Sajid Ahmed Umar – Provisions for the Hereafter Series Part 6

Sajid Ahmed Umar

Explanation of the summarised version of Imam Ibn Qayyim AlJawziyyah’s famous book – Provisions for the hereafter

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The importance of kinship and maintaining bonds of kinship is emphasized in achieving success in life, with emphasis on shaving natural behavior and finding oneself through the use of "fit minors" and "has" concepts. The history of Islam is also discussed, including the historical context of the Prophet sallam's message and the use of "has" and "has" to describe death and the discovery of sweat. The segment concludes with a promise to provide more sessions and a discussion of the upcoming warahmatull.

AI: Summary ©

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			Bismillah al Rahman al Rahim al hamdu Lillahi Rabbil alameen wa salatu salam ala rasulillah who
Allah Allah He was like me he was a llama Sleeman kathira lamb Dini Ahmedabad, la mala and Milena lm
Tina in La cantera Lima Hakeem love Medina and Pharaoh now when for me that was
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			the academe probably should at least three or certainly Emory was looked at a militia and E. coli.
My dear brothers and sisters in Islam Salam alaykum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh it all praises belong
to Allah subhanho wa Taala we praise Him, we seek his assistance and we seek His forgiveness and we
seek refuge in Allah subhanho wa Taala from the evil of our souls and the adverse consequences of
our deeds. wampserver Allah subhanho wa Taala decreased guidance upon the man can misguide him and
will serve Allah subhanho wa Taala decrease misguidance upon the man can guide him and peace and
salutations be upon the final messenger Muhammad Ali Abdullah Saleh Allahu Allah He was a lamp. I
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			bear witness that there is no one worthy of worship besides one Allah and that Muhammad sallallahu
alayhi wa sallam is His Messenger. Brothers and sisters in Islam welcome this 11th of April 2015 15
raava, to our sixth sixth
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			session in the series, Mutasa, that method or a summary of the book titled provisions for the
hereafter. This lesson six is counted as six after our introductory session that we had Pamela the
weeks to go by fast and Friday appears and then disappears and then reappears.
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			You know, before we can even begin missing Friday re, I really felt this particular week just was
Friday to Friday, as if it was Friday, and the next day was Friday. I love them, Stan. And this is
from the sense of PM, my dear brothers and sisters went through the loss of a loved while he was
alive describes as a sign from the signs of gamma, this process of coming together of tech yet the
power of zoom and the coming together of time.
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			And it doesn't mean that we will have less than 24 hours in a day. No, we still have 24 hours in a
day, it doesn't mean that we'll have less than seven days in a week. We'll still have seven days in
a week, but
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			blessings will be removed from time this is what our scholars have have taught us that from the
signs of the hour, his blessings being removed from time where you just stop feeling the minutes and
the seconds. Right.
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			And it's like we see with money today, right where a long time ago perhaps $100 or 100. Durham's or
100, reals
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			would go a long way and today's handler you enter the market and and you know it within your first
five minutes 100 is spent long Stan so this is a from the signs of blessings being removed. And we
really need to take the means of gaining blessings into our lives from them is what we discussed
during our earlier sessions the importance of saying Bismillah before we do anything starting the
day with Bismillah this from the means of Baraka and bringing back blessings into our our day and
blessings into our time and wealth from the means of Baraka and blessings coming into our day and
time is starting the day early. Right. As I explained to you earlier the Prophet sallallahu alayhi
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			wa sallam said Budi kaleo McAfee buku Ria
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			that bless it is my is my nation is my own man in the earliness. Right? Because Allah has put
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			You know, in that time of Niger and straight after fudger, this Baraka in it, there's blessings in
it, the best time to memorize the Quran. And even you know, when you rest, the most peaceful rest
that you have, you will experience and Allah knows best.
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			is is is after fudger for those who have a habit of sleeping off to function, and I've heard this
from many a person from the means also of bringing blessings into our lives is to maintain the bonds
of kinship.
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			sola, sola Allahu Allahu wa sallam said in a hadith which is found in the soudan books of Hadith,
and is a hadith which is acceptable, he said, some Allahu alayhi wa sallam that
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			wants to have the
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			the life lengthened, the life lengthened, then they should,
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			they should maintain the bonds of kinship and the actual wording of the habitus. Men have better use
of Allahu philosphy Allah who he
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			for the acyl rahima that the one who wishes to have abundance in his in his
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			sustenance, right. And once you have abundance in his life, then or a longer life that he should
maintain the bonds of kinship, so panela you know, so a lot of
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			in many cases we belittle, looking after family ties the bonds of kinship. But in reality, Allah
subhanho wa Taala has placed great blessings in our life,
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			if we actually looked after those particular bonds, so looking after looking after those bonds,
brings up our Baraka, it's a means of, you know, our 100
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			reals, or dollars, or dear hams or whatever unit of currency we use, you know, being with us as if
it's 500 being with us as if it's 600. It's a means for us towards having our one minute in our day,
you know, being like as if it's been an hour or half an hour or 45 minutes, what do we need of this?
We must have had who Allah protect us I actually tweeted this on on Thursday, because you know, it
was something that struck a nerve with me the fact that it is already Friday, I, I could actually
remember the words of the hubby from the previous Friday.
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			And Friday was already coming. And yes, we must always remember what our people or what the Imam at
the time of Joomla tells us. But I'm saying, you know, I actually remembered the wordings the
sentences, you know, the way it was said the emotions.
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			It was strikingly and vividly clear. And here we have the next thing I'm sure many of you, you feel
like this. And that's why I'm, I'm actually just touching on it. So so many brothers and sisters
that I love brings back Baraka in our lives. Indeed, life is short, and ask Allah to grant us a
little cuddle. Indeed, we are in serious need of,
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			you know, catching this particular night that this night, which is better than 1000 months,
especially when our weeks disappear, like how they have, and we barely can remember, our deeds are
lucky, we can barely remember our deeds of that weekend. And whether, you know, that week was was
better than the week before. This is how fast it's going. Mr.
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			Brothers, this is also in terms of the start of the sixth lesson, we spoke in our last session about
nurture versus nature and the whole concept of the fitrah. And interestingly enough, this was asked
and and even more interestingly enough, I actually had a discussion with
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			the Zed team
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			just a couple of days ago, about fitrah. So in answer to the question that was asked me, Allah bless
you all, and it's quite good. If you use the forums, by the way, I just want to remind you all
towards the desired forums that have been created for your benefit and the benefit of everyone on
the group.
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			Please use it ask your questions there. So at least When the answer comes about, then it's best
benefit. It's not you know, an answer that goes specific to one person, at least everyone else in
the group
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			can actually get the answer. And also what we are going to do in sha Allah to to get the groups
moving a bit is share topics of discussion in sha Allah. So he Sham will be posting
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			a topic of discussion for us to discuss a sham, if you want to stick the question on the whiteboard.
Now, please go ahead. But nonetheless, we spoke about nature versus nature. And, you know, we spoke
about two schools of thought with regards to this the School of the scientist and the school of the
philosophies. And we said, as Muslims, we we really don't
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			agree totally with what the scientists say, nor do we agree totally with what the philosophers say,
rather, we take a middle ground and we say that, yes, you know, our nature as well as our nature or
the elements of these two entities
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			do have a part to play in in terms of our progress in terms of development in terms of our
intellectual progress, our mental maturity,
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			in terms of our understanding of life, and in even in terms of our physical growth.
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			But what we do say as Muslims is that we are truly a result from the outset of our natural
disposition. And the nature versus nature argument is that argument that definitely pollutes the
purity of the fitrah of the natural disposition. So we by default, are products of our fitter
Muslims and non Muslims alike. But yes, the nature versus nurture argument does have the ability to
pollute the fitrah. And when that happens, then we can end up becoming products of either nature or
nature and I think this is
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			a middle of discussion. I think this is the middle way and and this is the only way to look at it.
And this is, or this conforms at our levels best to the Quranic narrative.
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			So, yes, nature, nature does affect us. But by default, we're not a product of it. We are a product
of our fitrah and natural disposition which Allah subhanho wa Taala has made pure and given to us as
a beacon of guidance as a beacon of guidance and this is clear, with Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa
sallam, because Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam lived amidst a people that were or amidst a
nurture, if we can call it that, that really was not conducive, right? They were people that put
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			their actual rationale in front of Revelation, there were people that were slaves to the norms. In
fact, even though they quote unquote, put direction and in front of Revelation, they had a very weak
rationale really,
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			especially given some of the norms that we find at the time of jelly and that is why it is rightly
called Jamelia ignorance. You know, so even though you're calling yourself or deeming yourself to be
a person of rational but in reality,
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			you're a person of ignorance and this is who those people were before. Allah subhanho wa Taala
sallallahu alayhi wa sallam with the message
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			of Allah Allah He was a lamb was a participator. And yes, Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam was
even more special and protected because his chest was opened on more than one occasion. And as I was
called to say, Allah subhanho wa Taala removed that which would make him prone to being affected by
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			you know, circumstance being affected by the narrative. Right? So he was special in that regard. But
nonetheless, even when we go to his best friend, Abubakar robiola, horn, Baccarat, viola one was
definitely guided by Allah before Islam, but he never had his chest opened. But he definitely
enjoyed a guidance from a lot because the books of sera
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			mentioned that Abubakar gamma one was also not from amongst those that, you know, drank alcohol and
sort of
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			engrossed himself in the evil ways of the people of Jerry Lee. So this is the discussion about our
filter, about our natural disposition. It's pure by default. And then by the software that we load,
if I can use an IP analogy, we have the ability to corrupt the data, we have the ability to corrupt
the data and Allah subhanho wa Taala knows this better than we know it. And thus Allah subhanho wa
Taala said profits and reduce books to bring back this whole concept of perspective, right. And when
we talk about perspective, or what is considered perspective, then we say, you know, perspective is
that which the natural disposition
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			is upon,
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			or was created upon that is perspective. And Allah sent the prophets and revealed books, the mvidmr
Salatu was salam, and review books to help us re attach and re align ourselves with our faith or
bring about the necessary recalibration that needed in our lives. So lessons like this help, reading
the Quran helps going through the Syrah helps attending the circles of knowledge help, because yes,
the profits are you know, or the, the concept of prophethood has come to an end, but the legacy has
not, the legacy has not, the legacy has been transferred to the home of Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi
wasallam. So the the dilemma they are now carrying on the roles of the prophets and they, in their
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			cycles of knowledge are those elements that you and I require to reconnect with our natural
disposition. Now, she upon interestingly enough, when Allah subhanho wa Taala, removed him from
Paradise and kicked him out of the heavens, he made the progress to Allah subhanho wa Taala, to take
us astray. And
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			he in the Quran, Allah subhanho wa Taala tells us that she upon has made a promise to make us
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			the Hulk of Allah, the creation of Allah. Now, obviously, in terms of the statement, our scholars
tell us that it's general it intends any change to the help of Allah, or any change to the creation
of Allah. And that is why this ayah is used a lot in the discussion pertaining to plastic surgery.
Right? And
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			what human beings now,
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			you know, spend a lot of money on doing and in fact, it's become a great industry, the, the plastic
surgery in the industry, right, and that is this whole concept of changing our bodily features. For
females, you know, they change the bodily parts and try and
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			create an image that perhaps they will not upon prior. Yes, sometimes the image they tried to create
is that which they were upon prior but their bodies might
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			have changed due to pregnancy or and so on and so forth. But in most cases now, it's just become a
case where people don't like the way Allah created
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			a lot of Stan right. So, they they enter this, they they take sort of guidance from this industry
and start changing the looks and so on and so forth. But this is not the discussion is the point of
references the eye that the eye is general and the scholars who discuss the the rulings, the rulings
pertaining to implants and and all these copies, if I can call it that, that entails changing the
body, then the scholars use this as an idea to prove that one is not allowed to do so, why because,
in general, this ayah talks about shavon promising to change the hull of a lie and Allah subhanho wa
Taala doesn't permit that, but coming also to the natural disposition and this is from something
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			which Allah subhanho wa Taala created and in fact created upon and changing the hunt of Allah
entails changing this natural disposition. And this is what she upon attacks, Shabbat attacks, the
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			Shabbat attacks the fidra. Think about it, you know, why would someone not be happy about the way
Allah created them,
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			and prefer to make changes based on human perception. And this is what happens if we let's just
continue the narrative of plastic surgery, right? If you go to a doctor, what's going to happen? The
doctor is going to tell you, well, we can do this to you and we can do that to you and we can do you
know, we can do an IP here and attack here and so on and so forth. This is what will happen. How is
it that a person feels more comfortable putting their trust in the design of a human being who Allah
created? who is who depends on Allah subhanho wa Taala. Right, they feel confident, leaving their
design in the hands of this person's mind and perception. And they feel uncomfortable leaving it
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			upon the way that Allah subhanho wa Taala, the creator of everyone in creation has created it. How
does that happen? Right, how does this happen? This can only happen when the natural disposition
changes, when the hope of law changes when he believes SharePoint is successful in changing the
health of Allah, successful in polluting the natural disposition. This is what he attacks. And this
is what he does, for all reasons. For, for for his benefit in the dunya. And for his benefit in
terms of his promise to Allah with regards to he after, with regards to him taking the message that
Allah has created to the hellfire. So he works on fitrah because when he works on fitrah, then
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			what's going to happen is, you and I are going to start questioning the unquestionable. That's
what's going to happen. All of a sudden things which we would never dream of questioning now become
plausible to question. Revelation. For example, the son of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam
For example, we start questioning, you know why we start questioning how Allah subhanho wa Taala has
commanded society to be in an ideal way. We start questioning modesty. We start questioning the
hijab, we start questioning the Presence of Allah even to Pamela this is what he gets to. We start
questioning even our acts of worship. I've come across young, budding youth who question Wazoo and
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			cannot understand why it is legislated to make Gulu if somebody passes wind May Allah Allah you all
these are real discussions, my dear brothers and sisters and I promise not to make that you know,
just sticking to to text but rather make you know giving life to the text and ask them not to give
me that that ability. And that's why we're having this very necessary discussion here. considered as
part of the book that we study.
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			So why is it that now we can even have Muslims question? Oh, may Allah Allah you all they say, if I
pass when it doesn't make sense that I was washing my hands and rinse my mouth, and miss my nose and
wipe my head and wash my feet? Right? Does it make sense that I passed when then, you know, if it
was said that you need to, you know, wash your private possibly Allah subhanho wa Taala on a Yo,
this would make more sense, right? This is this is the narrative. This is the reality brothers and
sisters. This is what the youth are speaking about. Now, how does it get to this? How does it get to
this one prior? It was something you never ever question. It's something that you naturally
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			accepted. And it wasn't even something that you felt as odd. What Why? It wasn't something that you
felt as odd. And all of a sudden, you find it odd. And you and I need to also, you know, remember I
told you we need to have those thinking days. One of the things we need to think in those days is
how in tune? Are we with our fitter or how in tune is is our fitrah actually, we need to have those
days where we sit, we sit down and ask ourselves that you know other matters of religion that's
panela we never used to question and now we're starting to question used to make total sense and all
of a sudden doesn't make sense. I'm the same person
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			The revelation is the same, nobody came to change it. The words of the Prophet sallallahu, alayhi
wasallam are his words, the words in the Quran are this is the same. I'm the same person in terms of
my physical appearance and physical presence. But some, you know, the fact that somebody all of a
sudden has, has, as has taken a tip, in terms of my understanding of it definitely shows that
something has happened. There's something something has changed with me. And a lot of the time we
don't put that change down to our fitter. sociopath attacks the fitrah. When he pollutes the fitrah,
we start questioning the unquestionable when the fitrah has become polluted, something which was
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			wrong, and nobody would debate it being wrong becomes totally right. Right. And this is it. We live
in an age, my dear brothers and sisters, where you are wrong when you actually write, and nobody
knows anymore, what's right from wrong. This is the reality of the age that we live in. And feel
free to throw comments in the chat box. If you feel me and feel these statements that I'm speaking
about here. And if you have, you know, your own
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			thoughts about this, this is a reality. This is the age we live in. Right. Yesterday marriages,
which which governments would would would consider illegal, right, considered illegal, you'd be
fine, you may be jailed, because of a particular style of marriage. Today's totally acceptable.
totally acceptable. And
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			I mean, it's not as if the the,
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			the realities of of those once upon a time totally unacceptable. marriages have changed, it's still
the same. It's still the same. So how come all of a sudden the unquestionable became questionable,
and then the questionable became not questionable. Right? Because when when certain things become
legal now, you can't even question it. And if you question it, now, society has reached a stage
where they classify you, the classified, right, you're a backward person, you living in the cave
age, living in this age, living in this age, time has gone on, and so on and so forth. And don't get
me wrong, brothers and sisters, I'm not disputing
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			the judiciary as ability to cater for every time span. But I am saying that in life, this tarpit and
this era, there's the established matches, that will never change. And this is the era that those
matches that will change depending on demographic and geography, the demographics and, and
geography, right, we have thought within
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			the scholars of Sorrell, have highlighted this and stated the so it's not that if a Muslim says
something or if somebody holds steadfast on to something which the Sharia has cited as
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			the constants that you and I should be seen as backwards. No, this this is the reality, right? And
the reality is, though, abita, motomura, these concepts that are open to change and the established
matters that are not the constant matters, this exists in every law, and every place and every norm.
It's not something specific to Islamic law. Right. So this is when the fitrah changes, we find these
changes happening now. shavon, Wu shavon will attack the fitrah, even though it takes longer to
change the Fatah but Japan will affect us using our fitrah as a point of attack. Why? Because even
though it takes long, it might take 100 years, it might take 200 years for Japan, to shift the
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			fitrah he will pursue it Why? Because once done is very difficult to change, it's very difficult for
someone to change it.
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			Right. And that's why I said Chapin is a specialist in deception. And he's very patient. You know,
something we patients we need to learn. We don't learn anything from Japan. But Japan is patient. He
asked a lot of Allah Mubarak, he asked a lot to keep him alive.
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			He's very patient. So it will take him 100 200 years to change the fitrah. But he will pursue that.
Right, as opposed to for example, changing revelation, changing revelation is easier. It's easier in
that it happens quicker. You don't have to wait 100 years to convince someone to change revelation.
But for sure upon that is not good usage of resources. And remember last week, we spoke about being
strategic people right shade upon
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			you know, I was speaking to the team earlier and I was speaking to them about this concept in it
called roas. In, in entrepreneurship and more specifically, in more specifically in terms of the
financial health of a company right.
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			They call it roas
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			which is return on capital employed return on capital employed, right shavon is a professional on
this. So Pamela Chapin
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			is a professional on this. Right? He's not going to try and change revelation waste his time trying
to change the revelation. No. Why? Because with regards to Revelation, he knows that Rasulullah
sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said with regards to this oma that Allah subhanho wa Taala will send
every 100 years a magette did a reviver right, someone who will
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			who will come and return matters to that which they supposed to be upon someone who will come and
speak out a message that conforms to the natural disposition, even though everyone is speaking
something else. So this is not conducive for shavon to spend years changing something that will that
you know,
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			that will not last because Allah will send someone to reverse the work of shaper. So with regards to
Revelation, Allah has protected it. And Allah has promised to protect it. Just bear with brother he
Sham ice is having some internet difficulties popping in and out of class, for those who are writing
messages to him in the chatbox inshallah he will be with us shortly be delighted. But coming back to
the point, my dear brothers and sisters, that you know, Shabbat is not going to invest resources in
that which will be reversed. Rather, he spends a longer time investing his resources in that which
will barely be reversed. And to be honest, once the fitrah changes, then the people themselves will
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			attempt to change revelation. So the end result with regards to the revelation will also happen for
SharePoint, although they won't be able to do that with the Quran. And we've seen how well the
student is protected and the protection of the Sunnah is part of the promise of Allah to protect the
Quran, because the meanings of the Quran are in the son of Rasulullah, sallallahu alayhi wasallam.
Right. So this will never be able to happen. But sadly, we see people today try to change the Quran
not physically, but through meaning they try and say no, this ayah doesn't mean this, it means that
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			right? And then they come with
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			a warped sort of type of issue. Right, a warped sort of warped principles that they build the
arguments upon. And they convince the lay person or the person without the knowledge, because they
come with structure to their discussion. And they say look based on this based on that. And based on
these factors, we see that this I really didn't mean that rather it meant this. So you can't change
the wordings of the Quran. But now you've changed people's perception of
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			what those words mean in the Quran. Allah Stan, Allah Cooley had brothers and sisters, this is I
wanted you to take time answering the question, because it's a very good question. It's a very good
question, especially in this day and age. You know, we're brothers and sisters. practicing Islam is
like is like holding, burning coal. Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said, the time will come
when practicing Islam will be like, like holding burning coal. It's difficult. It's difficult. You
know, if you be modest, you are classified as a backward person, when modesty really is from the
core elements of the veteran, believe it or not, modesty is from the core elements of the fitrah.
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			Right? When,
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			when you know, the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam was sending his messages to the different
kings, to the different rulers and the different leaders and the non Muslims were trying to counter
act, you know, the proposal and counteract the dour and they stood in front of these
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			you know, these non Muslim heads. In one incident in this era, the leader asked these people from
the parish that Who is this person and what does he command you to and they themselves testify that
he commands us to worship on a line to be people of modesty. Right, people of FF, people of purity,
and people of modesty. This is what
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			Muslim came with to keep the fitrah intact. So from the elements
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			of the fitrah is modesty. And when modesty is attacked, that's a clear sign that the fitrah has
changed. This is a clear sign that fitrah has has been changed because the directive of the fitrah
and the natural disposition is to encourage modesty is to encourage human beings to cover and test
the value of this is in the in our father Adam and he said him and our mother Hawaii has said a
testimony of this is in that because when they ate from the tree that Allah forbade them from what
happened. Right We all know the story. Right? They became exposed and what was the first thing they
did Allah subhanho wa Taala tells us and so to the IRA for example, right? They they started
00:29:54 --> 00:29:59
			grabbing from the leaves of the trees of Jenna and started covering themselves.
00:30:00 --> 00:30:12
			In covering themselves, right? And when we ponder over the story, brothers and sisters, we learned
that, you know, showing yourself more really is a net result of being sinful.
00:30:14 --> 00:30:23
			Allah knows best, but when the sin was committed exposure happened. So love for exposure, Allah
knows best. Right?
00:30:24 --> 00:30:55
			Can allude to a person having this love to be sinful. Because love for obedience and obedience which
nurtures the natural disposition by default, will nurture a love to be covered, because it's from
human nature to cover, as was the case with Adam alayhis salaam and however, it has Salah right and
Allah tells us in the in the Quran that don't let your pond put you in in a position where he
exposes you,
00:30:56 --> 00:31:00
			n zero and Houma labasa home illyria home so it might
00:31:01 --> 00:31:47
			be looming later on in Nigeria. Allah Allah Allah, Allah subhanho wa Taala tells us in his book and
sort of an era, for example, about shapefile and how he caused human kind to become exposed and
become naked. Right? And Allah subhanho wa Taala says don't allow yourself to fall prey to this.
don't expose your natural disposition to him. Don't let your fitrah become polluted by him. Right
where he he gives you he he makes you hate modesty and makes you love exposure because loving
exposure is loving sins and being sinful and loving modesty is loving obedience. That's the reality.
So don't let SharePoint pollute you. Don't let SharePoint expose you. And as Allah says in the
00:31:47 --> 00:32:35
			Hurrah community, he sees you who are Kabila who him and his people care about and his people with
hate letter on the home once you see them not in the agenda shopping indeed we have made the sharp
in the devil's a breeze and his group. Olia help us and assistance. For those who disbelief. Allah
May Allah protect us. So anyway, I hope I've shed some light on this question and Allah subhanho wa
Taala. Allah knows best if you have any questions, brothers and sisters about this concept of
natural disposition and some of the insights that we have shared inshallah we can discuss them
during the q&a at the end of the session. So last week, we discussed this issue of nature versus
00:32:35 --> 00:32:38
			nature and hamdulillah is one of the last things that
00:32:40 --> 00:33:05
			we discussed Alhamdulillah. Last week, also, we said we're just going to have our travels through
some of the elements pertaining to the life of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam. I know some
people have said that we're going to go through the whole Sierra, no, we we can't do that brothers
and sisters, because that is a serious topic in and of itself, but just some elements specific to
the life of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam.
00:33:06 --> 00:33:34
			For many reasons, one of them is because it will pay him Rahmatullah here, Allah Himself just
travels through the life of Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wasallam. And number two, the more we learn
about the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam, the more we love him, and the more we love him, the
more able and ready we are to follow him. And the reality of this book is he just shares guidance on
every aspect of the life of the Prophet salallahu alayhi wasallam. So if we ready to follow Him,
we'll be ready to accept
00:33:35 --> 00:33:51
			the many matters of guidance that abracadabra to la de la has cited in, in all honesty, the
summarized version that you have in front of you, actually skips many or several parts from the
original writings of him. So, obviously, we read
00:33:53 --> 00:34:07
			the second part, which is talking about, you know, the obligation of knowing the messenger and state
after that, Mr. Muhammad, Abdul Wahab Rahmatullahi it he goes on to mention the prophets guidance
with regards to Voodoo or ablution.
00:34:08 --> 00:34:46
			But if you go to the original Book of Abraham into law, he does mention many other facts. Before
that, from them, he mentions this run through that I've told you about through the life of
Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wasallam. After that, he actually goes through a quick run through some
of the adapt and etiquettes etiquettes in the life of the messenger sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, you
know, like, how he dressed, what he ate, what he liked, what he disliked, how was he with those
matters, that he he disliked, how was he as a husband and so on and so forth. So, he he does go
through those sets and adapt you know, the, the mannerisms, the morals, the the the etiquettes
00:34:47 --> 00:35:00
			before it will refer to La La then goes into the main chapters of his writing, which is the guidance
of Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wasallam with the many aspects of, of worship, so inshallah, to be
true to his writings
00:35:00 --> 00:35:26
			We are treading a similar path and Allah subhanho wa Taala. Allah knows best brothers and sisters,
as we summarized quickly last week, Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, he was an orphan before
he was born and then he was an orphan again after he was born with the passing away of his mother
and his mother passed away at the age of six years of age, and
00:35:28 --> 00:35:51
			there is no difference of opinion as we said that his mother Amina, passed away between Makkah and
Medina in a place known as a boy, a boy, we still having technical issues with his chairman and
that's why the board is not being updated, but I pray that you will taking your own notes as well
and as always, inshallah, you will get
00:35:53 --> 00:35:55
			a summary of the class
00:35:56 --> 00:36:25
			after the session, and each of the recordings will be made available as well. So there's no
difference of opinion that she passed away between McCann Medina and we were discussing our Prophet
sallallahu alayhi wa sallam his allegiance to Medina, even before he migrated to Medina that they
were they were elements in his history associated with Medina after his mother passed away. His
grandfather, Abdul muttalib, took him into his care and also the loss of a loved one. He was lm
00:36:27 --> 00:36:40
			was looked after by his grandfather and his grandfather loved him a lot. And, as I shared with you
last week, when he was born of the mechanic was the one who named him Mohammed and held him up at
the Kaaba. And he said, I'm naming him Mohammed the president because
00:36:42 --> 00:37:02
			with the intention of him being praised, Subhan Allah, right. So this is a last plan in motion, a
lot plan in motion that ally inspired the grandfather to name him, Muhammad and we also said that it
wasn't a common name at that time, something like today Mashallah, it wasn't a common name at that
time. So there was no one who could run into a claim to,
00:37:04 --> 00:37:15
			to Prophethood and even the few people who are named Mohammed at that time, then Allah subhanho, wa
Taala, protected Prophethood and revelation from being polluted by them ever claiming,
00:37:17 --> 00:37:45
			you know, affiliation to prophecy and revelation and Prophethood. So Allah subhanho wa Taala
protected anyone with the name the few people who had the name from actually laying claim to profit
when the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam was eight obviously, his grandfather passed away the
sort of law sort of law I think he was selling was taken into the care of a Bhutanese, one of the
many uncles of Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam Abu Talib, he was a wise man.
00:37:46 --> 00:38:24
			He was a man who didn't have many of the evil traits of the parish, and a great supporter of
Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wasallam, as we all know, and he was not rich and he had a big family.
But he was good to the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam and that is why Rasulullah sallallahu
alayhi wa sallam took it out of the allaahu and into his care after it robiola and married Khadija
rhodiola and because now Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam was standing on his feet, he had a
home, he was married, and he wanted to reciprocate the good that he received from his ankles. So he
offered to take care of early rhodiola Whoa, and this is what he did. Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi
00:38:24 --> 00:39:04
			wa sallam teaching us the good qualities of Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wasallam even before he
became a prophet, right, he had these good qualities. He had these good qualities. And he was
thoughtful, and he was not selfish. And he was selfless. So he wanted to help the home of Abu Talib.
So he took one of his children his younger one. And it was Alice decreed that it grew up in the home
of Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wasallam. May Allah again, that's what the prophets of Allah Allahu
wa sallam and his companions in general. I mean, and also just a point to note from this brothers
and sisters, you know, the fact that
00:39:05 --> 00:39:15
			Rasulullah sallallahu, alayhi wasallam could bring it into his home, even though he's married to her
deja and Khadija has no relationship too early. This teaches us that,
00:39:16 --> 00:39:40
			you know, that marriage should be an institution of responsibility and not just rights. And again,
I'm just touching on this because, you know, almost every day Subhanallah almost every day, I have
sisters writing in and brothers calling in related to marriage problems, marriage problems, you
know, and Subhanallah it's it's it's sad to see
00:39:41 --> 00:39:54
			the rate of unhappy marriages today. And I'm not just talking about in this in the Indian
subcontinent or those of Indian sub continent, or region, but even in the Arab world, in the Muslim
world in general. It's sad to see that we have
00:39:55 --> 00:39:59
			this rate, this rate of sadness in marriages, when
00:40:00 --> 00:40:12
			We have Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam was our teacher, right? And guide and leader, and he
was the best husband. Right So, the fact that it was not related to her deja robiola
00:40:16 --> 00:40:26
			wasn't an issue, it wasn't an issue when he brought it into his home. Today probably wouldn't be an
issue. Allah knows best right? So he Sham Could you just correct it on the whiteboard? It's Khadija
not Fatima
00:40:28 --> 00:41:10
			Baraka Luffy So, today this would probably be a be an issue if her husband, you know, wants to bring
his his, his nephew to live in definitely. In you know, our home or in his home despite the initial
Allah knows best. I'm not, you know, all with sincere respect to our system. I I don't want to be
steal your mind yet because that's being oppressive. Was boo matthewman, am I right? oppression is a
darkness on the doorstep. I don't mean to oppress anyone, we have many of the best sisters on the
face of this earth as part of the Muslim Omani line and would happily support the husband in doing
so well in line. But, you know, what I'm saying is just being specific to this example how Allah
00:41:11 --> 00:41:50
			brought allegan it was never needed a long discussion. It never needed, you know, a debate never
needed a run through, you know, the life of the husband and the wife and and who did more for the
other and who has assets and who has liabilities and supanova. This is today how some marriages
work. It works upon this platform, whereby, you know, the wife will say what I was good to you so
many times and you you in debt, or the husband will say, Well, I was good to you so many times that
you in debt you owe me and because you owe me now i i you have to allow me to do this. Now my dear
brothers and sisters, you know, marriage, as Allah says it's, it's built upon more than Russia. It's
00:41:50 --> 00:42:09
			built upon love. And it's built upon Mercy is built upon, you know, balance sheets, my dear brothers
and sisters or as the chairman is written here as cocottes. Right. It's not built upon this, it's
built upon love and mercy is built upon responsibility. You only look at the rights when the when
the marriage is on the verge of destruction.
00:42:10 --> 00:42:28
			But you don't live upon rights when when you know, when when your marriage is fluid and happy. You
live upon responsibility. And in fact, the marriage cannot be fluid and happy except when both
parties live upon responsibility. That, you know, even though it might have been Heidegger's right,
to, you know,
00:42:31 --> 00:42:34
			to to show her unhappiness if she did have unhappiness.
00:42:35 --> 00:43:16
			For this decision that was Rasul Allah Allah He was made, it was her responsibility not to write.
And in Chava, she it wasn't a case that she was unhappy. She was happy because she was an amazing
person. And we'll see this when we come to the wives of Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wasallam.
Later, she was an amazing person, but let's hypothetically say, even if she had an objection, and it
was her right to it was a responsibility not. And nowhere in the books of Sierra does it ever state
that she objected to this. in the same breath. The books of Sierra speak about Rasulullah sallallahu
alayhi wasallam when he married Khadija, right? She had a child called hint as a because we were
00:43:16 --> 00:43:18
			mentioned in albida. And
00:43:21 --> 00:44:01
			historians, they mentioned that she had a child called hint and they say that was Rasul Allahu
alayhi wa sallam was to hint as a father would be to a child, he never behaved with hint as if this
is not my child, you know. So, I will be good to the child, but there is a certain limit No, he was
so good to the child better than as some of the story and say better than how a father would be to a
child generally Subhan Allah, you know, and then obviously, his Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi
wasallam is the best of the best he was that was responsibility, right? It was responsibility
responsibility is what makes you go the distance My dear brothers and sisters. So take this into
00:44:01 --> 00:44:17
			consideration as we break for this particular break. So we at this particular point here, where we
discuss in Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam with early in his home looking after Ali out of
responsibility when you lay a hand and in reciprocating the good that
00:44:20 --> 00:44:58
			it is father Abu Talib did with Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wasallam when he took Rasulullah
sallallahu alayhi wasallam under his wing and and his care and I mean you can you can mature the
discussion in your minds and your hearts brothers and sisters because you know the history and in
detail and you know, how about body supported Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wasallam and and this is
how it is, you know, this is how it is when you when when, when you meant hearts, this is how it is
when you touch hearts, and we need to be people who touch hearts more often. You know, perhaps write
that in gold and tweet it we need to become people that touch hearts more often and Allah subhanho
00:44:58 --> 00:44:59
			wa Taala knows best let's take a break till
00:45:00 --> 00:45:49
			9:55am maccha time and inshallah I will see you after the break was hola hola senemo Baraka Elena
Vina Muhammad wa ala alihi wa sahbihi adjumani Bismillah R Rahman Rahim hamdulillah salat wa salam
ala rasulillah who Allah Allah He was happy woman wa salam alaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuhu
Welcome everybody to part two, and I pray you had a restful break full of blessings. I mean me. So
we stopped at the point with Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam being taken care of by his
uncle, abou, polyp, boo, polyp. And when De Soto muscle a lover and he will sell them was 12 years
old. And in some history books, it says nine years old
00:45:50 --> 00:45:53
			Abu Talib decided to travel with him
00:45:55 --> 00:46:19
			on a journey for the purposes of trade. And on this particular journey, the Met a Christian monk by
the name of behera. And this Christian monk recognized the signs of prophethood in the Prophet
sallallahu alayhi wasallam and advised a boot party in a boot polyp or advise the boot party against
continuing the journey because
00:46:20 --> 00:46:30
			the Christian mother knew that the Jews might cause harm, or you know, most likely will cause harm
to the Prophet salallahu alayhi wasallam especially since
00:46:32 --> 00:46:34
			you know, the awaited prophet will not be from
00:46:36 --> 00:46:54
			their heritage. So, Abu Talib continued the journey, but is he actually sent Rasulullah sallallahu
alayhi wa sallam back obviously Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam was a young boy was a young
boy. In some narrations. It actually states that
00:46:56 --> 00:47:01
			Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam was sent back with Bella with Bella.
00:47:02 --> 00:47:18
			And this view, this actually this narration is incident nativity scene and to me the end, the
narration is actually considered acceptable and Allah subhanho wa Taala knows best because its
duration definitely has
00:47:19 --> 00:48:00
			acceptable narrators in it. However, bluepay Rahmatullah la these books are mad. he disagrees with
this particular point. And he says it's not plausible to think that Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi
wasallam, or that age was sent back with with billon because most likely, Billund wasn't even part
of the scene at this particular part of the life of Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wasallam and Allah
knows best but this is something that will come Rahmatullahi Ali has has stated then Rasulullah
sallallahu alayhi wa sallam traversed a Nether journey and that when he that's when he was around
the age of 25, he went to share, right, the Levant region.
00:48:01 --> 00:48:24
			He went to to to share and obviously for purposes of trade, and this was for Khadija robiola one,
because he worked for her robiola and had Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam had other jobs like
he used to hurt sheep as well. Right? He was a shepherd Rasulullah sallallahu, alayhi wasallam,
Mendel Sula sort of level and he was Adam said all the prophets were shepherds.
00:48:25 --> 00:48:42
			And they even said, What about you? And he said, even myself, the companions asked about him Salalah
alayhi wasallam. And so Pamela, the Anima discussed this point, you know, of being a shepherd, and
it says it actually prepares you for Prophethood. Because sheep have
00:48:43 --> 00:48:53
			qualities, or they have similarities to human beings. It's not the same when you for example, you
know, you heard camels for example, right.
00:48:55 --> 00:49:39
			But all cows, for example, but it is the case with sheep. because firstly, sheep, like to be
communal, they like to be together, and they take confidence and strength by being together. And
that's why you see them grazing together. You see them grazing together. And when one of them
becomes lost, it's difficult for them to find their way back, they require a guide, and that's the
job of the shepherd. Right? And, you know, even the patience levels, with sheep and so on and so
forth. This, this, these similarities, that when you spend time with them, it's very therapeutic.
And you as a human being, you develop as well, you develop as well, because you must be patient.
00:49:40 --> 00:49:59
			And, you know, Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam had this as a job. And that's why it's
important brothers and sisters that you and I, you know, we always look at financial stability. And
we look at people who are skilled, and people who are able to, you know,
00:50:00 --> 00:50:27
			have that vision to be financially stable. And especially, you know, those running organizations, it
shouldn't be that, you know, we run the organization in a manner that we always dependent on
fundraisers, it shouldn't be the as the fundraisers need to happen, it's part and parcel of, of
life, especially in the age that we are in. But your organization should not be on dependent on it,
there should be a vision within the organization to make the organization
00:50:28 --> 00:50:35
			self sufficient, and self reliable, after Allah subhanho wa Taala, of course, so that vision has to
be there.
00:50:36 --> 00:50:40
			And it's part of good leadership, to enable,
00:50:42 --> 00:50:54
			you know, this function coming into play either by creating a work, which needs leadership, and it's
a means of making the organization stable, or by creating business projects, right? That
00:50:56 --> 00:51:08
			which can also be placed under the concept where you create a business concept and you, you, you,
you strike that business as work for this, you make it for the sake of Allah that all of its its
00:51:09 --> 00:51:36
			goes into the devil, for example, right? So Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi. wasallam taught us this
before prophet and he also taught us after prophet because he taught us that the ABLE Muslim is more
beloved to Allah than the less able one or the more able one is more beloved to Allah than the less
able one. And he taught us about, you know, the importance of not being people that have the hands
out to people. And he warned us against this concept of begging especially with no need.
00:51:37 --> 00:52:23
			So Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam was a shepherd and this was part of his his his work
ethics growing up or his work descriptions. And later on, he also became a tradesman and he traded
on behalf of Khadija, Allahu Allah and he did it. Well, so he went to shell at the age of 25. And he
went to this place which was considered to be situated on the south east of Damascus, known as
Basra. So this is another Basra on the south east of Damascus and then he, he returned and after his
return he married Khadija been hoisted, robiola, who had this affluent female who also enjoyed a
noble lineage and a female who was respected by the operation Look how Allah subhanho wa Taala was
00:52:23 --> 00:52:31
			putting everything into place. I mean, look at the plan of Allah. Right there are Sorolla Salam O
Allah wa Salaam is 25 according to
00:52:35 --> 00:52:45
			a view, right? In some views it sisters, so what you have Allah who telethon center that he married,
that was when he was 30. And some of you say that he was
00:52:47 --> 00:53:15
			21. Right. And with her age being 40, some of us have at 45. And as I told you last week, there's a
I think I did that there's another view which is considered strong by some of the scholars or
plausible, at least by some of the scholars, although it's not famous that she was only 28 years of
age and Allah knows best. So as you can see, I mean, in terms of the historians, there's there's we
won't we won't take conflicting
00:53:16 --> 00:53:52
			arguments or not even arguments but conflicting statements, we'd say, there's a plethora of
statements or different statements. And this is not strange, because as I said, you know, the time
before wasn't like the time today, it wasn't a case whereby there were birth certificates and
marriage certificates, and so on and so forth. These are approximate, these are approximate and by
default, if you differ in terms of the age of marriage, one of the parties that you're going to
differ in terms of the age of marriage of the other party. So with regards to Rasulullah sallallahu
alayhi wasallam. Just to quickly summarize again, some say that he was 25 Some say that he was 30.
00:53:52 --> 00:54:13
			Some say that he was 21 something Khadija was 40. Some say she was 4545 is a sorry, she was 40 not
45. Please forgive me that's a slip of the tongue. Some say she was 40. And some other views. state
that she's she was 28. Obviously, the famous view is that she was 40 you can delete the 45 was a
slip of the tongue.
00:54:15 --> 00:54:56
			Some say she was 40. And there is another view that is considered plausible but not so famous that
she was 28. And Allah subhanho wa Taala knows best. So he married someone affluent. And again, just
take your attention to the you know, you know, Allah subhanho wa Taala being in charge of the
situation that this is what a lot chose for him. So Allahu alayhi wa sallam before he became a
prophet. So after he became a prophet, even then, no one could attack him. Nobody could attack his
verticity no one could attack his family. Right? This is the reality no one attacked Rasulullah
sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, his family even before he became a prophet, right. So his credibility
00:54:56 --> 00:54:57
			was intact through and through what
00:54:58 --> 00:54:59
			through and through.
00:55:00 --> 00:55:37
			Right, they couldn't attack him via his children. They couldn't attack him via his parents. They
couldn't attack him via his his wife before he became a prophet. They couldn't attack him with
regards to his wives after he became a prophet of Allah sallallahu alayhi wasallam his, his
credibility was solid, and this was from the word of Allah subhanho wa Taala, with his messenger,
protecting revelation to come. And a lot of the time we look at Revelation and its protection, you
know, for example, during the life of the prophet or after the life of the Prophet salallahu alayhi
wasallam. But in reality, the robust nature of protection of Revelation and the legacy of the final
00:55:37 --> 00:56:13
			prophet muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam was far in place and in motion even before the birth of
the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam because we discussed the death of his father before he was
even born. salallahu alayhi wasallam and all this was in play, to protect the final revelation. What
the * have done Allah subhanho wa Taala is upon all April and Allah subhanho wa Taala is all wise
then with regards to Khadija the Allahu Allah, He loved her dearly. She was a great support, she had
great maturity and she was the first Muslim in normally we say
00:56:14 --> 00:56:46
			she was the first female Muslim but she was the first Muslim. So Pamela, you know and and, and and
this point alone should be that point that stands in the face of all those that say Islam really
doesn't give a podium and platform to females and Islam sort of sets them back. No, Islam is a
religion of equity and put everything in its place. It puts everything in its place with regards to
us and Allah subhanho wa Taala we are put on an equal footing, every male and every female has the
chance to earn from a glass of water. Right? And this is true, this is true, you know.
00:56:48 --> 00:57:31
			And that's what Allah subhanho wa Taala nombre de la Habiba. kumala don't know, start desiring the
benefits that Allah subhanho wa Taala has given to one gender over the other. Allah subhanho wa
Taala has placed everything upon the platform of true justice, a platform of true justice, you know,
that even a female she's not commanded to go to the gym or to observe the Salah. But in a you know,
even though that's not the case, and a great blessing has been placed upon the men who observe it in
JAMA, we find the pseudo la sallallahu alayhi wa sallam saying but her Salah in her home is better
Subhan Allah is better, is better. Right? So,
00:57:32 --> 00:57:51
			you know, in terms of, of human beings, irrespective of gender with Allah subhanho wa Taala we all
up on equal footing. We all have the ability to build the grand gender that we aspire. It's not that
it's you know, Islam is the case that a female has a particular agenda that she aspires to build.
But, you know,
00:57:52 --> 00:58:30
			Allah subhanho wa Taala has revealed the laws in such a way that she's prevented from being so we'll
be able to Bill Absolutely not. Absolutely not. And that's where there's no credence, no credibility
to those who throw this false accusation against Islam. Now, in terms of us with Allah, we appointed
equal footing. Each and every one of us has the ability to build the gender we aspire, and indeed
will enter gender with the mercy of Allah May Allah shower His mercy upon us. But yes, with regards
to physical matters, then, because Islam is built upon true justice, it's put everything in its
place that has not made a female a male, nor has it made a male a female otherwise. What's the point
00:58:30 --> 00:58:49
			of of even having the term male and having the term female why not just call them both men or call
them both female right or wrong brothers or sisters, you know, and as Allah subhanho wa Taala
mentioned in his book, we're layli either yo Sha one, either one masala Kazakh one in this area.
00:58:50 --> 00:59:09
			La vaca. This is this is a clear revelation from Allah when Allah subhanho wa Taala takes an oath by
different parts of his creation because he created it to Allah and Allah Rosa will create our
attention to the differences in the creation. well lately the yaksha law talks about the night
00:59:10 --> 00:59:43
			when it thickens and darkens when he is at the Jelani talks about the day when it when it thickens
in terms of brightness and brightens. And is the day which is thick in in brightness and brightens
and brightness the same as the night that is taken in in its darkness. Absolutely not. It's
different. Absolutely not. And that's why we call the day day and we call the nightlight. Allahu
Akbar. So Allah subhanho wa Taala in the surah draws our attention to differences. And then he says,
wallmark Allah
00:59:45 --> 00:59:47
			and Allah subhanho wa Taala
00:59:49 --> 00:59:59
			makes manifest and apparent. Allah subhanho wa Taala is creation of humankind existing as two
genders that are and that there's a difference here as well. Just like the data
01:00:00 --> 01:00:12
			is different to the night and we have day and night. a maid is different to female though we have
male and female. And then Allah says unnecessary accumulation after taking this out of us is indeed,
your salary.
01:00:14 --> 01:00:28
			Your your way to Allah and your efforts and your mannerisms are many, many and different law cover
many different, right? Not the same, not the same. So it's from,
01:00:29 --> 01:00:48
			you know from from the natural matters is from the natural matters, that we will have differences in
terms of how we conduct our lives and go about our lives and endeavor. Allah subhanho wa Taala and
why because naturally we are different people, we are male and female.
01:00:49 --> 01:00:57
			And not just by name by physical makeup as well. Not so brothers and sisters. Absolutely,
absolutely. So,
01:00:58 --> 01:01:28
			this is this is what you call justice of hamdulillah. Right. And even in worship, Allah subhanho wa
Taala has given certain acts of has made certain acts of worship specific, right, or given certain
readings which has specific agenda specific like for example, females, they shouldn't fast the month
of Ramadan if they want their periods, and they shouldn't pray if they own their periods, for
example, is a mercy from Allah. Because they different to males, males don't experience menses.
01:01:29 --> 01:02:12
			And because of that difference, it's it's from being unjust to expect the male to have the same
ruling as the main in this particular matter when the physical makeup is different. And the physical
makeup has implications. Right, that are gender specific. Allahu Akbar. So this is really common
sense really, and I pray you are following and the message has come across. In any case, so the last
one, Allahu Allah He was married this amazing female, and she was a great support to him. When he
became a prophet and she was the first Muslim she didn't question him. In fact, she calmed him. She
told him words that should be written in gold, after he saw the the angel,
01:02:13 --> 01:02:32
			the ark Angel jabril Allah, his Salah, after Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam saw this mighty
creation of Allah. Right, something from the supernatural. Of course, as a human being, he became
afraid and he ran home to her. No, she had nothing but goodness to say to him, she didn't call him
mad and call him that, you know, are you okay? Are you hallucinating? Or,
01:02:33 --> 01:03:07
			you know, perhaps what you and I might might say today that no, you know, are you okay? Are you
seeing things you need to see a doctor? Oh, she she was supportive of her husband, and how
supportive and told him words that should be rooted in gold that brought about peace and calm. And
then she even sought the solution for him sallallahu alayhi wasallam and took him to her uncle Lisa,
she said I have an uncle, that perhaps will be able to assist us in this matter. Because he's well
versed with the scripture of previous prophets. Let's go see him. And this is what a wonderful team
member does, you know, just bringing back the lesson bringing alive the text, you know, wonderful
01:03:07 --> 01:03:28
			team member is that team member that doesn't bring you problems, they bring you solutions, you know,
they don't bring you the problem, they bring you calm amidst the storm, and the solution that will
help you get out of the store. This was a digital demo and you know, we should have a course
leadership skills from the life of Khadija of the Allahu Allahu Akbar. Right.
01:03:30 --> 01:03:39
			Because, you know, we we celebrate all the amazing Muslims irrespective of agenda 111. So brothers
and sisters,
01:03:41 --> 01:04:21
			she was his first wife and with her, the world's Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam was married
to her. He never married any other female and also lots of Allahu Allahu wa sallam when he lost her.
He was extremely affected. It was a tough year for him. And in that same year, he lost a battalion
he lost the boot polyp, another great supporter, but when he lost Khadija rhodiola and he was
extremely hurt and, and Allah subhanho wa Taala gave all the children of Rasulullah sallallahu
alayhi wasallam to him via deja rhodiola. And this is another element you know, that makes us
understand how amazing she was as a female that Allah chose her. And also,
01:04:23 --> 01:04:59
			or let me just qualify that all his children except Ibrahim, except his son Ibrahim, but all his
children except Ibrahim will given him via a DJ of the Allahu Allah also she was the female that
Allah subhanho wa Taala sent salams to via jabril le Salah. Imagine that. Imagine that. You will le
Salam comes to the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam and tells him and this is in the sun that
tells him that your wife is going to enter upon you just now Heidegger is going to enter upon you
just now. And when she does let her know that Allah has passed her Salah
01:05:00 --> 01:05:45
			Law law just saying that makes my head stand law he just it makes your head stand imagine any you
know if a human being of status sends a solemn we feel we feel special we feel remembered that
Subhanallah somebody visits our land from farther away and he says you know this this famous person
he passes you Salah doesn't it make your day My dear brothers and sisters, it really really makes
your day makes you weak makes your month perhaps makes your life right and here the Lord of the
worlds is sending Salah. Imagine, you know, how can we imagine what the loved one had felt? when she
heard this from the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam that by the way, Allah passes you celeb
01:05:46 --> 01:06:19
			lavaca We almost had a heart attack enters into gender. I mean, I mean, so this was Khadija robiola
and, and Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam would remember her dearly after she passed away,
even after he married his other wives. In fact, I Chateau de La Hoya is famously known for for
telling Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wasallam Why do you keep remembering her? You know, he
remembered so much that even when the Friends of Khadija della Juana would visit Rasulullah
sallallahu alayhi wa sallam would remember her
01:06:20 --> 01:06:22
			and would remember her from, you know,
01:06:23 --> 01:06:30
			he would he would remember his wife, and Khadija and how would would say that? Why do you remember
she was she was an old lady.
01:06:31 --> 01:07:05
			You know, some heinonline this is human nature, especially with the females, right? They
overprotective of their husbands really like this, oh, Allah subhanho wa Taala has made the fitrah
has made the factor. And even with with with non Muslims, right, even though they they've stopped
respecting the institution of marriage, and choose to live the life outside of the scope of marriage
as boyfriend and girlfriend, they actually, you know, become extremely upset or depressed if the
husband or if the husband cheats, for example, as they quote unquote, say,
01:07:06 --> 01:07:21
			in this speech, and the husband two will become very accepted, upset if the wife cheats, and it's a
means of them separating. In fact, we have even laws, physical laws, where the courts would step in
and distribute the wealth
01:07:23 --> 01:07:39
			in a way that is suitable or conducive to the one who was honest in the relationship. Right. And the
court would take into consideration dishonesty from you know, the party that was dishonest. So, even
legal laws, we go into,
01:07:40 --> 01:07:44
			you know, laws of countries, right civil law, right.
01:07:45 --> 01:07:47
			This laws that,
01:07:49 --> 01:07:59
			that guide a judge in his ruling, and the guidance is offered towards the one who was honest, right.
So this is human nature, this is human nature, where, you know, we
01:08:00 --> 01:08:26
			consider what is hours hours, and that emotional investment then comes into play, and we become
pretty over protective, right, this is human nature. So here he is telling the Prophet sallallahu
alayhi wa sallam being over protective of a husband and even knowing that he's got other wives, that
now you remember, you're the one that's passed away. And Allah gave you something better, because we
don't have the law and how was the only version that was sort of lasala who it was it
01:08:27 --> 01:08:57
			was much older. So and she was married prior. So we see here that she's saying that oh prophet of
Allah Until when are you going to remember she was old and Allah gave you somebody better, and also
the loss of the lover and he was sort of said to her by Allah know, Allah didn't give it to somebody
better. And he goes on to mention how she believed in him when no one did and supported him when no
one did and so on and so forth. How amazing is that? When a husband can speak about his wife so
beautifully, even after she passes away, will not make our wives similar to Heidi God Allah.
01:08:59 --> 01:09:05
			Allah subhanho wa Taala guide our husbands to become diligent husbands as well as me. So
01:09:07 --> 01:09:28
			after he married Khadija robiola, and then we see revelation coming to the Prophet sallallahu alayhi
wa sallam, when the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam was 40 years of age, and in terms of 40
years of age, then this was a norm with regards to Allah giving Prophethood to the prophets and
Allah subhanho wa Taala describes 14 the Quran as being
01:09:29 --> 01:09:38
			the the point of complete maturity in terms of physical maturity and mental maturity. So it's the
perfect way or the perfect time
01:09:39 --> 01:10:00
			to take on the responsibility. There's enough wisdom there's enough maturity and wisdom is needed in
the day our wisdom is needed in the hour, and definitely you know, you'll make less mistakes in the
hour after 40 than you will make before 40 Allah knows best but this seems like a passion
01:10:00 --> 01:10:14
			And something that we can consider established. So Allah gave his messenger Prophethood at 40. And
even in terms of, you know, discussions nowadays and modern day research,
01:10:16 --> 01:10:39
			it actually says that those habits which you can't get rid of before 40, there'll be stuck with you
for the rest of your life. Right? So what you are upon, you know, before 40, you will definitely be
a pilot and perhaps in a bigger way after 40 right, so this is what trends have shown, and we know
today, as part of research is the study of trends. So transactions, so you know,
01:10:40 --> 01:11:02
			and also chains have shown that after 40, then it's a sort of downhill kind of thing. Right? In
terms of your mental strength, your physical strength, you become weaker shape and foshay. Slowly
but surely, as you start reaching the end of your life, and this Allah subhanho wa Taala has made us
this is how Allah subhanho wa Taala has made us but
01:11:03 --> 01:11:15
			I warn you against thinking that after you 40, then you are unable, no, you are able and take pride
in you being able from the fact that what sort of loss of Allah for Allah, He will celebrate became
a prophet at the age of 40.
01:11:16 --> 01:11:35
			Right. And I have seen Personally, my own teachers in the 80s, who are upon amazing mental health,
you know, and they actually teach us from the top of the head. And they mentioned specifics as if
they're a young person with photographic memories. I personally have had teachers
01:11:36 --> 01:12:10
			with disabilities, and and have taken comfort in that old age doesn't make you see now, or doesn't
have to be the reason why you see now or suffer dementia or any of these mental difficulties that,
quote unquote, come about with the result of age, right, if you look after your mind through good
reading and look after your health through being fit, then Allah subhanho wa Taala will give you an
able mind in your old age, probably a mind more able than what used to be before I actually had a
teacher teach me Islamic inheritance, and some of the most intricate
01:12:13 --> 01:12:37
			you know, rulings in Islamic inheritance, and mathematic mathematical functions and, and solve
things in Islamic inheritance from the top of his head. So forget about him knowing you know, just
text we're talking about a built in calculator and he was almost eight years of age. He was almost
eight years of age, my dear brothers and sisters, but he's working out math, complex math,
01:12:39 --> 01:13:12
			you know, functions in his mind, some kind of law that would take you time to do even if you use the
calculator, Allahu Akbar, and it was almost eight. So take pride in this and take guidance in this
that you know even in your old age, it's not too late to memorize the Quran. It's not too late to
learn the Quran. It's not too late to learn the Arabic language that will help you understand the
Quran. Take pride from this, my dear brothers and sisters and don't let a police and sharepad make
you feel otherwise. So revelation came to him sallallahu alayhi wa sallam. Now when did this
revelation come?
01:13:15 --> 01:13:34
			There's a view that this revelation came to Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam in the month of
Ramadan. Right. And more specifically on the night of power because Allah subhanho wa Taala says,
Shahada, Rama Vonda, Lady Angela Hill Quran and Allah subhanho wa Taala says in Salah who feel a
little panda.
01:13:35 --> 01:13:44
			So he became a prophet in Ramadan. Some other scholars say no, he became a prophet in a beer and a
one in a beer and a one.
01:13:48 --> 01:13:56
			So they say that he became a prophet. In fact, some of them are specific, they say on the eighth day
of reveal, oh well over
01:13:58 --> 01:14:00
			41 years after
01:14:01 --> 01:14:04
			the incident of the elephant 41 years after,
01:14:05 --> 01:14:20
			or in the 41st year rather, in the 41st, year after the of the elephant. So the Prophet sallallahu
alayhi wa sallam was 40. And this is the view of the majority By the way, that he became a prophet
in the month of revere a well
01:14:25 --> 01:14:45
			in the 41st, year after the of the elephant and these are the view as a shed, which says that he
became a prophet in the month of Ramadan. Some scholars join between the two opinions and say that
he started seeing dreams that became true because revelation happens in in in several ways we'll
come to that just now.
01:14:47 --> 01:14:48
			But they say that
01:14:49 --> 01:14:59
			one of the days of Revelation is having true dreams. And he started having true dreams and reviewed
our which lasted six months as we find it authentic narrations and
01:15:00 --> 01:15:05
			reviewed over the six months from Ramadan. So he had true dreams
01:15:06 --> 01:15:11
			from revealed oh well and jabril visited him in Ramadan.
01:15:12 --> 01:15:15
			So this is what they say.
01:15:16 --> 01:15:29
			But just let you know those scholars who say that revelation came to me that revealed Oh well, then
they explained the eye of the eye in the Quran where Allah says in the novel a little controversial
Ramadan LED on Xena Pharaoh Quran
01:15:31 --> 01:15:34
			the I would say is that Allah revealed the Quran in the month of Ramadan.
01:15:36 --> 01:16:13
			They say that what Allah means here is that which even at best Robbie Allahumma mentioned in a
narration, which is considered a metaphor, which is considered as raised to the Prophet sallallahu
alayhi wa sallam, why? Because in this narration, he's talking about the unseen. And he could never
speak about the unseen except if you heard it from the Prophet salallahu alayhi wasallam. So even
though he's saying it, they consider his statement as raised to the Prophet metaphor, as would be
termed in the science of Howdy. Right? So even though he's saying it, they say that he's speaking
about the unseen and we know that he wouldn't lie. So the fact that he's saying it means he got it
01:16:13 --> 01:16:33
			from someone who knew about the unseen, and the only one who knew about the unseen was the Messenger
of Allah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam. And in that narration, he says that Allah revealed the Quran
to in two stages. The first stage was a complete revelation from a low food from the preserve
tablet, to
01:16:35 --> 01:17:06
			to bait to the first Heaven, to a place known as the house of honor, and beta is the house of honor.
So this is what they say that this happened in Ramadan, and this happened on the night of power. So
when Allah says shall Ravana levy on Zilla Quran that amount of Ramadan is the month in which we
revealed the Quran, it doesn't mean that it came to the prophet in Ramadan. Rather, it means that
the Quran was revealed from the preserved tablet to the first heaven to a place known as the house
of honor.
01:17:07 --> 01:17:10
			in Ramadan, and more specifically on the night of power.
01:17:11 --> 01:17:37
			And then from there is the second stage of Revelation, which is revelation coming to the Prophet
sallallahu, alayhi wasallam over a period of 23 years, piecemeal, we say piecemeal women in stages.
So it came to the Prophet sallallahu, Alayhi, wasallam piecemeal, over a period of 23 years, from
the house of honor to the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam via gibreel Ali Salaam Of course. So
they say that
01:17:38 --> 01:18:18
			this ayah which says the Quran was revealed in Ramadan doesn't mean that came to him from Allahu
Allah, he was in the cave in Ramadan, rather, it came to the house of honor. in Ramadan, the Quran
was revealed in one chunk in his totality to the house of honor in Ramadan on the night of power,
and then from there, it came to the Prophet salallahu, alayhi wasallam piecemeal, or in stages over
23 years, and Allah knows best but as I said, sometimes join between the narrations and they say
that look, or join between the views rather, and say that if we look at our well then we see that
it's six months from Ramadan. And we know that His revelation first came to him in the form of true
01:18:18 --> 01:18:19
01:18:20 --> 01:18:48
			That lasted six months, and then jabril came to him after that, right and that would entail Julian
having come to him in the month of Ramadan with Akira and Allah subhanho wa Taala, Allah knows best,
Allah subhanho wa Taala knows best. Now, what are the different types of revelation? The scholars
have mentioned, in the books known as pseudo tafsir are the principles of Tafseer they say
revelation came to the Prophet salallahu, alayhi wasallam
01:18:50 --> 01:18:50
01:18:52 --> 01:19:37
			six ways, and some add a seventh and the seventh is disputed, and we'll discuss that just now. So
they say that it came to him in six ways. Firstly, in the form of dreams, or true dreams earlier,
Saudi Arabia, a sidecar and it says that he would not see a dream except that it would, you know, he
or he would then see it again the same way. He would actually see the dream whilst he was awake, or
see, see the real version of the dream. So you'd see a dream and see that dream become a reality.
And in the sooner we see being described as as mythical Falak, as Super. So this call is described
01:19:38 --> 01:20:00
			as the reality as the reality that he would see a dream and then he would see it in reality. And
many times for those who visit those corners who can interpret dreams, they talk about this concept
of Falak or Suba, which talks which constitutes dreams coming true, which constitutes dreams coming
true. Now, I don't advise that you get all your dreams in
01:20:00 --> 01:20:42
			interpreted. That's not what I'm saying, especially bad dreams from the etiquettes of bad dreams is
not to get the dream interpreted. The only dreams that you should, you should endeavor to get
interpreted if you really feel the need to is good dreams is good dreams, because dreams are to have
types you have, you have good dreams, then you have bad dreams. And then you have what they call,
you know, human thought, which is a process of your day being played back to you at night when you
sleep. And this happens, for many reasons, sometimes stress causes it, you know, exam stress, this
can happen, right? How many times have you had an exam, and you wake up at night thinking you're
01:20:42 --> 01:20:50
			late for the exam, only to realize it's still night of hamdulillah and this is obviously for those
who sleep at night, right? Some people don't sleep the night before the exam.
01:20:53 --> 01:21:10
			But I'm sure many of us have experienced this or we have you know, a presentation at work there's
some anxiety and and that anxiety plays itself. In our heads and and for those who have studied the
science of sleeping, then you've seen you know, REM sleep and n r e m sleep which is
01:21:13 --> 01:21:15
			which which talks about random
01:21:18 --> 01:21:28
			random activity sort of sleep where your eyes move a bit more and and other sleep which is not so
random. And and and you don't get the eye movement. I read this a while ago, the specific points.
01:21:30 --> 01:21:40
			I cannot recall at the moment, but but Google it a shala and have read on the soul. This is the type
of dream that we have. But it's not a it's a dream because of
01:21:41 --> 01:22:02
			some physical elements such as stress, for example. And then true dreams is of two types. We have
true dreams. Sorry, good dreams is of two types. those dreams that are good, but don't necessarily
come true. But they are dreams which make us happy when we wake up. And Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi
wa sallam taught us some etiquettes with regards to these type of dreams.
01:22:04 --> 01:22:05
			For example,
01:22:07 --> 01:22:20
			you know, we should not relate the dream to just anybody. It doesn't mean that you saw a good dream
that now you should go and put it on Facebook. Right? Especially like today, today we live in an age
where martial law. You know,
01:22:21 --> 01:22:37
			I sometimes joke with my teams and I say you know, one of the important elements in any function. In
any team in any company in any division is something we call our T you real time updates.
01:22:39 --> 01:23:11
			real time updates in management we say turns on the lights, it turns on the lights meaning it keeps
us current in terms of our endeavors, and we're able to tweak our approaches. And in our This is
very important to always, you know, gather data, and to have the the ability to synthesize the data
and interpret the data. This gives us real time updates and we're able to tweak ourselves, keep
ourselves current and keep ourselves gaining as much as possible from our investment. And as I said,
you know, our life in reality is return on
01:23:14 --> 01:23:24
			capital employed and in your life in my life. Our capital is our time. Our capital is our wealth.
Our capital is our health. Our capital is
01:23:27 --> 01:24:10
			you know, our youth. You know our young age, as Rasul Allah alayhi wa sallam said in the Sunday
study mom's problems that take advantage of five before five, right? And he tells us to take
advantage of our life before our death, this is capital. Life is capital he tells us to take to make
use of our health before sickness being healthy is capital, he tells us to make use of our free time
before we become busy. You know, free time is capital. He tells us to make use of our wealth before
we become impoverished. Right? So wealth is his his capital as well. He tells us to make use of our
use of our our of our youthfulness before we become old. So being young is his capital. So what is
01:24:10 --> 01:24:55
			our rate on capital employed? How have we used all this? for the betterment of our hereafter? How
well have we invested? How well have how mature have we been in our investments? And this is why I
tell her when boys and girls that you don't have to do everything, but do it properly. Right? Do it
properly, do it properly. Do one thing and do one thing properly. You don't have to do 10 things and
do it in an improper way. This is not good return on capital employed. This is not good return on
capital employed. You're not using yourself efficiently. We just spoke about Sherpa and how he uses
he's got a lifetime to live. And even then, he uses his resources properly, will protect us from he
01:24:55 --> 01:24:59
			believes in SharePoint. Right? So what about you and I haven't
01:25:00 --> 01:25:20
			Lila, we have the guidance of the messenger sallallahu alayhi wasallam. Right. So it's important to
look after our elements and our entities and look after them. Well, look after them. Well, you know,
my father used to always tell me that, you know, one full cup is better than three half cups, even
though three half cups gives you one and a half cups of water.
01:25:21 --> 01:26:02
			But one full cup is still better. Why? Because it's complete. The other three cups are incomplete,
they still have cups, whatever you want to say. The reality is they are half cups, you cannot say,
you know, even if you say I have one and a half cups of water you you can't really confidently say
that you can only say, in effect, I have one and a half cups of water. But in reality, I have three
half cups. Right? But what can you call complete and put on your CV, for example, and benefit from
that which is complete? You know, when you go to a company and say I'm halfway studying my, you
know, degree, it's not the same as going to a company and saying I've completed it and here's the
01:26:02 --> 01:26:22
			certificate if you get what I'm saying. My dear brothers and sisters, Allah subhanho wa Taala knows,
but this is this is another footnote for your own development in terms of the organizations that you
run and even yourselves. May Allah subhanho wa Taala make it beneficial. So this was one way of
revelation that Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam would see these dreams. And
01:26:24 --> 01:26:58
			we were talking about Facebook and real time updates. This was the discussion that took us into
rows. That you know, I joke with the teams that some kind of like today, we live our lives with real
time updates, we eating a food at a restaurant, Masha, Allah, the camera comes out. And now you
know, we'll even say we took it with this camera and this many pixels, and it's brought up this
flavor from the food and this ingredient from the food Mashallah. And then it ends up on Facebook,
Masha Allah ate at this restaurant today, and this is what I had for breakfast. And this is what I
had for lunch. And this is what I had, you know, for this, and this is what I had for that. And this
01:26:58 --> 01:27:05
			is where I am right now make you know, we we offer real time updates, real time updates about our
01:27:07 --> 01:27:20
			And this is dangerous, but brothers and sisters, right? This is Damon Firstly, it makes it makes
other people inactive in some way or form. Because how is someone going to benefit reading about
your life.
01:27:22 --> 01:27:59
			So if somebody is going to be on Facebook, give them something beneficial to read help your brothers
and sisters, right? Wrong, my dear brothers and sisters, right? Help them, help them, don't give
them something that's going to further waste their time. You know, you need to be that light, that
beacon of guidance, because that's what a Muslim is. And that's where wisdom is, right. So if you
know that somebody is going to be out there wasting their time, don't help them waste their time
further by giving them something, you know, useless to see. Give them something beneficial to read
perhaps through it, guidance will come to them and they'll become better people or better with their
01:27:59 --> 01:28:09
			resources. Right? So this is dangerous for this reason. The second reason is the evil eye. We almost
kind of who attended protect, right? The evil eye.
01:28:10 --> 01:28:48
			Right? You know, a lot of the time we put up things and, and somebody might not necessarily be
jealous of us, but they might be amazed by what you've put up. And they forget about Allah in that
amazement, and the sharpener have an opportunity to chase that particular process and cause harm to
come to you. Because of it will not protect where you know, these freak accidents happen in your
life. You know, you get sick in a weird way. Allah protect us, you know, all of a sudden, you start
feeling stressed when you never used to be a stressful person, all of a sudden you're home, you
know, all of a sudden you end up having regular arguments with your wife or with your husband and
01:28:48 --> 01:29:27
			live it never used to be the case. Right? And so Pamela, then she deceives us just to such an extent
that we don't even think of Rukia and think of considering evil AI and so on and so forth as as a
means of our retrogression currently, right. Until the marriage ends up becoming something no more
or you know, our progress ends up becoming something no more. Allah subhanho wa Taala protects so
these are reasons why you don't want to be people who are you know, giving this real time updates on
Facebook all the time. I'm not saying once in a while you can you shouldn't do it, though. You can
once in a while. it's beneficial, but every time is not so beneficial. So now you have a good dream.
01:29:27 --> 01:30:00
			Some people end up sticking it up on Facebook, sticking it up on Twitter last night, this is what I
jumped. And this is against the Sunnah of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam because the Sunnah
of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam is not to reveal good dreams, except to those people who
are trustworthy and wish the best for you. And we learned this from this chapter of use of surah
Yusuf because jacobellis salam told Yusuf Alayhi Salam not to release this dream to anybody else.
Not to release this dream to his own brothers. Why for Yaki du Lac Akita less they shall protect
01:30:00 --> 01:30:42
			against you. Right so this etiquette of not revealing our good dreams and good fortune to everybody
is from the Sunnah of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam. In fact, in a hadith with some of the
scholars have considered acceptable Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam says, Is there enough
power in how he can build men that assist yourselves in the things that you do by keeping it a
secret? By keeping it a secret? assist yourself by keeping it a secret. So Pamela, how do we assist
ourselves by keeping it a secret? Yeah, Allah by not you know, fronting it, so that inshallah it
doesn't become a means for the evil eye to affect you, and as the evil which Allah subhanho wa Taala
01:30:42 --> 01:30:43
			has placed with Divine Wisdom.
01:30:44 --> 01:31:26
			Right We know that from the articles of faith is to believe that good and bad faith is from Allah
subhanho wa Taala. Right. And and Allah creates evil, with with with Divine Wisdom. Why is all wise
as to why it's there and Allah test us with it. But don't be a means to opening the doors for any
evil to harm you. May Allah protect us from evil I mean, Allahu medpharm Nelvana Well, what what
Riba was Xena was that, as you know, when we had wosu alphason miroir, Amina. I mean, we ask a lot
to protect us from all evil, manifest evil and hidden evil, I mean your enemy, but it's their issue.
The Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam says, assist yourself, Allah provide Hitman for in nearly
01:31:26 --> 01:31:37
			equally the near term it may have to do in some narrations, this is an addition to the narration
that for For indeed, every person who has a blessing, there is some other person who is jealous of
01:31:38 --> 01:31:56
			Right. So coming back to the etiquettes of dreams do not you know, release your good dreams except
to those who you trust. So you know the the good dreams are of two types a good dream and the other
one is a true dream. Which is a good dream which becomes true.
01:31:57 --> 01:32:11
			A good dream which becomes true. And if your good dream becomes true, then that's a blessing from
Allah subhanho wa Taala praise Allah. Thank Allah, because Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam
said that nothing remains of prophethood except Mu bashira
01:32:13 --> 01:32:17
			except moomba shirat. And when they asked the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam
01:32:18 --> 01:32:20
			about the meaning of MOBA shirat.
01:32:22 --> 01:32:26
			He said sallallahu alayhi wa sallam true dreams,
01:32:28 --> 01:32:32
			through dreams, through dreams. So
01:32:33 --> 01:33:13
			this is a mercy from Allah. You know, Allah blessed you, and hamdulillah thank Allah subhanho wa
Taala, that, that he he gave you this true dream, you know, and it's use it as a means of growing
your imagine of law. And many times we have this concept of deja vu, where we actually see something
in front of us and we can actually interpret what's going to happen next. before it even happened.
It's probably been a case where one day you driving and you're actually looking for a place and you
know, you all of a sudden become engulfed by this feeling like you've actually been in this place
before. And you took a right turn and a left turn and the place you looking for was on the right for
01:33:13 --> 01:33:49
			example, and you do exactly that. And what happens it's exactly how it was. Exactly how you thought
Allahu Akbar is it to choose up but I never came here before. How did this happen? Right? This deja
vu concept Allah showed it to you in your subconscious in a dream before. Right is a communication
from Allah subhanho wa Taala the doors of revelation are closed and Prophethood is shut. But Allah
communicates with with the oma Allah can communicate with the oma through through dreams as
Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam
01:33:50 --> 01:34:28
			taught us mailmark others with him in general. And may Allah bless us with good dreams and true
dreams. I mean, I mean, you know, one of the ways to have true dreams is to be an honest person.
lesson that teaches us that, that those who are the most honest in speech, they're the most honest
and true in their dreams. Those who are most honest in their speech that the most honest and true in
their dreams, and that's why we should not even joke a lie in our jokes. My dear brothers and
sisters, may Allah protect us. We shouldn't lie in our jokes. Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam
said woe to the person who lies even when they joke, right? We should be truthful as much as we can.
01:34:29 --> 01:34:55
			Even in our speech in our lecture, sometimes we want to joke to you know, to keep the audience you
know, connected, we shouldn't lie in that. We shouldn't lie in it. And it doesn't mean if a
particular you know, student of knowledge does it that it that we should adopt it as a norm and say
when he does it, we should do it. Now every human being is prone to mistake. Every human being is
prone to mistaken and prone to being corrected My dear brothers and sisters. So
01:34:57 --> 01:34:59
			try and be as honest and as possible in all your speech.
01:35:00 --> 01:35:10
			And remember that a lies a smear of lies the old hearing and Allah hears you. Right? And those who
are most, most honest in this speech, they are the most
01:35:11 --> 01:35:21
			true in terms of their dreams and May Allah make us you know have the dream that we all desire to
have, you know where we see it or sort of lesson Allah for Allah he was telling me now a dream Allah
subhanho wa Taala blessed us with those dreams.
01:35:23 --> 01:35:30
			So Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam would see these two dreams. This was one of the ways of
Revelation, a second type of
01:35:31 --> 01:35:37
			a second manner in which revelation would would reach the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam would
01:35:39 --> 01:35:50
			you know, based upon jabril Allahi Salaam communicating with Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam
whilst he is hidden, so gibreel is hidden and gibreel alayhis salam
01:35:53 --> 01:35:54
			with the permission of Allah.
01:35:56 --> 01:36:02
			Get, you know, against the inflammation to the south of Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam
01:36:04 --> 01:36:38
			gets the revelation into the self of the of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam and the Prophet
sallallahu alayhi wa sallam becomes knowledgeable about it, and the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa
sallam reveals it. The Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam reveals it and this is established in the
Sunnah as well. We're also de la Sol Allahu alayhi wa sallam said in the sci fi fury and who lent me
enough so that the testicular is, so this is established in the suit now it's unacceptable howdy in
the software, so the muscle Allahu alayhi wa sallam said that indeed jabril Allah, He said Abu
01:36:40 --> 01:36:54
			has has sort of blown into me into myself, this knowledge that no soul shall taste death, until that
soul has completed all of its sustenance, all of its sustenance, right.
01:36:55 --> 01:37:00
			So this is a heady, right in the left center, who the heck destech Miller is.
01:37:01 --> 01:37:18
			So he says that jabril has blown into me and made known to me through this process. So Rasulullah
hasn't seen up here. But the revelation has become part of Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wasallam, he
knows it all of a sudden, that no social tastes death until
01:37:19 --> 01:37:32
			they have completed all of the assessments, they have completed all of this the assessments, the
last grain of rice, that you are supposed to eat, you will not pass away before you eat it.
01:37:33 --> 01:37:37
			Right? You will not pass away before you eat it.
01:37:38 --> 01:38:14
			Right? So this is what he says some Allahu alayhi wa sallam and they should give us great hope my
dear brothers and sisters, especially, you know, nowadays, where we skate to donate, for example, we
think, you know, if we donate and we won't have money to spend in the sake of Allah, we won't have
money. You know, I understand that you will not die until you eat your last sustenance, your last
grain of rice, until that's eaten, you will not pass away. Because even if you were to live, how
will you survive? There's no there's no such thing as left for you. Right? So whatever you give to
01:38:15 --> 01:38:34
			Allah will give you back. If it means that you know your sustenance is there for you. And this is
what yaqeen is, my dear brothers and sisters, when you say have taught could have trust in Allah,
put your trust in Allah. Now I'm not saying go and give all your belongings out to charity. Now, but
as Allah subhanho wa Taala says with
01:38:35 --> 01:39:11
			una Cooney laffel. You know, law says that they asked you about you know what they should spend,
then tell them an apple, they should spend that which is access to their requirement access to that
which they need, even if they only have $2. But and they're not considered rich because they only
have $2, but they only need one. If they only need one then they can spend from the other one that
is access to the requirement. Right. So I hope this answers the question my dear brothers and
sisters The other way that revelation would come to the sort of loss of Allahu alayhi wa sallam
would would be when jabril would come to the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam came to the Prophet
01:39:11 --> 01:39:40
			sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, in the form of a man and Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam would
see him and sometimes the companions would see him as well, as is in the famous hadith of gibreel
when he came to the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam dress smart with no sign of travel, no sign
of dust and he wasn't from Medina and the Sahaba never knew him. And all of a sudden he sat right
next to the prophets of Allah already he was Solomon he told the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam
to teach him about Islam, to teach him about
01:39:41 --> 01:39:59
			Eman and to teach him about SN and to teach him about the science of the hour. And then when jabril
left the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam told the companions that Do you know what this person
is? And they said no. So he said this was jabril and he came to teach you your religion. So you
bring would come in the form of Amen.
01:40:00 --> 01:40:12
			Another way that revelation would come to the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam and this was the
most severe way, would be in the form, or in a form similar to the ringing of a bell, to the ringing
of a bell. And
01:40:14 --> 01:40:29
			some of the companions would say that they would actually see sweat. Four sweat on the Prophet
sallallahu alayhi wa sallam is face on a cold day, even though it's a cold day or cold night, they
would actually
01:40:30 --> 01:40:53
			see sweat appearing, given how difficult this way of receiving revelation was. And in some of the
narrations, it actually states that the the the the writing animal of Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi
wa sallam would kneel down because of the weight of revelation in this particular manner. So this
was a fourth way, a fourth way
01:40:54 --> 01:41:02
			would be in the form of Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam seeing jabril, adding Salah in his
original form, and this happened twice,
01:41:05 --> 01:41:46
			in or twice in terms of what we know, as Allah subhanho wa Taala says in Surah, two najem certain
measurement is number seven, seven, and I am number 13. So Allah subhanho wa Taala teaches us in
Surah, an ayah number seven and 13, two times that Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, so
gibreel alayhi salam in his original form, and he was a mighty angel. Indeed we know that he ran to
the Allahu Allah after seeing the villa Allah, his Salah, obviously fearful of what he had just
seen. So this was another way that he would receive revelation sallallahu alayhi wasallam.
01:41:47 --> 01:42:31
			Another way that Allahu Allah He will send them who would receive revelation or did receive
revelation, as I was called to say, is when he sallallahu alayhi wa sallam was taken up to the
heavens. during El Mirage, the ascension to the heavens, we have a surah and El Mirage Sri is the
Jedi by night from Masood haram to bait mark this and then there was the Mirage which was the
ascension to the seventh heavens there Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam received revelation he
sallallahu alayhi wa sallam received revelation such as honor being compulsory and other matters
that Allah subhanho wa Taala gave him during that night another way that he would receive revelation
01:42:31 --> 01:43:15
			and this is the seventh way is in by the way of Allah subhanho wa Taala revealing to him without
jabril Allah himself without jabril Allah, his Salah, and obviously, the scholars saying this way
Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam never saw Allah subhanho wa Taala. So these are the seven
ways the seventh way is him receiving revelation whilst without gibreel being a middle, middle being
in the process, he would receive he would understand revelation directly from Allah subhanho wa
Taala. Some scholars mentioned an eighth way and as I said, this is a disputed way and they say the
eighth way is receiving revelation whilst he saw Allah subhanho wa Taala. And the reality is the
01:43:15 --> 01:43:17
			Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam seeing Allah
01:43:19 --> 01:43:19
01:43:21 --> 01:43:45
			a matter of difference of opinion even between the pious predecessors before us amongst the Sahaba
because we have the hadith of eyeshadow, the Allahu Allah, which is in the Sufi, in which he says
that no one has seen a line if anyone says that, they have seen a lot, he has light. And she even
said that the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam never saw Allah And whoever says that he did has
light, right?
01:43:46 --> 01:43:51
			So this is what she has said about the Allahu Allah.
01:43:53 --> 01:44:19
			And obviously, there is another narration from another companion, which states that Rasulullah
sallallahu alayhi wa sallam. So Allah subhanho wa Taala does, between the companions, there was a
difference of opinion. But what is more correct and Allah knows best is the narration of Asia of the
Allahu and helpful indeed, she would be most knowledgeable of these matters, especially given that
she was the wife of Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam.
01:44:21 --> 01:45:00
			Just coming to some of the questions in the box, it's Ayah number seven, is number seven and ayah
number 13. Soraka najem is number seven and I am number 13. In these ayat, Allah subhanho wa Taala
says that, or teaches us that Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam saw jabril and he saw him in
his natural form twice. So brothers and sisters, sadly, our time has come to an end and then
hamdulillah we have managed to complete the seven ways that are sort of last Allahu alayhi wa sallam
received revelation. And as I said, this is a discussion big in a science though
01:45:00 --> 01:45:06
			As soon as seen, and I've also mentioned to you and eight view which is a matter of difference and
we've said the correct view is that
01:45:07 --> 01:45:39
			there's only seven because it was sort of us on Allahu alayhi wa sallam never saw Allah subhanho wa
Taala and Allah subhanho wa Taala Allah knows best with that we come to the end of our sixth session
will help you ask Allah to accept it from us. We ask a lot to make it heavy on our skills of good
deeds. We ask Allah subhanho wa Taala to bless us and to increase our knowledge and I thank brother
a sham for Mashallah his skills with the keyboard and Google Mashallah he managed to pull out the
ayat and the Hadith
01:45:40 --> 01:45:51
			that I have been sharing with you in totality and for those listening to the recording, we have
another reason for you to attend the class live Mashallah because you actually get
01:45:52 --> 01:46:31
			the notes in this fashion. But perhaps for those who can't attend, then maybe we can help them if we
if we can take screenshots of the whiteboard, I believe it was done last week and then what we can
do is send it to everybody as well. We can send the screenshots attached along with the summary of
the notes and perhaps this will be beneficial or lower level I'll leave this to the provisions team
to decide because Mashallah, I have seen that you know, even though the notes are student notes that
you've been putting up with Mashallah that the notes have been very decent when in the hill hammered
once again, my dear brothers and sisters, the the crux should be what I say in the lesson and in the
01:46:31 --> 01:46:56
			recordings, not the notes, there may be mistakes in the notes, Allah knows best, the team is trying
their level best to ensure that there's no mistakes there. But if there is any confusion, then
please refer to the recording Bismillah to Allah, Allah Helen for your attendance, because I can now
head on to the provisions team. Except from us, may Allah bless us And may Allah preserve us in his
obedience and bring us together for many more sessions.
01:46:57 --> 01:47:19
			Time Is Flying as we started off today saying and this particular part of season one will come to an
end around mid May, right around with me, so it's not so long to go My dear brothers and sisters, I
think we just have about four lessons left. Please don't forget about the forums before I end, but
the Sherm is going to be sending out the topic for discussion.
01:47:20 --> 01:47:43
			inshallah. So, you know, please don't be afraid to participate, to be thoughtful to think, you know,
I don't want this to be a session where you just come in and hear that which makes you feel good. I
rather want it to be a session that allows you to come in and make you think about certain things.
The world today needs thinkers, and we need speakers who make us think as well, well, like the world
is in need of this.
01:47:44 --> 01:48:22
			You know, yes, we are in need of speakers also who make us feel good. But we are more in need of
lessons that make us think, as opposed to those lessons that make us feel good, especially in an age
where there's just too many things happening and fit and has has become the norm of the day and the
norm of the night. And, you know, if we're not going to think them, you know, we're going to end up
falling prey to that which is not considered the ideal, and before it's too late, we might be in
misguidance Allah subhanho wa Taala protect us so this is my humble message to you or however low
and everything corrected is from Allah subhanho wa Taala and he is perfect. And any mistakes are
01:48:22 --> 01:48:40
			from myself and Siobhan and I seek Allah subhanho wa Taala has forgiven us I love you all for the
sake of Allah until lesson seven next week. Assalamu alaykum warahmatullahi wabarakatuhu Subhana
Allah who will become the supercritical lahoma we'll be having deca, Chateau La Ilaha Illa and the
stuffy ruka wanna tubu la