulfilling the "has been killed"]]
AI: Summary ©
alaykum wa rahmatullahi wa barakatuhu.
Allahu Akbar Allahu Akbar Allahu Akbar
Allahu Akbar I
bear witness that there is none worthy of
worship except Allah I bear witness that
there is none worthy of worship except Allah
I bear witness that Muhammad is the Messenger
of Allah I bear witness
that Muhammad is the Messenger of Allah
Come to Prayer Come to Prayer
Come to
success Come to
success Allahu Akbar
Allahu Akbar There
is none worthy of worship except Allah O
you who have believed, fear Allah and say
the truth He will correct your deeds and
forgive your sins Whoever obeys Allah and His
Messenger has won a great victory I bear
witness that there is none worthy of worship
except Allah This is a word upon which
the earth and the heavens have risen This
is a word upon which Allah has created
mankind This is the basis of the law
and the Sunnah And whoever is the last
of His words, there is none worthy of
worship except Allah He will enter Paradise O
Allah, we ask You to make the last
of our words in this world, there is
none worthy of worship except Allah O Allah,
make us live for there is none worthy
of worship except Allah And make us die
for there is none worthy of worship except
Allah And make us live for there is
none worthy of worship except Allah And make
us enter Paradise And we bear witness that
there is none worthy of worship except Allah
And I bear witness that our Master, our
Prophet, our Teacher, our Beloved, our Intercessor on
the Day of Judgement is Allah Our Master
Muhammad, peace and blessings be upon him O
Allah, send peace and blessings upon him and
his family and companions And may Allah be
pleased with our leaders, Abu Bakr, Umar, Uthman,
and Ali And with all the Companions, and
with us, O Lord of the worlds We
call it Al-Nash And inside that casket
over there, there is someone who used to
be like us He used to breathe, he
used to eat, he used to drink, he
used to come to the Masjid He used
to go to work, he used to sit
with his family He had hopes, he had
dreams, he didn't know that today was going
to be his last day He had experiences,
he's been through difficulties, tests, happy moments, sad
moments, and so on and so forth Allah
SWT summarizes our story in that box, right?
We come to this dunya, walk on a
journey, a long journey, towards Allah SWT And
every single day, every single moment, we get
closer to that casket And then people, they
carry us, put us in the car, drive
And then finally, they dig a hole in
the ground, and they put us, and to
cover us And they make sure that there
is no connection between us and anybody else
on the face of earth Not even a
little bit of hole, it's not allowed Is
it covered enough?
Did they dig deeper?
We want to make sure that nobody can
even see We want to make sure that
in a couple of days, nobody can smell
the smell that's coming from under the ground
So that summarizes everything, right?
That's why when we talk about death, and
honestly this is not the main topic But
see, whenever we have janazah, we have to
humble ourselves No other lessons should be taught,
except the lesson that Allah SWT wants us
to learn right now If you're really coming
here, if your intention from coming here to
the masjid today, to be reminded I don't
even have to say a word I can
just tell you, look at the box, look
at the casket, that's it That's it, right?
That's it Nothing else You need to listen,
there you go You're going through issues, there
you go Anything that's not pleasing to you,
happening in your life, there you go That's
the end of it You think your problem
is the biggest problem, there you go You
think that there is no end to your
issues and your struggle and your suffering, there
you go So the Prophet Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam
would ask the companions to just look and
stare Look, look, that's the end of it
That's the end of it And what is
so ajib is our loved ones are the
ones who are actually going to bury us
under the ground The loved ones, our children,
our spouses, they're the ones who are going
to bury us Right?
So brothers and sisters, this is reality But
I want to ask a question here Or
ask myself this question If we were to
ask the mayyit, the janaza, which by the
way We get stripped out of all of
titles There is no titles now, we see
the janaza, we see the deceased person, we
see the mayyit, we see the brother We
don't see new titles, your title is gone,
it's over See how much we're fighting for
our titles?
How much we took pride in our titles?
In dunya?
Well, guess what?
You don't even get the title anymore You
don't get the title, you lose it immediately
The minute you leave this dunya, your title
is gone with you Right?
So if we were to ask the mayyit
Ya Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala give him
maghfirah If you have one wish If we
were, hypothetically, if we ask this question If
you have one wish right now What would
be the wish, the one wish that you
want to have accomplished?
Guess what he's going to say And Allah
subhanahu wa ta'ala have an evidence from
the Quran He will say that I wish
that I can listen I can sit right
now, listen to the khutbah and pray salatul
jumah I guarantee You will never hear something
about dunya Coming back to achieve my dreams
in dunya Never.
It will never happen Because it's over It
is over It is over That's the one
wish And the question is You and I
have this opportunity You're sitting in the masjid,
alhamdulillah, listening to the khutbah And inshallah you're
going to pray salatul jumah And you still
can go back Because Allah subhanahu wa ta
'ala is giving you a little bit more
time to correct yourself Correct yourself See what
was wrong And correct it Make sure that
you are ready for that masjid, for that
scene, for that event Khawani, death is a
great event And it should not be taken
as something negative Wallahi, that is what I
always say to myself and to brothers and
sisters Death should not be dealt with as
something negative Why the mawlanas and the shiukhs,
they want us to be miserable all the
time Why they don't talk about success and
accomplishments We talk about all of this Death
should never stop you from being the best
of the best Death should be something which
always puts you in check Always brings you
back Remember, this is going to be the
end Just look at me right now and
remember It will happen to you It will
happen to everyone Okay, watch what I'm supposed
to do You're supposed to make sure that
you are ready for that masjid, for that
event That's the most important thing The moment
we came out of this dunya crying We
were crying because we came to the dunya
Subhanallah, we came out of our mother's womb
May Allah bless them and shower them with
mercy You know, small place And we're actually
happy there The moment we came to this
dunya We started crying Knowing what is ahead,
what is waiting for us in this dunya
Struggles, difficulties, issues, problems That's dunya Happy moments,
sad moments That's what's coming ahead of us
in dunya But the most important thing, brothers
and sisters, is that When we make sure
that when we are in that casket We're
happy and we're smiling When
we came to this dunya, the poem goes
like this When you came to this dunya,
oh children of Adam, oh son of Adam
You were crying while everyone around you was
laughing So work for a day During which
when everyone around you is crying You're the
one who's smiling That's the most important thing
When we think about death, brothers and sisters
We remember leaving our children and loved ones
behind But guess what?
The dead are beyond this The dead don't
care about I don't want to say astaghfirullah,
he doesn't care The idea of leaving the
family is not his biggest concern right now
Once your soul is out, forget about the
children Forget about your spouse, forget about everybody
else It's just about me, me, me Allah
SWT already tells us You're going to escape
from everyone You're going to run and run
away Because you want to make sure that
you take care of yourself first Alright?
Take care of yourself first So work for
that day Work for that day When everyone
is crying, everyone is sad You're the one
who is happy You're the one who is
happy You're the one who is smiling Because
you know, the moment your soul is taken
out of your body Allah SWT will show
you your place in Jannah May Allah make
us from the people of Jannah Amazing Imagine,
Allah will show you Hey, this is your
place in Jannah You're just going to be
resting for a little bit Alright?
Allah knows for how many years Hundreds of
years Thousands of years We're going to be
there There are so many people, all the
way from Adam AS They're waiting for us
there Right?
So death is not the end of our
lives And that's a common mistake We think
that death is the end of it Death
is just a different phase of our creation
Again, I repeat this Death is a different
phase of our creation It's not the end
of it Alright?
It does not end the process There are
other more phases that we're going to go
through Death is just one of them Alright?
So brothers and sisters What is my message
My message is Be ready for that day
Be ready for this day Know that you
are in this dunya for a short amount
of time Even if you live in this
dunya for a hundred years And I promise
Majority of us, just looking at the bright
faces here Majority of us will not even
be here in this dunya a hundred years
from now None of us We have young
children But none of us, the adults here
None of us will be here in this
masjid In this dunya a hundred years from
now None of us And none of us
will be remembered Will not be remembered Well,
do you remember your grandfather?
The great-grandfather, what's their names?
How many times they come to your mind?
They're gone, khalas, over Their story is gone
That's it They came to the dunya, they
lived for a little bit So, the most
important thing is When you are in that
casket You're ready and you're happy You're smiling
You're smiling That's the most important thing That
should be your goal Your ultimate goal Right?
That should be your biggest concern The biggest
concern Your biggest concern should not be the
job that you lost Or the marriage that
is not working well Or the children that
are giving you a hard time Or the
chemotherapy that someone is gonna go through Or
the, you know, the disease that someone is
have That shouldn't be your biggest concern The
biggest concern should be that When I am
in that casket That when I am there,
I am safe and I am good That's
the most important thing Whatever it takes Whatever
it takes Do it I say this and
ask Allah to forgive me and you All
praise is due to Allah and peace be
upon His chosen servants I bear witness that
there is no god but Allah, there is
no partner but Him And I bear witness
that Muhammad is His servant and His messenger
After whomsoever He wills, a warner, death is
enough If you want a reminder And lessons,
then this should be enough Our loved ones
are going to take us to the cemetery
They're going to bury us and they're gonna
come back When we go to the cemetery
Our loved ones are going to be with
us Our friends are going to be with
us Our amal is going to be with
us Our friends and loved ones, they're going
to come back And the only thing that's
going to be left with us Is our
amal So brothers and sisters If you owe
someone And I said that a couple of
khutbas ago If you owe someone haq Give
it back If you're mistreating your spouse And
oppressing your wife or husband Apologize and be
kind to them If you're not giving haq
to your work Give the haq of your
work If you have a business partner And
you're eating their haq Give their haq back
Give their haq back Because once you're in
the casket It is too late We're still
alive If you did not fulfill the haq
of Allah Your zakah Your sadaqah Your hajj
Your siyam Take care of it Because we
do not know I promise We all know
that we're going to depart to this dunya
But I promise Deep inside we think we're
not going to die yet The uncle felt
the same way Most of us We're going
to wake up normally You're going to put
your own clothes on You're going to go
to your work Everything is going to be
normal For the most part Everything is going
to be a normal day You wake up
in the morning, you see your family You
go to your work You go hang out
outside It will be a very normal day
But then We don't know what happens in
a split of a second But I'm not
ready Allah says حَتَّ إِذَا جَاءَ حَدَهُ الْمَوْتُ
قَالَ رَبِّ رَجِعُونَ لَعَلِّي أَعْمَلُ صَالِحًا فِي مَا
تَرَكْتُ So on the day When the death
comes to them They will say Allah return
me back There are two rak'ah, I
need to catch them Allah says كَلَّ It's
over I have given you 80 years Wasn't
it enough for you?
Wasn't it enough for you to be kind
to people?
To give the haqq back to your sister?
To give the inheritance and the mirad back
to your sister?
To give the haqq to your husband?
To your wife?
To your children?
Wasn't it enough you have 60, 70, 80
Wasn't it enough?
What will happen when I give you two
more hours or two more seconds?
Nothing will happen You will be the same,
you are not going to change If you
are not changing now Then what else will
change you?
If we are not changing after seeing janazah
After janazah After janazah What else is going
to change us brothers and sisters?
Ibadallah, ittaqullah Ittaqullah Be ready for that day
On that day On the day that no
soul will benefit another soul And everything on
that day Belongs to Allah As you leave
this masjid Check See if you owe someone
debt And you are keeping it for them
If you owe someone an apology And you
are not offering that apology Check If you
are not Being kind to your parents If
you are not respecting If you are not
respecting You know the parents Check this out
Before it's too late Right after salah inshallah
We are going to have salatul janazah We
ask Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala to give
maghfirah Ask Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala To
give maghfirah to the mayyid To the people
of jannah We ask Allah subhanahu wa ta
'ala to grant the family Sabr jameel We
ask Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala to grant
the family Sabr jameel Ameen
Ameen Ameen Ameen Ameen Ameen
Ameen Ameen Ameen Ameen Ameen Ameen
Ameen Ameen Ameen
Ameen Ameen Ameen
Ameen Ameen Ameen Ameen Ameen
Ameen Ameen
Ameen Ameen
Ameen Ameen Ameen Ameen Ameen Ameen Ameen Ameen
Ameen Ameen Ameen
Ameen Ameen Ameen Ameen Ameen Ameen
Ameen Ameen Praise
be to Allah, Lord of the worlds, The
Most Merciful, The Most Merciful, Master of the
Day of Judgment, It is You we worship
and You we ask for help, Guide us
to the straight path, The path of those
upon whom Thou hast bestowed Thy blessings, not
of those who have incurred Thy wrath, nor
of those who have gone astray.
Hast Thou seen him who denies the religion?
That is he who invites the orphan, and
does not love the food of the needy.
Woe, then, to those who pray, those who
turn away from their prayer, those who see,
and prevent others from seeing.
Allah is the Greatest.
Allah has spoken to those who praise Him.
As-salamu alaykum wa rahmatullah.
As-salamu alaykum wa rahmatullah.
So this is for Hafiz Sayyid Jamshid Rizvi.
I ask Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala to
give him maghfirah, to make him one of
the people of Jannah.
If we can make a space, inshallah.
The head over there.
This way.
Inna allahi wa inna ilayhi wa raja'un.
Salatul janazah, four takbirah.
After the first takbirah, al-thanaa alallah, or
surah al-fatiha.
After the second takbirah, al-durud al-sharif,
Allahumma salli ala muhammad.
After the third takbirah, al-duaa lilmayt.
And after the fourth takbirah, after the fourth
takbirah, al-duaa for yourself and the Muslims,
Inshallah, the burial will be at Farmsville Cemetery.
Inna allahi wa inna ilayhi waj'oon.
Our condolences to the family.
We have du'a, du'a al-maghfirah,
of course, for our mate Hafiz Sayyid Jamshid
And we have du'a al-maghfirah for
Iqbal Ahmed, Salim Ahmed, Asra Hussain, Elias Ahmed,
Dewan Rizwan.
And we have du'a al-shifa' Abdullah,
he's seven years old.
Ma'moon Buyan, Jumaila Akhtar, Hassan Hameed, Khan and
Fatima Mubarak.
For those who are struggling with their health,
we ask Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala to
give them shifa'a.
And for those who passed on, we ask
Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala to give them
maghfirah and to make room for the people
of Jannah, Rabb al-alameen.
Allahumma ameen.
Ikhwani, there will be a class, inshallah, on
Surah Yusuf.
This is coming, inshallah, the Saturday, next Saturday.
The flyer is outside.
Please register for this class, inshallah.
It's a collaboration between ICF Uswa and Miftah
Institute, inshallah.