Sajid Ahmed Umar – Moments with the Qur’an #23

Sajid Ahmed Umar
AI: Summary ©
The history of Islam is discussed, including the use of lies and pan-force in the context of "slife." The Sharia teaches people to avoid harm and avoid falsehood, but the ultimate goal is to avoid harm. The conversation emphasizes the importance of avoiding harm and not giving the actual amount of money to avoid falsehood.
AI: Transcript ©
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Salam Alaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh My dearest brothers and sisters in Islam welcome to episode number 23 moments with the Quran today's moment comes from Surah two ambia and in particular the story of Ibrahim Alayhi Salam that Allah mentioned to us in this surah we all know brothers and sisters in Islam that he brought him Allah He Salam was tested from a very young age for his own father made idols in worship them and those idols were worshipped by the by the community as well. And for the life of him Abraham could could not understand what was going on. How can this be that my own father creates these idols and these idols can benefit you or harm you and then everybody

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worships these idols, it went against his being, right, his fitrah his natural disposition, and we all know how, Mashallah he tried to make his father realize the error of his ways, and he asked respectfully clever questions. But all this was to no avail. And then a time came where he had a different opportunity, when everyone was going out to some event and fewer eyes will be, or would have been on the place where all the idols were in. So Abraham, Allah, He sent him took his opportunity, he went in and smashed all the idols and left, the device used to smash the idols on the big one, he just left one bit, the biggest idol, he left that one, and he put the device on that

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one. And then he left when the people came back. Obviously, this was a catastrophe for them. This was blasphemy. They were really angry. And immediately they started investigating the matter. And when they started asking the people who were there who did this to our idols, they say some boy, who we hear people called Ibrahim Subhana, Allah, which means to them, he was not known. He was known of importance he was he wasn't famous in any way, but Subhana Allah to Allah, he was famous. So they refer to him in this political way. So immediately, Ibrahim is brought forth to answer

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you know about these accusations. And when they asked him, he said, Allah, Belle ferula, who cubby room had Fs heirloom in

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Panama, he said, they said, did you do this to our, our idols, our gods or Ibrahim? He said, instead, the big one did it. So ask them if they indeed can speak who did this to them?

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Now the question is, was this a lie? Was this a lie? Because he did it. But he said the big one did it. Now in the in the sun that when the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam spoke about Ibrahim alayhis, salaam to to the Sahaba, and by default to us because we receive his lessons, the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam said, and this is the hadith of Abu hurayrah, which is in Sohail Buhari, he mentions that Ibrahim didn't lie except three lies. And in this narration, he mentions this particular moment here. And he mentioned another moment, and that was when, just before he smashed the idols, when the people were going out, they wanted to take him with them. And he says, I'm sick

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in nissa T. He said, I'm sick, but he wasn't physically unwell. But he said this. And the third part was when he eventually left his people and he ended up in Egypt and he was married. And this tyrant king that was in Egypt.

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He had a practice tyranny on people who had wives. So when he went into Egypt, and he was asked, Who is this lady, he instead of saying, she's my wife, he said, She's my sister.

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And obviously, he did this to protect the sanctity of his marriage. So the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam mentioned this. There's another narration which is in Sahih, Muslim, which is the famous narration of Shiva, in which the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam teaches us about, you know, the difficulties of the day of tm and how people will be rushing from profit to profit, asking them to go to Allah subhanho wa Taala and seek intercession on their behalf and every prophet will say, Allah is so angry today. He was never angry like this before, and he will never be angry like this after go to someone else. And then eventually they'll get Ibrahim alayhi salam, who is the father of

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the Prophet, and he will say, No, I can't because of these lies, but he mentions a different light than the three mentioned, he mentioned. When he traveled out of his place before he went to Egypt, he went to Sham the Levant, and over there, he found people worshipping the cosmos, the stars and the moon, and the sun, and so on and so forth. And over there, he said, have meaning the sky is my Lord, or the moon is my Lord, or the sun is my Lord, but he wasn't saying it out of belief. He was again saying it to make them realize the error of their ways, right? So are these lies and why are they called lies? Why did the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam say Ibrahim didn't lie except to

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realize the reality brothers and sisters in Islam, you know, these are not lies. What what these are, these are in Arabic is called an Arab, or atonia. Right. And this refers to the concept of pan or playing on words where you speak in a particular way whereby two meanings are generated a closer meaning and a further meaning and you intend the further meaning so you're not lying, but someone else understands the closer meaning. So to them you are lying. So based on this, it's called a lie, but it's not really a lie, as we know

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A lie to be from an Islamic perspective of the definition of a lie that we know is totally haram and Allah subhanho wa Taala dislikes and the punishment is severe. This is totally different. So for example, when he said I'm sick, he wasn't physically unwell, but no doubt, he was sick of them worshipping idols. So he says, I'm, I'm sick in nissaki, I'm sick, right? So they understood something, he meant something. This is called Toria. Or Maria, or this, this concept of pan and playing onwards when he went to Egypt, for example. And he said, She's my sister, right? She's my sister in humanity. She's my sister in faith, he made something they understood something else. And

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no doubt, even if he properly lied here, it will, he wouldn't be sinful. Because when

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two harms meet, and we spoke about this in our, in our previous episodes, when we spoke about the story of Musa alayhis, salam, when there's two harms, you have two situations both the harmful, right? You have a bad situation in a worse situation, what should you do? Right, we said that the Sharia teaches us to practice the lesser harm to avert the greater harm. So even if he lied, totally lied and said, She's my sister, then this would be the lesser harm, in light of the greater harm that would have come about if he said that she's my wife. Right? So this is again toda he it's totally up. But we say in this matter, even if it wasn't, he is totally fine for him. And he said,

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I'm because this lies from a Sharia perspective is absolutely fine. For example, somebody whose life is in danger, and then they run into your home, and they hiding and then your door is locked. And the killer says, Is this person in your home? And you lie? Totally. And you say, No, he's not in my home? This is a total lie. This is no, I mean, it's very difficult to fathom two meanings here. This isn't a blatant lie. So over here, the Sharia says you're not sinful. And in fact, you are rewarded for this lie. Why? Because you save the loss of life. Lying is bad, but dying, loss of life is worse. Right? So this is a circumstance. And obviously, in the third circumstance, when he he said,

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he told them, ask the big one, or the big one did it the big one, did it. This here is also a type of authority. And why? Because he's using it in the form of getting them to think getting them to stop the greater harm of schilke. Right? And this is absolutely fine from a Sharia perspective, in speech, right? He didn't say, I didn't do it. He said, the big one did it. And indirectly, the big one did it meaning these idols did it to themselves. If they weren't being worshipped, they wouldn't have been broken. So he there's some play here on the words, right. And from a Sharia perspective, this is not an outright lie. And in the context of bringing about the truth, and deleting a

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falsehood, this kind of speech is permissible. So this is the answer to this dilemma that many people ask about that Didi Brahim Allison Salam right now from an Islamic perspective, as we see

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in the Hadith, of uncle zoom, right, in which she mentioned, she mentioned that the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said that if

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the Prophet sallallahu, Alayhi, wasallam, permitted lying in three circumstances and all these three circumstances, we find it's to avoid harm. And in the process, you are not taking away anyone's rights number one during war, right and horrible.

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War is deception, the opposition is trying to deceive you, you also have to do what you need to do to ensure that you save life and your army has the least losses. So sometimes a message is sent out that gives the impression that you you attack will be in the morning, and then you attack at night, and so on and so forth. Number two, for example, when you are trying to create harmony between two fighting parties, right, so one party comes to you and says, You know what this person is like this and like this and like this, and they say this about me, and this is what they're telling people and you know that that person is doing that, you know that that person does hate this person and what

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this person is telling you is true, but to come to a situation and fix the situation. You say no, inshallah, it's not as you think, you know, previously, I heard that he he likes you and He loves you and he thinks highly of you and so on and so forth in the event of, of extinguishing the flames of anger, and hopefully bringing the two parties together in this circumstance as we see in the Hadith of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam permitted this and in the third circumstances between spouses, when spouses are

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they they avoid being totally honest with each other and in the process, it builds the relationship so for example, you know, he's not dressed so smartly or she's not dressed smartly and but you put it aside and she asked you how am I dressed? He asked how am I received hamdulillah Mashallah. Or maybe the food Didn't you know, the food lacks a bit of salt that day, normally, it's perfect and you say no, the food is absolutely perfect, Masha, Allah, Allah, Allah bless you and Allah, protect your hands that the hands that cook this food, and hamdulillah This is absolutely fine as per the teaching of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, but no to brothers and sisters in Islam in all

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the circumstances and situations. We know why.

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is taking away anyone's rights. Right? in all three circumstances, the war circumstance, the fixing problems between two party circumstances and the situation between husband and wife, no one is taking anyone's rights. And that's why even the scholars say if it's a matter of rights, then you can't lie even if it's between spouses, right? It's between spouses. Like for example, you promised your wife as part of the marriage agreement, a certain amount. And then you give the amount in kind, right? You don't give the actual amount and then you inflate the price of whatever you're giving a dress or some jewelry, you inflate the price. Right? So that you can come out of this agreement

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between you and your spouse, this is not allowed. This is not a lie. That is permissible. Why because here you taking the rights of someone. Anyway, the lesson has gone above the norms that we have become used to. But nonetheless, the lesson is very important. We are lost Anahata Allah bless us all. I mean, you're a mean Salam Salam aleikum wa rahmatullah wa barakato.

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