Sajid Ahmed Umar – JIMAS Conference 2012 Trusting God through Benevolence
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The importance of spending in the path of Allah subhanho wa Taala is discussed, along with the use of money in religion. The speakers emphasize the importance of achieving fear and punishment, achieving wealth, and showing acceptance and love for one another when facing challenges. They also discuss the success of Islam in rebuilding and building a culture of fearing poverty and not overestimating one's worth. The speakers stress the importance of not giving false expectations and not giving false expectations to avoid future negative consequences.
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Salam aleikum wa rahmatullah. We are about to begin inshallah our next session, which is on trusting God Allah through benevolence and proving courage of faith in charity. For this session, we have our Shaykh, Sajid Omar, who is a graduate in Sharia and holds a Master's or is about to compete in Jolla, his master's in Islamic judiciary at Al Mr. Mohammed University in Riyadh. He is a director of the Islamic development mercy mission and
a tutor at Al katha Institute so I won't waste any more of his time and inshallah I shall hand over to him now.
Manny Rahim al hamdu Lillahi Rabbil alameen ob Hina standing on a Sunday on the Sunday Mahatma nabin Amina oppa, Tina, Muhammad Abdullah or Allah early he was so happy he was seldom at the Sleeman kathira en la Medina, Marburg la Mola and Milena lm lm tena indika Intel Alamo Hakeem Subhana Allah Allah Molina Illa lm tena in Mecca interlingual Hakeem, I love my eliminare million foreigner when foreigner Bhima Alam tena Allahumma Indiana Oh to becoming a million fat woman.
A woman FC la Tasha
Amina any Latina woman de la la or BSc Allah to assume it will be canister in rubbish roughly sorry, we're silly. Emery was a little awkward. Let me release any of
my dear brothers and sisters, my dear mothers and fathers Assalamu alaykum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh.
Always has been belongs to Allah subhanho wa Taala.
The one who said
women who mean hiring fairly unphysical woman akuna elliptica our de la mer minha de la come one to lead with lemon or praises belong to Allah subhanho wa Taala who said that what you spend in goodness is for yourself and what you spend for the sake of Allah subhanho wa Taala or what you spend is not but for the sake of Allah subhanho wa Taala and what you spend from goodness will be presented to you in rewards, and you will not be wronged and peace and salutations be upon Muhammad Ali Abdullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam who said until you have been Adam unified Alec the sun salutations be upon Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam who said spend, Oh son of Adam, and you
will be spent upon.
We seek refuge in Allah subhanho wa Taala from the evils of our souls and the adverse consequences of our deeds. Whomsoever Allah subhanho wa Taala decrees guidance upon the nonconvex guide that person and whomsoever Allah subhanho wa Taala decrees misguidance upon the man can guide him. ask Allah subhanho wa Taala from the outset of our sitting, to make this a gathering, that he has a good word and follows it to make this a gathering that is forgiven upon its departure. And ask Allah subhanho wa Taala to make us a gathering that is united time and time again in this dunya for the sake of Allah subhanho wa Taala as well as united in the after, in the highest of all paradises.
Indeed, Allah subhanho wa Taala is upon with Eva, I mean,
are servants of Allah, no children of Adam. First things first, as I started off yesterday's talk, I reminded myself first and foremost, as well as remind you all that are sitting together here is solely for the sake of Allah subhanho wa Taala is solely for the worship of Allah subhanho wa Taala. In the setting of hours, we intend a great agenda. We intend our scales on the Hereafter, or in the after, to become heavier. We intend this to be the worship of Allah subhanho wa Taala. And anything we learn and we ask Allah subhanho wa Taala to teach us is also from the objectives of us coming together. However, it is rather a secondary objective May Allah subhanho wa Taala grant us the
My dear brothers and sisters,
I want to start off this particular talk
with a true story about a person who I believe is from the close ones to Allah subhanho wa Taala. His name
is Muhammad melief nadie.
A worship of Allah subhanho wa Taala that passed away earlier in the year.
Mohammed Molina de was a person
who came from a Yemeni background,
grew up in their asylum, a city in Africa and came from a wealthy family. They
had a business which was an oil business. And around 15 to 18 years ago.
This gentleman, Rahim Allah
traveled to, to a country known as Malawi, a country known as Malawi. And I'm sure it's known to many of us, because Lester has many Malawians who have settled here.
And this man
as Allah subhanho wa Taala, blessed him with wealth was a man that spent for the sake of Allah subhanho wa Taala. And he spent in such a way, that his right hand or his left hand, would not know what the right hand spent Subhanallah This is how secretive he was. In his spending. It was known that he was a man of higher of goodness of charity, but how much or the level of his hair and charitable work was never known except after his death.
When he passed away early in the year, I can tell you that it felt like Malawi came to a halt. statements were passed, that he was a man that revived Islam in this country.
And I remember speaking to one of the Messiah in Saudi Arabia informing him of the death of Mohammed Medina de, and he said in LA, or in LA or June, I put an estimate to what he spent in a few projects that I know, at 20 million US dollars.
And he says, that's what I know.
And later on,
a press release was done, stating the activities of this man in Malawi, and in it were statements explaining that he bought hundreds of massages,
and hundreds of modalities. And he built centers responsible for new Muslims, and centers responsible for orphans. And he was responsible for the education of many many poor Malawians through sending them abroad and educating them this news came out after he passed away. This is a man are servants of Allah are children of Adam. He was a man that when he saw goodness happening, and the people engaged in that goodness did not pass through his place to ask for some funds for some donations to help with the running of that place. This was a man who would go into contemplation he would become upset.
Why? Because it start thinking, What sin did I do? That Allah subhanho wa Taala did not inspire those people doing good to come and ask me for some finances so I could participate as well in that good. This was the level of this person oh seven sofala. And with the story I asked each and every one here
that way are those people today?
Where are those people today? Well, ah he when he passed away.
It was a great shock to myself. It was because he was always a man trying to get through to Allah subhanho wa Taala I remember him telling me time and time again that make dua for me that Allah softens my heart I feel like I have a hard heart upon Allah Subhana Allah and I consoled myself remembering the ayat in the book of Allah subhanho wa Taala when he said Allah in earlier Allah levo finale him, Allah homie, genuine and levena M and what can we attack? Ooh, la Mola, Boucher, Raphael hayati dounia, will ask her a letter de la de Cali Mattila. I remember the words of Allah subhanho wa Taala when he said that indeed for the Olia of Allah, those who are extremely pious, the close
ones to Allah subhanho wa Taala
Hopefully, there is no fear for them, whatever zone and Do not be sad for them and they also will not be sad. Who are they? Yeah Allah. Allah subhanho wa Taala said and letting me know, they were those who believed or can we attack on and they were God conscious of Allah subhanho wa Taala they looked after the laws of Allah subhanho wa Taala every time and then Allah subhanho wa Taala said lahoma busara fifth hayati dunya of will ask Allah, they are those that will receive glad tidings. They are those that will receive glad tidings in this world before their death, as well as in the hereafter. May Allah subhanho wa Taala makers from amongst those that receive good tidings upon our
death, I mean, it is with this My dear brothers and sisters that are introduced this topic of benevolence, this topic related to the importance of spending in the path of Allah subhanho wa Taala. It is important My dear brothers and sisters, my dear mothers and fathers, that we understand the great method Islam has in nurturing us, Islam does not command us towards something, or give us a gift and leave us as is. This is not the way of Islam. Allah subhanho wa Taala makes this manifest in that he commands us towards a taco. He commands us towards attaining God consciousness and piety. And he didn't leave us at that instruction. Rather, he commanded us towards an act of worship that
helped us attain a taco just as we witnessed in the month of Ramadan when we had to engage in fasting which was considered an obligation. Allah subhanho wa Taala Allah says in Surah Baqarah in the second Jews, yeah, a new levena Manu. O you who believe
katiba la Kumasi
fasting has been prescribed upon you can katiba Allah levena mukava leikam just as it was prescribed upon those before you why
the Allah contact upon so that you may attain a taco, you may attain a taco. It is a means of attaining taco. It is a means of attaining God consciousness, a means of attaining fear from the punishment of Allah subhanho wa Taala and a means of erecting a barrier between ourselves and the punishment of Allah subhanho wa Taala. So this is how Islam nurtures us. It doesn't command us towards something except that it provides an avenue for us to attain that which we have been commanded to. Also, if we look at Allah, Allah subhanho wa Taala propolis is evil gll Allah has
commanded us towards staying away from that which is immoral and that which is disliked, by Allah subhanho wa Taala. So Allah subhanho wa Taala made obligatory upon us, the Salah, and Allah subhanho wa Taala said, In a similar
that the Salah puts an end to all that which is immoral, and all that which is considered immoral to all that which is immoral, and all that which is the disobedience of Allah subhanho wa Taala when we understand this are servants of Allah, and oh Children of Adam, then understand that Allah subhanho wa Taala has blessed us with countless blessings.
with countless blessings, blessings, that will always remain a blessing because of its nature and some of the blessings that will be blessings, if we utilize them in a way that Allah subhanho wa Taala has commanded us to
the topic of discussion today is wealth. Is wealth, a name a blessing, or is it a newcomer a means of doom and destruction. We Allah subhanho wa Taala protect us all. When we look at wealth, my dear brothers and sisters, in general, when we look at society, and we look at their relationship with wealth, we find that society is attached to where they are attached to wealth. They consider it a part of oneself to such an extent that they amass this wealth.
For they believe, that the presence of this wealth entails the presence of oneself.
Does that make sense? The presence of this wealth entails the preservation and the presence of one's self.
This wealth is something attained through sweat, you strive, you work, you look for employment, you work long hours, it may it might be a case that you have to be transferred to another country and have to spend time away from your family, there is a lot of difficulty, that one has to exert, or a lot of effort rather, that one has to exert, and a lot of difficulty that one has to experience in most cases to attain this wealth. Thus, it becomes cleverly attached to the self. And when it becomes attached to the self, it becomes a burden as task to spend as a burden as task to spend this wealth, especially when it comes to spending in avenues that do not allow us to see the benefits of
those avenues in our life.
allow me to share with you a reality check, a reality check for this wealth, oh sevens of Allah, and indeed we are servants of Allah. And oh Children of Adam,
is not anything obtained.
It is not an entity obtained. Rather, it is an entity or didn't write that down with golden ink, in your minds and in your hearts.
It is not an entity obtained Yes, we sweat. Yes, we work, but don't ever feel that I earned it and obtained it rather understand that it is an element ordained. And Allah subhanho wa Taala makes this clearly manifest in his book makes this clearly manifest in his book, can I just request that the volume be up because I'm losing my voice here? And I noticed the levels dropping which needs me to speak a little bit louder.
Allah subhanho wa Taala makes this clearly manifest in his book, as did Allah subhanho wa Taala make this clearly manifest in the revelations before the Quran. I recited to you yesterday in our morning topic. And I and I will repeat that I again, Allah subhanho wa Taala said in LA hash star Amina, meanie
fusa, whom
whom bn Allah homeunion
Allah subhanho wa Taala said that Indeed Allah subhanho wa Taala has purchased has purchased from the believers, yourself and myself, their lives, as well as their wealth, for indeed for them is genda.
Allah subhanho wa Taala purchased what we think is important for something
he purchased what we think is important and gave us in a transaction that which is truly important. Allah subhanho wa Taala bought from us that which is cheap, and gave us in return that which is expensive. Allah subhanahu attallah says, Why then Allah, He said turati well in God, well Quran that this patches and this transaction that we are telling you about in this Quran is something that was manifestly present and clear in the Torah as well. Those before you were taught this lesson as well.
And this lesson is also in the in gene and Allah subhanho wa Taala says, woman over big demon Allah, who is more fulfilling in their promise in their transaction, other than Allah subhanho wa Taala, who is more fulfilling first up hero, so glad tidings to you. Be happy, be resilient, be excited, be bei recoome Levy, but yet to be for this transaction that has taken place between you and Allah subhanho wa Taala with ellika who will foes will have him and that indeed, is the greatest of all successions. Allah subhanho wa Taala further says My dear brothers and sisters in Surah, two SFX Yeah,
Latina man oh * do loco Marla t g.
To g min either been any Allah subhanho wa Taala says, Oh you who believe addressing yourself and myself. And as the LM after sera say, when Allah subhanho wa Taala says, Oh, you who believe set up
Pay attention. He's addressing you. He's addressing you so pay attention to what Allah subhanho wa Taala is telling you, Allah subhanho wa Taala says, should I not point you towards a transaction towards a trade to G komen as I've been adding, that will save you from a great punishment.
Do you want to know that trait?
What does Allah subhanho wa Taala say? To me no Nabila he also when he went to jail he una de sabi Leela, Hebei.
fusi calm. Allah subhanho wa Taala says, believe in Allah subhanho wa Taala and believe in the message of his prophet and strive in the path of Allah subhanho wa Taala with both your wealth and your life,
spend your time serving the deen of Allah subhanho wa Taala Allah and Allah subhanho wa Taala says, and that is better for you, if you only knew the reality, my dear brothers and sisters, is that this wealth, which
we aspire for, is not ours. But it's Allah subhanho wa Taala It is Allah Subhana who attacks and yesterday I shared with you a golden lesson. And that was when you understand that this wealth is not yours, but this wealth is Allah subhanho wa Taala as then understand that when you release this wealth from your possession, you have in the past have Allah subhanho wa Taala then you have invested that wealth, you haven't lost that wealth, you haven't sacrificed that wealth, for it was never yours to sacrifice. It was an Amana and a trust which Allah subhanho wa Taala gave to you, he bought it from you, and then placed it in your possession as a trust. He gave some people more, and
he gave some people less. However, the common factor between all his given his giving was that what he gave you as a trust, it was something ordained and not something obtained.
I said earlier, that this wealth is cheap, and this is eminent and evident in the fact that Allah subhanho wa Taala passed this wealth on to the disbelievers as well.
If this wealth was worth anything, Allah subhanho wa Taala would never have given
this wealth are servants of Allah, that we hold so close to our hearts does not equate to the Wink of a mosquito with Allah subhanho wa Taala understand this, Allah subhanho wa Taala says, In Surah Taha wala Tama
Isla de aza azwan min Hamza, Ratan piety dunya. Allah subhanho wa Taala says and do not extend your eyes towards that which we have given enjoyment to some people in society do not extend your eyes meaning to not become amazed and feel rejected and dejected, because you didn't get some of the trivial wealth that was given to others. What does Allah subhanho wa Taala say? Lena Steena home this wealth which we gave them, it was a test a test to them. So panoply Allah Allah, Allah subhanho wa Taala says, What is karateka Cairo, Africa and the sustenance of Europe is better and will remain, the sustenance of Europe is better for you and will remain Subhanallah how Allah subhanho wa
Taala in this is this is a Jeep, Allah He how Allah subhanho wa Taala he tells us that when you live in goodness and ease and you enjoy material well being and you enjoy financial standing, understand that you are being tested.
Understand that you are being tested many of us when things are good, and smooth and easy. We feel we are living
in a blessing. Yes it is a blessing by Allah. But make sure it remains a blessing by you remembering that it is a test as well. And what Allah subhanho wa Taala wants to see from you is well you thank Allah Subhana who attended and as a result in sha Allah, Allah subhanho wa Taala will increase for you. Allah subhanho wa Taala Allah says,
Allah subhanho wa Taala talks about this concept of mankind and how sometimes they live in oblivion. Allah subhanho wa Taala says a Melanson is Emma patella horrible for a Chroma who went to Emma for your call or be common. Allah subhanho wa Taala says, As for men, when his Lord tests him, note the golden word here when his Lord tests him. How does
His load test him when he is generous to him when he favors him Subhan Allah.
What does this man say? My Lord has honored me. And then Allah subhanho wa Taala says, either Mr. patella hufa de la hisco for yaku habia Hannon. Allah says, but when his Lord tests him again, and restricts His provision, he says, My Lord has humiliated me. Hola. Hola, Stan. This is insane. Allah subhanho wa Taala says Kela Bella to Cremona Leah team. Wala to have buena Allah to Iman mysskin coluna terasaki Lemma watashi bonell man hope and Gemma
what a boon and mela talkband genma Allah subhanho wa Taala say his name, but you do not honor the orphan. Meaning you have this blessing but you don't spend it as you supposed to. You do not under the often and you consume inheritance devouring it all together and you love wealth and immense love May Allah subhanho wa Taala protect us. May Allah subhanho wa Taala protect us. Yesterday my dear brothers and sisters we spoke about two lives and we said that we live a life of this world which is temporary and we live a life in the year after which is everlasting. Allah subhanho wa Taala
eloquently teaches us the reality of this life listen to what Allah subhanho wa Taala says in Surah towheaded
Allah subhanho wa Taala and jot this down it's Ayah 20. revise it, read it every day and let it be a means of keeping you focused in this dunya Let it be a means of granting you perspective in this dunya Allah subhanho wa Taala Allah says, Allah mu
hyah to dounia Allah boo Allah was enough
was enough.
Bina Kumar Taka
Cam ethany, our jobelan co founder on Abba to whom
he drew Fatah, Hamas. Voila
Warfield, here it is boom Shadi de
Nino La
Jolla to dunia Illa
Allah subhanho wa Taala says know that this, know that the life of this world is but amusement, but amusement and diversion and adornment and boasting to one another and competing in the increment of your wealth and your children.
intimate Allah says in NEMA. This is added to Hassan in the Arabic language. Allah subhanho wa Taala uses this particular concept in this ayah to drive our focus to drive our focus into the meanings of what's being said into the concepts that are being shared. Understand, there is nothing about your life except the following amusement and diversion and adornments and boasting to one another and competing in the increment of wealth and children. Then Allah subhanho wa Taala says, like the example of rain, whose resulting plant growth pleases the farmers pleases the farmers, then it dries and you see turning yellow, then it becomes debris, it becomes waste. And Allah subhanho wa Taala
says, and in the Hereafter is a severe punishment and a forgiveness from Allah subhanho wa Taala and approval and what is the worldly life except the enjoyment of delusion?
We Allah subhanho wa Taala grant us the understanding of this I are servants of Allah understand that this wealth will not remain, it does not exist as a static presence. It is dynamic in our lives. It grows and increases during some periods in time. And it depletes during other times. But the question that you have to ask is How is your reaction to it when it grows? And what is your reaction to it? When it depletes? The question you have to ask is What is your association to your wealth? Is it something that is beloved to you? Or is it something Beloved, that you have attached to the one who you should love?
The one who you should be spending in his path because you love him? Yes, wealth is Beloved. But you have to answer the question. Is it beloved for the purposes of this dunya or is it something that I love and I will attach it to the one who I should love so it works for me in the year after
Understand this observance of Allah, everything in life reaches a peak and it will decrease, we will live and we will reach a period of strength. And after that our strength will decrease, our memories will become weaker, our strengths will become weaker, we will age, the distance we were able to see when we were young, we will cease to see that same distance and so on and so forth. This is the son of Allah subhanho wa Taala in this life of servants of Allah, this is the way of Allah subhanho wa Taala in this temporary life. And as the famous poet said, liquidly Shay in either mathema knocks on fella you horrible at bill he insano that everything in life will reach a peak will become a
superpower. And the time will come when they will lose that authority, they will lose that power and that wealth and those riches, he'll move to commercial head to head do Alan Mancera, Who's the man who said to us manual, the poet says that this concept of everything reaching a peak and depleting is something that nations have witnessed, nations have witnessed, and they have bought testimony to
Mancera, who's Domino. Those who lived in periods of happiness, as well as men who they spend longer periods in sadness will have the doubt led to kiala. And this place that we live in does not cry for anybody.
You lose what you had, this world is not going to cry for you. What are you doing more alcohol, le Hashanah, and this world is not static.
The nature of this life is that it's dynamic. It doesn't stay upon one particular stance that you reach and you remain rich that you have and you will remain healthy, that you are alive and you will continue living
amazing words from the poet. With this understanding of servants of Allah, we should learn that wealth should never be a means of us becoming depressed, when we lose a portion of this dunya it should not ever send us into an annihilation, we should never and when Allah gives us a portion of this dunya we should fear Allah subhanho wa Taala more. This is what you should do. The pious PT sessions before us are servants of Allah and O Children of Adam. When Allah subhanho wa Taala bless them with worship, they became more fearful. They didn't sit back and say Alhamdulillah we've done they became more fearful when Allah subhanho wa Taala accept this worship from us. When Allah
subhanho wa Taala blessed them with financial standing and material well being they became more fearful that do we have what it takes to use this financial standing and this material well being in the same or in the manner that Allah subhanho wa Taala once
it became a burden just like when somebody comes to your home and drops off a 100,000 pounds, you know, it becomes a burden upon you. That's a panelized my world if I lose it, I'm in trouble. This is the same way you should feel when Allah subhanho wa Taala gives you 100,000 pounds when he gives you
this is the same way you should feel that Allah Allah has given me this trust and Amana
Should I become pleased and relaxed or should I become fearful? Maybe I should increase my Salah. Maybe I should fast more. So Allah subhanho wa Taala can assist me in maintaining myself was that which Allah subhanho wa Taala has given me
my dear brothers and sisters, I'm going to skip along. I wish I had a few more hours to talk to you.
When it comes to wealth, our beloved Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam described his oma
as three categories as three categories the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said Allah, Allah, Allah, Allah, that stallions are well bred horses are for three people.
It can be a means of rewards for one and it can be a means of protecting one's honor for another. And it can be a means of punishment in the after, for another three categories of this oma with regards to wealth. Now the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said I'll fail. He said, I'll fail which is a stallion or a horse. And the LMS say that the llama should discuss this in detail. This is not our time to discuss the principles of a pseudo Vic but they say that we can actually through analogy include in this Hadith, all forms of wealth because the stallion or the horse was from the best of all wealth at the time of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam. So people with regards to
wealth, they are three, their wealth either works for them in the year after, or it works for them in this dunya and doesn't affect the Hereafter, or it works for them in this dunya in a manner which affects the year after.
Let's talk about the first person he earlier actually
the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said it can be for a person a means of rewards how
lemme explain that it is rewards for this person Why? Because he obtained it in a halal manner. And he's used it in a halal manner, and he spent it in a halal manner. This person ensured that this wealth which he, which was ordained and he received from Allah subhanho wa Taala existed in his hands, and not in his heart. It existed in his hands and not in his heart. We're not telling you to buy a move by a stallion, right by the latest Mercedes Benz with the panorama view and everything else that you want, but ensure that your ride is in your hands. It's not in your heart, you use this wealth to get closer to Allah subhanho wa Taala. And this is the reality of his diet. This is the
reality of as our head is our head is one. He's not the one who walks out with patch clouds. And the one who
lives when as if he's poor when he has a lot of riches, that's not as bad as I hate is one who uses his blessings to get closer to Allah subhanho wa Taala Allah gives him riches, he can still be a side, how by using those riches to get closer to Allah subhanho wa Taala This is the person in this segment of the Hadith that our our beloved Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam explains, as I said to you earlier, this person is the one who tied that which he loved to the one who he should love Allah subhanho wa Taala thus it worked for him in this world and it worked for him in the after, when the call came for this horse and the stallion to be used in the park of Allah subhanho wa Taala
he was the first person in the front of the Messenger of Allah sallallahu alayhi wasallam or he was the first person to answer the call of the person who said spend in the past of Allah subhanho wa tada we have this project, it needs support, spend for the sake of Allah subhanho wa Taala. He didn't wait for others to surpass him. He knew that this great blessing is an Amana it's a trust upon me and it's in my hands and not in my heart. What's In My heart is Allah subhanho wa Taala what's in my heart is attaining the greatest genda so he took that which he loved greatly, and he tied it to the one who he should love.
So hanabi Allah, Allah,
may Allah subhanho wa Taala makers, from this group of people.
The second person, that our Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam described as a person who uses his wealth, who uses his wealth to protect his placement in the dunya to protect his voice in the dunya and Subhan. Allah the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said this 1400 years ago, for today, we live in society, that if you borrow money from somebody, you become inferior in the eyes. If you owe somebody money, you become inferior in their eyes. And when you get together, the voices of those with money are hurt, and the voices with those who are not so rich, get into one ear and out the next. Is this not true? Is it true?
Say it louder. Say, this is the reality that we live in. And this teaches us how misguided we have come with regards to our understanding of wealth that we give honor to the rich man, and we don't honor the poor man, even though the poor man might be the one speaking sense.
If a poor man rings our door at 2am in the morning,
we won't answer the door with people with the curtain scope back to sleep, or if the phone rings harass.
Right? Or we might even tell our children tell him that my father is not at home. Right? Right.
And if you got a clever child, What will he say? My father said I should tell you he's not at home.
So it said that we've taken this wealth and raised it in a way above the human being. When Allah subhanho wa Taala honored the human being well at karamba Benny Adam, Allah says we have honored the son of Adam, we have honored the son of Adam, and everything in creation was made for the son of Adam, who Allah on it. Allah says who Alevi Holla Holla come Matthew of the Jamia Allah subhanho wa Taala created everything in this world for you. And Allah honored you. So how is it that we take what Allah created for our usage, and we honored it and made it greater than the one that Allah on it. La la la la, la, la la la what has happened to us are servants of Allah. What has happened with
Allah subhanho wa Taala protect us.
The second category is praiseworthy. This person who uses his wealth to protect his honor to protect his placement in the dunya to protect his voice so that he can be heard. It's praiseworthy, but not as praiseworthy as the first Why? Because the first one's intention was
more sincere, was more for the sake of Allah subhanho wa Taala. He didn't have an attachment to this well, so he could have placement in this world. He made it solely for the sake of Allah subhanho wa Taala. And as a secondary objective, the byproduct of having that wealth was that he had a voice that was, that was the byproduct. But it wasn't part of his intention when he acted, when he went to earn. It wasn't part of his intention. Rather, it was a byproduct of the original purpose of earning, then the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam tells us about another person who
The Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam tells us about the third category, and he says this is a person whose wealth was a burden to him, or a burden to her. Why? Because this person had his or her wealth in the hearts rather than their hands. And when that happened, if Allah how much when wealth became the order of the day, in their lives, they did without any care, it didn't matter where they obtain that wealth. It didn't matter how they spent that wealth, and for this person is a great burden on the day of karma for Allah subhanho wa Taala says, oil is a chameleon as Paula
Polly him, oil I use.
Can we have
Allah subhanho wa Taala says but they will surely carry and they carry their own burdens and the bear and other burdens along with their burdens upon Allah compounded burdens on the DFP Allah and Allah subhanho wa Taala says, and they will surely be questioned on the Day of Resurrection about that which they used to invent, oh servants of Allah, everything said, teaches us how difficult it is for us to depart from our wealth. And as a result, Allah subhanho wa Taala. And this brings me to my earlier point, he doesn't tell us to do something except that he assists us in doing it. Yes, wealth, by default might be beloved to you. And beloved to yourself, you may feel that your presence
on earth is directly proportional to the amount of wealth that you've amassed. But understand that Allah subhanho wa Taala has better for you Thus, for the one who spends in the path of Allah who is benevolent in this life with his wealth and spends in charity. Allah subhanho wa Taala has set a great reward, a great reward, and we all know what that reward is, I've shared with you is regarding this reward. Allow me to share with you another one, one which I love so much Allah it's a beautiful idea. And all the ayah in the Quran, Allah beautiful, Allah subhanho wa Taala in the fourth Jews in the first quarter, says
OSR de la ma fear ottimi Robbie como Natty Naruto has
to one.
Oroville has
a destiny, tapping Allah subhanho wa Taala says and rush forth towards the forgiveness of Europe and a paradise that has a width which is greater than the skies and the earth that ilaha illAllah a width which is greater than the skies and the earth. We crying for wealth. Allah is telling you about a paradise that has a width which is greater than everything in existence in this world, as well as the skies. How much money do you need to buy? ovett
Allah subhanho wa Taala says, this wealth or this blessing. And this, Jenna, and this reward is for who? The people of taqwa or a debt limit again, it's been prepared for the God conscious is being prepared for those who fear Allah subhanho wa Taala. So who are they are Allah, Allah Who are these people? We want to be like them? We want this agenda that has a width which is greater than the heavens and the earth. Tell us who they are. Allah subhanho wa Taala says, Allah Vina, you Buena Vista rah rah
v Mina Loy Viva La Vina and in
LA who you hate bullying masini in
LA Aqua, Allah subhanho wa Taala. Allah says they are those who spend their wealth at times of ease, as well as at times of difficulty. They don't shout out charity fatigue. They spend the wealth at times of ease as well as at times of difficulty. We'll call the mental health and the suppressed anger well as in any nurse and they forgive others will love you.
And Allah subhanho wa Taala loves the doers of good if you want to be a doer of good oh seven of Allah
Spending the path of Allah subhanho wa Taala if you want to be from almasi noon, spending the path of Allah subhanho wa Taala as Allah said will allow you have been machining. If you want Allah subhana wa Jalla to love you. Do you want Allah subhanho wa Taala to love you?
Do you want Allah subhanho wa Taala to love you.
I hope they gave a light lunch today I don't know if it was rice or not because I know it's digesting at the moment. You want Allah subhanho wa Taala to love you. Allah will love you if he spent in his path for he said that those who spent in his path are from the doers of good and those who do good Allah subhanho wa Taala loves if you spend in the path of Allah subhanahu attallah everything in creation will love you as well. For when Allah loves you, he commands gibreel to love you.
And when jabril descends through the heavens, the angels ask what did Allah tell you? He says Allah subhanho wa Taala commanded me to love this person. So love him and they will love you as well. And the love of the creations of the skies will descend on earth and the people on earth will love you as well. By Allah like the story I told you at the beginning Mohammed Medina de la he people unheard of wrote testimonials about him. People who never knew him, felt hurt at the fact that he passed away, felt sad at the fact that he passed away this is a sign of acceptance from Allah subhanho wa Taala This is a sign of the love present in the skies for a person that he descends upon on earth,
and strangers love you and yet they haven't seen you I don't even know you. La ilaha illa Allah, this was the way of the pious predecessors as well, oh servants of Allah and oh Children of Adam and the Sahaba.
When they knew that Allah loves us to spend in his path, they asked what is aluna? Come as a unicorn, Allah subhanho wa Taala. Allah says, and they asked you, oh Muhammad, of what should they spend, and Allah subhanho wa Taala said, who they love, spend from an apple, what is an apple, an apple is access to our requirement, access to our requirement, it might be one Pence, it might be 100 pounds, it might be a million pounds, spend from a level that which is excess to your requirement. They understood my dear brothers and sisters, the pious predecessors before us, the Sahaba of the Allahu anhu major Marine, that this wealth was a means to an end. And it was not an
end, they understood that this wealth is not obtained, it is inherited, people had it before us, they passed away and it came to us and we will pass away and it will go to somebody else, that home you live in when you die is not going to come with you in the grave, somebody else will inherit it, and those who inherit it will die and others will inherit it as well. The wealth is not coming and going rather it's being transferred. Rather it's being transferred from one person to another.
Well, I recall, in the UK, a friend of mine, his father passed away as well early in the year and he was telling me that Subhanallah after we buried him and we were going through his belongings, were going through his belongings we found almost in every shirt pocket or trouser pocket money.
Right? And this might happen to people at old age, right? Because when you old you the most susceptible to feeling weak, right? Because now you lose that confidence, you lose that self standing that you once had, you start relying on your children and so on and so forth. So it could it could happen, right that a person starts
looking at everything that he can use to support himself at times of weakness, right? But all this money that was put in the different pockets did it go with him in the grave by Allah it didn't What happened? It was the wealth of his children who are the inheritors. This is what the Sahaba robiola who and whom understood this they spend and spend and spend, and they knew that whatever they spent is the tree investment and that which will always always always remain for us, when we die, and we go in the grave before we meet Allah subhanho wa Taala that is what will remain not what we pocket in this world, not what we bank in this world. If we want to deposit for the year after we must
spend in the path of Allah subhanho wa Taala they took the statement of Jabba the Allahu, and when he said that the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam was never asked something except that he gave he never ever said no. He never ever said no. And remember the famous statement of the Bedouin, who went back to his people, and he said oh people become muslims for Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam gives charity in a way, like the one who doesn't feel poverty.
You know, when you're so rich, and you can give $1 to every person on the face of this earth. So even if $6 billion leaves your account, you still the rich man. Right? He says that Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam is giving charity like the one who does not fear poverty. This was the son of Mohammed Abdullah Salalah
alayhi wa sallam, the pious predecessors, my dear brothers, my dear sisters, and we coming to the end were those that walked the talk. They didn't just talk. They didn't just sit in talks and listen to the reality of the pious before us, the prophets before us, the Sahaba before us, Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam before us and their way and they took it as knowledge banked in the hearts rather they walked the talk and they practice that which they lacked the practice that which they learned, and this is why Abubakar Viola and went with all his wealth, to Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam not on one occasion, but to all his wealth. And when he was asked, What did you
leave at home? He said, I left a lot in Israel. This is the understanding. If you leave Allah and His Rasool, what more can you have? What more can you want? Allah subhanho wa Taala is the creator of everything in as in in existence. If you left Allah in your home, you have the creator of everything. So by default, you have everything.
By default, you have everything. This is why oh seven of Allah, and oh Children of Adam, Omar, Allah who came to our Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam with half his wealth when our Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam made the call. This is why all servants of Allah and all children of Adam earthman robiola Horan came with 900 settled camels to the Prophet salallahu alayhi wa sallam in one instance, when our Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam announced that he was putting together an army in one instance 900 settled camels. This is why alley, Robbie Allahu and left mecca for the sake of Allah subhanho wa Taala was nothing but his soap, and he would give everything in possession
and say, What consent Do I have for this denier? What consent Do I have for this denier? I am not from his family. I am not from his family, I will give and give and give until I don't have I don't have consent for it. I am not from his family. And this is why Zane have been a role model for our sisters out there. They have been Josh would spend and spend and spend. She remembered that our Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said that the quickest from amongst you to join me are the ones with the longest hands, meaning the ones who spend the most in the path of Allah subhanho wa Taala they will be the quickest to join me. And thus she was given the title of the mother of the
impoverished Subhan Allah. And this is why our servants of Allah and oh Children of Adam hussaini Benelli Ravi Allahu anhu ma looked after 100 divorces without their knowledge, he looked after 100 divorcees without the knowledge they affairs were taken care of. And they didn't know who was doing it.
La ilaha illAllah La Ilaha Illa. Allah are servants of Allah. No Children of Adam. I'm going to end off with the completion to the story I started with, and a statement of our beloved Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam Muhammad never did that I told you about. I'm not one for spreading dreams. But Willa Hill Hamed. A few months after his passing, I was blessed to see him in a dream. And in this dream, he was he took me along with him. And he was asking me about all the acts of hate that he did and what's happening with them.
And obviously, I was confused because I never even knew that he had these acts of hair, and these charities and modalities and massage going on. And we walking and he's asking, and he's asking, and he's asking, and then we met a man, and this man introduced himself. And this, Mohammed nadie introduced himself as well. And he told this man, that My name is Ali, you know, my name is Ali unity. And this confused me that I know is Mohammed nadie. When did he become Illuminati? So, one of the prominent messiahs in rehab, who the allama have said, is
skilled in translating dreams, I went to this person and narrated the dream to him, and he said, that is glad tidings from Allah subhanho wa Taala. For this dream, is teaching you that the good of this man that he did, while he was alive, is working for him after his death.
And the fact that his name is Allah, you know, it means that he is from the elevated because Allah means the one who is elevated. And Allah subhanho wa Taala says in abrar, Allah Fie, that the abrar the pious ones are in the elevated of places, that healer highlanda so take inspiration of servants of Allah, and oh Children of Adam, and understand that when you spend in the path of Allah, it is it is a spending that will never ever go last. The Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam once came home and asked I shall be Allahu Allah, what happened to that sheep that she prepared?
What happened to it? I shadow the law and he loves giving charity. So she distributed the entire sheep, except it showed up, except it showed her. So she told the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, she told the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam that nothing remains of the sheep except it's showed.
So the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said don't say that I shall rather say everything remains of the sheep except it shoulda.
Did you understand that?
Want me to say it again?
The prophets Allah eyeshadow, the Allahu Allah, she prepared a sheep and when the Prophet salallahu alayhi wa sallam asked her what happened to it? She had distributed it amongst the people in Medina. So when he asked her about it, she said nothing remains of the sheep except its shoulder, meaning it's been distributed and the shoulder remains that is what we will eat. That is what we will consume.
The Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam knew that she spent it in the path of Allah subhanho wa Taala. So he told the don't say nothing remains of the sheep, except its shoulder. rather say everything remains of the sheep, except his shoulder for what you gave in the path of Allah, you will see it on camera and what we eat now that won't remain.
The ilaha illa Allah May Allah subhanho wa Taala increase our wealth, and what that increment make it a means of spending in his path, not increase our wealth so we can increase our standing in the dunya. May Allah increase our wealth so we can spend more in his path and have more waiting for us in the after? May Allah subhanho wa Taala inspire us to use our wealth in a manner that benefits us both in this world and the hereafter. May Allah subhanho wa Taala protect us from becoming slaves to this temporary life and its attributes. May Allah subhanho wa Taala grant us the best of all merchandises which is gender. Indeed Allah subhanho wa Taala is upon a label. Everything corrected
is from Allah subhanho wa Taala and he's perfect and any mistakes are for myself and shame upon and I see colossal pain who attalus forgiveness, I love you all for the sake of Allah subhanho wa Taala This is my last talk, I think,
and inshallah there will be a closing I don't know how many people will be here at the closing. So I must announce to you all that I do love you all for the sake of Allah my brothers and sisters, and there is no greater love than loving one for the sake of Allah subhanho wa Taala and Allah subhanahu attallah will gather those that love each other for his sake underneath his option to do a ama so ask Allah subhanho wa Taala together as they may Allah subhanho wa Taala bless us all and except from us. I mean Subhan Allah He will be having the Subhana Allah home we'll be having deca national to Allah, Allah, Allah and Mr. Furukawa to be Lake
wa sallahu wa Sallim wa barik ala nabina Muhammad wa ala alihi wa such a big ceremony come to light