Saif Morad – How The Prophet PBUH Dealt With Someone Wanting Permission For Zina Deen Coaching
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During the time of the prophet Sallallahu Alaihi
Wasallam when he was sitting with his companions,
a young man came and he asked for
permission to commit zina.
We're gonna look at this hadith and see
how the prophet Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam dealt with
that led to this young man transforming his
life and never thinking about that again.
So while the prophet
was with his companions, a young man came,
and in front of them, he asked for
to commit zina. He said, oh, You Rasulullah,
will you give me permission to commit adultery?
And the Sahaba, the people who were around
him, they all started reacting. He said, hey.
Be quiet. Be quiet. But the prophet
he didn't react.
Instead, he told him to come closer, and
then he invited him to sit with him.
And the young man, he sat with him.
So in this situation,
this is such a crucial
situation right here.
And we need to ask ourselves
that, do we have this level of approachability
when it comes to other people?
Whether we're parents,
leaders in the community, you know, any type
of position we have that we have authority
over other people. Are we approachable?
Especially for people who are struggling. For kids
who struggle with certain something, are they able
to approach us with their problems?
Because we see here that this young man,
he knew this thing was because
he's asking for permission to do it. So
he knew it is something that Allah subhanahu
wa ta'ala does not like.
But he's overwhelmed with his desire, so he
comes to the prophet sallallahu alaihi wa sallam
and asking for permission in front of everybody.
And everyone reacts to him.
And this is a problem because, you know,
when we have things that we struggle with
and we go to people who are supposed
to be able to help us and they
how does that impact us? Are we gonna
continue? Are we gonna open up to them?
Or are we gonna shut down? Because we
start feeling judged
that, you know, this is a problem. I'm
getting judged for this. So what's the even
point of addressing this with these people?
Well, you see the prophet
he made this young person come closer to
him. So he understood his struggle, and he
made him feel understood without even saying anything
yet. But he gave him that safe space.
He allowed him to come and sit with
before he started to deal with the problem.
So this is very key that we need
to ask ourselves that are
people able to approach us? Are kids able
to approach us and come to us with
their problems? Because if they don't come to
us with their problems, they don't feel safe,
they don't feel comfortable to do that, then
who are they gonna go to? And what
kind of advice
are those people gonna give them?
So we have to be careful that when
something happens,
we don't react in a way that's gonna
turn them off. This happened so many times.
Even when I was younger, I would not
wanna see a certain person in the masjid
I felt that this person was gonna judge
me, was gonna look down upon me.
So it was more easier to avoid that
situation altogether.
Then the prophet
made him sit down beside him and he
asked him a series of questions.
And he said, would you like that for
your mother? And then the young man responded
and said, no. By Allah,
may my life be sacrificed for you. And
then the prophet
told him that other people will not like
that for their mothers as well. He asked
him, would you like that for your sister
or your daughter?
And he said that no, by Allah. And
the prophet
said that people would not like that for
their daughters either.
And then he said, would you like that
for your sister? Said, no, by Allah. May
my life be sacrificed for you. So he
said people would not like that for their
sisters either.
And then he asked him a 4th time,
would you like that for your aunt?
And he said, no, by Allah. May my
life be sacrificed for you. So he said
that people will not like that for their
ants either.
So we see here in this situation, the
prophet sallallahu alaihi wa sallam did not react
to me. He did not start telling him
that, you know, this is something that is
haram, you should not do this, major sin.
this young person, he understood that.
And this is like the wisdom of the
where he understands the situation,
and he knows exactly how to deal with
this person. So what he did here was
he asked a series of questions that got
his focus to shift.
So instead of thinking of himself, because when
we think about our desires, we become preoccupied
with our ego. We only care about satisfying
our desires. We're not worried about the consequences
that's gonna have on our life and also
on other people's lives as well. So the
he asked him a very powerful question that
got his focus to completely shift. So he
went to one of the most, if not
the most beloved person to this individual,
which is his mother.
He said, no, by Allah, I would never
lie to Tafrada, my mother.
That is the natural reaction is gonna be
like that.
And the prophet
could have ended with that question because the
person he saw But the thing is we
have to be able to condition our behavior.
Because sometimes at the first sign, we don't
get it. The first instance, we don't get
it. So the prophet
then start asking about his daughter, his sister,
his aunts
to kinda condition that behavior within him to
start thinking about other people. So through these
questions, the prophet
is conditioning his mind.
He's he made him feel understood.
He understood what the problem was.
He directed his focus to something else, but
then he conditioned his behavior as well to
be continuously thinking about that. And then the
took his hand and he put it on
this young man, and he made a dua
for him
That he said, Allahumma firdamba,
Oh, Allah forgive his sin,
purify his heart,
and protect his chastity, protect his.
So here we see the sincerity of the
prophet, salallahu alaihi wa sallam, wanting good for
this person. You know, how many times have
we sincerely made dua for somebody? Not just
on the surface level, we say, may Allah
make things easy for you. We actually, genuinely,
from our heart, ask Allah
to relieve a person from the difficulties that
they're going through. And this is the dua
of the prophet sallallahu alaihi wa sallam that
had an impact on this individual so much
that after that, he never was inclined to
any sort of bad terrible behavior.
And then in another narration, the prophet
told him that hate what Allah
and love for your brother that which you
love for yourself. So once again, he's shifting
his focus to a higher purpose to be
mindful of Allah Subhanahu wa ta'ala. Because when
we're overcome with desire and we're committing these
sins, we're not thinking of Allah Subhanahu wa
ta'ala. We're not thinking that he's watching us.
When our mindfulness changes, when our presence changes,
that we're aware that Allah Subhanahu wa ta'ala
is watching us,
then we're gonna be shy. We're gonna be
hesitant. We're not gonna go towards that sin.
But when we're overcome with our ego and
we're only thinking about ourselves, we're not thinking
about other people, then it becomes very easy.
This is how shaitan. He deceives us. It
becomes easy to fall into that sin. And
then once again, he tells him that love
for your brother that which you love for
yourself. Love for your sister that which you
love for yourself. And imagine we actually applied
this hadith, this principle in our lives. And
not just, like, in the community,
but with our own family members. We spoke
to them how we would like to be
spoken to. We would dealt with them the
way that we would like to be dealt
with. Imagine the transformation that we would have
on our relationships, on our own individual life.