Sajid Ahmed Umar – The Hajj of the Prophet ﷺ as described in the Hadeeth of Jaabir (RA) #02

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The speakers discuss the history and importance of hedging during Islam, including the use of the operator's shoulder during the act of the act of the act of the act of the act of the act of the act of the act of the act of the act of the act of the act of the act of the act of the act of the act of the act of the act of the act of the act of the act of the act of the act of the act of the act of the act of the act of the act of the act of the act of the act of the act of the act of the act of the act of the act of the act of the act of the act of the act of the act of the act of the act of the act of the act of the act of the act of the act of the act of the act of the act of the act of the act of the act of the act of the act of the act of the act of the act of the
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Bismillah R Rahman r Rahim al hamdu Lillahi Rabbil alameen wa sahbihi Listerine on sala de Wanda Salim Allah Fatima bien Nabina Muhammad wa ala alihi wa sahbihi wa seldom at the Sleeman kathira li ob Diem, Aloma and Melina in Lima and lantana in the cantle animal Hakeem Allah alumna Mayan Pharaoh now when Fatima Bhima Alam tena Was it an ailment or MLM? Yeah, Karim rubbish rally sadri westerly Emery wa Hello cadet and melissani yufka. Hopefully, we begin by praising Allah subhanho wa Taala. We praise Him. We seek his assistance, we seek His guidance We seek refuge in Him subhanho wa Taala from the evil of ourselves and the adverse consequences of our deeds. We testify the room server He
guides none can misguide. And whosoever He misguides then can guide and we request praises and blessings upon the final messenger Muhammad Ali Abdullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam Allahumma salli wa sallim wa barik ala nabina Muhammad
Allah Hu Akbar Allahu Akbar Allahu Akbar La ilaha illallah wa Allahu Akbar Allahu Akbar, Allahu Akbar, Allah Hello,
my dear brothers and sisters in Islam. I welcome you all, to episode or session two of our two part series together, dedicated to the head of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam as per Hadith Jabir Ravi Allah who I'm in Sahih Muslim, so this is a hadith lesson. It is also partially a fifth lesson, and it's dedicated to the head of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam. We began yesterday with Allah subhanho wa Taala his blessings upon us, the day of teruya the eighth of the ledger, when the head judge yesterday made their way to Mina. And as we speak, Subhan Allah, the Hajaj are getting ready to begin, they will prove they are on the plains of Africa, and they will dedicate their time
to praising Allah subhanho wa Taala and making dua and supplicating and begging from Allah subhanho wa Taala on a day Subhan Allah the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said that there is no day in which Allah subhanho wa Taala frees more of his slaves from the hellfire. And Allah subhanho wa Taala is proud of his servants. And Allah subhanho wa Taala praises them to His angels Subhan Allah Subhana Allah May Allah assist the Hajaj And may Allah inspire them to make dua for us and me Allah subhanho wa Taala except from us, for we are sitting today engaged in another form of worship, which is the form of seeking knowledge from the inheritance of Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wasallam. And
this is a great act of worship, brothers and sisters in Islam and Alhamdulillah. Allah has inspired us to have this sitting on this great day, today will be our last session. And the same format as per yesterday applies in terms of advice in terms of how the session went. Please do ensure if you are watching on Facebook, if you are watching on Twitter, please do access the youtube broadcast and do access the video description. Box four in the description box is a link to the course notes and or the translation of the Hadith rather. And also, you will find a link to ask your questions as well as other pieces of important information related to the quiz that will happen after this and
also matters pertaining to the certificate certificates that some of you may be or may have questions about brothers and sisters in Islam in case I forgot in this introduction, large introduction to greet you when I do greet you with the greetings of Islam and peace and the greetings of the people of paradise. Salaam Allahu Allah Kumara Moo hoo hoo wabarakatuh meerlust Peace and blessings and may He safety be upon you all. To kick things off, I am going to bring chef ribbon onto screen and he is going to recite from us the idea of Hajj from Surah Al Baqarah so please do get your translations ready. Yeah, your your your English translation of the Quran only
translation that you find suitable if you don't need a translation Alhamdulillah and please open up
i a number 197 from Surah Al Baqarah and insha Allah shack with one who is with us will recite for us these blessings I yet on this blessed day.
salamati hora de La Habra cat hair color Sha one while you consider what
So hello Jeff, how are you doing all right now? Allah is most kind How are you? Alhamdulillah Alhamdulillah hope you
were fucka como la Allah subhanho wa Taala shower upon you to fit and you remember as in your diet as well and hamdulillah It's good to see you back after yesterday's long session you survived or Lila Hill Hamed and I just announced to our viewers that inshallah you will be reciting to us from Surah Baqarah from Ayah number 197. And, in sha Allah He will be reciting brothers and sisters in Islam until I a number 203 at fabella muskogean Bismillah
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About a clarification for Guatemala. subhanho wa Taala makers from the people of taqwa Allah accept the edge of the Hajaj and we Allah subhanho wa Taala make us from amongst those that will present themselves on the plains of Africa sooner rather than later. Whilst we are in good health and with
good life. I mean, we are behind me. The verses that were just recited brothers and sisters in Islam or verses 197 two verses, two verse 203. of Surah Baqarah of surah baqarah and these ayat pertaining to the Hajj and Allah subhanho wa Taala really in this ayah takes us on a journey
to our offer and for moreover to Metallica and then from was delivered to Mina and insha Allah This is the crux of our session. Today for inshallah, we will be looking at what the prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam did upon his entry into into
into Makkah, and events related to the hedge.
Yesterday, we stopped just before the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam entering
entering Makkah, but I did promise that we would try and start today's session by answering any questions that came through. That task was with Chef reborn, Chef Ron, did you manage to check if any questions have come through and gather them? Now Michelle, there was the
few questions. May I read them out please?
Pay Bismillah let's take them now be the lohit Allah and then we can we can begin with the lesson.
The first question read, Rahim yesterday the Muslim ban was pulled out two minutes early and we broke our fast is fast valid.
By Bismillah R Rahman Rahim al hamdu Lillah wa Salatu was Salam ala rasulillah Allah Allah wa sahbihi wa Manuela.
We know that the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said either aka Bella Laila, I mean who knows about her I mean, who knows hunedoara Betty Shams for bad forgot after OSI in this what the prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said that if the night comes from one side and the day
ends from the other side and the sun sets, then
the person who is fasting breaks their fast so the fasting brothers and sisters in Islam happens from true dawn until sunset. However, what I understand from the question of the question is that they broke their fast by mistake just before just before sunset just before sunset. And in this particular case, we say that you don't have to repeat your first insha Allah your fastest correct why because you made a mistake firstly.
And secondly, because you broke the fast thinking that it was nighttime and the nighttime is a time for eating and drinking and so on and so forth.
A person would be told to repeat the fast if they broke the fast thinking it was sunset and then the sun appeared and they carried on eating while seeing that the sun hasn't set then here we'd say you have to repeat the fast but if you broke the fast and thinking that it sunset and there was no evidence do you have thereafter that the sun hadn't set except the fact that for example, you are following the oven for example, this is what happens sometimes some people say we're following the oven and then we realize that hadn't made the event one minute earlier, or two minutes earlier. Or for example you went outside onto the roof of your building. And there was like cloud cover that you
didn't realize and you looked at the horizon and you saw that the sun had set and then you you ate and then you realize Subhanallah the sun didn't set but when you realize the sun didn't said you stopped eating. And here we say you made a mistake and this is similar to a person who eats whilst they are fasting by mistaken the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said earlier to Soma that a person who eats or drinks while they are fasting then they should complete the fast find Amma Amma hula hula Sapa for other it is for it is a situation where Allah subhanho wa Taala fed them and quench their thirst whilst they were fasting. There's no blame on them. And Allah says in the Quran,
Robin Allah to Athena in nesina Oh after that, Oh our Lord, do not hold us accountable if we forget or if we make a mistake.
Also just for for the benefit for those who follow the timing that the timetables are what we know as the team. This is how it is for most of us today we follow a time table that tells us that the sun has set at a particular time. Most of the time these timetables are set one to two minutes after sunset anyway, just for your information. It's not a fixed rule, you must check with your local scholarship in your country. But generally the idea is to set the time one to two minutes after sunset as a precaution, in case people are fasting and Allah subhanho wa Taala knows best.
Baraka Luffy Keisha,
the next question is, is it okay to say in the Tobia Anil Hamza, whereas in the hadith of jabil, it says in Alhambra
by barakallahu calm This is a very interesting question. I'm not sure whether the question I heard it or the question is aware
of a narration about this, but there is a narration I do recall a narration in which an El Hamza is used and the lambda is used. And in the case of using underhanded The meaning is still correct. But
if you if you say Anil Hamza, then it carries the meaning of what the scholar say utterly, utterly Lee means,
you are giving a reason for why you doing that tell me so for example, you say like bacon lamella bacon you say to Allah, based on the hadith of even at best if the scholars who considered it authentic then they said love bake means I you are answering the call. So if you say like bake our lime answering the call, and if we say the the the hadith of Ibn Abbas is weak then the bake also means that you have become a resident upon something so if you say like bake upon this view, you are saying you're like I'm a resident upon righteousness, right. So then you say and Alhamdulillah then using because praise belongs to you and sovereignty and ownership and blessings are from you and so
on and so forth. So it's as if using your Allah I am Here I am upon righteousness because of these things in the lambda one near Metallica.
Because you are the owner of praise and blessings are all from you and you are the sovereign owner. But if you say in Alhambra in Alhambra, then this is for those who are studying the Arabic language you you would you will know that in Alhambra carries the meaning of is that enough so it's as if they are two independent statements when you say like bake Aloma bake a big luxury color color bake using your Allah I am present I've presented myself oh yeah Allah I am a resident upon righteousness. And that's a statement you are announcing that to Allah. And then when you say in Alhambra near Metallica, well McGlashan recollect you are announcing to Allah, and affirming that
you know, you have knowledge and you testify that Allah is the he is the owner of all praise and blessings, and he has sovereign ownership and so on and so forth, and that he has no partner. So
saying in Alhambra, as per the hadith of jabber is more comprehensive, because really, if you think about it, when you say in instead of another than you are, you are capturing both ideas, you could say you are capturing both ideas, and no doubt when you say in they'll handle them. The whole context of the Tobia of Lubbock Oklahoma bake becomes even more emphasized, right and
you know, more acute in terms of
a slave understanding his or her position in front of Allah and a slave understanding exactly who Allah subhanho wa Taala is so in summary under him there has been has been mentioned but in Alhambra, as you see in the Hadith, of jabber, I would say is a more comprehensive, more comprehensive in terms of meaning, and Allah subhanho wa Taala knows best and
barakallahu li ke chef, the next question reads the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam laid the Hajj, why do our scholars say that you are sinful for delaying it?
In so this was part of the discussion yesterday about the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam doing his hedge on the 10th of the of the 10th. He after his you know, when it became compulsory on the ninth, according to the shaffir is on the in the sixth year, according to the majority other scholars on or the majority became compulsory during the ninth year, but the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam delayed it till the 10th. So the question is saying, repeat the question please. Why is it wise do some scholars say you sinful now, so now, the scholars we would i would imagine would base this on
the fact that hedge is a pillar from the Pillars of Islam. And it's something that Allah has commanded us to as we discussed yesterday, so dealing generally for no reason, what Allah has commanded you towards can entail sin, and perhaps the using as evidence also another narration in which the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam is reported to have said that Janu el Hajj
meaning, you know, rush and
you know, consider it urgent to do your hedge, right complete you hide your compulsively hedge with a sense of urgency for in their head, they can lie, lie a dream it Lula because none of you know what will what what will happen to him. And this narration is reported by by Abdullah and our best I'll be Allahumma. But this narration has been been considered weak by some of the scholars of Hadith. And even if it is authentic, then it doesn't mean that you sinful for delaying the Hajj, especially if you have a reason but rather it's considered to be encouragement towards not dealing the Hajj and as we said yesterday, sometimes the command can come through to us.
And it doesn't entail an obligation like we discussed. When we spoke about jab rajala, who I'm praying Salah with a cloak wearing the cloak as a lower garment when he and his shoulders one covered when he had an upper garment with him. And we know that the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam also mentioned in another narration that a person Liu solian had become the no one should pray the Salah, in in one covering without a with with the shoulders being uncovered or without his shoulders being covered. And we remember Sheffield he said that when we looked at this narration we understand from it by comparing it to other narrations that the command or the ruling of of it being
obligatory is not intended here, but rather it being recommended. So Allah subhanho wa Taala knows best if this narration is authentic, then it would entail it being an encouragement towards having agency to perform the Hajj and Allah knows best who have any others. Just one more article of leadership.
Now, did I understand correctly that the Hadith criticism leveled at Hatem and Jaffer does not affect the authenticity of the hadith of Jabir, as their criticisms were not major.
Yes, absolutely. Absolutely. Yesterday, what I shared with you was just trying to be precise, right, being precise in because we spoke about the teachings of a Muslim and that they were considered trustworthy, but they got it from him from Hatem or Hatton and had him from
jaffery bin Mohammed
aside the time and he got it
from his father. So just in being true in mentioning, in carrying on that pattern, what the scholars of Hadith have said about these narrators, I shared what I shared, but it wasn't to to create any doubt that the narration is authentic. But also, I shared what I shared to highlight to us that or to highlight to us how precise the science of Hadith is, right? So it's so precise that they not only look at the text, they look at the chain, and they don't only just look at the chain, but they look at the aspects pertaining to each individual Narrator In the chain, and they highlight it for the sake of Allah subhanho wa Taala not to bring anybody down or, or cause anyone status to form.
However, also, as we said, then if something doesn't meet a particular threshold, then there's this alternative. There's alternative processes that kick in. And I explained yesterday that alternative processes kicked in where the scholars compared the narration to other narrations and through this authenticity has been, beyond doubt has been established. And Allah subhanho wa Taala knows best. So your your, your understanding is absolutely correct. There is insha Allah move ahead. With today's session, we have much to go through and this is our final session. And hamdulillah. We've taken the questions there weren't too many. But it was important that we did because it was a promise. But if
you do have questions, please do continue to send them via the Google link. As I said, I am the Google link captures your details. So I can either answer you directly. Or if there are too many, we can hold a session after Ramadan and take these questions with enlightenment.
In our next portion, brothers and sisters in Islam, we want to zoom into the next paragraph
that comes after the point that we stopped yesterday and that is Jabara viola, who
went on to say we did not have any other intention in our hearts, but to simply perform the Hajj only. As we were unaware of the camera being permissible along with the hedge during the months of hedge against whatever you see in parentheses is a contextual translation from myself to help you follow. If I left it without any added explanation, it will be difficult for you to understand even the English translation even in Arabic, it needs a teacher to explain.
So that's why you have portions of the translation in brackets. This was read yesterday by Chef ridhwan. This was something that was read but we ran out of time we didn't get to discuss it now. Obviously, a question does arise. What does jabiru mean here? What does he mean when he says we did not know about Amara during the months of Hajj?
What does he mean by this? Does he mean that he literally didn't know?
Because that would be difficult, right? That would be strange, because as we discussed in class from the past, last Ramadan, when we did the second portion of the Medina and period of the year of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam and extracted the lessons from it. We discussed that the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam went for the number of alhuda he went for the armor of al Qaeda and the these armors were done in Canada. Right. And the Canada is from the months of hedge the candidates from the months of hedge. Right so how Why is Jabari saying we did not know about Amara during the months of hedge when the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam only was being ombre during the months
of hedge? So the answer to this question brothers and sisters in Islam is Jabari didn't entail to give the impression that he didn't know that ombre was permissible during Hajj, rather he saying we did not know of Umrah and Hajj in one trip during the months of Hajj, Umrah and Hajj in one trip during the months of Hajj.
And this is because during the days of Je li the period of j Li the law firm of the peninsula was that the courage frowned greatly upon Amara being done generally during the days of hedge. So someone comes into the days of hedge farmer This was frowned upon. But we know that the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam was recalibrating the region, the ideas of the region he was deleting geo helliya and replacing it with him. So he was performing his armagard during the locator, right. Allah chose for him to do I'm running philcare from the month of hedge so jabby renew that this is Islam has disagreed with the view of the operation regarding performing Umrah during the days of
hedge. But what about going for hedge and in the same trip doing hammer, given the status of hedge in comparison to hammer, this is what jabber rajala for me is saying and Allah subhanho wa Taala knows best and you could say that
the police had had this idea. So now they were taught that it is allowed and it is allowed in the same trip with hedge
even if you did not take with you your sacrificial animals and we will see this later. We will see this later. And yeah, it's as if jabil is giving us an introduction to something that's going to come because as we will see at the end of the center of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam told those who already had made the intention for Hajj to come out of a harem and make what they did around the Kaaba or Mara. So they did
that awful Purdue, and they did a sorry, the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam told them to make it to Amara, and then to get into a harem on the eighth, which means the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam effectively according to what, what how we understand the Hajj today, he told them to perform the Hajj. But who did he tell? He told those who didn't have who didn't carry the sacrificial animals, they didn't mark the sacrificial animals and bring them into past the meat cut. He said those who didn't come out of your harem and make what you did at the Kaaba Amara, and on the eighth you can enter into Hajj and then they would sack they would get the animals in Mecca and
sacrifice on your money. So we will see that so it's as if this is a a precursor to that. Right? Because
there's no need to discuss.
ombre here, there's no need to discuss ombre here or maybe there is why do I say this? Because
earlier we discussed that the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam when he was
when he went when he
was in labor, right? The Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam he was told he says attorney, he says that my Lord sent the angel who told me to pray in this blessed place to play pray in this blessed place, and to basically announced the intention for what for hygiene and armor for hygiene Omar and Jabari saying what God is saying that we didn't know except, except except hedge. Now, I'm just trying to go back to the portion in the notes
where we discuss this just to make sure smilla
just to make sure chef with one if you can read for us that portion
about just before the Tobia just before the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam then would pronounce the words of to heat. So basically he mounted his camel just before that.
The Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam played the Salah. Can you read for us that in English please so we can take that take the notes of the text. It's mainly
the messenger messenger. He prayed inside domestically. The Messenger of Allah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam prayed inside the messenger and then mounted l password is she came up, stood up straight with lymphedema already. on its back the pain of alveda
I looked as far as I could in front of him and there were riders and pedestrians. What the same holds true for these right left and serious notes to
the Messenger of Allah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam was prominent among us with the revelation of the Quran. So descending upon him, he sallallahu alayhi wa sallam was most knowledgeable of its meanings and interpretations. And whatever he did, he also did that. He will then pronounce the words of the telomere saying the miracle of him elevate.
So here you see brothers and sisters in Islam, you see that it's very possible that jabber wasn't aware of the intention of the Prophet sallallahu wasallam because he's mentioning to us the well being of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam but he doesn't mention to us the loose oak the announcement of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam regarding the loose hook, alright.
And as we said, It's not possible it's impossible for jabber alehissalaam to know everything. So jabber, going back to where we were at when he says we, we did not have any other intention in our hearts, but to simply perform the Hajj only. He's talking about himself, and those that were with him because as we said yesterday, they were people who made intention for Amara, they were people who made intention for tamatar and they were people who made intention for Tehran. Right. And you could say, many people made the intention for Quran especially if they were aware of it from the Prophet salallahu alayhi wasallam but jabber is giving his impression. Jabari is giving him giving
his impression
as we see here.
So, let us take the discussion points from this. So in some In summary, jabber is telling us what he knows. He says we did not know about Amara during the months of Hajj. That's what he said. And we've explained what he meant by this. When he says we did not have any aventail sorry, earlier he said
Bismillah let me just catch up with you guys.
so jabil says that
we did not know about the we did not have any other intention in our hospital assembly perform the hedge only as we were unaware of the camera being permissible, along with the hedge during the months of the hedge season. As I said, this is a paraphrase translation to help you understand and we have explained what jabil means, and it's plausible from here.
jabber might have not known the intention of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam and he was intending to perform Hajj only. Now there are some let's move on very quickly then jabil goes on to say and this is where we need to read from inshallah associate with one can read for us within it to Allah, the Arabic and the English from when the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam arrived to the cab and touches Blackstone, so please take us through the Amara until the end of the century in Arabic and English. barakallahu
smilla Rahmanir Rahim. Allah Al Imam or Muslim
either attainable mm hmm which dilemma for MLS MLS and amercia albarin to manifest that dilemma for me Ibrahim alayhis salam for our Tofino Mima Kami Ibrahima masala vaginal mahkamah baina who ouabain elbaite if I can be your will, what are lemahieu de Caro? Who il ne ne bs en la Allah Allah Allah He was a lawmaker and I have for over rocker I attain full Mullah who I had what Julio au healthcare if you don't know Mirage er la rockne festhalle mo Maharaj amin Al Bab el Asafa fell imagine Amina Safa para in software. Well not what I mean Shariah in a better Obama bed alarm will be a better heavy sofa therapy IE he had elbaite Fs cabal paillettes our head a lot better all Illallah Hua Hua Shan
he Karla homolka will have to work while aqualisa in Katia La ilaha illallah wa who enjoys awada who knows or Aveda who has the power to Medallia been like call me the head SLS Mr. Ratan luminesce ilmar what you had it on sub but but Mr. houfy button in Word he's had either sorry that Misha had to tell him what's FFR lll mawashi QMF II loss of height either Can you wrote our fee here a little more? What if up all low unmistakable to mean Embry mystery about William So Bill had the original to her Amara for mankind I mean formula is Mr. Who had you in failure Hill village Idaho Amara farmer surah courtship nomadic IV nutrition
Ali I Amina Heather Emily Abed Fisher Becca Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam asabe Yahuwah he doesn't feel overall walk all the way till aroma to feel hi Gemma Ratan level the abbot in a bed
hospital passbook let's have the English translation for our viewers barnacle
when we arrived with him sallallahu alayhi wa sallam to the Kaaba he sallallahu alayhi wasallam touched his black stone and then proceeded to complete the seven circuits jogging during three of them and walking for the remaining four rounds. He sallallahu alayhi wa sallam then went to the station McCollum of of Ibrahim alayhis salaam and recited what definitely to me maqam Ibrahim and masala and he sallallahu alayhi wa sallam positioned himself in a manner such that the station was between himself and the Kaaba
Abuja for a sidekick, said my father Mohammed alberca reported and I do not know except that he said this from Allah His Messenger, the following he sallallahu alayhi wa sallam recited the following in the two rockers after toe of kuliah you healthcare fee rune and the second was called who Allah who I had. He then returned to the Blackstone and touched it. He sallallahu alayhi wa sallam then exited the gate to go to a suffer. As he reached near to it. He began to recite in the Safa Walmart what I mean share it. He then said I begin with that which Allah began. He then ascended the hill have a suffer until he saw the Kaaba while facing the Qibla. He declared the oneness of Allah and glorified
him. He then said, La ilaha illallah wa Julio Sheree Keller that will mold Kula will handle who are their coalition co de la la la la vida, and just a word when I saw Aveda has a much wider
he then supplicated during the course of saying these words three times he then descended from a suffer and made his way towards the hill of America. And when he reached the valley between the two mountains he ran when he began to ascend the valley. He walked until he reached Alma. There he sallallahu alayhi wa sallam repeated the same actions that he performed at Safa. Upon arriving at a lower during his final round, he sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said, If I had known beforehand, what I have come to know of now, I would have not brought with me my sacrificial animals. Instead, I would have performed a number of first for those among you who have not brought with them their
sacrificial animals, they should come out of the state of Iran and treat that off and say, as an independent Amara, then surak automatically stood up and said, messenger of Allah, when will this rule apply to this year only, or will it last forever. Subsequently, the Messenger of Allah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam intertwine the fingers of one hand with the other and stated the following words twice. The ombre has been
Become incorporated into the hedge then he said no but forever and ever
bought a coffee, Chef radon.
Just very quickly to our viewers out there is it possible to drop a message in the chat whether us listening in from from Twitter, or YouTube just so I know that the feed is clear, the sound is clear. The visuals are clear. In terms of those of you on Facebook, I won't be able to view your chat independently here but inshallah I will revise your your translator we have two pages streaming this particular lesson on Facebook currently, but for those on YouTube and Twitter, I can see your messages today. Alhamdulillah so please do let me know if everything is clear, just like manohara Okay, so
Alhamdulillah here, we move on to the next portion. And that is the portion where the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam has
arrived in Makkah and jabber softly takes us through everything that happened. Now, again, as we said yesterday, it's not as if Java knew everything. You know, he knew a lot, but he didn't know everything. So we can see already for those who are familiar with Amara generally, you will see that there's many things that jabil hasn't mentioned in his narration. But moving with the text of January, he says when we arrived with the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam to the Kaaba, he touched his Blackstone, Al Qaeda, Al Assad, and the Arabic normally it says a rock on a rock on the corner. The corner is understood to be the corner where the Hydra last word is. And then he
proceeded to complete seven circuits jogging during the three of the first three of them, or three of them and walking for the remaining four rounds. There's some discussion points here, brothers and sisters in Islam.
Firstly, a jabil doesn't talk about when the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam stopped doing the bake.
When did he stop doing the bake? Because remember, he's in a Haram. So he's doing the Tobia. When did he stop doing that bake. And this discussion is benefited from other narrations and the scholars through looking at different narrations have had different ideas about this the hem belly method, for example, and it is a reported view in the Shafi method as well. They say that when you start that off by kissing, or touching the hijab, a sweat, then
you stop the love bake, you stop the love bake, and this is based on a view attributed to even address robiola, who am
I say attributes at been a best because veneration is not at the level to be raised to the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam sometimes you have a narration that is called considered metaphor. What does metaphor mean? metaphor, it means the companion said it. He didn't say that he got it from the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam. But when you look at the reality of what he's saying, the content of what is being said, and the context of what is being said, you only understand from it that he got it from who from the Prophet salallahu alayhi wasallam. No way this companion could have
known this himself, right or herself. So the scholar say this is attributed to a companion but it carries the ruling of being more for something that came from the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam. The opposite of metaphor is more proof more proof means the companion said it or it goes back to the companion and we don't have enough to raise it to the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam. So, based on this, the henna below the humbling method, I've taken this view, and it is a reported view within the Shafi method that you stopped the Tobia when you when you started the huddle as well, if you can, a case it you case it, if you can touch in case it you touch and kiss it
or you kiss it, or you touch it, and inshallah we'll discuss matters pertaining to this just now in terms of how to meet the hijab. So this is the first view. The second view and this is a view of
Emma Malik and even Malik states that when you see the homes of Mecca,
right and he states this as because of something that even Erma Robbie Allah who and whom I said, and this report is in Sahih al Bukhari, he said, that this is what the prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam did. Remember Makkah is different to how we know it today. So when you get into the Kaaba is surrounded by homes. So even Omar is saying that the price I this is what I witnessed from the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam. In effect, this is what he's saying. He's saying this is what the prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam did. Now. You can see brothers and sisters in Islam, especially for those well versed for those who don't fit computer screens methodology, you can
understand that even Erma is telling you what he understood
right? And even at best is giving his view so this is a matter in which
the scope of HD had in it. The scope of the of the reasoning of the scholar in it, his meaning is something that is plausible, is something that we should not
you know use as a means of creating stress amongst the blue
that somebody does this, then we say No, you're wrong. And someone does that. And we say No, you're wrong.
So this is the discussion pertaining to it. But perhaps what seems more closer and Allah knows best is that you stopped the LBO, when you start off when you interact with the hydral acid at the beginning of your talk, why? Because now when you start the talk, you are entering a new phase of a bed. So the Tobia was part of the phase before the phase of the Torah and now that you've started to toe after that is a new phase of a bed. So this is what seems more appropriate and Allah subhanho wa Taala knows best and even more practical today, because
not many see the Kaaba because the homes around it have been demolished in this big buildings around it and the harm is is surrounded the harm is much bigger, the boundaries of the harm are much higher. So
this way, if you stop your Tobia, when you get to the Kaaba, then you will be pronouncing the Tobia for a longer period. right because it's today it's different than before. If you stop the Tobia by just seeing the houses if you do that today, you stopping the therapy a long way before you get to the Kaaba and Allah subhanho wa Taala Allah knows best. Now when you see the Kaaba is the specific da. This is another question that people have pertaining to the Kaaba job hasn't mentioned it to us and that is because there's no authentic narration regarding a specific da to be honest there's nothing authentic regarding a specific da to recite when you see the carbine all the narrations a
week. However, there is an acceptable narration which states that when
when Omar, Ravi Allahu Allah, one would see would would see the Kaaba he would say Allah anta salam, wa minca salam for hyena or bin Abu Salah. He would say this that Allah and to Salaam You are the perfect one in from us stems Oh, perfection for hyena rabina be Salam. So basically Allah,
you know, Revive us and enrich us with with with perfection and with safety.
So this is what he would say. But is this a rule this is not a rule, right? This is not a specific rule a person can make any dollar a person can make any dollar and there's nothing in this attributed to the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam in terms of a DA nothing authentic.
If I'm to be more correct, nothing authentic attributed to the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam in terms of a specific dollar. But remember, making do it at any time is part of the sun. So if a person sees the Kaaba and they feel inspired and they raise their hands and ask him Allah subhanho wa Taala, then obviously this is there's nothing wrong in it. There's nothing wrong in it. But is there a particular desire that you should recite when you see the Kaaba? There's nothing authentic narrated about this and Allah subhanho wa Taala knows best
Jabara Viola and says that he touched the corner that we translated it in your in the English translation as the digital asset, right, and this is what he's referring to. Now, earlier I said, we will discuss how do we interact with the digital asset, we interact with the hedge lls with invoice number one, to touch it and kiss it. As we see in Sahil narrations in Sahih al Bukhari and Sahih. Muslim. So you touch it and you kiss it. This is obviously if you can, if you can't, then you touch it with your hand, or you touch it with your stick. Or let's, let's say your hand first, because that's the next step. You touch it with your hand, and you kiss your hand. Right? So you touch it
with your hand and you kiss your hand as per the generation of urban aroma in Sahih Muslim and he said, Well, la he I saw the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam doing this, I saw the messenger sallallahu alayhi wa sallam doing this. The third way is to touch it with the Mahajan or a stick or anything else that you holding, right if some people have an umbrella, and that's the only way they can touch it, so they touch it, and then what do they do, when they kiss the stick, they kiss not the point of the stick, you kiss the stick, or you kiss the major or if you if it's easy for you to kiss the portion that touched the hijab last word, that's fine.
So, this is the next step. So you touch it with the stick and then you kiss the stick or the umbrella that you use you touch the umbrella or any other object that you use to point and then you kiss that and we know this from a narration in in Sahih Muslim in which I am unable to find he mentioned that he saw the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam do this and we know that the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam sometimes did the talk on on his camera. So he rode around the Kaaba so he will he reached out with his with his stick and he will touch the hedger Okay, so you can't do any of this. You can't touch it with your hand you can't touch it with your with a stick. So what do
you do you raise your hand at it from afar like we see majority of people doing today. That is the majority circumstances they in fact this time when the Hajaj dude the hedge this year and even last year, it was impossible for anyone to kiss the hedger or touch the hedgehog because he's blocked off the calibre is blocked off with a barrier because of the COVID-19 situation.
So you wave at it from a va? Okay, where do we get this from? We get it from the hadith of jabber, Ravi Allah who and in Sahih Muslim. This is what he saw the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam do when the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam was on his camera. So this is another narration of jabber. And we don't have him mentioning this in his long explanation of the Hydra of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam and perhaps because he's focusing on the hygiene on the particular aspects of the tawaf.
But we see how deep his knowledge was that even though we see his missed out things in this narration, but he had this knowledge elsewhere, and it's been reported and captured, elsewhere. Now, do you raise your hand and then kiss your hand we see some people raise and then they kiss.
I have not found any report about this, in the books of Hadith. Or in the Muslim fat books that highlight to us matters pertaining to
the companions of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam and reports related to them.
I haven't found this to be a practice. What is the practice is the practice of explained to us by jabber that which is what the prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam do, which is he just waved his hand at the Kaaba. So this is the best brothers and sisters in Islam as a general rule as a general rule, the sooner the better. Alright, the sooner the better. I know in English, we say the sooner the better. But we say the sooner the better. Right. Stick to the Sunnah of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam. And you can't go wrong.
The next point of discussion brothers and sisters in Islam is do you prostrate to the hijab? Do you prostrate to it is the frustration that you make when you interact with the huddle a sweat.
Now, law a long time back and those who
haven't been to the harem,
you know, around, I don't know 2005 2004 there was a line across the white marble, which was colored. And this line was the line that was connect to it was there to help people understand where the last word is, especially when it's crowded, but then it became more of a problem why because people were trying to look down where's the line and you can't see you can't even see the flow when it's crowded during Hajj for example, or during Ramadan for example, so that it started causing blockages and because people are panicking ways the line and then also some people would prostrate there they would push people aside and prostrate and people that are around them trying to move
Subhan Allah some people have a selfish attitude Allah understand. Right So is there a frustration, the frustration as I've described, this is something that I haven't seen anything authentic reported about the frustration as I've described, this is not something that I've seen.
Meaning This is not something that I've seen reported in an authentic way. Right when you you do the sujood of Salah where you go in prostrate onto the ground, every time you pass the hedgerow Allah sweat However, there is an acceptable report which states that they've been a bear some of the Allahu Allah whom I used to do it.
Now when we say he used to do the surgery, what do we mean? We mean he used to place his forehead on the ledger.
It would place his forehead on the hedger but is it an established practice of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam
no sudden established practice of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam. But if someone did it, do we say they're doing better? As we said yesterday, if somebody doesn't act during the time of the four righteous caliphs during the time of the Sahaba then we say it's not the sooner but we don't say that it is a bitter we don't say that it's a bitter because the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam taught us that his companions are are a reference for us and no doubt even our best was a scholar of so we wouldn't say that they're doing a better job because they have a reference but did the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam do this we don't have any report establishing this Okay, do
you raise your hands like you're doing Salah when you when you when you wave to the curb? Right so we said the for most of us we can't get to the Hydra. Last Word. We can't. So we have to we have to do a sharp, right ishara means you raise your hands towards the edge of view raise it like Salah as you begin the Salah. And do you do it three times we see some people do it three times they get to the Hydra and they do three times 123 is this part of the Sunnah? No, it's not part of the Sunnah. Do you say three times and no, you don't say three times. Okay? do you say that? takbeer three times some people say Allahu Akbar, Allahu Akbar, Allahu Akbar. This is not established brothers and
sisters in Islam. Right. It is a common practice, sadly, but it's not established. And that is why we shouldn't base our hygiene ombre based on what we see people doing. We should study. Sometimes we do things because we saw people doing it. Everyone's doing it. So we must do it. And I've seen this. I see people who are not doing something but then they witness people doing it so they start copying them. No brothers and sisters in Islam. We shouldn't have a situation or allow a situation with the blind lead the blind
Ask the people of knowledge if you don't know. Now what about saying Bismillah Allahu Akbar. And because this is something that we didn't say, we said that when you pass the huddle aside from the Sunnah of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam is to say, Allahu Akbar. What about saying Bismillah Allahu Akbar.
Bismillah Allahu Akbar, even Omar, Ravi Allahumma in a report that we find in a Papa Ronnie, which is a compilation of narrations of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam as well. He's saying, or It is reported that he
would he would do the scanning, it says that he will he and his son were cut but he would say Bismillah Allah. This is what he would say Bismillah Allahu Akbar. Some scholars have said, you can say Bismillah Allahu Akbar for your first round. But as for the remaining rounds, all you say is Allahu Akbar. All you say is Allahu Akbar and Allah subhanho wa Taala knows best. In this matter, we don't say that the rules are too hard or too fast, because we know that the dwarf is a place of Vicar. The dwarf is a place of Vicar, but in terms of what has been reported, it's to say, Allahu Akbar, Bismillah Allahu Akbar, as we've said, is something attributed to Rama or the Allah and Houma
is a companion of the prophets of Allah it he was Solomon was a scholar. And as we said, Some scholars looked at that narration and said, that you do it at the beginning. Why? Because Bismillah is something done at the beginning. But then after that, you say, Allahu Akbar and Allah subhanho wa Taala, Allah knows best again, I reiterate, what we know is to say Allahu Akbar,
and not Bismillah Allahu Akbar. But even some were cut back. As we announced the butt armor it was
it was understood to be a practice of history. If somebody does it again, we don't create an issue. Again, as I said, the power of is a place of Vicar. So we don't tell we don't, you know, do encounter we don't tell people you doing a beat out or you're doing something wrong and make them busy with something that they don't need to be made busy, busy with. Now, what about touching the hedger without any thought of after? What do I mean by this? I mean, every time you pass the car, but if you pass the hydro LS, what should you go kiss it, touch it, touch it with the stick it kiss the stick? Or should you wave at it with your hand? Is this something that you should do in the
masala of Ibn abee shaybah.
Again, which is a book gathering narrations pertaining to events at the time of the Sahaba, and the tambourine, and so on and so forth, obviously, in relation to Islam, with MDA so in a report in Eb shaver, and this report has an authentic chain, and Allah subhanho wa Taala knows best as our scholars have cited it, he said that even Omar Ravi Allahumma used to kiss the hijab was tough and without tawaf. Right. So based on this, if somebody does it, we don't say that he's doing a bit there. And based on this, you can understand that the whole interaction with the hairdresser is not specific to power. It's not specific to power. So if somebody did this, there's precedent for it.
Now an important discussion,
which we must discuss here. And this is not in the habit of jabber, but again, jabber is describing the image of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam. And not every particular detail, there is the question that keeps on coming up.
What is the rule of having Voodoo to perform tawaf is we'll do a condition from the conditions of tawaf, right. This is a common question especially since when you have congestion and you you break your shoe. It's difficult to leave the toe off if you are performing hydro 2 million people. And the Mata is rammed packed, right, as we've seen during previous years for you to get out and then come back. Sometimes you're not even allowed back in sometimes if you go out you won't be allowed back in why because the harem is is full, right they considered to be full you got in at a time before capacity was reached and now capacity has been reached. So in this particular situation and
circumstance, what do you do is bahara a condition? The majority of the scholar said yes, the Hara is a condition just like it is a condition for Salah it is a condition for tawaf. What is the evidence for this? The evidence for this is a narration that goes back to even at best rob the Allahumma and the scholars differed with regards to the spaced on the malkuth marfo concept that I explained to you all just now, this idea of it goes back to being a bass but can we say it goes up to the Prophet salallahu alayhi wasallam or not? So the majority said, Yes.
You know, me, let me let me choose my words carefully. Some scholar said yes, this goes back to the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam. And in this report, even at best is saying that Allah subhanho wa Taala made the
made the power of like Salah, except that Allah permitted
one to speak during tough meaning you're not allowed to speak during Salah, but you are allowed to speak during tough right? In Allah hi fi Allah Kalam.
Is this ahead
This call is different. Some scholar said this goes back to human Ambassador the Allahumma doesn't go back to the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam, when can it be raised to be something from the Prophet salallahu alayhi wasallam even though it goes back to numbers, let's call is different. Looking at the Hadith thresholds. This is specific to the science of Hadith. And also jurisprudence methodology also known. So some said yes, it can be raised, and something that comes from the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam. Because looking at the words of it, the words of it says, except that Allah allowed speaking in it, or Allah has made the offer like Salah, we could even at best
have received this from these words in this way to teach in this way, that Allah has made the offer like Salah, except Allah has allowed speaking in tough, this had to have come from the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam. So they say this is from the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam and this teaches us that if bahara is a condition for Salah, then bahara is a condition for thought. This is the view of the majority of the scholars. Which means if you don't have Voodoo, or you break, your will do your path cannot be done. Your coffee is invalid, just like your Salah would be invalid. Because if something is a condition for something, then it's like a key to opening the door
for that practice to take place. Without it. That practice doesn't take place in the first place. Right somebody prays Salah without Voodoo, say you didn't pray any Salah. Right? So this is the view of the majority. The second view, the second view, and this is the view of Abu hanifa or him of Allah. And it is a reported view of Hema Muhammad Rahim Allah, as reported by Imam, Bobby, he, they they state they state that
bahara is worship.
It's not a condition. But it's compulsory. Now, To the untrained ear, you might say Subhana Allah, what's the difference? If something is a condition, then it's compulsory, from an insurance perspective, and Islamic jurisprudence perspective, right? Something which is a condition
before something else,
isn't is one thing. And something that is compulsory as part of the Act? is another thing? What's the difference between the two? The difference between the two is how the 40, the scholar deals with them. When that aspect is absent, in this case, the Wu one takahara is absent. How does the fuck he deal with them?
So understand this brothers and sisters in Islam, sometimes at face value, we can see the difference. But to the trained eye, the trained ear, the train mind the train heart that's got the puppy who understands how the inner workings of the Sharia how the fucky deals with the matter will be different. Right? So
here, the statement says, according to the second view, it's worship. It's worship and not a condition. It's why'd you but not a condition? Something being why'd you but not a condition means that if you did it without Voodoo, then it's correct. But you have to pay a penalty.
It's correct. And you have to pay a penalty. Right? If it's a condition, then it's not correct. You have to repeat it. But if it's if it's if it's an obligation, if it's wajib, then it's correct. But well, but pending you slaughtering an animal covering the penalty associated with the Miss domina, meaning you're not fulfilling the obligatory matters pertaining to that act. I hope this is clear. For those with us. Please do drop a message in the chat. Is this clear? If it isn't clear, then inshallah I can repeat it for you. If something is a condition, and it's missing, then what is the ruling? It's invalid? You have to do it, you have to repeat it, meaning you have to do it. And it's
like, we don't even say you have to repeat it. You have to do it because you haven't done it in the first place. But if something is worship, if something is worship, then what? Then according to the second view, it's correct, pending you paying the penalty.
Okay, so this is the second view. What's the third view? There's a third view, the third view says it's not a condition. And it's not worship, but it's soon.
And this is another view within the Hanafi madhhab.
Which some scholars have preferred. Some scholars have preferred this view. Why have they preferred this view? They say that the whole discussion here of whether tahara is a condition really revolves around the hadith of Asia or the other one.
It's got it doesn't reverse meaning. Yes, we spoke about the statement of human at best. But again, there's, there's so much discussion about even abbesses narration, does it go back to the Prophet? Is it his personal view, in fact, even at best didn't tell us in this narration, when even a bear said, even if we said this goes back to the prophet SAW Allah and he was saying that Allah may throw off like Salah, except that Allah allowed you to speak in in power. Does this mean that power is a condition for power?
What did even at best mean? or What does the narration actually mean? When the narration says that Allah is made for like sada
What does it mean? Does it mean in reward? Does it mean in, in honor?
Right? Or does it mean in rules? We don't have that. We don't have that. So we have to put that narration on the site, right, especially if we say it only goes to even our best and not to the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam. And then we have to look for other evidences. The other evidence is the hadith of Asia. And we mentioned this yesterday when we spoke about
we spoke about
the birth that as a snap, being to replace her birth we spoke about her birth when they were adored her life. And the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam taught her how to how to enter Iran.
But then I mentioned in another narration, and this is the narration of Aisha the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam told her when she came on her monthly cycle, her periods, he told her to do everything that a pilgrim does, except that she should not do to off of the bait. She should not do to off of the house of Allah subhanho wa Taala.
So this is where the discussion revolves around. Why did the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam tell her not to do tough? Did he tell her not to do tawaf?
Because Voodoo is a condition.
Right? Did he tell her not to do tawaf? Because Voodoo is worship? Did he tell her not to do tough because
of these matters? Or did he tell her not to do to off because she was in a state of major ritual impurity. And if you are in a state of major ritual impurity, then you should not go to the masjid. And we know that she's a female in her periods was allowed to decide because Saturday is considered to be outside of the masjid. But the Kava is in the masjid itself. So why she told not to go do that? Because she was in a state of major ritual impurity. And a person in that state cannot go into the masjid. Or a person in that state cannot do talk. If you're in a state of major ritual impurity, you cannot do thought.
But if that is the case, then it doesn't apply to a person in the state of minor ritual impurity, minor ritual impurity means he just needs Voodoo. So if this is the reality brothers and sisters in Islam, we see Subhanallah that we really don't have evidence here.
We really don't have specific evidence. And that is how many scholars agreed with or with the view of Abu hanifa him of Allah or a view which is part of the method of Abu hanifa. That will do is not a condition no is it? Why is it because we if it was, we would have evidence as bright as daylight like we have for Salah like we have for Salah especially since so many people are doing Hajj with the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, they went for ombre how many times surely this question would have been asked, and it would have been reported across generations to us today. It would have found itself in the books or as clear as daylight. So what seems clear and Allah subhanho wa Taala
knows best is Voodoo is not a condition. It's not widely but it is, it is assumed. But when we say it's assuming that brothers and sisters in Islam, do we say take it lightly. What did we say earlier? The sooner the better? The sooner the better. Right? follows for the son of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam without saying that now you should neglected just because it's a Sunnah. Remember, the Sahaba before us, the best generation. They did things because it was a sin. Unfortunately, we today we leave things because it's a sin. Unfortunately, we the opposite to them. We want the greatness we want the mercy of Allah, we want Allah's help. We want his mercy, we want
this forgiveness, but we're not doing that which the first generation did that earned them all these blessings from Allah subhanho wa Taala. They did things because it's a Sunnah. Unfortunately, we belittle things because it's a sin. And we need to fix that brothers and sisters in Islam, we need to fix it. So you must have Voodoo as part of the sooner but if you do breaks, and it's difficult for you to go out and come back, we say that your thought is okay, and there's no penalty be the lighter Allah as per the discussion that we've just had. And I highlight this because some people to panel that they become stressed, especially if it's the first hedge, they've paid so much money,
they've come from far away, they don't know when they're gonna come back. Right? And it's your first hedge, you want it to be as perfect as possible. It's everything to you treating this hedge as your baby. Right? And then because we are
we don't have knowledge of the broader discussion of the scholars pertaining to a point. And we fall into a particular circumstances situation we create stress upon ourselves. I know some people Subhanallah they just
they they do what you call before the video. They just wrote to animals just in case I made
a mistake in hatch. Now. It doesn't. It's not like the brothers and sisters in Islam, because of giving the fifth year is an act of worship. So it's also should be as per person, if you're giving it as a sadaqa. That's different but if you saying this is a fifth yet then giving a fifth year just in case
Where did you get this from? This wasn't from the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam. Now the Sahaba or the Allahu anhu, he, Marian and Allah subhanho wa Taala knows best. Okay, let's move on to the next point jabiru didn't tell us about the concept of the bear, the bear is when the male uncovers his right shoulder during the tariff, right. So, uncovering the right shoulder is this part of the tariff and if so, at what level? Is it a condition is it Why is it as soon as
in my Malik Subhan, Allah was of the view that this is not from the sun. But what is closer is that this is from the sun. And we spoke about this,
when we discussed the tawaf, Alico Doom of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam in the Sahaba when we when we studied blast from the past season four, all right, Sierra in the 21st century, this past Ramadan. So if we look at the narrations brothers and sisters in Islam, we see that what is closer is that uncovering your right shoulder is part of the soon as per generation in the Muslim family, which is the book of Hadith gathered by Muhammad, in which he places his his reports.
And he has a report which goes to Omar
and, in my mind meant for you and for your information. He didn't stipulate when he placed any narration in his Muslim, that it has to be authentic.
But he placed every narration that he chose to be part of his Muslim. That is
a solidly elected judge.
A solidly elected judge, as he mentioned to his son, Abdullah,
he placed in his Muslim those variations which he finds suitable to use as evidence, right, which means according to Mr. Mohammed, this narration is acceptable in the least. And in fact, mmm even hoceima Fatima to Allah Allah who passed away 311 after the age of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, he was a scholar of Hadith, he graded this narration as authentic. Right, so
what's closer is that covering your right shoulder is part two of this one. Then we have the ramen. Right? We have the ramen. Jabir tells us about the Rama. He says the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam did the ramen for the first three rounds, and then he walked for the last four rounds.
So, the Rama is as soon as we see in the narration of Java and
when should the run will be done? When should it be done during every hour?
is the normal part and parcel of the Squillaci looking at the son of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam that Rommel is Suna for the person in the state of Iran when they offer their first thought after entering MCC
and they say this based on the narration again found in the Muslim Imam Mohammed which
which which which, which proves this right so the Rommel this concept of running for the first three rounds is part of the Sunnah of your first half. When you enter Makkah when you in the state of Iran, if you go to do general tawaf, you're not doing Amara, you enter Makkah.
The majority of scholars allow you to pass them your path in normal clouds outside of the state of Iran, if you don't intend hedgerow,
The Hanafi madhhab and other scholars, they say it's part of the rights of Makkah that whenever you pass them, your card getting into it, then you should be in the state of Iran, except for those who are constantly in and out of Makkah, like taxi drivers, etc.
But let's say you upon the view of the majority of the scholars, you went to Makkah, you didn't have any work, you just went there to benefit from the harm. You didn't intend Hajj or Umrah So you went in outside of the state of Iran and you go to the Kaaba and you started doing tawaf. Do you have to do ramen?
As per the explanation that we just shared? No, there is no Rommel. Because ramen is specific to your first off when you are in the state of your harem when you enter Mecca, like we do when we go firmer, we go to the harem, and that's our first off, so we do it and the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam did it which means when you go for the top of hedge,
do you do the Rommel? There's no Rommel for the top of hedge. Right? When you when you finish without offer, and you finish pelting and slaughtering and so on and so forth. And you go to the Kaaba to do the top of hedge is the Rommel No, it's part of the first off you do when you enter Mecca. And based on this brothers and sisters in Islam, when you go for Hajj and you go to the Kaaba and you do Topher Kudu is there Rommel? Yes there is as we see in the hadith of Jabulani Allah and there is Rama right the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam did it now what is the wisdom with this Rommel? We discussed it in season four plus from the past.
There was this rumor that was being spread by the koresh that the Muslims were weak because of a fever. That was
that affected yathrib meaning Medina. So, the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam told his companions to go to the Kaaba this way to go to the carpet this way and to jog for the first three rounds. So what does rumble mean? rumble means it's a type of jog, but you're you the distance between your feet are very close. It's like you're walking, but you are jogging. So it's not like you're running, you're not running. It's not a fast jog, either. It's a slow jog. Why? By doing so and imagine so panela you come all the way from Medina and now the spreading these rumors and the seniors of the Qureshi are watching the Muslims and they hate the Muslims and the Muslims are doing
that. They get off and they wanted to do this for so many years. Right? And now they jogging like this around the Kaaba for the first few rounds. What happens to the what happens in the minds of the koresh if we go back to that time? I think you Subhanallah look at these Muslims. They're not weak, they strong. They're not sick, they healthy, right? So
this is the idea. This was the wisdom behind the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam commanding to it and we do it for the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam did it and Allah subhanho wa Taala knows best Okay. Is there anything specific to recite during the tawaf? Jabari doesn't tell us this and in answer to this, there's nothing specific to recite except what we know in the Sunnah of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam as per the narration of even Erma, Ravi, Allah and Homer and we see what a prolific narrated or Marathi Allah and whom I was with regards to the Amara and Hydra of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam also NSE but Malik another prolific narrator. So as per this
narration, we learned
that there's nothing to recite, except a recitation between the rock noelia Manny and the rock and after which is the token of the digital asset. So the last around the last portion of your circumambulation between the Yemeni corner or the mid corner and the hazardous what what do you recite Rob banner ads in FA dunia has an awful authority has Anna joaquina as our banner. And we had this in the recitation earlier from the ayat of Surah Al Baqarah, Allah subhanho wa Taala, praising those who ask Allah for both the dunya and the aircar and in fact they ask Allah for double pertaining to the accurate and they do Nia Subhana Allah This is a wisdom that some of the scholars
have extracted from this data because when you say Rob Burnett Athena for dunya hustler you asking Allah for the dunya one time what will ask
you asking Allah for your akhira one time working either banner, you asking Allah another draft for your aka so to do as for the acara When do I offer the dunya so some scholars have said this is how you should proportion your you do when you make the proportion it this way, proportion it in a way whereby you are making more do after your acara then the life of
the life of this world. And Allah subhanho wa Taala knows best. So there's nothing specific to recite, except Robinette Athena for dunya has an hour will accurately has an Archana as a banagher some people add will add hillendale janetta abrar yeah as easily or how far we are but I mean, this addition is it from the sooner it's not from the sooner. So if someone adds it as if it's part of the sooner we say no, you're going you this is you introducing something into the religion, right? But if someone does it generally sometimes they say sometimes they don't say it we say that's fine because Dorf is a place of liquor and a place of so that's fine. But to add it as a rule, no one
shouldn't do it we should stick to what the prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam said and we also have it as a verse in the Quran or a banner ad in academia has an awful earth that it has no work in either but now
with regards to the rock noelia Manny
now and we spoke about it it's the corner before the huddle is what do you wave to it if you can't touch it? Or what is the sooner pertaining to it. The sooner pertaining to it is that you just touch it. You just touch it that is the sooner pertaining to money. Okay, but if you can't touch it, and you pass it do you wave to it, we have nothing from the prophets of Allah, Allah He was sending all the companions that they waved at it when they couldn't touch it and we know that the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam
sometimes did his stuff on his camel. Alright, so he was away from the corners of the curb. So if you can't touch it, you don't wave at it. You just walk straight past it. And when you pass it you start saying Rob Bennett it Neptunia has an awful lot he has no work in either but now Alright, then it says that the Prophet Jabara says that the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam then went to the station of Ibrahim alayhi salam, and he decided with tequila minakami, Ibrahima masala. And we see this as part and parcel of the Amara of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam. And as per the hadith of Jabba the Hydra of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam. And what the Prophet did in
hajj applies to the Amara, because the hygiene is greater than the number. The ombre is like a lesser pilgrimage.
And we see here and we'll see again, that as the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam goes to a place and there's a verse in the Quran about it, he recites it. When he goes to suffer he recites the diversion.
Quran pertaining to suffer here he recites we're talking to me macom Ibrahima masala right pertaining to taking the place or the station of Ibrahim as a place of prayer muscle here means a place of prayer masala doesn't mean suggested doesn't mean like a masala what you the Mac the prayer mat that you put down on the floor on the ground to pray upon Messiah we call it sometimes the masala right? masala here refers to the place of prayer. Now this macom of Ibrahim, the scholars of different historians and scholars have differed regarding it regarding its its place. So on some accounts it was next to the Kaaba, and then because of congestion or moved it backwards. And where
we have it today. We have it because of where armory blah, blah, blah, one station.
But in any case, its proximity is close to where Ibrahim alayhis salam would stand when he built the Kaaba, what's famous about the maqam Ibrahim, it's a stepping stone he used to stand on it when he would
build the curb. Right so as the walls of the Kaaba increased, Ibrahim Alayhi Salam would need a stepping stone because now the height was getting taller, and he needed a ledge or something to stand on so that he could place
the stones on to the new level that he was filling when he was building back up. Now just as general knowledge the caliber that we have today its height is not as per the height at the time of the Kaaba during the term of Ibrahim Allah. He said, we should know this brothers and sisters in Islam, well, we should know it as part of this lesson as general knowledge. Right? It doesn't.
It's just general knowledge. So when I say you should know this, I mean as part of
general knowledge, you should know it. If you don't know it, you're not sinful for not knowing it.
The Kaaba was built differently to how we have it now, at the time of Ibrahim, it was shorter than how we have it today. And it had two doors. One way you see the door today and one on the other side, the opposite side. So it's like a door to enter and a door to leave. And it was joined to what we know today as the hedger of his memory, the hedger right the semicircle, the semi circular building, or construction in front of the cab. It was joined to it so the Kaaba wasn't just a cube it was a cube with a semicircle similar to how we find the main hub of a Masjid. Today, right you have the masjid which is a square and then in the front of the masjid. You have this semicircle in
front where the Imam stands. So this is how the Kaaba was built. And the hedger is part of the Kaaba. So whoever prays in the hedger in that area, it's equivalent to praying inside of, of the cab. So this is just some general knowledge. So the Matan, according to some accounts was next to the cab, but Erma delayed it because of congestion. And Allah subhanho wa Taala knows best not the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, he recited the verse as per the habit of Jabu and then he went to perform the Salah. So the next thing we need to discuss is what is the ruling of the Serra de Sala after tawaf. What is the ruling of the south of the Salah,
the hanafis and Maliki's. And this is also if you found in the Shafi madhhab.
So you could say it is close to being the view of the majority. They say that the Salah after Tov is why ajeeb because the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said, take from me your hydrates, and he went specifically and prayed these two units of Salah.
The Hambali madhhab is of the view. And this is a view in the Shafi method as well. And it's possible for a method to have more than one view reported in it, but then the math have settled upon our view. So when I say this is a view in a math app, it means it's a report, it's a reported view in the math app doesn't necessarily mean the math has settled upon that view.
They say that
they say that it's not it's not worship. They say it's recommended, but it's not what they say why they say because we have reports that some of the Sahaba didn't pray the two units after tof and the highlight for example, armor, robiola and Salama Arabi, Allahu Allah, they say that we don't we we have reports that they didn't perform it. If it was worship, then no one would have missed it. So it's a sin.
These also review in the Maliki method, which states
that and this this view is mentioned by even rushed, who is a scholar from the scholars of the Maliki method, he states that the rule of the Syrah after boeuf follows the root of the tower. So if you are performing a wajib off a compulsory top then the Salah after is compulsory. If you're performing a certain above a general dive, then the Salah after is isn't. This is what he says. In any case, brothers and sisters in Islam, it is a Salah that we should make sure we pray, we can see that we could say close to the majority of the scholars, they favor the view that it is worship, that it is compound
So it's not it is not something we should miss, especially since the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam is not reported to have missed it, and he did it and he told us to take from him, our hedge and Amara rights. And if we cannot pray behind the Macondo and prayed anywhere, prayed where you find the place, do not definitely do not prayed in a way that causes congestion. That causes harm to other people. Sometimes we see people to Pamela, the mythos is full. And they only care about themselves just like those who are prostrating, even though they're going to bring harm to themselves in harm to other people by the hydrochloric acid. We see people praying the two units
right there. You know, in the middle of the crowd, the crowd is moving circumambulating the Kaaba, and somebody decides to pay the salary. This person can be sinful brothers and sisters. And it's not because we know that the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam forbade us from harming other worshipers, he warned us against harming other worshipers. So we should go to any place and prayed on the second floor, somewhere behind the main mop of area. Right if you can't be behind the maqam then you pray it where you can pray for duckula hammer STOP Act, right be upon Allah's teaching to the best of your ability. Right? So do not,
do not try and revive a sooner by killing a soon someone says no, this is the sort of leprosy but by you doing this you are going against how many sooner you harming the believers, you are creating a chance of physical harm,
and so on and so forth. So many harms that you are creating here. Right. And we also know that as a principle in Islam, the benefit of the majority takes precedence over the benefit of a minority. So you can't be being selfish, being selfish and praying where you want for your own benefit when you are creating harm to the majority around you. So a bit of common sense brothers and sisters in Islam is needed when we put into practice the teachings of Allah subhanho wa Taala and is also Salalah alayhi wa sallam and the reason why I highlight that we shouldn't miss it brothers and sisters in Islam is because also we have a report that goes back to our shadow the Allahu anhu, which says that
I shadowed Allah and when she used to do multiple jobs, after every seven she she would come out and perform the two units. Then she would do seven and come out and do
the two units. And we also have this verse in the Quran with the human maqam Ibrahim A masala and we know that the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, he explains the Quran he is the master of the Quran. The Sunnah, explains the Quran, Allah says take the place of Ibrahim as a station of prayer and the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam in practice has left us a teaching in terms of the Tafseer of this verse. And Allah subhanho wa Taala knows best. Now what should we recite in the Salah? Well as per the hadith of Jabir, as you can see, he mentioned Scalia you will carefully rule and call who Allah who had kuliah you Allah carefully rule and call who Allah who had and we see
this as part of the Sunnah of the Prophet salallahu alayhi wasallam
in other scholars like the Tucson aphasia,
as well,
and other prayers, now in the Arabic text, we see that kulu Allahu Ahad is mentioned before
is mentioned before.
colloquia you will Cafiero Alright, so jabil mentions it before in your English translation, it's been placed in the right order. It's been placed in the right order, so that it helps you understand it better. So first is in the first unit of prayer, you decide Kalia you will kathira in the second unit of prayer you recite kohala Okay,
so I've placed it in order in the English translation, but in the Arabic original text, it says invest. Now is this an issue? No, it's not an issue. Why? Because Wow, in the Arabic language Wow. In the Arabic language could
is not generally or it's not from the awasum it's not from the necessities of TAO to highlight at 30 or 30 refers to something being in order. So if I say def Allah Muhammad what I met were what am i this wow means and does Allah Muhammad wa met
Muhammad and Muhammad entered it doesn't necessarily mean doesn't necessarily mean that Muhammad came first and then afterward came first doesn't necessarily mean that it just means that Muhammad and Muhammad came in any order. Right so similar here jabber is not intending the order rather jabber intense mood. Luckily Gemma with knuckle jammer is from the meanings of the of wow in the Arabic language with local job means you just want to
gather everything that is associated with the idea. You're not intending to put it in an in order, like when I say Dr. Amador or Mohammed, it means I am within Muhammad came. I just want to highlight that these two people came and entered the room. I don't intend to highlight to you in what order they entered the room, if that makes sense. Okay, so there's no issue here. And as we said, it's part of the Tucson aphasia. It's part of the Tucson of mohareb. It's part of the last two units of the witr prayer. So this was something common in the Salah of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam and we know that in these two sutras
lessons of tawheed in Surah hulless we have
lessons pertaining to the hidden Ruby and to hit a smell of sifat. Right to heed of the Lordship of Allah subhanho wa Taala and his names and attributes and in Kalia you will carefully rule. We have to hit a Lulu here, though hidden oh here. So like this at the beginning of the day, at the end of the day after the office the office is a is a symbol of tawheed. You recite you you lead, you perform the Salah, and you recite the surah reminding yourself that there is no one worthy of worship besides one Allah subhanho wa Taala and that Allah subhanho wa Taala is one in his worship, and in His Lordship and in His names and attributes and Allah subhanho wa Taala knows best then it
he said, or just before the brothers and sisters in Islam, there's a point related to the text because in the text to make things clearer for you, I added the names of who is speaking, right, because generally you only see pronouns.
But when he says my father, who is speaking, I added some text for you, Mohammed Al back. Mohammed Al back here is reporting that he or sorry, my father, meaning my father, Mohammed Al Baqi reported.
Right, so Jeff, are you saying who is speaking here, Java is saying, my father, Mohammed Al Bakker reported? And then he says, I do not know except that I do not know, except that
I've tried to translate it in a way that doesn't make you understand that he is doubting what he's about to tell us. Because sometimes you just look at the Arabic text at face value, you might get the understanding that hold on a second here, is he telling us something out of thought or out of certainty?
Right. But if you look at the statement carefully, he says, I do not know except, so I do not know except means what? He's saying what I'm telling you, I know. That's how you translate it. What he's saying is what I am telling you, I know. Right? When someone says I do not know, except this in context, he's saying what I am telling you, I know 100% so Jennifer is saying, I learned from my father and my father reported with with certainty that these sewers were recited. And so it's part of the sooner to recite the surah and Allah subhanho wa sallam knows best. Now One important note I want to add before we move on brothers and sisters in Islam also, is look at this Salah of the
Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam when he's reciting kuliah, El Capitan. Surah to Catherine and Sora to the house. Do you see this as a long Salah or a short Salah?
A short sell. So if the idea is for it to be short, should we be sitting there at the spot afterwards and making two out to Allah subhanho wa Taala and sitting for so long when there's congestion, and there's people who need to pray and there's people who need the space. Now,
if you can, no problem hamdulillah like the blessed people who did tawaf during the years of Corona during recent years Han Allah because 2020 2021 end of 2019, right, we're gonna we know that there's been no congestion, so you have time to sit now, when you sit there, you're not taking anyone's place, you're not going to cause someone to fall over. Right? Because the space is.
Space exists in spades, if I can use colloquial English, all right. So if that's your circumstance, fine, but if it's not your circumstance, and you just have this emotion to sit, we should be guided by the tune of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam that it was short in reality, so there's no sin upon us. There's no negative there's no negativity surrounding us just getting up and moving and going towards suffer and Morrow. Okay brothers and sisters in Islam. And Allah subhanho wa Taala. Allah knows best. Okay, then Jabari says the Prophet returned back to the Blackstone and touched it. Now today, this is close to impossible brothers and sisters, this time once you leave them above, to
come back to touch it is difficult. Now let's say you want to wave at it. When the mapa is full for you to come back from the macom of Ibrahim macom of Ibrahim the station of a prime position, walk in the opposite direction to the crowd, to get to the hijack, so that you can wave you can wave edit, this, again, is very difficult, you're going to cause people to be harmed and so on and so forth. Now, regarding this, some scholars have said that you only do this as part of Africa do. Others have said it shouldn't have ever thought of when you do the tough and you do the Salah, go back and interact with
with the Hydra last word.
And Allah subhanho wa Taala knows best if somebody does this, we don't say that they're doing a bit. But as I said, some scholar said it's only part of the dwarf aquadome because we have it reported here as the practice of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam offered to offer Kudu which brings us to another discussion very quickly brothers and sisters in Islam.
At the end of tawaf, when you pass the digital asset, do you go kiss it, or touch it, or point towards it as you did at the beginning of title of the talk? If so, what's the
idea here. When you start at the top, you raise your hand because you are far for those who could kiss in touch, they did it. For those who could only touch and kiss their hand, they did it. For those who are far away, they waved, and they said, Allahu Akbar, Bismillah Allahu Akbar. And they started that off. Right? Then you on the second round, you pass the last word, you did the same. On the third round, you did the same on the fourth round, you did the same on the fifth round, you did the same. On the sixth round, you did the same. On the seventh round. Now you ending the third off when you pass the last one, you're not going to start the eighth round. You're not starting a new
round. Do you raise your hands when you pass the last word? The scholars have two views here. The scholars have two views about this particular matter. Some scholars say no, because doing it is attached to the tower. So when you begin to take off every round, you begin you do it. Others have said you can do it. It's not attached to that off. And they say we have a report in the Muslim of human Mohammed in which jabber jabber rajala one he narrates that they used to touch the corner of the huddle. aswad at every beginning and every end, at every beginning and every end. So based on this we say we say that at the end of the talk, you can do it. At the end of the talk, you can do
it. Right. And Allah subhanho wa Taala knows best but let's say somebody wanted to use this hadith of jabber as evidence to say, whenever you pass the hijack, you should do it.
Looking at the at the narration of Jabba you would say?
Or even when you look at the hadith of jabber, I'm just thinking aloud here brothers and sisters in Islam. When you look at the hadith of jabber is jabiru saying
by by his statement, does he mean by his statement, the end of the tawaf or the end of a round.
Right? So is jabiru saying the end of the twofer the end of a round. But technically, it wouldn't make a difference because you end your thought off when you do and the final round. Okay, so this idea that cropped up in my head is something that doesn't need too much attention. It doesn't need too much attention because at the end of the eighth of the seventh round, that's the end of your tough. Okay, so we would say based on this report, based on this report, when you finish your seventh round, and you pass the Hydra password, and you go to the macom you can raise your hand as you pass the Hydra password and Allah subhanho wa Taala knows best Allah subhanho wa Taala Allah
knows best le I said, Can someone use this to say, whenever you pass the Hydra last word, you do it, we say well, the hadith of Jabari here in the Minister of human Mohammed is specific because he's talking about the rounds of the tawaf, he's not saying somebody General, generally passing the digital asset, because as we said earlier, if we have a report that goes back to
a companion of the Prophet sallallahu, alayhi wasallam, that he would do it whenever he passed. So if somebody does it, even if they're not doing tawaf, they just raise their hands to the password when they pass it, or they go and kiss it, or touch it and kiss the hand etc. We say that this is no we don't call this a B. And Allah subhanho wa Taala knows best now. When the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam went back to the hotel and asked What?
What did he do?
jabiru says what jabil says he returned to the huddle as with and touched it. That's what jabber saw.
So let's say in this day and age, where it's very difficult to go back and touch it. Do you go back and wave to it early? I said, it's even difficult for you to do that because you'd be going against the crowd. Right? But I want to take this discussion further. The idea of going and waving to it is is something that you should do if you can't touch it. In answer to that question brothers and sisters in Islam, we say that this is done by only touching
and no kissing, or waving to eight. Why? Because the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam went to touch it, he didn't kiss it. And we follow the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam touched it. So if you do do this after the two sooner or sorry, after the two units of prayer after the war, if you go back, you touch it, do you kiss it? This is not what the prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam did, do you wave to it if you can't, this is not attributed to the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam so we say, let us stick to the sooner in this matter. And Allah subhanho wa Taala Allah knows best. Then as we heard in the reading by Sha one, the Prophet
sallallahu alayhi wa sallam exited the gate and went to suffer Why did he exit the gate? he exited the gate brothers and sisters in Islam because Safa was outside of the masjid you had to leave a gate to get to Safa and Marwa so he exited the gate, and he went to South America and he recited the verses pertaining to it in the south. Our model of dementia is in the hadith of Jabba we only have this as something recited. We don't have the full verse recited. Rightly if a person sticks to this. This is what has been reported to us as the practice of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam and then the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam started with suffer he said up there will be met by the
I start with that which Allah began with I begin with what Allah began with and Allah said inna suffer, Allah began with suffer. So he started his salary from sorry he started his salary from suffer by let's move on to the discussion points pertaining to this segment
number one
we spoke about suffi moto being outside the masjid. Right and this
is connected to the idea earlier when we said that people on the menses were allowed to do the surgery, but not that off because Safa and Marwa is considered outside of the masjid boundary. Number two, we said that the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam is reported to have said in a Safa, well miroir dementia Illa that's it so it's best to stick with that portion of the verse. And Allah knows best. But if you complete it, there's no harm in it, because the entire tawaf is a the entire turf inside the Amara, or the hedge is a place of the remembrance of Allah subhanho wa Taala. However, if a person does it as a rule, we say no as a rule stick to what the prophet sallallahu
alayhi wa sallam did. Number three, Jabir, he gave us a shortened version of what the prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam did here. He didn't give us the full version. He didn't give us the full picture here. He gave us a shortened version of what the prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam did, he didn't, for example, mentioned that the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam raised his hands, for example, right, and we know this from other generations. And as we said, jabil didn't have to give us every detail per se. Now,
when the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam raised his hands at suffer, did he raise his hands in like we do in Surah? We see some people doing this, they face the Qibla they go up the mount up the the incline, until they can see the Kaaba, and then they raise their hands as if the answer to this is wrong. When the books that you read tell you the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam raised his hands. And I've asked people this before, in my I recollect asking people about this, and why are you raising your hands? And they say, because the book says you should raise your hands? No, raising your hands means to raise your hands and die. And it's important for those who are reading these
books to read it along with a reputable knowledgeable chef. So you understand the
the text properly brothers and sisters in Islam. Okay, very quickly, we have a question here in case I have forgotten the rounds during the off, can I repeat the rounds?
I understand from this question from izmail. He's talking about when you when you do go off and you forget, sorry for sidetracking, I just saw the question. I don't want it to go. Otherwise, I might forget it. And then we finish the section, the segment of tawaf. So very quickly, when you do tough, and you do one round, and then you do two rounds, and then you do three rounds, and then you do four rounds, and then you doubt when you're starting your fifth round, for example, is my fifth round, or is this my fourth round? I don't know. Am I starting? Number Five? Are you ever starting number four? Right, the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said eliakim lawyers will be shocked. This is a
principle. certainty is not removed by doubt. certainty is not removed by doubt. And there's a concept in jurisprudence Islamic jurisprudence known as is this is this habit awesome. Is this habit as well is to bring the last thing you showed about and pull it to the position that you are in at that moment, and use that as your base to understand your situation. So for example, someone made wuhou advisor.
And then they
got to know her and adore her time. They don't know Did I break my window? Did I not break my window? Do I have Voodoo? Don't I have Oh, what should they do? We say to them? What's the last thing you know?
They say the last thing I know is I read the fudger prayer. You know that you read you prayed for God, I know that I prayed for God. So to pray for God to have Voodoo. He goes, yes, I made Voodoo. Okay. Do you have knowledge of breaking your MOU? between father and daughter? says no, I have no knowledge of it. So we say pull the ruling is stus hip, pull the ruling from fetcher to the heart and apply that ruling at the heart. This is this habit Awesome. All right. So you prove the US the established ruling that you are certain about to the place that you are at and you applied it. So if you apply if you apply the door Do you need to make go through now? We say no, you have to unless
you want to refresh your window. That's a different matter. But generally you have a generally you have
let's say a person prayed for a job. Then they know they went to the bathroom. May Allah under you all at 9am.
And now it's over. And they say, I know I went to the bathroom at 9am. But I don't know if I made room when I came out of the bathroom.
So I don't know Do I have to do now or I don't have I can't remember. I know that I
I broke my window but I don't recall. I don't recall making. So what is the ruling? We say what's the last thing you remember the last thing you know? The last thing I know is that I didn't have Hulu
We said I pulled that ruling to now.
And if you're applied means you don't have to you should make the same thing of tawaf. If you don't know whether this is number five, or this is number four, we say what's the last thing you remember? If you say I remember I did three rounds, three rounds, I remember.
I remember that I did three rounds, we say, make this round your number four, boom, this round based on what you know. And and then you carry on until you finish seven rounds and Allah knows best by moving on to the suffer miroir discussion. We said that the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, he raised
his hands and he made dua. And there's an important discussion to have here. Because when you look at the hadith of jabber, and other narrations, you can pick up two interpretations of what happened here. So pay attention, okay, pay attention. So you follow me?
In this discussion, the first interpretation that you understand and most people have written it like this, is that when you go on to suffer, you say that takbeer Allahu Akbar, then you say that towhid as jabiru says that tauheed La ilaha illa Allah, Allah, Allah Allah, Allah, Allah coalition Kadir, then you say the other tawheed La Ilaha, Illallah Hawa Angela.
And you have these in your notes I believe. Then you make dua to Allah. Then you finish making dua, or you pause your daughter, and then you start again, you do for the second you repeat for the second time, the tech Kabir Allahu Akbar de la ilaha illa Allah Allahu la sharika lahu macola al hamdu Allah coalition Kadir, and then La Ilaha Illa De Anza Nasir, if that was me.
Then you raise your hands and you make dua, then you pause, then you for the third time, Allahu Akbar and then the to to Hades La la la, la, la, la La, La La La La De Anza. And then do you make dua? Yes, you make dua. So three do as M three tech beers and three La ilaha illAllah de la sharika am the hula coalition and three layer ilaha illallah wa.
So this is one interpretation. The second interpretation is that you do the TextView and then you do the toe heat.
La ilaha illallah wa hola Sheree Kayla. And then you
you do the other two he de la la la la la the angels our other one na Sora Abdo husband, and then you make dua. Right. So that's one set. Then you repeat the tech Kabir Allahu Akbar de la ilaha illallah wa de la sharika La La ilaha illallah wa De Anza. And then you make dua for the second time. And then you repeat the vicar, Vicar. You say, Allahu Akbar, and the tutto heeds La ilaha illa Allah, Allah, Allah, Allah, Allah, Allah, Allah and so on. But do you make do at the end?
They say you don't make dua, or you can understand that you don't make dua at the end. Why? Because Jabir, as you can see in front of you, he says, that do I was done in between the tech beers and the toe hits. So at the end, at the end, if you're not going to do another takbeer and towhid thereafter, then there's no do, because there's no in between. So you did it once you did it the first time and between the first and the second you may do so that was one, two, then between the second and the third, because you're going to do a third. So you have a middle, that do it is in is in the middle. So you did go out for a second time. So upon this interpretation, you do the tech,
we're three times you do the first hit three times you do the second to hit three times, but the doctor is done twice. So there's two ways of understanding this. And,
and Allah subhanho wa Taala knows best.
Allah subhanho wa Taala knows best.
As I said, most of the scholars brothers and sisters in Islam, they mentioned
they mentioned you making a do during the talk, we have three times the first two or three times a second two or three times and do it three times. That's how they interpreted and there's no issue if you do it this way. Why? Because as we said, the entire Umbra is a place of liquor and a place of a place of liquor and a place of of Torah. And the interpretations are plausible. And Allah subhanho wa Taala knows best I just wanted to highlight this for you in case you see different discussions in the books of in the books of hygiene or when you're going for hygiene. And now you are informed that there's no reason to be confused and you understand the base through through which these two
interpretations have come from. And Allah subhanho wa Taala knows best now a question what happens if a person starts say from Marwa not from suffer, the majority of the scholars say your salary is invalid. Abu hanifa says it's okay.
Because at the end of the day you supposed to do seven rounds and you did seven rounds.
But if you look closely at the evidence brothers and sisters in Islam, especially the fact that the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said take from me your hydrates take from me your rights, your pilgrim his rights, and he started at Safa and he says I will start with that which Allah began with we say that you should start from sofa so be sure to check where is my sofa? There's enough science, but in case you're still not sure, please do check where sofa is an issue that you start your your Saturday will suffer. Now brothers and sisters in Islam also it should be said because some people don't understand this when we say do seven rounds with him suffer and moreover, what does it mean?
Does it mean you go from sulfur tomorrow and murrah to suffer and this is one then suffer tomorrow and miroir back this is too. So all of a sudden you're doing 14 rounds. Some people do this I've seen this brothers and sisters in Islam.
We will say what happened to you You took very long he goes yeah, the study was very long. I said How come? And he goes to don't this is how I did it said Pamela you did extra. Right You did extra. When we say seven rounds, we mean between Safa and Marwa is one round between Mara and Safa is two rounds, and then like that 34567 this is how it is brothers and sisters in Islam. And then Jabara says that the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam he repeated at miroir what he did at at Safa, and
a question is asked, Is there anything specific to read but will suffer Mara we say there's nothing specific to read between Safa and Marwa, but do praise Allah subhanho wa Taala and some of the scholars have said do not read Quran because it's not the place of Quran. But praise Allah subhanho wa Taala and ask him Allah subhanho wa Taala
when you get tomorrow, you do the same as you did at Safa. Now, between Safa and Marwa there's a place, which is called the place of sight. And that's why the sulfur miroir concept is not necessary, even though you walk for most of it. But there's a place a portion in it that you do say this portion is between what you and I see today as two green lights. But before it was a valley that has your went in and he ran through to get out of it. Allah knows best perhaps so that she could not be separated from her son too long, because during the journey, she could see her son, but when she went in the valley, she couldn't see her son. So she rushed through it.
It is sooner for the males to run between the two green palace and a blue moon there. He says there's a consensus that this is for males, and not for females. So the males run between the two green pillars which deemed demarcates the valley. As for the females, they don't run between the pillars. If it hasn't, we spoke about him a great Imam of the VA. He must have we mentioned him yesterday. He said that hedger did it and she was a female. But in response to this, the majority say we take our hedge and Amara writes from the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam not from Hydra. And the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam highlighted this for the males and we don't know of any
of the females that did it. And Allah subhanho wa Taala knows best by him. Have we missed anything I try? I'm trying to just capture for you all that which will be beneficial to you all.
Even though jabber didn't mention it, but bringing it in so that there's some completion to the lesson? Yes. Do we need to have a say as we said, No, it's not a condition or it's not why Egypt because females on haev were permitted to do it. Then jabber says that the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam arrived at miroir. And during his final round, the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said if I knew beforehand what I know now, I would have not brought with me my sacrificial animals. Instead, I would have performed the camera first.
As you would do if you're doing tomato, you perform a camera and then you come out of your home. And then on the days of head you get into the state of Iran. And then jabil says that the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said instead I would have performed ombre first, for those among you who have not brought with them the sacrificial animals, they should come out of the state of Iran and treat that off and say as an independent Okay, so here these lessons brothers and sisters in Islam, what are the lessons number one, that the wife of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam was to offer Kudu
number two, they say of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam was the salary of hedge.
and that is why at the end of the narration, you will see Jabir telling us that on the 10th of Dhul hijjah the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam came back to Mecca, and the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam only did our finito for the Father. He didn't say that he did the surgery afterwards.
number the next lesson. The next lesson is
for those who come into the army, this is practically impossible today because everyone buys the animals already. I don't know of people who actually carry the animals and mark them for sacrifice in in the harem area and bring them into the Makati area and pass them your card area and they enter into
the state of your home for Hajj with the animals. I don't know of this today. There might be exceptions for Allah knows best.
Today, it's very organized, you have to purchase your animals
in Makkah, but for those who do bring their animals in, if you do bring your animals in, then what is the rule? The rule is you have to remain in a harem until after the Hajj had yerba Laval had you.
You do not shave your head and come out of the state of a harem until the animal is slaughtered on the 10th of the head. And that's what the prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam is saying, He's saying, If I didn't have my animals with me, I would have come out of haram now, and made my tawaf that I just did. And my say that I just did that off and say, of Rama.
And I would have come out of your harem and come back into harem and eight of the ledger for Hajj. But for those who didn't bring the animals, he commanded them and they were many, he commanded them to come out and make their
make the,
the what they just did, and not part of the hedge.
let the next point I want to discuss is when you look at how jabil mentions this to us, you get the impression, because the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam gets tomorrow, and then he just says this, why would he just say that you get the impression that he commanded them to something? And the question was asked that oh prophet of Allah, why are you not doing it? So He then said, If I knew then what I know now, I would have done what I'm telling you to do. Because remember, that's how I always wanted to follow him. Probably Allah animate your mind. And remember, they didn't know about this concept of a mirage during
during a hedge journey.
As we said earlier, especially when they came from God and the courage frowned upon over a period during the months of hedge.
So what's going on?
Right? So the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam is telling them do as I'm telling you to do, because Had I known then what I know now I would have done the same. And this makes it easy upon the hearts of the Sahaba. right because they want to follow him but now they see that okay, the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, you know, he's informed of something and he's commanding us to do it. He's not telling us to go against him, he would have followed
what he's telling us to do anyway, he would, he would have done what he would have done, what he's commanding us to do, if he circumstance was different. And there were some who brought the animals with them, as you will see early. It had the same intention of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam when he came from Yemen, and he had his animals with him so he had to remain in Iran as the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam did. Now brothers and sisters in Islam very quickly, this one of the time is running passed very quickly today.
The Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam.
He said lo if you look at the Arabic He says lo
is stackable to mean Emory mustard, but low here. We know in other narrations, the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam has warned us against using this type of terminology. And the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said a person low carries the meaning of if I knew if I did so something bad happens and you say if I only did this, the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said if only deleted he wanted us again saying if only why because it opens the door to shavon to do what to make you be sad with the father of Allah subhanho wa Taala If only I read that question properly Hello Sandra Allah Masha Farah rather say Allah Masha Allah.
Right. So generally, this is the rule. However, it's not an absolute rule. Because if you say it in a matter that doesn't entail regret, but entails benefit, then it is a manner of the mannerisms of the Arabic language and it's fine. And this is how the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam was saying it. So there's no issue here or no contradiction between him saying this and what he taught us about saying it in in the context of regret. Also brothers and sisters in Islam. We learned yesterday as I said earlier today,
at the beginning of the lesson that the angel came to the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam and told the prophet to do hydrocarbon right to to pray and then enter into the state of Iran with Umrah and Hajj intertwined. He was commanded to do it. So why would the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam say the statement as if he's regretful no doubt the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam would only say the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam would only be happy with that which Allah chose for him. And Allah chose for him to do Hajj whilst he was mcaren ocarina so no one in no capacity can win. Can we understand that the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam is telling his companions if I
knew, then what I know now I would have done what I'm telling you to do. In no way we can understand this to denote the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam regretting anything. Does that make sense brothers and sisters in Islam? So I hope I've provided enough context to highlight this that there's no issue here.
Now, very quickly, the prophets wish to we said the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam did Quran. But we have two other reports, in which your companion says the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam did he fraud
and another report says the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam did tomato how do we explain
We know that the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam only did one hedge, said like he went for hedge after Islam he only did one hedge. So how is it possible that he did one hedge and Jabari saying in a we understand from this narration that he was mcaren. And then one component is no, he did hedge fraud. And another companion says, No, he did hedge tomato. How do we do this? The best explanation I found by our scholars is as follows that earlier, Jabir told us that we did not know except in the months of hedge, except performing hedge, we meaning the companions, the Arabs at the time. So it can be said that those who said that the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam did hedgy fraud. They
said it based on the understanding because they had a previous understanding and they were not aware that the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam received instruction from the angel who was sent by Allah to hedge Quran
Okay, so this explains why those who said he did a fraud said what they said, As for those who said that the Prophet did matter. How is this possible? We know that the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam is telling them that I am going to stay in your harem, and you come out of a harem. So where did they get the idea that the Prophet did tomato? To explain this, the scholars have said and this is the best explanation I've seen is that the the companion who said the Prophet did tomato, he wasn't referring to the specific meaning of tomato, which is to do ombre and then come out of Iran and then enter haram on the eighth for Hajj. Rather, he was referencing the broader understanding of
the meaning of the matter which Allah says in the Quran for mentimeter.
Allah uses the word tamatar in the Quran. And in this context, Tama tour here refers to omura and hedge being done in one travel from intermec terribile omura to El Hajj. Right you can understand from fermentum or Marathi el Hajj or Umrah and Hajj being done in one travel it without necessarily you breaking the state of your haraam between the camera and and the hedge. So this joins between all the narrations so who said the person who said the property matter? We he means the Prophet did Cara but he meant the broader meaning of the matter which is Hajj and Umrah and Hajj in one.
Amara and Hajj in one
in one travel, and the person who said no he did the fraud he was basing it based on his understanding without knowledge that the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam was instructed to do something else. And Allah subhanho wa Taala knows best now.
Okay, let's say we've discussed this and hamdullah we don't have to repeat it. Especially since we are running out of time.
Then Surah kaban Malik, as we had in the reading, he stood up until the prophets Allah Allah Allah He was an O Messenger of Allah, will this rule apply to this year only over the last forever? And subsequently the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam intertwined his fingers and he said, of one his fingers of one hand into the other and he said,
he stated the following words he said twice, the ombre has been come become incorporated into the hedge. And then he said no, but forever and ever. And this is a mercy that Allah inspired Soraka to ask this question, and this question that he asked and this concept that happened, this concept of breaking your intention of hedge and changing it into Amara, this is a matter of difference of opinion between the scholars. Right, because serrata is asking that he is saying oh messenger of Allah.
You know, if doing grammar during a hedge travel in the month of hedge, or is doing Amara during hedge travel during the months of hedge only for this year, or forever, and the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said forever. And like I said, there's a long discussion amongst the scholars in relation to this point, right? Are you allowed to intend to hedge when you cross them your art, and then break your intention of hedge for armor so that you can do tomato? This is a matter of a long discussion between the scholar some of the scholars said this was only specific to the Sahaba during that year, and it's not allowed after.
And we know that Omar blah, blah, blah, and he was against the concept of tomato, and we know that earthman robiola who and he had reservations with regards to the Quran Hajj, right during the rains when they were caliphs. So again, this is a massive discussion between the scholars, brothers and sisters in Islam, this is not the place for it. If we sit here with it, we will need a week to go through all the work of the rules of hedge. And as I said yesterday, what you need to know is generally the matter is an acceptable form of doing hedge. peran is an acceptable form of the hedge. If fraud is an acceptable form of hedge each of the rules. What you need to do is learn the rules
depending on the hedge that you're doing, and remember that all of them carry
The rewards of hedge and the rewards of being forgiven and having your slate clean the way they were when your mother gave birth to you. Okay, let us quickly listen to the English reading until the end of the chapter please just the English, Chicago and let's bring chocolate one back because we are running out of time and very fast Allah understand me Allah subhanho wa Taala bless our time together Bismillah Chaka Khan please do read for us just English until the end of the chapter and slightly quicker reading because our brothers and sisters do have the notes with
him earlier on your loved one who arrived from Yemen with the sacrificial animals for the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam he found felting or the Allah horn her to be outside of the state of your harem wearing diet clothing, and with antimony. antimony applied to her eyes. He manifested his disapproval of these actions, but she said in response My father has commanded me to do this.
He the narrator said that early rhodiola one used to say in Iraq I went to the Messenger of Allah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam expressing my annoyance at what Fatima had done. I asked Allah His Messenger sallallahu alayhi wa sallam regarding what she had narrated from him, and he informed him that I took a stance against her because of her actions. However, he sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said in response, she has told the truth, she has told the truth, the prophets are loved while he was seldom then asked Ali, what did you say when you made the intention for Hajj? I earlier the Allahu anhu said, Oh Allah I enter the state of Iran in accordance with the intention of the
messenger sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, he sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said, I have with me my sacrificial animals, so do not remove yourself from the state of Johann
he jabby rhodiola vine who then said and the total number of sacrificial animals bought by Ali from Yemen when combined together with the number brought by the prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam reached 100.
Then everyone except the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam and those who had with him the sacrificial animals. Kate came out of the state of Iran and had shortened the hair. When it was the day after we are the eighth of the hijab. They went to Mina and entered the state of Iran for Hajj, the Messenger of Allah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam went there upon his writing animal and let the vo her as her mother Isha and fetch your prayers. He then waited a little until the sun rose and thereafter instructed that attend be pitched for him at Nomura, the Messenger of Allah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam then set out from Mina towards arafa. The Quraysh do not doubt that he sallallahu
alayhi wa sallam would halt at El Mirage it will harm the sacred site as they used to do so in the pre Islamic period. The Messenger of Allah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, however, actually proceeded until he came to our offer, and he found that the tent had been pitched for him at an nemuro there he sallallahu alayhi wa sallam remained until the sun passed and is Zenith then he sallallahu alayhi wa sallam commanded that Albus will be brought and settled for him. Then he said, Allahu alayhi wa sallam came to the bottom of the valley and addressed the people by saying,
verily your blood and properly property are inviolable as the sacredness of this day of yours in this month of yours in this town of yours, behold, everything pertaining to the days of ignorance, which opposes Islamic rulings is abolished and undeserving of any consideration, revenge due to tribal killings is abolished and the flesh first claim of blood revenge which I abolish is that the of the son of Robbie Adam Harris, who was nursed among the tribe of side and killed by are they Furthermore, they usually have the pre Islamic period is likewise abolished and the first claim of usually I abolish is that of a best mean Abdulmutallab. It is abolished completely fear Allah
concerning your women, indeed, you have taken them upon the trust of Allah trust with Allah. And Marisol relations with them has been made lawful for you by Allah, his words, just as they have rights over you, you should have rights over them, they should not allow anyone whom you dislike to enter into your abode. And if they do permit entry, then you may chastise them but not severely, their rights upon you or that you should provide them food and clothing in a befitting manner. I have left among you the book of Allah, if you hold fast to it, you will never go astray. You will be asked about my mission on the Day of Resurrection in that moment, what will you say? They the
audience said, we will be a witness that you have conveyed the message, just charged the Ministry of prophethood and given sincere counsel, he sallallahu alayhi wa sallam raised his forefinger towards the sky and then lowered it pointing towards the people and said thrice Oh Allah be a witness. Oh Allah be a witness.
be less dense, announced the event was shortly followed by the farmer he sallallahu alayhi wa sallam then led the hot player. He Bilal probably Allah vine within announced another comma and he sallallahu alayhi wa sallam led the US or player with no other prayer interposing in between the to then the Messenger of Allah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam mounted his camel and came to the place of stay in alpha. stationing he she camel elkus We're at the place of the rocks. The base.
of Jebel Rama. That way, the assembly of those performing the hajj on foot was in front of him. He sallallahu alayhi wa sallam faced that Qibla and remained there in worship until sunset. When the yellow light of the sun had somewhat subsided, and the disk of the Sun had disappeared. He sallallahu alayhi wa sallam made Osama said behind him, he pulled the reins of our password firmly such that it had touched the saddle in order to keep her under perfect control. He indicated to the people with his right hand that they should be moderate in their movements. Whenever he happened to pass over an elevated tract of sand is slightly loosen the reins of the camel, so she climbed up.
This is how he reached elmas Delica there he sallallahu alayhi wa sallam led the Maghrib and Isha prayers with one event and to a farmers. I did not offer any voluntary prayers in between them. The Messenger of Allah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam remain there until dawn and then offered the federal prayer with an event and your karma. When the morning light was clear.
He again mounted el Casa and continued until he reached Alma Sherrill haraam, where he faced Qibla supplicated to Allah glorified him, declared him to be the only one worthy of worship and mentioned his oneness. He remained there until the daylight started to become visible before sunrise. He departed before sunrise and seated behind him was a fall been abuzz rhodiola vine who he was a man who had beautiful hair was fair in complexion and was handsome as the Messenger of Allah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam was riding along, there was a group of women which passed by them, which caused alfalfa to look at them. The Messenger of Allah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam placed his hand on the
face of alfalfa, and turned his face to the other side, upon which he began to see another group of women. The Messenger of Allah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam turned his hand to the other side and moved his face once again. He then continued his path until he reached the bottom of Alma Hassan.
He sallallahu alayhi wa sallam urged her el kasoa onwards. He then eventually followed the middle road, which led towards the biggest jamara which is near a tree, it was this place which he sallallahu alayhi wa sallam pelted with seven pebbles saying Allahu Akbar every time each pebble was similar to the size of chikwe. He did this in the bottom of the valley, he sallallahu alayhi wa sallam then went to a place of sacrifice and sacrifice 63 animals with his own hands. Then he gave the remaining number to your loved one who, who sacrificed them as well and then shared with him.
He sought a love for it. He was Selim then commanded that some of the meat from each sacrificed animal be cooked. When this was done both of them the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, an early rhodiola Orion who took some meat out of it and drank its broth, the Messenger of Allah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam then wrote to Al Masjid al haram
and offered though her prayer there he then came to the tribe of Abdul muttalib which was providing some some water he said, draw water for me Oh Benny Abdulmutallab way not that people would you set up this right of supplying water from you, I would have drawn it along with you. So they handed him a basket and he drank from it. So he Muslim
about a couple of brothers and sisters in Islam so we've done the entire reading we need to go to the explanation.
I have a suggestion for you all and I please need you to write back
I suggest we stay together for another 10 minutes
and then we take a break until 4pm UK time 4pm UK time and then we come back for an hour. Okay up to 5pm UK time so we don't rush through anything. I mean we already rushing but we don't go through it in a way that any causes the benefit to be lost. So can you please drop a message in the chat that you've understood this then you will stay in shall on the broadcast? And then the broadcast will resume at 4pm macadam inshallah we will continue now for another 10 minutes in sha Allah, but please do drop me a message in the chat that you are
that you have understood what I'm suggesting, inshallah. Now in terms of what we've just heard brothers and sisters in Islam,
Ali robiola where he's coming from Yemen.
And why was he coming from Yemen and why it was early in Yemen in the first place? Well, Ali was in Yemen in the first place because the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam sent him for that hour. He was there to do that hour. And remember, then he knew that the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam was going for Hajj news got to him, so he was coming for the Hajj. And he was expected because he had some of the animals of for the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam. Now remember, we said some of the animals I think yesterday I made this clear that the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam didn't come from Medina with all of his animals because some were coming with it. So he some was
came with the prophet and others were brought by Ali. Robbie Allah one
Now through this we also learn the intelligence of Allah, Masha Allah tabarrok Allah, how do we learn his intelligence? Well look how he made his intention. He made his intention very cleverly because there was no WhatsApp there was no instant messenger. There was nothing of this sort available for him to contact the prophets of Allah it was in a very quickly and say, What intention did you make so I can make the intention? He didn't have any of this. So what did he do? He said, he when he when he went into the state of Iran, he made his intention to be the hedge of the prophets of Allah, the same intention that the same Hydra that the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam was to
perform, he would be performing the same Hajj, this is what he did, and this shows you his intelligence
robiola one
also, we see that
the Sahaba they knew what they knew, and when they were directed the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam they were not shy to go and learn more. So when Fatima directed him to the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, he went to the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam and remember, this is the son in law of the Prophet salallahu alayhi wasallam. So he's telling his father in law, I was annoyed. I was annoyed with her after seeing that, How come she's in plainclothes? He comes from Yemen, he sees his wife out out of the state of Iran. So obviously, he's concerned what happened here. Usually, you know, you only come out of the state when the when the animal is slaughtered. So
the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam. Just, this is you can see that a beautiful relationship, okay, they were relatives, but they were also related through the inlaw side of things, right is beautiful. The promise of Allah Azza wa sallam just said suddenly, Anissa dakka dakka she's told the truth. He's told the truth. And he said, what what intention? Did you make discussion moved on? Right? discussion moved on. We don't see the father no saying no. Why are you talking to my daughter like this? And no, you the husband, you the husband, you have every right to be annoyed if you see that something didn't go to plan. But now that you found out you are educated and credit to Ali, who
wasn't shy to come and to take his wife's advice, take the wife advice and go to the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam. And so this is also
you could say, the methodology of being a husband from the first generation that it's there's nothing wrong in taking your wife's advice and acting on it. So, le is educated by the prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam and then he informs the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam of what he did, and the prophet SAW in terms of how he entered the state of Islam, and the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam didn't scold him for it didn't tell him you made a mistake. And based on this, the scholars have said that there's three ways that you can get into haram number one is Hillel monolock,
which is a suspended Hillel. Like at least one he suspended it based on the the the Hillel the type of Hydra of the Prophet sallallahu wasallam one is a Hillel maka yet Hillel makaya is when you like what the prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam did when he entered the state of your home he intended hygena Amara, this is Karen and one is a Hillel mutlak. Hillel mutlak is where you enter the state of Iran but you don't lock down what musoke you're going to do whether it's the matter whether it's
Iran, whether it's if right, but then you decide when you get to the Kaaba, when you start to 12 you decide what your music is going to be. So this is three states that the books have highlight to us in terms of how to enter the state of Islam. Now, in Bihari, there is a narration that teaches us that Abu Musab lashari.
He did the same thing as Ali and the other one, right. He did the Haram the Hillel mo allocated the Hillel aqui. He also intelligently said I will enter the state based on the state of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said, but with regards to Abu Musab, he was told to come out of the state of Iran. And with regards to Ali Ali was told to remain what was the difference? The difference was early marked his animals for sacrifice before he entered the state of your harem and passed them your cut. So he traveled with the sacrificial animals. I will Moosa didn't. So the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam told me that you are in the same situation as me you remain in
the home, but as for Abu Musa, you are not in the same situation as as it's better for you all, as I instructed the other companions come out of your home and come back into haram on the days of Hajj. Okay, so this is just in case somebody has an idea that Abu Musa did do the same, but his end was different. Then everyone except the Prophet sallallahu, alayhi wasallam and those who had their their sacrificial animals with them,
came out of the state of haram and shorten their hair as you you read, you can see in the text in front of you. This is what jabiru says though. He says everyone and everyone any yellow Jimmy, right, it's a comprehensive term. But the reality is when jabil says everyone, he doesn't mean everyone, everyone. They were exceptions, and we know that I should be Allah who was an exception, because we mentioned yesterday she was on her menses, she feared that she would miss the hedge, so she preferred to remain
in her state. she feared me
Using the hedge if she made her current actions into armor, if she followed what the prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam told the rest of the companions to make what they did from thorfinn salary as an Amara, she feared that I will miss the hedge, so she chose to remain. And Allah subhanho wa Taala knows best when jabil goes on to tell us about the day after we, the day after we are brothers and sisters in Islam, which was yesterday in terms of this year is the eighth of the hijab. And the eighth of the hedger is known as the day of Toria for two reasons. Number one, the scholar say Toria, referring to the watering, meaning that the companions and those going for
hygiene, it was the norm to gather the animals and gather the water containers and fill it with water so that the animals could be fed and they could bathe and they could wash and they could cook and so on and so forth. Because we know it's not like we know it today, we it has running water and sewage system and so on and so forth, out of etc, etc. No, it was just plain land, there was nothing there. You have to cater for yourself.
this is why it was called a teruya teruya. Some of the fuqaha have said it's called teruya from rahua euro we rahua euro we in terms of the concept of you playing something in your mind over and over again over and over again over and over again. Right you contemplate it, you contemplate it, you contemplate it who was doing this contemplation. He Brahim alayhis salam, because during the days of the hijjah, the first days of the hijjah, he was seeing this dream that he's slaughtering his son, and he sees it again and he sees it again. So now on the eighth he was contemplating that this has to be a true dream. This is not just a dream, this is an instruction from Allah subhanho wa
Taala. So he's contemplating it, and contemplating everything about it. So this is the idea of Yom atheria. And Jabara says that the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam he went
to Mina on the eighth and this is the sooner for those doing tomato hedge, a fraud hedge pair on hedge on the eighth, you go to two minutes. If you didn't commit to hedge, then around the hook, you enter the state of Iran, but you can do it before you can do it. After you enter the state of your home either at your place of stay, or in minute, no problem. And you go to
two minutes and you settle there. The place of the day of Korea is Mina the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam went to Mina, the place of the day of Korea is Mina and the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam he prayed his Salah there. Now, for those doing a fraud hedge or Quran hedge, it's possible to miss the eighth, you can go straight to IRA four on the ninth, you can go straight to out of on the ninth, right. But for those who are doing termite to hedge, it's difficult, because if you have to do Amara, and then go to our river, it's sometimes close to impossible, especially in this day and age. So we say you can go on the ninth and start the hedge but it's killer for sooner,
it goes against the son of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam. So if you can't find go on the night, you can still catch the hedge because I'll head your alpha as we will hear. There's nothing about the hedge except out of the hedges out of it you missed out after you've missed the hedge. If you catch out over everything else can be redeemed.
Going to me now on the eighth is a sooner so if you miss it, it doesn't negatively impact the hedge, but you lose the rewards of not being there. And some people they don't have the ability to go to mean on the eighth so they go straight on the ninth. So if you're going for hedge on the ninth then what's better for you is to do hedge Kieron or hedge fraud and you go straight to arafa
but the sooner is to go to Mina and on the eighth and spend the night in Mina.
Now one thing to mention brothers and sisters in Islam is for those who don't for those who are doing a type of hydraway they have to sacrifice like hedge tomato and hedge Kiran. If you can't afford to sacrifice then Allah says you have to fast fella fella to me Phil hedge was over it neither Raja item three days during the hedge and seven days when you return back home, so 10 to cash out on camella that's 10 days you have to fast. So when should you fast those three days the scholar say you can fast on the sixth of two hedger on the seventh of hedger and on the eighth of the ledger. I highlight this because the eighth is the day of Korea. So on the eighth you could be
fasting. However you can also do it on the 11th 12th and 13th. As I showed the Allah who said that the day of read and the days of the sheriff or days of read, and except that the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam has given a concession for those who need to fast during the days of Hajj to fast the 11th 12th and 13th. You can't fast the 10th
because it's the day of need. And as for the ninth, then it's been the ninth is not a day to foster as well.
Because the day of arafah is
as we see as the son of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam is a day that fasting doesn't take
Place, and
the scholars have
discussed this this generation in which the Sahaba didn't know whether the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam was fasting or he wasn't fasting, and then the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam, when the confusion was made, known to him, the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam drank a bowl of milk, and this made it clear to everyone that he wasn't fasting. So the ninth is the day where you need your energies so that you can worship Allah to the best of your ability. Fasting
is not from then from the ninth, the 10th is the day of eat you we are all forbidden to fasting that you have read the 11th and the 12th and the 13th. You're not allowed to fast if you're not a pilgrim. And if you're a pilgrim who has a sacrifice, but if you're a pilgrim who doesn't have a sacrifice, and you didn't pass the sixth and the seventh and the eighth, then you can pass the 11th and the 12th and the 13th. And Allah subhanho wa Taala knows best and as I said, As for our offer, and many people ask about this, it is disliked too fast, and some scholars have said it's forbidden and Allah subhanho wa Taala knows best. Now. The Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam he led every
Salah on its time. Right? And
did he joined the prayers, but if he joined jabil would have told us we can see Jabu says one and two ecommerce. So did he joined the prayer? No, he read the her as though her Asada, Elsa maharrey, Padma herb, Asia to Asia and fudger advisor, obviously, forever You read at its time, he didn't join the prayers. However, in the hadith of ns, the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam shortened the prayers and there's a difference between the fuqaha
do you shorten the prayers in Minar? Because it's part of Hajj to shorten the prayers, or do you pray in full in Minar? If you're not a traveler, and if you're a traveler, you shorten there's a difference of opinion. Why? Because we know that the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam was a traveler from the beginning of his hedge till the end of his hedge.
And they say that the messenger sallallahu alayhi wa sallam shorten the prayer until he got back to Medina. So he was he was doing it as as a traveler, and some said that no during the days of Hajj, they are grounds to say he did it as part of the Hajj as part of the Hajj. And Allah subhanho wa Taala knows best.
But as for you and me, we go back to our reputable Islamic knowledgeable scholarship, and we ask them and we follow our scholars we follow you follow your madhhab you follow your shareholders is Allah Vickery uncontaminated among ask the people of knowledge if you don't know so when you are on hedging. Amara, you speak to your hedge guide. You share that with you and you follow what they what they say.
So this is what the prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam did did the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam rest during the night of Mina. Yes, it comes across that the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam indeed, did rest. He didn't spend the night as he did normally in prayer, because the day of alpha is one of traveling to alpha and then exerting effort in worshipping Allah subhanho wa Taala. On alpha and we are on the experiencing the ninth of the ledger now and I can tell you, some of my students are have been chosen to hydrate this year they were part of the 60,000 that were chosen they are they're on the brink of arafa. And I have asked them to make dua for us. May Allah subhanho
wa Taala accepted to our for us then jabber says the Messenger of Allah set out towards Mina,
set out towards out of authority from Mina, I put that in brackets to make it clear for you, and the Quraysh do not doubt that the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam would halt and Masha Allah Al haram as they used to do in the pre Islamic period. Right?
Meaning they did not doubt that he would not halt, he would not halt. Why did they not doubt this because they knew the messenger is recalibrating the hygiene yesterday we said the chorus used to stand at boost deliever right at mesh at the place in Metallica. At machariel harem they would stand in moose deliver during the length of the head job.
And he brought him out he Salam as per the Hajj based on the rights of Ibrahim, where did he stand on our offer? So what happens the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, the chorus didn't doubt the Prophet would could get to most deliever and pass it and go straight to a to alpha. So every 100,000 plus people would learn that this is the way to hedge and the way of the courage is abolished this way is is incorrect. And the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam proceeded until he came to alpha and then he found that a tent had been pitched for him at a namira and he did ask at Mina, that attempt be pitched for him. He did ask this sallallahu alayhi wa sallam in preparation for his arrival that
a tend to be pitched and we need to understand that these places had nothing. No buildings, no tents is not like how we see Minar today, for example, there was nothing there. So this was pitched for him. And you we had this in the reading by one and you have it in your notes in front of you. Now
in terms of nemuro work
is this place? Well, when we look into into historical accounts in relation to Nomura, we see that before arafa there was a village called Nomura and the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam rested there until noon. So he left minute after.
When he was ready to leave you prayed the fudger prayer, and when he was ready to leave, he left and then he went and pastor Michelle haram and made a statement made a statement that there's no standing on admirals Delica on the day of our offer, and he went straight to Nomura. Nomura, as we said is a is like a village before our offer. Some have said it's part of our offer, but it seems like it's not part of our offer, when especially when you look at historical accounts about the place and he waited there and rested there until noon. And then after that, the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam entered arafa and
the rest of the events took place. And this is a good place for us to stop to pause to force brothers and sisters in Islam
insha Allah, we in Riyadh now the alpha event is happening as I speak. So we will pause here with the lohit Allah we will pause everything like that but do remain
connected and do send the link the broadcasting to your family and friends and loved ones and tell them to join for this last hour together, especially since we're going to discuss the idea of RFI in today's video of RFI and everything that happened in terms of the header of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam until the end, perhaps they can benefit with the letter Allah. As I said, the idea of us going through this journey with the hadith of Jabir is because many of us wanted to go for Hajj this year, but we couldn't, right for one reason or the other. The main reason being the the COVID situation and the restrictions. So we ask Allah subhanho wa Taala to make this a type of
journey through or to make it part of our hedge journey for this year, 1442 years after the hero of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam so I'm going to pose your brothers and sisters in Islam please do remain tuned and inshallah we will return at 4pm maccha time 4pm maka time within later Allah, I love you all for the sake of Allah, may Allah accept our worship as salaam alaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh
Bismillah al Rahman al Rahim al hamdu Lillahi Rabbil alameen wa Salatu was Salam ala rasulillah who Allah Allah, he was so busy as marine. I'm about
once again we resume and we resume In the name of Allah subhanho wa Taala we praise Him and we request praises and blessings upon Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wasallam
I believe this that there's no one worthy of worship besides one Allah and that Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam is His Messenger. Allah Hu Akbar Allahu Akbar Allah ilaha IL Allah who Allahu Akbar Allahu Akbar Allah Al Hamd La ilaha illallah wa the hula Shetty, Karla homolka al hamdu Allah coalition Paddy, ask Allah subhanho wa Taala to accept from us what is part of our of our day to forgive any mistakes and to bless what remains I mean, you are behind me. So we are on the final stretch with regards to the hadith of Jabba, Rob your loved one, and we stopped
at the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam settled at a place known as nemuro. We said back then it was a village before our river. Now obviously out of
has expanded, and the landscape has changed too. But the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam when film was deliever, and he went to Africa, and in doing so, the Quraysh understood that in action, their practices have been abolished. And today it's different brothers and sisters in Islam. I mean, generally generally, I'm not sure about those who use the walk path, I think those who use the walk path
Perhaps that is the route into out of
whereby you go from Mena, if you if you if you the idea is the closer you are to the gmrs The closer you are to the one of the ends of MCC
the back of Minar borders must deliver. Right so and behind this Delica I think maybe about Allah Allah Allah Allah it's a it's a few kilometres there's a there's a gap of a few kilometres between
between arafa and Mina, I'm not sure if it's seven kilometres or, or 11, or somewhere in between.
That's the distance between our rover and was Delica. So if you were to walk to our rover, then ideally you'd want to walk I'm not sure how the path takes you.
But if you if you go by road, generally you don't
pass was Delica into alpha.
But if you walk then you have that possibility. If you use the trains now we have the the trains, the caper I'll mesh right the the trains of the machinery of the sacred
places of the hedge.
you do pass by moose deli for on your way to alpha. And then when you come back, you come back from alpha through Metallica, and then you spend your night that you can back on the train and from zelicah you come into
into Mena in terms of the Hydra of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, we see that he went through Metallica into arafa.
Now, what happens next? Well in the hadith of Jagger, we are taught that the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam stayed until the sun passed its zenith when he sallallahu alayhi wa sallam commanded that will also be brought and settled for him as Mr. Khosla was his camel. And then he came to the bottom of the valley and he addressed the people by giving them what we famously known as the sermon of Hajj. The sermon of hedge brothers and sisters in Islam is the charter for humanity.
You cannot say too much in describing
the sermon of the Prophet salallahu alayhi wasallam during his hedge, it's a sermon that should be written and engraved in gold.
In it is women rights. There's human rights. As you know, there's financial rights to handle law, the social rights,
marriage rights, they should
So much in there. It's a charter. It's a charter, literally a charter for, for humanity. And I do have a talk online, dedicated to lessons that we can gain from the final sermon. So we're not going to do that here. Brothers and sisters in Islam, as I said, if we take everything in, in, not in to not not in too much detail, but even a little detail than Subhanallah we need far longer than they want we have and as I honestly that the speech of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, on out of that in itself needs a few hours. It's just phenomenal and there's so much faith in it, and also leadership in it because as it as you you heard, and as you will read the Prophet sallallahu alayhi
wa sallam himself took a stance in terms of Hydra Adam, in terms of canceling the resource rights
that a tribe had over another so that peace could ensue in terms of canceling Riba and he canceled the Rebbe of the closest people to him because from his family with those were very rich and they any kind of Euro be they would give loans and with interest clauses, or if people couldn't pay then you know, extensions were given with interest crores of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam cancelled all of that out starting with the closest to him, so that there could be Financial Peace, as well as social peace Subhanallah because if there's always you know, blood revenge, then it's just gonna it's an endless cycle. And the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam chose this day to do
it. The day of our of our brothers and sisters in Islam
has other important aspects attached to it. It is said that it was on the day of our font on the ninth that Allah subhanho wa Taala took an oath from the progeny of Adam, he said, as we see in the ninth of June sort of laugh when Allah subhanho wa Taala announced to the progeny of Adam alayhis salaam LS to be Rob become Paulo Bella shahidullah.
In the Sunnah, there's a report that teaches us that when Allah created Adam, he extracted the progeny of Adam alayhis salam from from the back of Adam out of his solemn so all his children were extracted. And then Allah
announced to them, Am I not your Lord? And we all
bought testimony that Allah subhanho wa Taala is our Lord and this one this is what formulates our fitrah and natural disposition brothers and sisters in Islam.
So this happened on the ninth also Allah takes awesome by the day of our offer.
Some of the scholars of tafsir have said when Allah says Russia hit warmer should or shahidi warmer should share hate refers to the day of chaos but that's that would that is a word that is a witness over us. Because on the day of gamma all our deeds will be exposed. What much hood, my hood is the day of arafah they said Massoud is the day of alpha to the best of my knowledge. My shoe is the day of arafah It's the day that is witnessed, right we witnessed that day you see the Omar Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wasallam, in the numbers begging from Allah subhanho wa Taala. Nobody is is is
is concerned about who who thinks what about them. And it's also witnessed from the heavens, Allah subhanho wa Taala witnesses his slaves and
testifies to their presence and praises them and to his angels Han Allah. So this is the day of alpha. And on this day also brothers and sisters in Islam. As you can see the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam when he spoke so eloquently and finished speaking he raised his fingers to the sky and, and also to, to the people around him. But if you asked about me about my mission, what will you say and they all agreed that he took care of the man at Dell, a man and Manasa Hello, oma. And so by any believer, rissalah he he conveyed the revelation and he completed the trust and he advised the oma sallallahu alayhi wa sallam so Subhanallah you can see that on this day, the Prophet
sallallahu alayhi wasallam is highlighting to the Sahaba that he understands Han Allah that this is a responsibility, he is carrying the responsibility. It's not easy. You know, it's not just us, a chosen prophet is the chosen profit, but he is who he is because the responsibility is mighty Subhana Allah. So he's telling us to have, what will you say if you asked about my mission, and they all board testimony, we're talking about what more than 100,000 companions brothers and sisters in Islam, right. They bought testimony to the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam mission being a success and him being true to what Allah subhanho wa Taala commanded him to do now, sometimes we and
this is a thought I had when I used to hear these stories. How Did everyone hear the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, what is the mechanism? And some scholars have said the mechanism was that they had callers at every interval similar like how you would like let's say, you're playing Salah, you know, in a football stadium and there's no mic. So every three, four rows, you have a color. So when a man says Allahu Akbar, three, four rows later, that person will say Allahu Akbar, and then the three four rows later, there's someone else who hears the second one and he says Allahu Akbar. So everybody follows through. So it is understood that the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa
sallam was speaking and it was being relayed to the rest.
we know a mountain known as Jebel Rama, stay in it.
In, in America, and we see during the Hajj many of the many of the pilgrims try and get onto that mountain. There's no benefit or blessings for being there. But that is the place that the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam chose to stand. And as you heard, in the reading of the hadith of Jabba the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam had his camera close to the rocks and rock that is a rocky mountain, and that place is known. And it's there today. And as the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam gave you salmon, and
the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam, as though he stood there, he said, walk up to her hoonah or kulu, mcraven
wakulla out of mocha, that I've stood here and all of our offer is a place of standing. All of our offer is a place of standing. So you don't have to go to the mountain. You don't have to go to the mountain, you have to just be on the plains of RFR within the boundary of what constitutes our offer. So the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam gave his speech and then
jabber says bill I'll then announce the other
which was shortly followed by the comma, he sallallahu alayhi wa sallam lived before prayer, and he believed in and outside of a comma and he sallallahu alayhi wa sallam led the US a prayer. So these are details that we find in the habit of Java, which made the scholars give preference to the habit of jabber sometimes over other narrations and we spoke about this at the beginning of yesterday that Japanese saying that the Salah was done with one event into your commerce. When it comes to moose deli if we find another report which says to advance into your commerce and you find the scholars of your saying, we give precedence and preference to the hadith of jabber because later on you will see
jabber will say there was one other n into your commerce. And this is a norm that is normally one as an entry ecommerce was one of them people gather because they know they're joining the prayer and the to your commerce is to differentiate between one prayer and the next.
Then the Messenger of Allah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam mounted his Campbell and came to the place of his stay at Oliver stationing is she coming at us, also at the place of the rocks base of Jebel Rama. So there you go,
at the base of Java, Rama, and that way, the assembly of those performing the Hydra and foot was in front of him. And he said Allah for Allah, he was an on face tequila, and remain there in worship until sunset. And then the narration goes on to say that he stayed there until after sunset. So we've discussed why yo materia is called the day of Korea. Why is the day of arafah called the day of ARAVA was, some scholars have said naturally, as we may understand that, it's called the day of alpha because of the place of alpha, because of the place of RFI, and some say that when Ibrahim was being taught the hydrates and gibreel was taking it from place to place as you were saying, and out
of out of out of the Have you understood Have you understood Have you understood is it clear, so out of our became because out of phase is the core of hedge era became known as alpha, right? Because alpha carries the root letters is Allah and fat. And our offer denotes the concept of knowledge and having knowledge of something.
So some have said that that's the reason it's either connected to the place where it's connected to the idea when gibreel was taking the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam through the different sites of Hajj, sorry, Ibrahim Alayhi Salam during the different sites of of Hajj.
Then as we see the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam entered after zoa and this is there's a discussion between the scholars as we'll see just now if you enter before zool does it count, doesn't it count, but in terms of the sooner he entered after the sun passed itself, and
he prayed his salah and when we go back to the hadith of jabber, jabber tells us that the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam. First did the he did the speech, he did the speech, he did the hotbar. And then the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam did the prayer and then the will * and this is
same as we see today we find that people listen to the hotbar is broadcast from the masjid. There's a Masjid known as Masjid Nomura, in our offer, and based on this discussion of namira being a village outside of our offered in a portion of the machine will be outside of our office. So it's important for someone not to stay in the masjid throughout the day in the wrong part of the masjid because it could be that you choose to do your offer in the masjid. But you're sitting in the portion outside of the boundary of
our of right now some people, some scholars have said that it counts it can count because if our alpha is full, then it's similar to the machine being full. When you're in the masjid and the masjid is full then the rows outside the masjid carry the ruling of the rows inside the masjid. Right. But
even though when it's fully it has placed for the for the few people that would be in the portion of the budget outside of America. So I would say make sure and be sure that if you do take the machine as a place take the part of the machine that is within the boundary of our office, not the portion of the machine that is without so the hood what happens from there. In today's day and age with technology, they broadcast it either via radio, sometimes they have speakers in the tents, but now most of the time it's radio broadcasted. So the group of lead would switch on a radio
Log in to the broadcast and you'd hear the hotbar. And also it can happen in multiple languages now. So the the Minister of hedge, they cater for the hotbar being understood in multiple languages so you can log on to a broadcast that is in your language and they have translators who are translating life.
And then after that, you the normies you pray to her and ask her and then the * starts and this is as the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam did as per the Hadith of
the Prophet salallahu alayhi wa sallam prayed over and also together with one event into your commerce.
Now, the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam. In other narrations, when he performed a shortened prayer, he would announce to the people that he is a traveler.
But when he was on our offer, and he showed him the prayer at out of like this, he didn't make that announcement. And this is the reason why some of the scholars have said that the shortening of the prayer at the out of it is part of it's part of the loose look of it, it's part of Hajj, that on the day of Hajj, just like how Russia and Maharishi happened together and Miss Delhi for that time of mohareb is not when the sunsets but when you arrive at was Delica. So the same?
The same idea behind Russia and mohareb. There are the idea applies to her and ask her on the day of our offer, though her answer is two units or not four units. But again, as I said, this is a matter of difference and before the break we said always speak to your knowledgeable, responsible Islamic scholarship and they will guide you
the wisdom behind the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam joining the prayers as Jabari says they joined the prayer. So why did he join the press?
And again, this is a matter of discussion. Is it was it done because he was a traveler? Because the traveler is allowed to join? Or did he join it because
it's out of our majority, the vast majority of the scholars, the vast majority of the scholars, even some of the senior scholars of the Hanafi madhhab. They say that the two scholars are joined on out of although the mouth has settled upon the view that you don't join the Salah at arafa. The hood is paid on time, and also is paid on time. But the vast majority of the scholars, including some of them, senior scholars of the Hanafi madhhab have the view that you join it and it's part of the Lusaka, it's part of the and parcel of the ritual of Hajj to do so and the wisdom behind it
is so that you can have time dedicated to the work of what do we mean by the work of Does that mean you have to stand? Who Cuf and out of does it mean you have to stand? No it doesn't mean you have to stand or cough means position yourself at our office. You could be there sleeping, meaning laying down you could be there
sitting you could be there standing doesn't matter what golf means positioning yourself so they say the positioning your of yourself at our offer in a positioning dedicated towards praising Allah and worshipping from Allah and begging of line asking ALLAH and, and crying in front of Allah. This is done without disruption all the way until sunset. So this is the wisdom behind it.
And then we see clearly that the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam stayed until when until the sunset. And you see this mentioned in two ways. In the hadith of Jabba that he mentioned sunset and he also mentions when the house when when the when the arch of the Sun descend that it couldn't be seen, it said fully is trying to highlight that the Prophet stayed until sunset you don't leave before sunset. And because of this, this this discussion is about the scholars about those who enter before noon, or those who leave before sunset. So the majority of the scholars accepted the hanbali method that the scholars of the Humphrey method are of the view that standing on out of before noon
is not counted. The majority of the scholars say it's not counted. Your presence there has to be between zywall which is when the sun passes Zenith and sunset. Now do you have to stay until sunset, the majority of the scholars say it's wajib to stay before sunset and if you leave before sunset, then remember what we said about Wu and the tawaf if it's wajib and you miss it, what's the what's what's the conclusion, you have to sacrifice. Alright.
There's dumb jubran, there's a blood that has to be spilled to cover the, the knocks, right, the knocks means the missing portion, you went before sunset. So now you need to do something to cover that portion. And that is in the form of a sacrifice. This is the view of the majority generally, generally brothers and sisters in Islam.
We shouldn't go against the view of the majority of the scholars without an extremely good reason. So we say do everything in your capacity to stay until sunset as for getting too out of
before and staying after midday. This is easy. I mean now in terms of the hedge and how it's been prepared to facilitate 2 million people moving through the lands many people get too out of firefighter sometimes before for jobs, that's fine. You get two out of four before federal and they said beds for you to rest and sleep meaning is like an extension of Mina. They treat it as an extension of Mina.
So you can sleep and you can rest because really all the events start after zool after midday and nobody gets taken away before midday.
is not a case that if you get there 3am then be the rule of hedges that you leave before midday. It's not like that you are left until sunset, you are left until sunset
regarding Do you have to still stay stays, stayed till sunset them as we said the majority of the scholars it's why do you benefited before then you have to slaughter an animal. Now in a narration. It is said that the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said men shahida Salah Tana heavy walk off Emma and I had to
walk the walk of obiora Abdullah
waka waka waka waka pobol Leyland una hora and the Abu Leyland owner Heron pocket item mahad ju Acaba and taffeta
and whoever witnesses
our salah and stood
on arafa before going to miss deliver, and they did the standing for any portion of the day or the night then they had just complete and
they've completed their their right or completed the rights. Now this narration obviously shows that the one who witnesses the salah and spend time on arafa then the right is complete. All right. So some scholars have deduced from this that based on this based on this, you don't have to you don't there's no sacrifice if you leave arafa before McRib, if you leave out off before mohareb there is no sacrifice so some scholars have deduced this. However, as we said brothers and sisters in Islam, it's safer to follow the view of the majority now I want to highlight something let's say as part of the convener of Hajj as part of the the systematic running of the Hajj. It's decided that half an
hour before Mohammed some buses are going to leave home was delivered because we need to move this crowd of 2 million people through Medallia as well.
Should you stress you should try to stay until mohareb but if you can't stay until Mahara it's beyond your control then there's no sacrifice if the system
states that you will leave this is your pilgrim number this is your bus and your bus will leave at this time and you get on the bus and leave there's no cell on you there's no sun on you. In previous hedges people who have been put on the bus like an hour before most people 45 minutes before maharrey but left on the bus
until McRib and as soon as Vulcan comes in the buses move. Oh, this is okay. This is okay. Some people felt stressed that they wanted you know the movement disturbed they do. Let me say brothers and sisters in Islam, anything which is not B or A which is beyond your control, don't stress about it don't make your hijab become more affected than it needs to be. It doesn't even need to be affected. I know people have the emotion, they spent a lot of money and they want to follow everything to the tee. But life is such that not everything can be followed to the tee and hamdulillah as you can see, between the mother hip and his discussions. This this difference of
opinion is a mess that Allah reviewed the rules in a way that can be interpreted like this, and interpreted like that. And as such it is a mercy for the Mahabharata Allahu alayhi wa sallam that we don't feel that we did our hygiene our hygiene is lacking in any capacity or manner.
Now, also, since we've mentioned this duration, this duration can also be used by those who say that standing on our offer before noon is counted standing on our offer before noon is counted. Now do you need to stand by Java Rama? No as we said the Prophet walk off to hoonah wakulla out of it knock
any any I've stood here and all of our offer is a mocha for kulu out of a mocha, all of our offer is a place of standing. So again, some Hajaj make it hard on themselves they want to go all the way to jump out of home and sometimes you attend is on some other part and then you make your way to juggle Rama. You under the hot sun. Right? Even in the winter and sometimes the sun is hot and in this summer months of lawyering it's really warm. It's really hot 50 degrees plus 50 degrees and then what happens you get lost sometimes because you know it's it's it's massive, you get lost and then you lose your group and then you affect you negatively, stick with the group be in your attempt you
don't have to go there the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said it himself. I am standing here but all of our of our is standing he's trying to tell us Don't be stressed about coming to stand where I have stood. So don't in trying to do something, you create a circumstance that overwhelms you and through that you create even more difficulties to your hedge. By also the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam as we see then made his way to miss deliver. Now, as you can see from the narration, the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam didn't Primo herb, right and as you saw in the narration, the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam he held these camels so tight, so tight, what did
he do? He pulled his camel back until its head reached. Part of the saddle Subhan Allah, right. Why did the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam do this to keep us we're moving slowly, and he told the people a second to second. He told them go to moose deliever with contempt with tranquility
Don't rush and create the hustle and bustle. Right? You just finish out of you are living the moments of of the man rush, right? Don't lose that demon rush by, by rushing, the journey will happen in its time. Now, as I said, between alpha and Mustafa, you're looking at about seven kilometres or 11, or somewhere in between I forgotten the exact distance.
But even if we said seven brothers and sisters in Islam, even if we said seven, if we said seven brothers and sisters in Islam, you can understand that the time for maharrey be short. If the sun has set and the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam leaves after and he's holding his candle tight, and he's telling telling people to go slow. Clearly, he's not going to reach Metallica before. He said the Isha time starts and the McRib time ends, right. So here we see that the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam got to use deadly force and the time for maharrey but that day was not when the sunset, but when you arrived at Metallica.
Right? So this is what we understand. And then as you read one read for us, the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam read the mockery benicia praise or the one as an end to your commerce. It's Japanese being precise. And this narration has been used in front of other narrations that say he did it was to advance into e commerce, and then the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, he remained there until dawn, and he offered the Fajr prayer. Now jabber doesn't tell us about those that the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam permitted to go to the Kaaba before going to the Jamaat he permitted the elderly and those in need.
Some of the females to go to the top of hedge
Jabar doesn't mention this here.
So, this is some, as we see that the idea of the hedges dynamic, can see it's dynamic. So in other narrations, we benefit from this. And earlier we said that jabber went to sleep so jabber says the Prophet went to sleep and woke woke up when it was time to prefetcher. But we don't see these discussions with other companions and other prophets, Allah, Allah, Allah, he was telling me sending some of them to Makkah to do that, or why because the next day is going to be too congested. So if we send the women in the weekend, those who need to do certain things, now, then they get it over and done with and they come back, and they can go to the jamara when the people are at the helm. And
you see this on the 10th of Dhul hijjah. By 10am 11am, La ilaha illAllah. The harem is humming and buzzing literally, not because of the ACS and the speakers, you literally feel the people's voices unified. You literally feel that for those who've been named that experience. Sorry, I'm trying to make I made the sound effect. I'm just playing the idea in my mind, you will literally feel that the harem is buzzing, literally. There is no space to see the ground.
And some people go to the harem and do the tough path takes four hours five hours Han Allah even though they understand the Sahaj means the portion around the Kaaba, that's how busy it is. Right so for women, etc, etc. It becomes difficult so the prophets of Allah Allah He will send them send them during
Laila to Juma meaning the night of must deliver to this we don't find this in the habit of jabber, but this is something that happened, and the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam rested, and he sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, then prefecture now
jabiru says, while m u sub B, why do I want to highlight this for you? Because this is part of the translation that I edited for you or while I'm used a bit. If I said the Prophet didn't do the test B, for example, you'd be confused. What do you what do we mean by SB here? u sub B here means he didn't pray the Salah.
And this is mean Bab it luck Algis LL Cool. This is a concept in the Arabic language right
it's a concept in Arabic language where you refer to our whole using its part we know that part of slices of Han or Bell Allah Allah Subhana Ravi Ravi, right Subhana Allah morbihan Nick, so this does be his part of the Salah. So the prophets is also jabbers Islam you sub meaning he didn't play the NFL, the NFL Salah, but does this mean and as we said Jabba doesn't know Jabari is narrating to us what he's what he what he witnessed. Does this mean you're not allowed to pray any Salah? Some people say you're not allowed to pray any Salah until you go to sleep. But some people can't sleep so they want to pray and make use of the night. Are they allowed to or they're not allowed to. It's
reported that even Massoud ones did it. But obviously our guide is the messenger sallallahu alayhi wa sallam and what we see here is that the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam slept however as we said, there's nothing to say that the Prophet never prayed. Yeah, but he just said the Prophet select. So with that being said, brothers and sisters in Islam, Salah is permitted, Salah is permitted. The idea is to have a restful sleep because you have a big next day. Right? But today, we see that the head sometimes is planned differently but on the 10 people don't even go to market they go on the 11th. So they'll sleep on the 10th for example, right? So if you you know your
circumstances situation, if you feel that you're not sleepy, and you can be awake or you are awake.
And you don't have a difficult day tomorrow and you want to pray. Absolutely. You can pray. Right. Absolutely. You can pray so it shouldn't be understood that it's not it's forbidden to pray. Then we learned that the father was prayed on time. It wasn't delayed. It was prayed at the beginning of the fudger time and then before the sun rose the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam moved position. Where did he move? He went from one part of Metallica to another part of Metallica known as much Ariel Hara. Now some say much I will haraam is all of Metallica. Some of
the same Mashallah karma refers to all of Metallica. But what seems closer is no this is not true because if it was all almost Delica why did why did why did jabil say the Prophet moved from where he was in was delivered to me I will have so much I will harem is a place in was deliver and there's a Masjid there build there today. A lot of the times over time whenever there was a sacred place or a place which is historical a machete was built. So we see it's called the masjid bash, I will harm you see this when you visit was that if I if you don't know and you are with a Hydra group, you can ask them to show you and they will show you. So the brothers that Allahu Allah he was in a mood then
he moved there when before sunset or before sunrise or after sunrise, before sunrise. So he moved to that position before sunrise and the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam remember Allah subhanho wa Taala he supplicated he investigated he did the vicar, and
before sunrise from there, or before the sun rose he sallallahu alayhi wa sallam then departed for Mena as per the hadith of Jabba Now, earlier we read that the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam had Osama
bin Zayed from arafa to Metallica. I forgot to highlight that to you, but you heard it in the narration, right? Osama bin Zayed was someone beloved the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, he was this young person and we see Subhanallah how the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam was with the oma. He was one part of the oma sallallahu wasallam. And it wasn't like this is VIP, GMC, convoy. And then you have this convoy, and no one is allowed in this convoy
was the GMC and he it was ultimately the animal of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam. And Osama is on the back of the camera behind the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam and here we see another companion father, even at best is with the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam to meet another young Companion of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam. And this is allowed brothers and sisters in Islam as long as the animal can manage it. If it's not too difficult for the animal, there's no issue here. And then we see as she has with one read, and you have in your tradition, Father, when they departed, he was seated behind the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam. And Father was handsome.
He is saying father was handsome, and he had beautiful hair. And he was saying complexion. And then he's saying, as they were writing, a group of women passes by, again, this is I've translated it for you. But if you look at the Arabic term immediately, if you read it in Arabic, you won't understand what it means. Because the Arabic term used references a when when herds gather together. So it's trying to explain that there are groups of women and all these groups are gathered together that they were passing through many groups of females. And when this was happening, as we know, during the hedge the females faces uncovered. So Father began looking, he ran, he began peeking
as one of the chefs said peak performance. Right. So not describing football, but they say sometimes the young the youth, the youth the peak, they don't know what they gaze, so fatherly here was speaking. And what did the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam do the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam grabbed his head and turned it to the other side and when the Prophet noticed that he was speaking, again on the other side, he grabbed his head and turned it on the other side. So what is the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam doing here this is in Kerala Mancha.
This is incar or Mancha.
encounter Mancha is part and parcel of the deep We are the amount of inviting towards good and forbidding evil, and inviting towards good and forbidding evil happens in stages. If you can do it with your hand you do it with your hand as the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam did, he was the mural meaning, meaning he was the he was the Messenger of Allah was the leader of the Muslims. All right, so he did it with his hand if you can't eat with your hand you did with your tongue, if you can't eat with your tongue you did with your heart and that you make dua that Allah fixes the difficulty in front of you. So this is something that Jabari noticed and jabil revealed Subhana
Allah, which tells us that during the Hajj, do every act of worship as you can from them invite towards good and forbid evil. But as I said, brothers and sisters in Islam in the right capacity don't invite towards don't forbid evil in a way that creates a fight. Right? You see someone smoking and then you go and speak to them in a way that you know is unbefitting you haven't done the due diligence and through that there's a fight La hawla wala quwata illa illa Allah La quwata illa Allah Allah says, Allah Rafa tala tala g de la ville Hajj, as you heard in the is sort of the Baccarat read by a chef with one at the beginning. They shouldn't be arguing in the hedge, but you you do
your thing in a way that creates an argument. So we must be wise we must realize when we can speak when when we can use our hand and when we need to make dua. piab then
we learn that
The Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam did this until he got to the bottom of masa Mahathir is a mighty valley that separates moose deliever from Mina
and jabber through telling us, you know, the Prophet did this to sallallahu alayhi wa sallam to be his companion to father until he got to mahasin. Jabari is telling us that the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam reached the borders of Mina from the back, right, because the front border of Lena is connected to as easier and what we know as maca. The back end of Mina is connected to was deliever and we see today because of the overflow of tents when you go to Mina, you'll find certain tents going beyond the boundary of Mina. It says, Meena ends here was delivered starts here and you see tents going past it close to the slaughterhouse, that's what the house is, is after Mina
and the scholar see this is allowed. Why Because again, it carries the ruling of Salah when the machine is full and the lines are outside of the masjid. Those lines carry the ruling of the lines inside the machine because the machine is full. So the same way with me now when when Amina is full and they need overflow tents, they put her judge in the overflow, the overflow tense so the the idea here is that Jabari is telling us that the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam reached the the border of Mina from its back end from its end connected to was deliever. Then he goes on to say that the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam Luke is describing in detail what the Prophet did with the camel
so I don't know what it was. He urged Casa on and if you're in a valley you want to add your camera your camera goes up goes coke comes out of the valley and eventually he followed the middle road pan over look at Japanese being precise the middle road and which led him to the biggest jamara and this is what this is from the first of x that you do when you get to when you get to Mina on the 10th of the ledger you go and pelt one jamara the big jamara you probably big Jama
Jama two lacob Yamanaka is the last jammer if you coming from from from this Delica it will be the last jammer that you get to so you get to the first jammer or the second one The last one is jammed or to lock up. Now do you have to go there straightaway no you don't especially if you know there's a crowd there could be congestion there could be stampedes. You don't have to go you can go to your attention minute you can sit you can make yourself a cup of tea you can rest many people just want to go no doubt it's too soon now but we also have to be intelligent that we have millions of people and many of the stampedes happen on the 10th they happen on the 10th or they happen on the day when
you leaving Minar before now there's no stampedes Alhamdulillah with the whole new system and the gem Mirage is not a bridge and the Mirage used to be pillars, right? Then it became a jamara bridge with polis then it became a gemora bridge with walls you see each pillar got expanded to look like a ward. So more people saw the pit can get bigger and you widen the you increase the circumference area that people stand around so people are not piling over a small circular.
But then, towards the end of the life of King Fahad it was decided that this bridge be blown up, so Han Allah and now it's a spaceship really i mean if if you look at what constitutes the jamara Bridge is like a spaceship with levels, escalators, emergency units, hospitals, helicopter landing pad it's phenomenal and it's designed in a way that if you coming from one part of Mena you have to go to a certain flow. If you coming from another part of Mena you have to go to certain flow so they really controlled traffic. So sometimes you even have a situation where the hedge ministry what is the admin ministry? Do they give you timings? They tell you your routing time is at this time so if
you come from us deliver, you can go straight away. Does this mean you lose the rewards or following the sooner? No it doesn't because you are being practical. The Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam didn't go straight away to pelt as a rule that if you if you if you either do it like this, and if you don't do it at this time, then you've lost the rewards. Right? So we must understand this that what we read in the book must be read with context brothers and sisters in Islam. Okay, and the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam went, and it was at this place that he pelted with seven pebbles. Now Jabba didn't tell us where did the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam get the pebbles
we learned from other reports that the petals were taken at the at the beginning of Mina, at the beginning of Mina, and there were seven pebbles very small, the size of a chick pea for those who know what a chick pea is. And we see this in the habit of jabber that the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam pelted with seven pebbles saying Allahu Akbar every time each pebble was similar to the size of a chickpea. I've translated it as a cheek p, but it references that and he did this in the bottom of the valley. Okay, we'll talk about this what he what he means by the bottom of the valley. Let's talk about the concept of melting the big jamara.
pelting the big jamara brothers and sisters is in Islam is related to Ibrahim alayhis salam, and when he went to slaughter Ismail AlLahi Salaam, he was confronted by three devils. Each devil was trying to serve him off the path of following the command of Allah subhanho wa Taala and Ibraheem alehissalaam pelted them with seven pebbles and the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam
Allahu Akbar. And you can understand the concept of that at the time of Ibrahim when he's pouting if the concept of Allahu Akbar is with him or he said it, no doubt Allah is greater than you Oh devil, and you what you telling me because you can imagine the devils are very, they have PhDs in strategic warfare. Sometimes the devil can come tell you something good to make you do something bad so is the devil can come tell you a you know, how can you speak to your son? Don't you know that if you preserve a life, it's like you preserving all of mankind. Right? Maybe right? That's the Allah told you you must look after life and you must preserve life and this is your son and you have a
responsibility over him as a father. So what are you doing Ibrahim? So prime is pouting and saying Allah is greater than you Allah is greater than you greater than me greater than my son greater than what you calling me to greater than my emotions greater than everything Allah is command comes first pelted them and he dealt with three of them on the day of now when you go to the last one, the acaba which is the greater jamara now are the devils there, there's no devils there. Allah Allah, there's no devils that we know that as terastation there. In fact, I would imagine that it's the last place any devil would want to be, because on that day, there's only show of piety, right? People
multi-millions throwing stones, and the devils know that the throwing stones to disgrace us and disagree shavon Why would anyone ever want to be there? And I highlight this because sometimes Mashallah tabarrok Allah, we see people coming with umbrellas, brooms, whatever they can find rocks, rocks, bla, Hola, La quwata illa Villa brothers and sisters in Islam rocks, and then they're throwing it from far and then you have people in front of the wall of the of the jamara. You can cause serious harm people throwing slippers, people giving lectures to shame upon before they park some people Subhanallah they do a hot bath, they do a hot bath and then they do a run up seminar
like what you see in cricket. When the bowler is running to bowl, you find him doing a run up. You see strange things or other senses that Islam not trying to be funny but telling you Subhanallah that we see this, all this? We don't see this in the hadith of Jabba the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam didn't do this, you meant to just throw your stone into the pit. And this is what the scholars have said it's not about hitting the pillar. Some people are bowling as if they are aiming stumps. And they want to do Yorker's and they want to do
I guess I haven't been cricket for a long time by so you have to get your stone into the pit. As I said, the scholars have said focus on the pit. That's the idea. If the stone hits the wall and comes out, then you should you should throw again. But this is a matter of discussion between the scholars. It's not our discussion for today we're focusing on the edge of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam, the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam pelted with seven stones peacefully. Now.
The big jamara the scholars have also differed about its position, not its position where it is now but whether it's part of Mina or whether it's part of Mk. Okay, so this is important for us to
to understand, why do I highlight this, because some people go to Minar, and they don't have a 10th they stay anywhere in minutes. So if you're staying anywhere in Minar, it's better for you to stay past meaning deeper into Mena past the position of the big Jamal because some scholars and some historians have said that that jamara is outside of the boundary of Mena and Allah subhanho wa Taala knows best. So as a precaution, I highlight this in case you do you do go for the Hajj one day, and you are
managing your own trip, that when you do antamina go deeper past the position of the big jammer. Now the big jamara back then, was next to a mountain. So you never had the opportunity to go around in politics from all sides. Right? So the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam as you see in the hadith of jabber. jabber says the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam did this in the bottom of the valley, meaning the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam could only position himself where he positioned himself and thus the scholars have said the scholars have said that the sooner when you felt the big jamara
whenever you felt it, is to pelted with Mina on your left. Sorry is to pelted with Nam Mina on your left and the cab on your right. We now on your left and the cab on your right, and the jamara in front of you.
And Allah subhanho wa Taala knows best
in so the jammer is in front of you. And you have a one part of the area on your right and the other part on your left. I'm hoping I haven't been mistaken. And I haven't I haven't had a slip of the tongue.
May Allah subhanho wa Taala forgive me if I have
let me just make sure because we should make sure I'm going to bring a chef ridhwan back to read for us. This portion again to refresh our memories from the portion of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam entering minute after the the story of father chef one if you could please
read for us the section insha Allah and inshallah from there we will take the remaining lessons between later
so after the portion of
English please Park low FICO.
Okay, we can't hear you shafted one. I think your unmute
smilla rahmanir rahim he sallallahu alayhi wa sallam urged elkus wa onwards. He then eventually followed the middle road, which led towards the biggest jamara, which is near a tree. It was this place which he sallallahu alayhi wasallam pelted with seven pebbles saying Allahu Akbar every time each pebble was similar to the size of chikwe. He did this in the bottom of the valley, he sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, then went to the place of sacrifice and sacrificed 63 animals with his own hands. Then he gave the remaining number to either of your loved one who sacrificed them as well, and then shared them with him. He sallallahu alayhi wa sallam then commanded that some meat
from each sacrificed animal be cooked. When this was done, both of them the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, and earlier on the Allahu anhu took some meat out of it and drank his broth. The Messenger of Allah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam then wrote to Al Masjid al Haram, and offered the Lahore prayer there. He then came to the tribe of Abdulmutallab, which was providing some some water. He said, draw water for me opening Abdulmutallab, where it not that the people would you serve the strike of supplying water from you, I would have drawn it along with you. So they handed him a basket, and he drank from it.
Baraka lofi, kosher Ridwan, okay, brothers and sisters in Islam, I did have a slip of the tongue there. So let me just highlight for you all that part of the lesson again. So you face the jamara. And it's Minar on your right, and mark on your left. And the reason why I doubted myself is because I said the opposite. But then I was thinking of myself when I went for Hajj. And what I remember is that Mina was on my right. And my car was on my left and makes perfect sense because if the jumper was against the mountain, then this was the only position you could pull from so delete what you might have listed earlier in terms of that slip when I said if I did say maybe I didn't say it. I
think I did say I think earlier I did say that you have the cover on your right. And we not your left, it's meaner to your right. And the Kaabah on your left minute your right and the cover on your left. And the jamara is in front of you. So basically as you head to the jamara you you you pelted at the narrowest portion that's in front of you. Okay, now this is the sun brothers and sisters in Islam. And earlier I said these you know, you get these stampedes that happen on the 10th. Why? Because everyone wants to pal from there as if you pal from anywhere else, your pelting is not counted. And honestly I've seen this when you go there you find Subhanallah the biggest crowds
there. And stampedes and people falling and people climbing over each other. Right. And if you just look on the other side, you see it's totally empty. Nobody's going to pull from totally empty. And some people go on the other side and I've even seen this and they felt with ease. You know like sipping a cup of water kind of ease, because there's nobody there and they look at the chaos on the other side and can understand what's going on. Now what's going on is many people feel that
many people feel what they feel that they have to do it as the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam did it irrespective irrespective of circumstances situation.
And this is problematic brothers and sisters in Islam. The Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said I stood here on our fine all of our files a piece of standing. So the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam pelting the jamara from a place doesn't mean that if you pulled it from any other place constitutes your pelting invalid, especially if you're going to do that you're going to bring harm to yourself possible harm to yourself and possible harm to others. Now, as I said, Alhamdulillah, things are more controlled now and more easy. And with the staggered times, and people the control of people going in, it's easier to find space to probe the jamara as we've described, shaida
Mashallah, she's given us a tip. She says it's easy to remember, you say the Kaaba should be on your heart side, the cover should be on your heart side, on all these is our heart on the left side of our body or in the middle of our body.
Right, but I know what you're saying. It's, it's it's just left off center. That's what you mean. It's left of left of center. I mean, Allah bless you.
Let's continue. So the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam pelted and we've discussed this you can tell from anywhere. But if you can tell from the front of it, where the camera is in front of you and the mirrors on your right and the cables on your left, then you can do that. Now, we've discussed that pelting entails the stone going into the house. So it's not about aiming the wall. It's about the wall is just a target for you to aim. But it's about it going into into the pit. Now one of the wisdoms brothers and sisters in Islam today in today's day and age because people say okay, we're going to talk
So are we just pelting? Well, brothers and sisters, it's not just an act itself. It's an act connected to a reality. And we should bring that reality to the forefront, such as throwing, like we said, there's no shape and you're not, you're not physically building the shape and but in essence, you are building the shape and the shape and so disgracing the oma doing that. But the point is that, what is the greatest way to publish is to just throw a stone in a pit and walk away and say, I've done the act. Now
create death threat, when you sitting in a mirror, or in was deliever, before you go to on the 10th to think of seven sins, that defeat
and tie each sin to a stone,
technically, right, in essence, and go to that pit and say Allahu Akbar, and throw that stone Allah is greater than my desire to follow the sun. Allah is greater than Chapin's ability over me and throw that stone into the pit. Leave those hills there.
And then the next day when you think about other sins or the same sins, because you're going to go out the next day and the next day when you go to bed, you're going to about three times you're going so hold our Mustafa la Cava. Well, Cobra, you're going to do the
you're going to you're going to pout the what what is known as the small jamara, the medium jamara and the big jamara. So that's 714 21 stones, and the next day as well. 714 21 stones, right? 21 and seven is 28. And if you see a third day you add another 21. So how many sins can you literally leave in that pit?
or How many times can you practice a practice that will assist you when you come back home? The day you found yourself when you were born in sha Allah, because Allah is forgiving you. Right? those practices? How many practices can you do that will assist you maintaining your slates after Allah cleans them?
That when you come back, you do have a strong, strong hold on shavon and his abilities to whisper you and trigger your desires. So think about the brothers and sisters in Islam. Then jabber says that the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam went to the place of sacrifice. We don't know exactly where the place was, but it was a place dedicated for the sacrifice. And the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam sacrificed 63 animals with his own hands. And then it was left to do the rest. Mahabharata. Mahabharata as you see in the text means what remains. And we learn here the permissibility of having the sacrifice with you share the load with you. And also we learned that
the messenger sallallahu alayhi wa sallam went to sacrifice after pelting right. So the Prophet the Prophet, sallallahu alayhi wa sallam went to pelt, then he went after pelting to sacrifice. And then after the sacrifice, he went for the tawaf, which though after 12 of Hajj, as we see in the hadith of Jabba now, what jabber did not mention to us, was
a benefit from other reports, which states that the messenger sallallahu alayhi, wasallam, shaved his hair before the toe of the messenger sallallahu alayhi wa sallam pelted and then he sacrificed and then he shaved his hair, and then he went for the tawaf. Okay. But as we said, no matter how much you know,
there's things you won't know. And even that which you know, there's things we should forget to say, the panel and I can tell you now even in our lessons together this things which I wanted to tell you yesterday, which I forgot, and wanted to say today, which tomorrow I'll remember as a as a panel, I forgot to tell them, such as mankind will hamdulillah the Sunnah of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam is protected by the collective efforts of the Sahaba. So we have this in other narrations. Now, also, what hasn't been what hasn't been said? i? I'm not sure I think it hasn't been mentioned by Java. Now, it hasn't been mentioned by Java. All this was done before Zohar, and this is the bulk
of the time of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam jamara, sacrifice, shaving, contour maca and then his tower which toe off the top of Hajj. Did he do say no. Why did he do the sire of Hajj because the site of Hydra was done after the waffle Kudu when he came to, to, to Mecca and this is why the majority of the scholars say that the hedge Tehran is Amara and hedge in one act, meaning Allah gives you the rewards of the number of tawaf
and the number of hedge, sorry, the top of the top of hedge when you do the top of hedge, and he gives you the rewards of the salary of Amara and the salary of hedge. When you do the salary of hedge. It's not that you have to do to salaries and to separate dough ups as for the first hour of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam. We said that was the top of Kudu is that after you do when you enter MCC so here brothers and sisters in Islam, we see that
we see a wisdom also behind why it's compulsory to sacrifice an animal some of the scholars have said it's compulsory to sacrifice an animal when you didn't clear on the hedge to thank Allah for giving you the rewards of Allah and hedging just one act.
But the person who does a fraud hedge there's no sacrifice compulsory upon them because they only get the rewards of that off of hedge and the size of hedge not the rewards of the terroir of hygiene Amara and the rewards of the salary of hygiene. Omar, right and earlier we didn't say the mama
halifa he understood, and if I didn't say please forgive me, but it was something that should have been shared before he understood that Iran hedge means you do a full ombre, but you don't come out of the state, you don't shave your head, and then you do a full hedge.
But the majority of scholars didn't agree with him. And we see here in the hadith of Jabba the Quran which entails,
entails one hedge or sorry, one off the top of hygiene one side, which is the site of hedge. So again, as we said, The Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam did this between, between Subhan Allah between sunrise and and, and then he prayed to her in the Hara. He prayed to her in the harem, as we see, in the hadith of Jabba now, in Mecca, he prayed the dog, after his tawaf. And in another report, even Omar says that the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam prayed over him when he prays every minute. So what does this mean? How do we join between the narrations what some of our scholars have looked at this, and they have said that in joining between the narrations because both
are authentic, we say that the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam prayed his daughter in the harem. And when he came to Mina, he led them in the thought of prayer, and it was nothing for him and compulsively the heart for them. Or the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam came, and he prayed for her with
the messenger, sallallahu alayhi wa sallam.
He came and he prayed with the congregation praying with the heart in Mina. So he came from Africa, and they were praying for her, and he prayed with them, and that's what he would offer. So it's either he led them or he prayed with them. And if you prayed with them, then this is true to what he taught his companions in terms of those who pray Salah, and then they come to the masjid and find a congregation. The Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam told them that they should join the congregation meaning if you prayed, and you come to the masjid and you see a congregation, should you just sit and watch the people break the prophets Allah, Allah Allah He was seen as advices to
join the prayer and what you prayed before would become a powerful prayer. And Allah subhanho wa Taala knows best.
This brings us to the end, the brothers and sisters in Islam, the end of our journey through the Hajj of the Prophet salallahu alayhi wasallam. As per the hadith of jabber, we have to highlight this as per the hadith of Jabba because there are more things to the Hajj of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam, such as he stay in Mena, on the 10th night and the 11th night and the 12th night and then he's pouting on those two days. And there's fake rulings pertaining to some of the concessions the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam gave to some people and so on and so forth. But this is not part of the hadith of jabber, and we've already gone an hour overtime. So we will end
here in sha Allah And may Allah bring us together to discuss the rules of hedge in future episodes in future seasons of worship. And if we go through the rulings of hedge then we will revise the rulings I've managed to share with you in our sitting together and the other rulings pertaining to events the jab or the Allah who
didn't share with us. I really pray I haven't forgotten to share with you anything. Yeah. Rob. It's always a worry especially since we are going to close things insha Allah. Now at the end, we have the final paragraph at the end the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam went to drink. Zamzam? Did he drink Zamzam because it's part of the hedge, the scholar say he drinks some some because he wanted to drink some some he needed to drink some some he was thirsty. sallallahu alayhi wasallam and there's a discussion here between the scholars about whether you have to sit and drink or stand and drink because the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam told us to sit and drink but when he did that,
when he drank the Zamzam people said whether it was the thumbs up or another, but we have this mentioned in the hadith of Jabari, particularly, and we have narrations which state that they saw the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam standing and drinking and the scholars have explained that the Sunnah is to sit and drink unless there's you can't sit unless it's difficult to sit unless there's no place to sit. If there's no place to sit, then you can stand and drink and there's no problem and Allah subhanho wa Taala Allah knows best brothers and sisters in Islam, I love you all for the sake of Allah subhanho wa Taala and really at this point I we can only love each other for
the sake of Allah subhanho wa Taala really because Allah subhanho wa Taala brought us together myself, Geoffrey dawn and you all and even those who are watching the recordings I know many are watching after after hours, Allah has brought us together for what for financial gain know for material gain, inshallah know Allah in order to become an English speaker because Allah minister Kuru kalama and make dua to Allah that we ask Allah to protect us from ever associating partners with him knowingly.
And we seek His forgiveness if we ever did so unknowingly meaning if we ever did so, in a way whereby,
without knowing we intended to please people, insha Allah, this wasn't my intention and this wasn't your intention, nor was it shared with one's intention. We came here to worship Allah subhanho wa Taala on the eighth of the ledger, and the ninth of the hedger, the special days of hedge before the day of read, during the best days of the year, Subhan Allah, we could have taken these lessons in the character
Doing it in the head just made it even more special because there's no deeds more beloved to Allah than deeds done during these days Han Allah. So this is why we've come together. And no doubt if we come together like this, then we've come together for the sake of Allah, which means our love can only be for the sake of Allah subhanho wa Taala and I really am appreciative and thank you all for your patience for being here. For being wonderful students for your excellent listenership for the way you've asked your questions for the way you presented yourselves.
And like I said at the beginning of this journey, if we can't thank each other, how would we thank Allah subhanho wa Taala anyway, the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said no one thanks Allah if they can thank the people because thanking Allah is from the greater thanks and thanking the people is from the lesser thanks and if we fail in thanking each other then we are failing with the lesser things so we will fail with the greater thanks. So I thank you all from the bottom of my heart. And then I thank Allah subhanho wa Taala and I say Alhamdulillah be near MIT he t masala hat hamdulillah Benny and Matthew 13. Masada had all praises belongs to Allah subhanho wa Taala it is with his
blessings, that goodness like this becomes complete. Allah inspired us to it and Allah inspired us inspired us through it and we say to Kabbalah now I'm income Salah ml May Allah accept from us our good deeds and we remember the Tao of Ibrahim, when he was building the Kaaba is Maryland they said Rob banner Taco Bell Minh in the cantor Samuel and him that Oh our Lord except from us. Indeed, you are a semir LLM, a semi A B, all hearing lamb omniscient, the all knowing. So brothers and sisters in Islam at this juncture, ask Allah subhanho wa Taala. To
accept this effort from us and to accept our intentions. And to make this effort a means of us getting the rewards of Hajj this year, even though we didn't manage to go to the Goddess for our intentions because we wanted to be there. But we couldn't be there due to circumstances beyond our control. Allah is upon or labor or a book, aka deal, as Allah says in Surah, four are your Lord, his career, his own labor, and his Rahim and He is the Most Merciful, and he indeed can reward us without measure. We ask Allah to reward us the rewards of Hajj even though we are not there. We ask Allah to accept from the Hajaj they hedge and we ask Allah to return them safely and to accept from
the believers they're fasting. They're praying, they're sadaqa they do are they supplications the invocations the kindness to their parents in the form of Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wasallam for the sake of Allah subhanho wa Taala. During these days, we ask Allah subhanho wa Taala. To forgive any mistakes during these days, and to accept these days from us and to make our end to these days stronger than our beginning. For actions are judged by their, by their by their endings. And we ask Allah subhanho wa Taala on the day of aid, to free us from the Hellfire to make us from amongst those who are freed from the Hellfire to write our names from amongst those that were freed from the
hellfire. And we ask Allah subhanho wa Taala to bless the lessons that were shared, that were taught that were learned and to make us a means of teaching these lessons to the people, to our spouses, to our children, to those within our sphere of influence. So that insha Allah perhaps the hedge can become more beloved to them.
As Allah made the Hajj more beloved to us through this, these couple of sittings together, and through it also, that the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam and his companions become more beloved to them as Allah made them more beloved to us with the blessings of our settings. Together, ask Allah subhanho wa Taala along with these to us, to preserve us in his obedience, in good health and in good life, and to only make us pass away if death is good for us, and to grant us the death of the people of his karma if death is decreed for us. We ask Allah to bless us during death field most of whom are at the most to bless us after death. We ask Allah to grant us graves that will be
gardens from the gardens of Jannah. We ask Allah subhanho wa Taala to raise us with the family of Al Quran on the day of gamma. We ask Allah subhanho wa Taala to grant a shade and any things out on the day of gamma. And we ask Allah subhanho wa Taala to enter us into alpha dose Allah, the highest paradise without accountability without punishment. And if we have to be taken to account then we ask Allah to ease our reckoning, and to enter into alpha dose. Allah Allah with the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, and the messengers and the truthful ones and the companions of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, so that we can be there with them, and perhaps see them and run
to them and tell jabber how we benefited from his narration and also tell father, even at best what we know of what he did when he did the Hajj and how the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam corrected him, and we can tell Osama how lucky we we are how, how lucky he was in we felt he was so lucky to be able to write behind the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam and meet the different companions that we've heard throughout our lessons together Nic bin Malik wouldn't live in Armada to live in a best robiola and him as a marine. We can meet them and tell them so Pamela, of how we had such a joyous times in the dunya
Because of their efforts in writing to us from the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam and the no doubt, ultimately meeting the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam and telling him about a sitting we had in the dunya, one year, the year 1442 after hedgerow after he migrated from Mecca to Medina during the eighth of hedger and the length of the hedger, a sitting that we had with him, even though he wasn't with us. We had it with his son, and that is what he left with us. sallallahu alayhi wasallam his inheritance, we sat with it, we drank from it, we traveled through it, and when hamdulillah Allah brought us through it, we ask Allah All this and more, I mean, yeah, but I mean, I
reiterate what I said. I love you all for the sake of Allah subhanho wa Taala and I say everything correct said is from Allah alone, and he's perfect and any mistakes are from myself, and show your plan and ask Allah subhanho wa Taala is forgiveness forgiveness, I ask Allah to increase my knowledge and your knowledge and ask you to make dua that Allah blesses my the hour and the hour of the day and make Dr. fushia one who was with us Masha Allah Tabata Kala reading to us firsthand, the Arabic text and the English translations for us to benefit from and he beautifully decided for us yet from from Surah Al Baqarah. Today, the ayat pertaining to hedge Can I ask at the closing as we
started today, can I ask Shaka with one to read from us this time from Surah two hedge if you can read for us from Surah two hedge where Allah subhanho wa Taala
reveals the verse commanding towards the announcement of the hedge or as in finance, fineness. barakallahu. And when she won nc chudleigh this broadcast will end to my brothers and sisters in Islam, Salam O Allah alikum warahmatu wa barakaatuh cabela la mina amin come Salam.
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