Explanation of the summarised version of Imam Ibn Qayyim AlJawziyyah’s famous book- Provisions for the Hereafter.
Sajid Ahmed Umar – Provisions for the Hereafter Series Split Lesson 1b
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AI: Summary ©
The segment discusses the concept of "br brothers and sisters," which refers to the belief that everyone has a certain amount of something, and the virtual class is designed to encourage spending less time on court. The speakers emphasize the importance of remembering Islam's teachings during class, as it is a way to achieve a better life. They also discuss the use of "by" in the name of someone and how it is a sign of weakness or pleasure. The return of Islam subhanho wa Taala is discussed, and the importance of "has been seen" in writing a book is emphasized. The speakers stress the need for students to be mindful of their words and actions to avoid causing harm to others and emphasize the importance of the legal concept of Allah's creation.
AI: Summary ©
Okay Baraka low FICO.
He shared with me Allah subhanho wa Taala except your door. So brothers and sisters, for those who have the notes in front of them and I believe the book link has been sent to everybody we heard from our brother he Sham Jaffa, happy the hula May Allah preserve him. In his obedience amin an introduction of the author of the author,
McCullough, Haile Rahmatullahi. Allah. Now obviously this introduction is a shortened introduction. It's not the original introduction, it's a shortened introduction. And obviously as we discussed, the introduction was shortened by
shortened by
Eman, Mohammed Ibn Abdul Wahab,
Marathi Allahu Allah. So, Allah Subhana Allah. So here we see the author
starting the book with Bismillah R Rahman Rahim and this was the way of the scholars of Allah He only brother he Sham Could you just switch up your microphone?
By vertical Okay, so
the author starts with Bismillah R Rahman r Rahim. And this was the way of our scholars Rahmatullah helping him they would start all the works in the name of Allah subhanho wa Taala. And this was the teaching of Rasulullah, sallallahu alayhi wasallam. And this should be our way as well, this should be our way as well, that
you know, before we start anything we say, Bismillah before we do anything, we say Bismillah right.
And Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam taught us that the person who does something without saying Bismillah, then the thing that they do, is cut is cut, cut from what cut from blessings cut from Baraka. And you and I especially in this day and age brothers and sisters, we are yearning for Baraka, we are looking for Baraka, right? We crave Baraka blessings, we crave blessings, blessings in our wealth, blessings, in our time, blessings in our activity. So, hello, my time runs away from us so fast nowadays, right? Even our wealth, you know,
a large denomination of wealth in our pockets, hardly lasts us, you know, we just go to a shop or two. And that money has gotten and many attempts to penalize that how much we spent already. Right? This is what happens. And this is from the signs of Bama brothers and sisters, this whole concept of blessings being removed
from this world, and Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam spoke about this whole concept of, you know, yet the power of wisdom and the coming together of time, the coming together of time. And and this refers to time losing its blessings, it's not that we will have less than 24 hours in a day. No, we will have our 24 hours, but it will feel as if we have only 12 hours. Right? And I'm sure if you've You know, I've said this before, and I'm going to say to you all again, that you know going ask your grandparents, for those who have the grandparents alive, may Allah protect them, and preserve them, ask them that, you know, how was time when you were young?
Right, just do that. And you probably find them saying that, you know what, when we were younger, we would plan to do 10 things in a day. And by the horn, we would have finished all 10 things.
So panela and how is it today? Today you and I we plan to do 10 things? Right? We plan to do 10 things. And
what happens they make the event of McRib and we've only done five they make the other of mothership and we've only done five so Pamela, has anyone experienced this?
you know this is and look at, some are saying all the time, so I'm gonna say yes. And and most of you are saying all the time, this is what happens. We plan to do 10 things and
then and we've only done five. So, this is you know, aside from the signs of the coming together of time. So we need Baraka brothers and sisters and from the means of achieving Baraka is by saying Bismillah before you go into a meeting, even if it's online, say Bismillah before you go into a meeting on the telephone, say Bismillah even before you make a telephone call to anybody say Bismillah perhaps Allah will inspire you to spend less time on the call.
But make both parties feel as if you spent a longer time on the court a longer time in the meeting. And remember I said this class is not
exclusive to the people working in the demo, but especially for those working in the demo. And that's why my examples will will tread the path of those activities in the data. Right? You know, if you if you want to raise some funds, say Bismillah, perhaps you might not hit your target.
But Allah will put Baraka in the amount that you've raised, that it will give you more than the original target that you know, that you intended to raise. Meaning, the output of the little that you received will give you more than the entire amount that you were aiming to raise in the first place. This is Baraka is Baraka from Allah subhanho wa. taala so we must always start with Bismillah before we eat, Bismillah when we get into our vehicle, Bismillah even when you put in petrol at the gas station, say Bismillah perhaps Allah will bless it, and it will give you more mileage, and that will be better for the environment as well. Insha Allah, right, so never, ever forget Bismillah My
dear brothers and sisters, this was the way of Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam and all the greatest people after him. They were people that remained upon his way. And they would say Bismillah so the secret for each and every one of us getting blessings and Baraka in our life is to remember Bismillah and we learned this from the fact that the author amatola here and he begins his book by saying Bismillahi Rahmani Raheem Bismillahi Rahmani Raheem, and and it can be loosely translated as In the Name of Allah, the Most Beneficent, the Most Merciful now
a rough man in the tests Mia and buy, or invest mela Bismillah Bismillah R Rahman r Rahim, in Arabic is known as best Mullah or it has been titled as best mela. So if somebody tells you read the best mela, basically they're telling you to say say Bismillah al Rahman al Rahim. Right? So it's called Best metta. And this is how the Arabic language is the Arabic language has the ability to give a noun a name to an entire sentence. So Bismillah R Rahman Rahim is a sentence, but it's given it a name. And that name is bhasma. Just like, learn how La quwata illa Billah. We call it health pada in the Arabic language, this is called how Allah so if somebody says, recite the how Allah, they mean
you should say, Allah, Allah, Allah quwata illa Billah. And this is the way that we recognize a lot of blessings when we say, La, La La quwata illa Billah. Right, as Allah says in Surah Toluca, when he tells us about the story of the two people, or the story of the two people, or the or rather the story of the two gardens, and there were two people in the story, right, and one person had a garden, or two gardens that Allah blessed to be self sustained, and blessed with the most amazing produce, and agriculture and plantations. And a lot placed between these two gardens, a river, and the river would flow through these two gardens, at, you know, at the right current, you know, flow
through the garden gardens at a current that would allow water to seep out of the river into the gardens, which would water the plantations of the gardens without over flooding the garden.
And the river didn't have an, you know, a low undercurrent which would cause
you know, the river to to to flow at a speed which would not allow water to seep out of the river into the garden. So Allah even gave it a perfect current, right, so that the river would water the garden itself. And this person didn't have to do anything, he would just have to wake up every day and see new fruits and see new flowers and see new trees and so on and so forth. He didn't have to water it, he didn't have to do anything. Right. So this person, Allah tested him and he became a bit arrogant, and his friend advised him and said it was better for you when you went into your garden to say Masha Allah lefou what a lab in right to say Masha Allah, you know, this garden is as a law
will lead to what is no power except from Allah. Right? There's no power, no mind except from Allah. And, and, and and everything that happens to us is from Allah not from ourselves. So this is just a little footnote to what we would call the help Allah La La quwata illa Billah.
So if somebody says to decide how are they telling you to say that hola with a label, and in the books of when you read the books of IP, and the
Discussing the event you find
the scholars or fifth or some of the scholars of work when they get to hyaena salah and halal fella, they would say or they would tell me the Hey Allah, the Hey Allah. So if you ever reading a book of one day and you've studied the Arabic language, and you get to this point and you see the term Hey Allah, you know what the author is talking about? He's talking about here and of salah and halal fella. So this is how amazing the Arabic language is. So we have bas mela we have how Allah we have Hey Allah, and so on and so forth. So Bismillah R Rahman r Rahim is known as Burma. In Bismillahi Rahmani Raheem we have a rough man, a rough man and for those who are with me in Dubai, when we
studied the names of Allah subhanho wa Taala, we delved into this name, and our rush man is,
is is the expressive form? Or is the name of Allah subhanho wa Taala that exists in the expressive form, the expressive sense that Allah subhanho wa Taala is not just the Most Beneficent, but he's the pet, he is perpetually beneficent, right? So
given the style and form of the name, we understand a nuance or reality to the actual name of a man, since Allah is the Most Beneficent. There's no one that gives like Allah and gifts like Allah subhanho wa Taala and forgives, like Allah subhanho wa Taala and we know our situation and how weak we are and how Allah continuously gives us and this is the point to notice continuously. It's not that Allah subhanho wa Taala Allah is merciful, sometimes and not merciful at other times Allah subhanho wa Taala is the is the perpetually Merciful One subhanho wa Taala. And this terminal man as I was calling Rahmatullah had him say, this term entails the all encompassing Mercy of Allah, which
includes mercy that Allah Shah was even upon the disbelievers, right for the fact that they are from the creation of Allah, we know that the disbelievers eat, they drink, they have financial standing, they have material well being, they have children, they have homes and so on and so forth. So this the enjoyment that they have, or the amenities that they enjoy, rather, this is from the fact that Allah subhanho wa Taala is a rush man. But for the believers, those who have accepted the oneness of Allah, they've declared the oneness of Allah, and they have accepted the prophecy of Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, then for them is a specific Mercy is a special mercy and that Mercy is
understood from another name of Allah subhanho wa Taala out Rahim. Rahim Allah subhanho wa Taala. Allah is a Rahim citing the you know him subhanho wa Taala being the Especially Merciful One, meaning Especially Merciful to who to the believing aroma of Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, then we see the author go on to praise Allah subhanho wa Taala in and send salutations upon the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam in a form titled hooked, but will have you hooked but will have
this is the name
of this particular introduction and you heard me you know, introduce today's program with it, the last program with it, and future UVM insha Allah introduce every talk that I do with it, you know, once somebody wrote to me and said that, you know, when you start your talks, you should start immediately because when you do the the Arabic whatever and then translate it it's it's too long, it loses the audience, it loses the audience now I know where he's coming from. Because I also as a hobby, I like to read the books of leadership and management and so on and so forth. And, and they discuss these things in better public speaking and they discuss these things in terms of, you know,
conducting your meetings better and, and keeping the audience motivated. So I understood where the brother May Allah preserve him who was advising me, may Allah reward him, where he was coming from, he was saying shift, you know, your talks are, Mashallah, but just, you know, if you at the beginning, if you could just, you know, get into the talk, so, that captivates the audience more, and I said, Look, barakallahu thika, he'll carry but for me personally, I understand where you coming from, just to share with you my point of view, not to belittle you advice, but it is something I've thought of, but in terms of hospital hygiene, this is something which we would say is
from the lab, in a talk that we do so what it means from the established matters, in the talks that we do, especially when we talk about religion, why do I say it's from the established matters? Because Allah Allah Allahu alayhi wa sallam began his speeches with this hook back. So there's definitely hate in it. There's definitely blessings in it and Subhana Allah, Allah, He
Brothers and sisters you know sometimes we have to travel long distances and and and sometimes we land and we have to go into talks immediately from the airport to the masjid and you know you tired, you mentally tired and sometimes
you know when you try and think back about some of the points that you said in the talk, you can't help but feel that it was guidance from Allah subhanho wa Taala and personally personally from a personal experience when I observed the hospital had to begin my talk with the hospital hedger any it's like, you know, it's like you go on to autopilot or should we say cruise control? You know, you just, you start basking in the guidance of Allah subhanho wa Taala and the mercy of Allah subhanho wa Taala that you started with Bismillah and then you follow the Sunnah of Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wasallam with discoteca to say, a handwritten letter of the alameen wa Salatu was Salam ala
rasulillah, and so on and so forth. You know, whether it's the long form of the hookah, or the shortened form of the hookah, but being true to the Sunnah of the Prophet, because remember, brothers and sisters Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, he came and taught us this entire deed, right? And this deed was taught to us with him salallahu alayhi wasallam, starting his speeches with the squatter, so there's definitely hate in it, and we must consider it from the established matters. Yes, we benefit from the books of leadership and development, and so on and so forth. But we take the good, and we also ensure that we look after the good that the Sharia has taught us, and
the Sharia, obviously, the teachings of the Sharia has come to us from Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wasallam. So this is just a personal experience that I'm sharing with you. That's Pamela, you know, the tiredness goes when you when you say this, whatever, and you feel, you know that you are being guided in your speech, when you observe this hotel, and Mr.
La, he begins his book with this hotel as well. And as you can see, the book is amazing when he left him, and this wasn't just his way, this was the way of the Gambia AlLahi wa salatu wa sallam, and then the author goes on to build this particular introduction upon an idea in the book of Allah subhanho wa Taala. And that is the idea in which Allah subhanho wa Taala says, what a book is.
Right? So basically, the author has built his introduction upon this ayah Allahu Akbar. And this is, you know, you can't help but feel that he was being inspired by Allah subhanho wa Taala how many I had today in the Quran, but he chooses to open this book, and perhaps maybe he was inspired, in his journey, looking at, you know, the day and the night and the stars and the sun and the moon, and the different temperatures, perhaps, you know, in a journey, you you have
time to ponder, you know, it's called, I'm sure some of our sisters will relate to this term, that it's therapeutic. Right? Right. Some sisters, they, they, they, they have the they require this therapeutic moment. And and and it shouldn't just be for the sisters, it should be for the brothers as well, right? These therapeutic moments when you're doing something, you might be washing the dishes, or ironing your clothes or cooking a meal, and you have that silence around you. And the reason why I say it, is because obviously I've heard this from the sisters at at this particular juncture that so Pamela You know, it might be a system idea is saying, oh, when I'm writing, so you
have these therapeutic moments, where you just, you know, your mind goes into a deep state of consciousness and you start appreciating things that you would not appreciate normally or you would fail to recognize normally, so perhaps the Imam Ali was, you know, having these therapeutic moments on top of his mount and, you know, he decides to he's inspired to open his book with this area or a book or yaku Masha meccanica Homer tiara and amazing AI and amazing iron as you can see, this particular idea is in Sudoku puzzles
surah number 28 is number 68. And I prefer to say surah. And
because the Arabic indication from these two terms, is far vast and far greater than what you would understand when you use the term verse or chapter. So for those who are not familiar with the Arabic language, when I say surah, I mean chapter when I say verse, I mean when I say I, I mean verse, but I prefer to use the Arabic term term or terminologies because the the indications and linguistic indications are far more robust, far more
you know, far more deeper than what we would understand from the English text. Brothers and sisters. Sometimes you might see me speaking but sidetracking as as I speak, it's not pretty
Because I'm not paying attention to you, per se, but it's because obviously this is a live classroom, I look at some of the messages that you are sending to me both publicly and privately. And just to keep the flow of the class, I keep the chain of thought going, I tried to, but I might slow down in speech, when I do so, just understand that some messages have come across and I am looking at them. And this is especially for those listening to the recordings because normally a normal lecture will have a far more fluid flow, but this is a classroom environment, even though you cannot hear the students and even though I cannot hear you all I can definitely see you all see your
names and see your, your messages mailman Bless you all love, you are all kinds of people. And may Allah subhanho wa Taala get us in genda together. I mean, you're blind, I mean, so the Imam to LA LA. He goes on to say, or goes on to after his introduction to cite this area, or bucola Kumar.
And brothers and sisters, this is a mighty way to start off your introduction. And let's not forget this is the introduction. This is not the crux of the book. This is the introduction to the book, and the introduction has to be mighty any introduction to any book, especially for those who are writers here. It has to be a mighty introduction. Because, you know, sadly, first impressions are the last impressions, that's the norm of the society that we live in, we we are very impatient, we have become impatient human beings, we are quick to judge other people, we are quick to hold them to account for a mistake here or there. And and sort of judge their abilities based on the the weak
points, rather than their strong points. Right. So you know, we tend to have these weaknesses. And these are these are definitely weaknesses. It's not the son of the Prophet sallallahu, alayhi wasallam, to behave in this manner. So we must fix ourselves, no doubt. But coming back to the original point, the introduction has to be good. Because if the introduction fails, then that sort of kills the the motivation of the reader to complete the rest of the book. I didn't know Kai Rahmatullah here is writing a book which is five to six volumes long. So definitely the introduction has to be mightily worthy. And indeed he did. He did start his book in a mighty way, citing this
ayah and moving his introduction upon this idea. Now, my dear brothers and sisters, in the translation that our brother he Sham heavy the whole law, may Allah preserve him
recited and by the way, brother, he Sham is is is a blessing young lad Mashallah. And from
you know, one of my closest students, and one of the people that I love for the sake of Allah,
to you know, please excuse the technical issues that happen he is in charge of this classroom and I have thrown it on him Mashallah. Because I believe people that have potential, we should open for them the opportunity for being responsible. And for me, it's a great honor that he makes mistakes while I'm alive so I can be honored to correct him. May Allah preserve my life and preserve your life and in his obedience subhanho wa Taala and not cause us to pass away certainly. But my aim is to allow him to to make mistakes, he is young and upcoming, he's only a teenager, Mashallah, believe it or not. But my intention is to allow him to make those mistakes while I'm alive, so I can at
least be privileged to correct him. Perhaps after I pass away, he will be a sort of Algeria for me. I mean, neuropil had me, so brother, he shall have the whole law. He in his introduction, obviously, he's reading from the translation that that you all have, and the translation has basically kept the, the the most correct translation of the audio for you. Or if you look at the translation very carefully, it's translated as Allah subhanho wa Taala creates what he wants, and Allah chooses. Alright, so this is how the translation has come across. And this is the correct translation, my dear brothers and sisters, because we have some
people who have explained this idea with the wrong understanding. And they basically said, well, La Jolla leukemia shut down. This refers to Allah subhanho wa Taala.
Creating what Allah wants to create, and a lot chooses what he wants to create. So in this ayah, which is translated as a law chooses,
they would explain it or they explained it as Allah is the one who chooses what he creates. Now, there's a problem in this translation. Why? Because
in terms of meaning, it's correct. Indeed, Allah chooses what he creates, and Allah creates what He wills. There's no problem with that. But when we do
translate the ayah. This way, if we say, the ayah means Allah creates, and Allah chooses what he creates. Once this is true, we haven't given the ayah all of its meaning. Okay, so the ayah is not saying, and that's what I'm saying, I'm highlighting that it has been translated correctly for you or we have others that Miss
translated the eye. Right? They said, they said, the ayah means Allah creates and chooses what he creates. There's no problem in the statement, but it but it is an incorrect explanation of the IR rather, rather the correct translation is a law creates and Allah gives a rank and honor and precedence to certain parts of his creation over other parts. That is the complete meaning of the
meaning Allah creates a nobody has a say in what he creates. And it is also Allah who gives rank and nobody has a say in who Allah gives rank to. This is the correct translation of the ayah. So yeah, this Arabic word or this verb, which refers to a lot choosing it the verb, yes, it does mean a lot chooses what he creates, but it also means a lot chooses who he wishes to give rank to. Who He gives, who Allah subhanho wa Taala chooses to give rise to and this is the reality My dear brothers and sisters, and perhaps the Imam Rahmatullah. He really was, you know, having that Eman boost, looking at the creation of Allah, and understanding the Lordship of Allah subhanho wa Taala and how
Allah is complete in his rubia in his lordship, complete in his olu here, in terms of our being the only one worthy of worship, complete in his names and attributes, in terms of nobody else has the ability to enjoy any portion of the names and attributes of Allah subhanho wa Taala, he created the skies, and look how perfect the skies are, he created the clouds, and look how the clouds shower. You know, its fruits at different places, and not at one place, he created the stars, and some of them Twinkle, twinkle more brightly than others, he created the moon. And the moon has these different stages, he created the mountains, but he also created flatland. And some mountains have
been given a recognition that other mountains haven't been given. And this you know, when you ponder over the steps of Pamela, as the environment is on this journey, having these therapeutic moments This is what he's thinking about that how amazing is the Lordship of Allah subhanaw taala he created this, and no one could see why did you create it this way? And why didn't you create it that way? So Panama, so you know, perhaps is looking at at the sky and remembering this I Americana lahoma era, nobody had to say in what Allah created. Nobody had a say in what Allah chose and in who Allah gave rank to, and who Allah gave honor to all this points to the completeness of the Lordship of Allah,
the completeness of his of his own UI and the unity of his worship and the completeness of his amazing names and attributes. So panda who Allah May Allah allow us to see his face in general and in Yoruba Halloween so this is an amazing idea and I want you to live the journey of the amendment. That's why I'm taking time to express a little bit of you know,
what possibly the event could be thinking about when he chose to put this idea because this idea is amazing. And when we ponder over these things, brothers and sisters, then and ponder over the creation of Allah and ponder over how Allah has has distributed you know, wealth amongst people, distributed health amongst people, and how Allah chooses and so on and so forth. You know, it we cannot help we cannot help but feeling or and we cannot help but you know, feel our Eman grow and feel love for Allah subhanho wa Taala and feel the need to to praise Allah and feel the need to worship Allah and feel the need to read the Quran and feel the need to to leave sing, and so on and
so forth. And indeed Allah subhanho wa Taala praises those who ponder over the creation in the hope is somehow it will work the left lady WHAT THE * YEAH, t li li l Bab. Allah says, indeed, in the creation of the skies and the earth was the last lady when the heart and in the differences of the day and night are yet are signs, signs of Allah existing signs of Allah being the only one worthy of worship for who we are Allah leoline Al Bab, the people of understanding May Allah subhanho wa Taala make us those people of understanding. I mean your blood
wa sallahu wa Sallim wa barik ala nabina Muhammad wa ala alihi wa sahbihi everybody