Saif Morad – GUIDANCE Upon The Straight Path The Most Important Thing We Need

Saif Morad
AI: Summary ©
The transcript is a jumbled mix of disconnected sentences and phrases, with no clear context or topic. The conversation appears to be a casual discussion about Islam and the importance of guidance from Allah. The speakers discuss the importance of guidance and guidance to individual individuals, including family and friends. They also mention guidance from Allah to guide individuals and their families. The conversation appears to be a casual discussion about Islam and guidance from Allah to guide people.
AI: Transcript ©
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dear brothers and sisters. What's going on? May

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bless us with the best in this world

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and the next.

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Today, we're gonna talk about the most

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important thing that you and I need.

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Let's just say that if we don't get

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it, then the end result is gonna be

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something that we truly

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don't want.

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In the last video, we discussed Surah Al

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and the importance of this Surah and what

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Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala is saying to us

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while we recite this Surah in our salah.

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And Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala divided this Surah

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into 2 parts. The first part is all

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about praising Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala and glorifying

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tells us to ask him about one thing,

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and that one thing is the greatest

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thing that we need, the most important thing

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that you and I as Muslims we need.

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told us in this Surah, the only thing

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to ask him for,

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and that one thing is

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to guide us to his path,

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the path of Islam, the path of the

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Quran, the path of the sunnah,

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the path that leads to Allah

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And who is upon this path?

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Path? The path of those individuals

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who you have favored.

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And Allah

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tells us that who these individuals are.

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and his messenger,

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and those are the individuals that will be

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upon the people that Allah has favored from

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the prophets,

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the truthful,

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the martyrs,

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and the righteous.

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And how great of a companion

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are those individuals?

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So not only are we asking Allah subhanahu

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wa ta'ala for guidance,

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but we're asking him to guide us to

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the path of those people

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who Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala loves. He favored

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and the end result is Jannah.

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And at the same time we're asking Allah

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to keep us away from the path of

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those individuals

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that have earned his anger and our astray.

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Now we might ask

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that if I'm reading the Quran and I'm

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praying my salah and I'm doing good,

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does that not mean that I'm guided, I'm

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upon guidance?

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The answer is no

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we need

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7. We're in dire need of Allah

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guiding us, guiding us to his path, increasing

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us in guidance, and most importantly, keeping us

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upon that path.

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Because the purpose is not just to know

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the path of guidance,

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but to actually act upon that path, to

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be steadfast upon that path, to be continuous

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on that path

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until we breathe our last breath.

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And if we look at the prophet salallahu

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alaihi wa sallam,

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and he is our example, he is our

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role model, and who can be closer to

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Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala than the prophet salallahu

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alaihi wa sallam? He knew Allah the most,

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he was the most conscious, the most fearful

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of Allah,

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and Anas says

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that the prophet, salallahu

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alaihi wa sallam used to frequently du'adi supplication.

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O turner of hearts, keep my heart firm

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upon your

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religion, upon your way.

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So Anna said, you Rasulullah,

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oh messenger of Allah,

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we believe in you and what you brought.

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Do you fear for

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us? He said, yes. Because the hearts

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are in between the two fingers from the

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fingers of Allah

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and he turns them how he wants.

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So if the prophet salallahu alaihi wa sallam

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is making this dua' while being his messenger,

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while receiving revelation from Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala,

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then my dear brothers and sisters,

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how badly do we need guidance?

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And we see the example

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that how people change,

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and we might know people like this. Once

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upon a time, we saw them. They were

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righteous, and they were doing good deeds, and

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they were trying their best, and all of

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a sudden, a whole switch.

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A complete turnaround, and now they are far,

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far away from

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Allah. And guidance doesn't just mean to do

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many, many, many good deeds,

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but it means to do it sincerely for

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the sake of Allah

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in the way that he loves.

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And what is the way that he loves?

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Is how the prophet sallallahu alaihi wa sallam

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showed us to worship Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala.

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Shaitan is not gonna leave us alone,

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he's gonna do his best. Today we might

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be upon guidance, but we don't know what

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the end result is. We don't know what

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Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala has written for us.

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And shaitan is gonna try his best, and

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he's gonna be patient.

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He knows us better than we know ourselves.

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He knows our weaknesses. He knows how to

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come to us and push our buttons,

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and he will wait for his opportunity.

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Imam Ahmed, when he was on his deathbed,

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his son narrates

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that he was going in and out of

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and then he was saying, not yet, not

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So he feared for his father and then

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when his father came to consciousness

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and he said, oh my father, you were

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saying not yet. What did you mean by

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So Imam Ahmed said

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that, I saw shaitan

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and he was biting his hand.

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And he told me that, you know, Ahmed,

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you got away from me. And Imam Ahmed,

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may Allah's mercy be upon him, said that

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not yet not until I leave

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this world

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am I truly saved from your plan. And

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if Imam Ahmed,

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a giant in this religion,

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feared for his faith,

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for his guidance until his last breath,

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then it shows us the importance of guidance

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and to be continuous upon the path of

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and to die upon

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And the believer that it is a state

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that they do their best, they try their

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best, but they are also fearful

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about what the end result is. And Allah

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that the ones who strive and do good

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will get the good ending.

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he's saying

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that whoever strives in our way,

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strives to get closer to Allah, Subhanahu Wa

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We guarantee

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that we will guide them to our path.

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And that Allah, Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala, is with

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those individuals

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who who strive and struggle to worship Allah

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the best manner that they can. And Allah

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speaks truth.

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That if we struggle and we are sincere

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to Allah

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that we will be blessed with a beautiful

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with an eternity of happiness.

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Not only in the hereafter, but also in

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this way Allah

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will bless us with a beautiful life.

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Today's exercise is,

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number 1, to really reflect and ponder over

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our situation.

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What is our situation when it comes to

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How important is guidance to us?

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What am I willing to do

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to get closer to Allah

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If we look at the amount of people

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in the world today,

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and amongst them, how many Muslims there are,

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and amongst the Muslims, how many people are

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rightly guided, are moving towards Allah

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And once we come to realize that how

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important guidance is,

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the second step is to constantly be asking

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Allah for guidance.

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And if we look at our lives, we

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will see that we fluctuate during the year.

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Sometimes we're struggling, sometimes we're doing really good.

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So we constantly ask Allah

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to guide us, to guide us to his

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path, to guide us to the things that

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he loves. And Allah

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will definitely answer the dua of the one

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who is sincere to him. So may Allah

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guide us, and not only guide us, but

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guide our family

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and our friends. And we also make dua

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for those individuals

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who we'd love. We ask Allah to guide

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them. Until next time.

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