Sajid Ahmed Umar – Husbands Lower your Gaze

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The speaker reminds listeners to develop their behavior and avoid harming themselves by watching a video or doing certain things. They also encourage individuals to develop their behavior and avoid harming themselves by watching a video or doing certain things. The speaker emphasizes the importance of being mindful of one's behavior and offers a reminder for individuals to develop their behavior.
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Sisters write in upon regular intervals, and they
have a complaint.
We are responsible for our actions.
You're married and your wives, when they learn
about these kind of patterns, it does build
within them resentment and naturally assault.
I know some brothers say, subhanAllah, when we
go to the search, but these things come
up when your wife feels hurt.
Then it's sin upon sin as well.
As-salamu alaykum wa rahmatullahi wa barakatuh.
My dear brothers in Islam, may Allah subhanahu
wa ta'ala bless you all.
May Allah forgive me.
May Allah forgive you.
May Allah forgive us.
This is just a quick message, subhanAllah, especially
in this day and age where sin is
as close as us pushing a thumbnail or
an icon.
SubhanAllah, may Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala forgive
Sisters write in upon regular intervals, and they
have a complaint, complained about their husbands, especially
on visual apps like TikTok and Instagram, whereby
their scrolling habits really go against the values
that the Sharia teaches us.
And basically they are viewing sisters modeling hijabs
or sisters modeling makeup.
And I'm not going to go into that
because this is just a short message.
We can, inshallah, discuss the Islamic ruling pertaining
to that another day.
But just from the perspective of ultimately, we
are responsible for our actions.
And Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala tells us
this in the Quran.
Insan ala nafsi basirah.
You know, mankind really knows the reality of
themselves, their ways, their actions, their speech, their
walaw alqama azeera You know, even though they
may throw out excuse after excuse, ultimately, deep
down, we know what we're doing.
We know whether it's right.
We know whether it's wrong.
And from this perspective alone, the fact that
Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala watches us, then
this should be enough of a deterrent.
But to add to it as well, brothers
in Islam, you married and your wives, when
they learn about these kinds of viewing patterns,
it does build within them resentment, and naturally
They have ghira, they have a sense of
modesty and a sense of shame.
And, you know, they gave up their life
for you.
It affects them.
It hurts them when they see you engaged
in this type of strolling activity.
So a reminder to the brothers that, you
know, it's sinful.
And then when your wife feels hurt, then
it's sin upon sin as well.
So please be sure to develop our taqwa
and bring in the necessary mechanisms to avoid
I know some brothers say subhanallah when we
go to the search button, these things come
Well, it comes up because obviously it's the
algorithm's working.
It's a pattern that's been detected.
So the content that the algorithm thinks you
like to see, it's going to bring it
So do clear your cache, do clear your
You know, if you have to change an
account, change an account, do what you need
to do to kill the trigger.
To please Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala first
and foremost, and whoever pleases Allah, ultimately the
people will be pleased with him.
This is just a short reminder.
May Allah forgive me.
It's a reminder for me first and forgive
us all.
And may Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala bless
us with marriages that are fruitful, that are
content, that are serene, that are happy marriages
whereby both the husband and the wife meet
each other and their hearts are clean towards
each other.
Ya Rabb al-alameen.
Jazakumullah Khairan.