Sajid Ahmed Umar – The family together must have a selfless project #04
![Sajid Ahmed Umar](
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The hedge and family unit's common project, the autoflower, is a major part of their life. The project is a way to reward family members for their actions and build a culture of peace and love. The importance of balancing family and community for mental health and family relationships is crucial for personal health and family relationships. The segment touches on the importance of balancing family and community for personal health and family relationships.
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Love, love,
love, love, love, love.
Love Bismillah Alhamdulillah wa Salatu was Salam ala rasulillah Hua ala alihi wa sahbihi wa Manuela, we begin In the name of Allah subhanho wa Taala, praising him and seeking praises and blessings upon Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, my dear brothers and sisters in Islam as salaam alaikum wa rahmatullahi wa barakaatuh me Allah's Peace, blessings and safety be upon you all. And welcome to episode four of our short series together, dedicated towards the hedge and the family, and in particular common foundations between the two. This is episode number four, brought to you courtesy of the Islamic Council of Europe in today's episode brothers and sisters in Islam, I want to tap
into the idea of the family unit having a project dedicated to the hereafter together, every member of the family works together in a cause that is beloved to Allah subhanho wa Taala or at least everyone is associated in some capacity with the cause, beloved to Allah subhanho wa Taala. Now, where do we get this from? Well, no doubt we get it from
the relationship between Ibrahim alayhis salam and his marriage I mean he Salam because remember together they built the cabin. And in our last episode, we discussed how together they went through the test of Allah subhanho wa Taala in terms of the slaughter and Allah subhanho wa Taala.
When Ibrahim Alayhi Salam
was true to the dream, Allah replaced the smell Alayhi Salam with him. And then that sacrifice happened the Rambo sacrifice and that practice became a practice, beloved to Allah subhanho wa Taala and part of the practices of this man till the Day of tm in the form of the oath here or the Quran or the Quran, we do this, why do we do this? We do this, recognizing,
you know how beloved it is to Allah subhanho wa Taala that his commands be followed and Ibrahim Alayhi Salam is married early, he salams stepped up and they follow through. And Allah subhanho wa Taala loves their piety. love their taqwa. And this act has been set upon us as well as Allah subhanho wa Taala tells us in his book, it's not the blood of the animal and not the meat of the animal that reaches Allah subhanho wa Taala. But it's our piety when we do the act because Allah told us to do it that teaches Allah subhanho wa Taala. So that was a father and son project, albeit they were being tested, but in another form, in terms of them being commanded.
In that which no one would call a test we have is married AlLahi salam, along with his father building the Kaaba for Allah subhanho wa Taala commanded Ibrahim alayhi salam to erect his house, the Kaaba. And this was no doubt at the place, as we've mentioned in previous episodes, where Ismail Alayhi Salam was left when he was a young boy around the age of two with Hajj of his mother. And here, Ibrahim Alayhi Salam comes and Ibrahim Alayhi Salam engages his son and together they build the house with the autoflower Ibrahim will cover with Amina LBT what is Mary Lou are bernetta coppermine in the Qantas me and him Subhan Allah, they were in this project together for the sake of
Allah and Allah subhanho wa Taala Allah tells us when Ibrahim Alayhi Salam raised the pillars of the US House, the calibre along with this Marielle and they both said out of love, they did this while saying Roberta kopelman now our Lord, except from us, indeed, you are the all
hearing the all knowledge about the omniscient and this is the reality of our Lord, that Allah subhanho wa Taala is all aware of our activities, no matter how big they are, no matter how small they are. Allah subhanho wa Taala is on our way we're in Allah Allah god I'm in my sin in NYC Nene Allah subhanho wa Taala will never ever let the good deeds and the rewards of those who do good go astray. Now brothers and sisters in Islam we did use from this and remember it's it's the common foundation between the family and the Hajj and the Kava is a major part of the hedge and then it being built is a major part of the life of the family of Ibrahim alayhis salam, we learn the
importance brothers and sisters in Islam for the family unit to have some project that goes beyond themselves. Right, that together they work or in the least each member of the family as I said earlier is associated with a project that surpasses the realm of the self because the life of this world if we're not careful brothers and sisters in Islam makes us very individualistic type of people whereby everything we do is about us, right my well being my bills, my food, my schooling, my education, and and it's all about me, myself and I right but this is not the way of the oma of Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wasallam especially and this number that is the best of all nations
because they were sent to give or not to take so
We need to have an element that is about giving. And we see the idea of this element present in the life of Ibrahim Alayhi Salam is made out of his element them as a family unit for they did this for the sake of Allah subhanho wa Taala. And in the service of the oma for the sake of Allah subhanho wa Taala. For thereafter, Allah told Ibrahim to announce the Hajj. So we two brothers and sisters in Islam, it's mighty, that there's this tarbiyah in the form of every member of the household, not only in speech, but in action being connected to a cause that surpasses them, a cause that constitutes being in the service of the oma of Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam for his sake for
the sake of Allah. This is important, because Ibrahim Alayhi Salam and his son was building the house, we're asking Allah to accept from them. So this is important that it's solely for the sake of Allah because only then will it be accepted. It cannot be a cause. That goes back to you. Why because you're doing it for name and fame. And to be recognized by the people this is this is not doing something for the oma in a selfless way. It's doing it for the oma in a selfish way. And my longueville axotomy Halak, you'll have nothing in the hereafter because Allah subhanho wa Taala will not reward you for those actions, because you did it for the reward of praise. And that praise would
have come to you in the in the form of the praise of the people during the life of this world. So a cause that goes beyond us brothers and sisters in Islam. And this is important for the therapy of the mind, the heart, the soul, the self, right, because events in our lives, some of the events, calibrate some other events, right, and it brings
growth and development to it. I don't want to say balance, because when we say balance, it means something was go down, was another thing goes up, but I mean growth and development, to all the different aspects of our life. So we do have the aspect of which is part and parcel of the life of this world. And if we don't balance it with a matter that goes beyond the cause of ourselves, then we will drown into selfishness, and being a victim of time, as Allah told us about the people before us, they lived for themselves, they became a victim of time and what happened, their hearts became hard. And then they began to disobey Allah subhanho wa Taala, Allah Subhan Allah. So of course
brothers and sisters in Islam, something that goes beyond you, something that goes beyond the family unit, something that is a means of this family, leaving a legacy something through which when this family goes back to Allah, the world will miss this family. And this is what we have to ask ourselves, brothers and sisters in Islam, as members of the family, what will the world Miss if you were to pass away as a father, as a son, as a mother, as a daughter? and so on and so forth? What will the world Miss? Should this family move from this community? What will the community Miss? Would it be like nothing that okay, just another family that left? Or will it be something that
impacts the rest of the community because they felt the value, the value of you and your family being present and miss that community? Right? So think about this brothers and sisters in Islam and take the inspiration from the family of Ibraheem alehissalaam. You know, many people ask about what can we do for our children, especially in this day and age to keep them upon the straight and narrow? And the pious before us used to say and in fact, they used to say in answer to a question, because when they used to be asked that how do you manage to raise these wonderful children? How do you manage to raise this wonderful family, when you're always busy teaching and studying and
preparing and researching, this is your whole life, this is the life of a chef. And
they would say that whoever gives their life to Allah subhanho wa Taala, Allah will take care of the dunya and Allah will take care of their life in this world and the hereafter. So brothers and sisters in Islam, right, put your children in a cause that serves the oma for the sake of Allah and Allah will look after them in this life. And look after the hereafter I leave you with
these words, food for thought perhaps we have a subhana wa Taala inspire us and bless us and transform us. I mean your oberhelman and for next time salaam aleikum wa rahmatullah warahmatullahi wabarakatuh.