A Lesson On How To Apply Allah’s Laws
Sajid Ahmed Umar – Ramadan 2019 – Ep. 28
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Bismillah R Rahman r Rahim hamdu Lillahi Rabbil alameen wa Salatu was Salam ala rasulillah who Allah Allah He was in my bed Assalamu alaykum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh everyone I pray you are all phenomenally well I welcome you all to episode number 28 of our Ramadan reminders and for today's episode I take you to Seurat at the horribleness urban and in particular is number 16. In which Allah subhanho wa Taala says that de la hummus to Allah say Sophia Allah, be God conscious of Allah. Seek taqwa as much as you are able to as much as you are able to write, adopt the policy of taqwa to the best of your ability. Okay, so what does this particular I actually mean because we know in the
first quarter of the fourth Jews in Surah, marohn, Allah subhanho wa Taala says, Yeah, you alladhina amanu Taka la haka. toccata. Allah addresses the believers and commands them to be to have Taqwa and Allah subhanho wa Taala. And to fear Him and to adopt righteousness. The way Allah subhanho wa Taala deserves
to be to be feared and deserves
for taqwa to be adopted with regards to him. So what happens here is there a contradiction in one's segment by saying, you know, give allow it deserves and in another segment,
Allah subhanho wa Taala says, adopt taqwa to the best of your ability, and no doubt, people's abilities differ. And when that option is open, then it doesn't carry the same meaning as the other eye, which Allah commands us towards having done quite a lot, the way he deserves to be revered.
So the scholars have discussed this.
In the past, we all have mercy on them. And some have said that this is sort of to harben.
it's sort of cancels out the meaning of the islands or al imraan. Right. And this is known as an
And it happens we have lots of haddaway attalla reveals and then a particular commander then after some time, because as we know, the Koran came down in 23. Just over 23 years, Allah subhanho wa Taala then cancels out a previous revelation, and reveals a new law to replace that, for wisdom is best known to Allah subhanho wa Taala. So some have said that Allah subhanho wa Taala first commanded towards that and now he's made it easy. First he said reveal of love the way he deserves to be revealed. I choose the word reveal, because when we say fear, somebody thinks or some people might think that you know, when I fear something, I run away from it. So let's use the word revia.
revia is where you fear something in a way that you run towards it. Right? So taqwa is to gain consciousness taqwa is to reveal God Almighty, the way he deserves to be revered as he commands us towards in Surah An Emirate. So is it canceled out or not? The second view of the scholar say no, it's not canceled out rather the iron surah Allah Moran, in which Allah says, revere Allah as he deserves to be revered. This refers to doing Hillel, staying away from harem and thanking Allah subhanho wa Taala. Right, but being ungrateful for what Allah gives you, and that we should do
as Allah deserves. Now will we be able to achieve that? No, because Allah subhanho wa Taala is absolutely amazing. Right, the greatest of the greatest who kind of who at the end, we will never be able to give Allah his view, but we strive for it. Right? To always remain upon the do's and always try and stay away from the don'ts and always be grateful to Allah subhanho wa Taala for what we have and this is the definition of taqwa that you build between yourself and jahannam, the Hellfire a barrier, to protect you from entering it. How by doing the do's and staying away from the don'ts so that i is in play, that is not abrogated, it's not canceled. It's in play. That still applies to us.
But as for this I in Surah, Taha boon, then Allah subhanho wa Taala is telling us to apply the shear to our debt to the best of our ability, and I'll give you some examples. Right? So for example,
you are fasting in Ramadan, and now you traveling in the travel is difficult. Carlos, right here, don't fast break your fast apply the Sharia to the best of your ability. If it's easy for you to fast and you can travel and fast no problem. If you can't, no problem, right? Apply the shittier to the best of your ability. Let's say for example, a person has limited amount of money, and he has to help his relatives because our relatives are from amongst those that we can't help them with Zika. And this we don't have from the outset, we need to help them with our own men, our wife, our children, our parents, our brothers, but I don't have enough to go all around. So what do I do?
Right? So we need to study this we need to ask our local Imam in terms of the mental health of the city.
We are in who goes first? Who has a great right to my money? Is it my parents? Is it my wife? Is it my child? Right? So now you have to start prioritizing who gets your help. This is you applying the shehryar, to the best of your ability, right? Sometimes, let's say you have a situation where your child has a friend and that friend has good and the friend has bad should you allow your child to be friends with that person.
Right? If your child, if you if you're able to bring up your child to the ability where your child can stay away from the bad and adopt the good, then that is you applying the Sharia to the best of your ability. If your child doesn't have it with him or her, right, you are teaching your child but you see that they still love with it, there's a good chance they're gonna adopt the bat, then how do you apply the Sharia here, you prevent them from having those friends, because prevention of harm takes precedence over the attainment of a benefit, we don't care how much benefit there is, in being friends with the other person, the bottom line is this harm will come across, and we need to attack
that harm with all our might. And even if that means that we don't benefit from the benefit, that is applying the sharing out to the best of our ability. And obviously this I'm giving some examples that are really more specific, I'm giving some examples that are specific to everyday life, right we've given the example of a person who has money and he has to look after so many people around him and he doesn't have enough, right same thing applies in marriage as well. Right in terms of
you know, what you what you what you provide for your wife, the level of the provision that you give her Yes, you must give her a home you must give her clothing you must give a food, but what extent of home and clothing and food this allows us to apply ourselves to the best of our ability, right? In fact, Allah instructs us towards that in the Quran, with regards to wives but it's an example that can apply. So I pray this is clear. In summary, the I inserted Robin is not telling us that we shouldn't reveal Allah as he deserves to be revered. Rather, it's saying we should apply the sharing out to the best of our ability, the laws of Allah subhanho wa Taala. As for the iron Surah Al Imran,
then that is telling us that we should strive to always be on the do's and strive to always stay away from the don'ts and strive to always be grateful to Allah subhanho wa Taala
you know, a striving that one does when trying to give Allah subhanho wa Taala what he deserves, yes, we won't, but we should we need to strive we need to do that extra, we need to do more. Allah subhanho wa Taala deserves more. So the two Ayah do not contradict each other. Rather they complement each other. Right? They complement each other. So for example, Allah tells you to pray.
Right? You should pray because that's from taqwa, giving revering allies, he deserves to be revered. But let's say you Ill right. So what do you do you pray? You pray sleeping? I was sorry once lying down. Right? So now this is you applying the Sharia to the rest of your village that you taking care of Allah's law, but to the best of your ability, right? Allah tells you to pray fudger in the winter, there is no way to warm up your water and you can't use the water. So what do you do? You You You go to Tim right.
For example, you take the alternative which is the drier pollution. So, you have taken care of the ayah in Surah Al Imran And the ayah in Surah. Taha hamdulillah Luca beautiful and balanced the Sharia is this is our lesson for tonight brothers and sisters in Islam. Slightly technical Allahu Allah depends on the appetite of the listener. However, very important, or live it's these type of lessons from Quran in the sooner that boost my MA because it makes me understand Subhana Allah how complete the Sharia is and that no man could have ever brought it. Indeed it is from Allah, the creator of the universe and everything in creation. The Creator who knows us better than we know
ourselves thus the laws are so palatable. hamdulillah Al Hamdulillah Al Hamdulillah. Until next time, Salaam Alaikum alaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh