Sajid Ahmed Umar – The History & Prophecies of Syria

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The historical significance of the Prophet sallahu alayhi, the final messenger of Islam, and the importance of achieving happiness and helping humanity towards their dreams is discussed in a series of historical lectures. The military uses various weapons and equipment to defend positions and areas, leading to a peaceful celebration of the birth of a child. The um salm of Islam transferred during the Umay babe Caliphate and is addressed by the um Shane Caliphate, meaning the holy route should not be forgotten, and the umhair is a reference to the holy route and a celebration for the victory of Islam. The um servicing of Islam is a gift from Islam, and the um servicing of Islam is a gift from Islam.
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In the narration of Abu Darda radhiallahu anhu,
he says the messenger of Allah sallallahu alayhi
wasallam said that whilst I was asleep in
a dream I saw the pillar of the
book being taken from beneath my head and
I thought that it was being taken away
so I followed it with my gaze and
I saw that it was taken to a
The Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam said verily faith
when tribulations come will be in a sham.
This is similar to his words sallallahu alayhi
wasallam when he said the heartland of the
believers is a sham as reported in the
Musnad of Imam Ahmed.
It can be argued that the fourth city
in Islam is Damascus.
Shouldn't be forgotten that many many eyes witnessed
the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam, meaning the sahaba
radhiallahu anhu ajma'een, they are buried in
the lands of Sham.
The graves of more than 500 companions including
the grave of Khalid ibn Walid radhiallahu anhum
In these lands do we have the graves
of the likes of Imam al-Nawawi, Imam
Ibn Taymiyyah, Imam Ibn Kathir and Ibn al
-Qayyim and the list goes on and on.
Rahmatullahi alayhim ajma'een.
In recent days and in record time have
once again been freed of tyranny and oppression.
This is a reality that can only bring
happiness to hearts filled with Iman.
Wallahi only hearts filled with hatreds toward Allah,
with hatred towards Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wasallam.
Hearts filled with hypocrisy can feel sad at
tyranny and oppression that has been lifted off
the people of Syria in the recent days.
O servants of Allah and O children of
Adam, the greatest achievement of the second caliph
of Islam Umar ibn al-Khattab radhiallahu anhu
and no doubt after establishing comprehensive justice in
the Muslim lands was the Islamic conquests of
the lands of Persia and Rome.
These were carried out by the believers, by
his army, those who believed in one Allah
subhanahu wa'ta'ala and believed in Muhammad sallallahu
alayhi wasallam being the final messenger.
Those who had strong faith in Allah subhanahu
wa'ta'ala and this faith enabled them to
liberate vast territories and bring an end to
long-standing empires and kingdoms of oppression and
No doubt his ultimate goal radhiallahu anhu was
to walk in the footsteps of Rasulullah sallallahu
alayhi wasallam and to free humanity from a
life of servitude to one's desires and to
help guide humanity towards the servitude of the
Lord of the Worlds, Allah Rabbul Izzati Wal
Jalal Al Wahidul Qahhar and in this process
ensure that the path towards happiness, the path
towards dignity would be reached and achieved and
through this success would reach humanity.
Not just success of this life but success
of this life and the next.
In light of this Umar Ibn Khattab radhiallahu
anhu, he sends and dispatches an urgent communication
to Abu Ubaidah Ibn al-Jarrah, the Ameen
of this Ummah, the trustworthy one of this
Ummah and he says to him begin with
Damascus for it is the fortress of Syria
and the heart of their kingdom.
He says radhiallahu anhu advance towards it and
deploy a force near Fahal, another place to
keep its people occupied and if Allah grants
victory over Fahal before Damascus that is what
we desire and if Damascus is conquered first
then proceed with your army leaving a deputy
to rule over Damascus and once Allah grants
victory over Fahal, proceed with Khalid Ibn al
-Walid to Homs leaving Amr and Shurahbil not
Shurahbil, Shurahbil in charge of Jordan and Palestine
meaning the project related to Jordan and Palestine.
In this paragraph, in this letter we see
the vision of Umar Ibn Khattab radhiallahu anhu
and no doubt it is a vision that
developed because of the ultimate vision of Rasulullah
sallallahu alayhi wasallam.
As-sama wa ta'a, Abu Ubaidah Ibn
al-Jarrah under the leadership of the second
caliph of Islam, he obeys what has reached
him in terms of the command and he
sends a detachment to position themselves between Damascus
and Palestine and another one to position themselves
between Damascus and Homs to block reinforcements coming
to Damascus or the areas that they were
intending via Heraclius who was in charge of
the affairs of this region.
By blocking of these regions and these places
reinforcements couldn't reach the places that the Muslims
were intending at the time.
He then advances towards Damascus with Khalid Ibn
al-Walid radhiallahu anhu and Khalid he leads
the center of the army whilst he, Abu
Ubaidah Ibn al-Jarrah and Amr Ibn al
-As, they commanded the flanks.
They reach Damascus whose governor at the time
was Nastas Ibn Nastus and Khalid stations himself
at the eastern gate of Damascus and Abu
Ubaidah, the leader of the army, stations himself
at the great Jabiya gate and he lays
the siege equipment which included catapults and battering
rams because as we know the cities of
the past they had these walls that had
to be scaled that had to be conquered
before you could reach the inside of the
Some sources say, Ibn Kathir and others, for
70 nights the Muslims laid siege on Damascus.
Other sources say it was for longer and
because of how the Muslims positioned their armies
between themselves and the other cities reinforcements to
help the people of Damascus couldn't reach them.
The city's residents they resisted to the best
of their ability but subhanallah they couldn't match
what was outside the walls in terms of
the Muslim army.
Their reinforcements couldn't reach them and as the
siege lasted they became weakened and subhanallah it
was Allah's decree that during one of these
nights Allah subhanahu wa'ta'ala gave the governor
of Damascus a child and to celebrate the
birth of this child he prepared a feast
for the people of Damascus and Khalid Ibn
Walid he was collecting real-time data.
He was ensuring he had eyes and ears
upon the different touch points of what was
happening inside the city and he came to
learn that people now would be busy with
this feast with the celebration because of this
child that Allah subhanahu wa'ta'ala gave the
governor and he saw this as his opportunity
and he commanded his closest and dearest that
we will scale and when we scale and
you hear our takbir then you should scale
as well and it so happened that Allah
subhanahu wa'ta'ala made it even easier when
Khalid scaled with those with him they managed
to push back and ward off the defenders
of the gates and Khalid and his team
managed to open the eastern gates and the
Muslims came in now they went in and
obviously when people had the takbirs and they
heard the cries they came out to defend
Damascus and a battle ensued at the same
time the governor when he realizes the plight
of his situation he sends a message to
Abu Ubaidah who is on the Jabiya gate
a message for peace and Abu Ubaidah grants
them this peace and as he enters peacefully
from the Jabiya gate he sees Khalid ibn
Walid fighting on the eastern side the Muslims
say to Khalid we have entered in peace
Khalid says no we have entered with force
and from an Islamic jurisprudence perspective the rules
of fiqh change when you enter a place
forcefully and when you enter a place through
a peaceful agreement so now there was a
dilemma and the Muslims met together obviously led
by Abu Ubaidah and a message gets sent
to Medina where Umar ibn al-Khattab is
to let him know what has happened a
group of us entered peacefully upon agreement and
a group of us prior entered forcefully what
should we move forward upon Umar ibn al
-Khattab he sends a message to the believers
and he says to them treat the city
as a city that was entered upon in
peace and encourage others to embrace Islam and
preserve the Muslims reputation as people of honor
not betrayer.
O servants of Allah and O children of
Adam it was narrated that Ibn Umar said
that the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam said twice
or thrice Oh Allah bless our Sham Oh
Allah bless our Yemen Ibn Rajab al-Hanbali
he says it should be understood that the
blessing in a Sham that the Prophet sallallahu
alayhi wasallam asked for and made dua for
includes blessings in both religious and worldly matters
hence the land is called holy now we
know that Sham historically brothers and sisters and
elders in Islam consists of a few lands
in terms of the modern mapping system Jordan
Palestine Syria and Lebanon and arguably other lands
close by so the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam
made dua for these lands in fact in
another narration in the narration of Abu Darda
he says the messenger of Allah sallallahu alayhi
wasallam said that whilst I was asleep in
a dream I saw the pillar of the
book being taken from beneath my head and
I thought that it was being taken away
so I followed it with my gaze and
I saw that it was taken to a
Sham the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam said verily
faith when tribulations come will be in a
Sham Iman when tribulations come will be in
a Sham and this is similar to his
words sallallahu alayhi wasallam when he said the
heartland of the believers is a Sham as
reported in the Musnad of Imam Ahmed my
dear brothers and elders in Islam my dear
mothers my dear sisters it can be argued
that the fourth city in Islam is Damascus
for it was here that the power base
of Islam transferred to during the Umayyad Caliphate
after the period of the Rashidun meaning the
rightly guided Caliphs it should not be forgotten
what thousands or shouldn't be forgotten that many
many eyes that witnessed the Prophet sallallahu alayhi
wasallam meaning the Sahaba radhiallahu anhum ajma'een
they are buried in the lands of Sham
Homs alone houses the graves of more than
500 companions including the grave of Khalid ibn
Walid radhiallahu anhum ajma'een it is the
land also of the righteous people who came
after them those who are considered the close
ones to Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala the
scholars and Imams of this Ummah in these
lands do we have the graves of the
likes of Imam al-Nawawi, Imam Ibn Taymiyyah,
Imam Ibn Kathir and Ibn al-Qayyim and
the list goes on and on rahmatullahi alayhim
ajma'een why are we highlighting this in
today's khutbah well these lands O servants of
Allah and O children of Adam in recent
days and in record time have once again
been freed of tyranny and oppression subhan Allah
and a reality this is a reality that
can only bring happiness to hearts filled with
Iman wallahi only hearts filled with hatreds toward
Allah with hatred towards Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wasallam
hearts filled with hypocrisy can feel sad at
tyranny and oppression that has been lifted off
the people of Syria in the recent days
as such O servants of Allah we as
an Ummah need to recognize this victory that
Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala has brought to
us nasrun minallah wa fath it is a
it is assistance and aid from Allah subhanahu
wa ta'ala and an opening from Allah
subhanahu wa ta'ala and this opening this
assistance needs a celebration no doubt wallahi we
don't forget what's happening to our brothers and
sisters in another part of a sham in
Palestine and the dreadful news that we wake
up to every night and we sleep to
every morning but that said subhanallah this ummah
is one ummah when one part feels pain
the other part feels pain and when one
part elates and celebrates then the other part
should also celebrate for the sake of Allah
subhanahu wa ta'ala we indeed need to
be part of history as well as they
have created a chapter in in the history
of Damascus by performing sujud ash-shukr showing
Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala that we recognize
this gift we need to be a part
of history through dua asking Allah subhanahu wa
ta'ala to bring ease upon these lands
and to make justice be completed and to
make the victory come into fruition and completion
we need to also create awareness amongst the
loved and beloved around us regarding the reality
of what's just happened in the past few
days and even mobilize the best of our
ideas and the greatest of our minds in
our communities bring together our expertise bring together
our wealth and be ready to be a
part of the solution for the future of
Damascus and the lands of sham my dear
brothers and sisters in Islam I started the
khutba today with a portion from tarikh damashq
with a portion from the history of Damascus
and that was at the time of Umar
ibn Khattab after the passing away of Abu
Bakr around the era of 13 years after
the hijra of Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wasallam and
in ending of today's khutba in ending of
today's khutba allow me to read to you
the latest pages added to tarikh damashq the
history of damashq on the 7th of jamadul
thani 1446 years after the hijra of the
Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam a date equating to
December the 8th 2024 a momentous chapter unfolded
in the annals of the Islamic world the
liberation of Damascus and the broader sham region
by the steadfast resolve of ahl as-sunnah
became a defining victory against the forces of
oppression the baltiniya factions long entrenched in tyranny
and oppression and misguidance were decisively expelled whilst
the despotic ruler abandoned his stronghold and fled
to a land called Russia in a profound
display of triumph countless Muslim prisoners were unshackled
from the bonds of their captivity their sit
their cries of freedom joined the echoes of
takbir that reverberated across the liberated lands the
streets were awash with tears of joy and
gratitude as the the day became a radiant
testament to divine justice and mercy a day
etched forever in the memory of history as
one of the greatest days of Allah on
earth may Allah subhanahu wa'ta'ala bring ease
to the ummah, lift suffering of the ummah
Allahumma aizzal islama wal muslimin may Allah subhanahu
wa'ta'ala bring honor to the ummah of
Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wasallam