Saif Morad – Living The Prophetic Way
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However, Allah misguides, none can guide them.
And I bear witness with full conviction that
there is no one worthy of worship except
He is 1 and he has no partner.
And I also bear witness with full conviction
that the Prophet sallallahu alaihi wa sallam is
his Messenger and the last and final Messenger
as well.
Oh you who believe, have the taqwa of
that fear that mindfulness of Allah, the way
that he is meant to be feared. And
do not die except
in the state of submission as Muslims.
O people,
have the taqwa of Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala,
the one who has created you from a
single soul, and from Him He created His
spouse, and from them both he created many
men and women.
And have the taqwa of Allah Subhanahu Wa
Ta'ala, the one from whom you demand your
mutual rights and those of kin because Allah
Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala indeed is watching over everything
that we do.
Oh you who believe, O person of faith,
of people of iman, have the taqwa of
and say that which is just and true.
For Allah
will rectify your affairs and forgive your sins,
and whomsoever
obeys Allah and His messenger, then those are
the individuals that have achieved the true victory.
The best of speech is the speech of
Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala, and the best guidance
is the guidance of the prophet sallallahu alaihi
wa sallam. And the worst of matters within
the religion
are those newly invented matters that has no
basis, for every innovation leads to misguidance and
every misguidance eventually leads to the * fire.
My dear brothers and sisters,
as we work towards our future,
as we prepare for our future, it doesn't
matter what stage of life we're in,
everyone is hoping for a bright future for
for their career, for their families,
for their children, so on and so forth.
But there is also another future
that is absolutely guaranteed,
and there is no running away from it,
which is the fact that we have to
go and stand in front of Allah subhanahu
wa ta'ala one day,
and our accounts are going to be weighed,
and then a result is going to be
And as we prepare for our future in
this life, and if we look at the
way we operate,
we don't just go about life haphazardly,
and if somebody is just living randomly,
then they need to course correct and check
themselves, but usually, when people are planning for
their future, they're planning. They're looking, okay, what
is the best way? What is the market
looking for? How can I improve?
How can I go and make sure that
my future is secured? What investments do I
need to think about? So we're looking for
the best strategy to make sure that I'm
living a comfortable life. And this doesn't mean
that a person is planning to be a
super millionaire or anything like that, but they
want to live the American dream. They wanna
be successful. They wanna be content. They want
to have good relationships.
that a person looks for the ways how
that is going to become easy for them
instead of just living life
on a random basis.
there is
a strategy to get to Jannah.
There's a way that the Prophet
that Allah
has told us repeatedly throughout the Quran, repeatedly
throughout the sunnah of the Prophet
that what's the path to Jannah? What's the
easiest path to Jannah? Now, just because something
is easy, doesn't mean it's I mean, just
because something is easy, or it brings you
a quicker result,
doesn't mean that it's easy to actually implement.
And the prophet
he was asked,
What is the thing that is going to
enter most people into jannah? And his response
The of Allah
that mindfulness of Allah that awareness that leads
to a person doing that which is right,
and avoiding that which is not correct.
And also
the good mannerisms that's there. And these 2
cannot be separated.
Where it's only about my relationship with Allah
subhanahu wa ta'ala. Yes, I pray. Yes, I
fast. But then when it comes to my
dealings with other individuals,
not correct.
cheating, deceiving, yelling, shouting, belittling.
There's something missing here.
If I have
my relationship with Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala is
going strong, but then on this end,
my relationships are terrible with people. There's something
missing here. On the flip side as well,
that if my relationships are good, I'm able
to deal with people nicely, but then I'm
neglectful towards Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala, then there's
something wrong there as well.
Because these things have to go hand in
hand. As Allah
tells us in the Quran,
That this book is a guidance for people.
There's no doubt in it, and it's guidance
for the Who are those individuals?
Pay attention to these three things. Number 1,
they believe in the unseen. So they have
that faith, and whatever comes with that, that
has told them, the Prophet
has informed them with, they believe in that.
Even though they don't see it.
They establish that connection with Allah
that taqwa is there. The relationship between me
and my Creator, through my salah, and through
everything else that's there as well.
And from what we have given them, what
Allah has given them, they spend from it.
Now, who is the one that benefits from
this spending?
Number 1, Allah does not need us. He
doesn't even need us to pray to him,
but it is us that benefits, but that
spending is benefiting what? The relationships that we
So, Sheikh Asadi, he mentioned that this is
the pillars of the deen, that belief in
Then comes the relationship with Allah, and then
on the other side, that relationship with people.
And Hassan has 2 parts, that relationship with
and then on the flip side, that relationship
that we have with one another, with our
friends, with our families, with our children, with
our spouses, with our parents, all of that
hand in hand.
And the prophet
was described by Allah
That indeed you are upon the best of
And bringing that aspect,
the prophet
he said, he was asked,
Who is the most beloved of Allah's servants
to Allah?
Now, isn't this a question? This isn't this
a goal that we should all have? To
become from the most beloved slaves of Allah
to him. Forget about who loves me, I
don't care if this person loves me, if
they think about me, but
the one who is most beloved to Allah.
How can I get to that level? And
the answer, the Prophet
said was,
The best of those individuals when it comes
to their mannerisms.
Those are the most beloved people to Allah
because the thing that is driving them to
do that in the first place is that
love of Allah,
that awareness of Allah
Then on the flip side, he also said,
that, That from the most beloved of you
to me,
the prophet
is saying, And the closest of you to
when it comes to gathering,
The best of those who have that mannerisms.
So just look at this.
On one side, that good mannerisms, what does
it give us? It makes us from the
beloved servants of Allah
And who does not want to be from
amongst the most beloved servants to Allah
Then on the other side, it makes us
from the closest companions to
None of us has seen the prophet
None of us had the pleasure to sit
with the prophet
to hear him, to listen to him, to
be in his companionship.
But through bringing that trait
of good mannerisms,
we get to be from the closest people
to the prophet
Now, when we look at our tradition,
you see there's so much a hadith,
so much encouragement
when it comes to good mannerisms.
More than you and I could even think
Abu Muhammad, Ibnu Abizaid
Al Malik,
one of the greatest scholars, he was known
as Malik As Sareer.
He mentioned that,
he looked at all the hadith,
and he said that the good mannerisms,
they stem from
4 main
that I want us to pay attention to.
And as we look at these I want
you to reflect and imagine as well, that
what impact would it have
if I brought these
in my life?
How would it impact me as an individual?
How would it impact my relationships?
And how would it impact us as a
community if we were able to live these
Now just because
it brings us closer to Allah, and brings
us closer to the prophet
doesn't mean it's easy to implement, because if
it was, everyone would be doing it.
If it was easy, then everyone would be
doing it. But because of the high status
of it,
it requires effort, it requires a little bit
of learning, it requires checking myself, so that
I can bring these into my life. The
first hadith, the prophet
That whoever believes in Allah in his Mas
and his
So whoever believes in Allah,
which means everybody here. All the Muslims believe
in Allah and the last day, then
then let them speak good
or remain silent.
The encouragement is where?
Not to stay silent. The encouragement is to
speak good first.
In any situation,
try to speak good. If you are unable
to do so, then remain silent.
Good communication has proven over and over through
studies how it impacts relationships,
how it impacts children
behaviorally, emotionally, when they hear words of affirmation,
it impacts them. They model the behavior that
they hear, and Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala tells
us in the Quran,
that tell my believing servants to say that
which is
which means choose your words carefully, the way
you say it.
Your body language when you're communicating.
Somebody can be, like,
I'm so happy.
Just because of their body language, you can
tell that they're not happy.
What they're saying is not really the truth
because their body is conveying something else,
And then also the timing as well.
Sometimes it's not the right time to have
a specific conversation.
There's mental factors there that can derail that
Why is this important?
Why is it important for us to say
that which is
ahsar? To make sure we communicate clearly, effectively,
because of what's coming next. As Allah Subhanahu
Wa Ta'ala says,
Because shaitaan is going to come, and he's
gonna take that, and he's going to put
words in our
minds, in our hearts.
Oh, what did he mean by that?
How could she say something like that?
Oh, they hate you. That's why they said
it to you.
So he's gonna come and do his best
to create misunderstandings
within us, and most problems that happens within
relationship, within between husband and wife is because
of misunderstandings.
Something that was said but was taken a
different way.
Something was said, it was interpreted in a
different way, the moment is interpreted in that
way, then it creates a feeling, that feeling
creates a reaction, and that ultimately brings a
So we have to make sure that we
do not let shaytan do his dirty work
because at the end of the day, he
is an enemy to us, and he wants
to destroy relationships.
And for each of these hadith,
we can learn how to do it.
We can learn how to communicate effectively.
We can learn how to choose our words.
The next hadith, and this is related to
this, is a man came to the Prophet
and he said, give me advice. And the
Don't get angry.
He's not happy with it. He's like, okay,
give me more. He says,
don't get angry.
He repeated his request, and the prophet
for a third time he said,
don't get angry.
Because anger destroys relationships.
That moment of anger, a person lashes out,
they say whatever comes to their mind, they
put their children down, they put their wife
down, they put their husband down, they put
their friend down,
now you have to go and do a
whole repair process.
It destroyed that safe space within the homes
that a person can come and share with
whatever's on their mind.
They share something with their father, their mother,
the parent reacts.
Haram? How could you say something like this?
Don't you know any better? What's wrong with
What's the association that's now getting created within
the child's mind
that it's not safe for me to say
what's on my mind?
And this happens enough, and they just bottle
everything up, and rather they will go and
share with the other people outside who are
going to give them terrible advice because their
parent did not give them that safe space
and they reacted at that time.
Now, there's one thing where this is a
natural emotion that happens, things happens, there's a
sequence of things that happen, we feel the
and maybe we cannot control that feeling that
comes there. But what is within our control
is the reaction.
And the prophet
is here saying that don't act on that
let it calm down, process it, then discuss
Because we wanna create that safe space within
our home, for our spouses,
for our wives, for our husbands, for our
children, for everyone. That if somebody is going
through something, they might feel that I cannot
talk about it, and the moment and they
believe that, and Shaytan convinces them that it's
true, and then they're like, You know what?
Let me go and try it out, let
me go and speak to this person. And
when they go and they speak to them,
and the moment they start talking, and their
reaction happens from the other end, especially one
of anger, like, How can you even think
like that? What's wrong with you?
Associations are created now, that it's not okay
for me to share what's on my mind.
But we want to change that, we want
to make it open for people to be
able to communicate, and then we talk in
a good way to resolve things. The 3rd
hadith of the prophet sallallahu alaihi wa sallam
who said, that
that from the goodness of a person's Islam
is to leave off that which does not
concern them. This shows focus mastery.
That from the good How do you know
somebody's progressing within Islam? They're improving? Is they're
not concerned about things that don't has nothing
to do with them.
What's important to me? What's going to improve
my relationships? How am I going to grow
in my career? How am I going to
become closer to Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala? Those
are the things, and other than that, that
which is going to move the needle forward
in their lives, those are the things that
they focus on. But the things that have
nothing to do with them, what this person
said on TikTok, and what comments these person
are saying, and what the biggest drama is
going on between so and so person and
this other person,
that doesn't benefit me. Why do I need
to get involved in that? Why do I
need to open my tongue? And then, why
do I need to type something on the
comment section? Sometimes when we look at the
comment section of some of these videos, we're
shocked that this is coming from Muslims.
That where's the implementation
of the hadith? Say good or remain silent.
If you don't have anything good to say,
don't say it. If you're going to advise
somebody, do it with wisdom. Do it in
the way that the Prophet
had shown us. And the final hadith is,
That none of you truly believe. They don't
get to the pinnacle of iman until they
love for themselves what they until they love
for their brother what they love for themselves.
This shows
purity of heart,
pure heart, a heart that is beloved to
Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala, that anything that they
love for themselves, they love for others as
well. And we've got to look at this
from a practical standpoint as well, that you
When you were a child,
how did you want your parents to deal
with you? How would you have love for
you to be addressed when you made a
mistake? Do the same towards your kids.
When you make a mistake,
and you how would you like to be
Do the same towards others as well. Just
like you want to succeed, wish good for
other people as well.
So my dear brothers and sisters, just to
these 4 ahadith
and four principles that we derive from them.
Number 1 is communication mastery, and we wanna
think that, okay, where do I stand when
it comes to these ahadith,
and what is one thing that I can
do that will improve it?
We don't need to jump all the way
to the end, but
one step
better than where I am currently
when it comes to, number 1, my communication.
Especially within our homes
because it's easy to communicate nicely when we're
when we communicate with our colleagues. When we
come to the masjid and we meet the
brothers and sisters, it's easy. But it's difficult
when you're tired, and you go home, and
you're frustrated,
and then you have to deal with family.
That's when it becomes easy for us to
just say whatever is there. So what is
one thing that I can do when it
comes to communicating better?
Number 2, what is one thing that I
can do when it comes to better emotional
It can be as simple as let me
recognize at what times am I easily frustrated,
and let me turn an unconscious behavior into
a more conscious reaction.
Number 3, what is one thing that I
can focus on that is going to move
the needle forward in my life, in my
in my connection with Allah
in my career, so on and so forth?
And then finally,
what is one thing that I can work
on internally
that is going to make me have a
pure heart, more welcoming towards my brothers and
Because it stems from here. If this is
rectified, then it becomes easier to actually implement
and do the things with our limbs.
May Allah
bless us with good mannerisms,
may he make us amongst the most beloved
servants to him, may he make us be
in the companionship of the Prophet
he make our scale of deeds heavy with
Taqwa and Husnu Khuduk. May he give us
goodness in this world and the next. May
he be there for our brothers and sisters
all across the world, Gaza, in Sudan, everywhere
The Muslims and people are oppressed. May Allah
help them. May He rectify the affairs. May
He open the hearts of people to understand
and recognize the truth.
Please train the lines, close any gaps.
Please make sure you fill up the rows
in front before
starting 1 in the end.
Welcome to your Masjid on this lovely day,
Join us tonight
for Moments in the Home of the Messenger
towards building prophetic families
with guest speaker, Sheikh Omar Hedrog,
after Maghrib.
Al Maeda is closed until next week. Quran
across America,
Sheikh Yahya Ravi, Ustad Abdulrahman Murphy, and Kari
Mohammed Ayub Asif are in Raleigh for the
first time on a Quran tour tonight from
7 to 10 PM at the Marriott Hotel.
Get your tickets via Raleigh Mustard dot org.
Have you ever wondered what a day in
the life of the prophet Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam
was like?
Find out in blessed an Al Maghrib course
coming up tomorrow, 20th from 10 to 7
Sign up now via
The IAR senior committee invites you to join
us for our biweekly coffee chat.
The topic,
Merriam Clinic, a community based free health care
clinic with guest speaker, doctor Munir Abdullah,
tomorrow 20th from 2 to 3:30 PM.
IAR is excited to announce an Islamic
Jeopardy competition for youth and families.
Teams will compete against each other to see
who will win the prize.
Register by tomorrow for 50% off. For more
details and to register, go to rali
Enjoy this wonderful week.