Saif Morad – Modeling The Prophet Muhammad’s Morning Routine The Real 5AM Club Ust.

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The success of waking oneself to master oneself during the early morning hours is temporarily shut down, but it is necessary to do the inner work first thing in the morning to attain clarity, confidence, and calm. The importance of setting a habit for 66 days is emphasized, and praying at least 2 times in the day to strengthen one's capacity and knowledge is crucial for personal growth.
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Assalamu alaykum wa Rahmatullahi wabarakatuhum
my dear brothers and sisters. What's going on?
May Allah
bless us with the best in this world
and the next.
So recently I read a book called The
5 AM Club by Robin Sharma.
In it, he mentions that many successful people
have a habit of waking up early.
He says that this is the best time
for one to master their selves.
One can find no better time to master
oneself than between 5 AM and 6 AM.
He calls this the victory hour
because it is the time of least distraction
and greatest insight.
The solitude, stillness, and silence between 5 AM
and 6 AM allows you to do deep
inner work and attain clarity,
confidence, and calm for the remainder of the
The reason is because our brain's chemistry is
different early in the morning. The brain's prefrontal
cortex or that part of your brain that
makes you worry or analyze things over and
over is temporarily
shut down in the peaceful early hours. The
at daybreak has also been shown to increase
dopamine and serotonin,
helping you to feel energized and at peace.
So in the book, he talks about the
The idea is that the first 20 minutes
of this hour is utilized to do physical
exercise, something that will make you sweat. The
next 20 minutes is utilized for reflection and
something that will clear your mind,
visualization, journaling, and so on. And the last
20 minutes is utilized for learning, reading a
book, listening to a podcast, something that will
increase you in knowledge. And by utilizing this
you set yourself up for success by doing
the important work, which is the inner work
first thing in the morning. And he mentions
that doing this routine is gonna be difficult
at the beginning as every change is difficult
in the beginning,
messy in the middle, and gorgeous at the
So we need to show willpower and determination
for 66 days.
As he says, this is the amount of
time it takes to reach a level called
which is when you reach a level that
it becomes easier to do the habit than
to leave it. This is when the habit
is set,
and after all, if you wanna be like
the Picassos,
the billionaires, the leaders of industry,
then we have to do their habits.
He says to have the results the top
5% of producers have, you must start doing
what 95%
of people are unwilling to do.
You know what's interesting if you look at
the self help and personal development industry,
they mentions the like of Gandhi and Mother
Teresa and Martin Luther King, the Dalai Lama
and even Buddha makes it
in it. But they don't mention the greatest
person to walk on the face of the
earth, the prophet Muhammad sallallahu
alaihi wa sallam.
And they completely cut Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala
out of the equation.
But the truth is that Islam is all
about growth, all about improvement, all about striving
for excellence in every single area of our
in our careers, in our family lives, in
our spirituality, in our relationships,
in our health, our wealth, in every single
We strive for excellence for the sake of
Allah Subhanahu wa ta'ala, and it is by
being sincere to Allah, the almighty, the most
merciful, the irresistible,
the greatest, the one whose mercy
By worshiping Allah
alone and following the guidance of the prophet
sallallahu alaihi wa sallam, does one truly attain
success in this world and the next?
After all, Allah sent the messenger sallallahu alaihi
wa sallam to show us how to worship
him, to show us and teach us the
things that are beloved to Allah Subhanahu wa
ta'ala, to teach us who is Allah Subhanahu
wa ta'ala and the path that leads to
Allah Subhanahu wa ta'ala.
So let's look at the prophetic morning routine
and how we can model it.
The prophet sallallahu alaihi wa sallam, his morning
lasted for more than 4 hours,
and it consisted of tahajjud,
and remembering Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala until sunrise.
We might not be able to do it
exactly how we did it, but we can
model after it. So the first thing we
do is we make sure we have a
part of tahajjud in there. The time of
tahajjud, the last 3rd of the night is
an extremely important time.
says Allah is saying that the hours of
the night
is more effective and better suited for reflection.
So we have more clarity and focus during
this time. Remember what was mentioned in the
This is the real golden hour.
The prophet
says, Allah the Almighty descends to the lowest
heaven in the last 3rd of every night
who is calling upon me that I may
answer him?
Who is asking for me that I may
give him?
And who is seeking my forgiveness
that I may forgive him?
You know Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala the
you know, the powerful, the one who controls
everything and anything. He is coming down and
asking us
that who wants something so I can give
it to him.
So we should really strive to make sure
we get a portion of this night to
take advantage of it and ask Allah subhanahu
wa ta'ala for any and everything that we
The prophet sallallahu alaihi wa sallam said regarding
ibn Umar
that how amazing of a person is Abdullah
only if he prayed Qiyamalayl.
So Sadim said that when Ibn Umar heard
this, he wouldn't sleep except a little during
the night.
Because the prophet sallallahu alaihi wa sallam said
how amazing is he if he prays Qiyamalayl.
So ibn Umar he strove to establish Qiam
Al Layl because he wanted to be an
amazing person. And ibn Hajar
he mentions in this regard
that anyone who established Qiam Al Layl
becomes an amazing person.
So if we wanna be somebody who is
then we need to try to take advantage
of this time,
even if it's 20 minutes before fajr.
The next thing in the prophetic routine was
salatul fajr, and this is the first salah
of the day. The prophet salallahu alaihi wa
sallam taught us that the 2 raka,
the 2 units of prayer
before fajr is better than the dunya and
everything that's in it.
Now imagine the world and all its luxuries,
the cars, the wealth, the palaces, everything that
we can imagine from its pleasures.
2 units,
not even salat al fajr, but the sunnah
before fajr
is better than it and everything that the
dunya contains.
So can you imagine the reward for salatul
How important and how great it is in
the sight of Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala?
And the prophet
said that whoever prays salatul fajr is in
the protection of Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala is
under the guarantee of Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala.
So the next part of the prophetic routine
was to remember Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala until
The morning and the evening remembrance, the supplication
that we say during this time, they are
extremely important.
Ibn Qayyim
that the morning and evening athkar play the
role of a shield. The thicker it is,
the more its owner is protected.
Rather, its strength can reach to such an
extent that the arrow shot at it will
bounce back to affect the one who shot
These supplications
and remembrances are extremely important,
and we'll look at 2 of them. The
prophet sallallahu alaihi wa sallam said to Fatima
that what is stopping you from listening to
what I'm advising you?
That you say every morning evening?
This supplication is so powerful.
We call upon Allah
by saying,
oh the ever living,
the one who controls everything.
relies and depends on Allah. And we say
your mercy by your mercy, I seek help.
And we're depending on Allah.
And we say
that rectify all my affairs, my wealth, my
health, my family, my car, my home, everything
that we can imagine.
We ask Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala to rectify
it depending on him, relying on him, hoping
in him,
And then we
say that do not entrust my affairs to
me even for the blink of eye
because we know that we are weak.
Allah is the one who has all the
The one who controls everything in the heavens
and the earth. Nothing happens except by his
permission. He's constantly creating, constantly giving life.
And we ask Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala to
take care of our affairs.
Another powerful supplication is the prophet
said that the one who recites, bismillahil
ma'asmihi shayunfil'ardwala
fisama'i wahuasami
3 times in the morning evening nothing will
harm him. The prophet salallahu alaihi wa sallam
is teaching us to see the supplication,
which means that by the name of Allah,
and this includes all the name of Allah
Subhanahu wa ta'ala.
The one
with whose name nothing can harm in the
sky and the earth, and he is the
all hearing and all knowing. So if a
person says this 3 times in the morning
and evening, nothing will harm them. Now this
doesn't mean that nothing will happen to them,
but the key here is that it will
not harm them. They will not be harmed
by anything that happens to them. And it
is very important that we learn these supplications.
And check the link in the description for
the list of all these supplications.
And we try our best to learn all
of them. You know, people, they recite affirmations
in the morning,
such as everyday I'm getting better and better,
and they believe that this changes their mindset.
We have divine guidance with us. We have
the Quran,
the sunnah,
which teaches us how to live our life
from the time we wake up until we
go to bed.
The key is how much certainty do we
have when we say these supplications.
When we raise our hands to Allah subhanahu
wa ta'ala, how much certainty is behind it?
Is it just words we're saying that have
no meaning?
Or is there a level of certainty behind
it? Because the more certain
a person is, the stronger these supplications are.
And we try our best to utilize this
time. As the prophet sallallahu alaihi wa sallam
said, oh Allah, bless my ummah in its
early morning. And then once the sun rises
a little bit, we try to perform at
least 2 rakah of salat of duha.
The prophet said
that in the morning every single joint of
yours must pay a sadaqa.
Every subhanAllah is a charity, every
is sadaqa, every
is sadaqa,
every Allahu Akbar is a sadaqa,
every commanding good is a sadaqa, and every
forbidding evil is a sadaqa.
And all this is accomplished through 2 units,
one can pray in the dua prayer. You
know this routine, if we have a part
of the Hajjid and then salatul fajr and
all the way till sunrise and praying salatulduha,
This routine could take up to 2 hours,
but imagine the focus and clarity
that we have entering our day.
But if we want to be from the
people of Jannah,
then we need to do the actions of
the people of Jannah,
the actions that are beloved to Allah
After the sun has risen, one can go
back to sleep.
If they need to get extra sleep, they
can utilize this time to go back to
sleep. But the important thing is that we
make use of this time as much as
we can
because the benefit comes to us.
Imagine entering your day with dependence and clarity
and focus because we took out the time
to refocus our minds on what is important.
May Allah
make us amongst those individuals
who do the actions that he loves,
and may he give us the ability to
follow the footsteps of the prophet
Until next time.