Saif Morad – Focus on The Love of Allah When Allah Loves You

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The speaker discusses the importance of building love and being accepted in society through gifts and experiences. They stress the need to strive for God's love and strive to be accepted and valued. The speaker provides examples of the qualitiesdlized by Allah and emphasizes the importance of finding the right people and actions to improve one's life.
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In this world and the next.
You know us as human beings, we have
a need
to be loved,
and Allah
created us with this need. This is one
of our core needs, to be loved.
And Islam encourages us to build this love,
to love one another. As the prophet said,
that give gifts to one another, you will
love one another.
He also said that you will not enter
paradise until you have faith,
and you will not have faith until you
love each other.
Shall I show you something that if you
did it, you would love each other?
Spread the salaam between yourselves.
We are encouraged to give gifts to one
another, to build this love, to spread the
to those who we know and those also
that we don't know. To smile in the
face of our brother and sister.
And it is from the perfection of one's
that they love for their brother and sister
what they love for themselves.
And we strive to meet this need of
love in a positive way.
The problem comes
when we meet this need in a negative
way. In order to be accepted at school,
at work,
we resort to disobeying Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala.
We go against our principles, our values
just so that we can be accepted.
Striving to please people at the expense of
disobeying Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala
will never bring about love.
Instead the opposite is going to happen.
As the Prophet salallahu alayhi wa sallam said,
Whoever seeks the pleasure of Allah by the
displeasure of people,
then Allah will be pleased with him
and will make the people pleased with him.
And whoever seeks the pleasure of people by
the displeasure of Allah,
Allah will be displeased with him
and will make the people displeased with him.
So we see in this hadith
that we should strive for the pleasure of
Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala.
Even if it means displeasing others.
You know this need to have friends,
to be accepted and have peers, it's a
very strong need.
But if we build it on the wrong
foundations, then what's the point of it?
If Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala is displeased with
what have we truly gained?
And if Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala is what
we have,
then what have we lost?
Because not only will Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala
love us, but he will also make those
people who we need in our lives, he
will make them accept us and love us
as well. Perhaps if we understood
what happens when Allah loves us, it will
make it easier
to put his pleasure before the pleasure of
The prophet salallahu alaihi wa sallam said,
when Allah loves someone, he calls Jibril and
he says,
I love this person so you should love
him as well.
And then Jibril loves him and makes an
announcement in the heavens saying,
Allah loves this person and you should love
Then the dwellers of the heavens, the angels,
they love him. And this person is honored
on the earth.
And in another narration, the prophet said
that when Allah is angry with someone,
he tells Jibril and he says, I resent
this person so you should resent him as
Then Jibril resents this person and makes an
announcement in the heavens
saying that Allah hates this person
so you should resent him as well.
Then they become resentful with him
and he is hated on the earth. Can
you imagine if Allah is calling out our
He says,
oh Jibril, I love Fatima. Oh Jibril, I
love Mohammed.
Oh Jibril, I love so and so. Mentioning
us by name.
And then Jibril Alaihi Salam
starts loving us. And everyone in the heavens
loves us.
And Allah puts acceptance in people's hearts for
And he will put the right people in
our place because we don't need the company
of everyone.
But we need the love of the right
people, those who want good for us. So
what can we do
to earn Allah's love?
Well let's look at the Quran for some
about the qualities that Allah loves
so that we can increase ourselves in these
Some of the qualities that Allah loves, the
people that Allah loves are the mursinoon,
the people who strive for excellence, the ones
who try to worship Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala
as if they are seeing him.
And even though they can't see him, they
know that he is watching them.
Allah loves these people. Those who do their
best in their ibadah. And not only that,
but they also strive to be a source
of benefit for others. They do good towards
You know they spread love, they spread goodness,
they spread kindness.
And Allah loves also the people of Taqwa.
They are mindful of Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala.
They obey His commandments and stay away from
that which He has forbidden.
Allah also loves those people who repent often
and the ones who purify themselves.
Allah loves when his slave turns back to
him no matter what they have done. Because
he is
the one who always accepts repentance.
And he is
You know the one who's always forgiving.
And Al Wadud, the one who loves.
A person can be extremely disobedient to Allah.
And then comes a point in their lives
when they realize that this is not how
I'm supposed to be behaving.
And they turn back to Allah
knowing that he is
the one who forgives and accepts the repentance.
Then after this repentance, Allah is
Allah turns to this person with love and
Allah also loves the people who are just.
He loves justice.
And Allah also loves those who are patient.
If we want the love of Allah, then
we obey him and we follow the Messenger
sallallahu alaihi wa sallam.
Allah is saying that if you claim to
love Allah,
then follow Me, follow the guidance of the
Prophet sallallahu alaihi wasallam,
and this will bring about the love of
Allah and the forgiveness of Allah.
And these qualities that Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala
loves that were mentioned, these are some of
the qualities
that we should ask ourselves when we recite
these ayat, when we listen to the Hadith
about the qualities that Allah loves.
You know, where am I in relationship to
these qualities?
Which ones do I have?
Which ones do I need to work on?
How can I work on them?
If Allah loves these qualities then we need
to try to improve ourselves in these areas.
So that we become from those that Allah
And if Allah loves us, what more do
we need?
And at the same time, we make sure
we don't do the things
that Allah doesn't love.
Allah says he doesn't love oppression, injustice,
These are some of the qualities that Allah
doesn't love. We ask Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala
for his love, and to love the people
that he loves, and to love the actions
that is beloved to him.
And make sure you mention what was most
useful for you in the comments. Until next