Sajid Ahmed Umar – Qur’an In Ramadan #4A – How To Begin & End

Sajid Ahmed Umar
AI: Summary ©
The title of Islam is discussed, including historical examples of reciting Prophet's words and the importance of reciting them in a straight and deliberate manner to confirm their legitimacy. The speaker emphasizes the need to avoid confusion and misunderstandings by reciting the words in a rushed fashion, and to ensure that reciting the Quran is not a habit.
AI: Transcript ©
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Bismillah R Rahman Rahim Al hamdu Lillahi Rabbil Alameen OB Hina stirrin. On Sunday on Salim Allah Hartman the begin the beginner Muhammad wa ala alihi wa sahbihi wa seldom at the Sleeman, Kathira and lamb Dini, but they all Assalamu alaykum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh I welcome you all to our fourth session in our short series, discussing the morals manners and etiquettes with the book of Allah subhanho wa Taala in the blessed month of Ramadan, the month of Al Quran. Now in our last session, we discussed a few etiquettes and one of the last etiquettes we discussed was that pertaining to a towel with an Bismillah and we managed to cover a towel with which is to say oh the

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bIllahi min ash shaytaan regime. And as a brief recap, we said that it is from the good manners to do so Allah subhanho wa Taala mentions it in his book. In fact, some of the Allameh have actually stated that it is obligatory and why Jeep although others have said that it is Mr. Hub and we summarized the discussion by stating that there are manifest benefits in reciting that I would why because when we do so it is an actual invocation seeking refuge in Allah subhanho wa Taala from Shavon the outcast and there are benefits in doing so because remember the universal rule which states that Shavon if he cannot prevent you from worshipping Allah subhanho wa Taala then he will do

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everything to affect the quality of your worship. So doing so does assist one in being tranquil when reciting the Quran. Assist one in pondering and deliberating over the manifest lessons in the book of Allah or Buddha is it he will JOANNE Hello Hello kahar. Today Inshallah, we will start off with the Bismillah and Bismillah once again, refers to saying Bismillahi Rahmani Raheem. And in regards to Bismillah Anis robiola, who and the rates that one day the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam was amongst them, and the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam was taking a nap. And then he raised his head, and he smiled. And the Sahaba of the Allahu Anhu asked him asked the Prophet sallallahu

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alayhi wa sallam about why he was smiling, and he answered, saying that a chapter was revealed to me earlier, and he then recited Bismillah AR Rahman AR Rahim in Finacle Kapha. So the point of interest in this particular hadith is that the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said Bismillahi Rahmani Raheem before commencing with the recitation of a surah. Thus, teaching us or before the recitation of the Quran, generally, this teaching us that it is Mr. hab and recommended and sunnah to actually recite the best manner and that it is from the good manners with the book of Allah subhanho wa taala. Now, there is another point that we should discuss after discussing the Tao within the bus

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manner, because that is something that he said at the beginning of our recitation. But there's something that we hear today that is recited at the end of a recitation, and that is the statement sada Kola, hula Avi right many recite, recite the Quran and at the end they say Sadhak Allah who love him, which means Allah the Almighty has spoken the truth. Now, what is the ruling on this? Is this from the good manners with the book of Allah subhanho wa taala? Well, what we do know is that this was not a practice of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam nor the Sahaba, because we do not have any innovations that attribute this practice to the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam. Now,

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there are some or lemma who stayed the permissibility of doing so. And they cite as evidence the 95th verse of Surah Al Imran, which Allah subhanho wa Taala says, Call sadaqa Allah, for that Allah, Allah subhanho wa Taala say, say, Allah has spoken the truth. So they cite this verse as evidence denoting the permissibility of doing so. However, if we contemplate and deliberate over this particular verse, we find that it is not real evidence in actually teaching us the permissibility of saying sadaqa Allah who will have him as a continuous practice after reciting the book of Allah subhanho wa taala. Now why is that? If this verse also the Kola actually denoted the permissibility

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of saying it at the end of every recitation, the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam would have done so and the Sahaba Radi Allahu Anhu Ultramarine would have done so as well after him. So we learned from this that this verse is not sufficient to prove the permissibility of saying Salah kala hula beam after every recitation does

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As Allah subhanho wa Taala knows best we should leave out reciting this particular statement and it is not from the etiquettes and manners with the book of Allah subhanho wa taala. To do so. However, if somebody, for example, recites a verse in the book of Allah subhanho wa taala, and they ponder over the meaning, and that meaning Subhanallah really means something to them in terms of something that happened in their life, right? And they ponder and understand this meaning and out of all, from the understanding of this meaning they say, so that Allah who allow them,

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if they do so, then this is fine. Why this is not a continuous practice. This is done spontaneously and in fact, we have an incident at the time of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam, where he stated that one day the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam was giving a speech and Hassan and Hussein the two grandchildren of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam came along, so the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam came down from the member, the pulpit where he was speaking to everybody. And he picked them up and put them in front of him. And then he said, Indeed, Allah has spoken the truth meaning sada Allahu Allah, Allah in your wealth, and your children are only a

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trial. So the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam related, the incident of these grandchildren coming along, and that which he felt to a verse in the Quran, and thus said it spontaneously, not as a practice, an everyday practice or a practice that is done every time with recitation of the Quran. So if somebody does it spontaneously, it's fine. But if we feel that it is from the practices with the book of Allah subhanho wa taala, then this is not a practice and Allah subhanho wa Taala knows best I mean, in general, we should make it a policy to always practice that which was taught to us by the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam and that followed by the pious predecessors before us, and

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Allah subhanho wa Taala Allah Knows Best with that we are able to cover yet another etiquette. And the next etiquette I want to discuss with you all, is the policy of reciting the Quran in a hurried manner, reciting it in a extremely rushed fashion. Is this from the etiquettes of the Quran? Well, I'm sure we all have an answer to this in our minds, and that is that it is not in fact, it is from the bad manners. What Allah subhanho wa Taala is book to recite the Quran very fast in a haste to fashion. Now we do know this first and foremost from other lessons that we have taken for we've said that from the good manners is to contemplate and deliberate how are we able to do so if we recite

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the Quran in a hurried fashion? Allah subhanho wa Taala in Surah Al Muzammil says and recite the Quran in a clear and slow style whare T lil Khurana 13. recite the Quran in a clear and slow manner. Now 13 refers to making very clear and distinguishable every letter and word in the Quran and this was explained by Ibn Abbas, Radi Allahu Anhu. So, this is a very important point. Now, when we recite the Quran, in a hurried manner, it is impossible to make every letter clear, it is impossible to recite every word clearly, right? So we're not giving the true rights to the letters found in the book of Allah subhanho wa taala. However, we can do so if we recite the Quran in a composed manner,

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in a manner that allows us to

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ponder and deliberate over the verses in the book of Allah subhanho wa taala. And in fact, by doing so, in a slower manner, allows for us to earn greater rewards. And we all want to build our agenda and earn Jannah in the first place. So we can do so by being

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productive with the Quran in terms of reciting it in a glorified manner, reciting it slowly and attentively. Now, even miss Ruth was asked how to read a certain letter in the Quran. And he was asked, Should I read it as an Elif? Or a Yeah. And this was in the verse, me man in Haiti as him, right. This is the first in the Quran. So someone came to you and Mr. Reagan said, Should I read it as rare? As in? Or Hawaii? Yes.

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That's what he asked even Mossad so even Mr. Wood said, and the entire Quran you have read other than this meaning

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is there anywhere else in the Quran, where you recite a verse and doubt how it should be recited. So, even reproached him in this particular manner. So he said, I normally recite alafasy, meaning this person answered, even worse odorata Allah one and said, I normally recite those chapters between between Surah path and the end of the Quran. And he said that I do so in one unit of prayer. Right? I do so in one unit of prayer, so even Massoud responded to him and said

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Read. This is like the quick hurried reading of poetry. Verily there are people who recite the Quran. There are people who recite the Quran, but it does not pass the collarbones. However, if it enters the heart and becomes firm then it benefits the reciting Subhan Allah Allah, what wise words words that can be written with golden ink Subhanallah wise words and this is should be our policy with the Quran. Let me say to you again, verily, there are people who recite the Quran, but it does not pass their collarbones. However, if it enters the heart and becomes firm there in it benefits that is it may Allah subhanahu atta Allah bless us and make us from amongst those that have the

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ability to recite the Quran in a manner that after reciting it, it becomes firm ly placed in our hearts and I will Hamza said even at best, I am indeed quick in my recitation. Verily, I read the entire Quran in three days. Even Abbas Ravi, Allah who replied and said, for me to read Al Baqarah in one night, but to contemplate over it and recite it clearly and slowly is more beloved than to recite the recitation that you have described Subhanallah and in another narration,

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it states that if there is no way except for you to do so, as you say, then read it with recitation in which your ears and your heart can comprehend that recited Subhanallah these are pertinent and comprehensive advices from the pious before us. And we really need to ensure that when we recite the Quran, then at least we can hear the words that we are reciting. And this is true, we might have attended some masajid whereby, during the Torah we we entered the masjid and leave the masjid and we don't even know one word that was recited by the Imam and this is a problem. So we need to ensure that we advise one another towards goodness and piety and if I just one another towards reciting the

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Quran, in a benevolent manner, and with that, it is time for us to take a break and inshallah I'll see you on another side of the break. Assalamu Alaikum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh

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