Sajid Ahmed Umar – Seerah S4 E30 – Events and Lessons from the Passing away of the Messenger PBUH

Sajid Ahmed Umar
AI: Summary ©
The speakers emphasize the importance of death and the aftermath of the Prophet sallama's teachings in Islam, as well as testing one's faith and understanding the difficulties of the pandemic. They stress the need for everyone to act in a way acknowledging the way of the world, including burying the deceased and using a honorary name. The holy month and the assignment of the Spanish flag to the French also have significance in the discussion.
AI: Transcript ©
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Bismillah R Rahman Rahim al hamdu Lillahi Rabbil alameen wa Hina staring on solely under sallim ala hautman dubby dubby Muhammad wa ala alihi wa sahbihi wa salam, ala Sleeman kathira li ami Deen and bad rubbish recently he was really angry. He looked at me listen if kuqali

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We begin by praising Allah subhanho wa Taala

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as we always do, we praise Him we seek his assistance and guidance and we seek refuge in Him from the evil of ourselves and the adverse consequences of our deeds. We testify the room server He guides none can misguided whomsoever He must guides, none can guide and we request praises and blessings upon our teacher, our master, our leader, the best of creation, the final messenger, the sila for prophets, Mohammed Abdullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam Allahumma salli wa sallim wa barik ala nabina Muhammad, I bear witness that there is no one worthy of worship besides one Allah and that Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wasallam is His messenger to my dearest brothers and sisters in

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Islam joining in across our platforms, Twitter, YouTube, Facebook, and clubhouse. I greet you with the greetings of peace, the greetings of Islam, the greetings of the people of paradise. Salaam, Allah aleikum wa rahmatullah wa barakato. May the peace and blessings of Allah subhanho wa Taala be upon you all, and I welcome you all to Episode 30 of our final season season four of our fifth of sera series blast from the past Sierra in the 21st century. We thank Allah subhanho wa Taala and praise him for bringing us here to Han Allah. It's not a journey of just that just began this Ramadan. This Ramadan was a resumption of the journey. The series of ours is a journey of a few

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aroma vans, and indeed Allah subhanho wa Taala is most deserving of all praises for making dreams come true for preserving us in his obedience and giving us the life and health to pursue what we dream to achieve, to sit in the gardens of the inheritance and teachings of the final messenger Muhammad Abdullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam. This is Episode 30 brothers and sisters in Islam Subhana Allah which means this is the 30th day of Ramadan, or at least the 30th where I am, because we started this journey together on the first of Ramadan, where I am and ask Allah subhanho wa Taala to accept our month in full. I mean, you are Bellamy, brothers and sisters in Islam. Today is a

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difficult lesson. But the lesson that has to be, it has to happen for us to achieve our completion. I'm not the best of people to teach you this lesson. There are people better, more righteous, more knowledgeable, that deserve to be discussing the final moments with the messenger sallallahu alayhi wa sallam with you all. But nonetheless, this is the test of Allah subhanho wa Taala upon me, and ask Allah subhanho wa Taala to make me worthy brothers and sisters in Islam.

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In being true to our style in being true to the series at hand, this is not a narrative base series. As we've said many times, it's a fifth of sera series. And as such, I won't be taking us through the final moments of the messenger sallallahu alayhi wasallam narration per narration, but rather, as is our norm, we will zoom into moments, and then zoom out and then zoom into other moments, moments that we want to use to deduce lessons that will help us today in the 21st century. But as always, I've said it before, and I want to say it again. And I think it has a right to be said all the time. I pray that the series achieves inspiring you all to pick up the book of to pick up a book dedicated

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to the zero to the life of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, and read it in completion, so that you further equip yourself with inspirational moments because this is the reality of our Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam and his companions, brothers and sisters in Islam.

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The passing away of Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam makes us realize many ayat in the Quran, from them diversity which Allah subhanho wa Taala says, could Lucia in Harlequin illawarra la hulafrog como por la hatorah Joan, Allah subhanho wa Taala Allah says in Surah through passes, everything will perish except Allah subhanho wa Taala everything that exists comes with an expiry date, except Allah subhanho wa Taala who is from ever and is forever to Hana what Allah Allah says Hola Hola, sharkoon y la he told your own, that his his The decision is

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Law is the rule and to Him shall everyone return the passing away of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam, the most beloved to Allah also highlights to us another verse, in which Allah subhanho wa Taala says, could lumen alley half and we are powered who Robic reallllllly will kromm, Subhana Allah. Allah subhanho wa Taala says everything will perish, save the face of your Lord, full of Majesty and Honor for Allah subhanho wa Taala will remain forever. Brothers and sisters in Islam, how can this topic be an easy one? How can it be an easy one? When it is it is a topic dedicated towards the dedicated towards towards our beloved, our master, our teacher, our leader, Mohammed,

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Abdullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam. This is a topic that is about our beloved, departing this world, brothers and sisters in Islam.

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Honestly, honestly, every speech, every speech in front of this speech is an easy one. Honestly. And I can even say By Allah, every test in front of this test is an easy one. every difficulty of life in front of the difficulty of losing the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam is an easy one. And I swear by Allah in terms of what I say, and I don't say I don't take this oath lightly. I take this oath with knowledge for Allah subhanho wa Taala has described death as a masiva as a disaster. And if death is a disaster, then what about the death of Mohammed Abdullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam Subhana Allah, in terms of death being a disaster, Allah subhanho wa Taala says this in the poor in

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his book in Surah, Allah when Allah subhanho wa Taala says, For our sorrow, but mostly, but will not Subhana Allah, when the masiva when the difficulty the disaster of death befalls you. So if death, I say this again, if death is a masiva and a desert astir and a difficulty, then what level of a catastrophe would we place the death of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam at brothers and sisters in Islam, so panela when you you know when you think of death being a disaster, and then you attach this reality to the Messenger of Allah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam think of the fact that when he passed away salallahu alayhi wasallam. This marked an end to Revelation Subhana Allah to is

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descending from the heavens onto Earth, when he passed away sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, This marked the event of the doors of communication of revelation being shut between the heavens and the earth, no doubt Alhamdulillah revelation has taught us that we can still communicate with Allah subhanho wa Taala through to our and we've discussed the lesson of Dr. Throughout the different seasons of blast from the past and hamdulillah brothers and sisters in Islam. So Allah Allahu alayhi wa sallam sallallahu alayhi wa sallam May Allah showered upon him, the best of praises and salutations. I mean, you're a banal amin for by Allah I testify that he sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, he conveyed

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the message, and I testify that he kept nothing a secret. And I testify that he stood and never sat in ensuring that his oma the home of Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wasallam those who he met and those who he wished to to meet, that they got the maximum from his prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, I testified that he strove in the path of Allah subhanho wa Taala and I testify that he stood the night in prayer as Allah subhanho wa Taala commanded him to do when Allah subhanho wa Taala revealed Yeah, you have the Muslim Bill chromolaena in Laconia. I testified that he advised the oma and I testify that there was nothing bad except he sallallahu alayhi wasallam warned us against it, and

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that there was nothing good except he sallallahu alayhi wasallam advised us towards it and called us towards it and commanded as commanded us to it. And I testify that he sallallahu alayhi wasallam completed with diligence, the deliverance of the message that Allah subhanho wa Taala passed on to him and entrusted him to deliver and he himself sallallahu alayhi wa sallam bore witness that he did indeed pass the message during his fight farewell Hajj during his hedge when he said to the people, and when he announced to Allah that I have conveyed the message sallallahu alayhi wasallam brothers and sisters in Islam, when we hear all this, we realize Subhana Allah, that he sallallahu alayhi wa

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sallam was nothing but a mercy to everything in creation. He was a mercy during

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He's living before Prophethood and after Prophethood and not just in his living brothers and sisters in Islam Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam was a mercy to his people to us to his oma, even during his dying. Even during his dying he was a mercy. I'll explain why. Let's talk about his living for during his living. Allah subhanho wa Taala said, well not our son NACA, Illa. Allah Allah mean that we have not sent you except as a mercy to the world. And regarding his passing away brothers and sisters in Islam, then he sallallahu alayhi wasallam said, as he's established in a narration in soon an urban manager, he said, sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, you harness all mankind, a

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human? I don't mean and nasty. Amina Amina OCB masiva if there's anyone from mankind from the believers who have been afflicted with a catastrophe, with a difficulty with a test fell later as Xavi Mosley, Betty Hebei, Subhan Allah, Anil Mosley, but he let you to see Bo he should take ease he should take consolation by benchmarking the difficulty that he is going through to the difficulty of Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam passing away, meaning he should benchmark his difficulty against in the words of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam against me passing away Subhana Allah Allah t to Cebu who behaved for in a hidden min Almighty lay you saw be mercy but embody a

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shed the early human will see but his hand Allah He says that no one from his own man, no one from his people will ever face a difficulty greater than the difficulty of him sallallahu alayhi wa sallam passing away the catastrophe of him passing away sallallahu alayhi wa sallam so panela Look how he is a mercy to us whilst he was alive and he was a is a mercy to us. Subhana Allah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam after he passed away, that he is teaching us that what he went through and what has happened as a result of him going through it and passing away and returning to Allah, we should look at this and and take ease from it and understand that the difficulty we going through by Allah isn't

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that bad. And what is he teaching us brothers and sisters in Islam, he's teaching us that there's no greater difficulty than being tested in your religion. This is what he's teaching us. I wanted to share this at the end, but I might as well share it now. There's no greater test. There's no greater test than being tested with your faith and him passing away. sallallahu alayhi wa sallam marked the beginning of trials and tribulations upon the faith of the people that he left behind his team, the Sahaba of the Allahu animoji Marine and those to come after them. Brothers and sisters in Islam, in terms of the passing away of Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, and the final moments of the

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messenger sallallahu alayhi wa sallam. He was given many signs, many

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messages, coded messages that his time was coming to an end. Allah subhanho wa Taala had already revealed in the Kama yeatman were in the home may you tune that indeed you Oh Mohammed will die and they all will die and he also revealed subhanho wa Taala. Well, Madhya Pradesh remain public and hold for emitter for Homer, Holly Dune Kowloon have seen the cultural moat so Han Allah in Surah Al mbf, Allah subhanho wa Taala reveals he says we never made for any human being eternity we never made for any human being to live in eternity. And if you pass away, it is it. You've passed away will it be that they will remain forever, no collapse into your cultural mode. Every soul shall

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taste death. Every soul shall taste death. It's not personal brothers and sisters in Islam. It's physics. It's physics. Everything in creation comes into existence with an expiry date. And as the poet said, I'll move to bourbon wakulla. Necedah kilo who death is a door and everyone will walk through that door and Allah subhanho wa Taala also revealed already before the passing away of Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wasallam. Well, now Mohammedan Illa Rasul. Quite the highlights probably hit Russell as a matter of putting on caloptima Allah. Allah already revealed 111 rhassoul there's nothing is about Muhammad except that is a messenger, but the harlot mypublisher Russel

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messengers came before him and they went back to Allah subhanho wa Taala. Their time expired and they returned for a murder or put it on caloptima if he is but if he passes away, or he dies, are you going to turn back on your heels and turn back on Islam Subhan Allah, and also Allah revealed either Johannes Rola he will if it was at NASA to Hulu nafi de la jolla for some big behind the rock because stuff in who can at awaba surah to NASA and we discussed this during previous episodes. Indeed, Allah subhanho wa Taala revealed and said that when the the help of Allah comes and the opening of Makkah arrives, and you see people entering Islam in droves for some day become the rugby

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glorify Your Lord with the

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phrases of your Lord was stuck with here and seek forgiveness for Indeed, Allah subhanho wa Taala is the one who accepts our repentance. And so panela regarding this particular surah even Mr. Ravi Allahu anhu, the son of the second Caliph of Islam, or murrayville, hapa bragi Allah and he says, Ravi Allah and that.

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regarding these it says it was revealed to the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam during the days of tertiary, the 11th and 12th and 13th of the hedger of the farewell hedge was the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam was performing his hedge, and it was known when it was revealed that the departure of Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wasallam, was eminent was close. In fact, even at best heraclea Allahumma this young boy was asked by Omar Ravi Allah who and when Surah Al Nasser was revealed about his thoughts about these verses, and even at best radi Allahu anhu. Even though a young boy, he said to Omar even kopparberg Allah one that I understand from the surah that the

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departure of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam back to Allah subhanho wa Taala is close. This is with regards to the Quran. He was also hinting sallallahu alayhi wasallam

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in his own speech to his companions for when he sent more RGB jabel to Yemen, he sallallahu alayhi wa sallam advised him in terms of what to do and what not to do. And then he said to me, perhaps we will not meet after this year Subhan Allah more I've never heard this from the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam before, so more and cried at this Subhana Allah and our beloved Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, as he always did, he consoled him and said that omo as the first people, for me will be

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the first people for me, will be the Mr. Kuhn. He was consoling him telling him that the first people the people that will be first will have a right to me will be the people of Tacoma. And we are in a month of Tacoma begging Allah subhanho wa Taala to make us on the moon, to make us from the people of toccoa. So at least we also can be first in line with the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam and meet our beloved sallallahu alayhi wa sallam like this, in terms of his speech to more of he sallallahu alayhi wa sallam also said to his daughter, he told them a secret that made her cry, and she did not reveal the secret until the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam passed away. And

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then when he passed away, she said that she cried as her father whispered to her that he was going to depart and go back to Allah subhanho wa Taala Allah Subhana Allah and in telemovie in Santa Ana telemedia a book of Hadith jabber Ravi Allah and he says that it is also reported.

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It is reported that Jabu Ravi, Allah who was told by the prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, the same thing that the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam said to more of a bingeable so the point is, these hills were being shared with the Sahaba in some capacity by the prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam. And prior to these hills already, there were verses in the Quran. Now in terms of his actual passing away brothers and sisters in Islam, so where can we start? Where can we start? Perhaps we should start with the month of Ruby with

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Ruby will our Muharram suffer, Robbie will Oh, well, the third month of the Islamic calendar for this was the month in which he sallallahu alayhi wa sallam was born. And as we discussed in season two, this was the month in which he sallallahu alayhi wa sallam migrated. And also this was the month brothers and sisters in Islam, in which the his sickness, the sickness that led to his death, spiraled and spiked and thus it was also the month in which he sallallahu alayhi wa sallam passed away. He also passed away during the month of Ramadan Oh, well. Now, the cause of the sickness is known because it is established in an authentic narration in a narration by eishockey, Allah and her

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in a narration by ns, Ravi Allah and as well, they say that this sickness was the result of a meal, which the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam partook of inhaber and we discussed this in previous episodes. Now in season four, we discussed this meal, the poisoned meal that was presented to the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam in the companions, and they made an extra effort to poison the shoulder of the animal because they knew that the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam loved the shoulder and when he ate this meat, miraculously, by the will of Allah subhanho wa Taala the meat spoke to him and informed him and the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam command commanded his

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companions to refrain we discussed this during previous episodes in the season, and what the prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam did with the people of Hebrew after that, the Jews of However, after that, so this sickness was a result of that particular meal, as we see in the narration of eyeshadow, viola and her and Ennis Robbie Allah, and the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam as a result of passing away because of this poison to meet Allah subhanho wa Taala raised his status

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gave him a title, which he didn't have before. And that is the title of being a Shaheed being a martyr. Yes brothers and sisters in Islam with this act, our beloved Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam was not only blessed to be a prophet and blessed to be a messenger and blessed to be Helene Allah, and blessed to be the best of all messengers, enjoying a rank above Ibrahim alayhis salam, he also sallallahu alayhi wa sallam passed away as a Shaheed having his ranks raised even further why, because of his patients through the many sufferings and the ill health that he experienced as a result of this poison. Now brothers and sisters in Islam, we discussed how some of the companions

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passed away soon after eating this meat. But as we can see, Allah subhanho wa Taala decreed something else for the Prophet salallahu alayhi wasallam, for he lived a longer time after consuming this poison, he lived to enjoy the opening of Mecca, he lived, to seek to to perform the farewell hedge and he lived to see Islam reigning king across the Arabian Peninsula. And also, he lived long enough to see empires like the Romans and the Persians having a real fear for Islam and the Muslims. Now we've discussed raviolo. Well, let's zoom in further. If we zoom in further, we have to zoom into the day. Which day can we discuss where would we begin? In terms of the days brothers and

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sisters in Islam? Well, let's zoom into Thursday. Yom alchemise. Why do I choose Yeoman homies? Why do I choose Thursday? I choose Thursday because of a narration that even Kathy rahula mentions regarding even Abbess rob the Allahu anhu man, he says that even a burst of the Allahu anhu map, one society in the masjid invested in harem flicking stones. And as he flicked the stones he kept on repeating and Hermes and Hermes, and what will make you understand why Madoka Yom alchemise what will make you understand the reality of Thursday, for it was Thursday, when the sickness of death visited Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wasallam. The sickness brothers and sisters in Islam, visited

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the Prophet salallahu alayhi wasallam after he returned from the burial of one of his companions, and I shadowed the Allah and he narrates in a hadith that is in the mustard of mud. She says that he sallallahu alayhi wa sallam returned home, and she complained to him of a headache that she was having. She had a severe headache, that at that time, and she complained to the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam of her headache, and he replied back to her complaining of his headache, and that his headache was even more severe than her headache. SubhanAllah indeed, it was brothers and sisters in Islam, for this headache wasn't just any headache. This was the headache of death, the headache

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of death had arrived. And in

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an acceptable narration in the Muslim Imam Ahmed, we know that Mr. Mohammed, he doesn't stipulate that a narration is to be authentic, as per Bukhari and Muslim or to the level of authenticity stipulated by Bukhari and Muslim berrima Mohammed he placed in his Muslim narrations that are solid humility judge, as he said to his son, when he sent asked him about the reality of the narrations that he chose for his Muslim Salah humility judge means he placed all narrations that he felt were acceptable to use as evidence in the mystery of human Mohammed, we have an acceptable narration by Abou wahiba, in which he says that the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam called him and asked him

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to make his animal ready to prepare his mount because he wanted to travel out and the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam then got onto his mount and he went to the martyrs of odd. And abou mo wahiba says, I follow the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam and I saw him at bidding the martyrs farewell Subhana Allah. And I heard him announcing that he bears witness that the martyrs of God were indeed martyrs. And then he says he tend to abou Mo Mo Heba. And he says to him, abou Yeah, by mo Heba he says to him, sorry, if I said more, I professed more Heba about more Heba. I have been given a choice between the keys of this world and the keys of the hereafter. So abou noi, he says,

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choose the keys of the dunya or messenger of Allah, and stay with us as much as you can, and then afterwards, you can choose the Hereafter, and the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said no, and three times, three times he said, I choose the companions of the elevated Illa raffia color Allah, I choose the companionship of the elevated, I choose the companionship of the elevated Subhana Allah. Now despite all this brothers and sisters in Islam, he's preparing to leave. He's feeling feverish. He's feeling the headache of death. SubhanAllah we see his that our continuing, he never stopped doing. He never stopped his mission. He continued with his mission for Subhan Allah during these

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severe moments, he sallallahu alayhi wasallam taught us so much from them.

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Meaning from the lessons we have the lesson that we find in the hadith of open ended and Sahil Buhari in which he states that the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam addressed them after he came back from a heart. So in his sickness he went to hurt. And now he comes back and he says to his companions, ma for an equal Fokker, I don't feel for you poverty, we're lacking a half and tough the Halle coma dunya I fear what I truly fear is Allah subhanho wa Taala opening, opening the world and its treasures, and its riches upon you for a tenner for sue her Katana for sue her. And then you start competing in gathering the treasures of this world like the people before you competed in

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gathering the treasures of this world and this will destroy you like it destroyed them. As Allah subhanho subhana wa Taala tells us in Surah two headed they became victims of time for Pilar and he will emit focus at Allah Subhana Allah Wa kathira milham fasea Khun when you become a victim of time, and you become a follower of this life, and all that and your paradigms,

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in terms of success and failure, are governed by well the paradigms then what happens your heart becomes hardened and when the heart becomes hardened, you fall into sin Subhan Allah, the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam teaches his companions this while he's feeding the sicknesses of death salallahu alayhi wasallam the sickness of our beloved sallallahu alayhi wa sallam intensified brothers and sisters in Islam, to the extent that he found it difficult to do that which was that which Allah subhanho wa Taala commanded the believers to do if they married more than one wife, they had to be fair in terms of the nights that they

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spent with their wives, they have to be equal in terms of distributing the Knights he sallallahu alayhi wa sallam despite his weaknesses, despite his illnesses, despite his pains, despite his troubles, he was giving every wife they do, but then it got to a stage where it got too much for him. salallahu alayhi wasallam and thus he asked his wives, you know, so, you know, he asked him, where should he go? This is from his good manners. This was from his good manners. Subhan Allah He didn't say I would like to just remain in the house of the daughter of Abubakar in the house of Usher, on the other hand, in the house of the daughter of my best friend, he didn't say that,

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rather, his good character shines even though he's going through the difficulties of death. He asked his wife Where should I go? And they Subhanallah understood what he was asking. So they told him go to the house of Asia, and we are pleased for you to go to the house of Asia, and he was carried to the house of Asia by Abbess and Ali ibn Abu Talib, radi Allahu anhu, during the sicknesses continued to intensify, and then Monday, the death day approaches anybody with rhodiola and he says in the Hadith that is in in the authentic books of Hadith, he says, The Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam complained or he spoke of his pain, and he said that his pain is the equivalent of the pain of two

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men Subhan Allah Subhana Allah and

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I and Despite this, the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam said after this, that nothing affects a believer, except that Allah subhanho wa Taala uses his patience over the difficulty to remove to remove his sins, to remove his errors to remove his mistakes. Subhana Allah, this wasn't a complaint. This was a lesson. This was a lesson when he is telling his companions that I feel double the pain you feel he wasn't complaining, he used it as a as a means of sharing a lesson and to teach us the importance of patience. And it's authentically reported brothers and sisters in Islam in terms of this pain being double the pain of any other man, it is authentically reported that they

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had to pour water seven times over the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam while he was in the house of a shadow the Allahu to cool him down, given the severe heat that was emanating from his body sallallahu alayhi wasallam. Now because of this fever, brothers and sisters in Islam, and this is established in Sahih, Al Bukhari and Sahih, Muslim to authentic books of Hadith, the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam couldn't come out to lead the Salah. So he commanded that Abu Bakr robiola and does so and everyone was astonished because they felt that Abu Bakar is too soft and he used to cry a lot will he managed to lead the brayer knowing that the Prophet sallallahu alayhi

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wasallam is the Imam and the only reason why the Prophet can't be here is because he's feeling severe pain and going through severe illness, but the Prophet Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wasallam insisted and gave it to Abubakar and insisted that Abu Bakar lead and Subhanallah this was a subtle message to the oma that after I pass away, I choose Abubakar to be my leader, for those who understand for the people of fic for the people who ponder the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam after some time, he felt slightly stronger. And after they poured water over him, he felt that he had the strength with difficulty but he had enough strength to go to the masala and when he went to

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the masala Boubacar attempted to step back, but the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam gave him a sign to continue and he said that I would prefer

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Beloved Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam sat on the left side of Abubakar Ravi Allah who and and Abubakar led the prayer. Now despite all his pains and weaknesses, we said, you know that he was a teacher. Despite his pains and weaknesses. He was also inspirational. Brothers and sisters in Islam, despite everything he attended the Gema and he continued to teach the oma. He taught the oma and he taught the oma and he taught the oma, I shared with you what he taught previously, he taught some more things brothers and sisters in Islam. He taught the oma during his pangs of death and difficult moments not to make his grave a podium of worship after him. During his illnesses. He taught on the

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importance of patience through adversity. He taught the oma that they should hold steadfast onto the book of Allah subhanho wa Taala. The Quran he taught the oma was the rosewood being straightened. Once he was weakened, sat letting Abubakar lead the prayer that they shouldn't read Quran in ruku and sujood. That Roku and sujood is a place of glorifying Allah subhanho wa Taala not a place for reading Quran he taught them. And he taught us brothers and sisters in Islam to hold steadfast on to the Quran, he taught us who the next leader will be, in effect, he also taught us the importance of salah and being excellent with our salah and being excellent with the slaves generally, and

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particularly, particularly the female slaves Subhana Allah and he also taught the Sahaba and taught us as a result, the importance of taking care of the rights of other people. For it is authentically established that during his diet difficulty he asked all those that he may have harmed to come and redeem themselves that if he did anything wrong to them, come and take your right from me now before I returned to Allah subhanho wa Taala he instructed all those that he may have borrowed money from to be paid back and Subhan Allah, he had nothing when he passed away, even his body armor was was used was used as financial security for 30 sock, which is just under, let's say 90 kilograms, 90

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kilograms, if I use conservative estimates, 90 kilograms of of a type of food that he had taken and not paid for, so that his family could have food to eat. And he left as a security that if the payment doesn't arrive, then you liquidate this, this body armor for the amount that that equates to the food that was taken. This was his reality brothers and sisters in Islam. Through his difficulty, he freed his slaves, and he advised everyone never to forget the character and service of the unsolved and what will make us understand Subhana Allah Who were the unsolved, he continued being a mercy to the world's brothers and sisters in Islam, may Allah subhanho wa Taala gather us with him

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in Paradise, even until his last day and his last breath Subhana Allah, we're running out of time so I'm going to fast forward brothers and sisters in Islam in terms of his last day, then, this is the day as I said, the day of the greatest trial that this oma will ever face and NSE but medic narrates that our Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, he opened his curtain, and he looked into the masjid and he saw the Sahaba preparing for Salah behind Abubakar. Now some sources say that this was at the time of the fudger prayer. Some sources say that this was at the time of prayer, and the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam opened and he saw this and he became pleased and he smiled at them, and

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he smiled so amazingly, that Abubakar felt that the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam is better, and he immediately attempted to place himself in the row, but the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam was in pain, but they couldn't see that pain, and he told the boubakeur to continue, or he signaled for Abubakar to continue leading the prayer. It is said that after the prayer Abubakar comes to the house of Ayesha immediately happy that the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam is feeling better, only to learn of the reality of circumstance and situation. And this should teach us brothers and sisters in Islam. Then when the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam sees his team.

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Remember we spoke about his ultimate vision, and then he had a closer vision because the life that he was going to be given wasn't big enough to achieve the ultimate vision. He didn't have enough years to see Islam get to the four corners of the world. But he had enough life to create a team that will take Islam to the four corners of the world when he sees them together united behind Abubakar in the prayer, the greatest act after the Shahada, and he smiles despite his pain, despite his fever, despite his headache, despite his difficulty, the shoots panela make us realize how important Salah is and how important unity is and how important Salah in congregation is brothers

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and sisters in Islam is Ravi Allah Who says that was his last day sallallahu alayhi wasallam and there's a little disagreement regarding this brothers and sisters in Islam. The Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam he laid in the house of Ayesha Abdullah who and her very weak feeling the pangs of death he laid in her lap with his head between

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her cheek and her neck SubhanAllah. So you can imagine him sitting on her lap with his head or by her lap with his head between her neck and her cheek Subhanallah and he faces the pangs of death and Abubakar and his son, Ravi Allahu anhu. Marine, they walk into visit him, and the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam sigh falls upon a miswak that the son of Abubakar is using an eyeshadow, viola, her and her she knew her husband very well. So Pamela in Sahih, Al Bukhari and Muslim. She explains that she asked the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam Is that what you want? And she said, Yes, so she took her miswak and then she brought it with her mouth, she waited with a saliva to soften it, and

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then she placed it in the mouth of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam. Subhana, Allah Subhana Allah that at his dying moments, her saliva was mixed with his saliva on his death day and deathbed sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, when she says that there was a container near him, and he would dip his hand into the container and then he would rub and then he would say, Subhan Allah, La ilaha illa Allah in Delhi, motilal Sakharov, La Ilaha Illa. Allah Indian death has pangs, death has difficulties, death has agonies, death has pains and then Han Allah, she says, He pointed upwards and he kept saying, Let me join the highest companions Illa Allah, Allah, Allah, Allah, Allah, He

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kept on repeating let me join the highest companions, meaning he was choosing meaning he was giving the Angel of Death permission, that is time let me go, I choose to go and Subhana Allah, she says he kept on saying this until his hand dropped sallallahu alayhi wasallam And just like that, the biggest calamity that we would ever face

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took place.

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And the doors between the heavens and the earth were shut Subhan Allah, such a calamity brothers and sisters in Islam, such a calamity that the best from amongst us slipped like Omari mahapatra the Allah who I'm when he when these when the word got out that the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam passed away. Honestly, the Sahaba it affected them in different ways. Some fell to the ground like they did that Oh hold when they heard when the rumors went about that the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam passed away. They dropped to the ground, they couldn't find weight in their feet to hold up their body. They dropped to the ground. Some just went into their homes and armor he lost it as

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well. He came to the people and he said that the Prophet hasn't passed away but rather he has done what Musa did when Moosa left Harun and went to Allah subhanho wa Taala for 44 for 40 days, and whoever says that the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam has passed away the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam will come and deal with them. So Omar was speaking loud and speaking his mind and Abubakar, when he found out that the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam passed away like a leader, he came out of his home. Some sources say that he was by his home, some sources say he was in another place. He got onto his animal and he wrote to the masjid and he came into the room of Asia

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and he uncovered the face of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam and confirmed that he passed away and he kissed his forehead and he said to me, he said, You are blessed and pure and beautiful. When you are alive and even after you pass away and then Abubakar walks out Subhan Allah and Omar is speaking at the top of his voice and Omar tells Abubakar tells Omar to sit down and Subhana Allah. Omar refuses and carries on Abubakar ignores him and he turns to the people and he says to the people, that oh people, whoever worships Muhammad, then Mohammed has passed away and whoever worships Allah subhanho wa Taala Allah then Allah is perpetually alive and will never die la la de

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la mood, and then he recites Rama Mohammad Rasool Allah communicably Rasul the verses from the fourth Jews that I shared with you earlier that there was nothing about Mohammed except that he's a messenger and messengers before him came and went, and Omar, probably Allah who and when he heard these verses, he, he, he just collapsed upon himself Subhan Allah, and he explains and expresses that it I read these verses, time and time again. But when Abu Bakar recited it that day, I felt like those verses were revealed for the first time meaning I never understood those verses, as I understood it that day. Subhan Allah, so this is the long and short brothers and sisters in Islam of

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the passing away of the messenger sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, I have to stop here and go into the lessons because we have gone over time. Let's go quickly into the lessons brothers and sisters in Islam because this is a fork of sera series and this is our last pitstop. Very quickly brothers and sisters in Islam. Lesson number one, death is a rule. It's not purse. It's not a personal vendetta. It will happen to everybody. It will happen to everybody. And it's important that whenever someone is taken away from us, especially if they're taken away from us suddenly that we don't forget this reality. And we allow this knowledge to keep us together upon our faith upon the way that is

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pleasing to Allah subhanho wa Taala and not cause us to act in a way that constitutes the way of the disbelievers, those who don't believe in life after death, or those who don't believe in Allah. The way

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deserves to be believed. And so when, remember this brothers and sisters in Islam, as we said, death is a door and everyone will walk through it. Lesson number two, death has pangs, death has difficulties. And we should remember this when we meeting a person on his or her deathbed, and we should behave appropriately and not add to the difficulty by speaking about things that shouldn't be spoken about by saying things that do not need to be mentioned. They are already in agony, they are already in difficulty. The Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam, the most beloved to Allah, the best of all creation, he went through it, brothers and sisters in Islam, and thus realize that the

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agonies and pains of death will happen to everyone. And it doesn't necessarily mean punishment. Rather, it means it is an opportunity from Allah, a mercy from Allah to allow our sins to be forgiven, and our ranks to be raised. And this is similar to the squeezing of the grave for the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam taught us that everyone wants to put into their grave, the grave will squeeze them. And the scholars have said that for the righteous ones, the squeezing is a squeezing of forgiving their sins. And if they have no sense, then the squeezing is a squeezing of the lungs being raised in Jannah. So it's a squeezing which is a mercy from Allah subhanho wa Taala.

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It is a mercy upon the righteous, the pangs of death, the squeezing of the grave is a mercy from Allah amongst the righteous, and it is a punishment, no doubt for those who aren't righteous. mayowa subhanho wa Taala cause us to live upon Amen, and pass away upon Amen. Lesson number three brothers and sisters in Islam, death has a means death has a means, as with everything in life, with every effect in life, there's a cause that is how Allah subhanho wa Taala has created the life of this world. It's a matter of physics, there is nothing wrong in asking what was the cause of death? Because sometimes we say what is the cause of death? And somebody says, Don't ask it was time it was

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the decree of Allah. No doubt it was the decree of Allah, where everything has a cause, as is the norm of the life of the world that we are in as per the decree of Allah subhanho wa Taala himself for the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam his cause of death was the poisoned meat which he ate at Hebrew lesson and before Allah controls the means, how do we know this, because some Sahaba passed away immediately after eating the meter, not long after, and the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam lived for much longer. So while everything has a cause, everything is a means it is Allah subhanho wa Taala, who controls the means, when that means will strike its blow, when that means will benefit

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you, and so on and so forth. All this is with Allah subhanho wa Taala. And all this goes back to the lesson of tawakkol. And placing our trust in Allah and the pillars of tawakkol, which we've discussed in previous episodes that hamdulillah also brothers and sisters in Islam, we learned the next lesson that the rules of Islam apply, even when you sick, even when you ill, you've got rules of Islam apply, yes, they might change. Yes, they might change, you might be excused from fasting, if you sick, you might be excused from fasting. If you're traveling, you might be excused from attending the congregational prayer, if you will, all week and so on and so forth. But generally,

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the main rules apply the Salah you have to read applies, the fast that you missed, you have to do it later on, when you're not a traveler, and when you better the rules of Islam apply. And we learned this from how the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam followed the rules with his wives, even though he was sick, even though he faced extreme difficulty, he was giving them the rights until he couldn't do it no more. So he asked them their permission. He didn't. He didn't lay a rule upon them. He asked them their permission and they obliged. So the rules of Islam they last with us brothers and sisters in Islam till we pass away the next lesson, there is no calamity greater than

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the calamity of faith. There is no calamity greater than the trial of faith brothers and sisters in Islam. And we take this from how the Prophet salallahu alayhi wa sallam himself said that he you know there's no greater calamity than him passing away. sallallahu alayhi wasallam so look after your Eman. Look after it was knowledge. Look after it by not putting yourself in environments that test your faith in circumstances that taste test your faith. Don't be overconfident, be confident but don't be overconfident. Don't be careless, right? Don't act in a way that's that that goes against the way of the people of wisdom. Protect your faith at every cost every step of the way.

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Brothers and sisters in Islam. The next lesson there our continues. Look how much the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam taught Subhan Allah. He taught and taught and taught even on his deathbed and we discussed the Cobra and he said him on his deathbed when he was giving Dawa to his children as Allah tells us in the last quarter of the first Jews, if I'm going to show Hi there, I have the raw Cobell mouth is currently Benny Hema taboo nombre de Allah says were you present when death came to Yaqoob when he was on his deathbed when he said to his children, what will you worship after me so that our continuous brothers and sisters in Islam and if Allah gives us life, and we go

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through the zero of Abubakar and the suit of armor, when Romero passed away, he took from the the light of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam for all

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was stabbed and as he was bleeding, a young man came to see him. He was bleeding to death. A young man came to see him and Obama was busy, busy trying to effect the next steps in terms of who will lead the Muslims after him. And a young man comes to him with his lower garment below his ankles.

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And remember, despite bleeding, despite having so much to do, despite

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being on his way out of this life to the next, he says to this boy, Aki Oh son of my brother, arafat, Oberg left your job for in Arabic for Indeed Allah loves that you do so well abaca li phobic, and your thoughts will last longer as well. If you don't let it drag on the ground.

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How perfect is this that our man is dying and he does the hour and not just in any way with all the pillars of the hour in the most perfect way. You can we can have a one hour lecture just on the statement you have been sober for India who utterly Rob because typically phobic but that's for another day insha Allah the next lesson brothers and sisters in Islam, look after the rights of Allah and the greatest rights is the Salah, and look after the rights of the creation of Allah as the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said on his deathbed of Salah to Salah Wilma Melaka, a man whom I remind you to the Salah, don't waste the Salah, hold steadfast on to the Salah woman malakut

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a man who come and be good to female slaves. And we know that the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam freed his slaves. And we know that Islam came with the system to abolish slavery, but it came with a sustainable way because slavery existed before Islam. But Islam came with the rules and regulations to manage the situation until the situation could be dissolved in totality, the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam and I pondered over this brothers and sisters in Islam, why these two pieces of advice because because brothers and sisters in Islam, if you look at the two pieces of advice, the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam is basically telling us look after the rights of

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Allah, and look after the rights of the creation of Allah, make sure you do that throughout your life and you will be successful when you pass away for when you get to Allah, you will have little to answer for and if you look after the rights of the people, nobody will will come to Allah on the day of PM, saying that you oppress them Subhana Allah. So look after the rights of Allah, look after the rights of the servants of Allah until you breathe your last brothers and sisters in Islam. Now the next lesson

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Bismillah the etiquettes of visiting the sick because we see how I shadowed the Allah who was with was with the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam and how the companions were, they knew he was sick, they weren't coming to his home and sitting in his home and flooding his home. They were going about the way and they were trying to keep up with the latest information about the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam and we see Ayesha rhodiola and her speaking less and when she says the miswak she asked the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam if he wants to miss work, and she's being sensitive and tentative to his his actions so she can understand exactly what he's saying. And we touched on

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this earlier that when you visit a sick person, facilitate their departure to Allah subhanho wa Taala. And don't be be an impediment to it being as successful as it can be. Also brothers and sisters in Islam, we learn how to deal with the shock of losing someone. We have Omar who went one way or the other one, and then we had Abubakar who went another way, robiola home and also through this, we learned the strength of Abubakar robiola and that Abubakar Some people say he was a weaker character to Rama but by Allah He was a stronger character than Omar. He was a stronger character than Arma. And even during when the when the Sahaba went to the outskirts to set

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to soccer for Benny Saturday that when they went out to discuss who should be the next lead, and Abubakar said, Omar, I choose Omar let's give the pledge of allegiance to Omar. Omar said no, it will be to you and I will not accept it and I will give it to you and Abubakar said you are stronger. No by Allah Abubakar was stronger. aboubaker was stronger what he did when the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam passed away brothers and sisters in Islam you could say is miraculous Subhan Allah, the presence of mind the presence of thought, the knowledge of the Quran, the ability to deduce the ability to share to speak like a leader. Ravi Allahu Allah subhanho wa Taala gathers

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with Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam and his companions in the hereafter. I mean, the next lesson brothers and sisters in Islam Tareq to fecal matter in Temasek to be lenta Beluga at the Abba Kitab Allah He was sitting at the teaching of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam. He, as we said, he told the people to hold steadfast on to the Quran, he said, Hold fast hold steadfast on to the Quran. And also if we look at the narration that I just shared, the sooner he said, I have left with you two things, the Quran and the Sunnah. If you hold steadfast upon them both, you will never, ever go astray. Brothers and sisters in Islam, hold steadfast on to the Quran and Sunnah. And we've

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said this time and time again, hold steadfast on to the evidence. Look at Omar Omar was saying what he was saying, but when the evidence came to him, look how he submitted and this is what it's about brothers and sisters in Islam submitting to the will of Allah subhanho wa Taala in the moment that you are in, this is what Islam means. This is

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Islam, the submission to the will of Allah subhanho wa Taala in the moment that you are in, if it's good for me, I will say it. If it's good for me, I will do it. If it's not good for me, I will refrain from it. It doesn't meaning if it's pleasing to Allah, I will say it and do it. And if it's not, I will not do it. It doesn't matter what I think or what other people think I have submitted to Allah, I've not submitted to my desires have not submitted to the peer pressure of the people around me. This is Islam brothers and sisters in Islam. And this is what we learn in leaps and bounds Subhana Allah, even with the passing away of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam. Now just a

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couple of things to add brothers and sisters in Islam. This wasn't part of the passing away of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, but it's attached how the Muslims chose Abu Bakar and how Abubakar didn't want the leadership. This teaches us brothers and sisters in Islam. Don't seek leadership for the sake of leadership. Humble yourself, humble yourself. And if you humble yourself and it's given to you by force, Allah will assist you in it to panela and also do not act in a matter concerning other people except after Sure. And we learned this from how the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam was buried for the Sahaba did not touch his buddy to bury him until the

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Pledge of Allegiance was given to Abubakar Allah and they chose a leader before a decision was made on the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, and where to bury him and when to bury him and so on and so forth. Because no doubt this is a matter that concerns the believers. So they chose the leader and then the leader did the Shura. And with that, they decided on the resting place of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam and then he rests in Medina, in the home of what was the home of Ayesha robiola. He was buried as the scholars of Islam say, in a grave that had a law had a law had means it had a compartment so he will you dig down

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a few meters and then you dig a compartment at the bottom of the grave on one part of the grave and then you placed in that compartment and then it's covered with it. He said that they covered his his compartment with stones, some say seven stones, and then they filled the grave with debt. But this was all done after

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Abu Bakar was chosen and Shura took place Allahumma salli wa sallim wa barik ala nabina Muhammad, brothers and sisters in Islam, it was a marathon session there's so much to discuss with Han Allah. But we get to a point where we say Alhamdulillah we need our mighty heater to masala hat. Allah has indeed honored me, Allah he has. He has wanted me to complete this four part series. It's several hours close to 100 hours across Subhan Allah for Ramadan's, I asked Allah subhanho wa Taala to make the series for his sake alone, I asked Allah subhanho wa Taala to accept from me and us to forgive us for any mistakes in our intentions or in any mistakes in the information that has been shared,

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varying across four seasons of blasts from the past. ask Allah subhanho wa Taala to make the series a means for our forgiveness and a means for us to have a home in the neighborhood of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam in alpha dos I mean you're asked Allah subhanho wa Taala to make the series benefit the lives of countless people to bring them closer to the sun and the Sierra through the series you're up and ask Allah subhanho wa Taala especially given that I am right now in the last few moments of my Ramadan and I'm sure some of you are as well. I honestly honestly brothers and sisters in Islam as I speak to you, there's literally just a few breaths

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between myself and Ramadan coming to an end. So I asked Allah subhanho wa Taala at this joyous, precious time to accept our Ramadan to make it our best month ever to make us from amongst those who stood the month and fasted the month and stood the night of power and decree and virtue with amen and good hoping that he would from Allah subhanho wa Taala and good thoughts about Allah and ask Allah subhanho wa Taala to make us from amongst those that witnessed the night of power and those who received the prize of the night of Laila to Tiger amin and ask Allah subhanho wa Taala to bless us with many, many, many more Rama vans whilst we are in good health and good life and ask Allah

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subhanho wa Taala to write our names from amongst the names of the Mattoon, the righteous ones, the accepted ones, the successful ones, the forgiven ones, I mean, you are blind, I mean, brothers and sisters in Islam, I love you And for the sake of Allah and ask Allah to gather us together again, around the inheritance of Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wasallam for everything being shared, was his inheritance sallallahu alayhi wasallam and ask Allah subhanho wa Taala to make the gathering,

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meaning to grant us a physical gathering between me and you one day so at least we can benefit each other whilst we are face to face. Alhamdulillah we say we always say Alhamdulillah we know the situation in the globe today. But we thank Allah for allowing us to be together virtually, but we also ask Allah subhanho wa Taala to bless us to be together physically in this life before we pass away. And when we pass away, ask Allah subhanho wa Taala together as in alpha DOS, they're in insha Allah we can sit and chat with one another about our series together across different Rama ovens and how insha Allah this series was a means for us.

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means for us to be together in the hereafter in the neighborhood of Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wasallam. And perhaps we can go and meet him and tell him how we used to study about him. during some of the Romans when we used to be alive, Allah Allah can come by and begin the journey which we miss will beinecke They call him that, Toba? Well, I can either have it well, I can have the river Allahu Malik Al Hamdulillah shakalaka Santa will has an Allahumma salli ala nabina Muhammad massacre huzzah. Kiruna abrar wa salli ala nabina Muhammad Mata Alka Bella Luna har was only Allah and the beginner Muhammad or al mahadji Rena will answer was seldom at the Sleeman kathira and until next

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time, brothers and sisters in Islam talk about Allah Minami kursaal helemaal May Allah accept from us, may Allah preserve us in his obedience or mean.

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Also in the Hama, berkana, Vienna Muhammad wa ala alihi wa sahbihi ultramarine wa salam aleikum wa rahmatullah wa barakato.

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