Sajid Ahmed Umar – Moments with the Messenger 1

Sajid Ahmed Umar
AI: Summary ©
The segment discusses the history and importance of Islam, including the struggles of Islamists to overcome difficult times and the importance of trusting the Prophet sallua to avoid losing hope. The speaker emphasizes the importance of showing oneself to Allah Subhanho wa Taala and proving oneself to be the same brothers and sisters in Islam. The segment also highlights the importance of learning from the experience of the death of Islam's second son and the negative impact of the coronavirus on people's lives and behavior. The importance of staying at home and practicing the Sun waking technology is also emphasized.
AI: Transcript ©
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hamdulillah he lady generally heavy matter, are we yet and Islamia as eaten the maggia? Allah lavota Allah when he left he larysa to Wali Rasulullah he will mini well I shall do La ilaha illallah wa ala Sherry Kela wash. Know Mohammad Abu who Rasulullah sallallahu wasallam why Baraka Lee? Andy? He was lucky he was a limited slim and Catherine lamb Dean.

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My back. Yeah, you have levena Emmylou la haka, Ducati wala tuna Illa. And to Muslim moon. Yeah, you have NASA tempura Bakula? De Hanukkah coming next up de la mina Xhosa. Amin Houma region and Kathy era when he said, What de la la de una be one or ham in the Lucha Canada ID camera Eva. Yeah, you have levena M and De La Hoya kulu, Poland sadita. Used to the American way of backing me up let her water Sula who Papa defesa was in Lima, Alaska in the US Dr. Heidi Tiki tabula. Had he had you Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wasallam are sure to have a coup d'etat in beta Bakula? Peter 18 balena. What can rewire Bakula? boletin finau Allah de la vida de la akumina Islam 11 Irwin was ba, ba ba ba

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ba, ba in Adam nerida tech 107 of Allah, no children of Adam.

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We begin as always, by praising Allah subhanho wa Taala Allah, we praise Him and we seek his assistance and we seek His guidance and we seek refuge in Allah from the evil of ourselves and the adverse consequences of our deeds. Whomsoever Allah guides men can misguidance However, he misguides the nun can guide and we request

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praises and blessings upon the final messenger community Abdullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, I bear witness that there's no one with your worship besides one Allah, and that Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam is His Messenger. My dear his brothers and sisters in Islam are servants of Allah, no children of Adam.

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We are living in Strange Times. We are living in difficult times. But strange and difficult, is not something separated from greatness. And it's not something strange to the history of Islam, the history of Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wasallam the history of the greatest men of this ummah, that walked

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the face of this earth. Brothers and sisters in Islam, the title of the series that inshallah we will run this Friday and every Friday they after at least up to Ramadan is moments with the messenger sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, and I was thinking Subhana Allah, what moment from the life of the messenger sallallahu alayhi wa sallam Can I share with you all, at you know this strange time at this difficult time, at a time when our massages are closed at a time when we cannot gather for the Juma prayer and Subhanallah we don't know when we will be able to gather again at a time when the Kava is protected and blocked off at a time subpanel law, when an army from the armies of Allah

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sukanta who

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is creating havoc all over the face of the globe. So Pamela Adamu Judah Rebecca Illa, who no one knows the armies of Allah subhanho wa Taala except to Allah subhanho wa Taala Allah himself in the space of one month brothers and sisters in Islam, Subhana Allah, our lives have been turned upside down. We hope to interact with each other physically. But we've been forced to interact with each other virtually. In one month, people never thought to Pamela that they would be kept in their homes, their children would be kept at home and the schools would be closed. So Pamela, in a month, Hannah law the health services have become overwhelmed. Things have changed. We can say at the click

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of our fingers. planes are grounded just today a pilot so Pamela, who's been flying for the past 20 years contacted me letting me know how he is living a life he never imagined ever from the time when he was studying to be a pilot to this time today where his plane has been grounded and not just his but the entire air.

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Like the aircrafts of the entire airline have been grounded and nobody knows when they ever will fly again to Panama. So I thought, what moment from the life of the messenger sallallahu alayhi wasallam could be shared in this particular broadcast in which we are studying moments from the life of the final messenger sallallahu alayhi wa sallam in trying to extract relevance to the 21st century, and the moments that we are living through today and why there are so many moments brothers and sisters in Islam. But one moment stood out for us to take heed of, because even though we are living in difficult times, even though we are living through Strange Times,

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as the owner of Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam we should never ever lose hope. And I recall the Battle of better sorry, the Battle of offered rather, the third year after the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam migrated to Medina, and he receives a message that 3000 people

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that make up the army of the Quraysh that are well armed with 3000 animals are heading to Medina to seek revenge for what happened during the Battle of better they are walking to Medina and marching to Medina to wipe the Muslims off the face of this earth. Today we face a different army the Coronavirus then, it was the courage. And when this news reached Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam no doubt he took precautions because within Medina were hypocrites. So he kept the meta clues to heart and he consulted with just a few people from the Sahaba

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and then the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam eventually decided to go out and meet the army of the Quraysh and that meeting brothers and sisters in Islam happened on the plains next to mount offered this great mountain so Pamela, a mountain of hope, a mountain that Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam describes as a mountain, that we live as believers and a mountain that loves us, Allah, the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said the army and just before the battle begins, or once they will get into the plains of Ohio.

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A portion of the army leaves the army and goes back to Medina, the hypocrites. So Pamela, the hypocrites, go back to Medina. And they make a lame excuse and say that we didn't want to come out and fight the courage here. Rather our Shura. Our discussion was for us to allow the courage to come to Medina, and we fight them from within our cities, because our city has roads that we know better than them. And we have homes that we can use to launch aerial attack, so we have an aerial advantage over them. And no doubt the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam, before heading out did have a discussion with the Mojave rune and the answer, and a portion said, Let's fight from within, and a

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portion said, Let's go out and fight them there. And the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam decided to go out to Pamela, to the extent that when the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam went into his home to wear his armor, the group that put the case forward to go out and fight the Quraysh they felt that too panela maybe we spoke too loudly. Maybe it was the wish of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam to meet the army whilst he was in Medina, but because of our boisterous voices, he has chosen to go out. And when the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam walked out of his home, what happens? they address the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, and they say or messenger of Allah,

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we apologize if we were too loud if you wish, we can stay in Medina and we will support your decision. And the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said, it wasn't for a messenger of Allah to wear the armor to wear the clothes of the battle. It wasn't for a messenger to take these clothes off, after he has adorn them until the battle is over meaning a decision has been made. We have taken the means we have taken precautions we have discussed the matter at large with each other. And we have sought Allah subhanho wa Taala as assistance Now we put our trust in Allah subhanho wa Taala. So they go out to the plains

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and difficulties strikes by the hypocrites making up a large number, leaving those the army and going back to Medina but nonetheless, the Muslims don't lose their trust in Allah subhanho wa Taala they don't take off their armor until the battle is over. And the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam positions them and it chooses 50 from them and he places them on the Mount. That famous mount that we know is the mount of the arches so that they can neutralize the threat of Harlequin worried who the Quraysh

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placed at a strategic location, so that he could bring his horsemen and attack the Muslims from behind the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam neutralize the threat of Hadith by placing these arches and he instructed them the instruction of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam that do not leave your post. Do not leave your post, under any circumstances until an instruction comes through for you to leave your post. Do not leave this post, even if you see us advancing. Even if you see us making gains on the courage. Do not leave your post. Even if you see us pushing the courage back to Mecca, and you see the wealth exposed on the battlefield. Do not leave your post. And the battle

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began brothers and sisters in Islam and Allah subhanho wa Taala bless the Muslims of the mighty gains for the Muslims then we're upon the teachings of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam will upon the instructions of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam mighty gains came to the believers mercy descended from the skies and the Muslims pushed the Kufa push the courage back towards Mecca, so quickly that the mass of the wealth was left exposed on the plains of it. So Pamela, and this became a test brothers and sisters in Islam. Now all the Sahaba of the Sahaba they are the companions of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam. We never ever think anything negative about

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them and Allah subhanho wa Taala forgave them. But in terms of taking heat, from the seed of the Prophet, salallahu, Alayhi, wasallam and deducing lessons that can help us in the 21st century today, dealing with the difficult moments that we are going through, we must analyze what happened, a test came to those 50 arches for the soul of the wealth of the Qureshi exposed, they saw the beautiful matters of the life of this world in front of them. And thus they felt or shavon whispered to them, that you know what, it is as good as as having received instruction from the Prophet salallahu alayhi wasallam. The battle is over the battle is one, look what happened at better, just

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before we had the Battle of better, and we were so depleted in terms of resources, but we beat them and Allah has sent His help again, and we have one. It's as if we've received instruction from the Prophet salallahu alayhi wasallam. Let's leave our post. And let's go ahead and that's a difference of opinion

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ensued. Amongst them. Some said no, don't leave. Remember what the prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said, and some said, it's a matter that's ordained, we can leave it's it's we have one, it's as if we have received the instruction to leave. And so they left and highly dependent Walid rhodiola, who is this great companion, but he became a companion after the Battle of art. He saw his chance he was a master. He was he was a master at the Art of War, he saw his opportunity. And thus he went behind the mountain to pursue the Muslims from behind. And Alas, the Muslims didn't have enough armor to fire enough weapons to fire to the the you know, the movement of how did he believe

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and highly devalued and his army and thus they also were attacked, and they were made martyrs. And this army entered the place of hurt from behind and charged the Muslims from behind suddenly Subhanallah the Muslims find themselves being attacked from behind, spears are entering their backs. arrows are entering their backs. How could this be and they turn around to suddenly find themselves sandwiched between the Quraysh who are running towards Mecca and harlot even when it was running towards them with his men. And the Quran suddenly suddenly saw weakness and see you soon the Muslims become weakened in the attack and they turned around to see what exactly was happening happening.

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And so they regrouped and they attacked the Muslims back and great strife. Brothers and sisters in Islam came to the oma. We said area Dr Coronavirus within the flick of a finger has changed our lives upside down. Last month we were planning things to do this month and next month and all of a sudden those plans those plans panela have have become forgotten. Right. This is the Battle of offered. The Muslims are winning within the flick of a finger all of a sudden, Muslims are falling. Success all of a sudden

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starts turning into defeat.

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And the Muslims go through great turbulence brothers and sisters in Islam, and they have the messenger of Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam with them. And then as the attack and onslaught hits the believers, Mr. Mayor rhodiola who and the first Imam of Juma the first ambassador of Islam

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panela the teacher of the poor Island appointed by Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam to go to Medina and teach the Muslims that he passes away. So Pamela, he has dealt a heavy blow. And it is said that he resembled the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam in some way or form. So first the difficulty, the difficulty of rumors, rumors began to spread so panela what happens, people start saying the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam has passed away. And when these rumors spread, panic began to settle upon the Muslims such that some Muslims sat down on the planes have offered and they laid their weapons on the floor. Some Muslims ran back to Medina, and a group of Muslims covered the

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Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam and defended him in earnest, and some Muslims ran into the pathways of Oxford to climb Mount Hood to seek refuge from the onset of the parish. Brothers and sisters in Islam. at the click of a finger, things change the panela cries of victory turned into tears of pain because of beloved people passing away, beloved Sahaba, dropping some kind of law on the plains of offered and brothers and sisters in Islam. Hamza robiola, who was slaughtered was was was killed to Pamela on the plains of Ohio and how difficult this was the Prophet salallahu alayhi wasallam this difficulty set upon the oma these tears came upon the eyes of the Muslims. There's

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this fear settled upon the hearts of the believers and all different things started to take place at the click of a at the flick of of a finger at the click of a button. We see Subhanallah rumors spreading, and these rumors creating greater panic and panic recreating granted difficulty and all these things begin to happen. But brothers and sisters in Islam. So Pamela, I'm sure as you listen to this, you are thinking about us right now, how the rumors are flying. And as a result, how prices in shops are climbing, right? We see the character of people, people are starting to charge more for their products, people are starting to panic by they're starting to hoard products, essential

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products at the expense of other people. Everyone has become about knifes enough, see, save myself, we stopped seeing the bigger picture, right? This is what's happening. Right? So this difficulty comes in. Then as a result, rumors come about and as a result, panic begins to ensue. And as a result, the different characters start coming about we start seeing people behave in ways that we didn't know existed within them. We see a character that we we didn't think people had. So Pamela This is what turbulence does. Brothers and sisters in Islam, especially sudden turbulence, turbulence that comes so quickly, that the situation changes so suddenly, but brothers and sisters

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in Islam, amongst all this, I want to highlight a man by the name of nsmt lover, this habit of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam many people don't know about some kind of love. He subhana wa sees what's happening. He sees the Muslims on the ground. He sees them having put down their weapons, and NSA but another is surprised and he walks across the plains of God dragging his sword. He's dragging his sword. And he's walking across the plains of Ohio and he's asking the people that are people What has happened? What has happened? And they start telling him Oh, ns Haven't you heard? The Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam has passed away.

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So NSA Subhana, Allah Subhana Allah,

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the Messenger of Allah has passed away. But what about the lord of Muhammad? sallallahu alayhi wasallam What about the lord of Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam and our Lord.

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So remember now there's a there's a story to this brothers and sisters in Islam, because Subhana Allah during the Battle of bedre, the Battle of brother wasn't supposed to be a battle. And when the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam left Medina to intercept the caravan of the Quran that was being led by Abu sufian Subhana Allah.

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It was not meant to be a battle but rather an interception. So the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam never made a big call, and he never asked people to come about but when the battle happened in the Muslims came to Medina, they came back to Medina successful and as if the number felt sadness in his heart, he was sad that he couldn't be part of this victory with the messenger sallallahu I think he was setting them to Han Allah. He felt that he wished he could have been on the Battle of better in on the plains of better during the battle fighting with Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wasallam so Pamela brothers and sisters in Islam, he was sad that he made a promise to Allah

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subhanho wa Taala. He made a promise to Allah that Allah if you ever give me a chance to fight again with the person

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sallallahu alayhi wa sallam Yama I will show you as if the number is there in a hurry Lola I will show you who is even another easier Allah give me the chance to show you your Allah who I am. gives me a chance you're allowed to showcase my Eman? Yeah Allah you blessed me to say la ilaha illAllah Muhammad Rasool Allah blessed me with the chance to prove to you how La ilaha illAllah Muhammad Rasul Allah has settled in the heart of NSF the number if you give me this chance to Allah, I will show you who I am. This is the backdrop here on the plains of Ohio and as drags his sword, and he speaks to the believers and he tells the believers What about the lord of Muhammad? sallallahu

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alayhi wasallam What are you scared about? What about the lord of Muhammad? sallallahu alayhi wasallam is the battle over is our life over? Is our promise to La ilaha illa Allah over is our promise to Muhammad Rasulullah OVA when we say la ilaha illallah wa Salaam Abu Dhabi happen in LA LA is no one worthy of worship besides one ummah. We don't fear anyone besides one Ummah, there is no situation that can overcome us that will cause us to become de capacitated in front of our Allah subhanahu antenna, no matter what the situation we have Allah. So Allah subhanho wa Taala remains. So what is the prophet and this is what he's saying to the people on the plains of La ilaha illa

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Allah, and then he says By Allah, I smell the fragrance of Jenna.

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I smell the fragrance of Jenna with mount or hurt, and he rushes in going after the kurush and he launches himself brothers and sisters in Islam into the battle. And he takes with him as many as he can. And his body is hurt in unbelievable ways. But he continues until Allah subhanho wa Taala decided that he will achieve and attain the level of showerhead. So Pamela, the level of Shahada, Allah takes him he passes away as a Shahid brothers and sisters in Islam. When the Battle of offered was over, and the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam searched for the dead. They found the body of NSF the number he had over 70 stabbings in his body over 77 his brothers and sisters in Islam, over

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70 scars from arrows from Spears from swords, and he couldn't he was beyond recognition. They needed his sister to recognize him from small parts of his body, fingertips brothers and sisters in Islam. This is how he was recognized brothers and sisters in Islam in Surah. Allah subhanho wa Taala reveals and it is believed that NSF the novel is being referred to with this area. Allah says Mina mina regeneron sada Kuma de la la familia humann Avada who may and tell them why matter but

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listen carefully brothers and sisters in Islam, Allah subhanho wa Taala essays from the Beavis. Those who fulfilled their promise to Allah. They made their promise to Allah. They said La ilaha illa Allah that was their promise. They said Mohammad Rasool Allah, that was the promise. Mina Mina de Jabu Sadako they were true to the promise that they made to Allah subhanho wa Taala Anna Maria de la la familia, Houma la vida, from them are those who have returned to Allah having proven their promise to Allah subhanho wa Taala women who may intervene and from them or those who remain, they haven't passed away yet. And they continue the battle improving themselves to Allah subhanho wa

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Taala and wait to return to Allah having fulfilled their promise to Allah subhanahu wa tada one, but dilute Abdullah brothers and sisters in Islam, Allah subhanho wa Taala tells us something great about these people. He tells us that these are people who never changed anything. They never changed anything. When the situation was normal, when there was no Coronavirus when inputs were open, when metropolitans were busy. When job security was at a high, they acted upon La ilaha illAllah Muhammad Rasulullah and these very same people when metropolitans became closed, and when airports were shut, and when currencies and shares were crushed, were crashing. And when the virus was was afflicting

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and when people were passing away, they never changed their promise to Allah subhanho wa Taala they remained the same brothers and sisters in Islam. They were the same. They feared Allah subhanho wa Taala and well with Allah subhanho wa Taala during the good times, and during the difficult times in the same way they were upon the sun during the good times and during the difficult times. On the same way. This is the reality of Eman brothers and sisters in Islam and this should be our

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Reality right now brothers and sisters in Islam, that at this moment we show ourselves to Allah subhanho wa Taala. we prove ourselves to Allah Subhana who Allah Allah, Allah needs us to show ourselves to Him or prove ourselves to Him. Rather we need to prove ourselves to ourselves, brothers and sisters in Islam. This is the time to contemplate and realize exactly who we are and who we are not. Because of heinola when times are easy, yes, we are Muslims. Yes, we are people of La ilaha illAllah Muhammad Rasulullah. But Subhana Allah to what extent, this is the time for us to realize brothers and sisters in Islam? To what extent were we from his Bula? Will we from the people of

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Allah subhanho wa Taala. This is the time to contemplate during the good times, how many how many times did we hold on to the sun? During the good times? How many times did we raise our hands to Allah subhanho wa Taala. During the good times, how many times did we think about causes, beloved to Allah subhanho wa Taala. During the good times, how many times did we think about death to handle law? This is a time for us to ask ourselves, brothers and sisters in Islam? Did we feel safe? Because of living in a first world country? Did we feel safe? Because of our financial standing and material well being? Did we feel safe because of all these things during the good times? Or did we

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truly feel safe? Because we knew we were under the protection of Allah subhanho wa Taala that we felt this sincere need to turn to Allah and thank Allah and worship Allah and tend to Allah. We need to understand the extent of our Eman brothers and sisters in Islam till it's too late. And perhaps Allah has brought the situation to give us a chance to recalibrate, to give us a chance to have the thinking day with ourselves to give us a chance to realize who we are and who we are not. Perhaps We've been living the deception brothers and sisters in Islam, where we thought Subhanallah We are from the people of Jenna. But we will not from the people of Jenna. Laila protect us Allah subhanho

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wa Taala tells us Amina to now Seba Salah now on Hamza Allah says has the story of the people of the Hellfire reached you have attack a hadith aloha Shia?

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Right? Has the story reached you Amina to NASA. They were people who worshipped Allah, they were people who did good why this they thought they were doing good. They exerted themselves in their tire themselves and they thought they were in a good way. Tesla now on Hermia Allah will fling them to the pits of Johanna. Even Tamia Rahim Allah said, a calamity that brings you closer to Allah is better than a blessing that takes you away from Allah subhanho wa Taala. So think about this brothers and sisters in Islam. Because the life of this world, if we have forgotten is nothing but temporary. There's nothing guaranteed about this life, except death. Death will come along to Babel,

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welcome lunacy, the death is a door and everyone will walk through it. But brothers and sisters them it's not about it, you will die. It's about how you will die. And for a believer we never ever forget that for us. We built during the good times and during difficult times. During the good times we build gender through being thankful and difficult because realize the reality of our journey to Allah. Allah brings us difficult times to make us think critically. thoughts that we wouldn't have thought had the times been only good. So brothers and sisters in Islam,

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difficult times came to the best before us. Right? It came to the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, it came to the Sahaba of the Allahu matrimony. And as Allah subhanho wa Taala says macconnell la Julio, Mina, Allah, Allah He had a missile habito Minato Subhana Allah, Allah says it wasn't allowed to leave the believers upon just good times. Allah will never leave us upon one circumstance or upon one situation. Allah says it wasn't for a while to leave the believers upon one way until Allah differentiates between the pure and the impure. This test of the Coronavirus, brothers and sisters in Islam is a law making manifest pure from amongst us from the impure from

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amongst us. Allies making manifest for us brothers and sisters in Islam the reality of our email, are we going to hold at the expense of other people? Are we going to lie to the government so that we can get money from the bailout package that we don't deserve? What are we going to do brothers and sisters in Islam? Allah subhanho wa Taala is going to separate the pure from the impure. Are we going to be like the unsolved, who was selfless, who helped the people with things that they needed themselves, they knocked the door of their neighbor with us

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have bread because there's a shortage of bread even though they need that that love themselves, or are we going to be the one who hides our bread when our neighbor knocks on our door and asks us for help because they're hungry and they don't have food for that day? Who are we going to be brothers and sisters in Islam? Are we going to show the promise that we made to allow like NSF the number of did and raise our Eman and raise our hands into an S had a sword we have to do is the weapon of a believer how many of us who Pinilla have cried to Allah when the massage it closed? And how many of us have continued to cry to Allah? The doors of the masjid being closed? Have we become desensitized

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to it? Do we feel harassed life is moving on. But our brothers and sisters in Islam I just said death will come the question is how will we die? That is the reality. Right? How would we die? Do we want to die having been desensitized to the reality? We have a some kind of way to protect us. But a lot of the masjid has a special place in the hearts of the believers brothers and sisters in Islam. Right? So this test should really make us realize the reality of our relationship with Allah subhanho wa Taala. This test should make us realize our connection to the student of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam for Allah subhanho wa Taala said that Allah will never punish your

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people. Once the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam is with them. And today we don't have the messenger but we have the Sunnah of the messenger sallallahu alayhi wa sallam as Allah subhanho wa Taala as the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said in his final sermon in deeds, which is in Bukhari and Muslim in the most authentic books of Hadith therapy Kuma in Temasek can be lengthy Luba, the avid Kitab, Allah He was sitting at the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said, I live with you two things, if you hold steadfast unto them both, you will never ever go astray The Book of Allah subhanho Allah and the Sunnah of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam. If we are upon the

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sooner brothers and sisters in Islam, no harm will come to us. No punishment will come to us. The archers on the mountain had they held on to the son of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam during the Battle of orchid had not left their post had the listened incompletion to every letter in the words of the Prophet sallallahu wasallam no doubt, victory would have come about but Allah caused the situation to be perhaps so that you and I in the 21st century can learn from those moments with the messenger sallallahu alayhi wa sallam can learn when the Quran is struck, and turn the world upside down. When our circumstances change at the push of a button, and at the click of a

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finger, we can learn from what happened then, and apply the corrective measures. Now, brothers and sisters in Islam, I don't want to take too much of your time. But here's a few things. I'm not here to give you all one way tickets to do one way tickets to join them. This is not a lecture of despair. This is a lecture of hope brothers and sisters in Islam, we have to be hopeful, but in a pragmatic, proactive, productive way we can't have false hope. false hope is a waste of time. And no hope is also a waste of time. We got to be hopeful in the right way. Let's we take from the Battle of offered and we highlight realities now so that we can adopt ourselves in the right way and act

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appropriately upon the Quran, upon the Sunnah, so we are upon the way of correct hope. Again, I repeat, this is not a message of despair. It's a message of hope. It's a message of hope. If we analyze our lives, and look at how close we are to the teachings of Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, and how far we are from those teachings. If we look at our business dealings, how many of us are lying about our cost price? How many of us are entering businesses through haram capital, forbidden capital? How many of us are signing on the dotted line of contracts that are purely Riba contracts? contracts? through which we declare war with Allah? Subhana? Who Allah and His Messenger

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sallallahu alayhi wa sallam? How are we in our interactions between the genders? How are the girls with the boys? How are the boys with the girls? How are the males with the females? How are the females with the males? Today we have the mobile phone, everyone is chatting to everyone. The husband keeps his phone away from his wife, and he's chatting to other girls. The wife keeps her phone away from the husband, and she's texting chit chatting to other men. Right? Are we visiting incorrect websites? are we watching that which we shouldn't watch? Are we doing those things that we know Allah told us not to do while to knowing that Allah Subhana who Allah is watching us, you know,

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do those things that is critically analyze ourselves, for

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hope definitely will come if we change our ways for Allah promises not to change our ways unless we change our ways ourselves in the law allow you to map your phone, Hector, you know, maybe enforcing a law won't change our circumstance. If we don't transform if we don't change it.

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We want to get through this turbulence brothers and sisters in Islam, we have to change. We have to hold on to the student. We have to mend our ways. We have to seek forgiveness for our sins we have to turn to Allah. Allah says Allah brings situations upon us. Why? For the purpose of tabula rasa Subhana Allah Subhana Allah, Allah says,

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Allah says we brought punishment to the people and they didn't turn to Allah so Allah wipe them out of our brings the circumstances brothers and sisters in Islam so that we can turn to Allah taba refers to this spiritual, heartfelt you know,

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turning to Allah subhanahu adaway you turn to Allah, Allahu Allah to Allah with pain, you turn to Allah subhanho wa Taala with hope you tend to Allah subhanho wa Taala having good thoughts you turn to Allah subhanho wa Taala in regret for your past, this is the door, you turn to Allah and you say yeah, Allah lift off us this punishment for me known

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as I mean on the left offers this punishment for indeed we are believers, we are turning to Allah, we are seeking forgiveness for our mistakes, and we promise to mend our affairs, y'all will lift this punishment of us For indeed we are believers. This is the hope we need brothers and sisters in Islam to turn to Allah subhanho wa Taala and have good thoughts in Allah subhanho wa Taala. And understand that whatever Allah subhanho wa Taala does, he does good in the belief of our lesson number Gemma is that there's nothing like complete evil, understand this and understand it well. There's nothing like complete evil brothers and sisters in Islam. Something might be evil, but from

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an angle from another angle. There's goodness in it, because whatever Allah does, he does good. Okay. And I always give this example of use of it. His setup, when used to fighting his Salaam was a young boy and thrown into the world at seven years of age. Anyone reading the story, at that time would say Subhana Allah, this is evil, right? But 50 years later,

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plus or minus

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when he is the Minister of Finance in Egypt. And he's the only one with the trustworthiness and the truthfulness and the financial ability to take Egypt through seven years of rainfall so that they can have food through seven years of drought. Right. And he did this with the help of Allah. Not only did he have food for seven years of, you know, through seven years of drought in Egypt, but he also had food through seven years of drought for Palestine for the neighboring countries. So Pamela, he had an excess, right. But he was the only one who could achieve this. But he wouldn't have been the minister in Egypt, brothers and sisters in Islam, had you not been thrown into the wild 50 years

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Everyday life gives us pixels. That's what life gives us. It gives us pixels. But we can never ever understand the picture from a pixel, we need to gather the pixels and we need to be patient in gathering those pixels. We can't rush. Right? Some pixels might confuse us more, or there's even more at this even more, but we don't rush, we keep gathering the pixels until we see the whole picture.

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If we knew that by use of being thrown into the wild, at the age of around seven would lead to him saving millions of lives plus or minus 50 years later. Who from us wouldn't have said throw him into the world.

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Right? Not that we say we go against the laws of Islam, but hindsight right hindsight, this is a unique thing. Right? When you look at the math to 50 years later and you see millions of people eating and millions of people surviving, Masha, Allah subhanaw taala, because of the excellent man excellent management of this man, and he wouldn't have been in that position had you not been thrown into the well. You realize to panela whatever Allah does, he does good. It's just that sometimes we can't see the good in the moment that we are in. Take the example of a person who sells windscreens, right, he sells windscreens. Now, mostly cars don't need windscreens. Right, so he's a patient Mac.

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He's a patient, Matt is patient, and everyone else who has cars. With a windscreen safe, they are thankful that hamdulillah nothing happened to our windscreens. So the car owners worship Allah through being thankful. Right. Right. And

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the person who sells the windscreens, what does he do? He worships Allah through being patient. He likes he would like to sell his stock, but there is no demand for windscreens. Right, so he's patient and he worships Allah every day. And everyone else worships Allah subhanho wa Taala through being thankful, right? Subhana Allah, but what happens the day hailstones fall from the sky and

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smashes the windscreens of the car owners. What happens that day?

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Think about it. On that day, the car owners now have to worship a lot through being patient because their property got damaged. And what about the guy who sells miniskirts? How is he going to worship Allah that day?

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Hmm, he's gonna worship Allah subhanho wa Taala to be thankful because all of a sudden there's a demand for his windscreens, he's gonna sell out Mashallah devarakonda. So, brothers and sisters in Islam, there is no complete evil. Something may be evil from an angle, but it's this this is a positive angle to it. And we don't know if we should wait for it. We should look for it. And we should understand that this dunya only gives us opportunities to build agenda. A believer is in a win win situation. We have a good day with an online Blue genda through being thankful if we have a difficult day. We both gender through being patient. Yes, we are going to difficult days. Don't lose

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your Eman. Don't lose your Islam. Don't lose hope in Allah subhanho wa Taala don't fear the virus fear Allah subhanho wa Taala don't put your trust in your first World Government. Put your trust in Allah subhanho wa Taala. And let this lesson be a long term lesson brothers and sisters in Islam, that when Corona goes and Allah preserves us in his obedience, insha Allah and we return back to the norms of our lives. We maintain trust in Allah and not in the government. We maintain trust in our work and not in our bank balance. We maintain trust in Allah and not in our health services. We maintain trust in Allah subhanho wa Taala and not in the life or the circumstances that the life of

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this world grants us when things go back to normal. We never ever forget brothers and sisters in Islam, that life is fragile. We just came through a month or two months or three months where death was only a handshake away. That's what they tell us a handshake. Okay, brothers and sisters in Islam, right? Right. The prime minister of the UK, Boris Johnson, he said I'm going to be shaking people's hands, and I shake everybody's hands. So panela Today it's been announced that he's been affected with the Coronavirus. Right. So Pamela, so, getting sick, or even losing your life is only a handshake away. When life turns back to normal. Don't ever forget that brothers and sisters in

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Islam. Don't ever forget how fragile life is. And if life is so fragile, don't be arrogant. Don't be arrogant. Why be arrogant? If a gem that you cannot see with the naked eye, can turn the whole world upside down. A gem brothers and sisters in Islam wars have stopped because of this gem. trade wars have stopped because of this gem.

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It's turned the world upside down and you can't see it with the naked eye. If this is the power of the gem, why should you and I be arrogant? Who are we? Who are we brothers and sisters in Islam? Why should we be arrogant? Right? Why should we oppress people? Why should we exercise our egos after life comes back to normal and we are hoping that it will and Allah will preserve us in his obedience and we will get the inshallah, after that brothers and sisters in Islam. Don't be arrogant and remember that life is fragile, and death is only a handshake away. Finally brothers and sisters in Islam, from the Sunnah is taking the means. And right now. The biggest means we can take is staying

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at home. Right That's the biggest means we can take is staying at home maintaining personal hygiene. The Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam already taught us to wash our hands. He used to wash his hands during every visit. He said it's enough to wash one time and it's better to wash three times he shouldn't that was two or three times and he taught us to wash our hands when we wake up in the morning before touching any food or touching any water. Wash your hands first when you wake up in the morning, right? He taught us the subtle Allahu alayhi wa sallam let us wash our hands intending to follow the Sunnah. So we are rewarded for practicing the Sunnah and we are also rewarded for

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taking the means right? Because Allah wants us to take the means to save our lives and protect our health so Allah will reward us but also intend following the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam so advice about washing hands so you get the rewards for practicing the Sunnah as well. And brothers and sisters in Islam as you stay at home intend three things number one, Allah I'm staying at home because you love for me to protect my health and life. So reward Mia Allah for protecting my health and life number one intendant Another Thing number two, I am staying at home yeah Allah to do good to other people. So yeah, Allah reward me to reward me for doing good to other people. Yeah, Allah

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because you You taught me through the messenger that we should love for our brothers what we love for ourselves, and I love for myself to be protected. So I'm staying at home to protect my brother. Allah reward me Allah, the rewards of practicing the Hadith of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, to love for our brothers. We love for ourselves for Allah, you know, I had to come Hector, you have bullier he was

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You hit bulleen FC, the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said you will not truly believe until you love for your brother, what you love for yourself. So in isolation, intend to practice this heavy and number three, intend to practice another Hadith, the Hadith of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam in which he said, that means I have been lazy in a lot and homeliness, that the most beloved people to Allah are those that are beneficial to others. So I'm staying at home to be beneficial to the health system. I'm staying at home to be beneficial to other people. So yeah, Allah please give me the rewards of being beneficial to other people. So once again, as you stay at

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home, as you stay in isolation, intend to increase your intention so you gather so many rewards and you can build your agenda in so many ways. Number one, I'm staying at home to practice the Sunnah of looking after my health and looking after myself. Number two, I'm staying at home to practice the hadith of loving for my brother, what I love for myself. And number three, I'm staying at home to practice the Hadith that teaches me that the most beloved people to Allah are those that are beneficial to themselves and beneficial to other people, brothers and sisters in Islam. This is our second Juma without a tumor. When I say Juma, I mean the day of jumar without a tumor, and

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hamdulillah Allah has blessed us with this technology Alhamdulillah blessed us with this technology, so that we can still carry on some of the wisdoms of Juma and from the wisdoms of Juma is to speak to the Ummah and guide the Ummah and calibrate or recalibrate should I say the Ummah and inshallah this lecture online was a means for that brothers and sisters in Islam. So we thank Allah subhanho wa Taala for the technology, make sure you thank Allah for playing Shackleton as he didn't come. I think the Coronavirus has taught us that there's so many things in our lives that we're not thankful for, and our allies taken it away. So let us thank Allah so Allah increases for us and he doesn't

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take it away. Right brothers and sisters in Islam, it's our second Juma without the Juma proceeding, we don't forget the hurt that we feel because the doors of the masjid are closed. But in the same breath, we thank Allah for the technology that's helped us to at least

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taste some of what we taste during the days of Juma, also brothers and sisters in Islam. Now that the doors of the massages are closed, it doesn't mean the expenses of the massage don't exist. It doesn't mean that the Imams don't have to be paid, the counselors don't have to be paid, the mentors don't have to be paid, right? That the scholars in the duet don't have to be paid. It doesn't mean that the masjid doesn't have electricity bills and gas bills and

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and you know, municipality bills and so on and so forth. Let us not forget that yes, the doors of the machine are closed but we can still benefit the house of Allah subhanho wa Taala existence and it's safe running by donating online. We can't do it physically. Normally we used to go for Juma and the bag is to come across and we used to put money in the bank Alhamdulillah we have technology to send the money across brothers and sisters in Islam. Make sure no Masjid has to fire its Imam or release its Imam because there's no money to pay the Imam because the doors of the machine are closed. It's still the house of Allah subhanho wa Taala and would like the money that you spend

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still every Friday inshallah will be testimony right that you missed the master testimony that you love the message and inshallah This money will bear testimony for us on the day of pm that we were people that love the masjid for For indeed those who love the masjid. They have a special place with our last panel with Allah on the day of the AMA brothers and sisters in Islam as one of our Mashallah attendees said money does charity doesn't decrease your give the house of Allah subhanho wa Taala and let the house of Allah subhanho wa Taala know that yes, you can't come to it with your buddy but you can come to it with your money Alhamdulillah and Allah subhanho wa Taala will return

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that money for you and increase it for you and use it as a means of protecting you and your family. inshallah so don't forget the masjid as well. Last but not least, we don't forget to send praises upon the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam on this day. On this day, Allah subhanho wa Taala presents to the messenger sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, the blessings and praises that his oma has done for him. So let us make sure we increase Allahumma salli wa sallim wa barik

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madly we're certainly more Burdick and abena Mohammed, we continue sending salutations and blessings upon the messenger sallallahu alayhi wa sallam Don't forget this brothers and sisters in Islam. Don't forget your morning of God. Don't forget your evening account. And don't forget to host it fast onto the Quran. And this is the last thing that I will say because some people said to kind of lay a chef make dua for us. Our homes are tight. It's too congested, right? Our homes are too congested and we are in isolation and so on. And so

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Fourth, I say to Brethren, Islam, the prophet of the Prophet of Allah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, he's our best guide and he taught us that whoever finds the home too tight, read the Quran and Allah will make the home spacious. I'm paraphrasing the heady, right but he taught us sallallahu alayhi wa sallam that the Quran makes our home spacious, so hold steadfast on to the Quran. I love you And for the sake of Allah brothers and sisters in Islam, everything correct that is from Allah alone, any mistakes are from myself, and she upon and I seek Allah subhanahu ns forgiveness. I also apologize for the slight delay at the beginning. We were supposed to run the session on Facebook Live, but

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where I am Facebook Live has been blocked. So we moved it to YouTube. And given that we had to do it quickly. I needed to make some adjustments during the broadcast so you might have seen my finger going over the camera a little bit so please excuse me for any technical difficulties and hope to see you all inshallah next week in good health in good Eman. Will Allah preserve us in his obedience? I mean, your brand I mean, pray for me, and I pray for you and let us pray for each other to Allah is indeed the weapon of a believer and indeed it is Allah subhanho wa Taala who answers the door of the distress

In this Series delivered through Covid-19 Lockdown Sh. Sajid takes us every Friday through pages from the Life of the Messenger (PBUH), and deduces lessons and benefits that will assist us in relation to current modern day circumstances

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