Saif Morad – Simple Tafsir, Episdoe 1 Sura Al Fatiha

Saif Morad
AI: Summary ©
The speaker discusses the Surah Al Fatiha, a man who is the father of Islam. The Surah contains multiple points about Allah's strength, including his mercy and his love for individuals and people. The speaker emphasizes the importance of seeking help from Allah through prayer and patient behavior.
AI: Transcript ©
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My dear brothers and sisters. What's going on?

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Welcome to the first episode of Simple Tafsir.

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In this episode, we'll be going over Surat

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Al Fatiha, so let's get right to it.

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This surah aims to divert one's full focus

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on Allah, making worship for him alone.

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Surah Al Fatiha is called the opening because

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it is the first Surah of the Quran.

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In Arabic, it is known as Quran, the

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foundation of the Quran because it contains all

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the Quranic themes

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from the principles of faith and worship, the

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stories of previous nations and other matters.

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The prophet

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said that this is the greatest Surah in

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the Quran.

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I begin by calling on Allah who is

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Rahman, the merciful, and Arpahim, the compassionate.

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These names of Allah are derived from the

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Arabic word,

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which means mercy.

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Proving the greatness and vastness of his mercy

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and that his mercy surrounds everything and embraces

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all living beings.

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Every blessing is due to his mercy,

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and the believers receive the greatest mercy.

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All praise belongs to Allah with regards to

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his essence, attributes, and actions

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because he is the creator of everything.

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Everything belongs to him, and he's the disposer

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of their affairs.

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Blessing individuals

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and humans in general.

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These two names are derived from the word

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or mercy,

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indicating his mercy for creation with the believers

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being the greatest recipients of it. He

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He's the master of the day of judgment.

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The day in which we will be brought

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back to life and repaid for what we

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have done.

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All of his creation will be held accountable

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for their actions and recompense for them.

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On that day, Allah will ask,

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To whom belongs the kingdom today?

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No one, no matter how high his status,

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will answer.

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And then Allah will reply himself,

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to Allah, the one, the overcomer.

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We worship and obey none except you. We

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associate no one with you, and from you

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alone do we ask for help in all

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our affairs. All goodness is in your hand,

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and there is no helper except you.

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Show and facilitate for us the right way,

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the path of submission to you, which has

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no crookedness.

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Make us firm upon it.

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I mean,

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the same path as those of your creation

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whom you have blessed with guidance,

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like the prophets, the truthful martyrs, and the

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righteous ones.

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What good companions these people make?

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And keep us away from the path of

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those who earned your anger,

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those who knew the truth but did not

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follow it. And keep us away from the

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path of those who lost their way and

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were not guided

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because they were neglectful in seeking the truth

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and being guided by it.

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This Surah has so many points we can

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discuss, but I'd like to talk about the

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Allah mentions worship first,

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and worship refers to everything that Allah loves

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and is pleased with of actions and words,

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both outward and inward.

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And this is our ultimate purpose. We are

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created for this reason.

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But how do we fulfill this purpose?

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Is by seeking the help of Allah

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And seeking help refers to relying upon Allah

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when seeking to attain what is beneficial and

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ward off what is harmful,

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while trusting that one will attain it.

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And this is the means to fulfill our

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Some of the scholars say that the secret

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of the Quran is this verse.

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Because in it, we free ourselves from shirk.

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We're telling Allah that you alone do we

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No one else.

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And at the same time, we disown any

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ability and power that we possess,

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turning our affairs over to Allah

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and depending upon him.

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And the reality of worship stems from extreme

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love and submission to Allah

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And worship is only accepted

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if it is done sincerely for the sake

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of Allah

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and in accordance to the guidance of the

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So the thing I want to draw your

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attention to is seeking

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the help of Allah

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You know, how present is

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in our day to day activities in our

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worship on a conscious level?

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When we take up a task, do we

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depend on Allah, ask for his assistance,

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or we just kinda go about the task

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without realizing, without paying attention?

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The reality is that we need Allah's help

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all the time.

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When it comes to fulfilling our obligations, we

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need his help.

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The prophet

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told Mu'ad, oh, Mu'ad, I love you.

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You know, and this advice is coming from

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love for his companion.

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And he told him that don't forget to

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say at the end of every salah,

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Oh, Allah, help me

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to remember you and be grateful towards you

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to do the righteous action.

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And we need his help when it comes

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to staying away from sin. How easy it

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is today to fall into sin?

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And we shouldn't think for a second that

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we have enough willpower

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because willpower is limit.

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So we seek Allah's aid keeping us away

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from sin.

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And we also need his help in regards

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to staying patient.

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Being patient in the face of all the

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trials and tribulations we face.

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Because if Allah helps us,

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then everything becomes easy. And for a person

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to really seek Allah's help, two things are

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Relying on Him, depending on Him,

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and trusting that it will happen.

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We might depend on Allah

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We might say that we depend on him,

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but do we trust?

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When we ask Allah

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for something, do we trust that Allah will

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give it to us?

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And there are different forms of seeking help

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from Allah. Allah has directed us to some

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of them in the Quran.

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He told us to seek help by being

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by practicing patience,

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also to utilize prayer.

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Seek help through prayer.

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Dua is also a form of seeking help

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of law. And even saying Bismillah is a

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form of seeking help.

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Because if we say it consciously,

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and we're saying,

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I begin this action

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by the name of Allah, which includes all

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his name.

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So let's try to live in a more

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mindful manner,

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being more present,

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and then remember that our relationship with Allah

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is not a one way relationship.

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It's a two way relationship.

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And the next time you're about to do

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a task, learn something new, or form an

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act of worship,

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that there's no

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Nothing can change. Nothing can move except

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by the will of Allah

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by his permission.

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So before we start a task, we remember

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this fact,

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And so we seek his assistance. We ask

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to help us get through this task, and

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we depend upon him and trust that it

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will happen.

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And then once we finish the task, we

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understand that it was by his mercy

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that we were able to finish it.

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And this brings about gratitude, that we're grateful

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to Allah

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for helping us and aiding us.

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So may Allah

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make us amongst his sincere servants, those who

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worship him alone

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and depend and rely upon him, trust him

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for all of their affairs.

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Till next time.

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