Sajid Ahmed Umar – Seerah S01 E05 Part A – Tough Decisions For The Sake Of Child

Sajid Ahmed Umar
AI: Summary ©
The importance of learning the Arabic language and its benefits in improving language skills is discussed, as it is crucial for parents to make difficult decisions and avoid unnecessary harm. The speakers emphasize the need for more energy, resources, attention, and energy to avoid unnecessary harm, and emphasize the importance of listening to children for their learning experiences. They stress the need for parents to make critical decisions and create a healthy environment for them, and emphasize the importance of letting children experience and learn from experiences rather than just teaching them everything.
AI: Transcript ©
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Bismillah al Rahman al Rahim al hamdu Lillahi Rabbil alameen wa Salatu was Salam ala rasulillah who Allah alayhi wa sahbihi wa seldom at the Sleeman kathira in Armenia my bag, Allahu Allah, Allah Allah Allah Allah.

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Allah animal Hakeem, Allah whom I live in Ma and foreigner. One foreigner Bhima Alam Tana, was it an Ironman watermelon? Yeah, Kareem Frobisher hari sadri WASC. Lee Emery, Washington okidata melissani Yakubu Kohli. All praises belong to Allah subhanho wa Taala. We praise Him, we seek his assistance, and we seek His guidance, and we seek refuge in Allah subhanho wa Taala from the evils of our souls and the adverse consequences of our deeds. Whomsoever Allah subhanho wa Taala decrees guidance upon when none can misguide him, and whomsoever Allah subhanho wa Taala decrees misguidance upon then none can guide him and peace and salutations. We upon the final messenger, our beloved Prophet

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Muhammad Ali Abdullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, I bear witness that there is no one worthy of worship besides one Allah, and that Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wasallam is his final messenger. My dear brothers and sisters in Islam, mothers and fathers, I greet you with the greetings of peace. Assalamu alaykum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh. I welcome you all to another episode of the blast from the past Syrah in the 21st century. Today is our fifth episode where Allah in hand and yesterday we discussed the birth of Rasulullah, sallAllahu, Alayhi, wasallam. And the lessons that can be derived from this mighty incident in our history. Today, we want to move on and discuss the days after the

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birth of Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, and try and deduce pertinent lessons that apply to you and I in this century, may Allah subhanho wa Taala grant us Baraka in our time, and grant us Baraka in our energies. And may Allah subhanho wa Taala increase our knowledge, I mean, I mean,

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after the birth of Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wasallam

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the mother of a Sula sallallahu alayhi wasallam, Amina, was assisted in looking after him by a female called on a man Baraka and habashi. Yeah, remember this name? Amen. The mother of Amen. Baraka and habashi are more interested in the name Baraka and Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, our beloved Prophet, may Allah gather us with him in Jana was fostered by two other females. The first female was a female known as su Eva, and she was the freed slave of Abu lahab. Believe it or not, Abu lahab, a person who died being a fierce enemy to Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wasallam.

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This was her name. Take note of this name, through Eva. So you have Baraka and you have through Ava and Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam His name is Mohammed and his mother's name is Amina. And yesterday we learned that he was born according to the correct opinion in Robbie ear, lol take note of the name or term Robbie ear, take note of all these names.

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So he was breastfed and fostered by the feed slave of

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Abu lahab. And then he sallallahu alayhi wa sallam was sent to the countryside to be nurtured there and taken care of by chosen carers in the countryside. And this was a common practice of the Arabs, they will do this. This wasn't them abandoning post, like what we see today we go to work and leave our child with a carer. This is different. And we'll come to learn why. Right? This was something necessary. And we spoke in our very first lesson or second lesson rather, of Arabia and how rugged the terrain was to survive their specific circumstances arose and Specific Practices needed to take place. So the Arabs would send the young ones for a few years to the countryside or what was called

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the countryside. so that they could experience childhood and grow up

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in these vicinities now, the story

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pertaining to are Firstly, firstly

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Let's just deal with it. Now since we're discussing the countryside, why would they be sent to the countryside? Why? Why was this practice necessary? Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam was sent to the countryside as was a practice of the Arabic because of the many benefits in doing so from the benefits, just like what brother Allen said is that they were sent there to improve on the language skills, why? Why get sent to the countryside to improve on your language skills. Right? The Quraysh were well versed in the Arabic language. The reason for this was remember where he was salallahu alayhi wasallam. In the heart of Mecca, this place was visited by

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many people

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that came from many different backgrounds, and grew up upon many different cultures. Some people learn the Arabic language as a second language, right? So they would come in, and there would be an array of different dialects, different accents, and even mistakes in language would be prevalent and present. So the children was sent out also from the wisdoms is that the countryside was cleaner

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was cleaner than the city, then this valley that was receiving many guests, we know that when people come from different regions, they carry with them different bacterias, right? And bacterias, mutate, and so on and so forth. And anyone who goes for online hugs, they know they come back with the ombre and hide flu, right? It has to happen if it doesn't happen, people get worried, was mahadji accepted.

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Right? So it this is this is natural, because your immune system is dealing with a new strand of bacteria, this happens, this happens. So they were sent to the countryside as well. So there were many wisdoms in doing so it wasn't that parents were abandoning ship wasn't the case, it was a necessity, given the circumstance, right. And the circumstances clear in front of you, we've all visited Mecca. And we know how many people visit Mecca, during every month of the year. So and we discussed the terrain, and it lacked water, and so on and so forth. It didn't have I mean, you should imagine a place that doesn't have many playgrounds, doesn't have many areas to for kids to

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run around and so on and so forth. Right? You got to imagine a place like this. So there was sent so that there could be children and we will discuss this insha Allah when we cover the benefits.

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Also, we must realize that when we have this discussion about bacteria mutations are getting ill medicine wasn't as it was now. Medicine wasn't as it was now. So they would send their children out to avoid them getting sick in the first place. And we deduce a lesson from this insha Allah, and we'll discuss it when we get to the,

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to the benefits Bismillah, which is now

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the incident of Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wasallam. And his

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journey to the countryside is well known. It's well known. You've heard the story before. And the books have had in sight the story.

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We know that he was an orphan, as we discussed, and when the females came from the countryside to pick up or to choose the children. They were jumping Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wasallam they chose to take other kids other than him.

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Right? Why? Because he was an orphan. And perhaps previous experience dictated that if you take the child of a person who doesn't have a father perhaps won't get paid and so on and so forth. Allah subhanho wa Taala knows best, right, which shows that even the carriers who would come in they will check they would run a background check, you know, today you have background checks inductions and so on and so forth. So they would run a background check, they will check what is the status of this child, his father, or her father, and so on, and so forth. So everyone was dug in Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, and all the children were taken. And there was heavy man.

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A female from Bonnie sad. Was this Halima Sadie Halima from benissa she was left without any children, they were all taken. And we can understand that Allah subhanho wa Taala knows best that she too was reluctant to take Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wasallam but now she had no choice. So she came back and took him some Allahu alayhi wasallam

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when she took him sallallahu alayhi wasallam she immediately witnessed blessings in in her face. Her ride became faster. Her animals would give out more milk, more milk than the other people's flocks. Right. There was Baraka in her time, there was blessings in her home. There was blessings in the happiness of the home.

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The whole situation changed. And then she and as a result, she became extremely fond of Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wasallam because through deduction she understood that there must be something with this boy from the time when I picked him up the whole scenario and situation has changed. This boy blessings this mobile aka $1 goes a long way they didn't have dollars then but you get the point that I'm trying to say. Right there was Baraka. This is the blessing of Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, she became fond of him. She wanted to keep him such that she even asked for a second term with him salallahu alayhi wasallam and she was afforded a second term we know that she or he he went

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back and and stayed with Halima for a much longer period and was only returned when Halima became worried because of the incident of the chest of Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wasallam being opened.

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So she was fond of him sallallahu alayhi wa sallam.

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From this incident, brothers and sisters, we have several lessons that you and I can deduce, that have pertinent values in your life in my life today in the 21st century. Just the summary I've given you remember, this is a Syrah there's many new faces in the audience when they lie. And I repeat this so that they understand what's going on. This is we we are running through reflections from the Sierra we're not storytelling. going into details of the stories we summarizing because hamdulillah we've sat many Sierra lessons before what we want to do is extrapolate extract indeed use deduce lessons from the incidents which we discuss that apply to our lives today. There are many lessons

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that we learn. So fasten your seat belts, right, fasten your seat belts. Firstly, firstly, we learn the important principle

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are rough. Oh, Lamanna differ.

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This is a principle in Islam. Prevention is better than cure. Prevention is better than cure. Where do we learn this from?

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Who knows.

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We learned this brothers and sisters from the fact that they were sent to the countryside for the reasons we cited to ensure perfect language to ensure perfect health.

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Imagine if they

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lived in the cities. And as a result, they got ill. And now you had to cure them. Or as a result, they learned poor language, and they learned mistakes from the visitors that came in. And now we have to correct it. correcting a situation takes more time, more money, more energies more resources than preventing it in the first place. Do you not agree?

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If you do not protect yourself from a situation afflicting you, you become afflicted by a situation. Now you have to fix it. That requires more effort, more energy is more time prevention is better than cure. Remember, in one of our other lessons, we discussed this whole concept of we learned from one of the incidents,

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the importance of looking at the consequences of actions, right, we learned or we discussed the consequences of the person who went to, to Yemen to sun and stained the walls of this part of this church that was built by Abra. Remember that he went and stained it in support of his belief, but he never realized that they will be a reaction. There's a consequence of doing this. And the consequence was a strong army of 60,000, with elephants coming to crush the camera. Right? So when we discussed this principle of prevention is better than cure. This is the same way we look at the consequences of actions. If the children were left in Makkah to get ill, and so on and so forth, the

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consequences would be more time more energy, more wealth, more resources or resources would be needed to fix this rather prevented that is easier than fixing it. Right? And any teacher in the audience knows this when a child learns something wrong. How hard is it to fix it? any parent here would know who teaches the child even in fifth? Even if, right? I know from experience, and I and I tell my young brothers and sisters who are doing if you learn something wrong, and to do shift you have to repeat is a memorize through repetition if you learn it wrong, and let's say you repeated it 16 times 20 times before you memorized it, and now you've memorized it incorrectly. To fix it, you

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don't read the correct version 16 times now you got to double. You got to double it.

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Think of a page you folded it. You took a page and you fold it this way. 15 times

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You felt folded this way 15 times, if you want it now to be and now when you leave it what will happen it will remain folded, right? If you want to make it straight,

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do you just have to open it 15 times, you got to open it many, many more times before the paper ends up lying on the table flat by itself, true or false. This is common sense. If you memorize an idea incorrectly, to fix it, you got to double or triple the energies used. In the first instance when you memorized it the wrong way. fixing it needs more energy is more time needs you to repeat it more often. And even then Allah subhanho wa Taala Allah knows best, right?

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So prevention is better than cure getting ill. If you know that my child here, the child is young. maca is well known. For its many visitors, the immune system of the child is low. They never lived in societies like ours full of injections and, and and antibiotics and, and medicines and so on and so forth. Right. And they say let's leave the child with a weak immune system, what would happen that was detriment to the child. So it was excruciating factors and circumstances that made a mother have to depart with her child, and send her child to

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the countryside. And this is the second lesson that will add my dear brothers and sisters, the second lesson. And that second lesson is

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that parents have to take and may have to have to make rather difficult decisions for the betterment of the children, parents have to make these decisions. Right? We learned this the fact that Halima had to let her child go.

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This was a difficult circumstance which mother wants the child to, to go far away from them, you carried them for so long? For almost 10 months. Right? You will say nine months. And it's a common thing. It's about nine and a half right? For those who are fathers and we're counting you know.

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So almost 10 months, and then you have to send your child away. This is not easy. This wasn't easy, but these difficult situations these difficult situations arise and difficult decisions have to be made. This is a parent's job. You cannot be selfish. Sometimes you have to change country, for the sake of your child for the sake of your child's education. You cannot be selfish. Sometimes you have to change your job. It's taking too much time it's hemorrhaging

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your resources, your time with your child. Don't just carry on actively thing that hold on a second here. I have a responsibility to my child. I have a responsibility to being at home at certain times. I have this responsibility. I have to change my job. I have to make this difficult decision for the sake of my child.

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Parents make difficult decisions, sending our children to nurses. How difficult is that?

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Is that easy for the fathers? And the mothers are watching via link. So we don't know. But I'm sure they know. I'm sure the right there where they are. They can relate to what I'm saying. sending our children to nursery How hard is it? Your child has been with you from day one. And the day comes in his life or her life? We have to leave them in a strange place. And imagine it strange for you how it is for them with strange people. And they looking at you with the butterfly eyes.

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glowing eyes, glassy eyes, a film of a tear.

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They say mama Baba. I don't like nursery. You see no no but you have to go.

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And we don't two year olds. They can negotiate. two year olds can negotiate. You know they can probably solve the world problems. You stick them in a room together. two year olds can they tell you but you know I'll miss you.

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Unless you what happens to the mother or my child will miss me Subhan Allah. This is tough.

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You know, but it's too long. It is too long. You know, I get bored. You know, I like being at home with you. Have we had this before? No, because we never took our children janessa our wives took them to nurse reason.

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Come on. Remember we said yesterday fathers have to man up. You have to man up and have a placement in, in your in your in your child's life. Right? sending them to school. These are difficult decisions, but you make the decision. You know it's good for them as a mother, you a mother knows a father knows this is hard. My child is hurting and it hurts you more than they hurting. Right? Because you never ever one day in your home allowed them to hurt. But you know it's good for them just like medicine. What can you do? It's better but you have to take it. Right. It's good for you. So we learned from this than that. How important it is for parents to make critical decisions for

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the betterment of their

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children's lives. Sometimes you don't want to take away the PlayStation or the Xbox.

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But the harm is far greater than the good. You as a father have to make the decision. You can't say I can't handle my child crying. It's a difficult decision, yes, but a decision they will grow to respect and love you more as a result of when they get older, and understand the reality of life.

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tough decisions have to be made. tough decisions have to be made, Halima had to leave, had to let her child go to the countryside. It wasn't as if you know, it's just next door, or just down the road, you know, or in the next neighborhood? No, it was a distance, one had to traverse a distance to get there. So it wasn't as if she was going to meet him every time in the day a couple of times a day, and so on and so forth. Absolutely not. But she made the decision, because it was necessary, it was for the betterment of the child. And that is one of my dear brothers and sisters. One of the major lessons we gained from the incident of Rasulullah sallallahu, alayhi wasallam. Going to the

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countryside is the importance of having a robust tarbiyah methodology in your home for your child.

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There's many things we can discuss time doesn't allow number one, and number two, I want to keep the lesson specific to the incident. So we remain on track. But you and I both know this topic is an ocean that has no coast. You know this, right? You know, this looking after our children is not something that expires or knowledge that becomes old, it's always growing. For the purposes of our sitting, I want to discuss three matters to you Firstly, feeling the weight of responsibility, number one, secondly, protecting our children

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from the evils of our environments. Thirdly, creating stable environments. These are three things I understand when I ponder over why the Arabs would send their children to the countryside. Number one,

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letting them feel the weight of responsibility.

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This is why the maturity of the Arabs was far greater than the maturity You and I have today. You know,

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I was asked a question the other day, that how do we respond to non Muslims when they talk to us or ask us about Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wasallam marrying eyeshadow the Allahu Akbar, we all know the incident.

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And I said we don't respond. We don't respond. Because this is not a question with you. And I can answer except after sitting down with the person who asked the question and sharing with them an introduction, making them understand the reality of Arabia, the reality of the upbringing, the reality of the people, you cannot base your understandings, both on the premises you have understood from your life here today. It can't work. And the same thing happens with many of the other questions that are asked about Islam, about the the penalty for leaving Islam, for example, this is not something you can answer.

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Just on the spur, you have to take the questioner, you have to sit them down, and you have to give them an introduction, a necessary introduction. Bring them upon the platform that makes them ready to receive your answer. But if they are listening to your answer based on their understanding of modern day, ideologies, and concepts and methodologies, it's never gonna work. It's never gonna work. You're gonna be wasting your breath and wasting each other's time. Right? Because we must understand this. We must understand this.

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This was a side point, of course, a side point from where us discussing why they were more mature. Imagine Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam being born as an orphan, as we discussed yesterday? Doesn't that bring about a level of maturity already? From the first breath that he breeds? It does? Imagine him now being shifted to the countryside.

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To a strange home with somebody else? Does this not create maturity within the child? Of course it does. Of course it does. It definitely gives them a maturity that a child who has been brought up with his or her parents cannot have different circumstances, different experiences grow us in different ways. You and I both know this. We know this. This is common sense. And this is life. Right? People who have different experiences have a different maturity to us. If we haven't experienced those experiences and vice versa. We might have an understanding of certain things in life that they might might not have, like our parents, our parents have a mighty majority that you

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and I grew up

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Up cannot have why they have seen a life we are yet to see.

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It's common sense.

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They have gone through mistakes we are yet to

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And they've grown from those mistakes. And for the young people in the audience that's why it's important that you listen to your children to your parents.

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Because you want to listen to them before you make the mistake because they made it and they know

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what it took to get out of it.

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And they know now how to avoid

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Mashallah, this is one of the vibrant massages that I've come to and I like it like this with the children do what they want to do and so on and so forth. This is important, you mustn't have too many protocol with children in the massage. Because what will happen from a young age we distance them from the massage they feel the most it is a boring place. They should feel like it's a fun place we know that Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wasallam would allow the, the the the the children to play and in the masjid and train themselves and practice and so on and so forth in the masjid is to play with the spears and so on and so forth would allow them that's the masjid the masjid is

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actually the hub. The Hub the masjid is actually

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the center point.

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The control center

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of all goodness that spreads out to the rest of society, it's the hub is the hub.

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Everything good starts from the master look Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam when he went to Medina, the first thing he did was establish a Masjid.

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Right. So it's nice to see this Mashallah. And I like your attitude towards the children as well towards the children as well. If you notice there was noise at the back with it where the kids were playing. I didn't say anything, because I don't mind that rather than them playing on the streets, rather than the nibbling on the streets. Well, I don't mind that this little kids if it was adults would say, we have to reel you in. Let's cast the rod and reel them in. Because the time for being children has passed.

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Right? But if his children is fine, it's fine. We should be a bit more patient and try and and listen harder instead of telling them to keep quiet. Why? Because them loved the masjid or if we want them to keep quiet, we should do it in such a sweet way. That doesn't ever make them feel distant from the masjid

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or feel apprehension when it comes to coming to the masjid. Even when they stand in the front lines in some massagin I noticed the elders moving them from the front line. This is wrong. This is incorrect. It's an incorrect practice. You should not move them.

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The place in the masjid

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is not something reserved by anybody. This is the house of Allah. Everybody has equal opportunity.

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Equal Opportunity seating.

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Everybody has an equal opportunity to sit first come first serve. If a child comes and sits in the front should not move them. It's this child's right, you moving them is going to the institution of Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam number one. Number two, it's causing them to have apprehension

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with regards to the masjid. And that's why again, we were talking about looking at the consequences of our actions. Many times we just do things. And then you see this young boy who's become a teenager, and is far from the masjid and astray. And we don't know that Subhanallah what you did 15 years earlier was the means of that. Allah Mr. manleigh protect us and protect our children. I mean, and return our youth to us a beautiful return. I mean, I mean, so brothers and sisters the weight of responsibility, it creates maturity. These young children were growing up with great maturity they were already experiencing life. We need to do the same with our children. We need to give them

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responsibility. We need to allow them to make mistakes when you and I they sincerest advices are alive and around.

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They should make mistakes when we are around so we can correct them. If you don't allow them to make the mistakes, you murder them so much and father them so much. Tomorrow, Allah will take you to him and your child will left behind will be left behind will not protect all of us. And our children now will have to take responsibility and make mistakes and learn the hard way. You could have made the task easier for them the transition process easier for them, you could have made their futures easier for them, let them feel the weight of responsibility. I'm not telling you how every home is unique and as I said martial law is a rainbow nation in front of me. Right Australia has everybody

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here Mashallah everybody different nationalities, different backgrounds, different upbringings, you know, in your culture, your home, your place?

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What denotes responsibility. I'm not saying now when you

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You travel in Russia, you're a big family, you take all 10 passports and give it to young child. So you in charge of the passports common saying that don't get me wrong, then you get the passports get lost then you start phoning me. Now I didn't say that.

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Right? Right, I'm saying in the right place and time let them have responsibility and watch over them and allow them to make the mistake. The tragedy is not in making a mistake. The travesty is in not learning from the mistake. And if they cannot make mistakes in front of us, who will teach them tomorrow. We are the best teachers, we teach them with love with care. We're not teaching them with bias. We're teaching them sincerely wanting them to be the best better than us.

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So this is the first lesson, we learn the fact that they were sent to the countryside, they were left to feel responsibility.

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Make the tough decision. Let them feel responsibility, number one. Number two, my dear brothers and sisters.

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And just to cap point number one, point number one, we know those who specialize in education say that the best learning happens through experience coupled with emotion. So panela to me, it is true. Think about it in your life. Think about the incidents, you remember. And you'll see that they I remember them because they were extreme circumstances I was stuck somewhere and come with someone helped me I was abandoned somewhere. And how can you remember those people? You can remember those circumstances? Because there was emotion. There was fear. There was worry. Right? And so it's an experience coupled with emotion. The same thing when they send their children to the countryside.

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They were learning with emotion. So they were growing exponentially, right. So let them feel the weight of responsibility.

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