Saif Morad – Simple Tafsir Episode 13 Sura AlFajr, Which Nafs shows up the most

Saif Morad
AI: Summary ©
In this episode of a sermon, the speaker discusses the importance of the first 10 nights of Dhul born for actions of the people of Hud, which have caused corruption and evil behavior. The speaker explains that the punishment of the people is severe and lasting until the end of the day, and that the reward of the believers is not a means of satisfaction. The speaker also discusses the nafsul mutna inna, which is the true true sense of satisfaction, and how it can be a way to make the person feel good.
AI: Transcript ©
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Welcome to another episode of Simple Tafsir.

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In this episode, we're gonna be looking at

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Fajr, the dawn.

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Allah, may he be glorified, takes an oath

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on the dawn.

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And he takes an oath on the first

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10 nights of Dhul Hijjah.

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Also takes an oath on the odd and

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even of things.

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And he takes an oath on the night

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when it arrives, continues, and goes away.

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The compliment of these oaths is you will

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definitely be taken into account for your actions.

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In any of the aforementioned,

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is there any oath that benefits the intelligent

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Oh messenger,

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do you not see what your Lord did

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with Ta'ad, the people of Hud,

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when they rejected their messenger.

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The tribe of Ad that traced to its

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the tall

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The likes of which Allah never created in

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the cities.

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And do you not see what your Lord

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did with Thamud,

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the tribe of Sadeh who would carve the

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stones of the mountains making houses out of

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And do you not see what your Lord

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did to Firaun who had pegs with which

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he punished the people?

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Each of them transgressed it in his land.

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They caused an abundance of corruption due to

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spreading disbelief and sins.

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So Allah made them suffer His severe punishment

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and annihilated

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them off the earth.

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Oh Messenger,

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indeed your Lord watches over and observes the

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actions of the people

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so he can reward those who do good

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with Jannah

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and whoever does evil with the hellfire.

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Because the nations Allah destroyed were blessed with

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power and strength.

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Allah explains that blessing them with such is

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not proof of his being pleased with them.

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He says, as for the human, it is

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in his nature that when he is tested

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by his lord and he favors him by

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blessing him with wealth, honor, and offspring,

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he thinks that it is because of his

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nobility in the eyes of Allah. And he

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my lord has favored me because of me

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being worthy of being favored.

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And as for when he tests him by

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restricting his sustenance,

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he thinks it is because of his insignificance

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in the eyes of his Lord.

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So he says, my Lord has disgraced me.

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Never. It is not as this human thinks

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other in feeding the poor person who cannot

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find anything to consume.

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You relentlessly

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devour the rights of the weak

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without any consideration for its permissibility.

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And you intensely love wealth being miserly and

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spending it in the path of Allah due

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to your greed of it.

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These actions are not befitting of you. Remember

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when the earth will be moved vigorously and

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And your Lord will come, oh messenger, to

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pass judgment between his servants, and the angels

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will also come arranged in rows.

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And on that day, * will be brought

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with it having 70,000

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Each reign being pulled by 70,000

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On that day, The human will remember his

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shortcomings in the rights of Allah.

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But that remembrance on that day will not

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benefit him in the slightest

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because it will be a day of requital.

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He will say out of intense regret, if

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only I had sent forth good deeds for

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my life in the hereafter,

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which is the real life.

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On that day, no one will punish like

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the punishment of Allah because the punishment of

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Allah is most severe and lasting.

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And neither will anyone bind in chains like

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His binding of the disbelievers

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in chains.

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After Allah mentioned the punishment of the disbelievers,

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He mentions the reward of the believers.

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He says, as for the soul of the

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it will be told at the time of

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death. And on the day of judgment,

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oh, the contented soul with faith and good

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Return to your Lord, pleased with him because

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of the abundant reward you will receive.

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And with him may he be glorified being

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pleased with you because of your good deeds.

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Now enter along with my pious servants.

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And enter with them into my paradise,

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which I have prepared for them. So I

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want to quickly touch on 3 points. If

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you notice in the Quran, Allah Subhanahu Wa

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Ta'ala, he repeats things

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and over and over.

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Because the way we are, the way human

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beings are, we don't get it on the

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first time.

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And in order to condition us

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it needs to be told over and over.

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We need to practice it over and over

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and over

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until that becomes a part of us. Until

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that becomes our identity.

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Until we are able to implement and act

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upon the Quran.

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The second thing is people they think

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that if Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala He gives

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a person in abundance, that means that Allah

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is pleased with this individual.

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And if He restricts

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his bounty from somebody,

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then that means that Allah is displeased with

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them. But this is not the case

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because Allah giving or not giving is not

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a sign of His love for this individual.

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Both the sign of His love is the

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giving of iman, the giving of faith.

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When Allah gives a person faith

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and gives him steadfastness

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on top of that, that is the sign

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that Allah is pleased with this person, that

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Allah loves this individual.

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And in the end of this surah, Allah

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oh, contented soul. The nafsul mutma inna.

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In the Quran, we come across 3 different

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types of nafs.

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The first one is nafsul amarabisu.

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The nafs, the lower self that commands us

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to do that which is displeasing to Allah

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subhanahu wa ta'ala.

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And then you have a nafsul lawwama,

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the reproachful soul, you could say.

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The soul

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that criticizes us. Soul that maybe is not

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really steadfast. It's trying to be good, but

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at the same time, it's not. It's unable

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to be steadfast.

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It goes towards this direction,

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but then it also slips.

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And then you have the nafsul mutma'inna,

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the contented soul.

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The soul that is certain of the promise

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of Allah. The soul that strives

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and pursues and pushes itself to earn the

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pleasure of Allah.

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And if we look in our lives,

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we'll notice that we have these different nafs

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show up at different times.

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The question is, which nafs shows up the

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most? Is it nafsul amara?

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Is our nafs consistently telling us to do

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that which is wrong and we give in

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to our desires?

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Do we fall short?

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So if we look at the nafsul nutma'inna,

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that this is what it's gonna be told,

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that oh contented soul,

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your Lord is pleased with you. You don't

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have to fear. You don't need to be

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sad of what's past you

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because you've made it.

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And if we notice within ourselves

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that there will be times that we have

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that certainty,

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that zeal, that push to wanna do good.

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So let's look at these situations and see,

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you know, what was happening.

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How come I was in that state?

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How can I make this more common?

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How can I make this my normal self?

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May Allah

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bless us all with beautiful souls

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turn to him. May Allah bless us all

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with the nafsulnu.

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Make our hearts filled with faith, and give

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us the ability to do the action that

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pleases him. Until next time. Assalamu alaikum.

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