Sajid Ahmed Umar – Jummuah 110819

Sajid Ahmed Umar
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The history and characteristics of Islam are discussed, including the importance of affirming actions and devotion to submit to the will of Islam. The "has been" label is emphasized, along with avoiding activities that lead to regret and making small small changes to redeem oneself. Improvements in small small ways are also emphasized, including avoiding activities that lead to regret and making decisions based on timing events. The importance of forgiveness and small small changes is emphasized, along with avoiding activities that lead to regret and making small small changes to redeem oneself.

AI: Summary ©

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			In the
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			we end
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			up moving data over US
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			Army do who was who
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			led by while
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			on the moon yeah taco lady holla Takumi Nancy wahida
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			Opus COVID Huma regionalen can do what he says
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			he will have in the lava
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			yeah you
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			la Boku.
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			Wa sallahu
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			Wa Viva
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			de Kitab LA. We're here on Headey Have you Mohammadi Salalah wyrley USA Porsche
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			La lot, no children of Adam. Allah subhanho wa Taala as best among the 100 gam de la sala while he
was in love with countless blessings, countless blessings. And Allah subhanho wa Taala makes this
manifest. When he says What are you doing here from LA he left
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			that if you were to try and audit and take account of the blessings of Allah subhanho wa Taala upon
you all, you will never ever be able to do something you will never ever be able to order the amount
of blessings that Allah Subhana Allah has blessed us with. From these blessings are servants of
Allah and no children of either is the month of Ramadan. a month that the last
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			set is the head of all the months of the year. And from the blessings of Allah subhanho wa Taala
upon us is the day of tomorrow and the
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			Villa de la vida he
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			is reported to have said in the heading bye
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			you tomorrow with the best day upon which the sun rises is the day of tomorrow. Three equally on
this day Allah subhanho wa Taala created as
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			you will wouldn't be around this day Allah subhanho wa Taala entered into paradise or fee Oak Ridge
Amina and on this day Allah subhanho wa Jalla removed him from Paradise while I was in the field
with tomorrow. And he said that the coming of the hour will not happen will not take place except on
this day, the day of tomorrow. We all want some kind of a dynamic us from amongst those that are
most dependable entirely
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			from amongst those that Allah Subhana Allah has decreed entry to Japan, with the coming of the hour
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			on servants of Allah, no children of Adam
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			in either mathema looks on, everything reaches a peak, and then it begins to decrease.
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			And the work of Rama has reached its peak and has become decreasing not in terms of rewards and
bounties in terms of the blessing from Allah subhanho wa Taala. But in terms of the days that
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			We began the month, and we had a lot to look forward to. And the days went by. And these days or two
weeks. And the hours went by and the seconds went by and we saw the full moon in the middle of
Ramallah. And now we see this moon beginning to become smaller and smaller with the passing of every
bank denoting this month coming to address this blessing of Allah subhana wa Jalla observance of
Allah. No Children of Adam eight
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			Placing a month that is deemed a season of worship. It is not just a month, it is a season of
worship, a month in which a belief is acts of worship of a parent who
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			is multiplied. Many times and many have multiplied to benefit who, as servants of Allah. This season
of worship is reaching its end. And the question we have to ask ourselves before the passing of this
month is what have we done to achieve that, which constitute being the wisdom of the prescription of
this month.
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			There are many wisdoms behind its prescription and the greatest of all wisdoms as explained by Allah
subhanho wa Taala is the attainment of a taqwa.
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			And a Muslim is an entity of depth, an entity that contemplates an entity that deliberates, not just
a person that goes about their daily life based on the norms of society, based on that which we used
to do when we were young. We first the month of Ramadan, because it's a no, it's something that we
used to do before, and thus we are doing it now that is not the reality of service of law. A
reliever is an entity that engages our character, not just with his or her body, but with his or her
mind, his mind as well as well as his or her heart and spirituality, which is the essence behind the
worship of Allah subhanho wa Taala. During this month, we have to ask ourselves, has the quality of
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			a temple which has its place of abode being the heart has this quality we do our hearts feel like it
has developed?
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			What is a tougher a tougher observance of Allah as explained by the river is not something that can
be defined using a synonym. It's not something that can be explained using one way and even in the
Arabic language a comprehensive language we find very engaging this term with sentences that define
and explain this term using sentences. So we find the statement of
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			the famous explain of Sohail Buhari, the famous scholar, he defines a taco and says that it is a
pleasure to Vega, or being either the lead he will fire it is the ability or it is the concept of
placing between yourself and the punishment of Allah subhanho wa Taala in various places between
yourself and the punishment of Allah subhana wa tada a barrier. How do you erect this barrier? By
always making sure that you are affirming the Jews of Allah subhanho wa Taala and that you are far
away from the dose, you are always upon the commands of Allah.
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			Allahu Allah.
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			Allah, you're always upon the commands of the zarrab upon the teachings of his message of humbling
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			yourself. This is the reality of life.
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			When we say
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			we need a diamond to be worthy of worship.
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			And when we say Lola, we infer that the only one worthy of worship is our love.
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			And this affirmation doesn't just mean that it is a lip service.
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			concept, no, it entails action. This affirmation entails submission entails devotion, because this
is the reality of Islam. Islam is there to submit to the will of Allah subhana wa tada in the moment
that you are living in every moment that you live in, you submit to the will of Allah, Allah, you
ask yourself at every moment, what am I doing? Is this correct? Is it beloved to Allah, if it is, I
will say it if it is I will do it. If it is I will participate in it. And if it is not, I will
refrain from it because we will not created except worship Allah subhanho wa Taala
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			This is the reality of
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			the law. And to erect this court this tougher this barrier, we have to stay away from the warnings
from that which Allah subhanho wa Taala warned us against as well. So we need to take an audit of
ourselves or servants of Allah, during this month of Allah when Allah subhanho wa Taala has made
issues and aspects easy for us, allowing us to engage our spiritual self, allowing us to understand
our purpose of creation and also placing us in a month that differs from the norms of the animal. We
stay away from food
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			We stay away from holiday. We stay away from American relations for a period of time. And I was kind
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			widens and opened the doors of fine events and he shuts the door. And he changed the devils he's
placing us in an arena in a season that allows us to develop adequate support allows
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			commanders to adapt by
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			a muscle that is divided wisdom dictates that he provides us towards a tapa and he provides the
avenue for us to attain it. He provides a man's name
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			he makes composite the five times at all these aspects allow us to reconnect with our spiritual
self, engaging our engaging a lot more data with both our bodies and our hearts and we have the
spirituality, what begins to become manifested. We almost paramilitary makers from amongst the
amongst those that
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			are servants of Allah or children of Adam, do not despair. Do not despair for Allah. But the key
word is the most forgiving and the Most Merciful and then come to the land this month has not yet
come to an end. Barack Obama when he was
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			young, he said he
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			was the
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			first few in the
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			world to a in the
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			in the chemistry lab.
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			Study, whatever you choose to see that
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			or may you believe
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			he was
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			he was
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			are servants of Allah, no children Nevada
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			should not being in a state of disarray. Yes, the month of Ramadan is coming to an end. But Allah.
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			Allah subhanho wa Taala is the ever living the ever present, knowing I understand that a believer
doesn't only worship Allah subhanho wa Taala
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			we don't only worship Allah subhanho wa Taala the worship of Allah subhanho wa Taala takes place
throughout the days of the year. And throughout the course of our lives, we should be careful that
we do not become worshipers of Allah subhanho wa Taala during one month of the year,
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			oh servants of Allah, no children of Adam, when despite how you may have used the beginning weeks of
this month, and despite the fact that this month is coming to an end, be upon glad tidings and be
abundant believe that there is still a chance to end this month in the winner's circle, there is
still a chance to end this month, and be in the group of those who have been deemed to be, or those
that have, they still a chance to be from amongst those that are less depending on where the data is
free from the fire agenda, because of a lot of value before it began. actions are judged by the
ethics. So now I understand that if you had to be beginning or you might have had a weak middle,
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			they stood a chance because Allah Subhana Allah is All Merciful, and He will judge us by our endings
and if our endings are strong, you will forgive our beginnings. Who is it who says
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			Who is the one who says
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			if you send and sin,
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			so many sins, that you
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			the surfaces of the atmosphere, and then you turn back to Allah subhanho data and you sought
forgiveness for your sins when
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			Allah subhana wa tada says, I will forgive your sins for you and
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			who says this law in the law
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			who is
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			who is the one who says
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			Have you seen throughout the day and throughout the night?
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			When you are weak, you might have made mistakes. Don't be in a state of despondency. Don't be
disappointed and feel depressed and feel that you have lost a loved
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			one to me, our bodies, our data, who forgives all sins,
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			mistakes, all that which you may have lost and been complicit with.
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			seek forgiveness, acceptance of a lie allows is up for our forgiveness.
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			Who is the one who
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			stretches his hand out in the day to forgive the sins of the evening and reaches out in the evening
to forgive the mistakes of the morning? There
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			are lots of paramilitaries totally independent, not in need of us. And he's giving us bounty after
bounty mercy afterwards he who is a law in Nevada Indeed Allah subhanho wa Taala
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			Allah, Who is the one who says, Let there be by the end, the Rahim Who is the one who commanded
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			them to teach each and every one of us that Allah Subhana Allah is the most forgiving, the most.
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			So glad tidings to servants of Allah Don't lose hope in the mercy of Allah subhanho wa Taala instead
become energized. Instead, he can charge for the greatest of lights. The greatest of lights Oasis
awaits us and there is time to redeem ourselves, there is time to get back that which we may have
lost in the beginning of Ramadan, the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam during the last day of
Ramadan, tighten his belt, meaning he changed his timetable. He became even more devoted.
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			Know how he was voted outside of his headlights as well. He became even more devoted. And he taught
us that during these nights increase the recitation of
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			our food indeed you are the one who forgives.
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			You'll have to forgive us forgive us are servants of Allah Don't lose hope. be energized, be upon
glad tidings and make the resolve to make the necessary changes to allow yourself to redeem this
month. There is still a chance an Iron Man will do it we have actions will be judged by the endings
I pray that Allah subhana wa tada accepts Allah and Allah subhanho wa Taala inspires us to take a
hold of ourselves and make the necessary changes everything needed for us to bring it because if we
bring it
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			indeed deliberate if we bring what is needed amongst the Panama data or business for the Deaf one,
we almost
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			we almost have a data leakage from those that have the key from the fire of gender with the passing
of this level. We almost kind of attack that thesis in the winner's circle with the passing of this
mic. And then you will for the sake of Allah Subhana Allah Allah
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			in the
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			he was
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			in Russia did
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			know it was
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			exciting for me.
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			Me Me.
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			Me Me.
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			TV Nina.
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			Nina in a medical car now
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			have a rocky need
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			to IRA ocm IRA.
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			Okay, now, you're gonna love
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			Except for either way. I will
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			learn that
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			one of the law