Saif Morad – Simple Tafsir, Episode 9 Sura Inshiqaq, Aiming For A Quick And Easy Account In Front Of Allah
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The speaker discusses the importance of understanding the Quran and not just disliking actions. They also emphasize the importance of faith in Islam and facing one's mistake. The speaker suggests facing one's mistake and not wanting to be caught, and facing one's mistake as a matter of fear and a call for destruction upon oneself. It is important to avoid facing one's mistake and not wanting to be caught.
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Assalamu alaikum, everyone. What's going on? Hope you
guys are doing well. Welcome to another episode
of Simple Tafsir. In this episode, we're gonna
be talking about Suratul in Shikhaq,
which is the splitting.
In this surah, Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala talks
about some of the events of the Umur
Qiyamah and how the universe completely
surrenders to him
and the state of the people on that
And Allah
repeats certain themes in the Quran over and
over because we usually don't get it the
first time.
And things need to be repeated
so that this information
into behaviour.
And the more we are reminded, the more
mindful we become, the more mindful we become,
the more we practice these teachings of the
And that is the level at where change
occurs when we actually live the message of
the Quran and not simply just understand what's
been told
to us.
When the sky ruptures because of the angels
descending from it
And listen submissively
to its lord as it rightly should.
and when the earth is stretched by Allah
as leather is stretched.
And throws out the treasures and the dead
in it and becomes rid of them.
And listen submissively
to its lord as it rightly should.
Oh man, you are either doing good or
evil and you will meet it on the
day of judgment
He details a condition of those who did
action on the day of judgment
by saying as for him who is given
his book of deeds in his right hand,
He will have an easy reckoning by Allah,
and his actions will be presented to him
without his being taken to task.
And he will return to his family
Wa amamanootiyeki
As for him who is given his book
in his left hand behind his back,
he will call out for destruction
to himself,
And he will enter the fire of *
to suffer from its heat.
In the world, he was amongst his family
rejoicing with his acts of disbelief and sins.
He thought that he will not come back
to life after death and that there will
be no reckoning.
Indeed Allah will bring him back to life
just as He created him the first time.
He was watching everything that he did and
nothing was hidden from him, and He will
give him the reward for his actions.
Allah takes an oath by the redness that
is in the horizon after the sun sets.
And he takes an oath by the night
and what is gathered therein.
And the moon when it comes together and
is complete becoming a full moon.
You go through different stages. You will mount
one state after another from a drop, then
a clot, then a piece of flesh, then
life, then death, and then
What is the matter with these disbelievers who
do not have faith in Allah and the
last day?
When the Quran is recited to them, they
do not prostrate to their lord.
In fact, those who disbelieve reject what their
messengers brought to them.
Allah knows well what is contained in their
hearts. Nothing of their actions is hidden from
Tell them, oh messenger,
about a painful punishment that awaits them.
mumumnu mumunun.
Except those who have faith in Allah and
do the righteous deeds.
For them is a reward that will never
and that is paradise.
Allah tells us in this Surah
that, O human being
That every day you are laboring and striving
towards something. You are putting forth the good
and the bad deeds in your account.
And one day you will stand in front
of Allah and meet him
and be taken into account for what you
have done.
Everything that we do, we should understand that
we are making a deposit.
It's either gonna be for us or against
us. And the prophet said
that, kullun nasiyyahudu,
that everyone goes out in the morning.
And either they destroy themselves or they free
themselves from the punishment of Allah.
And as for the person who did the
righteous deeds,
they will get their book of deeds in
their right hand as Allah says.
As for the one who receives his book
of good deeds in his right hand,
then they will be taken into a swift
and easy account.
And the prophet
that that whoever is taken into account will
be punished.
And Aisha when
she heard this, she asked the prophet
that didn't Allah say that fasofa yuhasa wa
hisabi yaseera,
that they will be taken into an easy
and swift account?
The prophet sallallahu alaihi wa sallam told her
that their deeds will be shown to them,
but they will not be questioned about it.
will overlook and forgive their shortcomings
and enter them into
his blessing, enter them into his mercy and
into Jannah,
and they will return to their family members
happy and excited.
But the person who is questioned about everything
they did, then these individuals will find it
very difficult on that day.
And one of the things they will say
is that
they will call for destruction upon themselves.
They They will call for death. And a
person only reaches that state when they want
themselves to die and they want destruction for
when they have reached an extremely
difficult situation where there's no way out.
The best thing they can ask for is
so that the horror will end, but then
it will be too late.
And one of the duas that the prophet
to say was Allahumma
that, Oh Allah,
take me into a swift account, a quick
So, we all want that
because imagine if we're standing in front of
Allah and we all make mistakes and we've
made plenty of mistakes, and Allah starts questioning
us about each and every mistake that we
Now, what would be our situation?
But imagine your deeds are presented in front
of you, and we know all the mistakes
we've made.
But then Allah, subhanahu wa ta'ala, just flashes
it in front of us, and then He
forgives us. He overlooks our mistakes, and He
tells us to go into His mercy, into
His paradise.
Imagine the great feeling we would have.
And Allah tells us in this Surah that
he sees everything. Everything that human beings do,
everything that happens around the world, everything that
happens in the universe, Allah is aware of
it. He sees everything. Nothing is hidden from
his sight. And if we understand the name
Al Basir,
imagine we actually live by that name,
imagine how our actions would be.
Imagine how our relationships would be. Imagine how
we would be at work, how our public
and private lives would be
if we are constantly aware of the fact
that Allah is watching me.
And Allah poses a question of wonder in
the Surah. He says, famalaumla
yukminun, what is wrong with them that they
don't believe?
All the signs point towards their being a
creator, and that creator is 1,
and that the resurrection is gonna happen, and
the Quran is the truth, and everything in
it is the truth, then what is wrong
with people that they reject the message?
What are they choosing over Allah?
What is the consequence of their actions?
And even for us as Muslims,
we should ask ourselves this as well, if
this is the truth, and I know this
is the truth, and what is holding me
from moving towards Allah to try to get
closer towards Allah
Because we as Muslims should always be in
a state of growth, should always try to
be improving.
Because those individuals who believe and do the
righteous deeds,
the ultimate reward is waiting for them. The
pleasure of Allah entry into Jannah and the
greatest reward of all to be able to
see Allah. So may Allah
make us amongst those individuals
who are taken into a swift account or
not asked about the actions that they did.
Until next time.